(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

i cant catch up w the posts. can i ask anyone use sarong sling? how heavy is ur bb? does ur shoulders hurt? ashrel is getting real heavy n dun tink i can use the carrier anymore.

no tx cum in so each tx so much to say loh. yesdy wen papa in, ashrel 'guai guai'. 2day back to his half hr nap.. oh ya, four leave chocolate cake yummy, there is 1 w crunchy coco flakes as base of cake, cant remb its name.
elyse n mama got the latest hairdo of the century

is the playyard gd? where did u get it? wat is tat red 'mattress' u are using? ashrel v active n i really 'hay hay chuan' taking care of him.
me sigh...once i stop desowen (steroid lotion) for ashrel, ezcema back.

happy belated birthday

the foto frame is abt 10R size, can put on my piano top. it's call 'The First Year'. bought cos tot it will be real meaningful n i took soooo.. many fotos of ashrel.

Actually, she doesn't hv many toys...mostly given and others are cheap toys but educational....but i realise that after some time, they get bored with the same toys and need a change
are u the 1 who said got ulcer?? sori if i got the wrong person. buy 'kenalog' oral paste fr pharmacy, now dun need prescription, last tx need. jus 'paste/cover' the ulcer w kenalog (dun rub in) b4 bed. will take away pain n v v fast okie liao. use sparingly, contain mild steroid. or ask for 'oracort' but need prescription.

tried out today....seems ok...main problem for me is because she's crawling all over i can no longer leave her alone...and she at most sleeps 2 hrs in the day...so u imagine how am i able to do anything like cooking....bath...etc....that's why i desperately got the play room. Ruffy_happy recommended me.

Frm KP toa payoh and Jurong Pt and they also have at Kids Mall or IMM. $99 at KP

I can imagine how hectic it is for u.. really chuan!! Heavy boy....u so thin already....try to use pram if possible...i'm also training Alicia....
Hi! I'm still surviving. It's really not easy to be a SAHM, plus I still need to do my office work. Now I wish that my auntie come back faster.

Today hubby come back from philippines liao. Hopefully he will help me with Gareth tomorrow and sunday.

I agree with you. Now Gareth is crawling and sitting everywhere he likes and what's worst is, as long as there is a wall or a chair or anything that he can hold on to, he will try to stand up. *sigh* so busy making sure that he won't fall down that I can't do anything. And he also sleep very little nowadays. In the morning hor, only half an hour, afternoon, if my luck is good, will be 2 hour.

Not sure what happen to him these few days, he just refused to sleep even though he is very tired, keep on wanting to crawl and play. When I try to tab him to sleep, he will cry and cry and cry. Then in the end, cry until sleep. *sigh*

Think I'm going crazy soon..hahaha
Dun sell the playard too soon....keep it for 2nd, 3rd child! Gd investment, gd recommendation by Ruffy!

Wanted to ask u this for so long but keep forgetting! Alicia sleeps on 'T num' at nite? I feel like dismantling the cot n put Elyse to sleep on 'T num'. My boy slept on T num since 8mths+......dun know ok for elyse now anot? Cot, she keeps bumping here n there, keeps waking up! Wat do u think?

Ryan still sleeps in his cot? He is so active, no problem?
I am just like u when comes to buying toys for my kids....must really think if it is useful, educational, durable, safe etc, then I buy!

Dun get me wrong! I dun mean to say u lor sor....says who when my posting can be in the Guiness Record Book! Just tat I feel so esp heartwarming of Ashrel's yang ohness

The foto frame, my son has it for his 1st yr bd. My friend went to the extent to find a sticker tag with my son's name engraved on it! I have not displayed the frame cos want to wait for all the ages' foto 2b ready. Dun think it looks nice with some slot empty hor? Tink mine is up to 5yrs old!!! gonna be in my storerm till 5th yr of my son!

Got a feeling ur hb will be heading to KP tpy to buy the playard
.....can buy, I think it is useful, easy to maintain, so colourful!

I am using the sarong sling........used it during my boy's days too....till over 1yr....find it ok leh.......maybe just short distance, to n fro to mkt only n my boy is not big.....nw at 2, 11.1kg only! He maintains his weight v well, not like his mama
Think the sarong sling can go a longer way........U see those maids, steady steady carrying much older toddlers even........

I will v 'fan xin' to order the 4 leaves cake since u2 confirmed it is yummy.

Tks for keeping a look out for the birthday cakes for me.......u sweet 'mafia's bao pei'.....me 'mafia's godma'......

U received only when the day almost over, tink US n our timing problem.........

I will have many things to give away n disposed at low px.....bb's clothings, cot n accessories, new bouncer, new pigeon milk bottles (using avent), bumbo, breast pump, bb carrier etc...............dun think going for 3rd 1...........unless accident or strike TOTO..........

U finally got it..........yes....FSM. Vane give me an impression she is a tough bb, virus shun her!

sorri.regarding the shichida flashcard session, it is not a periodical thing, My friend said it is voluntarily sharing by those mums, notice will be put up on the notice board if there is 1. Slipped my mind so many times to feedback this to u2.
ryan doesn't sleep in cot at all now..only occassionaly for daytime nap..at night cannot put him there. he has his own single bed.. but he sleeps on the double bed with me while hubby sleep on the single bed which is next to the double bed. WE use the cot to cage him when we need to bathe etc.. he will be standing there watching tv.( tv on extreme end of the room from the cot).. or listening to radio.. only can put the max 20min there.
Hubby says that for next kid will put another single bed next to the existing single bed..so make 2 double bed for everyonne to sleep together..and if have #3 he/she can sleep in the cot which is next to the wardrobe..so all 5 in 1 room save air-con.
Hi Pigletz,
Congrats.....u made it! U still surviving, 2nd week gonna be easier for u........wat a relief, hb is back, extra hands!

Elyse is behaving like Gareth..the sleeping pattern exactly the same!! And she wakes up at 5+am till knock out ard 8+pm.....in between napping like gareth.

Gareth cry to sleep? This is also a recommended method to train bbs to sleep on its own......tink u can 'soon bian' train hime then......

Turning crazy........breather, sanity prime important mann..........gdnite
Hahahahha Ruffy,
Ur hb no wonder an accountant! Wow, ur bedroom v big leh....can put so many single beds with the double beds??

So far, I have no intention to let my 2 kids sleep in their own rm too......anything I got2 run over...maybe I cant hear at all too......so will squeeze all in 1 rm like u!

Likelihood I will dismantle the cot soon. Not bad, Ryan can stay in the cot while u go showering! gdnite!
my hubby in IT, he not v gd at giving surprises lah. Think since dating till now, only 1 or 2 nice surprises. For the rest of the celebrations, he'll ask me where I wanna go

no lah..not abused lah..she suppose to help my girl so that she wont hv inverted nipple and wont hv problem breastfeeding in future mah

is the teat hole too small already? colleagues told me that their bbs din want to dirnk milk when they want to switch to bigger teat/ teat hole. My girl wasn't drinking well last week, brought her to pd and found tt her gums are painful, tt's y she din wanna drink.

went to ur website to take a peep ...v nice ! how i wish i had a pregnancy diary too ..

urs and elyse photo ...v cute !!!

hmmm...yah ..i think this photo also resemble elyse's beautiful eye photo u posted earlier

no she isn't lying down, hubby's photograpy still v lousy one ..better not complain, i quite hopeless also

the jalan kayu cake shop is called Jane's cake station, the choc cake is so light ..can finish the whole cake by urself...hehehe. 4leaves quite nice too. my friend recommended me another called awfully chocolate, i haven't tried it b4, most prob will buy for Jana's 6mth birthday.

ur hubby v gd already, still buy u flower. my last bouquet was my bridal bouquet
Hi mummies,
Wah, so many postings, i read until 'gong gong' liao. Seems that all bbies look alike when they're 1st born.

BTW, do u give ur bbies anything to prevent fever b4 they go for jabs?
sahm n berry,
Today u two siao siao ah? Both ur posts made me lol...
hi viv...
dun think its a case of teat too small... cos sometimes still hv milk flowing out. moreover the next avent teat size is 4 already, for 6mths plus... dun think he will be able to manage dat. i will monitor the situation and see... cos he might be going thru a curious phase where drinking milk more boring than playing... and he wanna do other stuff.

sanrio, lyn...
aiyoh... thanks... i already given up on my ulcers long time ago... i jus let them heal on its own. takes a while but well....

thanks for the info. is KP at TPY v big? cos it seems to hv alot of stuff... i dun rembr seeing tis playyard in other KPs.

haha.... dun like dat lah... i'm jus abit of innocent fun... he's such a notti boi... must do smethg and show him next time when he is old.

ok... cant tok much... gotta go do housework... then go fetch edi home. we usu leave him wif my mum on fri nites so dat hubby n i can go out.
yest nite we went to taka and bgt toys for him. wifout him ard oso he's in our hearts and minds...
morning lyn
i miss ur question asking my hubby is engineer, he belongs to IT engineer category.

saturday is wonderful, i can sleep until 8:00am after woke up at 4am to feed bb. weekday, i have to wake up at 6am... only extra 2 hours but make such a great difference....

heard JL and Metro sales today, donno anything to buy or not...
Hi mommies... gd morning! Wow.... Jo, u work 5-day week?? So lucky! Me 5.5 days... not even alternate sat!! Have to work every sat! Now I really feel like a slave! Boss even call in the middle of the night to ask for things and scold. That's why always have nightmares abt him!

Giggler, yeah... my boss so mean! Can't stand liao!

QSG, will pass ur sample to Lyn. Regarding your question on that day when I sms boss that bb no more milk so cannot do OT, I left office at about 6.15pm and took a cab immediately. I had pumped 150ml in the office that day for his next day supply. That night I just be gd and express by hand to get the extra 150ml. Luckily the next day was a saturday. But even then, I only left the office at about 3.30pm.

absolut, I do OT about 3-4 times a week... usually stay till about 7.30pm at least... latest recently is till about 10pm. Always have to rush back in cab after work... so siong... no OT pay and no taxi claims some more... taxi can only claim if u stay after 12midnight. Can u believe this???

Shook, is your boss indian too??

Berry, boss wife is sahm and boss seldom at home.. so I guess that's why he don't understand the difficulties we face.

Val, ur boss on leave this week?? My boss on leave this month... but, I still have to work like horse coz have to work with CEO. Just two days ago, he called to tell me, "You stay and don't go until I say u can go!" Gosh! Don't that sound like a slave-driver??

soyabean and sahm, thanks for encouragement... I will try to find another job and leave if I can just find the time to go for interviews...

Lyn, so how?? When can I pass u cereal?? I will sms u... still have your contact from the 1st gathering.

sahm, wow... elyse look so much like you...
gd gd.. very pretty... so looks like the praises u are getting for your gal is actually also praises for u... hehee....

Sanrio, I still use the sarong sling on Ethan... but I use it not in the cradle position anymore... am using it in the hip position... where Ethan is facing me, the sarong is covering his butt down to under his knees and his legs are dangling out. He prefers this position as his legs do not have to be crossed inside the sling. Try it!
pringles, when was alicia born?? She seems so steady!!! btw Jul babies, have anyone started to sit by themselves or crawl yet???
hi emily
yes, 5 days week and no overtime somemore! heehee... hope my jap boss will not be transferred to other subsidiary so soon....

i tot government board declared 5 days week, ur company still stick to 5.5 days? ur worked for local firm?

hi sahm
miss ur posting... i only tried 4leaves chocolate cake, is good.... let us know whether the cake u ordered taste good....

Yes, i let Alicia sleep on 'T num"(Mattress on floor rite?) since she started flipping around on both sides. Good so far....but whn she wakes up..she will crawl onto the floor herself...i ever found her under the super single bed in her room b4!! So in the end, now, put the play yard around her whn she sleeps. Acts like a cage (just as Ruffy has put it) Haha!! Poor thing....i also try not to leave her in there more than 20 mins or she'll start crying like we lock her up.


wow....u and ur hubby hv very gd planning on the bed arrangments for ur kids


Agree with u. I'm also a fan of Jane's cake shop. Their Choco and durian cake YUM!!!


If only u are coming to gathering. Can teach me and Sanrio how to use sling in that style....Alicia born 1st June. How about Ethan?


U don't give anti-fever medicine b4 bringing bb for jab! Then it will mask bb's body resistance. It's perfectly normal whn bbs develop fever after jab....body's own natural way or responding to vaccine.

Its really tough being SAHM....busy non-stop catching bb....can't imagine whn they start walking...how??

Sometimes ask hubby to take over for short while but they cant seem to know how to handle for too long.....sigh....in terms of taking care of bb, my hubby seem to hv shorter stamina than me....and often SAHMs are misunderstood as having alot of time for ourselves! Its really a full time demanding job!Even eat, bathe etc have to rush!
GD morning mummies,
I just cooked a pot of delicious porridge....alot of ingredients........yummy.

As I read more abt ur work n ur boss, I really bite my teeth, the way ur boss treat u! If we slog n boss appreciate, we can even slog further. But for ur case, please find time to look for job n go for interview! U deserve better treatment, n I am certain u r capable to blend in well in another co, may as well contibute elsewhere........

Elyse....tks...Just hope she does not take after my current size......hahaahhah.....

When u mentioned miss my posting, U miss me or left out my query on the cake
Yapp....will let u mums know abt the 4leaves cake........
ZL so co-operative with mummy, can sleep till 8am....gd boy let mummy sleeps n rest on sat n sun! ZL....nice stylo initial hor?

Elyse just came back frm her 5-in-1 at 9+am 2day. Didnt do anything to prevent the fever....do wat ah? Both my kids I bo chap 1, just go n come back, routine as usual. No fever occurence so far.
Yapp, had a gd laugh ytd too.....tks to Berry! ;)
How's ur boy? Better ?

I really find our daughters have some resemblence in some angles!!!
Ayoh U, finishing 1 cake by urself???!!! I the most can finish 1 bar of chocolate, 1 pint of ice cream.....hahahahhahahhah......joking!
Lana, awfully chocolate cake, heard v gd but no design leh.....u know for kids...design important too.........

Hi soyabean,
I think it is gd idea to have couple's time.....so sweet go pak tor every fri nite, doing hsework now n later fetch edi back to a clean n rejuvenated parents!

Our hbs mostly engineers, coming frm same industry too........Oooops, Elyse staring hard at me in her bumbo, staring at my fingers typing away! So Cute!
yeah..let hubby look after bb for 1/2 day and already they are complaining.. mine not so bad.. sAturday I take off.. he will bathe/feed & play with the bb..of course will have to standby to hand the towel etc..clear up after him in the bathroom.. but then get MC donald breakfast treat..so not to bad lor..

Now I am on the PC..he is busy ironing his own shirt..while Ryan is playing in his playyard ..heeh
hehehe... talk abt hubbies looking after bbs... mine, just hold onto Ethan while he watches the tv... either that or he lies down on bed with ethan, and just smile and say hello... no imaginative at all!!
Shook, how's your D&D last nite? Got win anything from lucky draw? I din win anything again
. My colleague from same dept won bangkok trip for 2 with a cannon ixus digi cam, another colleague from another dept won trip to maldives for 2. So nice.

About why bb taken care at 2 places. I had wanted my own mum to help (its always easier to talk to your own mum if anything you are not happy about versus talking to MIL) but she can't take care for 5 days bec she needs to help take care of grandma who is bedridden (she stays with an uncle and family) so no choice MIL has to help, anyway if dun let MIL take care ILs will not be happy also.

Emily, thanks for the cereals.

Sahm, Emily...i find that once have bb even want to change job also difficult..difficult to find time to even read RECRUIT or type application letters,etc. Alot of times i can end up reading my saturday newspapers on Monday.

Soyabean, i have seen the playyard at jurong point
KP before.
Hi all, so interesting to read all your posts, and see the development of all our babies.
Sarah has been on Brown rice cereal and whole grain rice cereal since Monday. Her stools have been much stinkier!!! And also a little more formed, like some soft lumps. Is that normal? I've managed to get her to poo into the toilet bowl so far, so thank God, diapers are not so stinky. She grunts a little when she does it.

Next week, I will start her on carrots and then maybe papaya if I have any.

I won't be able to make it for the gathering next week. Maybe next time.
I dun mean give anti fever medi b4 the jab. I meant things like 'pao sheng' cos that's wat my CL told me last time. And anyway, my boi is still on antibiotics for his ulcer so dun think will give the pao sheng.

My boi is better. Thks.
Not sure if his ulcer is getting smaller. Colic has improved. Phew... Jus praying that his colic will not worsen n that his ulcer will be gone totally. I heard that some bbies wil develop fever after the jab that's y i ask if there's anything that can be given to prevent tis.
Some PD gives the pink medicine for fever after the jab........just give this if fever surfaces. I have many bottles in the fridge....never used b4.

Really hope the condition improves for ur boy. 'COLIC Colic go away, Colic colic go to spain, never show ur face again!!!'

Still gonna try to find a way to send in resumes, if u r in a slave driven job like Emily, plus her not understanding n mean boss. Well our bbs mostly 5~6mths, tell the employee, our 2~3mths maternity leave just over, probably wont utilise it as fast again as any newly wed woman

Reading of papers, same as u..sometimes only catch headline online, nvr read actual papers liao!

SO u intend to start Sarah on organic rice cereal , then veg (carrot), then fruits(papaya)? Normal, stool will turn more lumpy, pastey n more stink!! Worst when they turn toddlers....u wonder how the stool frm a kid can be as stink as adults at times!

HAVE A GD TRIP....Sri Lanka also an eye-opening country...........
mummies, read all ur postings but cant reply to each individual cos 2day my turn to b a sahm - pick up Jerald frm my mum's plc dan came hme straigh - hubby went out with friends leaving me all alone with jerald.

bath him, put him to sleep dan i maken my dinner.

stress, pressure but once a while....find it enjoyable...

chat with u all on monday.

emily, in case u need to contact me do call 98792936

sahm, u selling away stuff?? wat's on sale??

I have 3 new packs of Huggies Dry Comfort (M) size to sell. Anyone interested?? Bought it at $16.40 each frm cold storage but doesn't suit Alicia...willing to sell off cheaper....let me know if ure interested! Tks.
hi sahm
r u previously from sales/marketing/marcom? just curious... heehee

ZL initial stylo? oh, i m still thinking of a christian name for ZL. u have any idea?

today didn't got a chance to go shopping, blame it to my MIL!!!

saving this photo as my handphone wallpaper, will miss him very much....

U already have potential buyer! I saw at the 1st few threads of the forum........some1 call blissblisse? Or she wanted the blue instead of red? Ayoh, stuck with 3 pck......
EQ does not suit my boy too......itch n mild rashes at groin area. Die Die muz finish.....

Yes, v likely I will dismantle the cot n gif to my cousin who is due in Jan/Feb. Ooops, Alicia sure is active, found under the single bed? How was her expression then? U n HB's?

I want to squeeze all my kids in 1 rm till they are older too but dont know how? My closet n bed already took up 1 side of the room.......ponder??!!

One toy that u can think of investing is the A-Z abacus. Some1 gaf it as 1yr old bd gift for my boy. Look cheapo but my boy loves it, Now elyse also can occupy herself with it. Flap flap those alphabets.........figure can play frm her age to ard 18mths......1 of the toy which my boy love, both in playing n showing off his ability that he knows all the pic. Keep a look out for it......

That 'chant' just flashed into my mind while I talked to u. Modify frm 'Rain Rain go away' frm my son's book

Hb went out with friends? U r really growing up.....independent liao! Later hb comes back, remember to be 'wen rou' by asking if he has a gd time.....ask him go shower n rest early. This may keep his freq of going out lesser, u know....he will think of how sweet u were n cant bear to leave u n Jerald alone that often liao
hehehhehe....my male friend taught me this tactic 1..........guys u nag n bark, they more turned off.........

Those items..........I am real sad n weird weird feeling.....after giving birth to my boy, I packed them all away, knowing 1 day i will sure use it again. Now, I am saying permanent sayonara to them............I know pretty soon I have to let go.......

I am pretty confident that my stuffs are all pretty well maintained. FRm that above mentioned, i think i will be giving away all except the new pigeon milk bottles n the wkend bumbo
.....see how...........sad to part with them!
Hi Jo,
ZL is gd enuff, dun need any christian name liao. If he wants to call himself Valentino Ng when he grows up, u oso cant stop him.......
ZL looks both cute n macho in that pic! His tight fitting T...wow....can see his biceps?
......Think my boy has the same bedsheet as ZL, blue in colour. Izzit 1 side checked, the other side lines?

Me ah.......was wat most our hbs are here, boring person. Then ventured into sales n then retired into admin line.........U frm banking sector hor?

2day dun go shopping also gd lah.....everywhere so packed! Tks to ur MIL
Jo, Ruffy,
Here goes, spot the A-Z abacus? On the extreme left. Looks cheapo to me, didnt like it but my children luv it

Spot the brown foto frame? issit same as the 1 u bot? My friend v sweet, she even printed out those photo of my son which I forward to her n slot in there, see?

BTW, I sounded v sales person ah....'smoke' my way out, always sing song n dance ah? OH NO..........Really?!
sahm n pringles,
me simply dun undstd. wen hubby on leave or sat, ashrel nap for 3 to 4 hrs! but other days, nap is half hr or dun wan nap. like wat pringles said, bathe n eat oso no tx.

sahm, pringles n emily,
i bought the sarong sling today. tried n surprisingly it's less strenuous on the shoulders than carrier. but need 'practice' to use it. i using the hip position w his legs out too.

tink i noe wich a-z abacus u refering to. saw at tom n stefanie. not ex right? okie i go check it out agn. ur colic poem v cute, why go to spain ah?

i wori if put ashrel on ti lum, he flip, lift head n 'spin' a lot wen slping, will he 'kok' his head on the floor?

the orange n green combination v nice n ur boy so so adorable. hey, u can b professional photgrapher leh.

i bought organic short grain brown rice, intend to try cooking. can i noe wat organic cereal u bought, is it rice cereal, got milk in it or plain?
hi, not slping yet? wah ur ah boi so many toys, like 'ley long' sales. the abacus is similar to the 1 i saw. foto frame different. mine is 12 slots fr birth to 11 months n 1 big oval slot for 1 yr old. ur frd so sweet hoh. keke, me will do tat too, if got tx lah.. last tx alwy hand made gifts or cards for my gd friends.
tink me shd start a MSN messager, is it? can chit chat w u loh.. can give me the website (the enhanced 1??) agn
Gd morning Sanrio,
Just when I logged off to sleep, u logged in

Talking abt sarong sling, I v 'sian mu' u all that made the purchases now.....so many nice colourful n different fabric to choose frm! Mine was bot when it was pretty new, all design so conservative.....my is navy blue with check. I like those bight coloured coral range.........

I would say it is a gd investment n eye catching too! U know we r not maids n considered 'young' generation, pple's head just turned. Impressed by how we steady steady using it away, somemore, both hands carrying shopping bags or mkt stuffs!

Ashrel.........Kids r great bully to their mama.....my kids also tend to give papa easier life when he needs to bbsit them when I go out!!! How they just know???? hahhahaha.....maybe they see papa's face sian liao, may as well sleep longer? Ah Q me?!

Ya lor, last time i also like u, like to make cards n little gadgets for friends......now the creativity all dun know go where liao, plus not so enthusiastic liao........Lately went MPH, 1 young promoter approached me on those materials for self made cards. V nice n I really would luv to buy if it was yrs back. Now? not with my kids ard n into the e-cards/sms world........

SPAIN.........the poem was modified frm the Rain Rain go away version. Guess SPAIN goes well with RAIN? Go to INDIAN, does not sound nice hor?

MSN BETA version is http://messenger.msn.com/beta/

Ti lum ,not T num ah.....no wonder Pringles got2 confirm if I am referring to mattress....hahahhahaahha...........Me v telok with such 'pinyin' things, be it chinese or hokkien!

Ya lor.....JO's foto, the background always v clean n nice, further enhanced by ZL....v nice, I like also!
Morning mummies,
thanks for the recommendation..I will wait till after Ryan 1st yr party to buy some more toys for him.. see what he gets first.

Next week we will be in HK shopping.. Granny sponsering the trip.
Hi Ruffy,
Ya hor....maybe Ryan will have it for his bd gift? Hahaahahha..........after the 1st bd party, so many toys, u wont buy anymore liao lor.....just like me...hehheehhe.......

Granny so nice........I have no guts to travel with my kids yet. U enjoy urself n drop by here when u r back!

Elyse n Edi having the same shirt........ayoh, so young, dressed like little couple liao
! Bet many bbs have this baju too? be it white, yellow or blue?


ur baby ZL's photo very adorable!!!I like the cap too!!


Wow, ur boy has so many toys!! He must be very happy then!! Nice background prop (wall and posters) u do most of the home deco or is it your hubby?

When we found Alicia under the bed crawling, she was crying...she must hv been wondering why so hard and cold!As for me and hubby, we were kana shocked!!LOL

EQ doesn't suit your boy? How long did it take for u to find out that it caused him rashes? Ive used it on Alicia for 2 weeks already. So far so gd...thot of buying more....hope its ok all the way....that Blisse buyer mia....didn't get back to me on the diapers...thats why im left with 3 packs of huggies.....and my hubby cant fit into them.....


Good for you the sling is coming in handy now. Does Ashrel have any tendency to bump against cot sides too? I have to stuff lots of pillows on the sides now when Alicia sleeps in the play yard.


seems like many of our hubbys like to carry bbs then just watch their tv programme....their version of father and bb bonding!?@!
hi sahm
thanks for showing us A-Z abacus and other toys!!!! i will go and get that A-Z abacus next weekend! today quite tight cos lugguage not pack...

yesterday we were actually already at orchard but stuck in traffic jam... his mum called, so we have to U turn to fetch her...

haha, so u were in engineer then sales then admin? not bad, at least u have tried different lines. me just an BKL accountant. (BKL="bao ka liao" in hokkien)

my hubby also thinking to go into sales... i told him about your career path... he said maybe next time he will also retire in admin... hahaha

talking about same bedsheet, u remember ur boy's green and yellow strip GAP vest (if i am not wrong) in ur earlier posting? my boy also has one (a gift from my friend), i tried to find a photo of him wearing that vest to show u but cannot find.

hi sanrio,
sarong sling? is it very useful? it can carry bb from 9kg onwards and until 1 years old? how much?

let me know where are u getting that A-Z abacus, then i can go to buy next weekend
if not, i will go ahead to get from Tom & Stefanie from Causeway Point or West Mall.

nice color combination? maybe the colors i pick are common colors that can blend into any other color.

hi pringles, thanks. that cap is also a gift from my friend... yeah, i show my hubby ur play yard, he is very interested. will try to get it next weekend!

jiala... i realised after joining this forum, i spend more.... but i still think that bumboo overprice! heehee

Can anyone here recommend me a good gynae in KKH? My gynae in KKH will not be around during my EDD, so thought of changing to a new gynae soon.

hahahahhah........alicia to me is a 'you xin ke' wawa!

LOL....u so funny, teasing ur hb with those get stuck huggies, HE CANT FIT INTO THEM
! I spotted mild rashes on off for my ah boy, cant recall since when....but on the way to finishing liao. My boy's skin rather sensitive type.

My hse is furnished with simple n sentimental things that we accumulated over the years during our par tor days. Those posters were movies we watched together. Hb preferred those white n silver theme but me being the key person to maintain, gave it a miss. Settled for contemporary brown (nytoh) instead.......he didnt like my design but friends came, gd comment, he just got2 accept n remarked 'my wife is the designer'
But hor, nowadays, my hse ah....heheheheheh....rojak liao lor, with the arrival of the 2!

The abacus, elyse enjoys flapping the 'tiles' n when we press the music, she will be silent n listening away.
Green n Yellow stripes......have ah?? The turban pic issit? Ayoh tat pc ah, he outgrown v fast, wore it a few times only....wait for elyse to take over! Poor elyse will have alot of boyish stuffs from kor kor.

Engineering stuffs, once out for more than 5 yrs, difficult to catch up n interest in it also vanished. SO after married, I just settled for admin job, with a high chance of being a SAHM when bb arrived lor.

Ur hb wants to venture into sales? Maybe pre-sales kind of things better..........my personal opinion.....

Tot U have left for ur co trip...........sian ah......so dark here n tonite got2 lug 2kids to wedding banquet!
Hi butterscotch,
Think quite a handful of mums here gave birth at KKH. They will be active in this thread during wkdays as most mums are wkends mums, spending time with bbs now....
sahm, u bet i ask how was his outing last nite!! but he came back at 2am++ he tot i duno??!!?

u so free - bring out all the barang barangs to take pix!! even ur boi part of sale

cant c the pigeon bottles - will keep on looking. the rest of item?? u sure u giving away??

u sure know we r wkend mums!!! jus came back frm mum's plc - missed jerald once i drop him off - but me also tired liao - he stick with me like super glue!! go toilet also must tell him - dan he'll let hubby take over!?!? headache!! brought him to MIL's plc!! scream/shout/cry till bo bian - hv to walk to corridor...step in only cry...left after abt 10mins drama .... heng for me - cos nvr liked to stay there.

me, realy pei fu u!!! me one boi only....dead beat tired liao....u r with 2..still can managed all alone....me long way to learn.

jo, ur boi so cute!!! cant wait to c him at the gathering

buttersotch, my gynae was Dr C C Khong, Snr Consultant. Otherwise, a few highly recommended ones r John Tee and Christopher Chong.

pringles, how's Alicia?? Can c the white bits of the teeth yet?? Let view our kid's gigi this coming Sat.

Hi Lyn,
Now it is u that sotong liao......the foto is my boy 1st bd party. It was after his celebration, nite time he all ready to unwrap his gifts lor.......U tot I lelong those items? No lah........

Jerald knows mummy dun like to stay at ah ma's hse
....so kick up a fuss n can leave fast!

Lyn, I am meanwhile, at most time, handling 1 of my kids alone, except wkends. At time, handle 2. Still can manage if hb is ard but indeed v energy zapping. Wkdays, my boy is at childcare n ah girl is with MIL. But in 1 or 2 mths' time, I probably will handle 2 by myself liao......dun know how's my life then........have cold feet liao.......

Next time, dun know Jerald will be like my boy anot.....so silly, want his hair to be tied like the rest of the jie jie in school!!!!


Aunty Pringles,
U r simply so yummy............

