(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Emily

Poor thing ... boss so irritating! Are you expected to do OT everyday?

My gal is drinking abt 7.5 oz (220ml) every 3 hours. She's also taking one feed of rice cereals. Can I check whether the cereal replaces one feed coz for my gal, we feed cereal 2 hours after her milk feed (abt 4 teaspoons of cereal mixed with water coz she dun like BM mixed in it) and then 2 hours later again, feed next milk feed so intake of milk still the same as before feeding cereal.

Getting maid to try Friso rice cereal today coz my gal didn't want to eat the heinz cereal yesterday. In the end, my maid fed one tablespoon of porridge mashed with carrot and she liked it. Anyone started feeding porridge yet? My maid wanted to try frog leg porridge today coz she's preparing it for my niece who's coming 11 mths but told her not to. A bit too exotic since my gal only started taking cereals this week right?

Looks like my gal is a big eater leh coz she seems to be drinking more than most babies. She has a total of 5 milk feeds + 1 cereal feed a day. Is that the usual no of feed for babies who are 6 months?

But she's not really fat leh... in fact she hasn't even hit 7 kgs when we weighed her 2 weeks back.

I wouldnt mind. My bumbo is a wk old. Lime green color. I bought it at $75.52. How much u offer?

Though its 180ml but Randall drinking min 150ml. Sometimes he gd mood he can finish 180ml. I very scare I cannot catch up with him in time to come.
absolut, val..
wow... ur bbs big drinker hor...
edi dunno why... these couple of days start refusing milk... milk time liao but drink oni 1oz...

on 2nd thots, i go tok to my hubby 1st... got we got some kp vouchers yet to use... if he wan to buy, prob buy from kp... i let u know again hor? paiseh. hehe...

hehe... i made my sis buy FP peekablock train for edi for xmas!! haha...
neh mind... start ur diet today! hehe...
think its spelled bonjela... i oso dunno... haha... nthg works when i'm hvg ulcers... i apply manuka honey oso no use... i use salt ulcers will bleed... sigh.... i oni can wait wait until they subside on their own.
Happy Birthday2U......

I really think ur hb is sweet n fatherly...his foto with Jerald, so bonding n doting dad....just tat he may not be up to ur expectation...or he is not like dating days lor.......Reality.....accept! Most men n hb r like tat.......but they still have us, kids n family in their heart. Sometimes, they do get carried away in their own world too.....Not necessary only engineers are as such....

SAHMs.........think true, u see me gd, I see u gd. I was a working mum till 1yrs plus ago. Hmmm.........I am fine being SAHM, luv my kids but I do confess of the boredom along with the routine daily. I wont paint the picture of being a sahm fantastic...........Working life when being a mum? dragged to go to work, on the mark wanted to go home..........pay day...shiok shiok buy things for kids........sound familiar?

Think sahms not as good n best as being tais tais
......watever, we serve our role well n be resposible......

Got ur pedicure done.......toes n nails nice nice for tonite's AD & D?
Hi absolut, wow Ally taking 7.5oz already. Vane only take 5oz every feed, I can't afford to give her more, me no milk liao. I not sure if you can give her frog leg porridge or not leh.

Hi Val, you try your best to store up as much as you can now. I used up my stored ss liao. So now thinking if I shd supplement with fm or rice cereal if Vane doesn't have enough.

Hi sahm, I agree that being sahm can be boring at times. But guess we FTWM envy abt sahms is that you're with bb all the time! While for us, we see PC more than we see bb. Sigh.....
Lyn, thanks for helping. Let me know when you can pass to me after getting from Emily.

Berrywife, i would love to go out shopping, meet friends for tea,etc but i guess with 1 person's income (my hubby not earning big bucks, stable civil job though) i will think twice before spending and will avoid going out bec i tend to spend when go out. Things will be different and standard of living, lifestyle will change too if i really quit in our case. The other thing is i am reluctant to bring bb out alone since i got injured as i have to carry heavy load plus i feed bb expressed BM so if go outside kinda troublesome have to bring cup, hot water to warm up BM,etc.

But being sahm also mean very little chance to dress up but i dun mind dressing up


i got the peek a blk thingee as well but mine is the elephant one, that time robinson dun have the train. Shown how the elephant works to bb but seems she din like...so far she dun seem to like toys dunno if still too young or just dun like toys and simply like people to talk and sing to her only.
sahm, I didnt do my hands cause I wont be able to maintain it with all the washing bottles, etc that I do daily. So I only got pedicure yesterday, painted my feet in glossy dark crimson red hehe.. Feels good to finally have pedicured feet after so long! I got my mum to look after faye for a few hours, and when I got home she waa all worn out, and when she changed faye's diaper, she wore the diaper the wrong way with the front to back n back to front LOL!!
Later still have to get her to look after faye while we go to D & D, hope she wont be too worn out today.
Ayoh...ur mum blunder mann.....poor faye....dun know got funny feeling wearing the diapers the other way round. U paisay ask MIL to help issit? Mum too long nvr practise...new mum feeling again! hahahahaha.............

Tonite just be urself n Enjoy! XS? eat to our heart's content! Still dun know where ah? hahahahahha........

If really need to become sahm, be one. Self reliant to our bbs still the best. Financial wise still can work thing out. Earn less, use less lor. Difficult to justify everything in life.
Furthermore, maybe u just be sahm for 1 yr, see how, if not, send ur bb to C/C n u back to work again! Rite?
I gauge ur situation, if i am in ur position, I will become a sahm........u r rite, v 'luan' for ur bb.....2 caregivers n the mummy at nite/wkends......

Man united shd have used the 'papa' faces frm the other category, not PB! V heartwarming hor, still got such celebration.....think must be since childhood friends!
Told u, ur website is impressive, tastefully done, not to mentioned the cute handsome edi! Yes, keep it up!

My girl n I go to the same hairstylist!

Frm the 1st foto, can u see the missing wording? My boy 'ate' them up, left the remaining to treat his mei mei! How's urs with Ashley so far?
QSG, yar lor, feeding EMB is alot more troublesome than FM, but definitely good for your baby's health. Come to think of it, I only started bringing my baby out on my own after I stopped BF. As for dressing up, not true that sahm little chance to dress up- I think it depends on personal preferences and habits. My personal habit is must put on some minimum makeup before I go out most of the time (of cos if go hawker centre then no need), plus I go out few times a week, so definitely got the chance to dress up if I want. But whatever it is, do have a gd discussion with your hubby, sure can work something out in the end
BTW, my hubby also civil servant, your hubby in which sector? Teaching? SAF? etc

sahm, aiyo, XS is before I got preggie, now diff story, thats why desperately trying to salvage and do damage control, so on very strict diet these days. somemore my hubby on leave for next two weeks, hope my self control wont be wavered too much lol.
You mean your hairstylist willing to cut your daughter's hair? I did ask my hairstylist before if he willing to cut faye's hair in future (when she is older and has more hair), but he said only if she can stay VERY still, cause he dont have experience with kids, scared cannot manage lol. Then again it depends also on how much he gonna charge me for my girl's cut, dont think I'll pay more than $20. How much does your hairstylist charge for your girl's cut?
No lah....not literally going to the same hairstylist arma...just kidding!
U see that was my childhood foto, hair curly n so is Elyse now, so just kidding we go to the same hairstylist mah..........hehehhehhe.....u so cute n funny!

Aoyh, when comes to size.....think my personal opinion is not necessary must wear XS or S then nice. If physique is nice n proportional, n got curves, wear M or L or watever, also NICE n more appealing
....more importantly, how u carry yourself!

HB hm nxt 2 wks ah? GD LUCK 2u! hahahhaah....yah. got2 exercise more control mann!
aiyoh berry n sahm....
when i read ur posts.... i reali ROFL leh....

hehe.... so cute... so elyse take after u hor?
she so cute leh... let me ask u one more time... can she be edi's gf??
and hey, i think we got the same stroller... edi's is grey in color.
eh... dun like dat leh... say until my webbie v good like dat... its jus a amateur piecce of work.

for me, nw i oso cant tell whether edi will like toys or nt, cos he cant sit up yet... and his hands cant reali control the things he hold v well.

speaking of hand control... hehe... edi nw knows how to put his tutu into his mouth... but not all the time the aiming accurate... but anyway, when he does manage to put it in... he will pull it out oso... cos he still cant control his hands to release his hold on the tutu... so gong rite.... haha....
If u let me use your rm for xpressing. U can't b an Indian

The website u did is marvellous I
Me pc idiot dunno how to do tis
Ya muz b your hormone dat u get ulcer b4 your menses come. For me is big pok pok on my chin area

My ah neh neh mgr married wif 2 kids. I told him I wanna xchange my 1hr lunch for 2 1/2 hr break for xpressing. He can't reject me on the face but asked me whether I can get back to work on time. V v mean. Your boss tho no kids but understanding

If u wanna use icing sugar gotta use more amt as icing sugar not as sweet as sugar.
Ya I can't think of indoor activities xcept Science Centre but dat is way out


So u still like Carlton's food huh
My hubby never gime a surprise. Birthday, wedding/ROM anniversay, eat sphaghetti n agar agar/fruit salad @ home yes off the lights n light up candle playing soft music. I cook
The most is a bouquet of flower

I feel v scared whenever u mention your ss drops U used 2 hv so much.
Me too wish 2 b a sahm but financially can't afford to

Can understand how helpless u r when u cant meet Ethan's dd. Sometimes 10ml I oso make n effort to xpress. My hubby said 10ml only u still wanna xpress. Sigh... only mum understands
Your boss n my mgr r both inhuman
Chen Chen taking 150ml 3 hr sometimes 4 hrs if he overslept

How come u put your bb @ 2 plcs?

My other colleague is bringing the Korean gal to day zoo n 9 safari on Sat

My mum does the agar agar diffently fm your sis. Your sis does it same way as Lyn
Elyse looks like bb ma ma
Those r my hubby's sec school buddies

Ally is a big eater. R u still bf?
Dun give her frog leg until she is 8 mths old
Hi sahm, hahaha so your gal takes over your hairstyle. So cute leh.

Hi berry, I think you mis-interpret sahm's words liao. Hahaha..

Hi soyabean, Edi so cute leh. I think there's one stage Vane is like that too.

Hi shook, I also sian leh. Used to be able to fill up both the Ameda bottles, now can't even fill up one of them. Sigh. Me too, financially also can't afford.
U dun like my foto meh....the black n white one?
hahahahahhaha...........u kena cornered liao!

yar lor......Berry mama v cute! I also lol....btw, wats ROFL? The stroller is a hand me down frm friend. She invested in Aprica, so gave it to us....gd condition, we like it, light n wheels not those big big types, rather light.

Ayah, I must see if we can 'ah kar liao' 1st b4 consenting Elyse n Edi togetherness! hahahahahahahahah........'ye mang' MIL me!!!!

Every1 can do a weblink, just that the colour etc that u chose I personally like......

Irony of us here....As sahm, we also face alot of PC once we have time! hahahahahaha........U FTWM, face pc all day but think of Vane. FOr us, bb with us, they asleep, we at PC!!!!
hi sahm
ya ur girl sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute............ her hair and urs really the same! so interesting! her eyes really very beautiful............ hahaha, ur boy really ate the sticker? so funny!

SAHM good mah... so flexible... no need to worry about tomorrow's work. me "salted veggie" life, prefer working... i don even wan to retire... don mind to work for mcdonald after i retire ... hahaha

hi shook
wow... u also know icing sugar not sweet so should add more!

yeah it is not easy to work under indian boss. must have very high endurance... how long u work there?
sahm, huh?? that black n white photo is YOU? my goodness, looks so much like your girl, I thought its her! Wow, what similarity! no wonder I was wondering why that photo look so old LOL...
Jo ah,
Dun laugh ah....ur stroller will soon ended up like that! HAhahahhahahhaaha.......

Ya...I also want to work to kill time leh....maybe I will sell pot n pans at Tangs etc, then sanrio, pringles, berry come n 'keow guan' me in the afternoon! Come come, I gif free popcorn, cakes that I cook for demo.....hahahahahhah
I suspected u mistook both also my girl, so I purposely asked u that question.....U HUH....LOL........ayoh.......LOL....u so funny! How u blunder repeatedly! Berry.....I bow 2u...hhahahahahaahahh!
Aunty JO,
U like my eyes ah.......u can keep my foto here.....nah gif u.....keep properly hor! Hahhahhahahaha..........y mummy laughing away ah? U say my eyes beautiful, I give u my foto, mummy also laugh...siow mama!

soyabean, ur sis v.generous!! i dare not ask my younger sis to get jerald anything - she still studying - most of the time - she'll buy when she's in "mood"!!! hope ur uclers get well soon - so u can hv all the nice x'mas goodies!!

sahm, tks. but yep - me afraid that the routine work will really bored me!! + really hate to ask $$ frm "people" must c thier face!! I HATE IT!! better to be finacialy independent.

qsg, no issue lah - after all "shun bian mah" u got the elephant?? i tot of getting the walker type - 2 play mode can pull along (sit down type) or can adjust and let bb push along for him to development when he's able to walk.

val, so fast planning for NO2!!! actually i tot of getting it frm you...but afraid jerald might not be able to stay in there for more than 5mins?!?

sahm, u shd sent those pixs for some LOOK ALIKE CONTEST!! really look like frm the same mould!!

berry/sahm, u 2 - really gd jokers!!! gd to hv u 2 ard - lotz of laughters!!!

shook, thks for the cute cartoon!! well at least u cook for the candlelite meal!! wat i've learnt is that NVR LOAN UR KITCHEN TO HUBBY!!! I've made this big mistake for last yr b'day - in the end gota spend time washing up everything - dan eat out at changi v!!!

u mean there's other way to make the coconut agar agar???!!? me learn during hme-econ classes way back!! dan after tat pratice using mum's kitchen!! only 1/10 successful - and it's successful b'cos mum is standing there supervising!
hi sahm
issit? my stroller is old one, pass down by my uncle... me thrifty (or stingy heehee) so borrow baby cot, bouncer & stroller from friends and uncle.

kill time? tot ur housework enough to kill ur time?
Jo ah.......
U r just a clever mama.....all these things, so long as still new n in gd recycle condition, take them mann.....bbs outgrow v V V fast one! More so....'tin teh' when not in use!

When my kids at pri school, I everyday stay at home do hsework kill time? If not at sentosa's casino, then at tangs, bugis etc, sells pot n pans lor.................
sahm, cant blame me la, the photos really similar mah. BTW, if you ever decide to go n sell pots n pans, I'll come and visit you LOL, but I wont eat the food you cook unless its low-fat/sugar :p
If by now, hb n I have candlelight dinner in our hse...we will feel v ticklish leh.....we will look at each other n laugh! Haiz.........
lao fu lao qi liao! But hor, we still kiss each other gdnite type...just that candlelight? hehehehheh.......spare us! telok hor?

Lyn or any mummies,
U can consider my bumbo for ur 2nd bb...
...my girl will outgrow it pretty fast (already know but still go ahead n buy)...now she sit in it comfortably (tks gdness) over wkends only. My things all well maintained..even my pails, 5yrs liao, as gd as new! heheheheheheh
Hi sahm, hahaha you sure u go to Tangs to sell pots n pans? I sure 'patronise' you during lunch hour for the free popcorns

Hi jo, I used to like working life too. But priority changes once I have Vane.

Hi Berry, you very cute leh, mistaken sahm as her daughter.
hi giggler
last time i love challenging job and don mind overtime but after ZL, i don mind the work but strictly during office hours... heehee
Yes......she is elyse! Now u know y my aunt made those remark? hahahhahahah.....cant wait to bring elyse to go hao lian to her now! hahahhah.......wow, me so proud! Like real! Pardon me mummies.........i have enuff of negative remarks for elyse during her younger days!

Got alot of time to share ur bb's photo..u mean Urs or zhenlong huh?

This is 1 n only bb foto that I have of myself.....U BRIGHTEN EVERY1's day 2day.......

Ayah, I bring olive oil, pan lo salt, yoghurt to cook for u lor...........hahahahah.......so weight conscious!

Tot U r combing ur hair strand by strand by ur vanity table now, getting ready for AD & D 2nite liao.........hehehhhe...
haha... thanks.... hehe.... no need wait for xmas to eat goodies.... im used to the ulcers liao... so when i hv them, still eat all sorts of stuff. dun care....

2day u very "kachiao" mood hor??? hehe.... had a hot nite yest issit? ROFL is roll over floor laffing.
my lucky baby (words still intact) stroller oso a hand me down.

true lah... we dunno can ah ka liao bor.... so we shall see.... haha...

eh... u all wan to see a pic i edited of edi? haha... i go see to smethg... i come back in a while...
Can, Come lor.......later if u dun buy my pans n pots, I splash popcorn at u! hahahahha...

U asked me wat's FSM........U shared with me at bb2b3m4's hse arma.....ur family members called vane that....recalled?

U r normal, many mama become like that.....think of kids more than job. Last time, I was those type can go back office during wkends to clear work but not anymore when kids arrived. FROWN mann if got to spend extra time in office!
sahm, no la, I'm hanging around waiting for hubby to come home with my mum (he went to pick her up from office), then I can go and comb my hair strand by strand in peace while they look after faye mah. I dont like to stop halfway when I'm doing my makeup, plus we only leaving for dinner at 7pm, now is only 4pm!
Everyday i am like tat, just tat berry mama is a catalyst to the laughing gas 2day......

u n ur abbr........i am lost! hehhehe...i see....suan ku lah me! Wat's nice stuff u lining up for us.......

mummies, have a nice wkends.........tata
wow...its hard to catch up with so many posts....plus i don't hv much time to use the pc today....


did Jerald get cranky whn his tooth popped out?
Alicia abit cranky this pm...her 2nd tooth coming out....i gave her teething gel.....gripe water....rice rusks..she still cried....didn't want milk either...in the end..gave her some cough medicine to help her sleep....o well,looks like she's getting her 2 front teeth this christmas!


Ur gal and ur bb pic so cute...sama sama..like mom like daughter!!!!!!


finally got the play yard set up...think Alicia finds it different....but i kinda think she's gonna start feeling confined if i don't put more toys inside.

i'm back....

here's the pic....

the playpen looks so nice...
how much is it? and how much did u buy it? i'm thinkg wat to get for edi for xmas.... a nice playpen cld be the ans!
Hi jo, I used to like challenging and travelling job too but now NO NO NO.

Hi sahm, Elyse changes so much leh. She looks so different from newborn. Aiyo don't test my memory, esp now my brain so engorged with medicine leh.

Hi pringles, Alicia's 2nd tooth came out? When did her first tooth come out? I think I missed that leh.

Hi soyabean, you very 'creative' leh. Managed to put Edi's face on the front page.
Since have not off pc....1 last post here!

Ayoh...this time I dun appreciate ur work liao! How U bear to put cutie Edi related to such tradegy!!!.....u noti mama!

Put ur creativity to more joyful event mah.....
...no offence hor, since Edi could be my Elyse's BF

FSM.....It is a comic character lah.......

I really think this playrd is much better than play pen. Can wipe n so colourful.......too bad both my kids dun have such life
.......If I buy now, later got2 pass on to others liao, me stop at 2.

Another interesting n meaningful foto that u r sharing here!
sahm - sure u dun wan to save ur bumbo for NO3??

soyabean! like that how u going to heal???

pringles - jerald's is ok but his milk intake drops and he drools a lot!! we got to change his top once a while - put on bid also no use!!

btw, can i ask the same qns as soyabean?!? nice playpen u got there!!
gd to know that you like the playard. and ur gal is safely inside it. I aslo put more toys for Ryan to play.. sometimes I will go inside and play with him.
Hi Shook

Yep still breastfeeding. Amount dropped a little maybe coz I cut down from 2 to 1 pump in office but find that I still have to tandem pump during the last feed so quite troublesome. Undecided whether to continue pumping in office.

It was quite bad 2 weeks back coz I already had 1 big milk blister before I left for Tokyo which was hurting and then another smaller one developed when I was in Tokyo. It was so painful to latch her on... made me dread feeding times. In the end, had to use the sewing kit needle to prick the blister and there was once, saw a bit of blood around my gal's lips after feeding and realised that the blister broke and had blood. Gross! Also had 'strawberry' milk when I pumped. Quickly went to consult a lactation consultant when I came back coz my gynae was fully booked for the whole week. Think it's finally just got better today! Yippee!

Actually my supply is now insufficient to meet her demand but it helps that I've got quite a lot of frozen ss. Also glad coz need to use the frozen ss quickly otherwise they are all expiring! Do you feed Chen Chen fresh or frozen BM? Are you feeding solids for 1 or 2 feeds? Was thinking once milk supply depletes, may also be time to provide 2 solid feeds a day. Are you replacing Chen Chen's milk feed with solids or it's additional like Ally's.

Got it on the frog leg. Will be more insistent then. Thot of trying pumpkin and potatos this weekend.

hahaa.....comical picture with edi in the article! How did u do it??

Soya and Lyn

The playpen above i bought frm KP at Toa Payoh. They call it Play Room. $99. Good if you are alone with bb and need to do something while leaving him alone for awhile.


I plan to use the play room until it becomes redundant then I'll sell it away second hand next time on this forum...haha


Alicia's first tooth came out last friday...now looks like 2nd one coming...gd to hear frm you again....wat precautions did u take to prevent Vane frm getting your flu bug? Bbs are so easily susceptible to virus around.


Tks for the recommendation. I also play with Alicia in the play room and now also use as a bedtime cot for her when she sleeps since she sleeps on the floor...
pringle, u like sanrio - so willing to spend on toys!!! me hesitate n hesitate - till i blur like sotong like (u know i got v.poor shopping habits) make myself blur only :p


ur bb so lucky have so many different toys to buy with.. for me I will compare until I feel it is a good buy before selecting the most suitable toy out of a list of probable toys for Ryan hehe. Ryan has limited toys to play with.. unless have educational value it won't be for him.
My playard I will keep it for #2 and #3 bb..until we decide not to have any more bb then will sell away coz we have quite a big store room..still have space in it .
