(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

knowing Ahgal, next yr she will ask what happened to her ART CLASS. Then I die also, LOL.

The black lines on her recent piece... very strong, very firm... dun look like from a kid's hand. Not I wanna diss my talented Ahgal lah, hahaha, but very suspicious lor.

What invitation??? HB was on leave, he brought her to-fro, never tell me he view wat leh?

haha, but i envy sibling that looks alike leh. My 2 boys also don't look alike.

Wow, what kindergarden your boys attending? Got so many extra classes?
yah ur kids' looks, really each takes after 1 parent!

oh abt the new kindy ah... every time I think abt THREE HOURS WITHOUT THEM, on schbus no need me to send or fetch... I SMILE. Even if Ahboy cry, dun care liao! :p
Aiyo!!! Kayden is so big liao!!! I can't believe it, seems not long ago when I saw his big trotters (thighs) at JG last time!! He has grown so so much!

Wah, now you no need to walk A to sch liao?? A lot of time to yourself one hor... Hee...
Hi mommies, sorry for long disappearance. Have changed company since monday so busy at new place... plus new maid.

hehee.. another suggestion for mooncake festival is Punggol Marina. We were there 2 years ago. i remember it being pretty quiet and peaceful then with the sea, floating boats and peaceful wooden planks to walk on. then again, for those without cars, it may be very difficult to access :p
no... next yr lah. Now still same routine... walk Ahgal to sch, back home walk Ahboy gai-gai, walk Ahgal home...
walk so much never lose wt, only get more SUN DAMAGE. :p

btw I'm in Korean craze again, bought "Single Dad in Love" series last wkend, then today bought "Crazy Couple" and "Oh Su-Jung"... all 3 series same HAMSOME actor, LOL!
Then I was looking at "Jumong" on the shelves, aiyoh but that series is like mega-long, 60, 70? episodes???

At this rate I'd spend all my grocery money on VCDs... everyone at home eat instant mee! *kidding of cos*
hihi, kayden is such a big boy already. yes i still remb his chubbiness (thighs) wen he was a bb. i m oso switching ash to a new 3hrly kindy next yr.

here's most recent pics of ash n cher, photos taken on ash's bday. ash has thick hair but cher has very little hair. do they look alike??
there was once i carried ash n hurt my lower back. din noe it was so bad till day 2, i cant sit n when i sneeze, ai yo, so painful. i went to yu ren sheng for 'zheng jiu' (which i din wan to cos scared but no choice cos i went tui nan but din help). af 3 sessions i was ok. but now i hv to b very careful. gd tat cher is not too heavy, in fact very light. she was only 9kg when last weighed at 14 months old.
u take care. i feel tat af giving birth to 2, my back like so 'fragile'..
skyblue, wow your K2 so BIG liao!!! Both your kids dun look alike leh.

gacc, Ash looks like gal from the pic leh. Hehehe
RE : Mooncake Festival Gathering

Venue : Labrador Park, BBQ pit
Date : 6th September, 5pm
Activities : BBQ, run, shout, burn the whole forest down.. opps i mean play w lanterns :p

Guests :
1) Brendali, Mark, Jem and Jay
2) Giggler plus 2 kids
u enrolled Vane for Yamaha's JMC? Ashley is in it too.. of coz, we went to the one at SK. Hb usually the one who accompany ashley to class, since he is the muscially inclined one. I'm the tone deaf, no ryhthm kind. According to hb, the class is very fast, all the parents are fantically taking notes... Heng, hubby went.. so its kind of a breeze for him.
Then when home need to revise all the musice notes, sing and play... hubby pretty strict wif ashley, wrong fingering on the keys by ashley, will get scolded by hubby.... Poor girl, can hear her say hands tired during her practice. But no complains abt the class.
B2, yup, Vane is in Yamaha's JMC. We just got her a keyboard and hopefully she will be more interested ba. Does ash practise daily? We dun ask Vane to practise daily lah, in fact we quite relax with it, didnt want to stress her too much.
Hi everyone
long time no post...
pity i cant make all these gatherings...sigh...no more energy. cant wait for maternity...starting next week, altho not likely to pop for another 3 weeks or so...just can't tahan working anymore...cos so tiring and stressful!

hope all are well!
nope.. hb only make sure Ashley practices once a week. But we played the CD in the car quite often, so she was make to sing the notes...
Chloe follows too, so can be quite funny.
Ava, so fast tat you gg to give birth next mth??? Enjoy your ML next week
Your tummy must be SUPER big now rite?

B2, maybe we shd put the CD in the car and let Vane listens. Hehehe...
wah! ur girls so big oreadi. nice pic of d sis. ash likes to open mouth big big wen take pic too :p

ai yo, till now ash still look like girl ah? :p

wah! so fast u wld b due soon. mus b real tiring for u, moving ard w a big big tummy. but ur whole family mus b waiting in excitement.. my stomach is not d 'big' type for both preg but i felt so easily tired by mid of 3rd trim
Ah, I rem tat dress!! Wah piang, I gave tat to Jana 2 yrs ago leh, she still can wear??!!

Is the zheng jiu good? How much? Isit you go to Paragon outlet? I went chiro, then realise preg, then stopped tat time. So now dunno wan to go back or not. V sian leh, like I can't carry heavy things. I find tat after I gave birth to Nat, my body weaken a lot liao.

Tat JUMONG v long ah, you din watch on tv tat time? I think on channel 55. Which sch is Athena gg? Wat timing?
d 'zheng jiu' did help me to recover. cos i wen tui nan, din work, took western med painkillers but not a solution. i went to jur east branch. i was told not to carry heavy thgs n mus watch my posture n take care of my back. so far so gd but i try my best not to carry ash at all.
Do let us know when you pop okay.
Hope to see ur twins soon.

Aiyoooo, ur gals soooo pretty.

I brought Gareth go dentist on Tuesday. Dentist say must go back every half a year for cleaning. That time you bring Vane to dentist, did the dentist say the same thing?
Have been bringing Ryan to the dentist for check up/cleaning since he was 3yrs old.. yup..have to go back twice a year for checking.
pigletz, the dentist didnt say that leh. In fact she gave me an impression that kids dun need to go dentist so often. Hahaha...
Read from article that must bring toddlers go see dentist, so that in future their new teeth will grow up better and nicer. haha

Anyway, Gareth loves to go dentist now cos dentist praise him handsome boy. hahaha
My aunt told me the art trs invited them up to view the kids' artwork.

He's attending church kindy n yalor, they offer many enrichment classes. 1st yr they're organising the art class.

U beri long nvr go mkt liao ah, so nvr run into my aunt n kay?

I go to ur blog to see ur kids' pics. Sometx Cherelle seems to resemble Ash, sometx like dun leh. Hehehe...

Hey, ur gals oso dun look quite alike.
I pick Nat up from downstairs quite often leh. then I will walk walk in the mkt area. But no bump into your aunt, maybe timing diff lor. How's Kieran's sch?
Hey, same leh. Kieran's art class oso smthg like dat. He ends normal lessons at 11 plus, go home lunch, nap then 3 plus goes for the art class.

As long as he's happy there, it is a very ok sch to me.
skyblue, then who fetch K1 for art class? We got prob with Vane's logistics lah. Which sch do the sch engage for the artclass? Vane's sch got Kinderart.

Mom2Nat, your 2 kids' smiles are the same leh. The pattern same one. Hehehe
The school don't provide school bus for the art class?

Gareth school will start these kind of extra classes only next year. Gavin starting school next year too. So, hopefully we can shift to Queenstown by next year for easy logistics.

Elliot very handsome leh. Both you kids looks like daddy hor. Elliot got dimper anot?

Gareth's school also church kindy. They only have enrichment class for K1 and K2 now. But from next year onward, they will have for all level. Which means increase in school fees also.
Skyblue / pigletz
Later when Elliot wakes up, I will tell him, got a few aunties say you handsome ah! Hahaha... He has dimple on 1 side only, not very deep oso.

Yup, they look quite alike, but now lesser and lesser liao.
My aunt will bring Kieran for the art class. Lucky thing is it's just a 5 min walk from her place (walk slowly kind). I tink the sch engaged a co called nimble fingers nimble mind(?) i tink it's tis, dun really recall.

Yar, dat's y paying another 380/term for all these enrichment, on top of sch fees. Next yr worse, has 2 more others, so i must really see which is gd.
pigletz, wow Q'town area very ex leh. My uncle told me that 4-rm at Dawson is selling 410k and 5-rm ard 600k. Not sure if the sch provide sch bus service leh. I didnt check cos I feel that Vane will be very tired after sch liao. Hehehe...

Mom2Nat, cos Elliot having his own look liao

skyblue, you pay another $380/term just for enrichment? Other than the art, what other enrichment is Kieran attending?
yes, indeed, long time din post liao, workload is terrible and looking and running after the 2 girls leaves me with no energy to login n read forum at nite. Jamie's has been a cheerful bb since birth, hope she remains so though i see the T2 symptoms starting to show liao.... as for Jana, she seems to have finally gotten over her T2 and she's definitely a much happier toddler now.

time flies hor, Jamie has started attending playgp since Jun, somehow the 2nd child seems to grow up real fast.

ash still looks the same and i love cher's eyes, as big and round as longan leh!

amazing isn't it? she can still fit into the dress, except its getting shorter, she's been growing vertically but not much horizontally. she can still fit into her mothercare shorts for 18mths

ur nat has Miss Singapore potential. elliot should be awake by now, u can tell him another auntie say he handsome also

thanks for the compliment. haven't brought the girls to dentist yet...hmmm...abt time i do so...

wow, ur K2 looks like big boy. yes, i also tot they dun look quite alike, yet some parents at their school say they look like twins?
Which week of Oct? hehehe, may want to go too

I din let Alicia practise the keyboard because the keyboard at my hse, but we stay at my mom's hse during weekday.

Go ahead, date my wife. Our new maid came in already so I can cope
. I already let her know that you intend to date her to Batam. We realised the only time Adrian can guai guai sit down is when there is a new VCD title. By the way, did you leave a Tom n Jerry VCD at my home?

Why switch Kindi? I thought Ash is enjoying himself now?

RE: kiddoes pic
Skyblue, nice pic of 2 brothers
They have the same nose though.

Sanrio, Ash very handsome. I like that hair parting style. Cher pretty too

Viv, pretty little ladies you have there

Mom2nat, wow, Elliot so big liao arh. Time flies.

I accompany Alicia to Yamaha JMC too. In the class, 2 other daddies are there. I realised all daddy/mommy also taking notes, I think I am the only one not doing it
I also play the CD in my car, and Adrian indirecly learnt some of the actions that Alicia did in the car

All the best
, and enjoy your ML.

RE: Dentist
Now that the kiddoes are still bearing their milk teeth, isn't it too early for regular dental check? Please enlighten me

RE : Mooncake Festival Gathering

Venue : Labrador Park, BBQ pit
Date : 6th September, 5pm
Activities : BBQ, run, shout, burn the whole forest down.. opps i mean play w lanterns :p

Guests :
1) Brendali, Mark, Jem and Jay
2) Giggler plus 2 kids
3) Alicia's daddy n family (2 A's, wifey and helper)
Viv, both your gals very active? I agree that 2nd child grows much faster

A's dad, ok,I must play that CD in the car ASAP
Alicia's daddy
Chen Chen wz v busy playing @ your plc, when he got home, he asked for muffins

My muffins in platic bag next to bee hoon. Probably my hubby din take out so u din c them. I baked 2 flavors thot u wld try coz u ever asked for recipe
Next time I bake for u
Rd up to Cameron v winding I puked when I went there

mom2nat, Brenda
I can't bear to leave my bois bhind n go for holiday

skyblue, Viv
Both your no 1 look v different now

Ash looks like a photocopy of your hubby in dat pic

My mum wz told to put tummy binder to support back
Elliot looks like daddy in dat pic
wat i like abt ash's new kindy is tat: ash K1 class would end at 12pm. then school provide lunch before his enrichment class starts at 1pm n end at 2pm. school bus wld send him back w no additional charges. d church(school) pay d extra charges to the bus company.
n i saw there is art class by nafa art which i m keen to sign him up if he is interested.

a'd dad,
cos ash's current school major changes, principal n gd teachers all left. the new mgt, haiz... so we wld let him stay till nov. dec 1 mth stay at hm w me. then jan, start new school.
ai ya, i din eat d muffin too cos too full liao. sh dhv ta bao 1 or 2 hm. ash likes muffin too. he looks like my hb??
i agree, tx jus flies esp w 2. is jana more chatty nowadys? ash used to b shy but now so chatty, can even said hi n talk to strangers, faintz..

u moving to queenstown? we applied d flat at commonwealth but din get.

I pay about $70-$80 per cleaning session for Ryan. It is cheaper then to go to GPA or those fancy kids dentist. He is okay with her as she does have a wide variety of flavoured paste to clean the teeth.

A's Daddy,
It's not too early to get their teeth checked. I remember that a friend's son had to do some major treatment as it was detected that a few of his milk teeth had decay. They had to spend a few hundred/maybe a $1K to fix his teeth when that boy was just 3 yrs old.

RE : Mooncake Festival Gathering

Venue : Labrador Park, BBQ pit
Date : 6th September, 5pm
Activities : BBQ, run, shout, burn the whole forest down.. opps i mean play w lanterns :p

Guests :
1) Brendali, Mark, Jem and Jay
2) Giggler plus 2 kids
3) Alicia's daddy n family (2 A's, wifey and helper)
4)ruffy and family ( 2 adults + 2 kids)
i hv not brought ash to dentist yet since last sms u. our dentist is at adelphi n i tink really not 'cater' for kids. i dun noe where else other than those exp kids dentist. any recommendation? hopefully not in east thou.. :p

Aiyo, boys with dimple very attractive one leh. haha, too bad i got no gals, if not, will book ur Elliot. hehe

wow, $380 per term? Can choose what type of enrichment or must take all? Is it too stressful for Kieran?

Yup, queenstown expensive, but no choice, I don't want Gareth to end up in Day Care in future. If at Queenstown, my auntie can still continue to take care of him after school (Primary 1). Will most prob trade off my 5 room unit for a 4 room unit. Doing my research now as I can only sell off my place in 1.5 years time.

U still working at the same place? Maybe we can meet up for lunch some day.

Alicia's Daddy,
Think now should be just nice time for them to go dentist bah. Cos they started to eat junk food already, the more must take care. I have an article on this, let me go home scan and email to you.

Planning to. Will be getting resale flat. Need to be close to my mum, auntie and grandma. haha...i very greedy hor.

That's sounds reasonable. The one I bring Gareth to, is just a normal dentist, but very gentle with kids, that's why Gareth got no prob. Beside, Gareth loves to be praise, so it's helps by praising him brave and handsome.
