(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Giggler / Hong
Nat attended Babe Ballet by Yamaha, she likes it, but a bit troublesome cos I have to get hb to come home on time to fetch her there, and we always rushing. Today is the last lesson. I signed her up for the ballet at my CC downstairs, but it is for 5 yr and above. She went for the trial and the teacher say Nat can join... so much easier lah, just downstairs.

We at 2 diff ends of the island... how to pinch?? Is Sherwin still v chubby?


CC cheaper than Yamaha? The ballet teacher did advise me against Yamaha. Not that Yamaha not gd just that if the kids need extra lessons for exam, parents will end up spending a bomb. hahaha..

I dun even know if Janelle will stick for long.
Can u reuse the ballet shoes and clothes? They are not cheap, I scolded my hubby when he dumped them into the washing machine. haha...
Well, almost double. Babe Ballet is $157 for 3 months. CC is $75 for 11 lessons, which is abt 3 months, slightly less. The CC teacher allow Nat to wear her current clothes until she grows out of it. Now she is wearing pink but the teacher's class is all white. This CC teacher doesn't wear leotard, just shirt and pants leh. But the babe one wears v nicely. And they have more music and movements... more for young kids kind.

Nat likes this new class bcos they use skipping rope. She always wanted to use, but I refuse to buy.
Anyway hor, I dun forsee she become a ballerina lah. I let her join to let go some steam, since she likes to run ard. They have gym classes, but I dun wan to yell at her trying to do stunts at home. Hee...

Hee... Now Nat goes for Ballet, GUG and Berries world, next month start swimming, on top of her 3 hour nursary. But stopping GUG, cos troublesome to travel so far. Anyway these enrichments she taking now are nearby my house, I dun have the energy and funds to go too far liao.
Elliot botak head so round. Aiyo, looks so different from day 1
. How come CC in the East has more children activities? The CC near my house mostly cater to old folks I think...hahaha..
A's dad,
Its not my idea to send ashley for so many courses. I am those kids who do nothing at home and play when young. Hb is the siao one who goes for music, martial arts and 3rd languages. I oso not very sure abt gym in SG. Prime Gym happens to be recommended to me by another fren. Think u need to check with PVL abt that.

Dun worry abt not sending your kids to these courses. I believe your home teaching is just as useful. Its just like between me n hb. He got these music skills and all. But he needs me for all the cooking and chore and reminding blah, blah... And it didn't make me a less useful person than hb. At the end of the day, it still the parenting that makes the difference.
It true too that our weekends r gone bcos of these course. It used to be that we can go zoo, Botanical gardens or beaches on weekends. But with all these activities packed in, quite impossible even to do simple relatives visiting. Not to mention trying to finish up the whole week's laundry.

so u want to come back to workforce a not??? come lah... i am very sure that they will be very happy for u to come back.
Actually i think what i just said is nuts. I myself here trying to get out of workforce so that i can spend more time with the kids. N here i am encouraging u to go back to work.

Actually i'm not sure whether the kids feel stress go thru all these course. Ashley goes to MMI and in school they too have weekly yoga and swimming lessons. And she seems to enjoy all these very much. But my pocket suffering leh.

ashley seems to enjoy her ballet. (She enjoys every single course!!!!) Hb say piano too early for ashley now, so she attends the Yamaha music appreciation class, some JMC thingy.. I not very sure leh.. hb is the one into this.
Hb can plays the piano. He teaches the kids once in a while. But dunno what kind of training is that lei. All i see are the 3 sitting on bench ramming the piano keys.

Parents not musically inclined then kids will have difficulties learning. cannot be lah... during our era, some of our frens also attend piano lessons and i doubt most of their parents are musically inclined. Hb's parents also not musically trained. But he went as far as diploma for piano. so need not worry. Honestly, at the end of the day, its the encouragement and patience of the parents that make a difference. I know my MIL needs to do a lot of picking up, chauffering, pakcing lunch etc.. so that the kids can make it on time for all these courses after school. And that stretches all the way until secondary school. And my MIL is just a simple woman, not some graduate with music skills.
Ya still coughing, but saw doc yesterday already...after GG strongly encouraged me to

B2 is right leh...my mom is tone deaf and I have never heard my dad sing or play anything, but i was quite keen on music...played a bit of piano and then saxophone in school band. Sometimes, just natural attraction to particular activity...parents can't dance either, but my sis did ballet till diploma (I think) level, amongst other dance classes at various levels...
A's dad,
Saw this gym place for kids over the weekend at Bt Batok. Didn't check out the cost for the lessons tho cos it was very late when we were there... if u go n check out, share w me hor


U bring along vodka peppar, we'll serve u steamed crabs...wahahahahah

Dun worry... its not true. As long as they have the interest and can sustain the passion, they can make it. When i first learn flute, my aunt told me the same thing, say my parents can't sing even hokkien songs... complaint that i made lots of screeching sounds. She went around and boast when i start doing public solo performance on my fourth year. On contrary, Jem is not strong with his tune so i emphasized more on his beats instead. He already show interest in percussions so i'm not planning to sign him up for music. Expose Vane to various aspect of music, you never know what she can do until she tried them.

Sausage is from Cold Storage those ham counters. Try not to get the pork ones for kids lah, chicken healthier. Actually minimise on processed meat best..hahhaha. Now only buy for occasions.

u sign nat up with individual or group coaching for the swimming lessons? i'm still contemplating abt letting jem take up swimming lessons.

yah... i also told hb that with extra lessons for jem on weekends, we'll have less time for other activities. So i planned to let him take just one on Sunday after our church. So at least we can have a full saturday for family time. But becos only have 1 slot, we gotta choose with care and it's a headache to choose..hahahah

Ashley goes to MMI? Is it good? Cos the one in Jurong got a lot of complaints leh... but its the only one with available slots now.
Hong, me also very guilty of screaming and threatening Vane. But cant control myself leh. Really have to be patient with kids hor? Jan so caring and knows how to 'take care' of you.

Mom2Nat, Sher still quite chubby though he sick often. We try to organise gathering so that I can Elliot lah.

A's dad, come to the CC near my place, there's quite a few children activities. There's ballet, speech & drama, music, etc...

B2/Ava/Brenda,thanks for the encouraging words abt learning music. I'll just let Vane attend the Yamaha class and see if she's interested.

Brenda, chinese sinseh doesn’t recommend chix leh,esp for gals. I also thinking of letting Vane take up swimming lessons leh. Let me know if there's cheap and gd ones ard our area, can?
If not, I'll wait till she goes to Pr Sch to take up swimming lessons. Which MMI that has complaints? There's 2-3 MMI branches in Jurong leh. I went to one at Blk500+ with Vane abt 2yrs ago, it's not too bad lah.
They have group and individual, but I will put Nat to group, cos I think indv too intensive for her, she might get scared and cry... knowing her "kuan". The pool here is v cold, super cold kind, so I a bit worried oso. But I heard swimming actually helps them build up their lungs. Hmmm...

A's daddy
Diff CC have diff activities. The cc downstairs my place hardly have cooking lessons, otherwise I will send my maid there! hahaha... I din know even poly clinics conduct free lessons, like child care, baby care and blah blah... but my downstairs poly clinic dun have these. Need to go tamp or sengkang.

WEll... I told myself if Nat is stressed then dun let her attend. She seems to enjoy it v much leh... though initially when Elliot first arrived. she started to have separation anxiety, then din wanna go class. I think I more stress remembering which day which class and scheduling wat to do. My hb wants to take up roller blading, so maybe let Nat try if she likes.
Really arh? chicken no good? i thot only cough then dun eat. It is thought to be good because the fats are easily removed in comparison to other meat yet it still gives good amount of protein.

i went to see them conduct swimming lessons at the JW pool several time. Didn't really like it cos they have quite a lot of students at one lesson and mostly older kids. Furthermore, quite a few classes are conducted in that one pool so can become pretty crowded at times. That's y till now i still hesitant in signing up.

I only check the MMI in JW. The other one is in JE which is too far lah. The childcare one is at the swimming pool with lotsa complaints lor.. then the other one is just preschool programmes, not childcare.

Expensive leh... 600bucks per month.

Share with us when she starts her lessons k. I hv concerns abt letting jem go for grps becos i haven't let him try any activities yet so not too sure how well is he at taking instructions. But yes, swimming is very good cos it tones the body evenly and teaches them to take in deep breathe which is very beneficial for the body itself.

Hi-5 to ur hb!! i'm gonna sign up for roller blading at East Coast Playground too...hahahhaha
Think there's quite a bit of complains abt MMI. Think the most often complains are the teachers change too often and the teaching is not solely montessori. I kind can understand why. There's so much things to teach.. music and movement, yoga, swimming, naps, meal breaks... take trips around the garden etc.. The poor teacher got quite a bit to achieve within a short day. And we can't have that kind of montessori student to teacher ratio. Honestly at $700+ for full day, its consider quite cheap at montessori standard.
What i like abt MMI@SK is the compund is big. The students got lots of space to roam around, unlike those childcare at the void decks or in semi-D. Its has proper playground, computer and yoga/gym room facilities. It has proper documented program and parents are kept in the loop of the child's learning. ANd generally, no doubt there is changes in staffing often but the class is never left w/o a teacher or have classes combined. Oh.. and there is no TV!!!!! I walked past those semi-D childcare often when i pick up ashley from MMI. All the kids are gathered in the living area to watch TV. I hate that! I already find ashley watch too much TV at home. The last thing i want is for her to watch some more while waiting for me to pick her up.
I am quite glad that while waitig for me, she is either doing coloring with the teachers or playing some Montessori tools.
hi Mummies & Daddy,
whao..suddenly so much to catch up here:

you going to sign up for rollerblading also

Ryan and I have been taking lessons at East coast Park (off and on) for the past 3-4mths... he still lacks practice so not that confident on his skates.
yah... i was told that the teachers keep changing too which i dun like cos jem takes quite some time to warm up to a person. And think they have been getting teachers that are not really train in montessori aspects thus standards are simply dropping.

JW branch one not big leh.. very clean and new tho.

I really think i'm spoilt by CC@AH. Haiz~ now like so hard to be please with other centres.

r u with the group that teaches near the carpark or the one at Playground? I think the old one cheaper but hb prefers the new one at Playground cos he will have cafes to lounge..
We are with the one near the carpark.. not the playground. haven't been to that playground yet.. waiting for the "novelty" to die down together with the crowd
sigh, no time to read. I has food poisoning, today ok liao. JUst now Nat vomitted, gana stomach flu. So poor thing, can't even stomach water, end up can only give her a few teaspoons at a time, or else she vomit all out, even vomit out yellowish acid. I gave her porridge water, she saw some grains of porridge inside, she ask can she eat, so I gave, a few min later, puke all out. *sob sob*... then now she thirsty, beg for water, we tell her how many teaspoons as instructed by doc, she really follow. See already heartpain. Sigh.... Tonight I siong, gotta breastfeed and monitor Nat. My mom got flu oso. Sigh.
brenda, so it's the MMI at swimming complex that rec lots of complains? Actually I like MMI for their toys. Hahaha.... Read from another thread that someone send her kid to MMI for phonics class and she said not bad too. You go all the way to ECP to learn blading?

Mom2Nat, aiyo... Nat sound so sick leh. What happened???? Do you find that nowadays the whole family will be sick if one of the kids got it? My family started the sickness 2weeks ago, till now my niece still not feeling well and sher still coughing. Sigh.... you take care of yourself leh. Where's your hb and maid? THey cant helpt to take care of Nat while you bf?
hahaha, actually there's nothing much at the Playground too lah... just nicer cafes to lounge and KFC!!

oh no... it's very tiring for kids to have stomach flu. Take care yah. ay... dun u think should let ur hb handle her since u r breastfeeding?

haven't u realise i head for the east every week cos there's not much in the west and too expensive in the central? hahhaha

there's another blading school in bishan park but mark says no place for him to lounge
got to give in to him cos he will be babysitting the kids..wahahahahah
Where do you all get white socks for your toddlers to go school? I'm thinking whether to go back Bata to get $7 for 2 pairs or is there cheaper option?
brenda, I got the white socks from the shop opp Guan Yin temple. How many pairs do you need? I think I bought 1 dozen leh.
Wah, so many of the tods here attend so many classes.

Brenda, must wear white socks ah? i let Dana wear socks i bot from mothercare, got different colors and designs..the teacher din say anything leh.

Giggler, a pity couldn't go to the gathering, else can give Dana a surprise when she sees Vane there. Btw, Dana said her teacher going to bring them to zoo..dunno real or not..dunno when also. Vane got tell you?
must it be totally white socks? Ryan doesn't wear socks to school..but I used to get those Hush puppies one with a single brown/blue/black band on top. I think Pasar Malam will have socks (cheaper).. used to get the boys socks from there too.

Jem not going rollerblading with you?
Their got sell socks meh? thot only those bai bai stuff and a chinese medical hall?

ay... the school did specify white socks and shoes lah. Once, during the rainy season, i din have a dry pair so make him wear a light blue one... Oh my, he screamed big time. Now whenever i tried to be funny, he will,"no.. mummy. white socks."

haiz~ no pasar malam at our side recently. Think cos it rain everyday..hahahhaha

Jem very gu niang one lor.. dun think he will go on it till he's very used to seeing it. So i figured i learn first.. let him n papa learn later when he's ready. By then mebbe can throw jay on a bike and ask him to catch up w us...wahahahha
Oh no, poor Nat...hope she gets better soon..and doesn't pass it to the rest of the family too! Take care of yurselve !!

These last two weeks Adan has not been in school: HFMD outbreak, so cos I'm preggie teachers say better not go school...then this morning teacher called to say they got no more HFMD but got viral fever! SIGH!!
Now that you mentioned, I heard about BJG in in bukit batok too. I am still thinking if I should send Adrian to zoophonics weekend class
, this way, at least Alicia can teach him.

Giggler, Mom2nat,
I agree that CC has different activities, depending on the demogaphics profile of the estate. I guess I am staying at "aging" estate

I think Giant at Pioneer mall sells white socks.

Make sure you hydrate Nat with plenty of fluids. If she keeps vomiting after drinking, it may be good to give Pedialytle to boost her energy. Hope Nat recovers fast.
A's Dad,
Sorry, I think I typed a reply to your query the other day and it didn't get posted (got distracted and never posted it). There are 2 good gyms in the Turf City you can explore them. There might be a gym at the West Coast Rec Ctr. You could check out the gyms listed in the member's list of Singapore Gymnastics.

Poor Nat. Take care of yourself too, you have Elliot to look after as well.
Sigh.... to make things worse, my maid went crazy yest and we sent her back! Siao one!!

Yest she carry Elliot, so my mil fold clothes then jokingly told her
mil: I help you do your work so you can rest.
maid: HOw to rest!
Then I told my maid, though you are carry baby, but tat 45min you are sitting there, hands tired, but mentally is taking a break, physically not moving. Then maid went kitchen tell mil " next time you dun do my work, you are insulting me that I am resting!" Mil say she rude. Maid reply " you can go complain to sir"

Wah, I angry until I fume! Then the maid refuse to work all day, gave a F up face, sit there peel her nails, talk to her, she glare at you kind. I never knew she is such a person, as if possessed. Anyway she requested to leave. Fine.

Evening we brought Nat to see doc. so ask my mom to watch maid pack. Maid went toilet, my mom ask "wat did you take in the toilet". The maid show my mom her toothbrush or wat, show her empty pockets and pull down her pants, saying "you wan to see i let you see"... Wah lao!!! So now I maidless. So never be nice to maids, maids are maids, must draw a line. I regret din send her off earlier.
I'm so angry that your maid did that to u. Honestly, to me all these maids no heart to work. I always feel they are here to create havoc and hopefuuly get away no needing to do any work.
My previous also like that. I believe she deliberately choose to leave when u need help most. My prev maid did the same thing to me. She choose a weekday when hb n me rushing off to work to flare her temper and say dun wan to wk. Hb n i quickly take urgent leave that day n sent her off.
We were v nice to her hor, when I threw out my bags, a lot quite new, we gave a whole bag to her. Then last night she kept reminding my hb she hasn't taken the bags, cos she need him to go store to take out. He took for her, say things we give her she can take, but when I heard how rude she was when we were out, I din give her the bags.

I was so so angry yest. I called the agent, so initially stil ok, we say keep until my replacement come. But somehow my maid felt she din wan to work, just dilly dally all day. My mil was the nicest to her, always speak up for her, gana scolded for being nice to her. And the irony is she got fired bcos of being rude to my mil. My maid doesnt' respect my mil and my mom, we gave her many chances liao, but she still like tat. She v chidish, she insist my mil insult her! Then we say she eat a lot of rice (1cup of raw grains), she cried, saying to tease her. Faint.

So ah, pple say be nice to maid, cos scared they be bad to your family. But after you experience this kind of maid, you oso understand why you gotta be strict and draw a line.
Mom2Nat, so sian to deal with maid at this moment rite? Think she also stress till siao liao? So both your mom and mil helping you now? You take care and try to rest leh.
Alicia's Daddy,
If you are referring to the BJG at The CDAN's at Bt Batok then I advise against it coz the place is so small and very little equipment to play on. Not worth your investment. IMO I rather go to more established gyms or even the neighbourhood playgrounds.

shocked to hear such stories about your (ex)maid. Hope that Nat get better soon and that you get a good replacement.

HB learn't rollerblading last year..but he's not very patient and encouraging with Ryan so this yr I am learning rollerblading together with him in the same class... Roy.. throw to my mum to bbsit keke
Thx all
BB wanna come early. Popped on 36 wks instead of today 29th Mar
Tummy felt v tight on Wed after being fumed up by Chen Chen, n tight thru out Thu day n night.
Fri hubby n mum asked me to consult gyne. I busy teaching temp who came in only on Tue. Thot of giving it a miss.
11:45am called gyne's clinic, clinic assistant arranged appt @ 2:45pm. Gyne said I 3 cm dilated Go delivery rm immediately.
3+pm in delivery area did all the procedures then go delivery rm. Hubby went office to settle work
5:40 pm gyne broke water bag n went home to change. Hubby went to get dinner
6:00pm 7cm dilated. Midwife looked for gyne desparately n told me to hold, I looked for hubby desparately when there wz no contraction
6:35pm gyne arrived
6:39pm bb arrived swift n smooth delivery. Guess bb dun want me to suffer fm leg n back pain. So reported earlier. Sigh.... I rather bear wif the pain then the suffering he went thru. He wz admitted a wk after delivery. Transferred fm TMC to KKH n stayed in KKH for 12 days. Discharged on Thu. Hubby dwn wif fever n bad cough. I dwn wif cough. Then Chen Chen dwn wif high fever on Wed. He stayed @ my parents' plc since Wed. He said dun wanna come home n dun want me. Chen Chen muz hv felt neglected as we sent him to cc early in the morning, came back late. I v sad n v drained. Feel deflated.......

mom2nat, Yuru
Chen Chen eats adult portion yes but look @ his wt
"NO screaming and shouting ah, I myself oso can't practice tat! *guilty guilty* NOt easy to control our own temper" same here

Alicia's daddy
My colleague said his CCTV is connected to internet n view via internet
Chen Chen same excuses as Alicia

my son is left handed, yeah write n spell his name reverse way

Our tods the same - eat adult portion yet light wt
My son v scared of naughty corner. He will cry n say no no when I say wanna send him to naughty corner
Yes I m all for natural delivery

Congrats on having a gal

Hv u found confinement lady? Ms worse for u dat u carrying twins

Can't bring my bb out. Even cancel the shower party for him. I missed his NB stage. When I can cuddle him, he is bigger than NB stage
Thx for the warning.

I will send my boys to my alma matra
Koala, ops, what happened to bb? Why is he hospitalised? You and hb better take care ok? Think chen felt neglected cos all attention on bb.
your maid xiao one....my first maid also rude to my mum and tell her "i dont like u also!, u ask mdm tos end me nack"....then when i finally send her back a mth later, she look so surprised.....
i never have good feelings abt maid, just tat now we can do without them....

B2, i agree with u....maid come her wanna earn $$$ but yet don't intend to do their work properly. my life stress enuf liao, their presence add more stress leh....sometime wana scold them, but kids around, got to try to refrain...scared they "copy" me.. my son told his frens in the school bus " I give you one last chance!" when he is angry and I recall should be learnt from me loh....when i scold the maid...haiz....

enrichment class
I send jo-van to yamaha music wonderland on sat and ZP on sun. he enjoy ZP but find yamaha really bored. I intend to terminate the music wonderland and re join the junior course, then the in charge told me i wont be given priority to the next level (the yamaha junior course) if i withdraw....but most prob i will still withdraw...after 3 mths, he still don't enjoy leh....every lesson, ask me when is it going to end....personally i also feel bored...i also contemplate to give him swimming lesson, but find that 4YO too young? any good swimming lesson around west area?
btw, anybody know of good dancing school? mom2nat, maybe you can share with us after Nat took her lesson?

cant rem but r u the one who is looking for cc in the west? not many good one around? uh? u dun like gracefield?

jo-van also likes to cry and whine nowadays leh... abit of things, will cry....very "fan"..im also guiilty of shouting at him...i hope is just a phase...
Congrats...and hope bb is doing well now.

Yes, have found a CL already. Using one through Bliss confinement agency...hope she'll be OK. MS is much better now, thanks!
Mom2nat, happened to pop by and saw ur experience with ur maid... it's really scary... this is one of the reasons why hb and I always hesitate to get a helper... and especially after the maid abuse videos some time ago... luckily u got rid of her way before things got out of control... hope u get a good helper soon!

Hi all Jun/Jul mums, will like to ask a couple of queries from more advanced mums (my gal is born in Dec 04) since your thread is more active:

1. any of your kids ever complained of tummyache and have occasional vomiting? Like one mouthful of milk or porridge? I'm wondering if it's due to overfeeding or that there's something wrong with the tummy. My parents say it's worms?

2. any of your kids experience a sudden bout of fever, with no symptoms of flu or cough beforehand (except the occasional vomit)? Besides the high temperature, the kid is otherwise happy and active. The doctor also recommend BOTH brufen and panadol to bring down the temperature (>38 deg). Will it be an overdose?
Your experience really scares me leh. Hope Nat is better now? So far, we noticed that Alicia began to like our maid better. Just yesterday, she was with the maid in the kitchen cutting up the vege, and when my wife went into the kitchen, Alicia asked "mummy, can you keep the vege?". The maid quickly said she will keep later, but Alicia added "No, I want mummy to keep".

Thanks for our advise. I am seriously considering ZP weekend class for Adrian, or some enrichment classes near our house. Do not intend to go too far

What happened? Hope everything is well.
We are considering a simple CCTV system with digital recording only, without the internet viewing option.

At age of 4, it is more like building up water confidence instead of learning how to swim

Have you tried reducing the qty? Did your kid drink water (after porridge) /milk from the bottle? It may be sucking too much air, that cause the burping, and may throw out a little portion of the food.

Fever is a symtom of fighting against some infection, and not necessary comes with flu/cough (these can be signs of infection). I suggest you consult a PD. Brufen and Panacedomol (Panadol) can be taken at each of it's time duration. As long as it is taken with the right dosage for each type, it should be fine.
Hi... Is it possible to be overfeeding your child? I thought children will automatically stop eating when they've had enough.

Whenever my girl has had fever the past few times, it was just fever alone, no other apparent symptoms. Dr said it's just a viral fever. Over in a couple of days. I usually just give Panadol. If the Panadol doesn't bring down the fever after about 1 hour, then the Dr said to give brufen. Fever also has to be over 39˚C then give brufen. If brufen doesn't work after 1 hour, then go to KKH or doctor immediately.

Congrats again. What happened to your baby? Why did she need to be hospitalised?
A's dad, she drinks some water but not a lot after her meals. It's about 3 hours later then she drink her milk, about 200ml. After the milk, then she threw up.

Priviledged, I thought so too. But she will just eat if we continue offering to her. Just that speed will be slower, not like when first few mouths hungry so swallow very fast.

Re: Brufen + Panadol
The GP told me to give 6.9ml of Brufen (3x a day) & 2.6ml of Panadol (4x a day) every 6 hourly. Only before sleep, just Panadol. Dosage was calculated based on weight. However, after only 2 doses of each, she is fine already. Do I have to still continue giving the next day?

Sorry, my gal seldom has fever so when it hits, I get quite panicky. Thanks for replying!

i once went to KK hospital emergency dept, the doctors there also ecommend panadol and brufen concurrently. he say no "conflict" leh. anyway after my kid is fine, i think i still give pandaol only (no brufen) for at least a day more to ensure no more fever
stressma, she woke up fine this morning. I still brought her to CC as can't afford to take leave now. Din give her medicine oredi. Will observe. Thanks!
I may be wrong, but eating too fast when hungry may swallow more air, and may cause some indigestion, so I suggest asking your kid to eat slowly instead.
Glad to hear your kid is fine, but like Stressma, we will give at least 1 more dose of panadol after the fever subside.
u still in ZP BT hor... i will c u this sunday!

i oso want to send P to music class n chinese class.. Poor P.. keke

a's dad,
finally today, P start her daily PG! yahoo!
N finally hb say ZP is better!!! HAHAHAHA..

so mayb we will enrol her in july or next yr, c how is school goes. anyw its only till 4yrs old. So die die next yr must find new school.. :p
maybe I shd let Sher try out ZP when he's older. stressma, you went all the way to ZP BT, why not the ZP at JW?

hoho, hello.... P not ok with chinese? dun stress P out too much lah. Hahaha

stressma, Yamaha really so boring? Oh dear, shd I enrol Vane to Yamaha or Cristofori?

Jen, great to hear that your gal's fever subsided.
How's your leapster?
You mean P is in ZP BT PG now?
ZP caters all the way to K2, and I just realised that in JW branch, the K1, K2 students are at level 3
- that's what Alicia told me.
A's dad, then good for you, can leave Alicia at ZP all the way till K2.

Hi all, do you know that there's Barney show this Jun?
That is my plan if Alicia still loves ZP and her friends. Dora the Explorer coming in May
Vane still likes Barney? Alicia grown out of the Barney era already

P can speak well but cannot reconginse the shen zhi lor.
so need drilling! keke

a's dad,
not yet in ZP BT PG la, we just enrol her in hdb pg.
ya, tts 1 of the pt i mentioned to hb, all the way to K2, no need headache.
btw, whats level 3? = pri 1 std?? :p

dora is a show/play or just shopping center stage show?

now P is very into play.. eversince she watch the little red hen.
we oso brought her to disney on ice, as part of her bday in Mar.

Leapster not bad, so far, drop 2-3x, still can on. haha
