(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

u mean JCK uses the reader vane use for her N1???

yes, SFA increase to S$750/ term next yr for N1. ex uh? i called and ask whether with the increase in fee, any change in curriculum...haha...they say increase cos they have been maintaining a low fee for the past many years loh....i m thinking of half day CC at gracefiedl for my gal...see how...

u consider gracefield CC at taman jurong? also heard from some mummies tat carpe diem at taman jurong is good .....

Yu ru,
sunshine readers....whether i will recommend....actually i find tat the readers (any readers) the stories usually not very interesting loh...i bht the joy readers...find tat my son doesnt really like it...u mention u bgt the rigdy? this is quite popular among schools rite?

re: rebond hair...
how abt perming ur hair?
i used to rebond my hair...then my hairdresser suggest perming...actually quite easy to manage...no need to comb hair..morning just use the scuplting lotion...

During confinement I buay dong, tie up my hair, cos reach shoulder and messy. When I went to the salon to rebond ah, look like chicken backside leh. Mine the same, tie already got mark, wash oso not much help. Oso can't tuck behind the ears. bad genes.
brenda, what's chix cocktail? CC in Jurong, sorry cant help you. So far, I also think that there's no gd cc in Jurong. In fact, there isnt many gd sch in Jurong lah. Hahaha

stressma, wonder if JCK will incr their fee or not, so far no news abt it from them lah. How much is half day cc at gracefield? JCK uses the same title as SFA for eng books but not for chinese books. I find perm hair very lek chek leh.
hmm... pork is red meat too but i was on 1 to 3 portion of beef/mutton per month since young cos my blood pressure tends to take the plunge as well

yah lor.. heard quite a fair bit on gracefield tho taman jurong not that near for us. We r planning to go n look see next month. I dun like carpe diem concept tho the last we visited was the branch at Alexandra.

i like permed hair too cos it feels so right to be messy ..hahhaha. but hb dun like cos cannot run thru hair..hahahha

HI-5 !!! i also feel that there's no good school in Jurong leh.. and worse, i been seeing student gathering at void decks during daytime and they r very rowdy... makes me worry leh. So i hope to move out of jurong after my 5 years is up to a smaller flat somewhere else.

Chicken Cocktail Sausages lah... my signature dish leh..hahhaha

ur link really make me LOL
eureka, that is GOOD!!! LOL...

brenda, let me think think what to get hor. Me not expert in food leh. Or you got any suggestion??? Hehehe
giggler, a's dad n mummies,
can u all tell me a little bit more abt d kindergdn tat ur kids are currently in now. JCK or JCC?????? tot of switching ash fr cc to kindergdn next yr.

i oso dun noe which kindergdn to send ash to. mayb switch fr st joseph cc to their kindergdn. maybe st james but far or where else ah??
if ash is doing fine at st joseph, then u shld let him remain there, and switch him to the kindy...
if not will be another adjustment of envt for him.
Date : 22 Mar 08
Time : 2pm to 5 pm
Venue : My Humble Place

Food : Curry Chicken, Chicken cocktail, beverages

Guests :
1) Giggler + 2 kids so few ppl ur hb still shy?

Food :

2) A's dad + dw + 2 kids

Food :

3) Sanrio + dh + 2 kids

Food :

4) Angela + 1 kid (neighbour)

5) Jo + dh + 1 kid (unconfirmed)

Food :

6) Pigletz + Gabriel + 2 kids (unconfirmed)

Food :

Those unconfirmed one can try to confirm so can know how much food to prep?
aiyoh.. JP so much choice..hahaha. Or u wanna get some cakes for the kids then i wun get pandan cake from Bengawan?

yah... i agree w soybean. Shouldn't change unless really necessary. I just paid for a place in jem's school too for next year even tho i noe most prob will have to send him to c/c. i still hope he can stay in the environment he's happy with if possible to work things out.
U like ang ku kueh ah? TPY there got one coffee shop sees nice ang ku kueh and soon kueh.

Wat do u use to tie ur hair? I normal use those clips (with teeth kind), long long kind... dunno u know which kind or not. ;p so far quite okie leh. Anyway, i dun tie everyday.
Date : 22 Mar 08
Time : 2pm to 5 pm
Venue : My Humble Place

Food : Curry Chicken, Chicken cocktail, beverages

Guests :
1) Giggler + 2 kids so few ppl ur hb still shy?

Food :

2) A's dad + dw + 2 kids

Food :

3) Sanrio + dh + 2 kids

Food : famous char siew pao fr clementi

4) Angela + 1 kid (neighbour)

5) Jo + dh + 1 kid (unconfirmed)

Food :

6) Pigletz + Gabriel + 2 kids (unconfirmed)

Food :

Those unconfirmed one can try to confirm so can know how much food to prep?
How come you need to get more LF DVD?
U still remember I am from JCK
. I still have couple of photos in JCK, now sitting in my photo album.

I send PM to you

Alicia is with Zoophonics. All her best friends are there (since N1) so I am not keen to change her at this point, although the cost is quite steep.
Gald that you had turned into a monster mummy. LOL~ So now, I got companion liao. I am screaming most of the time too. And all these attn seeking issues really made me v "ugly" (Damn po la. If ever these screaming has been recorded, people will probably think I am the step mother. Haha...). All the "good" that I had built since being a SAHM all gone to longkang liao. What training to sleep on his own when I was pregnant so that I can take care of bb is juz rubbish now. Simply couldnt help it though I constantly remind myself its juz a phase. A phase that can last for a year (as told by the PD). I couldnt take it till I ask Randall's PD if there is a need for me to bring him to see a children psychiatrist. Haha.... Or perhaps I am the one who need professional help.
Hahah... yah man, I can't believe everyday I am yelling and threatening. Even today went out with frens for buffet, our kids kept running ard, and we took turns saying, stop ah, or else uncle scold, or else take cane, or else.... Hee...
Ay, one phase if take one yr then chia lat liao, cos by then got another phase of another sorts. My hb say how come terrible 2s, 3s, blah blah,.. like no end kind.
Tats why sometimes I wonder isit the right thing for me to stay at home. End up not building relationship with my kids, more like reinforcing I am the monster, the fiercest in the family! Dun listen and I bite!
brenda, ok, I'll get the pandan cake.

A's dad,I think I lost one of the DVDs leh.

Val & Mom2Nat, hahaha...it's not just SAHM who are behaving like step-mothers lah. I also scream and shout and threaten my kids most of the time. Sigh... It has been one yr and Vane has improved but still seeking attention lah. Now it's worse cos Sher will 'snatch' me from his jie-jie liao. There's once he even 'slapped' his sis till her lips bleed. Sigh... Not to worry both of you but there's more to come. Hahaha... I also at a loss on what to do, can only pray hard that it's just a phase.
LOL~ Ay, think abt it I am not the monster leh. Its Randall being the monster and turned me into one so that I can be of the same kind as him. Haha... Perhaps its becos all these while Randall and me r connected very well and now he had turned to be so rebellious. I juz couldnt accept the fact.
is a phase tat wld pass. ash has 'improved' but like wat giggler said, 1 phase over, new set of problems arise. but it has been quite heartwarming to c d 2 kids growing up n playing 2geter now. d sis simply adores him.
wat did randall do tat make u 'angry'..

tks for opening ur hse tdy. nice mtg evy1 agn. we had a great tx. mus tell mark tat my hb is 'motivated' to cook the curry. i mus go n hunt for d curry paste.
tks 4 d cranberries

a's dad,
finally we met. pls tell ur wife it has been nice chatting w her
alicia really chubby woh :p

gd to c u n vane agn n c sherwin
it has been quite a long while since we last met hoh..

now we undstd ur no. 2 stress :p
val, I think I also similar situation. Think vane and I were so close together and she still need time to accept that I can be close to didi too.

gacc, ya, great to see everyone again.
Cherish looks chubbier in pic hor? Cant believe that she's celebrating her 1st bday next mth.

brenda, so kind of you to open your house. So your boys really help to pack the house? Pai seh that it's so messy...

a's dad, Alicia won the champion liao.
Hope to see Adrian next time.

Pigletz, I told your hb that I'll be very stress if Sher behaving like Gavin next time. And I can see the potential leh. How??? I got to seek your advice then.
HI mummies and dad,
glad that u all enjoyed urself... my mood took the plunge when she told me her baby son was hospitalise for pneumonia. Haiz~ for the past few weeks she been messaging me various symptoms of the child having high fever lah.. having this and that.. no matter how i tried to convince her to bring the baby to kkh she refused, only brought him to my pd.

So mummies...PLEASE send the child to see doc if they r not well nowadays cos really got strong virus around.

So paiseh i promised craft time and din bring it out.. we really did buy those foam eggs..hahahha, now can just let my 2 Js throw 'eggs' at each other. and din make my fried cheese too.. especially went to look for it cos the favour not too strong n eat w strawberry jam... tho nice way to intro cheese to kids.

Haiz~ so sorry.. i let my mood affect the kids' party
not to wori, ur frd's son shd recover well w proper mgt of d sickness in d hopsital.

brenda, a's dad, giggler, pigletz,
haiz.. ash LS agn on sun monring till now. kind of upset loh. i nvr hv problem w him wen it cum to meals/food but cos of his weak stomach n food allergies, we hv to restrict his diet. is quite difficult to 'explain' to him at tis age n imagine he goes to a party, if we are strict, almost Evytg he cant eat. if we give in a bit, he/his stomach suffers...
anyway, we had a gd tx, hope we can mt up agn soon..
dun noe why, cher alwy appear chubby on fotos. i took d fotos (as per normal) leh, not tat i use special angles or special lens, keke... she is really petite. coming 1 yr old n she is only abt 8kg+. she eats ok/quite well n is still on tbf. tink becos my diet mostly simple n non fattening??
Hi all

sorry I missed the party...my hb actually was not working after all on sat, but i developed such a bad migraine, I was not in the right state to go anywhere....will try to catch up next time yeah??
Good morning!! i decide to take a break and not do cleaning today..hahahha

think the curry paste is available in Giant. Mark's happy to cook curry too... now he is thinking of who to invite to cook the dry version..hahahha

i really hope so... apparently his whole body was stiffen up and lost control of the neck already. This is the 2nd tx he is in such bad shape. We named him Jayven hoping he will bring joy into the family but he really had been going thru tough times.

poor ashrel.. and he enjoys food so much. But one thing i felt u should really control him is soft drinks leh.. ur hb is right, should let him just stick to plain water. If not, boil those barley, water chestnut etc more natural liquid to bring out.

aiyoh... rest well.

no need paiseh... the boys mess it up everyday. Jay helped to keep the bricks and Jem the cars. I kept the trains and Mark the kitchen...hahahahha

A's dad,
Ay.. can i date ur wife to go marketing with me and show me where's the stall that sells curry powder? hahahhaha

Mark asking where to buy the fishballs too..
You heng Randall only turn rebellious now...

You went to the babycare fair at Expo isit? I think I saw your hb pushing the pram.
yes we did, on fri.

we dun give him soft drk, all d tx is plain water.
ai yo, poor boy.. hope he fights d virus well n get well very soon
yah... ur hb asked me to get him plain water cos i wanted to give him ribena after he ate so much. but i think i saw him took some of the packet drink later. That's y i went "oh no" when he starts to cough at the end of the day... looks like he is very very sensitive to react so fast leh.
brenda, what happened to your fren's bb? Hope he get well ASAP. You're luckily that your boys help you to 'clean' up the place.

gacc, oh, how's ash now? still LS?
huh? thot i told u all my fren's bb was hospitalised n want to go kkh after the party? hahahah

ay.... it took a lot of patience to train them to be like that k...hahahah, i do have my fair share of frustrations as a mum as well. U can try the method too.. taught to me by other mummies. We put each kind of toys in different boxes e.g train one box, cars one box etc. Then lay out the boxes during 'keep the toys' time. They r supposed to pick up toys to throw into correct boxes. For Jay, we will push all the bricks n make him sit down at a corner w the box.. then he put in one by one. YES! it is very much slower and needs a lot a lot of nagging in the beginning. Can make you angry till wanna throw toys at them. But long run, u'll see the 'fruits' and feel that it is worth.
Thanks for your hospitality. I would have eat more if not for my tummy problem lately
. We enjoyed ourselves, and pai sei, left with the mess behind. Hope your friend's bb recovers asap. It's not easy when bb/tods fall sick and hospitalised. Had been through before, and can understand the anxiety and sleepness nights, but everything will be fine. I promise to bring Adrian along the next time we meet again.

For the curry powder, go to Jurong West St 51 wet market. For the fishball, go to West Coast Wet Market (the one next to West Coast terrance houses). Next time you go marketing, you SMS me lor
, I can send my wife down...hahaha...I dun know the store's name but if I am there, I will know which store to go to. After we left, my wife shared with me about your conversation, and she asked me how come I do not know all these while she knows better after just 1 meeting
. Had a nice chat with Mark too, and realised Mark's office is just around the road from my office.

It's our pleasure to meet you, and your family too
. Hope Ash has a speedy recovery. It's tough to restrict the food when all the kids are globbing down food, but I can see that Ash is an understanding boy. It's nice talking with your hb too. One of my ex-colleague used to be his ex-colleague..what a small world. Cher has nice eyes

Yeah, from your pic, can see that Alicia is the champion
. Nice to see Vane again. My wife and me keep talking about Sher, and how nice if Adrian's size can be like Sher..hahaha...

Nice to meet you, and your family too
Hi mummies and 1 dad,
Has been a long time since i logged in, how's everyone?

I can totally understand all the screaming of kids and maid. Yes, my neighbours must be wondering what kind of a employer and mummy i am. I am either screaming at the kids or the maid.

Think my #2 is worse than jie-jie. Fights starts the moment they open their eyes until they shut their eyes. They fight over EVERY single things. And #2 do not get bullied just bcos she is younger and smaller. She can scream and cry at an instant, with tears and all (and of cos can stop immediately once she gets her way). And when all else fails, #2 will pull jie-jie's hair or her clothes, violent hor???
Somehow, after ashley goes to childcare, she's not as fussy with food and more well controlled with her tantrums. But she becomes very 'cry baby". Scold or reprimand her a bit. She will cry. But i duno why, but somehow i realise ashley tells alot more lies and will always take her classmates' things and proclaim her own. Both hb have tried to explain to her but it doesn't seems to work. I am wondering is it bcos i am depriving her too much material stuff that she envy and take these things as her own. Things she always bring home are like hair clips, stickers or pens.
On the hand, Chloe, the 21 mth old, u can scold and slap on her palms. She will like nothing happen and MAY stop what she is not suppose to do.
Enrichment classes,
ok, this may sound mad. But daddy thinks he should let the kids be exposed to as much activities as possible. So on saturday afternoons, ashley goes to gym at Prime Gym. Sunday morning, ballet at Dance Pointe, afternoon, music appreciation at Yamaha.
And to think Chloe wants exactly the same thing that jie-jie has, think my bank account is going to plung to negativity.
After a good few months of all these "CCAs", hb and i kept asking if ashley has a preference for one of the activity, but she insists she likes them all and look forward to all of them every week. Though as parents, we feel super shack out.
Hi mummies and 1 daddy,
Aiyah, so sad I missed the gathering. Wish I could have been there. hehehe, but Saturdays are difficult, unless it's a 5th Saturday of the month, when I'm not teaching
. How come your dear little ones didn't need to nap ah?

Hi B2,
So Ashley's joined Prime Gym. How do you find the instruction? I've been thinking about moving Sarah to another gym because of reports that most of the best teachers from Prime have left. The 'mini-Girls' class, which is for 5-6 yrs old girls, more advanced, is now instructed by some teachers who are not very experienced. And it is more exp than some of the other gyms. All the negative reports have led me to consider changing gym after the next term is over. We might just do a trial class or two at some other gyms before deciding for sure.
Yes, a number of the better teachers have left. And indeed the 5-6yr squad now taught by this young lady whom doesn't impress me a bit. Ashley's class is now led by Yin mei who isn't so bad. Guess i need to watch and monitor. Do let me know if u come across of any good gyms. So far, Prime Gym is pretty convenient for our SK/punggol area. The others seem quite out of place. Then again, i do not know enough of other gyms to send ashley to.
Brenda, how's your fren's bb? Maybe I was late so didn’t get that piece of info from you. I'm doing it now, having diff boxes for diff types of toys, eg, cooking, dolls, etc.

A's dad, shd bring Adrian along for next gathering. I just realised that we only had 2 gals among the kids that day hor? Sher's size... Luckily he still chubby though he falls sick often. You go to West Coast wet mkt too? My hb & I like to go there for bfast, we like the fishball noodles.

B2, Vane is also like a crying bb now leh. Every single she'll cry and whine. Your #2 also more 'hiong'? Is this their surviving skill? Do you or hb has music bkgrd? You very hardworking to send ashley to so many classes leh. Me didnt enrol my kids to any classes, just too lazy to do that. Hahaha... I just wait till Jul to see if Vane is lucky enuf to get into Yamaha or not now.

PVL, how are you? Long time no 'chat'. How's sarah and ben?
I music handicapped. cannot play any musical instrument. More of a hands-on person. Cook, bake, crafts, draw kind of person. Hubby is the musically inclined one but cannot draw for nuts.

Yah, that's what alot of people commented abt Chloe. I dunno if that is some kind of survival skills. In fact i am worried whether is it bcos i change too many maids. She became adapting so well, she can even do induction for new maids, showing them where's her toys, where she sleeps etc. Anyway, i am doing away with the maid thingy for good. Sending both to childcare.. really cannot cope with the stress the maids give me.
b2, giggler,
can u imagine ash cries more than cher. yes over evy small n little thgs, faintz.. till i told hb, can u 'make ash a more rugged n tougher boy'? cher seems quite a happy n sociable bb. while my ash has alwy been n is still d emotional type.

a's dad,
nice mtg u n ur family too. yes next tx brg adrian lah. oh, was telling hb u ar d 1 who delivered ur own bb n his eyes big big. next tx u c him share w him lah. my hb 'impressed' woh :p cos he dun like d sight of blood, needles etc..

hi hi, how's work. keke.. i 'coach' ash in a bit of gymastics :p
A's dad,
dun need to paiseh... all parties sure have mess

And yes.. MArk also say next time,"No adrian, no entry." hhahahahah

cool.. i try to go and find the curry powder.. if cannot find then trouble u k. wanna try marinating chicken wing w curry powder for bbq next month..hahahha

Tell her cos in forum u gotta juggle 20 women leh, how to know so much..hahahahah. But u do have a sweet and soft spoken wifey there.

hahah.. ur weekend do sound very tiring.. make me very guilty too cos till now we still play and play. Even for courses, we are only considering whether to let jem take up swimming or blading.

Jem doesn't nap in the afternoon for quite some time already.

still waiting for one more report from the doc today.. if its clear then its not severe. But he's getting better tho not eating well yet.

hahahah, maybe its the same fishball supplier. Did u try that day? MArk says looks so small n insignificant but very nice..hahahha. Is it the market with a windmill that you guys r talking abt?

The boxes of toys hor... really needs a lot of patience to teach leh. In the beginning, i got to keep calling ,"Jerome.. keep your cars" 20tx for a session. Got to keep reminding him what he is doing at this moment cos he gets distracted.. And most importantly.. do it with him. Subsequently.. it just gets easier and easier.
ay... then who bring the kids for jabs? cos i'm afriad of jabs.. its always Mark who carry them in for it..

your ashrel really like jem lor. He only managed 'rugged play" when he reach 3 and jay is there to accompany. But we expose both of them at the same age.. when they r a few months old. Now he's more open in nature. But i was forewarn of his sensitive nature from early stage lah so i was taught how to cope like teaching them,"It's okay, try again.".."nevermind, papa fix!" etc. Cos they r pessimistic by nature.. like u say, cry over every small things. Now, something goes wrong u'll hear him mumble or say out loud "It's okay!"
I still remember how i used to help out in a childcare for fun when i was young and the principal complaint to me...

"Parents always want to look for nice and safe environment in the centre with teachers that are loving and patient. Who would want to put their child at a place that screams and threaten whole day? If their kid falls, they complain teachers not attentive. If the kid slow in learning, they complain teacher have too many students in the class n can't give proper lesson individually. If the kid is uncontrollable and naughty, its the teacher who is not loving enough to influence and discipline morally.

But at the end of the day.. the child goes back home where the parents keep screaming, threaten saying no to everything. Grumble when picking up the toys. Grandma that buys barbie dolls shoes with totally no grip on the sole. Say "i will buy u toys later" and starts driving home. Ask leapfrog and vrtec to teach the kid.

We dun need patience of a saint but at least try to have the standard of a childcare teacher lah. But must first convince ourselves that we should try for the sake of our kids
How are you?
Wow, amazed by the numbers of enrichment class. For Alicia, we thought daily class in zoophonics will be suffice. Like Giggler, hope to get her into Yamaha in July for music. We are still thinking about where to send Adrian for some programs. Any ideas of gym related activities in the west?

Must bring Adrian next time, otherwise cannot enter the house
, and also, everyone has to take turn to go after him. Yeah lor, boys more than girls..hahaha...

My mom and dad go to west coast market every morning to pick up groceries for their store, so I asked my mom to buy the fishball for me.

OK, will tell your hb my "birth" story next time we meet

If I do not bring Adrian, can a bottle of Volka Pepper allows me to enter ? hahahaha.....
Try to look out for the section where they sell dry stuff in the wet market. She should be able to see curry powders. Asked the auntie to mix it for you. U are quite right hor, about jungling 20 women in the forum..hahaha. I told her that's because we only talked about our kids in the forum

For Alicia case, I can tell she needs a nap, but she just do not want to fall asleep with other things she wants to do in the house. If she is in the car, she will "knock-off".
Elliot is so chubby and cute.

B2, Gacc,
Janelle cries alot too but it was quite bad when she was 3 but she turned pretty sensible now. Dun know is it another stage when the kid hits 4.

How is the ballot? Janelle likes her ballot and then she told me she wanna learn piano. WAH i dun think i have the $$ and time to let her do all these. Infact, I didnt sign up anything for Julian. Feeling so unfair to him.

Yamaha no more place for Van?
B2, at least your hb is musically inclined. My fren told me that it'll be difficult for Vane to learn music cos both hb and myself are music-handicapped. Is it true?

Crying kids
Hong, you sure that Jan passed that crying phase?

Seems that most our kids are like that hor? I really miss my happy, cheerful Vane leh. Nowadays, I'll keep telling her to talk properly instead of whining if she wants her way.

Brenda, I dun know where's the windmill leh. Vane loved the fishballs that day and the sausages too. Where did you get the sausages from? Thanks for your posting on cc teachers.

Mom2Nat, when can we meet??? I want to pinch Elliot.... So chubby and kawaiiiiii

Hong, still not sure if Yamaha has place for Vane or not? Janelle likes ballet? Vane didn’t like it when I brought her for trial last yr.

Ava, how are you? coughing badly?

Yah i signed her up at Kaki Bukit CC. Very near my mum place. I brot her to a few ballot trial and the best she like is the one at the OLD HDB but it is too far for us.

Happen that hubby's gd frd's wife is a ballet teacher and I asked her. SHe says she is teaching at the CC, so i brot her to trial and sign her up on the spot. Still consider as baby ballet and only $65 for 11 lessons. Is the cheapest ballet lessons i can find under CC. hahaha.. cheapo mummy.

She doesnt want to join in for the 1st 2 lessons. Tell U I wun accoy her in any of the classes. I told her she was old enough to attend on her own. So 2nd lesson i dumped her and run away. She cried a while but joined the grp later. So 3rd lessons, she will join the class automatically. Now she look forward to the class cos can dress like a little dancer.

Crying phase
Same here. She tends to whine alot and I get feedup with her. Next thing u know I am screaming. Bad right! I cant help it, till now i still cannot control myself.

I have to drag Janelle out of bed when she attending Pre-Nursery. She will cry and fuss, I have to threaten her that i have to leave home without her. She got mood swing, and the poor teacher will have to use all the means to please her so she will co-operate. Cham hor.

Surprisingly, this yr she is ok. I just need to shake shake her and she will wake up smiling and giggling. Of course, she is still as dilly dally but not as bad now.

She is more sensible and can be quite caring that really touches my heart. I rbr I was sick for a period of time and I have to take pills constantly. There was one nite she suddenly jump out of her bed and came running to me and asked if I have taken my medicine then the other nite as well.

DUn know is it that we keep reminding them to do their things. She end up like a nagging old lady or she just cannot stop talking. She can asked questions, answer her own questions all nite n we have to beg her to stop.

I dun mean she doesnt cry, she still cried if I am very fierce to her or I dun allow her to do something she wanted very much.

I shld say, she is much more managable now. hahaha..

I believe she has mature and I believe all the kids will pass the crying phase.
