(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Isit, how come the kids like tat? I end up v pek chek leh. Dunno how to make her eat.

I live in Pasir ris. Got test to take ah??

Sigh, I think parenting brings out the worse side in us. I end up yelling, scolding, threatening... blah blah.. everyday. My neighbours and I ask each other if can hear each other shouting at our kids! can you imagine!
Did you reprimand Vane for biting didi? Soemtimes I scold Nat, I oso scared she feel we always scolding her and not didi.

So adorable ...!

wah this thread suddenly sprang to life again!

Don't think I can make it on 22nd...as i said i dun wanna drive too much as i dont enjoy it
plus will be tired after swimming and gynae visit. Feel very lao now, tired v easily.

Adan is the same. always want, then dun want; dun want then want...and needs scolding too! dun worry we and our neighbours also ask each other if can hear us scolding kids...but hor, our neighbours son is 14 yrs old!!!!
hi mummies n a's dad,
tks for d compliment

she looks a bit different fr ash. she has rounder eyes. their character oso different. some mummies like brenda met her b4, u can ask her

giggler, mom2nat,
i oso pek chey n upset over ash's behaviour many tx esp since meimei came along. i tink at tis btw 3-4 yrs of age, they still cant manage their emotions well. yet they are not bb anymore n noe their 'rights'.
giggler n A'sdad,
if vane and Alicia attend the yamaha course, dont think will be in the same class as jo-van hor? since they born in may (n jo-van in july) rite? yahama follow strictly to the age leh...

didnt know JW st 91 got christofi. newly opened? may trf jo-van to there..since nearer for me...

Giggler, u ask for readers....is it cos u read the other thread whereby Tamarind and other mummies comment abt the ladybird's readers?....me was wondering abt this too and is contemplating whether to buy the ladybird series...:>

I think parenting AND having a maid brings out the worse side in me. I end up yelling, scolding, threatening... i scare at the rate i am, i will age faster n look older than my hubby...haha
Mom2Nat, I dun dare to ask my n'bours if they can hear me cos I know they def can hear me lor. Hahaha... We not just ended up scolding, yelling and threatening, hb even BEAT her liao. Sigh... but this time round, we didnt beat her for biting didi, only scolded and warned her. Cos she really know her mistake and cried and apologised to us before we did anything. Give yourself stime lah... Vane only improve recently leh.

Ava, hahaha... that why I always like to come to this thread. Most of us understand one another cos we went thru the same thing hor? Vane also like that... want this, dun want this, want this person, dun want this person. So pek chek that I nearly slapped her a few times but managed to control myself in the end.

gacc, of cos they know their rights lor, they even know how to correct us if we do wrong things. Stimes dun know if we shd lauf or cry hor? Let me guess, Cher easier to handle than Ash?

stressma, what class will jovan be by jul? No, I didnt read the other thread, what's about? I asked cos my cousin just bot Sunshine readers. But after I asked ard, some rec Ladybird's and Rigby's so I'm lost now. Hahaha
Emily, you were at HK too??? We were there during the school holiday week, when the flu thingy was most rampant. But din seem to see much sick children around most times. I was telling hubby, those coughing seems to be from sgp! Hahahaha!

As' Daddy and Gacc, should be fine to go in summer, but warning, will be very hot. Think the weather there last week was quite good, but a bit too sunny for me. Brenda, GO GO GO!!! Very fun! Don't expect the rides to be thrilling for adults, maybe only space mountain. But the wait for the queue was not as bad as in the US. It moves quite fast. I remember having to queue for like at least 30 mins for all the rides in Disneyworld, but in HK, don't even need to get fastpass. The rest of the rides are all very kiddy friendly. Think catered to our kid's age. So when u see them having so much fun, u will have fun too! Agree with Emily, I went 6D5N too, but seriously not enough. I hardly got to do any shopping... Big disappointment, but nevermind, can shop anywhere, can shop online. Heee.... Ok, will try to post some pictures to lure you to go ok?
We have the same headache now too. Adrian is starting to refuse bottle because he just learnt to use the straw, so I think he wants to experiment it more than using the teats. Have you check the flow rate of the teats? Sometimes, FM for <6months is more viscous so the flow rate is really slow, or even get stuck on the outlet.

Sanrio, Mom2nat,
Alicia is opposite leh. We have to tell her not to eat too much.

Yes, Yamaha is very strict on the age, so if Jo-van is not at the min age at the time of the registration starts, they will not accept. Cristofori is above the Prime Mart in JW St91. You have to take the staircase next to the AXS machine to the school.

I bought couple of books from Ladybird, and Penguin. I did not buy the series, just selectively on those stories I think Alicia will be interested in. Alicia is also into "dun want you pattern". When she gets angry, she will say "I dun want you anymore". Frown, and get to her "personal" corner, sit down, and look sad. This usually last for less than 5mins, and she will be coming our crying, hugging and saying "I'm sorry".

How I wish I can go for holiday for 6Days
. Our plan is to bring Alicia there without our maid and Adrian, so we can only afford 4 days, max.
hazey! ahaha... when did u go? I went on 5th &amp; returned on 10th. So 6D5N.
Think we'll be going back within 2 yrs again. So that I can eat &amp; shop till I drop. ahaha.. by then kids will be bigger, so hopefully, won't take that long for travelling.
yup so far cher is easier to handle than ash.

we plan to go 3rd wk may, just b4 d school hoilday. hope is not too hot..
pigletz, my #2 is a terror too. I think it is because they have this drive in them to compete &amp; be better &amp; not to lose out. In addition, I take it that he is also going to start his terrible twos soon. Relax, things will be better.
pigletz, hahaha... I agree with Ava leh, never heard that you so stress leh. Most of the time, it's me who complaining abt Vane to you leh. What happened?

gacc, I think gal in general is easier to handle compared to boy leh. I didnt have much prob with Vane until recently too.

Hazey, saw your pic on FB liao. Really tempting leh...
this is the 2nd time you've been there rite?
Yuru, how much is the rigby readers? Actually I also not sure if I shd invest in the readers lah. My house so small, cant really display the readers for Vane to take easily leh. Sigh
rigby readers are not that cheap.. Ryan uses it in school about $30 for 5 books or so.. they are very colourful and come with hints and related worksheets..but if you just want books for her to read can get cheaper Ladybird series or bulk buy from those book fairs.

which book fairs u referring to?
is ladybird series "outdated"? their pictures look quite old leh...

giggler, there is this sunshine reader also...
i bought the joyreaders series (more local flavour)...but to be honest, i find the stories not very interesting loh...

btw, i register jo-van to JCC next year....but afternoon session. morning all full liao...
JCC using what readers? so far any excusrsions?
ruffy, thanks for your advice.

stressma, can ask Mrs Lin to put Jovan in the waiting list for morning session leh. That time, Vane very heng, we got to choose which session we want. JCK using the same reader as SFA, I think it's parachutes? So far no excursion leh. SFA got more excursions.
Why the change?
Ava, Emily &amp; Giggler,
Aiyo...my #2 hor...can be such a terror lor.

He will insist to have his way done, hit/beat pple if he can't get his way done. Snatch/bully/bite/hit/scream/shout...anything u name it, he do it lor.

Wonder what will happen to all his classmate if he starts school. *sigh*
The popular book fairs do have some great bargains.

Ladybird.. I am referring to the phonics series..not that 1A/3C books that we used when we were kids
hi mummies n a's dad,
ash's drawing of a shark:

i c my frd's daughter (abt same age as ash) colouring quite nice n i remb brenda's jem like craft too. ash's colouring is 1 colour, favourite is black or red n d pic wld turn out to b black ink or red sea, keke..
ash prefers drawing than colouring.
Sigh, dun talk abt #2 terrors. It is starting all over again, same with Nat.. carry sleep, put down cry, carry pat, sleep, put down cry.. #2 hardly napped today!! And he yell so much his voice turn hoarse! For Nat, I tried so many ways to make her sleep, sleep longer... blah blah... now #2 gimme same prob! Wah piang... like tat how...
Brenda, been down with flu past few days but still busy with work bec someone leaving and i have take over his work
Today on MC. Not sure if i will be well enough to go gathering on sat. Timing also abit challenging as our sat routine is out from morning and will be back only about 2pm after which the girls will take their nap.

A' daddy, is the leapfrog thing really that good? What kind of shops do you get from US?Which part of US you went?

Emily, did you bring along your stroller to HK? How you manage the 2 kids on the flight?
Hi all,
Can help me make a decision??? Should i go and rebond my hair or cut it real short? hahahhaha This stupid mess on my head has been bothering me for a long time already and i really need to go do something abt it.

oh my.. nat does sound very sad... do u go out with her only? Sometimes i bring jem out with me only so that he can feel special

Thot the school would have ask u to get a set of reader liao?

ay, dun get first... i hv a few sets so u pop by on saturday to see k

yah... i also dun feel good for you to travel so far... hahahah, we try to arrange something more central soon. weather's turning better now

I LOL at ur neighbour heaing ur singing too

nice shark!! jem draw his papa only nowadays and occasionally didi as he claims.. but never me :'(

oh my... do rest well. Had falling ill now that we r mummy to 2 hor
Bringing 2 to HK quite okay. I didn't bring stroller..just carrier for Roy when we went in DEC 07... many places are not very pram friendly.

Go to rebond lor..if you have the time.. no time then cut (faster).
My #2 is our headache. He is more chosy than #1, and has to have a lot of patience to feed him, until he finish food. Alicia, on the other hand, can consider a blessing since she is more independent.

Same here, #2 is more of a terror than #1

Giggler, Stressma,
What did JCK do with the readers? The teacher read to them? Or they do silent reading?

Great drawing. It takes a while for me to see the Shark hiding behind those plants
Alicia loves "rainbow" colors. Everything she colors, it must be very very colorful.

I think our #1 at this age, napping becomes irregular. I remembered reading about an article recently about napping too much which is not so good for toddlers. I cannot remember whether there is any scientific evidences to prove, but if Alicia do not nap, she can be very cranky, and that sometimes, gets into our nerves.

I bought the leapfrog stuff directly from Leapfrog website. 9/10X when I am in the US, I will be in California state. Whether it is good or not, really depends on whether if it is used frequently. As mentioned in my earlier post, Alicia prefers to read (or rather, I read) from the story books than have the leappad read to her...hahaha...So far, the only leapfrog stuff I can say it's useful are those DVDs
Take care!

Go rebond lar
. Your petite frame looks good with straight hair...hahaha...How's this suggestion coming from a guy???
A's Daddy
No, I meant Nat din nap well when young, now Elliot take over. Nat doesn't always nap now, I am ok with it, but she get fussy by evening lor. Sigh...

I try to bring Nat out. But v fast gotta come back, cos #2 not taking bottle well. So those taking care of him at home prob praying he dun cry or yell, hoping I come back soon.
I rebonded and cut my hair. Cos at home, long hair I tie up, end up have a rubberband mark. Then let down so hot. If perm, though nice, but damn hot! So best is cut short, and never look back! hahaha...

heehee...i decided to change to JCC cos i think they look more academic (and also they have computing classes incorporated in the curriculum). Also got speech n drama and this john lankar thining...rite? SFA, with the change to 3 sessions, do not have enrichment classes loh...thou they have much more excursions. so far, jo-van has been to sentosa (to see the flowers during CNY), library visit, and next week going to 2 others again (cant rem where). I tot K1 and K2 cannot just "play play" lah....btw, maybe is too early to ask u...but where u intend to put sher when he turn 3? my gal is ready for N1 next yr...but me havnt register yet. may go back to SFA....or thinking of gracefield childcare in tamah jurong where my cousin put her sons...

A's dad, i think the teacher read to them. dun think the children can silent reading leh...but at least when jo-van is back home, he can "read" some of the readers to me (from looking at the pictures, i guess....)
pigletz, hahaa... your #2 sounds like mine. :p I don't think too much... just take it as a stage of life and it will pass (soon, hopefully).

QSG, I did not bring the stroller to HK. Hubby &amp; I merely took turns carrying the kids. He had a backpack plus pouch (for impt docs/handphone etc) and will put the kid on his shoulder. I, on the other hand, relied on the sling. If Ethan or Elijah wants to walk, it is better for us, but will take more time moving around. Our packpack is the kind which can also be pulled (trolley), so sometimes, I will sling kid &amp; pull the backpack, while hubby just concentrate on the kid on his shoulders. For shoppings, either I carry - easy coz i had sling - or we will stuff into the backpack &amp; I will walk behind hubby so as to keep an eye on the backpack too. He will take care of his pouch in front. There isn't a lot of walking around in this manner unless in HK, coz in disney, we rented a stroller for Ethan &amp; the bags while I sling Elijah or ran after him if he walked.
On the flight, Ethan had his own seat. Elijah's seat belt was tagged to mine. So, when we were ascending / descending, I nursed Elijah and gave Ethan sweets. Sometimes, Elijah will get the sweets too instead of nursing. I buy an activity book to entertain Ethan on board. Elijah will have to make do with moving around on the plane or playing with the individual TV sets - which has cartoon &amp; choldren programs. For both kids, the airlines gave them activity sets. Flight to HK is only abt 3.5hrs... so quite manageable with lots of eating, napping, watching TV, listening music &amp; activity book time. I would highly recommend u inform the airlines &amp; request for bassinnet seats. This would give u more leg space for the kids to move about, &amp; you don't have to worry abt the kids pulling someone else's hair or kicking the seat in front. It definitely did wonders for our flight &amp; made it more sane. Ethan had a window seat on the way back (basinneet seat as well) which he was happy to look out to see the plane go up &amp; down, the wings move, the clouds etc etc.
They loved their trip so much... that Ethan has been asking when we will be going again and Elijah has always been asking where is Goofy.. :p
Ooops..that's the problem with "speed" reading the postings

Yeah, Alicia also read with her memories and the pictures..hahahaa..
Pigletz, I think it's the common traits in #2 leh. That's how they catch our attention rite?

Sanrio, I didn’t see the shark until A's dad mentioned it, I really not artistic.

QSG, my family and myself also having flu.

Yuru, did you get the readers from edventure?

Brenda, have you rebond your hair before? If never, dun rebond cos once you start, you have to do it regularly, like myself. Vane's sch got Parachute readers. But Parachute readers very simple leh, only have one word per page. Ok ok, I go and see what readers you have. Jem's sch use which reader?

A's dad, the teacher will read to them individually using the readers. Vane the opp leh, she only use one colour which is purple most of the time. I may need to get the LF DVDs again leh.

Mom2Nat, though I cut short my hair, I still need to rebond leh.
(( Sounds like your life very pai mia, both kids so difficult to handle.

Stressma, I heard from my sil that SFA gg to charge $750 per term for N1 from next yr leh. Not sure if it's true. For Sher, hopefully there's N1 class in JCK by his age? You sending your gal to the cc or just attend the playgp there? Vane can read from the readers, esp the chinese one. But I suspect she memorise them and not by recognising the words. I agree that JCK more academic than SFA.
RE : #1 vs #2
Both of mine r monsters.

Jem's quiet but with lotsa mood issues. He is independent but with a mind on his own leads to lots of clashes in ideas at times too.

Jay's a joy with his often laughter and hugs. But with his bouncy nature comes with impatience to sit and eat.. running wild once freed.. dismantling things and arguments.

oh well.... that's y i always call them monster bao beis.

Cheer up mommies and dad... it's all a phase! One day we will be able to sit back and enjoy our zen designed home, sparkling and soothing as it's meant to be. Today, we just relax, brush away the latest mess of toys and wrestle with them since they like to fight so much.. No one says parenting is easy but many definitely finds it a joy to have kids around. So let's enjoy n not get stress up too much.

of course its another joy to sit round and gossip on how awfully terrible our kids r..heheheheh
A's dad,
10 out of 10 guys will say rebond nice.. and no-no to cropped hair for gals...wahahahah

oh my... that's my worry too. Cannot tie up for rebond hair... dunnoe whether i can tahan anot. Later waste money hor

Emily, Hazey...
can really see both of u enjoyed HKG a lot leh.. make me so gian.

i rebond once when it first started but it never last more than a week. Hairdresser says is my stubborn curls..hahahah. From then on, never. yah, i came to realise that once rebond hair most get stuck to that look for the rest of their life..wahahahah

Jem's school uses storyteller. Which i actually have a set passed down from my niece already. Think i also have story steps, little readers etc but incomplete cos all passed down. Anyway, i just sorted out 9 books which i have duplicate to pass to you. You can try it out and if vane like, can always take from me cos jem already went thru those books several time.

u switch jo-van to JCC or JCK? i'm getting confused..hahahha
brenda, thanks for your offer. We'll see what Vane's response on Sat.
That why I cut my hair to get rid of the same old look but recently I realised that I looked better with straight long hair leh. Hahaha... JCC=JCK, it's just opp Jem's sch. Jem is in JCCK now rite?
Emily, had wanted to plan for a trip to tokyo with 2 kids but hb afraid Evee will fuss and cry on flight and disturb everyone. She is the type that dun want her movements or actions to be restricted else would create a scene so end up trip going to postponed till she is after 2 yr old. Hopefully her behaviour will improve then can consider going end of this year. In my case, we probably can't do without stroller as i have slipped disc and can't carry any of them to walk and to rely on hb alot very siong for him
but bring stroller also mafan esp our target place is tokyo and not all train stations has escalators. Hb said will end up more tiring after a trip. In your case how do you and hb feel after coming from the trip?

Giggler, how do you know Vane can read from the readers? she got bring the readers back from school. I never seen the readers after i paid for them that time.
my guests on saturday,

can confirm no. of kids again so that i can prep some easter crafts for them to mess?

as for food... cocktail sausages for the kiddoes as usual? wahahhaha Adults most prob be getting kueh kueh from bengawan solo (i got ang gu kueh craving) and some other finger food. Okay with you all rite? I wun be able to serve caviar on table wafers leh
hahahhaha.. patiently grow back lor. Mark already give me that u'll definitely look better with long hair when i suggest to crop my hair altho he says out loud that he's fine with any hairdo i choose. Ur hb got make any noise anot?

orh... wahhahaha, i was trying to figure out which school u gals r talkng abt. I gonna change jem's school next year so very kaypoh on the various syllabus in various school..hahahah

jem's school practice giving back those they complete after a term. Mebbe she will be bringing back 1 or 2 this few days since term 1 just ended
QSG, Vane got the readers last yr from SFA which she attended last yr. Just nice JCK also use the same readers so I dun need to buy. Vane read to me the readers but I guess she memorise them one lah. Hahaha....

brenda, or you want to pot-luck like usual? everyone just bring sthing? Anyway the crowd not big rite? other than A's dad and myself, who will be there? Why change sch for Jem? Change him to JCK also lah. Then he can be classmate with Jovan, Dana and Vane. Hahaha.... Do you know that I saw my pr sch classmate and sec sch classmate at JCK on Vane's first day of sch and so qiao both their kids are in the same class as Vane???? Small world hor???
I rebonded my hair leh, long or short oso need to rebond. Even when I perm, I need to rebond the top, cos I have naturally curly hair!!

No leh, my hb thinks short hair better for me, say look younger. But maybe hor, with short hair, i no need to spend so much on treatment and drop less hair! hahaha...
I've been having rebonded hair for ages dats y last yr itchy backside went to perm my hair which lasted for only 1 day then i went back to salon to rebond back again. Rebonded hair can tie lah. Only 1st 3 days must endure. I find rebonded hair so easy to maintain. Jus wash, comb and go!

Alamak, u stay so far away...
brenda, hb didnt make noise lah. He just said that he dun understand why I wanted to cut my hair. Hahaha

Mom2Nat, same as me lor... also need to rebond hair, no matter long, short or perm. Sian hor? Hopefully Vane wont suffer the same fate as me. Heehee...

skyblue, you didnt have mark when you tie your hair? I got mark even when I clip my hair leh.
Hi Good morning...
Mr. Mark says he wanna eat curry chicken on saturday..hahahah. You gals can dun buy too much food liao cos he wanna go taka tomm to see what to buy *faintz*

Date : 22 Mar 08
Time : 2pm to 5 pm
Venue : My Humble Place

Food : Curry Chicken, Chicken cocktail, beverages

Guests :
1) Giggler + 2 kids so few ppl ur hb still shy?

Food :

2) A's dad + dw + 2 kids

Food :

3) Sanrio + dh + 2 kids

Food :

4) Angela + 1 kid (neighbour)
5) Hazey + Andrew + 1 kid (unconfirmed)

Food :

6) Jo + dh + 1 kid (unconfirmed)

Food :

7) Pigletz + Gabriel + 2 kids (unconfirmed)

Food :

Those unconfirmed one can try to confirm so can know how much food to prep?
QSG, you will of course feel tired after the trip. Imagine having to spend all energy all day looking after the kids for a couple of days when you normally only need to spend the evenings with them. We feel tired but happy...
Think maybe you can start by taking short trips with them 1st to get them used to travelling &amp; yourself accustomed to having to deal with them for long periods of time before going on a longer trip that requires hours on the flight. It will get easier on them and yourself as they grow bigger. In the meantime, why not try resorts like bintan that allows you to just sit at the beach &amp; watch them play with the sand &amp; the water... &amp; you don't have to carry them or worry about them go missing in the malls or worry about your arms breaking?

Brendali, I also wish to attend the gathering... but think cannot as my hubby will be working night shift that day so need to stay home to sleep. Besides, dunno why I keep feeling dizzy once in a while these two days. Too long on the computer? Have to see... if still like that by next week, I will need to go &amp; see a doc. Maybe low bld pressure. Hmmmm....
RE : Rebond hair
hey! that's what the hairdresser told me as well... after 3 days can tie. Better to use the long long kind of clip tho that twist on top. They have a new kind call soft rebond.. looks natural thus i consider. But also worry that it wun last becos of my stubborn curls (my aunts say it's as stubborn as my nature..wahahahah)

looks like most will go for rebond hor.hmmm
haha.. skyblue, if u want to go, can chio me? Fetch me or we take cab together?? ahaha... since we both stay in Punggol. But that is only if my hubby decides to stay at home to play Wii &amp; have no outside plans. :p
I like JCCK leh... Jem now luvs it. Yesterday tell me he doesn't wan to come home, wan to stay in school to play with friends...hahahha. But next year i cannot still stay at home liao, so gotta switch both of them to CC. Thus wanna understand more of what's available in the various school. But sad to say... so far still haven't find an ideal CC in Jurong

Aiyoh.. u haven't been taking red meat since ur trip issit?
