(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Just to share:

Shook given birth to a healthy and cute baby boy yesterday evening.

So sorry, I was sooo...busy before the meetings, so din inform you about my trip in US. I bought a leadpad for Alicia, and lulu the alphabet spider for Adrian. I will let you know when my next trip comes around, or when my colleague comes to Singapore. Which products are you looking at? Well, my colleague in Penang had a brain tumor, but she lost the battle after fighting it couragoeusly for a couple of months. Life is so...unpredictable.

Congrats to your new born
Shook, COngrats!!!
Looking fwd to see your boy's pic.

A's dad, does Alicia like the leappad? Thinking of buying leappad for Vane and magnetic fridge phonic for Sherwin. I agree that life is very unpredictable.
giggler, a's dad,
i bought the read n write leappad for ashrel too. he likes it.

a's dad,
when u next go US, can lobang u buy some leapfrog items (not heavy ones). tks
Hi all,
paiseh yah... was busy busy again.

I can open my house on the 22nd March for the kids to play and parents to gather. Anyone keen?
hi hi....

congrats to shook!

read that u r having twins! wat a wonderful news...
can i add u on FB? :p krabi looks beautiful... and i hope u enjoyed the trip. how's ms? i hv 3 more mths to go... hvnt started preparing anything yet... feeling so lazy this time round.
i got the fridge magnet as a bday present for my 1YO gal... i think quite good

you can join one of the overseas spree to get the leappad? i bght the leap and write one from the spree....

Ava, i saw the photos in krabi....very beautiful....are u having twin gals or boys?
stressma,hahaha... I told my hb to give that fridge magnetic to my boy as 1YO present too. How much did you pay for that leappad system from spree?
Added you to FB already
congrats on your pregnancy too! My MS is still quite bad. not much vomiting, but nausea very irritating!

Stressma, I'm just in my 12th week, so no gender indication...maybe I'll be lucky at my next visit to gynae

Depends what time u opening ur house...my hb is on shoot all day that day and I have a gynae appt in the a.m. plus adan's swimming class!!
into my 25th week already... edi is having a sister this time round.

hang on... soon soon... ms will be a thing of the past. my ms oso lasted for quite a while... it oni subsided when i was 15 weeks or so...
I certainly hope so....sigh...luckily i generally can eat in mornings and afternoons. But i tend to keep down only unhealthy stuff ... like cold cuts in subway sandwiches...at least there's fresh veg in that...
aye... i'm fine with any timing but like not too good for u to rush around on ur own rite?

looks like u can just pop over to my place to la kopi...wahahahha
brenda, if no response, then I just sms you and pop over lah. Hehehe...

Leappad system (read &write)
Saw it at Toysrus yday and it's selling ard $100 leh. Yuru, you got the same system? It's less than half price getting from spree. Is the spree still on?
I found that Alicia likes PC educational software more than the leappad. She only plays the leappad when she feels like it. As for stories, she prefers to have me read the story book to her than to listen to the sound from the leappad. I think the fridge magnet type is good. I bought it for Alicia when she was younger, but some China-made imitation. Sounds okie though

If you want trial, I can pass it to you and see if Vane is interested
Just SMS me.

Yeah, yeah, the same one. It's read and write version. No plan for my next trip to US yet, but if there is any opportunity, I will send a note to you.

I can come by to la-kopi with you and Giggler

What time? You still have Muar kopi? Just kidding, I have stopped coffee for >1month due to some problem with my tummy (doc's advice), but can la but wife drinks..hahahaha..

it's not waiting list. It's mailing list
I think when the class is ready to start, they will send mailers to the mailing list. It will be first come first serve basis, I think.
how about the adults har? i also wan to enjoy leh.. is it fun?

no prob. Will try to arrange another round of outdoor one when the weather gets better...hahahha, cos i wanna see shook's new arrival and a's dad prince

Vane also on holiday now right?? She drives u crazy anot? Jem's driving me siao leh.. mummy, i wan to go out and play... mummy, didi so notti... mummy, when is school bus coming?
A's dad, good good... we can have gathering at brenda's place. It has been quite some time that we didnt meet liao.
Cant take kopi? it'll be tough for me if I cant take it. Hahaha... You not bad leh, still provide trial service huh? I think it's ok then cos vane doesnt really use the Little Touch too. I even have to sell away the books cos they are collecting dust.
A's dad,
wahahahah... u very poor thing. Go Muar must think of getting kopi for me.. go usa must think of leapfrog fans. k, i shan't ask u when u going penang liao.

still have one unopen one!!! but those really must la thru muslin bag kind..wahahah. i bought the bag already but not the containers to tarek leh.

Dun worry lah... i still have osmanthus tea leaves, rosebud, green tea. If u can't take caffeine at all then join the kids in Ribena lor
Hi mummies esp. shook,
forum just found another mummy who collects old stuff to resell with sob sob stories. Apparently this time round cash was involved.

So hor.. knowing all of us in the thread so kind hearted... just wanna remind u be more careful while helping k
U can see my prince on March 22 if we meet up.
I have Vietnam coffee powder, and the Viet traditional coffee brewer. U want to try ? We got so tire of waiting for the dripping, so din really drink it
Rebena is fine with me. I am planning to go HK disneyland in May, but wife scare of the "flu" bug now going on in HK.

Yeah lor, never meet up for quite a while. Your Yu Ren sheng card still with my wife. I can bring down the read/write pad to Brenda's hse so Vane/Jem can try.

Alicia's sch no holiday. Sch as usual

No prob
Giggler, A's dad

RE : Gathering at my place

Date : 22nd Mar (Confirmed)

Time : Please choose

1) Tea time (2-5pm)
La kopi sessions wih kopi of course...
Then we get some indecent finger food? wahahahah

2) Dinner session (5-7pm)
Can steamboat like hongkies or junk on pizzas...

Any other guests wanna travel from far far away to join us?

Where r u?
Hi all,
yes.. it is true.. if staying at disney hotel, for the entrance into disney, u pay one day get 2 days. I stayed at Disney Hollywood hotel (above discount also applies)... it's cheaper and more kids friendly then the other one. For breakfast though, I would suggest that you book the other hotel for their buffet breakfast or dinner instead of at Hollywood.. coz you get the characters walking around interacting with you as you have your meal. So, it's more fun, exciting & entertaining for the kids.
We stayed in Disney on Thur, Fri & checkout Sat. On Thur, disneyland was not so crowded. Friday was much more crowded, but still manageable. So if you are planning a trip there, try to stay on weekdays like mon-thurs.
It was fun for the adults too. However, the rides at disney were catered for toddler age. So not so scary & our coming 4 year olds should definitely clear almost all the rides (maybe with teh exception of a couple of them). Adults can ride with the kids on all rides, so it's VERY VERY SAFE!! :p
Oh course, at disney, things are expensive. So, for the adults, we had fun shopping at the night festival markets - like pasamalam - where we have to bargain for stuff, stanley markets - where we can get cheap branded clothes for the children, eating desserts, drink HK milk tea, eat dim sum, walking around the victoria peak (yes.. we covered the full top of the peak - nice stroll & fresh air!!). All in all, it was enjoyable! Seriously, did not do much shopping if any at all... so 6 days, 5 nights was not really enough for us. Coz with kids, you move that much slower. ahahaa...
Oh, we celebrated my sister's birthday at disney. If you intend to do so, you MUST inform the hotel 24hrs in advance. Apparently if you order only 24 hours in advance, you get only a small cake. You can also order to celebrate at the resturant in the hotel... & get mickey to deliver it to your table. ahahaa... I paid about S$32 for a mango moouse mickey shaped cake (see pic)... they also gave a balloon, plates, forks etc in disney characters, a card from mickey, & the most valuable is a 8R picture of all the disney characters together! So, all in all, the S$32 spent was worth it. The cake was delicious!
Yuru/Alicia's Daddy
Another group piano lesson you can consider is the C christophori(dun know if correct spelling) class for 3yrs old + . I am not sure if it is parrent accompanied or not but it is definately group music class..
ruffy, my fren's gal went to cristofori, heard that it's not bad but too far for me liao. It's at Funan.

emily, looks like your family really enjoyed HK trip. Initially I planned to go this mth but got lots of hiccups so cancelled. Luckily didnt book if not dun dare to go cos of the flu virus also.

Val, pls lah... you looked slim from the msn pic liao.
Hey!! You are on The Paper today! 2-page feature on tat snow place... But ah, why on the mandarin section... I dunno how to read lah!Only see photos! Was it fun?
cannot run liao... giggler certified you fit enough...hahahha. Come leh, I think we haven't meet your younger prince yet rite?

Come lah... we need more gals anyway...wahahahah
tks for sharing abt disneyhk
i cant c ur fotos, wld try agn.. told hb we shall brg ash there to celebrate his 4th b'day w mickey n wld b cher 1st overseas trip. is it hot end july? typhoon season??
YuRu, I stayed in Disney hollywood hotel.

Giggler, funny but the flu thingy didn't seem like such a big thing when we were in HK. Anyway, we will observe the kids & ourselves to see if any flu-like symptoms this week till Tuesday. Incubation period is a week, so, if by Tuesday nothing, then we should be fine. :p

Sanrio, how come cannot see the pics? You try again loh... The season for late May to mid Sept is Summer. So, temp will range between 26 & 33 - like Singapore will be humid. So think in a way, u won't need to bring sweaters etc. Don't have to bring strollers. Can rent in disneyland - rental costs HKD50 for 1 stroller a day - converted to be abt SGD9 only. Other parts of HK not very stroller friendly, so better to just put Ash on your hb's shoulders, Cher u sling, & then walk.
Think maybe shd bring umbrella for disney.. coz lots of walking in the sun for you then at that time. Bet Ash would love his b/day celebration in HK. How old will Cher be then? Coz I realised that if the kid is too young, they tend to be afraid of the disney characters coz they are lifesized. Ethan & Elijah enjoyed themsleves. Elijah is still asking for Goofy even though he was afraid of the characters in the begining. ahahaa... One other thing is HK is very big... so you really need to make sure u know your way around if you are going free and easy. Try staying near night markets & in the city etc where you don't have to travel much. I stayed at Nathan Road in Kowloon and disney hotel.
OMG, Val..
I remembered wrongly... haahhaha, yah Vernice

haiz~ that's for trying to work and run hsehold and babysit 2 monsters without helper... i simply go haywire for most time of the day.
I prefer 2-5pm to la kopi.

Haven't got a chance to look at your pics, but from the way you describe it, it sounds a lot of fun.

I checked out cristofori, and was told that parent involvement is needed too.

Cristofori has a branch in JW St 91 (above Prime Mart). My cousin is teaching part-time there (weekend), but I still prefer Yamaha

How is little Elliot?
there is a branch at tampines Mart- tampines St 33 (2nd floor)
I think that would be nearest to your place.

Alicia's Daddy,
oic.. didn't really check it out the last time I enquired about it..
A's dad, that Cristofori at St91 provides the Little Mozart class? I didn’t know that there's so many cristofori ard our area. I think I still stick to Yamaha cos it's nearer to me, I just need to cross the road. Hehehe... Cristofori doesn’t need you to be in the class but they'll have a briefing with parents after class ended.

Emily, saw the news yday and someone from HK said that it's nothing big news in HK. But my col told us that lots of pple sick in the ofc when she was there last week.

Brenda, not bad hor? We have more kakis to la kopi on 22 Mar liao. So we'll have it from 2-5pm.

Gacc, I want to see your Cher!!! Is she still chubby now?

Mom2Nat, how are you??? Can come all the way to the west for the gathering on 22 Mar?
less chubby as she is cruising ard (w support). she eats well but small amt unlike ash. she is actually quite petite in person, eyes big big n still no hair..
recent pic of her:
Yes, they do have little Mozart class. I guess you are right about the parents involvement

Giggler clarifies about the parents involvement. It's a briefing at the end of the class, instead of participating in the class.

Cher is soo......cute
A's daddy
Aiya, Elliot gimme headache, he doesn't wan to bottle feed. Try diff ways fidd bottles liao. Then he yell so loud and hard, swallow so much wind, even the PD ask me how come his stomach so much wind, isit cry a lot! Sigh...

Nat has GUG on Sat, 4.40 to 5.45 pm leh. HOw to go? Sigh

And Nat is now 17kg. Another headache, she keeps spitting out her food. She chew 1 mouth can take 10min. then the food all mushed up, she refuse to swallow. Then dun wan to eat, I scold her, she cry saying "I wan to eat I wan to eat"... Well, pple say have #2, #1 will be better, I dun see how.. And getting on my nerves, always wan our attention. But she oso v poor thing, cos everytime Elliot cries, pple attend to him, then she play alone. She told me last night, in a sad tone " no one play with me, mommy look after didi, auntie do housework, daddy go to work, ah ma go home(mil goes back on weekends)"... I oso pity her... Sigh...
YOu live in the east?

I went to see that Crisfo at Tamp mart, cos nat goes to berries next door. Well, v dim, and hardly anyone leh.
cher rejects bottle till tdy. can undstd, somtx i c ash like so poor thg oso..
somtx wen he eats rice, play w spoon, got lots of excuses. then if hb or me 'scold' him, he cry. he wld say 'i wan to eat i wan to eat' too. ai yo, same pattern.
Gacc,aiyo... Cher sooooo... Sweet. She looks different from Ash hor?

Mom2Nat,who gave you the mis-concept that #1 will be better after you have #2??? For my case, Vane's behaviour from bad to worse after I have Sherwin leh.
((( She just bit Sherwin's hand yday cos didi disturbed her while she playing with her keyboard. Sigh... Nat still adjusting with another member in the family lah. Vane is also like that, keep whining and behave like bb.
