(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Oh yes QSG,
REmember to book way in advance for dentist....very packed one esp if u want wkns slot.

Hey, that time your hb toothache? How was it settled then?? Need root canal? Toothache is really like tearing pain, super agonising!!

And hor.....problem with having 1 boy n 1 gal......AS they grow older, we cant really control their dressing liao. Can die, they start to show their likes n I really hate it cos very often it is those cartoon designs....UGLY! Superman, spiderman, justice leagues, power ranger SPD etc. SO elyse also influenced!!! I got to brainwash her very often to wear SPORTY ladylike clothes....hahahhha what choice do i have?

Some of my friends' kids protest wearing skirts n dresses......heachache hor?
Morning mummies,
Thanks for all the kind comments. The skinniness cannot be helped lah. No time for meals and wat ever i eat.. all the energy spend on chasing after the kids liao!!!
Ya.. chloe and ashley dun look alike at all. character oso very different. Ashley ai sui, picky abt food. chloe eat all kinds of stuff wif no xin xiang. "U got food, u are my best fren!"

i noe wat u mean by the clothes. can argue until die.. n ashley will insist to wear some new pink shirt just to sleep n some totally washed out T shirt when we need to go out!!! she knows mummmy dun give in to her nonsense. so she bullies her grandma ans aunties. Tell them this is wat she wear, this wat she eats when they come over to help. Ashley even know how to dig out my secret stash of toiletries and tell grandma that she uses this Body Shop body powder!!!!

Thanks for the clarification on fish. Anyone knows what is the hokkien/chinese name for this Song fish. Wah.. bought it in NTUC. So many bones n super fishy. So scared to buy the same fish again.
Anyone else knows the names of the other fresh water fishes. Those wif muddy taste. Wan to avoid at all cost.
AShley hor, i want to spank (fond spank) her! VEry funny n cute!!! Little da jie da ah, want to manipulate!!!!!!! hehehehheheh! YES YES , exactly, can die leh....u so fast got a 'taste' of such 'weird' taste of our kids?? Ashley cant wait to use your share of toiletries!!!!!!!! Mine also, want to have her nails painted N i gave in, did dotting for her!

Chloe, hahahahhaa, 'u got food, u r my best frenz'! Hopefully her childhood motto does not last her till teenage n adult, sure regret if nvr exercise!

Alamak, hope u din go feed your kids with song fish! Full of big big bones n hor, very soil smell or taste! Or muddy, yes! U go outram that temp hawher/mkt, many stores selling that song fishhead dish. Think song fish has the most muddy taste liao......yes, no?
Hi Koala and giggler and all other mummies,
some photos to share on Jo-Van bday on 7 july.
had a celebration in school on 6 july and went to fire station on 7 july.
first time uploading the photos...dunno how come ur can upload so many photos at one go?
my photos size very large, after re sizing, and lowering the quality, still come to abt 40KB leh....
Hi Stressma!
U are already a mum of 2? Ur boy is very stylo n cool looking leh! Very 'prosperous' looking in future!
Is that ur sis or mum carrying your gal? Ur gal so happy! U have hi forehead hor, very smart anot? hehehehhe....

THe cakes frm ecreative n swenson??
Eureka, the dental at mount A very ex man..even more ex than those for adult. Thought of bringing her to dentist next sat but dunno if its abit strange to do that on her BDay. Also based on what you said, might be kinda late to book already.

Last year hb went for root canal he was ok now..but hor..early this year i end up going for root canal too..think due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, i got bone loss from my tooth, overtime it weaken and cracked inside kept having toothache till cannot tahan tried to save it thru root canal who knows after stage one...clean and fill temp filling, it cracked after 2 weeks, so sad wasted so much $$ still cannot save it, end up have to extract..now i bo gay cannot smile too widely if not got lobang...was actually kinda affected bec i felt I was "too young" to be bo gay..
. After this espisode of toothache, i actually find that it is more unbearable than labour pains.

Brenda, managed to bring Dana to Dr Adrian Tan last thursday...she was diagnosed with tonsilities that's why fever above 39 deg despite panadol....by the time its our turn quite a long wait...she already 39.8..have to use suppository to bring down temperature quickly.didn't expect for 3 year old to get this leh..was told may take a week to recover
..first 2 days was terrible now think she recovered already but still on antibiotics. He got 4 kids hor? amazing..wonder how he cope. Think he kinda nice and patient...now got another option besides my regular GP at JP.

Didnt know we were on same boat! Yes, toothache can really kill!! I had that earlier this yr too. After my meal, dessert was served. 1 bite of the cold dessert, I jumped liao, so bad to the extent that I dashed to nearby mart to buy panadol! Even popped the pill b4 I paid up at cashier! The feeling was death better than living at that moment!!!!!!!!! Yes yes, it must be more painful than labour pain mann!
. Oso, this tooth giving problem since elyse's time (loss of calcium). Imagine after 2yrs plus, then i went to salvage!!

REally agree with u entirely! But your bo gay is not inside meh?? Very wasted leh, after spending so much, still extract! tui hor? I was telling hb if ever I nid another root canal, I just pull out liao! Very ex leh. Plus nid to do crowning! Alamak! CLose to more than 1.5k right??

Dana, yah, think it is a bit too late to book appt. U try. If just general checkup n cleaning, maybe wait after her bd, rite?
Ops, I missed your posting. So you were at East on Friday? See Nemo at Lorong Halus??
Yah kept the kois in fiber glass pond, capacity about 300 liters of water. We placed it by a small corner of the balcony. Heard for HDB housing you have to ask for approval but for our case at that time we are in the process of going thru privatization so cant ask approval from Town Council. So we built that according to contractor spec. keep it small and use lighter material for the pond.

Yes yes show me the website, likely going to tailor Graces dress.
Yah my niece from hbs side, married ang moh. His eldest brothers kids all married multi national, eldest son with Korean, 2nd daughter with British and the 3rd with Canadian. My side equally colorful Indian, American, Pilipino and South African. Coming soon Japanese

Your sis wedding is in Feb next year still have time to look around.
For my case we needed it by end Sept. Gymboree dresses now mostly sleeveless leh.
For Kiddy Palace and OG, so far haven shop there.
Told my niece that Grace is too young but she wanted and even suggest that she will hold her hand. Think Graces role will be much easier and Mark will be marching in with her also.
We din attend their church wedding in Canada so only left with dinner in Spore.

Jo-Van looks cool and stylo

Aunty Pigletz,
Why did he walk away from me


Those red dragon fruit huh, now I dare not eat liao, very scary output also red leh.
Yah they make it into wine, cant remember which country they are exporting it to.
Root canal for $1.5K is super ex, hb paid $1K I already say ex leh.

Today received another batch of photos. For your kids, not as nice as compare to yr hbs 1.


See what did Mark did to Grace at the end of the party, I din know till I see the photos today, so sad for her.



U can be very funny too! I laughed n laughed at your post! Your caption very apt n your comment on multi national n ur side also colorful. INDEED! wow...international or what, multi-racial??

Grace very pretty u know! Mark also rather 'merciless' to grace hor?? Die lah, i tot rae still little, dun know how to be in harmony with elyse...who knows till much later yrs, will still be like that ah???? Mark is 9?? ah duh......

But maybe grace is not sad leh? They might be thrilled to see the balloons flying hi up into the air?? cant tell grace expression, was she sad, annoyed or was it just the glare frm the sun that made her seem frowning?? u ask her anot??

Your hb 1k probably did not include those pre x-ray, treatment, post crowning etc. all add up to be close to 1.5k to 1.8k i think. Silly one tooth cost so much, so may as well opt for extraction!

U oso agree that jovan is very cool n stylo hor?
Oh dear, y post my kids' ugly chi xiang?? hahahhahaha
Jeslyn, can you send me the pic of the 2 gals? Hehehe... How come Regine took pic with Vane? I thot they are in different sessions?

eureka, I want to see your studio pic.

stressma, is that Vane on the pic??? No wonder Vane doesnt know how to tell me what's Jovan cake. Hahaha.... Wow, didnt know Jovan is so handsome leh. Do you know that Vane regard Jovan as her best fren? heehee...

GG, LOL... Mark really bad leh, did Grace cry huh?
Thks mummies for the compliments...:>

hi giggler,.
yes, tatz vane on the pic....a bit blur thou....good to hear tat vane regard jo-van as his best fren....maybe their similar yello elmo bags bring them together? hee hee....i actually ask jo-van y he like vane and another girl he mentioned...he say they are pretty!!!!LOL....

Eureka, my mum will be very happy....u mean she can pass as my sis????
wow..u very observant, uh? my photo so blur u can still tell tat i have high forehead....i not very smart leh...i shall say i the hardworking type...and yes the cakes are from e-creative and swensons.

u knoe we had dinner at swensons...and we only eat a small portion of the cake and ask the staff to pack back the rest. and guess what, they accidentedly give the cake to another customer!!!!and tat manager still say since we have eaten abt 5 pieces, she will give us the balance 7 pieces loh!!!! dun your think the mgr very "kiam"? should say the cake is free or give me more discount wat...rite? anyway, we not happy from the way she handle this and eventually she say the cake is free....but then again, we only eat 5 pieces leh...
My family going broke with the eating passion

OEI !! Show your Smashing cute Rae with he's bow pic leh!!

talking abt that.. the boys gotten some Batman and Tazmania Tees during their birthday.. it is still in the cupboard and i'm trying to psyche myself into letting them wear

Threadfin this week dropped from 60/kg to 40/kg.. end up buying a big chunk to freeze instead.. i went to ask the fishmonger, they tell me "ang her" duh... as tho i colour blind

i think grasscarp is also a freshwater fish.. yucks rite

nearly gotten that swenson ice cream cake too!!!

ay.. my teeth also chipping off.. esp the wisdom teeth. yah.. painful hor.

yah.. Adrian's a patient doc n a bit lor soh too..hahahah. So he tends to hv a long q. But i dun really like the other docs there, not even the lady one in the same clinic as him so no choice.. q lor.

yeap.. was at Pasir Ris. Jay likes the kois n i was very tempted but always think of the requirements then sianz already..hahha

Found lotsa Nemos and reef sharks somemore.

so envy!! if i have a multi racial family.. i sure have lotsa fun in the kitchen..hahaha

RE : bak zhang leaves
I've managed to get it already. But realise wun hv time this week. Only manage to pack our gears for the coming trip, still got the bags.. and also busy freezing food cos MArk going outstation straight after our trip.. super sianz
Hi Mommies,
Hope all is well with you, and your little ones. Have been so.....busy for last 2 weeks, and finally no travel this week

Hope Dana is recovering well.

Your girl is lovely in the dress. I cannot imagine Alicia in such dresses. She will look like an over-inflated balloon.

It's not easy for my wife to cope with 2 kids at home alone when I am not around, especially when Adrian is pulling himself up to grap things he sees, waking up at 630am, and start pulling her "jie-jie's" hair to wake her up.

I can sense the empty look in Grace when Mark release the balloons into the air.

Nice to see your post here. That is a nice looking bob the builder cake. Jo-van likes fire engines too?

Mark travels more than me hor?
You mean you really forget to bring the cake to Swenson?

RE: Weight
I have 2 headaches, Alicia is over weight and Adrian is under weight. How can I do??? Advise please....hmmm
smooth delivery to u

regine was walking around while waiting for renee to come out from the hall, walk n walk, walk and stand next to vane, so i took a pic of them using my hp :p
Agree wif Viv u hand leg v fast.
1 moment ask for recipe, next moment post pic of cup cake. U hv all the ingredients for baking? BTW were u the one who asked me for muffin recipe n I asked which type u need?
Y suddenly wanna shop for earrings? Any special occassion?
Wow! How u focus your position using tripod stand to take dat pic har? Done wif juz 1 shot?
Your bois look v different

Chen Chen doesn't hv my hubby's high nose bridge. He has my teddy bear nose

Nat wheregot small. Chen Chen dunno got 13kg or not

GG, Brenda
Din know it's difficult to keep clown fish. Luckily Grace din ask for the real fish

I like dragon fruit but not the red one. Make into wine? Dragon fruit fairly tasteless leh
Oh poor Grace

Another muddy fresh water fish - Ni Luo Hong

Did Jovan enjoy himself @ the Central Fire Station?
Jovan is handsome.

Smooth delivery
A's dad,
YES!! it's really tough to cope with 2 24/7 for the few days that the other partner is not around. Continue to appreciate your wife's efforts k

no lah.. we were planning to buy a cake after the outing to go home n 'blow' candles.. but play till forgot time. so end up bought a slice of choc cake from Mc Cafe and try to rush home before 12 :p

hmmm... i think the kids' weight will slowly even out as they grows. But any idea is the diet the cause or hereditary?

Yah.. i do keep all the basic ingredients for cake making...hahahah
no leh.. din ask about muffin. but i'm keen too...wahahaha
My ears were forced pierced when i was a mere 10 yr old at TPY market stall. Before my turn was my cousin's and she screamed super loud after the first ear that ppl in the market ran over to watch. i was so stress by the whole scene that when its my turn, i dare not even whimper... so no way i'll let it closed up. So actually i've been using needles to poke thru every now n then cos i din wan jay to pull. But now, i use their methods, wear plastic studs.. much easier

My camera can use manual focusing so its much easier.. no lah, i managed 3-4 shots of different poses before jay gets upset..hahahah

yoz busy mommie! hope i'll look better tanned from my dives Wahahahahah
have a smooth delivery..

ALicia's dad,
u r so funny. Why u say that?

why is the threadfin price drop so much
mummies+dad, many tks for all ur well wishes. BUT SORRY TO DISAPPOINT YOU ALL...nt prepare to pop tmr just yet. meantime will talk jas to guai guai and pop when she's really ready.

this morning, after J went off to sch, I went mkt stocking up groceries for hb, came back, did last minute check on my hosp bag and make sure I've labelled all my items in the kitchen so hb can find them easily during my absence, a bit of tidy up...etc.

11.10am: fetch J back frm sch, had lunch at hme then left for KKH appt. As of last fri appt, OB wants me to do a CTG very alt days (clinic closed on wkends) so got to do it 2day despite going for 'induce' tmr.

3pm: finished CTG, jas was quite active. so proceed for scanning at ADC. The specialist doing the scan find it weird that the OB scheduled for a scanning since I'm already told to go for 'induce'....but still she just did as told lor. Est jas's weight was 2.5-2.6kg. Water Lvl was good at 6.2

4.15: while waiting to c OB, hb asked me a v.gd question...I also duno how to ans. Jas's weight has now exceed J's birth weight of 2.34kg...water lvl also not as bad as what OB measured last fri (5.9)...so are we still going to be induced??? He see no point at all if everything's is fine.

4.35: threw the qns at OB. We told her, we want it as natural as possible. Yes, no doubt the growth process is slower than it shd, and that Jas would hv a better chance to thrive outside the womb. BUT...she's now doing just fine inside me. HB insist we adapt a wait and see approach. And that I'm now already 37wks 2days....it shd b ok if we just wait for a wk or probably over the next few days more for Jas to arrival naturally. it could be anytime now since J popped at 37.5wks. CAN SEE THE UNHAPPINESS IN OB'S FACE!!!

left her clinic but was told to go back alt days to chk on the CTG. she nvr mention another word of c-sec or induce when we left.

*haiz* hv heard of how some OBs insist on c-sec and other methods of delivery just to earn that few hundreds extra...anyway wait continue.

just came back from supper at geylang...v.nice youtiao. better eat now when got chance...who knows when i'm really going to pop?

qsg, how's dana now?

gg, v.nice pixs of the kids u got there. y mark let off all the balloons w/o giving one to grace...poor gal.

brenda, jem looks like you and jay looks like mark....so cute to c jay up and abt by himself. last saw him, he still so good to be cuddle!! now running abt liao...so fast.
getting ready for ur tioman trip?? u settle the water prob for jay yet?
Shake head leh the way the manager handled the case. REally a let down in the name of swensons, so calculative. Nowadays, Swensons food n service can give it a miss liao, agree?

If u come from a very big family, your mum can pass off as your elder sis in my eyes.....

You look very pretty! Jerome looks like u but Jayden looks neither u or mark? very sentimental photo esp the 2 boys in similar yellow attire! Love your foto!

Threadfin was super ex a week or 2 ago i think. The fishmonger told me very difficult to sell as so ex n I just blur there
. Ex or cheaper, still buy for the kids, rite? Hahahahha 'ang her', u nvr act blur n remark 'Oh...I tot 'orh her' leh' then he really think u color blind!

Rae, I dun mean to say he is smashing in the sense of handsome or what. We were at the studio, all the guys busy changing into coat with tie. So I just kidding if there is anything for the little guy. They gave him a bow n i tot he look rather cute in it. So just suggested to u if there is a flower boy or special occasion, a bow does little wonder

Teeth problem, get it fixed asap, the longer u delayed, the pain is both terible for u n your pocket!

A's dad,
Ytd, my 2 kids 'pong ten' school n I made sure it was a fruitful session. We went to eat chocolate fondue n then off to airport to pick up papa!

What a relief that hb is back. Dun know why, i felt tensed up this time rd when he was not ard, could not sleep till 1-2am n waking up at 5am consecutively till today, slept peacefully till usual 7am!

Sayang your wife more, it is really not easy when another spouse not ard......

Both your kids look ok n healthy to me, no weight issue. I want to see alicia inflated balloon look in dress!!!!!!!

Glad that u n hb insist on wait n see. U r all ready for anytime delivery, great.

No interesting shot, nothing to show.
Y batman n tasmania ah?? Lately is spiderman or surf up trend right? Oh mine, I also kena poisoned liao! I know what u mean, i dislike such print too...
*haiz* another day...waiting continues.

eureka, yep, ready to go any min. was so excited tot i can finally see my gal after so much of up n downs. but if she can comes naturally, then shall not disturb her, and let nature takes it course.
stressma, wow... thanks leh. Didnt know Vane is a beauty.

brenda, jay very active hor? Wonder how you handle both boys at home alone.

A's dad, so cute leh, one over-wt and the other under-wt. Hahaha

JesLyn, and Vane ok with taking pic with mei-mei? You not working anymore?

lyn, good that both you and hb decided what to do... happy waiting.

eureka, you sure or not that there's no interesting shot? Your std too high is it?
i came in early early to see any news from u.... but good that u choose au naturel too

but promise you'll keep checking the princess's movements while indulging in your foodie and make sure sure the rest r on standby for u and jerald, k.

aww... me miss youtiao. Mark always complain abt the parking at geylang

recently i'm getting comments like "Jem look like you.... erm, jay look like jem leh" wahahah.

Tioman trip arh.. hahahha, only the dive gears are packed. But i guess the rest should be easy. As for water, we decide to take the risk and get hot water from the caterer there. hopefully the really boil well lor.

yah Swenson really sucks. We ordered a kid's meal and fries tho its lunch time got promo. The chicken for the kids has a layer of fats .. very eee. After that, Mark and I settle our meal at the Thai store. Have you tried?

RE : Teeth
haiz~ silly rite. Last time work got dental reimbursement always din utilised, now sahm already think super hard to spend those money.

But i think Rae handsome leh...hehehhe

Dun noe why... guess mebbe the dad is a tazmania lover so they bought that. The batman one came with a hood somemore.. ggrrrhhh

Hong, Eureka
RE: Threadfin
That's what its commented to me too.. think its not cheap but rather back to norm price. A week back it was expensive.. actually for some time already that's y i haven't been buying much. This time round imagine I bought $20, 11 palm sized fillet (i got small hands tho..wahahaha)
Yah... JAy reached the active phase already. walk around, reach for things, moved things, empty boxes. I just leave them alone and pack up twice a day. Only problem is gotta keep search high low for the remote control.. haiz

DAna better now?
OB insisted on C-section? How can she take the risk by asking u to induce or c-section.

Is the OB planning to go holiday?

So will Jas be out on National day?? hee hee...

I dun think Jas growth is slow. 2.5kg may be small compare to 3kg ++ baby but is at the acceptable range now. Gd that ur hubby insisted to wait for Jas to signal "Ready".
Hi Lyn, am so glad to hear of your decision. Remember each bb is different. Even though J came out at 37.5wks... this gal J may be different. Just take your time & give her her time as well.

Brendali, u tried the steam fish yet? Let me know if no good or if u can suggest any other ways of cooking it. Can add chives at the end too.

Brendali, teeth prob? I agree with eureka to get it fixed! I had a bad teeth prob too last year after delivery... held onto it until new year. Now feel so much better. Ladies especially have teeth prob as we age & especially so for those bfing. We lose calcium faster than men. Act on it... don't wait or else it will become worst; then will cost even more money.

A's dad, Adrian is underweight? Doesn't look like it leh. Just relax... I feel no point worrying. For Adrian maybe can add another feed for him... or offer him yogurt or cheese? errr... how many months now? I remember Ethan fattening up whenever he goes on a yogurt spree. :p
Brendali, remote control hunt? I do that too!! Hahahaa... wonder what's the obsession with the remote. Say, when is your tioman trip? tell me all about it ok? Coz we are also planning a trip there... maybe this year or next. Which resort u staying? Berjaya?
steam what fish? milk fish?? the fishmonger dun wan to sell me milk fish leh... he says too much bones for kids. instead he gotten another one that's abt the same price range n claims the meat sweeter n less bone...wahahaha

i went to a dentist in Bishan before.. he told me it's good teeth dun take out. but somehow it keeps chipping off. But it does hurt hell whenever i get too heaty cos of the gums..hahahah

Ask u hor... now u bfing Ethan.. do you find that you have posture problem? I think i hv very bad spinal posture after bfing Jay leh..

Dun noe about you but my THREE MEN at home keep misplacing the control..haiz~

going tioman on Friday... i'm not staying at resorts.. i'm going there diving leh. But Berjaya got jackpot room..hahahha. waiters that dun serve woman beer, a nice trek, bicycles for rent.. can take boat rides to salang for yummy bbq seafood!!
Eureka, i only did the first stage of root canal. Before i can do the perm filling and crowning the tooth cracked already. Spent about $300 but still not cheap leh and all for nothing. Agree that food at Swensens nowadays kinda jia lark...hb boycott this place already.

Lyn & Brenda, thanks for concern. She is better, no more fever but still have to finish the antibiotics...kinda troublesome once on antibiotics as have to finish the whole course and its such a big bottle. Just this morning, i forgot to feed her

Mummies, check with you. Past one week, seems that Dana's behaviour is changing for the worse, she whines and cry over the slightest thing. What is more worrying is when she cry, she like to "gek" and cough till like choking...then she will said she wanna drink water but refuse to help herself to her water bottle insisting we open the bottle for her. Is it normal for kids of this age? What do you think could be the possible reason for this behaviour? Any of you have similar experience with your tots? Felt helpless and her crying and whining can really get on our nerves. Cry and Whine early in the morning and once get home in the evenings.
no worries.. Jem is exactly the same. everything also says no... anything not norm he'll cry n whine... he just cried till puke two days back. Thank goodness hb r those that will help clean up when such things happen when he's around.. if not i'll pengz too. Mark thinks its jealousy.

i buy my fish in clementi cos very much fresher... find it hard to do marketing in Jurong cos got to pore thru those trays of fishes meant for the 'bangladeshie' to look for 'the better catch'.
brenda, i also tot that by this time i shd be able to hold her in my arms. But since everythings' fine, HB and I insisted that we shd let nature take it course rather then hv the OB cut me up.
geylang parking: we usually park illegally along the rd side. a small lane between the youtiao and frog porridge. tabao the hot/crispy youtiao then hop over for porridge. For proper parking, you must park at the flats at kallang then walk over.

hong, mummy's instinct tells me she's either late this wk, or in between 1-5aug...not national day bb.
OB: hb already fed up with currently OB. 1st is the GD scare, then later told us bb's weight v.low, breech, slow growth... after bb guai guai turn into correct position, she told us go for induce....ANYTHING BUT NATURAL??? lucky hb is with me all this while when i go for appt, otherwise i sure blur blur agree to all her various pattern!!

em, giving her time cos I know once she's out, I'm sure to missed those 'kicks' and 'punches' in my tummy!!

qsg, errrr... r u spending too much time/attention on evee?? Kids are v.sensitive abt such things. Or...b'cos she's not feeling well that's y a bit cranky?

Brenda & Lyn, i also dunno if she is seeking attention bec i tot even so it should be the period after Evee was born? how come suddenly like that? I am spending about the same time with her as per previous months. I think her throat should fine but hor..just called my mum she having diarrhea, its her first time taking antibiotics...it can cause diarrhea for some kids is it? then she told my mum her throat painful again...Oh no! Last week also throat painful and end up diagnosed with tonsilities.
