(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

the cake frm swee heng nt bad, nt so sweet too..
i brought them to a nearby goldsmith shop for the ear piercing...must buy a pair of earring to pierce
but i choose those simple 1... i tink one pair is $12...cant remember already, i oso find that the older they are, more diff to persuade them for piercing...

re: menses
i also don't know why i gained wt...v sad leh...i now v fat *faint*
One day I must go potong pasir mrt to try the swee heng cake. Not too sweet, that is a plus pt liao.

What prompt u to pierce the gals ears? I just asked elyse if she wants to wear ear ring like me, she quickly nodded N kissed me! I think they can take it but i got no courage yet to witness her going thru! actually not painful at all, I just did mine recently but but but, so many buts!

Menses fat...i think it is the bloatedness resulting in wt gain??
Halo BITC is accepting me leh, me waiting for weekend class.
Oh yes I like clean and simple look, cos me simple mah

The hair tie is from Gymboree, can order online from US, let you know when we order again.

That is a electric kettle- not juice is actually the compartment storing the batteries, can make boiling sound. So far haven let Grace play with playdoh but play with real dough.

Eureka, Emily
Yah you have to modify my words cos me not good with words.
Well is true leh no looks then go for the heart lor.

Heee I tot Nat looking for white hair.
More photos for Nat.



From next year onwards no party in school liao.
Have you gone for the Soka interview? There is an orientation coming up next month, maybe we get to meet up.

Sanrio, Hazel
We also wanted to bring Grace for ice cream on her actual day too, when heard from Eureka that have to bring birth cert along and we dont have the original with us. Was thinking then if photocopy can anot, worry get chase so din try.

Friends of zoo can get 10% discount from the B&J ice cream at the entrance of the zoo.

Eureka, Jeslyn
How come ear piercing not painful? Did mine at the age of 17, can still remember how painful it was, maybe old lioa skin thicker. My nieces did theirs at GP leh.
Tks for the photos of Nat. Nat was eyeing on tat battery operated bubble thingy every since in the restaurant. Then she saw Mark playing, immediately grab from him. He was so sweet, even showed her how to do it. But she din bother, just can't wait to get her hands on it!

She loves to ride on daddy lah, and grab his hair for support!!

Elijah looks like ang moh baby leh. So fast he is 1 liao.

Pple told us, after you have kids, you go to the zoo many times a yr!! Wah piang, really leh. I even told my maid, in 2 yrs' time she can walk ard the zoo with her eyes close. Then she say, yah, 5 times in 2 yrs.... I told her No leh, 5 times in a yr! I think she wan to faint! So tiring! Hahaha...
When is your edd?

Actually, I seldom take much photos at the zoo liao. Go so often, take oso take the same animals!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">HELP !!</font></font>

Mommies who bake!?!? i need the recipe to bake those mini cupcakes (lost mine)...ANYONE HAVE IT??
thks for sharing the pics

so nice!

RE: ear piercing
i had alot of earrings on my ears, but i no longer wear :p so i tot of bringing my gals for piercing....i wanted to pierce for them earlier, but my mom object, she scare they will pull or scratch it, so i finally made up my mind and i brought them to boon lay shopping centre there....i lied to my mom that i will only pierce for my elder gal but i pierce my small 1 also...hehe...small 1 nv cry so much, oni sy9 then the big 1 cry alot...even after we went shopping and inside the car, my big 1 still cry...so i assume that the younger they pierce the earring, the shorter time they will cry
GG, haven't gone for the SOKA interview... no time. Will see how... dunno what they want to ask the kids... so weird. When is the orientation?

Ian and Ellen are ok, thankS! Ellen doesn't drink much milk when I am at work. Sometimes just 2 oz the whole day. =(
GG, Jeslyn,
I think no one can beat me when it come to piercing ears. did mine only when i was past 21. N i was the only female in the family who did it. luckily i did it, otherwise cannot wear all those nice earrings when i got married... lol.
but must be careful when we let kids wear jewellery to school. in ashley's school, one of indian student lost one of her gold earrings. I was like.. "aiyoh.. even gigantic water bottle can be lost in school, let alone small jewellery."
Alicia's daddy
Your co so gd, hv exercise lesson for staff during office hr. Envy

My hubby said Jem look v different now - boi boi look

Your hubby took dat pose photo for u?
I prefer b'dy agar agar to b'dy cake I m not a cake person except cheese cake
Oso no cream so not dat messy.

Brenda, Pigletz
I remember u gals going round snapping wif a v pro looking camera. No more now?

I peng over your posting to Pigletz on her hint

Aye, I bf Chen Chen for 31 mths but still can't loose dat extra wt. Slimming wif bf doesn't work for me. I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans tho

The Barbie doll cake difficult to cut evenly to distribute to guests right
Breathless better dun take it likely. Chen Chen wz breathless n running v high fever He wz being sent to consult Dr @ A&E KKH bcoz of dat U know KKH A&E long q. I v paranoid abt cough, breathless, whizzing fm then onwards

Is the bakery shop Sun Lik @ Seat St? I bot my muffin mould fm there.
Did Grace ask u to buy Nemo to keep @ home?

V cute pic. Hey your hubby has good looking noise
is the bake shop at Raffles worth going?

cool!!! Grace potential diver... Jem can court anot?

Skip playdoh lah... it stinks!

if just wan conveyor belt can try Ichiban Boshi instead... find their sushi better. Their fried sushi r yummy.

Agree!! Kids r bundle of JOY!! Emily... go gO GO!!! i join u if health permits :p

ay... the other day, JEm came up to me to 'tell story' and i went OMG!! Just like Rae Rae!!

Oh no... hear ur description i feel like delaying my family photoshoot liao

RE: mummies with earrings
erm... do u gals still get to wear? i haven't been for a long long time already.. keep having this phobia the boys will tug/pull it. *ouch*

RE: Jem's changed look
ay.. those who says Jem looks different already? so does he look more boyish now? if so, i'll maintain this hairstyle, tho harder to trim.
yeah!!! good to hear Jem got boy look liao..wahahaha. sometimes it's scary esp. he has so much 'crying sessions' nowadays. machiam a potential gay.

I took that photo ;)

hmmm... i'm a 'sweet' person. agar agar, cake, cheesecake.. i'll just attack. But yah... can't take cream/frosting too.. esp. Angie's cake

cam too heavy.
RE : Cupcake recipe
Got it from Joey already.. thanks mummy. Later i try, if nice i take pic to show k. HAving cupcake war at home...

Some questions :

1) Any idea what's red snapper in Mandarin? Bought one at NTUC over the weekend n ask the lady to fillet for me. The kids is okay with the texture so seems like it will be cheaper than keep buying threadfin.

2) Any idea where to buy the dumpling leaves? Did some during the festival some time back with MIL. Thot of practicing again cos i got hae bee hiam now.

3) Anyone gonna try making mooncake this year?

yah... the kitchen is my playground recently

Brenda, can share/PM the cupcake recipe with me?

I find red Snapper is quite hard or more chewy.

Nat is such a pretty little ger now.
Emily, the photographer didnt help to make your boys smile?

eureka, hahaha... think Vane played with Rae more than with Gareth hor?

sanrio, you got nice family photo at Swensons.
Wow... Cherelle very sweet leh.

GG, what's BITC?

Mom2Nat, you got yourself a maid also?

jul, Ellen taking her solids well? 2oz per day very little leh.

brenda, I did snow skin mooncake before but my family still prefer traditional moon cake so I give up. Hehehe
Tks for sharing with me the earring n cakes stuffs
I think it is proven that the older u get, the more fear u got to pierce the earS?

B2, GG
I pierced mine at 10yo n after becoming a mum, i 4got to wear earrings n closed up again. 10 yo, did at goldsmith shop with a chunk pc of ginger! Then close to 40yo, I re-pierced again at the GP with those gun type. NOT AT ALL painful n very very fast leh! WOrth it mann!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! No look then go for heart lor....haiz, me no beauty so must be contented with gd heart!
I modified your version not bcos u not gd with words! I think it is really well said but paisay to quote exactly in case u have trademark proof!

AY! Y nvr go swenson, alamak! They are perfectly ok even without the BC!!! Rae tried for many yrs liao. The most they asked for the BC number n grace name n closed one eyes let u go ahead!

That ONG LAI hor, my family also stopped by n studied it! I like that spice n plant garden, got fragrance n very educational for ME lah....hehhehheh...then my hb will boringly said HOT LEH, Wah piang, very hot!

U fat meh? I was looking at cc's interesting blog n tot u seem better looking n slim down!

HEY, how u know Nat's papa has nice looking NOISE?? hahahhahahahahahha, Handsome hor he, nice NOSE, I agree!

Mum 2 nat,
Oh pls, u all are good parents. Hb n I frown with the tot of travelling to the zoo just to utilise the FOZ membership. Oso dun bother to take foto liao. SO hor nvr bother to renew FOZ since expired in March liao! C how later......now keeping a lookout for new hangout family places.

U know no matter how, ellen will grow up fine just like Ian, rite? Kids grows n changes in phases, skarli later stage, eat non stop, u also shake head!

I like Jerome new hairstyle, for a change. BOth hair suits him, he very handsome n charming! Wonder if Elyse only has eyes for such handsome boy anot? if yes, jialat.....where to find more?

ear-rings, wear stud lor....get older, wear jade lor!

U havent answered my question leh? #73 foto at Gina's place, what is the topping on the bread ah? I luv the car agar agar, u order frm that forum Mr XXX? tasty??

u so quiet leh, ask u to consider my rae, u nvr revert....so sad.....
Hi Hong,

that's the recipe

Oh yes.. those red snapper sold as one pc one pc kind is tough. Very similar to the "ang gao" Lyn recommend sometime back. BUt the one i bought at NTUC is actually a whole fish, same size as a red tilapia. So i ask the auntie to help me fillet. The fillets use to steam w light soy sauce for the kids and the bones boil into soup with veg, meatballs and tofu. Think cos its smaller fish thus the meat not as tough..
Mkt aunty told me beside threadfish, cod fish, kids take red snapper oso gd. Bot a few time but very 'lok gor' tough n chewy hard leh. So nvr buy liao.

Ya lor, vane played more with Rae but modelled with Gareth like couple leh
dun gan jiong... Randall's cool chap too esp. in singlet n surf shorts! ZL another one in his polo tee.. sulk also got 'sei'..hahahah

oh, the bread is top with chopped cherry tomatoes dressed in fresh basils and black pepper. drizzle olive oil onto bread, put toppings and sprinkle mozzarella cheese then toast.

other dishes that went along with it that day was tuna cottage pie, fried camerbert/brie cheese and a big bowl of salad. Goes well with wine.. yummilious!!

Oh u getting the smaller Snapper. I find the milk fish is also quite gd but more for adult.
the milk fish look cute hor!! hehehheeh.. i was told its a teochew dish but dunnoe how to prepare.

paiseh... yah, the agar agar ordered from James. Nice, with its fragrant whiff of the coconut. $36, not bad at all...
i looked thru the recipe. How to make corn syrup? I am going to order the spongebob agar agar for my nephew bday this sat. 1st time ordering from James.
mom2nat, official edd is in aug. but could be earlier cos Jas isnt growing well and she's in a breech position. SO OB said, if her growth still not progressing she might cut me up end of july.
going for my appt later this evening.... c how lah.

earrings: I did my when I was nine, using the gun type at GP!! Unlike eureka, i find it super painful...as if you were bitten by red ants!!! stings a lot!! then got my 2 pair of holes when i was 19+, that time trendy to hv many pairs of earrings mah...so when with friends to hv it pierced at POH HENG, still remember got scolding from mum after i got hme....

brenda, i dun think your 2 boys will be tagging at your earrings unless...those big loop or fancy type. My rascal like to point to mine ...sometimes got star, sometimes 'ball' (simple stud only) ...

red snapper: issit ang gor li?? marinate with pepper/sesame oil/light soya, steam ginger/spring onion. J likes it!!

hong/brenda: wat's milk fish?

eureka: if the fish is lor gok, means not v.fresh. the flesh is tough ...if find it not taste, can try eating it with fermented beans (dou jiang)
can buy bottled corn syrup from baking stores.

till date i hv 4 necklaces broke by Jay and 1 red ruby swallowed. But yah, i vain vain went to take out my stud earrings to put on, see later how they react.

ay.. i asked what's red snapper call leh.. so is it ang gor li? think ang gor li is the one for cooking curry fish head right?


milk fish.. so cute!!!
jeslyn, eureka, gg
i remember my ear piercing drama very very clearly, i was 7 then... a long long time ago there used to be a metro/isetan at beach road and they had just introduced the gun type of ear piercing...so my mum brought us there thinking tat's it less painful than the traditional needle piercing in goldsmith shops... after they pierced 1 ear i cried n ran away!

nat lost weight? she look very sweet!

i've never taken off my earrings but i usually ear studs lah, Jana n Jamie are ok with them...think if you repeat "no pulling" long n frequent enof, they get the idea!
n i'm starting to wear some dangling ones recently.
is a kind of fish. How to describe here? black sliver fish. ahhaha..

ear piercing - mine was done with bare hand hor. SO painful but I "ai mei" lor so bear the pain. Then the hole close so i did another time at the same location early this yr. This time is using the gun.
i know but we witness gd chemistry btwn jem n elyse mah. zl's thunder voice n my elyse piercing loud voice, the roof will collapse leh!~

ok ok, i go peep at your blog for the spread again!

Almost 80% of the time the snapper is chewy hard leh, so i give up.

ear piercing, almost no feeling!

Hong, brenda,
Yah, what is milk fish? lately i ate 'egg milk' (in mandarin) veg cook in soup, nice leh! Wow, all these milk thingy!
thanks alot.

Btw, u have recipe of the cake ur make? I mean wat kind of base are u using? I love ur cake, must get a chance to taste it. hahhaa..
Weird hor, those red snapper head colour is not so dark pink as the body hor? Hard to tink they form a fish as a whole!

Tat milk fish more for frying rite? issit very small type? I have abt 8 in my fridge, all disfigured after I descale n removed the internal organs!!!!! I just stomach 3 tuna ytd n still have grouper n those fish for dao jio sauce in my fridge....fresh catch...yummy!

Btw, how to cook tuna beside eating raw?
u also feel that the red snapper is chewy hard?
I thot red snapper is "hong shi pang"?

I always frown when my MIL pass me the fish. I know is gd but i dun like to cook this fish.
i only tried the basic choc cupcake from cupcake blog, perhaps will try something else sometime this week cos jana says she wanna bake something.

1 stick aga aga 115gms.

its actually butter cake cos can only use dry non chill cakes if i wanna use fondant. will hv to get the recipe from my dad.
hahahah! ok..something else other than baking...how on earth do u and other mummies of 2 take photos of your kids together???? this is the most decent one so far, basically have to grab them and then daddy quick quick snap b4 they run away in diff directions!
Think u are rite.....yes yes, shd be hong shi pang!!! not ang gor li, that one is light pink with silver stripe rite? Hong shi pang more red n ex.

Yes leh, 80% of the time leh, so cant be always not fresh. But it is considerably more ex than other fishes like kam mong, bey kar, rite? At least ur mil is generous in this aspect!
I hate that covered up portion leh!!!!!!!!!!! AS if u disfigured burnt face!
So nice, white princess n black classy dowager!!!!!! hahahahahhaha! So sweet.

I hardly take foto with my kids but normally papa has his way of getting them to stay put n snap!
viv, why u blur ur face. U are pretty mummy leh. hahaha..
Both gers are so sweet in the dress. U got them the same dress?

i know she is generous but it will be a waste if end up in my hand. hahaha...
ay... jem never look at other girls now leh. Can let them interact more anot alas i really start worry he like guys.

i din snap the rest of the food leh... hahahha

u went fishing arh??? bo jio?? :p

the other way of tuna i know is t skewer them in cubes n bbq liao..hahhaha. Mebbe try parboil it.. then flake it up. Mix with chopped zucchini, cashew nuts, mayo, oregano, parsley and lemon. top it on some lettuce for salad??

small as in kun ning?? no leh, it's the size of mackerals.

oei... come back! i very eng today.. chat w me

try more okay... hehehhehe
okay mummies,
i went to google, confirm ang gor li is the one they use to cook curry fish head and it's red snapper in English..wahahahahah
Hi Mommies,
I must have missing a lot from my busy schedule lately. Was out of Singapore almost whole of last week, and this week is going to be the same.

All the nice pics posted here.
Looks like it's about fish now

I like steam sea bass, hong kong style.
alamak! i kena some many complain ah??? hehehehe...

the way u describe....black classy dowager...i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

yeah, got them the same dress...i really dilemma over this leh, on 1 hand its really a waste of money cos Jamie really had too much clothes until some clothes only wear once/twice and she outgrew them liao. but then...
1. it was a wedding dinner...special occasion
2. they are only these age this once n if i dun 3. i guess they wont want to wear the same dress when they are 18yr old

4. its a really nice dress!

very hard to control spending with the girls leh....so brenda u still want a girl??

WANT !! If i have a girl.. i'll learn dressmaking as well and sew every beads, sequins ribbon roses onto her dress...wahahahahah
