(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

brenda, so...this milk fish can be eaten?
earrings/others: probably when he's older bah, he'll learn to appreciate things better then to 'eat' them.
red snapper: they come in sizes mah...those bigger ones got their head end up in curry pots lor, the rest of bodies.....FILLETS!!!

hong, so this milk fish is also call black silver fish?? this fish is ang moh?? no malay name arh??

eureka, tolerance for pain is near 0 (zero)!!!


viv, y blurred ur face!!! such pretty pix must share share the joy mah.

a's dad, salute ur wife can tahan ur heavy travelling schedule.

mummies, just came back from OB n dinner at suntec.
Good news: JAS FINALLY TURNED (after all the sweet talks/scoldings n maassages). but she's very 'camera' shy, always refused to turn her face up. She now facing me, with her back against my tummy wall. She also managed to gain a bit of weight, est abt 2.1kg (after all those yucky milk formula and expensive beef horfan).

ok, so she finally position herself ready for birth and she also managed to gain a tiny bit of weight. that shd closed the case and get us ready for labour....NOOOO

BAD NEW: my waterbag lvl is est 5.9only. the norm for it shd be 6. kena another detailed scanning coming this friday (waste $$ again). No worries if the water lvl is more or less same as today. But if it drops (touchwood) meaning I got to be induced on 24 july (date set liao).

*haiz* one case after another...hb also said y this OB so 'ma fan'...cos prev Dr C C Khong nvr hd so much scannings and he usually 'v.quiet' during his routine appt...

anyway, it's only another wk to 24/7, cant be bothered so much liao...as long as Jas has ready herself and is slowly gaining weight...i'm v.happy liao.

gd tat Jas has gain quite a bit of weight, just enjoy the rest of the pregnancy! the extra scannings gives u extra opportunites to "see" Jas and gd tat the dos is being cautious, docs who are more ks n gan jiong better than those bo chup type.
viv, now thinking back, Dr Khong always replied "ok", "everything's fine" seems like bo chap... when all the rest of you got to know bb estimated weight/growth..etc...
now that I got such info...it turns out not what I expected cos .... got gd news means also bad news...
Conclusion: I dun want any news!!!!
yaya, so dun bother myself with any news...happily went for maken at suntec after appt...anyway, it's only less than 10 days till d-day.
My coll says that her girl prefer the bubble play than the pizza making leh.

Just a short interview for them to valuate the kids for class allocation. So that wont end up with too many hyper in a class

Heeee they ask about Mark more than Grace leh.
The orientation will be on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in August, they will send you a letter on that.

Yah the baking shop is Sun Lik.
You mean buy clown fish (nemo) to keep at home huh? Wow it will be expensive to maintain that special tank for tropical fish. We already headache if we can bring along our big koi fishes when we move leh. Maybe end up like Brenda making announcement who wants koi fish

So hows the baking today?
Shop at Sun Lik, if you happen to be around Beach Rd area if not can also get the basic baking stuffs from Phoon Huat or NTUC. Unless you want to get mooncake paste for your mooncake making, not too sure if they start selling that. Aiyah din tell us you looking for dumplings leaves, can pluck from zoo leh. Try asking the sundry shop maybe they have balance.

Baking school, me want to get certification.

Mine also gun type and can only use the standard earrings rite and my ears beh gam with it. Din heal till my mum get me gold earrings. Ha ha now tell hubby my ears can only take diamond earrings

We love that spice garden too. Next time go there early in the morning or towards the evening not so hot. That ONG LAI, we purposely detour to take a good look at it. Once my cousin gave us a slightly bigger than that 1 leh, take us nearly a week to finish it.

Aiyah you covered yr face, if not the photo will be nicer

Yah me too, recently hb managed to take a nice decent photos for me with the 2 kids cos we are confined in the cable car to Sentosa ha ha ha.
Can I ask where did you get your girls dresses? I love dresses with sleeve, hard to find leh.
yes.. this milk fish can be eaten. The fish for nasi lemak is selar. but it looks sama sama except the eyes rounder and bigger so look super cute like jap cartoon.

I only know English terms for the fishes leh.. not too sure whether hv malay names.

Congratz!!! as long as princess ping ping an an.. spend some money nevermind lah. The most cut down on dresses next time lor.. hahahah

My mini cupcakes


Wahahhaha.... u winner! pluck dumpling leaves from zoo. What's sundry shop?? those that sells dried goods?
lyn, congrats!!! At least you dun need to worry abt c-section now. And bb Jas is above 2kg so dun need to worry that she got to stay in hosp longer than necc.

GG, how long is the baking course?

brenda, I really pei fu you leh. Still got time to bake while taking care of 2 boys.
re: milk fish. I usually steam it teochew style. Very nice. Is this the way to cook it? Any other way?

lyn, see? no point worrying right? Your gal knows how to take care of herself. Don't u worry.

Viv, I also still want gals. As it is, I already spending a lot on my god-daughters. :p Anyway, hubby & I think 2 is all we can handle. Coz not
easy to spend quality time with too many. I even buy same clothes for my boys.. so can imagine if have girls how much I will spend. Yes, I agree with you... as they grow older they will be more individualistic so will not want to dress the same anymore. So, it's only this 1-2 years that we can do this. I usually only buy same clothes for them for occassions. hehee... like Malays? :p

giggler, yes the photographer did try to distract. But boys will be boys & my boys are very active!! Can only have patience to take 1-2 shots at a time. :p
More food pics pls!!! Hehehe... Can post the recipe or ingredients as well in your blog?

Gd dat Jas' wt has increased. Enjoy the remaining preggie days.
Lyn, that's good news! At least she turned and is gaining weight already! Which is very important! Aiyah, that's why people say, ignorance is bliss lor!

Viv, the girls look sooo sweet in their dress! Hahaha, v fun to shop for girls right? Can't stop buying!
I still wear earrings but those plastic color ring. Made of plastic so not painful in case Chen Chen pulls it. Anyway he has not pulled it out forcefully so far. He took it out gentlely
U took dat pic wif tripod stand?
Milk fish teochew style steam wif dao pan jiang

I slim dwn meh. U r the 1 who really slim dwn quite a fair bit
Notice Dad2nat's good looking nose fm dat photo lar. U want Mom2nat to hum tan me ah.
Shi pang is gd fish, expensive. Ang ko li is for cooking curry

Hey why "blur" your face. For a moment I thot my eyes blur after working too much on pc
Your gals look so sweet in dress of the same design

Congrats dat Jas turned n gained wt

Yes buy clown fish to keep. They dun need big big space like koi mah
GG, think a lot of people donate their koi to the botanical gardens pond. By the way, we finally made our way to the new food court! Very decent! But to me, the prata is still so so.. :p But the "tosai" is the highlight of that stall!!!

Viv, you din attempt to buy the same as the girls and dress up in the same dress????

Skyblue, did Kayden hurt his hand? I thot I saw a baby at JG who looks like Kayden, but am not sure. If that is Kayden, then you really got a very good helper! She is so good with him, and the way he chuckles... SOOOOOO CUTE!
Laughing away at your post!!! Yes yes, cut down on buying dresses lor! Mosiac face......Dad2nat...so apt nick!!!!

Today no mkting no fish answer

Everything will be fine for u! My gynae is those everything Ok, ok, smile, oh well, dun worry n pat my shoulder as if i am a man type!!!! I figure y want to know so much then?

The more i stare at your foto, the more I FEEL that u are staring back at me! I can visualise your facial features staring back leh!!!! Big eyes, wide sweet grin etc......the mosaic fading off issit??

I luv all the dresses, including yours. Good contrast! hahahah, when they not into the stage of wearing the same for both, u die die tailor all the same baju for the 3 of u lor??? Hb will freak out n stay away?? Maybe your gals will be taller than u hor?

U can sew pyjamas for your boys! underwater, car, spongebob, justice league etc design!!!!!!!

Hey, u are really gd!!!! Yes hor, shd have made salad with the tuna!!!! U know what i did??? hahahah, hold your laughter hor...i went to cook curry!!! hahahahhhaaahaha.....u faint!

Clown fish....i m blur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nemo ah, oic!

BIGGER than the zoo ong lai, scary leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got inject steriod issit??
I guess the bb u saw was kayden. Yalor, he cut his hand on dunno wat. We didn't tink anything of it, then it sort of got infected, so brought him to PD who prescribed cream & told us to bandage his hand. Look like so serious hor? ;p Yar, my maid is very gd with kayden, can often make him chuckle loudly.

Tyra still at JG?
got the dress from my fav shop...Chateau De Sable! there's outlets at Suntec, Paragon.

yes like malays
i got hubby to coordinate his dressing with the girls as well
he was only allowed to wear blue/white for the wedding dinner. and i love the malay community/family spirit! i wish i can have those those big extended family pinic at east coast! at home i hardly close my main wooden door, the girls love to say hi to the neighbours.

yalor, its endless shopping with girls, good thing both don't like hair accessories, can save on hairbands, clips, hats etc..

aiyo...i wouldn't be able to fit into the largest size of those dresses....

u got it right leh ! hubby prob will prob wear sunglass/hide in corner/pretend he doesn't know us if the girls n i dress alike. somehow daddy n girls cooridated dresssing makes a difference leh ...more "statement"
and more wen xin and mummy can remain the unique special one

u super leh, one moment ask for recipe, then next moment the cupcakes photo on the web liao!

u want the dumpling leave ah? want me to help u buy? tot i saw some in the market last sunday. u try those shops in market selling hae bee, onion, ikan bilis, mabbe they still hv.
u can also.. just try

Steam in teochew style meaning just ginger and light sauce with sesame issit? i go and try next week.

me going to shop for earrings this weekend..hehhehe
yah, took the pic with tripod
what's dao pan jiang?
i luv shi pang fish... ex hor. now reduce to eating selar *sob*

ay... i post the recipe link some time back leh. This is the one..
my version is here
(using the cupcake mixture but fill it with choc buttons in between)

ay... every week i receive the brochures from Spotlight, i'm very tempted to sew those pyjamas. BUT!! whole family only i have the habit of wearing them
the rest goes for singlets

erm.... so how does curry tuna taste like? so far i only tried using salmon fish head to cook curry before leh

clownfsh more difficult to keep than koi... but i curious. Where u keep ur koi?
Mummies, really cant fit into the topic of fishes. Hahaha...

brenda, build up your health so that you can try for a gal.

Emily, so you gg to have no. 3 soon?

Viv, you so cute leh, think of so many 'valid' reasons to buy dresses for Jamie.
Viv, ooooh, from chateau... I think Chateau dresses are much nicer than Dune. But a bit seasonal... sometimes no design that catches my eye. Post a pic of your hubby with the girls in their co-ordinated dressing leh.. I always very bad at that... This yr too, can't find clothes to co-ordinate for Daddy.
hehehe... what's ur topic? beef, mutton? steamboat? bbq?? :p I noe!! CRABS!! HAve u tried the one near the swimming pool?!?! nice leh!

hahha... its like a gamble lor if i try for another one. I don't think i can take another mis-c. Worst if anything happens to me n i lose the chance to be wth my 2 Js. I guess i just have to be satisfy with having them.

ay... have u heard of the new Sheng Siong opening at Jalan Bahar?

I worked for the husband of the CHateau's boss last time. Gotta help him mail back samples every time there's new designs back to France. Really love those girls' dresses. Thank goodness i'm not very keen on the boys' one alas will be broke.
Yippee Jas turned. At least you can have a normal birth.
How are you gg to cope with 2 kids on your own?

Hmmmm... Nat got a small face lor. Tats why pple always see her v small size. But I think she is abt 16kg.
Chateau dresses are nie, but so costly leh. Nat has a lot of new clothes haven't worn yet. Then go to sch oso not much chance to wear.
Jamie has grown so much hor. Time really flies.

Koala / Eureka
Tks ah, but I think Nat din take after hb's nose! Took after my mushroom nose ah!

Yah man, Nat oso like the bubbles play. Was waiting all day for tat.
U know, last sat I went to suntec to hunt for dresses for ELyse. Went in Chateau, nothing caught my eyes leh n hor, it seems that their clothes can hang on the shelves for quite awhile. I asked the salesgirl n she told me YAH n direct me to the new arrival, not nice leh. But their showcase on casual kakis stuffs are nice. But i am looking for dresses, too bad. Should have gone to Parkway or Paragon, better range?

huh? salmon fish head, also weird leh
! Tuna curry? edible lah, very fresh fish n those ladyfinger in fish curry, shiok leh. HB said if only we have prata at home!
Nat does not appear small this time rd leh.....last time she always appear bigger in foto than in real. Now, little dainty woman, very zai n confident!
mummies, many tks keeping us in your prayers...it's a relieve that she has position herself and gain a tiny bit of weight...

Got this funny feeling today... C-sec vs Normal.
B'cos OB already setted a date to induce...I was like...ahhhh... counting the days!!! compare to Normal birth, which can happen anytime, anywhere...while you shop, while you makan, you really wont know when bb going to arrive?!?!? But with the count down, it's like, ohhhh, pack, go, wait and pop?!?!? 2 totally different experience leh?

viv, hazey, mom2nat, bought 2 pieces from chateau...EXPENSIVE BUT VERY NICE!!! One is a romper for Jas' full month ceremony, the other got to wait till she's 6mths or old bah.

em, giggler...me worried b'cos of her growth progress lor! She still can enjoy herself inside for another wk or so only...must really make use of these few days to gain some more weight. To see her ping ping an an is more impt than the type of birth.

hazey, that's y I'm not bother by wat low water lvl...blah blah blah...happily went suntec for dinner y'day!! And hd donuts from donuts factory this morning....SUPER NICE...hack care those sugar lvl also, once a while must enjoy. otherwise from the wk after next...it's ginger/wine/tonic every day.

brenda, your mini cupcakes really got nutella fillings??? I love hazelnuts!!
Lyn, can heck care the sugar level ah? 1 more week, must tong lah.. after that, you eat raw sugar I oso dun bother oredy! Hahaha!
Wow yr cupcakes really mini, 1 portion think you can make 20 to 30 of them leh.
You baking for Js birthday this Friday?
Yah sundry shop that sell hae bee, onion, ikan bilis, as viv mentioned.
You want to come towards east side then I help you to find.
Our kois are at our balcony.

Yah is a small fish but they need the salt water marine tank, is super difficult to maintain and very ex. So far when Grace sees the clown fish she din ask us to buy for her lah.

Yah I love the tosai there, super thin and so giant. Nowadays I hardly go for prata, see the way they prepare with tans of majerin a bit scary leh.

Dont think my hb will let go of his koi leh cos some of it cost about $100 to $200 plus each and it was with us since we move in, imagine they are older than Grace.

That is from my cousins in law farm in Malaysia. Dont think got inject steroid maybe tans of cowdang ha ha ha. Last week they bring back durian and the scary red dragon fruit for us. He told us that now all the farmers are planting that and they are making it into wine.

Viv, Hazey , Eureka
I was at Chateau De Sable at Suntec & Paragon din see that beautiful dress leh.
Different branch got different design huh?
Need to find something for Grace, appointed to be the flower girl for my niece weeding in Sept. They get her a satin dress from Canada but too super sexy. Can see her bones on her skinny arms, really need to find something with sleeves to cover her arms. If cant find likely have to look for my tailor liao.
GG, I was just looking at a photography website and the flower girls have the sweetest, and I really mean sweetest dress!!! With pink satin ribbons! Aiyoh, can die for!!! Next time I email you the website ok? Can consider for tailoring. Oh! Is it that niece with that ang mo boyfren?
Wah piang, all tis talk abt gal gal clothings is making me drool... brenda, pigletz, where r u? Lets tok abt shirts n jeans. Haha...
HEy, how come your polar thomas cake came with a beautiful thomas box leh? U ask for it?? Nice leh!

Those red dragon fruit is selling real ex in singapore leh, relative to the normal type. CAn make into wine???????

SO gd, u have free fruit supplier
hmmm... elyse in chateau kind of dresses... must take pic n show yah! the most lady image i hv of her is on her first birthday party i think..hahahha

i thot its weird too.. n it taste weird to me. but the aunties keep saying is common. Anyway, i dun like salmon cooked... hahahah

u very blessed.. hubby eats the stuff u like. Not only mine refuses to eat cuttlefish (cos he finds them too cute), he dun eat any veg that's not leaves either. So lady fingers, brinjals, long beans etc in curry is out *sob*

har.... they give me the box automatic leh.. think it comes with it

Melted chocolates lah, not nutella... i find ways to get hazelnut nutella in as fillings, u loan me Jas to carry and play for an hour?? :p

36 of them.. Mark counted.
You gotta remind me of hs birthday *sob* no more baby to carry... no lah, he get a small cake from polar too i think.
ay... i'm going east tomm to look for nemo leh...hahhaha
u build a pond at ur balcony? Any weight constrain from building? we r tempted but concern abt weight

White Shirt with satin blue bow? Black linen pants with two cute pleats?? aiyoh... what to say abt boy's clothings?? i give up with the designs so much that i go JB and buy liao... no diff one
Lyn, glad to hear that Jas has turned. Dun need to worry so much anymore

GG, check out the gymboree website, saw some nice and simple dresses which may be suitable.If you dun mind not branded, Kiddy Palace and OG has got quite a wide range i think. I ordered a satin dress for Evee from Gap cost me about $90 but after that i realised those cost about $40-50 from kiddy palace looks nicer leh. Dana also asked to be my sis's flower girl next feb..but i worry if she may have "stage fright"..do you think at their age, they dare to walk down the aisle alone on their own? I dun wanna end up walking with her leh.

Mummies, has any of you brot your tots for a dental check up? Is it necessary to do so or can wait till they enter primary school which provides dental service?

Mummies who have given golden kiwi to your bbs last time, about how many months then can give ? I can't remember anymore. Dunno if will cause allergies.
gd to hear tat Jas has turned n put on wt
u mus now eat well n slp as much as u can b4 bb arrives. n oso play n hug J a lot.. i really hv lesser tx for ash now n i really missed those tx tat i brg him go kaikai, 2 of us enjoying our bk burgers......

Brenda, i love ur photos. All so well taken.
Wo fu le ni, go and learn how to sew!!!!

I dun like chateau dresses leh. I asked my mum opinion, she went in to check the price then she walked out and told me. "Aiyah, so easy to make... i can do it for u!" WAH.. hahahah..

My mum did comment Zara kids clothes are very nice but she said the price was even nicer. hahaha..

Now i dress Janelle in Laura Ashley dresses. I got them from the kid outlet at HV. Cheap cheap, gd gd...

This is the Laura Ashley dress that i get for her. It is very diff from the normal laura Ashley.



To add on... my kids. hahaha

Hong, how much you pay for the LA dresses? very sweet looking. I bot some zara dresses for my 2 gals recently..very ex even after discount
lovely pics of ur kids.

Ryan was allergic to golden kiwis had rashes when he ate them. BTW it will be better to bring them to check their teeth at 2yrs ++ cause cavity can already settle in by the time they reach primary school maybe too late to do anything about it. Ryan has been to the dentist to check twice already. He is stil hesitant in getting his teeth polished but so far the dentist says they look fine.
Ruffy, how old was Ryan then when he had the kiwi? was thinking of giving to Evee as she got constipation after i gave her 2 cereal feeds. Which dental clinic did you go to? how much for just a check?
hazey, I cant resist the hazelnut and white chocolate flavours. It's my 1st time trying donuts from donut factory. I've bn good mummy, resisting my usual cadbury n B&J ice cream liao... And since the q was quite short at that time, so request hb to buy lor, he also nvr object.

brenda, u r most welcome!!! Me too cant wait to see her.
no more BB in line: You mean after me, no more mummies popping???

qsg, I also cant recall when did i started J on kiwis.... call recall at 12mths or earlier??? As long as they started on solid, no allergies, then shd be ok to give small amt.
NO MORE WORRIES: v.different from hving normal birth lor, since OB already setted a date for induce. Looking forward to it, counting very hr/day..., unlike normal, you really duno when labour is going to start.
Dentist: Hvnt bring J for his appt. Duno where to bring him b'cos the dentist got to be V.PATIENT with kiddos esp with those sounds from the equipment which can freak them out!! Anyway, J is brushing his gigis 2x a day. No milk/maken after his evening brushing, so i think shd be ok lah.

sanrio, I'm trying to spend time with J. Usually at the library, playing elmo/thomas games on the pc..etc. Cant bring him jln jln cos I do not hv the energy to run after him in the mall!!! But luckily he's v.tong shi enuff to know that mei mei will be joining us v.soon.

Hong: ur kids got v.big and pretty eyes.
Hong, your kids are lovely!!! Love their big round eyes!

B2, chloe is so big oredy! And ashley suddenly got so much hair hor! Love her big round eyes! You are as skinny as ever!

Happy Birthday to Edison today!!! Think who is left in our Jun/Jul group is Randall right?
Ryan was 1yr+ when he tried it. since then haven't let him try kiwi yet. We went to the dentist behind our house Ann abor something. FOC coz didn't do any " work on him". I schedule my dental checkup with his so he goes to the dentist every 6 mths.
so good foc..think even if no polishing, usually the dentist will charge for consultation. I think thinking of bringing Dana to GPA Dental but heard very ex so looking for alternatives. She kept complaining got pain recently. Dunno if decay or just gum inflamation.
Brenda, Dana has been having high fever since this morning and panadol is not working. The regular GP we see at JP is not around today. You mentioned there is one at Pioneer Mall who is quite good with kids right? on which floor? any idea what time it closes on weekdays?
the LA only cost me $16. hahaha..

but daddy n mummy dun have big eyes leh.

u are a pretty mummy but the kids picture too small leh..
both clinics on 2nd floor. The one that most goes to is right at the corner.. i asked the parents outside before, they feel the doc is good. We go to the one next door instead to see Dr Adrian. But not too sure of his shift.
I called this clinic called "Family Clinic" but only relief doctor after 3pm...then the other clinic healthmark call so many timese nobody pick up the phone
if no choice will just have to take her to the one opp jurong point called Healthway Family Clinic but dunno good or not.

Oh dear, I better do an image reform for elyse....unfair for her. She does wear dresses leh but in some way, to match her bro, I dress her very often in sporty or groovy style

How i envy your family's eating session! My hb is EAT TO LIVE kind of person, very boring n killing 'spoil sport' ( got such words?)! My kids eat better n more appetising than him! U r so blessed! ")

Rae has a little bow during a recent studio photography, hmmmm..smashing cute leh!! Try it!

Recently I also bot some Laura AShley dresses, tot they look sweet too! 16!, oh dear i bot at 20+!! tsk..hehehe....HV that small shop at a corner same buildg as Lim's art?

Your kids are very lovely!!!!!! Your hb's eyes are big, hidden behind his specs...so go stare at him now to verify!

U are really very skinny but pretty! No make up also pretty kind, very blessed!
Foto too small!!!!!!!!!!
Chloe n Ashley do not look alike hor?

Dentist. Rae has very problematic teeth. We got to send him to a dentist at very tender young age for polishing n checkup. WE opt for Andrew at Mt alvernia hosiptal. Gd patient dentist, clean classy room, charge $150 for mere 10 min polishing with Rae sitting on his LAP!!!

NExt we went to a hdb estate dentist, highly recommended at forum. V GOOD service but environment so so but has very nice balloon at the end of the session. Cost $40 same polishing.

GPA, we went b4 as well, $90 plus for polishing. GOt tv, kiddy ambience, dentist good. Checked with dentist that parkview sq/balmoral branches all charge the same rate. SO if want to go, go to parkview sq........

Think getting a good referral frm mums at various forums ard your area maybe a better idea. SAme procedure, rate varies at different places onlly.....
