(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Brendali, so? what fish did he sell u?

re: bf and posture
yes. I try to make it better by:
(1) while breastfeeding on the sofa, can put cushion on the back, cushion to support the arms carrying the bb etc etc. , can put your feet up a little either on a stool or on the coffee table to rest.
(2) while breastfeeding in bed, put a boaster behind your back to support your back OR put the bb on a body pillow while u hug him towards you. That way, you can lie on your back better while feeding. I usually use this 2nd method to put bb to sleep, then slowly remove the body pillow when bb is asleep. If nursing during the nights, I will just use the 1st method. For me it's a little more cumbersome as I have to continuously shift the boaster from left to right depending on who I am nursing at night.
(3) Go for foot reflex & body massage once a month or at least alternate months. - now better coz company gives us a massage session during office hours once a month.

re: remote control
My men just won't let me have the remote!! Think it's a control thingy! The men keep fighting to get control of it. ahahaa....

re: teeth problem
have you tried taking supplements? I find it very useful and feel better in the long term.

re: Tioman
A question... who is going to look after your two Js while u and hubby are out snokelling? Hb and I wanted to do that too, but decided against it coz the kids are too young to be alone or kept with strangers in a strange land.

Lyn, good to hear that you are going all natural! Wise decision!

Brenda, so can try to fish for Threadfin while u in Tioman???? So, the kids are going for dips while u take turns to dive?

QSG, I think sometimes Dana is trying to act up to get more attention from you. Or like what Lyn said, it could be that she is cranky from the sickness.
QSG, think she's just not feeling well and wants some attention. Just let her be lah. Once she's feeling better, she'll be fine & running away from you again.
re: sibling rivalry
She may just realise that bb's here to stay! ahhaaha.... anyway, I feel that in situations like these. A little patience from our end pays off. Just spend some time listening to her and explaining to her patiently that whining will not get her anything. If all else fails & she refuses to listen, I usually just put Ethan aside, and whisper in his ear or tell him (if I can get his attention): "OK, u stay here and think abt it. When you are ready come and tell me." Then I will leave him for the usual 2-3 minutes, by which time he would have thought abt it & will be ready to be reasoned with. Then I will explain to him why he was punished & ask him to apologise. He will apologise & it will be fine. Guess, they try to test our limits at times. Even Elijah does it. But with reasoning, love and patience... they will learn.
yah.. it's better to let Jas take her time. I was worried abt Jem cos i don't have anyone to go on standby for me. So in the end, chose induction and ask my mil to look after him for a nite. Even booked evening timing so that Mark can bring him over after the c/c in between my labouring time. Induction was super painful cos gynae use both medi and stretches manually. But labouring was fast cos i was able to relax knowing jem is in good hands. So do make a point to ensure urself that J will be well taken care of too then can concentrate on bringing jas to the world.

not too sure if ur Dana is going thru the same phase as Jem rite now. He's now at the moment where he comes to realise that there r many choices to make and yet not enough knowledge to get what he wants. For example, he asked to go to a stretch of stalls after crying n squatting when i say we going back to the car. So i held his hand and moved on while carrying Jay.. he went to 7-eleven, walk down the aisles and finally found what he wants.. the mini m&ms. *headache* where to find so much patience to let them think/act/move thru the motion esp. when we carrying no. 2 rite?? Espcially weird ideas like he decides to bring bubbles along while waiting for the lift etc. So either we bear with their constant fussing cos they r frustrated or grit teeth and go thru the motions for them. In another words, yes! its time they need our attentions again to cope with the Big Big World.

haiz~ mark also says to go for massage.. but i dun like to be touch

i dun mind them not passing me the control... but i mind that they dun put back n chuck at the weirdest places!! i find them in the toilet, in the laundry basket etc... faintz

din take supplements but go for cheese and milk instead.

We are taking turnings to dive. yah, not comfy to leave the kids on their own. But then again, we r going with our diving frens so more enjoyable even if we go out to the sea on our own. Easy lor... bring us along when u going Tioman..hahahah

yah rite... can also just grab the sotong swimming in front of me while diving.

dunnoe leh.. MArk wanted to.. but i shiver thinking of the urchins near the shorelines. Bought them booties tho so will just let them wade around i guess.
brenda, you go to Clementi for fish? My sil goes all the way to Redhill leh. Think cant really get fresh fish in Jurong.

Emily, your co is so gd to provide free massage!!!
brendali, u don't like to be touched? then go for Spa? Jacuzzi? U high-class... go for ex stuff. ahaha...
re: remote control... what wierd areas u find them. For me, am afraid that my sons will spoil them.

Giggler, yes. This company good. Boss good also coz he has back problem sitting at desk for so long so he reckoned we all need a massage like him. So once a month, we have 2 lady massagers come to massage us in conference room. They even bring beds for us to use... with aromatherpy. We book partner to do massage with & close the door.
im still working, just that these few days, my small 1 need to go chkup, and alot of things happened in my mum's place.. \

vane was guai
she just stand there and take photo with regine meimei...regine meimei even hugged vane...i saw her in sch today when i fetch renee frm sch, she dressed up so nice! wanted to take pic of renee & vane but the teacher bring vane & frds into the hall(renee just come out frm the hall) then iya timing not right, then nv take pic of them
Emily, so envy you leh... Your boss is so understanding.

JesLyn, aiya, Vane insisted on wearing that costume cos it's purple, her fav colour. Told her to wear cheongsam, she didnt want. What did Renee wear? You know where are they gg this morning? I didnt know, just knew that Vane got to go sch much earlier today. Can let me see the pic of Regine and Vane?

lyn, you packed everything liao?
giggler, everything from my hosp bag, bottles, beddings, clothings all ready...just waiting for her arrival lor....

cos i seriously tot that she's goin to cut me up!!!
vane's costume is nice! i like that color too

renee wore an indian costume, lend by my colleague :p
this morning they going to suntec for the heritage tour....$5 we paid, u remember?
renee goes to sch today as usual 8am but my mum going to fetch her off sch @ 12.30pm...

regine & vane pic is still inside my hp, once i upload to my pc, i forward u k

excited anot? take care hor...how is ds? he knows he getting a meimei?
lyn, how abt meimei's present to J? Have u pack in your bag?

JesLyn, hahaha... I paid and forgot abt it. So it's heritage tour? Btw, did you donate to Gisele, the small gal who just passed away recently? Very poor thing leh... her younger sis is Vane's classmate.
best wishes for a smooth delivery
so excited for u. cherelle is turning 3mths tmr, n u are due soon, is like a blink of d eyes. is so fun dressing up a girl but oso mean spend more $ :p
U look after 2 24/7 still can bake. Pei fu pei fu
Oh yes u r a professional photographer
OK will post muffin recipe for u

Your gyne unethical leh. Luckily u insisted natural
U v tough woman. Going to deliver soon still go marketing n stock up groceries

Your boss is v kind.

Perhaps it's the pain dat causes the change in Dana's behavior

how u knoe Gisels's younger sis is vane's classmate? i also think very poor thing leh...


u SAHM rite? do u learn ur cooking when u become a SAHM? i very very bad in cooking....dun like to cook...my hubby is the one who cook leh...
how old r u kids? just wondering how u bring them to tioman, somemore u and ur hubby go diving...

Re: Swensons ...service bad, food bad....i ask for ballon for jo-van, and tat mgr say only meant for parties...aiyo...how much does a balloon cost? then i say bday boy got firehouse icecream rite? she say must show BC...i say i didnt bring...then she say ok loh...she try to be flexible and give me loh....as if i m out to cheat her....
hui32, ya my rascal got to 'operate' on my tummy on a daily basis with his play stuff, pretending to take his meimei baby out of my tummy!!!
I was at 1st puzzle .... no one taught him, yet he knew!! But v.fun playing pretend with him.

giggler, already got them nicely wrapped up, dumped inside car liao!! When the time comes, just drink chix essence, bath, change...grab n go liao. Cos i really tot she's going to cut me up on 24/7, that's I got all the stuff ready. Cot ready, bottles sterlised kept in tupperware, glass bottles sterlised kept in tupperware, diapers and wet wipes all stocked up...etc. I dun think I left out anything.

sanrio??? just wks ago u said cher ALMOST 2mths old, now u saying that she's turning 3mths tmr!!! Time really flies fast leh. Went to ur blog regularly...she's so chubby..can see a bit of ash in her!! v.bak bak.

koala, today went for CGT appt, she DARE NOT mention a word of induce or c-sec to my hubby. Just quietly examine my CGT chart, did a scan on the waterbag level that's all. When we were just abt to leave, she just casually mention that we'll be 38wks coming this sunday, so it could be anytime soon...be alert and we are to come back asap as soon as sign of labour appears. Can feel that she's a bit 'sour' we insist on going natural.
stock up: well, this time round no CL to help out and I dun wan my mum to go abt carrying heavy groceries herself, so I do whatever I can 1st buying those essential stuff 1st. Can rely on hb to help me carry/transport those bags but NVR RELY him to buy the correct item...ask him go buy laundry detergent and some canned food....come back with another brand and duno wat other stuff he got!!! So i better DIY while i can.

stressma, unless already planned, which mummy would bring her kids BC with her all the time??? Which outlet did you go to? Such bad service???
yes, i contributed $5.....U? got contribute anot? i also dono how much is good enuf to help....i rem that day sch give us the letter for the heritage tour, i got $10 in my bag, $5 paid for the tour, $5 paid for the gal's family..

that must be so cute! :p
Brenda is a supermum. That ans ur qns. I SAHM and with maid somemore. There r many many things that I still cannot do. Hopeless ah. LOL~
Alicia is over wt, Adrian is under wt. I follow the growth chart, and Alicia is at 90th percentile, while Adrian is between 10-25th percentil. Actually, the right method is to use the BMI matrix

I will always appreciate my wife

I think it is because of milk bah. Alicia loves to drink milk, but Adrian loves to eat solid food than drinking milk.

You going SCUBA diving in Tioman? I hold a dive licence but has not been diving for almost 8 years.

I had lunch in Triple3 restaurant (maritus Mandarin) yesterday and saw that huge chocolate fondue. Wah, you teach your kids to "pong ten" arh :p. If I can get one pic of Alicia in those dresses, i will post it for you..hahaha..

Maybe you have not met Alicia before. She is round round one, so look like balloon lor

Giggler, Emily,
My nanny commented Alicia is a hamburger, Adrian is a french fry...hahahaha...I kept laughing at this comment.

Thanks for your suggestion on cheese and yogurt. Adrian is 10mths now. He is already learning to cruise with support. I am waiting eagerly for him to say his first word.

I think Dana's behaviour is because she is not fully well yet. Just like when Alicia is sleepy, she will get cranky and she will cry and wine even for small little thing.
stressma, I saw both Gisele and Millicent during the 1st three days when sch started. That time, their mom still preg with no. 3

lyn, why did you change to this gynae?

JesLyn, my hb contributed $100 cos he felt that they very poor thing to lose their gal. Moreover, we saw the gal before.

A's dad, your nanny is so cute to make such remarks. Hahaha... I rem that my relatives used to call me "han bao bao", now they called my kids that too.
Any recommendations for buffet catering? I have been using Neo Garden ever since I tried their food at Elyse's 1st bday, now tinking of trying another caterer.
Lyn, did u get a gift for Jerome as well as prepare a gift from him to his little mei mei? I got one for Ethan the last time. It was gd that he didn't feel neglected & also kept him occupied in the hospital playing.

A's dad,
10 months. learning to cruise... must be very careful. I was so scared at that stage. Coz Ethan can just come from nowhere & pomp Elijah will be on the floor crying. However, now that Elijah knows how to walk, these incidents have also decreased. Have FUN!

Koala & Giggler,
yes, boss is very kind here. What a vast difference from my previous company hor. Anyway, today is MASSAGE DAY!!
alicia's dad
how to calculate the bmi?
my regine also small :/

u and she is neighbour?
at 1st my mom said don contribute cos it was over....i just put in $5 in the clear file...hope a little can help their family too..

skyblue, order frm AM chef before, food not bad...just order frm them for renee's bday in july...
on contrary, my boys take good care of the controls leh.. think they know that they havta if they wans tv shows. But jay likes to change channels.. so jem will take n hide to watch his show. Jay now take n run once he gets hold of it so it will end up somewhere else as well. As for mark.. haiz, norm guys... stashed it deep into the sofa. Headache rite.. everyday like treasure hunt.

i punch people reactively if strangers come too close to my comfort leh.. i get very tensed. haiz~ how to go massage?

Vane's fav colour is purple?? me too!! i saw a very nice dress w purple sewn little flowers for gals at Pioneer Mall leh...hahaha

i'm not pro lah... just like to play w cams. Think Jem will like to make muffins too.. same way as cupcake rite? cos he likes to make cupcakes now.

no.. i lived on my own since young age so i have been cooking for a long time already. Maybe that's y i can easily do up a meal out of habit so dun really feel much strain added to the daily chores. Furthermore, i like cooking.

My boys r 3 and 1 years old. This is the frst time we bring the kids over to Tioman, come back then i tell you how we make it k..hahahah

i did bring my copied BC to Swenson leh.. hahaha, i kiasu i guess. Actually i do bring a copy of their BC w me whenever i go out in my organiser until i switch into a pda.

u busy being super at other things rite... that's y no time for normal stuff..wahahaha.

A's dad,
Actually i went to look back at Alicia's pic she's okay mah.. can see she has sturdy built. My frens' overweight kids usually cause by inital years of giving appetitzer enhancer like tianqi etc. Actually milk is filling but can easily burn off at their age.. furthermore, she's so active. Think she's alright lah.

nevermind.. can just take refresher course at $50 then can go back to the sea already..hahahahah. I stopped diving the week i was confirmed pregnant so it's about 4 yrs already. Hopefully, the kids can get on fine with the trip then i can continue to complete my licence.
Mummies & 1 Daddy, thanks for your replies on Dana's behaviour. Previously she only want Daddy now dun want Daddy anymore. Been a tiring day yesterday nite for me having to take care of the kids on my own. Now its hb's turn to be sick. Viral fever, sore throat, body aching and shivering. He is still on MC. Think he must be feeling kinda weak too that he knocked his car in the JP carpark when he went to see doc. Result is a bumper that is misaligned and scratches
JesLyn, no lah... we're not neighbours. We saw them cos parents were allowed in the 1st three days when sch start. I think they got to spend a bomb on the med bills. Gisele didnt look sick at all to me when we saw her in Jan leh. Really anything can happened.

Emily, enjoy your massage!!!

brenda, you got portable dvd player? Can bring to Tioman.... hehehe

QSG, aiyo... it's like that leh. One sick, the whole family takes turn to be down. You got to take vit to make yourself strong leh. Take care
Giggler, i also very gek sim...3 years ago few months after delivery i got tingling in my shoulder..went for x ray was told got degeneration in cervical spine (maybe that is the reason for migraines) then now recent months got numbness in hands and legs and back pain also getting worse till sneeze also painful
Had wanna go for chiropractice but very ex so this afternoon going to try out a physio at paragon...hopefully it helps. Can't imagine not that old already so problematic next time old already dunno how. I find the price of motherhood is really too high.
oh no.. do take good care of yourself yah.

Price of motherhood is indeed high.. but look at your gals, the payoff is just as fulfilling if not more.

gonna bring the player up to Mersing only. Usually weekends i steer the kids away from screens..hahahha.

ay... do u watch he 9pm hongkong serial? i'm addicted to it leh..hahahah
Just to share this...

I made a set of flashcards on tomorrow's trip. It's pictures of the various things we get to see along the way etc. Went through it with Jem, telling him that we going Tioman which is an island (show picture of island) via boat (show picture of boat) and so forth.

I am surprised at the results... he starts to 'plan' his own version of the trip, telling me he wun wan to stay on the beach but wan to swim instead. Then he starts to go through the things i packed yesterday which he ignored previously.

Can see his participation on the trip almost instaneously. Initially i just wanted to use the flashcard to emphasize the things we do/see on the trip so that when he's back, he can flip through n remember it better. I even set empty ones with sand/leaves/shells etc so that he can go there and glue the real things on.

Can try the next time you go for holidays.. quite fun.
Brendali, punching reactively? Hmmm... wonder why mark don't have bruises on him. :p

Wow, gd idea for the trip.. thanks! Enjoy yourself & tell us abt it when u get back.
The show u referring izzit the one that talks abt what happened in the 30 days? If so, I watched before. The ending a bit "angry". Cos, no answer. I busy over what??!!?? Entertaining the little king lor. What else? LOL~
QSG, your back pain becomes worse? You better take care of yourself.

brenda, I only watch that series on Sun morning. Hehehe.... Wow, you not bad leh, so creative with your teaching.

Val, wow... Randall is KING, not only prince?
Giggler, share what happened to that little girl leh...

QSG, could it be that you are too thin to begin with? And with poor posture, such problems come in very easily. Take good care, sometimes some money cannot be saved.
Brenda, then how u take public transport? Imagine the innocent commuters accidentally touching you then get a punch???? Hahahaa!
stranger leh... we gotta know each other while taking course.. by the time we need to be 'physically close' to each other, we no longer strangers..hahahah

no leh.. not that show. i'm talking abt channel 55. About women one..hahahha

precisely.. i haven't take public transport for a while n when i used to, i'll hv a big bag with me to block.

i ever elbowed a teacher badly in school before cos he tapped me on the shoulder while i rest my head on the table.. from then on, no teachers will come disturb me when i sleep in class..hahahah.
hazey, that gal got heart prob and passed away after operation. Sad...

brenda, LOL... so funny leh. So you got 'license' to sleep in class. The women show is nice but I dun have time to watch every evening.
I can imagine Sher as han bao bao, but Vane is alright leh

Your can plot the BMI chart in the health book, using the formula (BMI= weight (Kg)/ height (m)x height (m)). To interpret the results,

Underweight - BMI less than the 5th percentile

Healthy Weight - BMI 5th percentile up to the 85th percentile

At Risk of Overweight - BMI 85th to less than the 95th percentile

Overweight - BMI greater than or equal to the 95th percentile

Thanks for your assurance. Alicia is active but she can be very lazy, especially when I am around, she always bully me by asking me to carry her. The nurse in polyclinic ask me to bring her to the playground more often

I gave away my goggle, booties, weight n belt, fins and snorkle to my friend. Wish you all the best in completing the license. Safe dive

With the "spare tyre" now, maybe cannot dive due to positive bouyancy...hahaha...

I like about the flash cards idea. Thks for sharing.

Must be tough on you to look after the kids, and your hb. Wish your hb a speedy recovery! Motherhood is priceless, no matter how high it is. Think about the unconditional love too, "Tai Wei Ta le".
hui32, i tried to get hb to rec down the 'c-sec' which J performs on me...but everytime he saw the cam...he got too excited liao, end up playing the cam instead!!

a's dad, so hilarious abt ur posting!! ur nanny v.funny at her description on ur kids' weight!!

giggler, I nvr wish to switch gynae...but too bad he's overseas. Some said he migrated, some said he went to upgrade himself. It's not as if he left KKH to set up his own practice, so bo bian lor. I picked this OB after going thru the recommendations in the forum...one man's meat another man's poison...guess this OB doesnt suit me.

giggler, hong that little gal both of u talking abt, reminds me of patsy's gal. Sad cases.

em, I think there are too many J&Js silblings here...my J is jerald, not jerome. Jerome is brenda's eldest boy.
Gift: Yep...all nicely wrapped up, dumped inside hb's car liao. In fact we got him 2 present. One is from us to him, congrats him on being Kor Kor, praise him for such a good boy, must help look after meimei cos meimei is baby...blah blah blah. The other present is one from meimei to him.

qsg, shdnt let ur hb drive if he's so sick!! luckily just minor scratches and bump to car.
aching: suggest u stick to one doc/sinseh ... esp for TCM, dont expect results in 1 or 2 sessions. Dun save that bit of $$, not worth leh.

brenda, ur flashcard ideas very innovative leh!! But duno when would i got the chance to try it out...
self-defence: the way u protect urself - v.unique. Shall remember to yell for u, otherwise will kena elbow if i were to surprise you with a tap!
Hazey, you observed i got poor posture ah? My weight is just right so shouldn't be considered too thin. But you are right, the degeneration may have started so early due to poor posture since young and made worse with long hours in front of the pc.

Lyn, not going for TCM treatment, went for private physio treatment. Initial consultation supose to be $100 and sub $90 but i was charged $70 as i was recommended by a friend. Was told i will probably need another 5 -6 sessions before the condition can see improvements. Was told if things don't improve i may have weakness in my limbs and can't do alot of things

Giggler, is the gal from forum also?
A's dad, Vane was like Sher when she was bb time.

lyn, you still ard? When do you expect to see Jas?

QSG, dun think that gal from forum. I not sure...
I am planning for a photo session later this year, and thinking if I should dress Alicia like a hamburger, and Adrian like a french fry

I hope Adrian will be like Alicia, have more fats.
Did J overhead u hv to go for c-section previously dat he pretend operating your tummy?
Your mum will go to your hse to do confinement for u? Aye, u v lucky. Tis yr weather v cooling gd for confinement. Never weather so cooling @ tis period
@ least bring your hubby along to bring back the things u buy mah.

Agree wif Lyn. Who will bring BC all over the plc

Alicia's daddy
Which percentile wz Adrian in @ birth? Chen Chen is 10-25 percentile. PD said normally they stay in the same percentile thru out. Aye boi not fat gd mah. Won't suffer during NS
"I am planning for a photo session later this year, and thinking if I should dress Alicia like a hamburger, and Adrian like a french fry"
u v mean

I love purple as well
I hv not tried making cup cake b4 coz dun hv the ingredients to beautify cup cake.
Wanted to post the recipe of muffins on Wed but the forum wz dwn. I re-typed my posting 3 times till I peh chek. Will post the recipe when I hv the time to type it out @ home
Hmm... wat makes u bring BC ard?
Thx for sharing. U r v creative in teaching tods. J picks up fast. Clever boi
Enjoy your trip

Wish the physio treatment works for u
your hubby shldn't drive since he is so sick. Hope he din knock or hurt himself
a's dad,
kekeke... ur post abt hamburger n french fries so funny :p i oso tot wan to do a family studio pic. but mus brg lots of food to bribe ash else he super 'buay si tiam'..

yes cher turns 3mths ydy. she is chubby but light wt. 3mths old: 5.93kg n 61cm. ash was much fatter n heavier i tink..
can u give me d link to j blog agn

ur bb girl name is Jas or Jas...
mummies + dad, me still ard lah. no sign of jas yet.

quiet quiet today cos:
1. hb off, so we all went for a movie with J. Fed up with the usher (a trainee, i suppose). I was abt 15mins early, the theatre isnt open for sitting yet...but i'm there early so I could go to the washroom with J and also to put a pull up for him. The usher insist that I shd go to the toilet in the mall then the cinema!!! Pls lah, the cubicles in the mall so cramp, plus I already purchased a ticket, I dun see why I cant use the toilet inside the cinema!! luckily, his mgr came along and see what's the commotion abt and let us in. Nvr meet such a tactless guy!! So young yet so inflexible!!
2. went giant to get my coconut drink + dinner at ikea

just came back.

qsg, die die spent the money and hope for improvement lor. you wont know the results until the whole treatment is over.

giggler, I really no idea leh. my gal is taking her own sweet time.

a's dad, if ur kids are buger n fries...how would dady n mumy dress?? lolxxx, can give idea to macdonalds' for their happy meal ad!!!

koala, wat would a 3yr old know abt c-sec?? yet i'm surprised with his ans of cutting my tummy to get meimei out!!
i only stock light items such as instant mee, coffee, dates and cooking stuff. buy a bit every day lor. for heavier stuff such as rice, cleaning liquid, no choice but to ask for help.

sanrio, J's blog is http://bigboy-jerald.fotopic.net/
will set up a separate one for jas later.
my girl's name Jasmyne. Chinese name tentatively would be (Zeng RuiMin). I cant post her chinese characters here cos they turn out funny. You can see those characters in my blog under April Postings http://twinkletink.blogspot.com/

sorry to disappoint you.
HI all,
din get to go Tioman afterall. My gran was admitted to hospital 5am yesterday and announced critical. So we cancelled the trip to stay by her side. Now all of us r tired out and Jem upset cos he keep asking when go catch fish? when go swimming .. all that i mentioned we will do when we go on our trip.

haiz~ hope i can tong well esp. Mark flying off to Hong Kong somemore
take care....trip can plan to go anytime...

the little who just passed away is similar to little sabie....so pityful..

a's dad
whre u gonna find those costume? lemme know, cos itz v interesting sia~

when is ur edd?

hazey, thanks. Bought a kitchen set for my boys already. Brand Step 2. kids love it coz big enough as height for them & I like it coz got big cupboards to put all their cooking utensils + toys in.

Brendali, hope your gran is fine. Don't worry abt trip... I believe Jem will understand when he is older.

Lyn, it's difficult waiting yeah? Don't keep thinking abt it... just relax & enjoy each moment of being preg... especially since u know u don't want anymore kids. So how? Any feelings yet? The big business kind is usually the hint that it will be soon.
