(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

It's like tat one, afterall, they are kids :)

Evee is still adjusting to day/night routine. Be patience, she will get it right eventually.

Drooooooooooooooooooooooooooool...yummy, esp the hainanese chicken.

Wah, your cooking so pro. I gotta learn some tips from you. Heee...
But for chicken rice, I dun like to boil the chicken, I prefer to steam it with the sauce and all. hee...
the truth is.. i'm not a good cook but a GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER !!! wahahahahah

yah.. i also agree w A's dad that evee is mix up w day/nite. I gotta really 'stop' doing everything else to get it into jay's head initially.

***hmmmm... i'm waiting for Mom2nat's french recipes***

oei! no boiling of chicken leh
lyn, how abt asking your mom to stay at your place for this period of time? Ya, our todds are really into role-play now, imitating us.

brenda, I like your hainese chix recipe, so simple. But I having cough now, cant take chix.
You must be really good cook. Where did you get idea on what to cook everyday?
No french recipes lah. Hee...
You wrote tat put chicken into the boiling water wat.
Wah, you even manage to take out the chicken and chop it up ah?? You have those big knife ah. I dun chop chicken, I use scissors! hahahah... So the drumstick part can't cut lor.
i cant chop chicken! the chicken always end up very horrible cos i cant control the knife somehow it always end up all over the chicken rather than the intended spot.
how to have complicated recipes now? hahahah, still gotta jaga one terrible tod and a teething cranky baby.

like i tell u lor.. i have terrible cravings. Every day also have that "hhmmm... like very long din eat this" feeling. Jia lak rite? so this week i know what i wan to cook next week..hahaha

yah.. got cleaver cos i usually buy one whole chicken then chop up into various packs for the whole week. u'll start to 'invest' in kitchenwares too if u gotta cook full time lor

u also cook at home leh.. share share ideas

***any teochew recipes to share?*** hazey? any 'steamy dishes'?***
Hi mommies,
My place kenna invade by black ants. its so stupid that they crawl in from the window to march out from the front door.

i've tried using the commercial ant stuff from ntuc, bleach and dettol to clean up their 'path' but still dun work

both Js getting bad bites from them. Any solutions?
Brenda, I tell u, the best dish to cook "yi pin guo" for CNY is.... STEAMBOAT!!! The kiddos can eat too! Just hv to put lots of effort into the soup base!!! My mummy use lots of pig bones, then still scoop up the "zha" every now and then... Then as they start to bring their girlfrens home, can add roasted chicken or duck or roasted pig... and some Brenda specialty lor... Tell u hor, till now, the steamboat in my mum's house is still those charcoal ones... Haha! Just had Cocoa steamboat today, so no more steamboat cravings!!!

Go and get those "COMBAT" packs that kills ants and cockroaches.. usually work quite well!

Agree with the rest.. you are very good! I can't even chop corn even though I am thrice your size... So, you got Henckels knives??? Me itching to get a set, esp with Taka sale....

Mom2Nat, any foies gras recipe? Steamy dishes? Just got my steamer too!!!!
Viv, thanks for your encouragement.

Brenda & Alicia's daddy, dun think she mix up day and nite as she doesn't really nap during the day only catnap for about 15mins each time, she sleeps thru the nite though at a very late time.
Yah lor, I can't chop, end up always use scissors. Even when I dice chicken or meat, I use scissors. heheheh...

I can't buy these things, cos my kitchen rather small. Buy liao oso no where to chop chop! Then have to clean up the place, cos will have juice/blood splatter all over. And I dun like to descale fish.
Now I see your chicken again, really v nicely chopped.

Oh, you bought it?? Tefal?? Which one you bought?
I oso dunno much steaming recipes. All my cookbooks kept liao. And I go by "agaration"... how to write out the recipe? Hee..
Foie gras v unhealthy. High cholestrol. NO need to cook anyway, just take out and spread on toast to eat. The smell v "xin1" after a few bites.

Nat slept v little as a baby. She is always awake and I can't put her down, once touch the bed, she starts to cry. Then latch on, fall asleep, wake up can't find breast, cry again. It was horrible. I can imagine the torture you have to go through. While other babies nap 3 to 4 hours, she prob have a 30 min nap. At nights oso. I tried sarong, din really work. I think it is prob the nature of the baby lor, some sleep so well, some dun.
Have you tried letting her sleep on her tummy?? I find it helps.
Mom2nat, you mean carry her till she asleep then put her on tummy is it? or straight away put her on her tummy?haven really tried.
brenda, can u tell me how u handle 2kids + 1big boy and yet u still got time to spring clean and prepare such a good meal!!! ur hainanese chixs look great!!! i kowtow to you.
I cant imagine myself with 2....probably will end up like eureka....now gone into missing mode.
teochew dishes: oways must use the braising method, usually over nite cooking need to get the flavour out.

skyblue, i find it hard to get gd sch ard pasir ris...u either hv to walk for more than 5min or got to pay for sch bus.

daddy, i used to it liao. he got my 'hot' temper.

giggler, my mum willing to help me over confinement i very gan ji liao. if she dun 1 to stay over i oso dun blame her. got helping hand better than no one to turn to. after confinement than c how...no choice then turn to MIL lor.
I think I tried this when she was abt 4 months old. I put her in my Baby Bjorn carrier(cos initially I had to rock her for abt 15 to 20 min). Then hummed and rock until she slept. Then I slowly take her out and put her down. As the time goes, slowly I din use the carrier, just rock and when she sleep, i put her down. Soon, I put her down and shut the door. Heee... But well, it worked for tat few months. After she can sit and stand in the playpen, then another challenge liao.

You can try put her on tummy, then sing to her, or pat her or put your hand on her back to soothe her until she sleeps. You'd prob need to let her get the hang tat like tat means nap time. Heee....

But hor, these are not "approved" by my french PD. He thinks b4 3 months old, babies are still adapting. After 3 months, can train. Train meaning, just put them in the bed and say good night. And leave the room. Dun sleep in same room. *sigh*... after saying all these, my Nat is still a hard nut to crack. Until now, she will wake up in the middle of the night and say " I wan mommy come to my bed". Or she will bring her pillow up and tell my hb excuse me... asking him to go on her mattress, she wants to sleep on the bed with me.
Halo we waited for you for steamboat and you went ahead without us, how can.
Hee I also preparing steamboat for CNY, cant be cooking dishes for abt 30 of us and Im the only 1 doing the cooking. every year also sianz, not happy lah cos Im the youngest DIL and still hv todo the job. Initially hb still ask if I can cook something else instead of steamboat yearly cos will be celebrating MIL 80th birthday. After counting his family members, he also surrendered and said just do steamboat. But me still looking around if can find any caterer doing catering on the eve of CNY.

For ants we put salt or fresh lemon juice (not recommended for marble flooring) near to its entry points, no chemical cos of the kids.
Wow your cooking looks good leh very creative too. Din know that can cook longon with chicken, normally only use it for salad.
For the SKP shop they also sell plastic packaging containers and bags, stationery and party stuffs. More than 30 branches in Spore- Jurong west -blk 498 Jurong West St 41 #01-476 (65672312) and if you happens to be in Toa Payoh Blk 20 Toa Payoh Lor 7, Blk 70 Toa Payoh Lor 4 and Blk 185 Toa Payoh Central.
After typing then saw their website: www.skp.com.sg

Brenda, Mom2Nat
I dont own a cleaver too, was told cos I worry that my maid will chop me off ha haha.
Normally will get the seller to cut or chop the fish & chickens into pieces for me.
Vane v cute. Talk to u the way u talk to her.

Yes my hubby's wrist strained.
U muz b pandan eyes now.

I dun need to cook during CNY coz dine @ my mum's n il's plc
Do u marinate the chic thigh for Hainanese chic? How do u get the chic soup?

Mom2nat, Viv
I normally buy chic fillet

Charcoal steamboat, finger licking gd. Hard to find nowadays
GG, you very dutiful DIL!!! 30 pple eating! My goodness!!! Sounds scary! Last time, when my grandparents were around, my mum used to have to prepare dinner for >30 pple... Imagine all the plates that I have to help wash... Haha! If I were you, I would suggest a nice restaurant to go to for dinner.... :p
my MIL is teochew and does this steam chicken tat's very gd, but i not sure if its a teochew dish or not. she uses fresh chicken thigh. all she does is put some ginger slices below the chicken thigh, add some simple seasoning e.g. salt, pepper, add some hua tiao jiu, then put some small stalks spring onion on top of the chicken and steam. simple dish but it taste very yummy.

i've tried some recipes from this food blog http://www.aromacookery.com. So far tried the tofu and mushroom in oyster sauce, pork n onion n peppers stir fry. both turn out very gd. oh! u must give her lor bak recipe a try, its very nice. my mum used to cook it with five spice power, and tat's wat i've been doing too till i saw this recipe, it uses lemongrass n blue ginger instead. after stir frying, i transfer to the slow cooker and cook for another 2 hours, the 2 hours is a torture cos the aroma makes me drool n drool! ahahaha...

ok...i hv a confession to make, i hate stir frying! cos it makes me oily n i hv to bath n wash my hair after cooking. i usually brief my maid n then i watch n guide her along since my kitchen door is full glass type. those i do personally are usually grilled/baked or pasta n pizzas. u want can share with you honey mustard chicken and tandoori chicken, both very easy n only need to grill and they turns out great.

used to buy chicken, thigh but realise they aren't economical. cheapest is to buy whole chicken n chop. since i'm lousy at chopping, i'm getting hubby to learn, seems like he has better control of the knife, can chop better than me!
aiya...Jana's the same lah... last nite i went to sleep on the ti lum cos i so tired n wanted a better nite sleep, then i kena summoned onto the bed in the middle of the nite. and then dunno y these few nites, she'll piak n beat me n wake me up to make milk for her at 4am+ in the morning!
Wat?! U youngest still gotta cook for 30 pax EVERY YEAR!
U v capable leh. Marketing for the food is tough enuff liao. Let alone prepare n cook n washing up

I dunno how to chop chic. Besides I only cook chic for 1 adult (only my hubby take) during wk n. So not worth buying whole chic. U buy chic fm the mkt or supermkt? How to choose whole chic?
HEy mummies, daddy,
U all sure are HAPPENING! I am totally out of touch frm this thread!

I logged in n saw CHICKEN PIC....wah piang....sure look delicious n dying of crave!!!! Must post n comment.... lol

I oso dun boil chicken thigh leh n I use scissor for cutting pork, beef, chicken also! hahhahaha......

Can we have a chicken rice gathering at your place...we all these 'lao moo ji' can go over n yak non stop! PLS???????? Lyn must call herself LAO moo ji also if she wants to go.....hahahhahaaha..she the youngest!

I missing mode, not even silent reader cos i busy springcleaning!!! YES, Brenda is rare species, how she manage, I wonder too!??

Cook for 30pple, I will hope i nvr have to wake up for that day of cooking mannn....Stressed ah!

The rest of the posting havent read leh.....
Unknown n anticiipating is always full of anxiety. Now hormones n also the relatively 'freer' time on hand let ur mind wonders n being sentimental, emotionally soft or 'weak'!

When your #2 arrives (reality set in), u n hb, ash will just cope day by day, gets better each day! N very fast #2 also growing up very fast..trust me!

ASh is really a very very sweet boy! U all will cope very well....I guarantee, take heart!
Ha ha you think I dutiful huh, more to boh pian leh.
Hbs side all not cooperative and cant expect my MIL to cook for so many of us (the members keep increasing some nieces & nephews bringing BF & GF) and my MILs bday falls on CNY eve. For sure I wont pay to go to nice restaurant with all of them but will bring MIL personally to eat after her bday.

Yup have been preparing reunion dinner since the year I step into the family. Initially I still cook dishes but since the last few years only prepares steamboat so quite easy just have to do the marketing.

Ha haa you dont want to wake up but for me I cant sleep when CNY approaching leh.
I tried out ur longan wif chic. Yummy!!!

The way u dscribe the lor bah makes me drool oso. Hehehe... Will check out the recipe. Thks
yup, mus b those hormones. but u're right, once bb cum, doubt i hav tx to tink of all tis. tks
ash has changed a lot hoh :p
hb wld prepare ash for school evy morning. some days i cant wake up as whole nite insomia. tis morning, hb came into master bedrm to take somtg, i on bed. ash was outside d rm, at d door, i heard ash saying 'dun disturb mummy, mummy slping, ashrel std here c mummy.'
i saw ash 'peeping' at me, wanting to say bye bye to me but dun wan to cum in to disturb me.
i wan to get up but hb said slp slp..
c lah.. melt my heart agn.. n i got tat feeling agn.

shd i send ash to full day cc then? spoke to my frd. her girl is 3, at 3hrs nursery. bb is 3mths old. she said if 'closed 1 eye', ie. dun bother too much w hsehold chores n cooking (jus do whatever u can), she can cope w 2 at hm..
how ah?
plan was to send ash to full day cc at mar/apr b4 bb cum. now like 'bu se de'.. if really cant cope then send ash af bb arrives, dun noe whether ash wld feel 'mummy dun wan him' becos of meimei..
did i miss out ur post on longan chicken? hmm... only saw the steam chicken, soup, vege etc..
can post for me agn :p
Brenda re: ants in your pants

Try getting that ant "food" powder - can try DIY shops or (plant) nurseries. quite effective, also good for roaches.
eureka, i nvr consider myself young mah!!! look at those white hair coming out...now cant even dye...really makes me like an old hen!

sanrio, ash so tong shi!!! he knows u r resting n even told his daddy nt to disturb u!!! aiyo...he grown up liao leh.
btw, can u sms or leave a msg here abt the PD frm KKH u mention to me? Can i hv his name? Which clinic he frm, and the med he given to ash. I going for my appt coming 1/2 so it tot i can chk him up at the same time. J's cough/lung med last dose tonite...his ketotifen still hlf bottle left...but cough/phlegm still there...v.sian.
Mummies, may i know if your tods can pronounce words correctly/accurately at their age now? Dana is not able to pronounce properly words with "s" in front like "sneeze" she will say "neeze" and "snake" she will say "nake" even after we tried to show her repeatedly how to. Need to know what symptons will warrant the need to see speech therapist.
hahahah... i steamboat 2 years already that's y thinking of cooking dishes instead. But more or less settling on a good ole traditional lotus soup, one fish n a veg dish.. haven't think of what meat leh.

HAiz~ jurong too many army camps nearby.. the ants are 'combat fit' too. try liao, doesn't work

aye.. thot corns can just bend and break?

hmmm.. could it be you keep trying to get her to sleep, end up she has too many catnaps? have u tried playing with her 3-4hrs straight n knock her out?

yah lor.. i lazy to clean up fish as well. So even tho i like to eat kun ning, always lazy to buy..hahahaha

Aye!! weekend tried to catch Nana's curry at Amara... but closed *sob sob*

when ur time comes.. u can handle too lah.
yah yah.. i wanna learn to braise but mebbe not overnite lah..most prob morning till evening then wait for hb to come back n be guinea pig..hahahah

sometimes i get the market ppl to chop for me too.. but most of the time cos gotta separate out parts to cook jem's meal.. so bo bian. hahhaha, at these kind of times i wish they grow up soon.

hahha... so when u gonna cook for 30 of us??

no leh.. i dun marinate the chicken. Chicken soup arh... i use the body part plus carrots and onion to make stock at the beginning of the week.

yummy hor... hua tiao jiu leh!! hahahah, good idea when i find jem irritating. Actually i also have a bottle at home, now dun spoil already anot

Thanks for lor bak recipe!! hehehe, i wanna try. Can help me ask ur mom how she use five spice too?? cos i only use star anise and garlic.

i no choice... stir fry can quick quick finish and done with..hahhaah

Can... no prob. We'll call it the "Lao Moo Ji Affairs" and i go paste LAo Moo Ji banners all over n little chicks to entertain the small ones. Then we feast on hainanese chicken and curry chicken?? need to get some 'ji' to entertain hubbies??

aye... dun just eat leh.. contribute some recipes lah.. later ur hb loves u more liao.. mine says,"Why u always the same?!?!"

longan chicken same post as the soup

we tried already.. managed to find 2 nests even.. but they just keep marching in from outside
Jem can't pronounce a lot of words properly too but then again i very bo chup one so can't advise whether its time to see doc anot.
Brenda, her cat naps about 2 at most 3 of about 15mins so i thought wasn't alot of sleep since babies her age are sleeping 1-2 hours each nap. Haven't tried play with her 3-4 hours as she will turn cranky within a short time..i dun have energy also..ha
hey!! suddenly an idea comes to mind..

mebbe we can arrange a gathering with a few of us bringing along multi cooker or steamboat. Then every family brings an ingredient for the steamboat. And we name it "Steamy Rendezous"
brenda, skyblue
aiyo..my own posting on the lor bak made my fingers itchy n left me drooling...so i made some last nite for lunch today! later i go home n see if anymore left or not, can take pic n show u gals
Your MIL prepared reunion dinner b4 u were married?

Our boi grew up liao I sleep in the separate rm fm Chen Chen when I wz doing confinement. Chen Chen asked my hubby to carry him to c me @ bed time n middle of the 9 when he woke up. He asked me to go back to sleep when I read to him. V touching man. Tis lighten my misery a bit

U v strong leh. Can break corn wif hands
brenda, black ants will bite? Ill be having cf during CNY.

lyn, wont your mom be very tiring traveling if she doesnt stay with you?

GG, there shd be caterer doing catering on eve of CNY leh. How abt Neo Gdn?

Koala, ya, Vane is really imitating me now. So Chen is sleeping in his room himself? Chen very heartwarming hor?

Viv, you made me drool too with your description leh.
just look into the website u mentioned.... drool big time!!! yummy n so many more new recipes to try out. Thanks a lot cos they seems to be mostly stir fries..hahahahah, lazy me

no need water..its dry like the usual plum sauce dish

u having a new baby to play w u for CNY.. still complain?? :p
Okie... last sharing on my dinner

** Yeah, Pigletz! i finally satisfied my crave for whole fish..hahahah **

Today's fare :


Sweet and Sour Grouper

One grouper
Onion cut in wedges
Spring onion

Marinate : Salt and pepper

Coating : 1 portion Rice flour to 1 portion Corn flour

Sauce : 1 portion Plum sauce to 3 portion ketchup. Plus equal or 1.5tx of water

Marinate fish and coat w flour. Deep fry till golden brown.

Discard oil leaving 1 tbsp behind, add in onion. Stir fry onion till soft so that the sweetness will emerge, add in sauce. Add in Spring onion to heat thru. Pour over fish and serve.

** Pineapples, capsicums, zuchinni etc can be added for extra flavour. Those who likes it more tangy can add in vinegar to taste.

These are serve with rice, broccoli w fishball(cos gotta clear fishball) and Old cucumber soup

u must be very patient! just now i wanted to take pic of the lor bak, but then i tot wah...so troublesome, must go n take out camera, arrange food nicely, make sure got lighting then take pic! i got impatient n tot...nevermind lah! just eat lah!
hey mummies,

shared what i usually prepare for dinners is not only to pass the recipes to those who had been asking me for it.. but also to tell you gals dun get put off by the recipe books too easily. I always hear my galfrens say... see already so difficult no point trying. A lot of time it's the photography skills that r deceiving one... So go on and make a few yummy dishes for your love ones and score points yah!!

hahahah... sorry for the lor soh 'ness yah. Rather emotional nowadays cos suddenly a few of my galfrens married same time as me going thru separation now
haiz~ scary to see marriages so fragile nowadays. Can't resist promoting building up of family closeness..wahahahah.
Okay, will stop posting my dinners liao but if i come across yummy recipes, will still put up to share share!! u gals contribute too leh
CNY coming!!

To kickstart and get everyone into mood... i decide to post my findings over the weekend...

All bought from Glory at East Coast Road. Oh ! and they serve yummy nonya curries there too!



Events coming up for CNY :

1) Chinatown light up started!!

2) River Hongbao starting on 16th Feb with fireworks at 8pm. Another round of firework on CNY eve at midnight

3) Sentosa flowers starting on 18th Feb

remember to arrange some programmes to enjoy the festive with your family yah!!

<font color="ff0000">Giggler and PVL, dun complain when you have a new baby to celebrate k!!</font>
brenda, the overnite braised may nt sound gd, esp u got to leave the food overnite...to pests, nt the mention the electricity used. The braised stuff my mum prepared usually can tahan the s'pore weather + she put the pot in a basin of water (prevent ants) and she placed damp towel to cover the opening (surround the lid), DUN ND TO COOK OVERNITE, just make sure the meat is soaked in the juice only.
fishball n brocolli: I DIDNT KNOW U CAN COOK FISHBALL THIS WAY!!! i must b a suku..or u too genius.
deep frying: i cant imagine u got to do mkting, prepare the ingredients, cook, do the dishes (maybe this hb can help) then clean the stove n cabinets cos cannot tahan the oil stains....+ 2 kiddos...HOW U MANAGE? even the time come for me...i probably just throw in the towel.
ur cny goodies: SO YUMMY. the fishes cookies so cute!!!

qsg, u r finding things to bother urself (sorry if i sound v.rude)...J cant pronounce his words correctly...at txs only either me or my mum know wat's he talking. Even my hb dun get him?!?!? slowly, dana is only 2 u know.

sanrio, thx for the pm!! will chk dr tan out at kkh when i go for my appt.

giggler, she got 'her own family' to look after. My dad n sis working...who is going to cook n look after the hse for them? I cant be so selfish expecting her to stay with me, unless she 100% willing. Even if she's only 80% willing to help out during confinement...then 4get it, i rather she come only hlf day, bring n fetch J frm sch then the rest i diy. My dad is on shift so when his off days falls on wkday, i think my mum can stay with me a few hrs extra, otherwise, either get hb to drive her back or give her cab fee...bus journey too long lah.

Brenda, I must ban my hubby from reading this forum! You really spoil market!!!!! Send those pic to us secretly lah! aiyoh.....

Lyn, J speaks quite well leh...
