(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

aiyoh..hahhahaha, u gals betta mind your language

hahahaha.. at least Chen Chen still try to reason w u. Jem just tries to smoke his way thru w an extra long "pleeeeasse" n his big round eyes.

jem last time in sch also keep getting bitten n pushed. the teacher even came n say no choice.. he's the most guai in her class thus keep getting bullied, she also very xin tong. Asked me to do something.. i was like "huh? do what?" As time goes by, i slowly saw him standing up for himself so i din scold him when he starts to push n hit. Instead, i'll spend another day to 'teach' him that hitting hurts.

If u go by the package or private suite in kkh, yes. last that i heard from recent moms who just gave birth, TMC n Mt A r on par w kkh and SGH can be cheaper. but what i felt the diff is, private hosp really make an effort to claim as much from medisave as possible whereas kkh is not as active. I had the habit of filing my receipts for gynae visits. when we were at TMC, they requested for it and claimed 0.5 of the gynae's fee for us. even for the pd's one they separate it out for us which we hv to keep remind kkh the last time. So end up, a lot of things become claimable.

what's SKP?
no hurry... just thot will be nice for the kids during cny

"Y".."Z"... hahahahah, so funny!!!

A's dad..
hmmm i dun noe how to eat abalone, but is it true that they serve it thai salad style too? w pomelo flesh n onions/spring onions n lime drizzled all over?
Yes, in thai salad style. Mix with shredded mango, cucumber, onion, chop chilli, pomelo flesh, n lime...Drooling...

I prefer to eat as it is, with some chilli sauce :)
the automated swing (Fisher Price) worked for both my kids- but not miracle lah, just that when I carried and soothed enough, THEN can put in to lull. Not at full-blown battlecry put in. Another problem is they outgrow it very fast- for my less active girl, lasted well past 6mths. For my active boy, retired the swing before 6mths cos he was pulling himself up/ like a sit-up, dangerous even when properly belted in. I din regret buying it tho.

oh dear, yah, let him cool down first. I mentioned my gf sent her girl to sch last yr, cried til vomited, withdrew her? For some time after, the girl was very vehement abt not wanting sch... recently the granma brought her to look-see a different sch several times. And it seems to meet her approval, almost willing to "accept" a sch. Except the sch full :p .

yah my girl more "zai" than me :p, I was sooo worried waiting for her! Need to find more pleasant opportunities to "drop-off" her, can't gatecrash that particular storytelling session anymore cos I think the librarian definitely won't allow (underaged).

Now I'm worried my girl won't understand her teachers/ friends when they prattle in mandarin, so last-minute trying to build up basic mandarin vocab. Been yakking to her in my lousy mandarin! Hopefully, if she understands the language, it will feel less alien to her.
Medusa, which swing from FP do you have? How long can your kids nap in it? Do we have to change the battery very often? Was thinking if a automated bouncer or swing is better. Did you consider the bouncer before you bought the swing?

Alicia's daddy, no i dun think its the end of term review as the new term has just started.
NAt's drawing.
1+1, 17 and a man's face.

nothing fantastic, prob the kids here can draw much better liao.
At first I din believe when my mil said Nat drew a man's face for her. Hahahha.
Fisher Price Ocean Wonders auto swing- actually just the basic will do, don't need the fancier ones. We never had a bouncer. I would think a swing better? Batteries died quite quickly- err, cos sometimes my daughter put her baby doll in it too.
Oh dear. You must have felt really heartache over Kieran's daily crying in school.Think you made a right decision to withdraw him out. My neighbour's boy also had very bad phobia of school when he was first sent at 2 yrs old. He became very withdrawn when he goes back home and shuts himself in his room. They finally withdrew him and stopped school entirely until now. He is so much happier and more ready attending his new school now at 4 yrs old. Different kids adapt differently. Kieran could have also been overwhelmed by the big grp of kids.

btw, how's your little one getting on? Nigel loves going out more often these days. He will indicate he wants to get out of the house by making noise and once he's downstairs seeing all the kids playing, he jumps and laughs in excitement. He can be down almost 3 times a day!
qsg, the graco swing which i got, i long 4gotten the model...i gave it away when J was abt 9mth+ when he's too active for it.
the swing comes in 4speed, can be 'fixed' to turn it into a high chair for meal time.

it's more for play rather than to nap due to the little table infront, it's nt a comfy plc to sleep in.
U know wats the pblm wif Kieran? He's back to his usual self the moment he steps out of sch. Then the next dat when he's gonna put on his sch uniform, he'll start again.

Kayden is getting along great. But he's beginning to 'recognise' houses and cries if he's in an unfamiliar surroundings. He can sit unsupported for a short while now, and can 'crawl' a little. It's really fun to play with him as he either chuckles out loud or gives a very wide grin.
U started Nigel on solids? I'm started letting Kayden try a little rice cereal.

Wow, dats a nice drawing?

U gonna cook yi ping guo? Am i invited to taste it if u do cook it? ;p

Mine is at the 'where is tis place' stage? I dread the day he progresses to 'why'.
Medusa, where did you buy your swing?how much it cost? Seems that the range is quite limited in singapore though the FP websites got so many different types.
Hi Mommies
Can't catch up with the postings here coz haven't visited the forum for at least 2 weeks.

Hugz to you. Take care of yourself. My friend shared with me before that it's difficult for any of us who never experienced the loss to understand etc so all we can do is just be the listening ear and support.

Are you already looking for another job? Seems like your company is quite a horrid place leh. Last time boss was horrid and now colleague / supervisor?? also like that.

Think you should be giving birth soon rite! All the best!! Is vanessa gonna have a bro or sis?

I felt the same way as you... so angry with the maid coz as I cleared stuff, I realised how much she didn't do and it wasn't as if she didn't have the time, she had a whole stack of storybooks that she spent her time reading at nites. Buay tahan! Things never do and got the guts to go 'sleep' at 9 plus. Wake up at 7 plus. Even better life than me coz I have to wake up to feed Nick. All I can say is GOOD RIDDANCE!

How's Pat schoolhouse? Really ex leh. Was really tempted to send Ally there too coz like their cirriculum but too ex. Visited the branch at Siglap.

Nat's drawing is fantastic. Ally cannot draw a man yet. She just wrote an 'A' for me today.

Guess you know how your hubby is like already lor. So this preg also accident har? Quite chun hor.

How's the park? Now I'm quite keen to bring the kids to the park.

Regarding talking back and tantrums, used to threaten Ally with the cane or a smack on her bum but realise it's not as effective as I thot. Just saw Supernanny last thurs and decided to try the time out corner. And I've tried to avoid raising my voice and also caning etc gives the impression that violence works. Seems like Ally really gets very upset being placed in the naughty corner and will submit faster than with the cane. Maybe it's new so more effective but will continue to try it out and see. Quite an effort to prevent myself from raising my voice though esp when I already so frustrated.

Agree with you. If Ally were to have reacted to school like k, I'll also withdraw him. No point forcing it. Think school for their age is really more for socialisation etc.

Got a major prob with Nick now. He has decided to reject all teats and forms of drinking milk when I'm not around. Still on BM but I was trying to wean off the afternoon pump and replace his milk with FM after the ss runs out. But he's now rejecting the BM even though it's pumped the day before. Mom even tried spoon feeding and didn't work. He's willing to drink direct from me though. Now def at a dilemma whether to totally wean off BF but afraid that he may then totally reject drinking milk. I don't feel too comfortable with him having no milk intake. Skipping the afternoon feed is fine. Gonna get my mom to try with a straw cup next week and see how's Nick's response.

Regarding zoo, open to going during CNY as well coz unlikely to go away. We signed up as Friends of the zoo so good time to make use of the pass.
Nat v good. Randall cannot draw yet.

If in the event that Brenda really got you a can of mexico, then you buy me a can of Australia ok?? I not very "tam sim" one. Hehe....

Hmm...help in creative writing? Really ah? Hope so. Now he being so detailed, everytime leak out unnecessary info to people.
Tks. Randall scribbles a lot right?? Well, soon will be more controlled. I think they love to draw circles and number 1. Hahaha...

It's good tat Randall loves sch now. You can oso enjoy your free time, can go par-tor with hb more often. For me, gotta cook dinner more often, cos I bought tat steamer, must use. Otherwise hb will grumble say I waste money.

Wah, can write A is good liao hor. Nat prob know letter O only. Heee...

Which branch of Pat's is Jana in?
Hey, play that video of Nat for Jana, see if she still rem tat japanese song from shichida.

Hahahah... So funny.

Which sch does Alicia go to now? HOw many hours? She enjoying it?? Haven't seen you for a long time.
Jamie loves outings too and if she sees us leaving without her, she'll start crying. gone are the days when she's still blur blur n smile n wave her hands when we say bye bye to her...

so far so gd, the teachers seems nice, tat's very impt cos i dun hv to worry abt leaving Jana with a bunch of strangers. yep, really ex and we saw a mummy sending a set of twins girls there last friday, initially we tot....wah very siong to send 2 there and then we saw another younger girl coming out of the car! if the 3 of them are there for full day, that's abt 3K+!!

my friend tried out the naughty corner too but it doesn't seem to work for her cos the son very bo chup, can even lie there on the floor, then slowly try to crawl away from the naughty corner.

wah...ally is fantastic! can write A already!

Jana is in Buckley Rd. Jana's still attending Shichida, we just switch her to a new class this term. eh....i play n play the video, i cant hear any song leh!

letter O also very gd already! u know hor...my hubby brought Jana to shichida class yesterday and there's this boy in her new class...quite a genius! he wrote a very beautiful R, hubby says its nicer than his 10 yr old nephew's writing, then while writing, he said "after writing R, i will write S"!! hubby's jaw dropped man!
Which video you play?? The drawing one?? There are 2.

This is the one with the song.

Oh, I tot you withdrew Jana liao. Do you do home practice? I hardly do leh. Pple say hor, if dun do, as good as din learn much leh.
Hahahah... maybe tat boy's parents make him write everyday. Heee... But each kid learn at diff pace lor. Nat ah... still disruptive in Shichida class hor.
eh!!!! I'm impress!! by u!!!
how come u can speak jap ah??? n how come u know the lyrics???? i've been attendin shichida for almost 1 yr liao leh, but i still cant sing the gd morning, or goodbye song!

only flashcards is everyday. the rest are bits here n there lah like photographic memory n linking memory. this term the linking memory is very difficult! 11 cards! i cant even remember the sequence myself!!
10 cards lah. NOw is 10 cards. Nat hor, will sweep her hands across the table to mess up the cards. Everytime I have to ren ren ren she dun mess too badly.
You v good leh, I only do pic flashcards once a week on the avg. ESP, blah blah blah... long forgotten liao.

Hahahah... tks hor, but nothing to be impressed. The mommy and girl who usually sits beside me oso can sing the song quite well. I learnt jap last time in UNi, but can't rem liao lah.
They gave out the lyrics during the parenting workshop, in the folder I think, otherwise then in the shichida transparent box they gave you when you first join.

My hb used to attend with Nat, we took turns, but he got so pissed with her messing up and refusing to see flashcards, now i take over and attend every lesson lor.

Did you buy sawako?
nope i din buy sawako, i'm doing foreign language via flashcards as well. the sawako story v sian leh
Wow, nat can draw really well. her control of the pen is excellent. Sarah is still scribbling mostly. Sometimes she might draw some shape and then put a line on it and say it's a 'kite'. Have to use some imagination to recognise it.
skyblue, so K is with nanny now w/o attending any sch?

brenda, how you deal with Jem's 'depression'? Vane using this to attract my attention leh. She'll sit in one corner, curled herself up and head bet her legs. And once I saw it, went to her and asked her what's wrong, she'll show me a gloomy face. After a few probes, she'll just laughed like I got 'cheated' by her leh. Why like that huh??? SKP is a shop's name.

Mom2Nat, wow... Nat got potential leh. Vane is still scribbling and drawing circles leh. Hehehe

absolut, Vane is gg to have a bro. I've confirmed my c-section date to be 9th Feb liao. Hahaha... I try not to raise my voice and stop using cane too cos I realised that Vane is imitating me. Now, she can rqt that I dun scold or beat if she knows that she did sthing wrong.

Viv, Jana is still in Shichida? Thot you wdrew her liao cos you find the teacher not very gd.
Alicia is attending this playschool called Garage adventures. Its not a daily thing. 2hrs each time. Initially she had quite bad separation anxiety. Now much better already. She enjoys herself. How many hours is nat's school?

So Kieran now taken care of by bbsitter? Brought Nigel for his 3rd dpt and hep b today. He didn't even know when injection was given until after that, he cried for a moment and then smiled at doctor. Nowadays we always find Nigel flipped over and looking up at his mobile toy when he wakes from naps. This stage is really quite cute and fun hor? They like to chuckle alot!
Morning mummies,

Those mummies still breastfeeding.. how long did it take before you stop having leaking breast.. as in when bb is feeding on one side the other side starts to leak. Using up the disposable breastpads very fast.
No harm trying. Hv to bear in mind how the new boss n new colleagues will react if u wanna express when u return to work
Y'dy I asked Chen Chen to smell his own handkerchief which wz used to absorb his sweat.
Mummy : Chen Chen smell your handkerchief so sour yee....
Chen Chen : Chen Chen eat lemon

Many ppl gave me cheapo comment like aiya KKH mah, private hospital diff treatment....... or KKH like than like dat, private hospital won't...
Even the open ward is not really cheap. Avg Singaporean dun earn the charge of 1 day stay in the open ward
Hey a gd idea to ask teacher to provide lyric of the song taught in school. I can't fig out the complete song Chen Chen learned in school

Give Dana some time to adapt. Chen Chen's teacher ever told me Chen Chen doesn't participate when he juz recovered fm illness.
Does Evee sleep longer if u carry her?

I consulted my gyne @ TPS. The enviroment is conducive. Like hotel
Yap chrg x. Is it only snr consultant c patients @ TPS?
I din take up the pckg. The no of visit in the pckg wz exactly the no of visit required if I delivered on my EDD. I took the chance. I delivered a wk earlier
How do u mean "Z"?

Your choice is wise. Better let Kieran get over the fear b4 going back to school. When r u pulling him out? Will u get the material for the fee u pd? Will the school refund u deposit?

Is yi pin guo the 1 where there is mushroom, sea cucumber, vege? Do u mean recipe for renion dinner or CNY dishes recipe?
Oh I taught it's std wat can b claimed fm medisave. Aiyo KKH din help patients to claim as much as possible tsk tsk tsk. 1 thing I like abt KKH is the hospital is v new. My hubby likes the car park @ KKH.

Your gf's daughter seems to dislike dat particular school
Do u buy children vcd dat teaches Mandarin for your gal?

Hey Nat draws n writes well. Chen Chen still scribbling. Can't write or draw

Thanks. Ya rite. There is a Chinese saying, 1 won't feel the pain if the needle is not poked into 1's flesh
It's my colleague who is horrible. In terms of rank, she is lower than me. Due to system authorisation issue (comply wif SOX), I need to do some data input work for her. My mgr is gd.
Agree, it takes a lot of self ctrl not to raise voice when we r frustrated
Can write A is v gd
You saw your Sr Consultant for Chen Chen at TPS? I calculated, if you use 8/10 of the antenatal pkg, it's already worth it. I like the carpark too. I think there might be consultants there too, but I'm not too sure. So far, I've used 8 visits for my pkg liao, so I'm quite happy.
DUH !!! Wanna 'squeeze' also gotta look for right target leh. Me on no pay slavery just as u are leh. So... who should we target??

u not cooking for reunion dinner too?

LOL ... Vane so funny!! can't help u lah.. jem is sad for REAL.

yah..yah.. recipe for cny dishes. n yes, that's yi ping guo... u have the recipe?

yah.. kkh is very good for hubbies cos easy parking, lotsa food to choose from, 7-eleven to buy stuff to 'dong' the nite...haahahhaha

RE: Talk back
Jem doesn't talk back yet but i found a horrible trait in him recently!! he help himself to the goodies whenever we go supermarket.. happily dump into the basket.
pringles, so Alicia doesnt go to sch everyday?

Koala, ya, I'll try and see what's my mkt value first lah.
Chen really knows how to reason with you hor? Clever boy

brenda, Jem is really sad? So shd I still go and 'console' her since she's just acting? You let Jem dump anything he likes in the basket? Vane will go straight to get Yakult herself.
Koala, went to see Dana's teacher already. Teacher was asking if how the arrival of her baby sister have affected her behaviour but i told her even last time in JG she also dun respond in class, at home she will do those things and show us. Now the teacher say we do our part to manage her emotional aspect (regarding how baby sister affected her) while she continue to monitor Dana to see if its just her character or she is anti social. Haiz, she will be more responsive in class soon. Carrying Evee doesn't really work, can carry her for almost 1 hour but put down cot will cry..likewise for sarong, swing her for 15-30min she will wake up after 15min or so...tiring.
u have any to recommend for chinese VCD? I don't know what to buy, even at this age, the gap btw her English and Mandarin proficiency is wide. I'm now last-minute trying to expose more- but my girl tends to give me a weird look when I use mandarin :p . The only mandarin she knows are "bao" (full), bing qi ling (icecream), dan gao (cake)- that's abt it! Worried she'd feel like an alien once she attends sch, if teachers and peers use mandarin?

My gf's kid just needed some time "off" to slowly get used to the idea of sch.
sorry mummies, bn mia for a while, but pls bear with me n my stupid/disgusting qns

bn puking whatever i ate since y'day. even milo n plain white bread oso cannot be in the digestive system for 30mins....running slight temp of 37.9-38. too pandadol for the 1st time this evening. shd i go c gp tmr???

bn lazing ard not doing much but still i sleep 10pm-8am, and again nap in the noon frm 3-5....still tired??? issit normal?? cos it's a totally different issue while i preg with J...how come like that arh??? normally or nt?

my nex kkh appt coming feb..mean time c gp can rite?
Lyn, every pregnancy is different so its possible you feel tiredness during tis period, but the tiredness could also be because you are feeling unwell.Think should at least go see GP in case of any infection as usually fever is a sign of your body fighting an infection.
go n c a gp if u ar unwell. cld it b u are coming down w a flu? any other symptoms? me too was v v tired tis preg compared to ash's tx. i tink cos we still nid to take care of our todd now n more 'worries' compared to 1st preg. tired jus slp.. no stress..
Good that your mgr is good. Hopefully things will be btr from now on.
Loved CC's reply. Smart boy.

Ally also often draws some squiggly lines and tells me it's this and that. I'll just agree with her since they are into make believe etc.

Regarding leaking breast, somehow I took longer to stop leaking. I still get it once in a while and Nick is already past 1 year.

I used to clapped my hands and raise my voice calling Allison's name to get her attention when she does something silly etc. Now she would imitate at time and if she doesn't like it, she'll raise one hand and beat her thigh and say Mommy/Daddy so naughty. I'm so angry. Or Why did you bang me etc etc.

Wah... you sending to Pat's schoolhouse and Shicida. Really investing in Jana's education. Good for you. Can't remember how much is it for Pat's schoolhouse? Isn't it at least $1.2k for half day?

Really like Pat's schoolhouse but too ex. Anyway, Ally seems to enjoy her school now... she's singing different songs every few days which is good. Used to be more conscious abt singing and she seems to be more open to expressing herself recently.
Medusa, maybe you can try out VCD with chinese songs to expose your gal to mandarin first? Cos most kids like songs and music.

lyn, shd see GP first to deal with your fever lah. Every preg is diff, cant compare.

absolut, Ally also imitating you??? Hehehe stimes I nearly laughed out when I saw that vane is imitating us leh but got to control my laughter lah.
agree w absolut. i still get leaky breast now even when Chloe is 8mths old. this is esp bad when chloe is hungry n suckle furiously. i think this is the case bcos i pump simutaneously for both breasts at work.
Helloooo mommiesss...

Miss me? I think not. :p

Brendali, Ethan also dumps what he wants in the basket. I let him... but put them away when he's not looking. He doesn't kick a fuss after the supermarket trip. Sometimes, I tell him... hey, we still have this at home. Then tell him we'll get it next time. He's ok abt that.

Koala, when's #2 coming?

Mom2Nat, pic Nat drew is very nice. Ethan also can draw face - but not as nice. His "eyes" will be just small little dots that can't really be seen.

Ruffy, reg breast leaking... it really depends. Usually it stops after 2-3 months. However, I was surprised just the other day when all of a sudden my breasts leaked in the office at 5pm. I usually pump at 11.30am and 6pm. So, u can imagine my shock.

Re: talk back
Ethan will do that at times when he wants his way. And when he does that, it's time out for him. However, I find it hard to discipline him in church. He will just scream and scream even when I give him warning not to. Think that's coz he thinks I cannot drag him out of the pews for timeout. Sigh! So, at times like that, it's distraction method.

PV, how are you now? When's the EDD?

btw, any update on EDDs now?

pls update me:
Nat - Maxine
Winnie -
Absolute -
Viv -
Emily - Elijah (17/6/06)
Brendali -
Skyblue -
Pringles -
Alicia's daddy -
Sanrio - EDD
Giggler - EDD
Ruffy - EDD
Lyn - EDD

Anyone else I missed? pls help me arrange as well.
Morning mummies,
Thanks for answering my question on leaky breasts
must keep extra breast pads in my bag now.
Today just brought Roy for his 1st 6-in-1 jab. He is 5.9kg now at 6wks.

Nat - Maxine
Winnie -
Absolute -
Viv -
Emily - Elijah (17/6/06)
Brendali -
Skyblue -
Pringles -
Alicia's daddy -
Sanrio - EDD
Giggler - EDD
Ruffy - Ryan 03-05-04 Roy 13-12-06 #3 - 2011
Lyn - EDD
HI Emily
Who says we don't miss you?
I always keep a lookout for you around Punggol. Never bump into you these days though.

In church, Sarah also can be quite willful. Most times she can 'sit' through the service with the help of books, toys, and raisins and biscuits. Sometimes she just MUST talk loudly, and when we hush her she'll loudly declare "I want to talk, I don't want to whisper". We will remove her to the cry room and spank her if that happens, and she doesn't get her reward jelly at the end of the service. She'll be very remorseful, and apologise, and then say she'll try again next week. Very funny. In Sunday school she's always the one with the demerit points for talking out of turn. Hahahaha.

EDD's & #2s....

pls update me:
Nat - Maxine
Winnie -
Absolute -
Viv -
Emily - Elijah (17/6/06)
Brendali -
Skyblue -
Pringles -
Alicia's daddy -
PV - 18 Feb 2007
Sanrio - EDD
Giggler - EDD
Ruffy - EDD
Lyn - EDD
Emily & any other mummies who expressed your BM twice in office, how to you sterilise your pump in your office?i am thinking of just pumping once in office when i return to work after CNY bec very troublesome if need to sterilise pump again for the 2nd pumping session in office but afraid SS will not meet DD.

EDD's & #2s....

pls update me:
Nat - Maxine
Winnie -
Absolute -
Viv -
Emily - Elijah (17/6/06)
Brendali -
Skyblue -
Pringles -
Alicia's daddy -
QSG - Evee (13/11/06)
PV - 18 Feb 2007
Sanrio - EDD
Giggler - EDD
Ruffy - EDD
Lyn - EDD
if u actually read the manual on Medela pumps, it says to sterilise the parts once a day. In between, to wash with water n allow to drip n air dry. for me, i run hot water thru. then take the parts apart n sterilise it every morning before i go to work. I'm still pumping twice a day at work n immediately once i reach home before hubby brings chloe back from my mum's place.

EDD's & #2s....

pls update me:
Nat - Maxine
Winnie -
Absolute -
Viv -
B2b3m4 - Chloe (28/5/06)
Emily - Elijah (17/6/06)
Brendali -
Skyblue -
Pringles -
Alicia's daddy -
QSG - Evee (13/11/06)
PV - 18 Feb 2007
Sanrio - EDD
Giggler - EDD
Ruffy - EDD
Lyn - EDD
