(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

<font color="aa00aa">Hahahha Hazey,</font>
GOT U....yah...<font color="aa00aa">shook</font>, where to get babana n si mi lah a? heheheheeh...SHOOK< WAKE UP!

<font color="aa00aa">PVL,</font>
I condition n role play with my kids for any upcoming 'big' event too! Like visiting dentist, going to c/c, taking schoolbus etc!
...It works wonder hor? It kind of cushion their anxiety better!
Yeah! Teddy STILL knocked out from Kindermusik! HA Ha HA!

Eureka, must watch your small ones lor. Teddy ran away from me at least 1.5 metre and STILL going when I caught up with him, just today at Tanglin Mall. Gave him one good smack for that! Threw down my open bag (was trying to pack some toys I bought for him), my wallet and keys, the toys just to ran after him. Sigh!
He hates wearing a harness some more, kick up such a fuss, got pple ask if I need help or not!

My mom also claims I tried to run away from home when I was 5 (!), 'cos I hated the new house that my family moved to at that time! I was caught trying to wriggle my way under the gate leading to the road!

Gotta go! Teddy woke!
Wats T2 marching? Long Q at the amk one? Where is it near to?

Wah, so near to EDD still dare to venture out of Spore :p Thks for the website

I know wat u mean. Not all gals r guai guai one. My fren's gal very garang oso.

My mentality is dat the 2 boys can be great pals when they're growing up. Same gender so more things to share bah.
TCM is a long term kind of investment. WIll nid to consult the yi si for sometime n take their medication b4 u'll see results. Dat time my hubby always ask me to see chinese sinseh. I no patience to take long to recover, very much prefer western doc, eat medi, n recover ASAP.
Wat is leaping frog learning sys?

I oso dunno if i shd get a helper. My aunt says she can manage. I tink i'm the one who can't manage.

LOLllll...Ethan so cute one.

Heheheh, i know Ian not chubby, but certain angles u see, Ian has got dat very cute cheeks

giggler, QSG,
I can't imagine how the poor gal died. To tink dat she's only a few mths older than our kids. Some pple can be so perverted!!! Stuff the body under the dark flyover somemore!

If u want it to be easier, u can go wet mkt and jus buy a thin wedge of the pumpkin.

I dunno if those drinks will cause hyperactivity or not leh. I tink too little an amt bah.
boey, you also like MMI? What do you like abt it?

Ruffy, Happy Belated Bday! Didnt know you so young, only 20, heehee......

eureka, LOL... on your joke abt craving for choc and KFC. Aiyo, you dun scared GG leh. You stay so near to that Malay gal? I very sad abt the news, maybe her age very near to Vane. You even role-play with them??? I only talk to Vane abt it, that's why.
Chen Chen closes his mouth n bite his tooth brush when I wanna brush his teeth. He wanna brush his teeth himself

Pvl, Giggler
Chen Chen does it the other way round. He is the 1 who asked me to ah n use his tooth brush to brush my teeth n look into my mouth to brush my teeth when I teach him how to brush teeth. I find it v funni so I play along wif him
Is it ok to swallow the First teeth toothpaste? I dun think Chen Chen knows how to spit out water

Monkey seats on a comb of banana wif back facing sticking up the tail = babana

Thot u r so kind to help me. Ai say man I overestimated u

Banana lower calorie n more nutritious
Vane so clever knows how to rinse her mouth
MMI's program is v gd

MMI in Sengkang conducting wk n class?

Happy belated b'dy
Your cake looks yummy
Ya, ya.... that's the bag i'm talking abt. Its a back pack not black bag!!!! So where u buy from??? I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere.

Juz to share...
Brought ashley to her MMR jab last saturday. (yes, we delayed it til now). Then turned out that she's on the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. so in actual fact, she's very, very underweight. however, there's no way i can force her to eat. she eats when she likes. some times, can be one big bowl. at other times, she can just survive on a slice of bread n a small tub of yoghurt for the whole day.
I also havent brought Elyse for her last jab...delay tillnow. So scared the doc scold me ....

The bag I bought abt a year back! Penguin is black n white?? Easily dirty leh...Thot the turtle/tortise is cute too!

How come no one answered me on the training pants huh???
Anyway, tried the benbeni one and also another cheaper and more comfortable one called (Spencers), if im not wrong. My mom and I both concluded that Alicia was comfortable wearing them even when wet with urine and would only feel uncomfortable when it leaked onto the floor. That kinda defeats my purpose of getting her to wear training pants rite?? Anyway, i only bought 2 pieces for her to try so far.

We bought Alicia a Barney cup, Baby Bob fury bag, a new crib for no.2, a tube of first teeth toothpaste, a skirt and a pair of shorts for Alicia and some toys for a friend's baby from the taka bb fair.

I also like the beef noodles at that hougang coffee shop, hehe. Yes, the chilli is quite gd! Ate it quite a number of times last month since its nearby my mom's place. But of course i don't mind trying the one Eureka recommended too. If you are into vietnamese beef noodles also, try Pho House at suntec outside Toys "R" Us area. I patronise them every now and then

Ethan sang birthday song for who? He sure knows how to create ambience even when the lights are out hor?!

Gd that Sarah was ok with her first visit to dentist.
I also use first teeth toothpaste and brush for Alicia altho nowadays she prefers to brush by herself with her kodomo toothbrush(trying to perfect her skills tho...guess only practice makes perfect) Likewise, she swallows everything happily-duh....and she doesn't know how to gargle even tho she obviously wants to imitate everything i do. She swallows her water..heheee...i find it funny watching her.

I can see from the video that Ash is really charged up with energy!!!LOL
You can also try Barney VCD - Stop and Go, Hot and Cold.

U must be relieved Teddy got tired out by kindermusik class. Maybe its just a matter of working him out physically so that he zonks into deep sleep at nite? But be consoled, sometimes my gal also doesn't sleep thru the nite and wakes on occasions, hard to pinpoint why , but she gets back to sleep with some milk. Sigh

btw, wats VIA cup?

How do u find ur maid so far?
Wahahahahha, Ash is so farnyyyy...
Kieran likes to do the spinning round and round oso :p Hey, Ash practising commando crawl liao ah? He's so fast!!!
I asked abt ur confinement lady. Dunno if u missed my post? Can recommend?

Happy Belated Birthday to Ryan

I've been craving for dat beef noodles the whole day today. Haiz...

B2, eureka,
Ur tods haven taken MMR? MOH nvr send u a letter ah? My colleague's dotter, who's approaching 2 YO, oso haven taken her MMR. My colleague received a letter from MOH, reminding her to bring her dotter for the jab. Or mebbe cos hers is taken at polyclinic.
let me go find her contact n will pm u.

pringle, skyblue,
ya lor, ash is full of energy evy min, non-stop 1 except wen zzz. he loves running fast fast n climbing up n down d stairs v fast, nid not hold unto d rail. i ask hubby why he does such thgs so well but speech so slow leh...

i bought barney dining set 4 ash too fr taka bb fair. wanted to buy d barney bag but hubby tried leting ash cari d bag, he took it off n threw it on d floor leh.. so din buy.

has ashley taken d dpt booster jab? ash has not.

happy n blessed b'day to ryan!

so d leappad doesnt cum w d book? i mus buy separately? i practise d choosing of own toy, taking of mat n sit on it, fin playing n keep d toy n mat, w ash evy morning af his brkfast. but his attn span v short 1. how i wish ash is like vane so independent. actually my intention of sending him 2 daily playgp (w/o me having to b present) intially, was to give myself a short brk evyday..
can give me d exact title of d barney farm vcd? tks.

mayb my typo error. i dun give ash sweet stuff but he is super active too. i gave him diluted apple juice too, shd b fine. anyway ash dun like stuff like cake n ice-cream. 1 tiny mouthful n he wld gave d 'yucks' look.
Opps, sorry, I can't help you on the training pants. Cos I haven't started Nat on any yet. I am having probs making her lie down to change diapers now. *sigh*... new patterns every weeks leh.
Hi mummies,
Thanks for ur B'day wishes for Ryan.

HAve tried the BEnbeni pants.. well.. it is to help prevent messes on the floor. Ryan does wear them when he is home.. sometimes pee even once can leak through.. it depends . OR else u just let your gal wear shorts instead if you think it is better. If Ryan could he would rather run around 1/2 naked.
Hi Alicia Jie Jie, Vane Jie Jie n Sarah Jie Jie,
We sure are enjoying our Banana treat frm our First Toothpaste daily?? Yummy!


Hi Shook,
Dun scold me lah...U are really so ticklish at time! I still cant get over the shaking of corn ok!

Elyse just back frm her jab this evening. Weight n height all 25percentile!!!! Lagi small! Ashley eats little so she is small...cause n effect. Elyse very tiam jiak but still small! Betwn Ashley n Elyse, ashley more hope to grow into the higher percentile rite?
Hi Sanrio,
Ashrel is so funny, those spinning n crawling! Suddenly 1 thot flashes into my mind. U mentioned he is always so active n really strong rite? SOmetime back u posted his eating schedule n i was kind of appalled that he really can eat! More than me n while he is already eating his 3rd meal, elyse is yet to eat her 2nd meal! Maybe that account as to y elyse is so small. Ashrel eats lots, that is y he is so full of power/strength, thus nvr ending movement n tricks tat make you so chuan???
Hi Waiyen!
Oh dear, can imagine ur 'no image' look chasing after Teddy today! ahhahahaa.....they are very fast hor! Ytd at Suntec, elyse also try to run n hop away, caught her n put her on the trolley cart. She protest n refused to sit dn at the proper seat to be. Ended up I dumped her into the good compartment...together with the merchanise n u know wat? She crawled ard n over the kitchen towel, poked the prune/fish etc while the trolley was mobile!!!

Oh gosh, scary leh u.....trying to escape via the gate leading to the main gate. Y at such tender age, u already have such mentality as to DUN LIKE, JUST GO????? I still blur blur watching black n white TV at 5yo leh! hahahhaha
ya, ya..receive letter from MOH, but the health booklet says between 1-2 yr, so i dilly dally loh.. Oso read the reports on early MMR jab with autism, so never tot of giving her too early.
Just realise MMR jab is compulsory in Spore, or else cannot register Primary 1!!!

Yah, ashley oso haven't gotten her last booster shot for DPT. The nurse says both are life vaccine, therefore cannot give both at the same time. since she has already gotten DPT b4, MMR more impt, so give her MMR 1st.

Funni hor?? Both u n hubby not really small size but turn out Elyse in 25th percentile. everyone commented that for ashley since papa n mama not v big size, difficult for her to be big. n she's always running around, hubby says wat ever she eats oso kenna burn off already.

U never answer my qn abt the samsonite bag!!! Where did u buy?? Who cares it was one yr ago!!!
U believe me, I din reply cos I cant recall! I think I got a good buy at $29+ (?) at 1 of the luggage shops in chinatown! YES, i think so cos I was so happy to get the gd deal after some bargaining! It is retailed at $39+ at the samsonite boutique at Suntec, rtie?

Go check it out...$10 difference, issit alot to you?
Wow!!! $29 good deal leh.. now i;m not even talking abt bargain, i can't even find them in the samsonite shops. so very frustrated. dun feel like buying those allerhand bags, which serves only as a diaper bag. wanted to get a good quality, can use even when the kids are older.

Mummies who use MIM baby sling,
any big diff between the basic cotton range n the higher end silk range??? Got mothers say die, die must get the silk one bcos cooler?? But i tot they r more or less the same.
B2,Viv, Hazey,
Thks for the addr for aprisin, find the Tender Heart Tea Party set very nice too.
Did they hv that at Taka?

Yah my maid handles both of my kids. My boy quite independent, she handles my girl &amp; cooking only. Actually quite ok cause we have a partime maid coming in weekly to do the major cleaning, ironing &amp; I will be the 1 doing cooking for weekend. Will stop the partime once my girl gets into playgroup.

Emily, Eureka, Viv,
I also headache wonder how to make her eat.
I cooked the pasta but she only wants to eat the plain pasta.
Hb keep on saying don have to force her, when hungry she will know how to ask for food. End up waking up twice for milk during the night. Each time when I encounter such problem I will tink of Vane so senang.

We can shake hands liao, my gal also 25th percentile for weight and above 75th percentile for height. Can imagine she only puts on 50gm in 2 months. PD say cut down her milk and give her more solid.

Mark run away from home cause kena bully by the sis and I have to allow my hb to spend more time on PC so that he cant go out to fool around. Ha ha ha very funny.
Yup will tink of you before losing my cool. So sweet, Elsie brushing her teeth.

Tink u better speak to Angeline. So short 1min see what?
From my experience not like Kindermuzik leh. They do have song&amp; movements, phonics, lettering &amp; toys for tots to explore.

Joining Josiah at Simei.

I did the urine test it was ok.
Pig trotters with vinegar

1 pig trotters cut
bottle of black rice vinegar can put more if u like (has a picture of a dog on the label with double ingredients in Chinese)
Old Ginger remove skin &amp; bruised it
2L of water
200gm black sugar
Sesame oil

Part 1
Heat sesame oil in pot &amp; fry ginger till fragrant.
Add water, vinegar &amp; sugar to boil.

Part 2
In another pot bring water to boil and then throw in the trotters, further boil for 10 mins
Remove trotters and add into Part 1

Then simmer for an hour.
SO U MUST CARE abt the fact that it was bought abt a year ago!!!!!! Design obsolete????? Get what I mean????

That bag is just nice to put 3diapers, 1 packet of wet wipe, 2 munchkin bottles, my wallet/tissues/handphone. For newborn, u may want to use a bigger bag for extra clothing, the milk bottle etc?

I bought the bag with the intention of using it as a schoolbag for Rae but turned out too small. On Monday, many additional things needs to be stuffed in...not big enuff. So I am using it
n find it just nice for 2kids currently.
I find that for vinegar pig trotter, the vinegar is very important...the entire taste can be very different. Now got to go search for the 'dog' label liao
I thot i saw the bags at OG luggage session leh??? If I go jalan jalan, I will let u know.....U due only in June rite?
DO u fume at time when Grace refuses to eat?? IS she teething? FOr my ELYSE (not Elsie
), she can eat but she is very playful. SHe will run away deliberately n want me to catch her. U can see her grinning cheekily away, legs open wide wide n swaying away, want to play. I refuse to chase after her n insist she come to me. As a result, i really fume at times. COok for u, dun want to eat, dun eat, how to grow, how to have strength, how to blah blah....ah duh. Until the most recent Sunday, I boiled n said 'DUN EAT, THROW!'...
Wat is Ashley's wt? Chen Chen is 9kg. He is in 25 percentile. PD said Chen Chen is growing along tis percentile all along. So consider normal growth.

Can't ans u coz I haven't get the training pants yet

Oops sorry. Happy belated b'dy to Ryan

Ash concentrates on motor development than speech. No worry as long there is development

Angeline is the principle there?
Wat u said is more informative than Jessie

Chen Chen is always in the goods compartment in the trolley. Yes dig n play wif the things I buy, esp fruits.
Ai say man. Dun eat throw! I already bo lug to fume when Chen Chen refuse to eat. I gotta pretend to scope food fm my hubby's bowl or use my hubby's spoon to scope Chen Chen's food to feed him. Last Sun I fed Chen Chen baked potato wif cheese. When he saw me eating yoghurt he wanted. Inititally bluff him by putting a spoon of his food n a spoon of yoghurt in his mouth than withdrew yoghurt. After a few mouthful he knows the tick n grab the yoghurt. In the n I mix yoghurt wif his food to feed him
shook, it's ok to swallow First Teeth toothpaste. I've been using it since Vane got her first teeth. Have u been to any MMI recently?

Ruffy, if it's Ryan's cake then how come not 3 candles?

sanrio, the title is "Fun on the Farm". Vane always ask to eat bread when watching it. Sigh.........

pringles, I haven got any training pants so cant answer you leh. Maybe can get Ruffy to help?

sanrio/Mom2Nat, can let me know the feedback once u start using the training pants?

eureka, can teach me how to take such nice pix of your little ones huh? I can never be able to take such pix of Vane.

GG, actually Vane never give me prob abt feeding since young. She's ok with my nipple or teats when still bfg, ok with any food that is offered to her, ok with any brand of milk powder. But I headache with her tantrums and her roughness.
Eureka, even your toilet oso so brightly coloured! Elyse looks like she is having a good time! Tyra still dunno how to spit out. She will ask for a cup, then drink the water, then "Pui!" very amusing!
yes, Jana is still at Wee Care, this is her 2nd term. dunno y leh, this term she not as participative, dunno if she sian of the class or not ...think will continue another term n see how it goes.

happy birthday!

skyblue, b2
I also got the reminder letter from health board, din know they track such things!

I hv the mim sling, initially got the cotton one, very thick n hot and also difficult to pull and tighten, went back to change it to the silk one, its much better. The material is much softer, not so hot and easier to pull n tighten.

congrats on passing ur OGTT!

thanks for the recipe, u ever heard before tat to make it real yummy, need to cook the vinegar a week in advance first, then everyday take it out to boil?

no need to be specifically dom rite ...any alcohol will also hv tat kinda effect!

not only the dog brand, must be double strength type. y u gotta go search for vinegar ... u preparing for confinement???

how u train elyse to spit the water huh? We've been trying to teach Jana but she always end up swallowing leh ...
yes, Jana is still at Wee Care, this is her 2nd term. dunno y leh, this term she not as participative, dunno if she sian of the class or not ...think will continue another term n see how it goes.

happy birthday!

skyblue, b2
I also got the reminder letter from health board, din know they track such things!

I hv the mim sling, initially got the cotton one, very thick n hot and also difficult to pull and tighten, went back to change it to the silk one, its much better. The material is much softer, not so hot and easier to pull n tighten.

congrats on passing ur OGTT!

thanks for the recipe, u ever heard before tat to make it real yummy, need to cook the vinegar a week in advance first, then everyday take it out to boil?

no need to be specifically dom rite ...any alcohol will also hv tat kinda effect!

not only the dog brand, must be double strength type. y u gotta go search for vinegar ... u preparing for confinement???

how u train elyse to spit the water huh? We've been trying to teach Jana but she always end up swallowing leh ...
Eh Eureka ah, so you cooking a lot of the pig's trotter right? So can I self invite ah? I nvr ate any pig's trotter with vinegar before leh.....
Ruffy is only 2 years old lah. Of course 2 candles lor.

Eureka, B2, can post a picture of the bags you all are talking about? My hubby is using this:


And I am using a maroon back pack from the Flowers range.

VIA is a series of travel cups for containing baby food. I find it similar to hte Gerber cups, no big deal. Just more pricey.
I used the MIM cotton sateen sling and I think it was cooler than the normal cotton one.Also handles very well. Can feel the difference! Doesn't "burn" the skin when you pull.
Happy belated birthday to Ryan! The cake looks delicious! From where har? I am thinking of getting the same GOodwood Park durian cake for Ian's birthday this year... hehehe...*salivating*
Just a quick one. Hubby at home looking after Teddy 'cos I'm down with a breast infection.

For mommies with fussy eating kids, have you tried putting your tod in a highchair to eat? Maybe it's 'cos right the start I've put Teddy in a high chair, no real problems for me when I feed him, but at my mom's place, he eats on the floor as no high chair there, and he leads us a merry merry chase!

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>-No particular preference for MMI really, just like the premises. Big and safe looking.

<font color="0000ff">ShOOk</font>-MMI said that they would be conducting wk n class eventually, just not yet.

<font color="0000ff">B2</font>-don't worry lah. As long as she gets her nutrition, it's ok, doctor wasn't that concerned either, right? Hey, she'll be the envy of every girl around when she's older!
MIM sling - basic cotton range is VERY warm. I bought the cotton one at first, in the end, I still had to purchase another cotton sateen one, as it's cooler. Silk one is cooler also, and easier to handle, 'cos won't bunch up when trying to adjust. Choose either a cotton sateen or silk one.

<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>-Not using training pants yet, either, so can't help you. Via cups are produced by Avent. It's their latest system of storing bm and baby food. I use them for storing Teddy's food in the freezer when I batch cook. He still won't let me stay long enuff in the kitchen to cook a proper meal for him.

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>-TEddy also pulls the same trick for trolleys. We have to get a basket AND a trolley when hb and I go shopping! For just me and Teddy, I buy very little stuff if I go grocery shopping.

<font color="0000ff">Ruffy</font>-sorry Ruffy, tot you say 'MY' cake mah! Give a high-5 to Ryan for me!
was trying to post this message at 10am but net work down.

Yes they have the Tender Hearts kitchen set at Taka BB fair (not in Taka itself) But hor, the price is $198 instd of $189 on the internet.
I dun like to buy things thru internet but $10 leh!!! can eat 3 bowls of wanton mee!!!!

Oh, your girl girl oso like that ah??? The nurse at the polyclinic never say anything leh. Say girl not so worrying??? (tot the chart already take into consideration the diff in gender?)
Anyway, Ashley not a big solid food eater. always eat in misely amt. even if we drag her milk feeds longer, she dun complain that she hungry. in fact she never complains she's hungry. she only like to eat or munch wat ever things u are eating but even then it's only 1-2 mouthfulls.

Ashley is 9.4kg (plus her heavy diaper on) but 85cm tall. Hb says like that very lugi, very soon need to buy child ticket for her to MRT liao!!

U help me check at Chinatown for the bag? Thank you, thank you!!! Ya, ya.. due in beginning of June.
Hi Mummies

<font color="0000ff">B2</font>
I didn't know the kitchen sets have names like Tender Hearts, etc...hehe...not intending to buy now, my gals are only two months! and I need to clear space before getting anything. Already my boi's toys and cars take up the space...
I saw the Little Tikes model at the shop at Suntec bb side.. looks sturdy and cute.

U hving a boi or gal this time??
I think u mentioned is a gal if I rmbr correctly.

Ashley - so long she is healthy, shud be ok right?

<font color="0000ff">pringles/viv/skyblue</font>
Maid ah - I dun expect 100% from her but I find being an employer is also not easy... hiaz.. gotta make sure she is ok and happy.. told hb really if got choice, I also dun want maid...
very headache to maintain cordial relationship..
In fact I'm already thinking so far as to what happens in two years' time...

<font color="0000ff">skyblue</font>
Ur aunt wl also take care of nbr 2??

<font color="0000ff">eureka</font>
Elyse's hair only curls at the ends now? If u cut her hair, does it mean it will only be straight? Can't help noticing that nearly everything is yellow in the pics... hehe
Hey Ryan,
Happy belated birthday to you!!

Don't worry that Ashley is on the small size. I like it leh. Cos at least you won't need to be worried that next time she too big size. hahaha, girl small size is good. As long as she is healthy can liao.
Wat toothbrush do u use to brush Vane's teeth wif toothpaste when she has her 1st tooth?
Never been to any MMI

How u get the infection? Blocked duct? Poor u
Chen Chen sits in high chair whenever he eats his proper meal
Do u know when MMI start wk n class?

If PD din comment anything on Ashley's wt, shldn't b a concern
Chen Chen is not a big eater either
hazey, it's so funny hor? Ok, we'll meet for lunch next week?

Viv, maybe Jana sian with activities? Is the activities the same all this while? I thot Vane to spit by showing her how I do it. So she just imitate me.

eureka, me too.... Rem to invite me if you cooking the pig's trotter vinegar, I never taste before.

jul, I thot Ryan 3 yrs old liao.

Ruffy, pai seh leh.... I always thot Ryan is one yr older than Vane. Aiya, he's developing too fast lah. LOL

Boey, think my col sends her son to their childcare.

styloBB, you mean you alr thinking if you want to keep this maid after 2yrs?

shook, I got the toothbrush with toothpaste from First Teeth. The toothbrush is something that you can slot in your finger one. Ooh... I thot you mentioned that MMI is good so assumed you went to one liao.
As promised, my observations about MMI Sengkang.

Went last Sat to check it out. Their artist impression of the place was quite accurate. Buildings surrounding a nice big quandrangle. Playgroup classrooms are only on ground floor, nursery upstairs. Staircases are blocked off from the toddlers.
No classes on wk n for now (dunno when start), so a teacher brought us around for orientation. A lot of people also came by to check out MMI, until office was CROWDED!
Their pool was next to the playgroup classrooms, unfortunately, but it is fenced away by a fairly high stile.
My biggest like? Everything NEW! Their teaching materials, their toy cars (Little Tikes ride-ons), and they'll be bringing in new gym equipment.
The price is high, but I would say it's worth it, cos they really have a lot of manipulatives, like number bars, fraction boards, wood puzzles, etc. The kid is definitely kept active.
The teachers supposedly have at least 5 years teaching pre-school, even b4 they get their Montesseri diploma. The playgroup teacher we saw (there are 2 classes for Playgroup) is quite young tho', but she did seem the calm sort.
Oh yah, brought Teddy for his 2nd haircut by professional. Can certainly recommend the Junior League at Suntec City. Teddy's hair was cut by the guy (he's the only one that works there on the weekdays, joined by another lady for weekends)

Realised that also the person holding the toddler must also be the calm type. Teddy's Papa held him this time, and plonked his butt on the chair and proceeded to sort of 'phase out'. Teddy, not sensing anything amiss, just proceeded to look around and explore. The hairdresser also the calm steady type. Hb also said he's like magician, got all sorts of tricks up his sleeve to keep Teddy occupied and engrossed. Teddy actually tolerated the haircut until he got itchy from the shaving of his back hair, then he started getting irritated, by which time the guy pretty much finished with the haircut.

Probably it's a combo of a few factors - open space with people watching, calm people around him (I was pretty much 'implied by body language' that I was redundant!), steady hairdresser - and this time's haircut was pretty much a breeze. No screaming, struggling or wailing. Would go back there again for his next hair cut!

For the ladies, maybe can try the female hairdresser, but she's only there on weekends, and queue can be quite long, but she also seems the steady type. The kids actually seemed EAGER to cut their hair there!
yup ash is a big eater but is eating lesser as compared to b4. now dun really like porridge, prefer rice. somtx he can eat as much rice as me. he likes soup esp corn, potato, carrot, pumpkin, those w a sweet taste.
hmm...if i 'starve' him a little, he wont hav so much energy 2 make me so chuan is it :p

can show me a pic of ur bag u're talking abt? where in chinatown can get gd offer?

ash cant take hunger. he will not 4get his milk n food. mayb cos he is so active so he nid 2 eat more?? he is not fat right?
ash taking his dpt booster tis fri. wich pd does ashley goes to now, not kkh pte pd clinic right?

MMI in sk sounds impressive. i visted MMI near my hse ie. at railway mall n holland, both ar small, old n cramp.
tks. look like i cant send ash to playgp 4 now. he is w jwt gym now n he likes it a lot. i m gg 2 sign him up 4 another term.

Eureka, show picture of the bag leh! I might want to buy.
Nice pictures of Elyse brushing.. .wish Ian could let us do that!!
