(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Not really, depending on promotion, Pampers might be between 44cents to 47cents. That's why I don't find much different.
shook, no lah... dun be angry, ok??? Chen Chen wears Huggies Dry Comfort?

pigletz, is it? You must let me know if there's any Pampers promo liao.
PVL, sorry to hear about what happened.

Viv/Pringles, pao sheng and cordyceps are safe for breastfeeding?

Sanrio, seems that not possible to be pain free hor?i also got chronic back pain at certain angles, postures since delivery sometimes even leg can be affected.I heard some herbs can help to strengthen the back, but dunno what exactly.

Giggler, i have let Dana try both huggies and nepia training pants but only during weekends at home...i prefer nepia though more ex. Nepia can absorb more and cutting bigger. The large for huggies is like M for nepia. It is easier to potty train using pants.

Shook, thanks for the organising this happening BBQ.

Brenda, hubby & Jerome - sausages & stringray
Emily, Ethan & maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby & Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb & Dana - agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby & Ashrel
Boey KIV
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp & cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
pringles, piglet,

herbs i bought:
pao sheng
dong chong chao
qi zi
huai shan
bei qi
dang shen
red dates
black dates
black beans

had a nice chat with the lady at the shop and she said can take dang gui, v good too and not so expensive like pao sheng n chong chong chao. but i dun like the taste of dang gui. she also recommended gao li sheng(korean ginseng). gao li sheng and dang gui must take earlier during the confinement cos its very heaty, dun take it after 20 days.

take ur time, no hurry. I'm also a light sleeper. I cant move Jana to sleep in her own room cos she's already v used to co-sleeping and needed us as bolsters
initially we did plan to train her to sleep on her own but it failed and we din wan to chase her out after no.2 comes along.

if no.2 boy again then go for no.3 lor ..hehehe...

i'm stopping at 2 lah ...getting old, no more energy to go thru another pregnancy. also its too financially draining to hv 3 kids.

i'm not sure if the sealer cutting is big or not leh...i used to use sealer but now mainly nepia.

my mum have enof "fun" taking care of Jana already. infact she was so looking forward to her freedom when Jana turned 1 yr, i din dare to announce my second pregnancy. she is not those type of grandparents who prefer boy cos my grandma was like dat and she suffered alot becos she had 3 daughters. till today, my grandma is causing lots of friction between my parents.

yes they r safe, but the lactation consultant says certain herbs not too gd cos will affect milk ss.
giggler 8.80 for 2 packs selling @ where?hw many pieces? 10 or 12?
i bought 10pc for $4.90 & 12 pcs for $5.10
Thank goodness there's someone to take care of alicia now. Yah, 1st trimester always seems so long. once u r in 2nd, u work so hard coping with the lethargy n the 1st one, u dun have very much time to think abt the preg. i even skip all my vitamins n calcium this time. but the urinary urgency is worse now now. Gynae says cannot be help, just wants me to do more pelvic exercise. will u be doing your own confinement?

difficult to stay in bro's room, all his work stuff still there. My mum already state very clearly she won;t do it, dun wan to discuss some more, can get very pek chek sometimes.
Hai yah.. my status at home always like 2nd citizen. Some more SIL very domineering one. My sister who still lives under the same roof has always complain like crazy, dun want to add to the arguments n frustrations. Better for hubby too. otherwise, for the 1st preg, hubby like got no home, keep shuttling between SK n my mum's place.

Will be coming with Ashley n hubby to the BBQ. What else do u need?? I can make garlic bread or fried bee hoon.

Hopefully my mum will take pity in me n help me do the marketing but i think i will still need to do the cooking on my own. Now got Ashley, cannot just cook for myself, need to look into her needs too.

My EDD 5 June. think i will extend my maternity leave. really can't imagine going thru those pumping session in the office, too stressful.

With regards to which job u want, it really depends on what is your priority?? If u r still interested in advancing in your career, then u shld of course take the full time job. A job in an MNC with good pay of course expects lots of hard work n time. But if u think u are more interested in spending more time with family, then a part time job shld be the answer.
Once u r clear abt what u want, its pretty easy.
QSG, I'm looking for bigger cutting as Vane's thigh is too big for Nepia L size soon.

Viv, can u pass me one pc of Sealer for Vane to try. Thanks. Oic.... your mom prefers to have more freedom type.

Jeslyn, it's $8.80 for 2 packs for all sizes (L/XL/XXL) at Guardian Pharmacy.

B2, do you think you can cope doing everything yourself for your confinement?

hazey, you 'act' very fast hor???
Precisely i have my doubts, that's why getting worried. Really can't think of another way out.
Think i shouldn't have any problems losing weight for 2nd preg.
U give face to Eureka not me leh
If she dun up I wu lar lar liao kena pong pong pong by u OMG
Chen Chen wears Huggies Dry. If u want can pass u a pc to try on Vane on Sat. BTW Chen Chen wears L.

Thx for updating the list
The herb to strengthen back is du(4) zong(4). Looks like zebra skin
How u potty train wif pants?

I too old to hv no 3. Financially v draining oso
My mum wanted a gal. Few ppl (including Eureka) dunno y said my no 2 is another boi. So my mum is like huh boi agn wanna try or not har. Try if boi xian, dun try if gal missed man. How how how???

Well perhaps it is even better dat u do confinement @ home. U never know till it happens. Confinement food wld it b easier if u cater, than u dun hv to cook. Ashley's food can train maid to cook or not?
Hv u got your new maid already?
B/w garlic bread n bee hoon. Garlic bread easier to make n bring right. Take the easier 1. U need lots of rest

Any of your tod needs porridge besides ash?
B2, I seriously feel that you shd get some help leh. How abt getting the confinement food caterer from Nat? At least, you wont need to do marketing and cook yourself.

shook, no lah, I wont pong u. I still can see you and other mummies mah. Have been looking fwd for gathering for so long liao. Dun need to pass me the Huggies, you let me tried once but Vane not suitable. Thanks.
You dun try, you wont know for sure if your No.2 is boi or gal.

Mummies, got any suggestion on what to bring for BBQ?
my mum quite active before Jana came along, she goes shopping with my sisters and swims twice a week as well. Ever since Jana came along, she has been stuck at home, its diff to bring Jana out cos its diff to feed Jana when she's outside, plus she still not walking yet ...she dun mind looking at grandchildren but i think she's tired already.

ok..i bring sealer for vane to try.

I only realised last week that my mum also uses Eureka's method to predict the gender of babies. according to the lines on Jana's thigh, my mum guessed i'm having a boy ...infact alot of people guess i'm having boy cos my tummy sharp and one of my aunty say belly button pops out means boy ... so sometimes these predictions can go wrong.

can use the more scientific method instead, but of cos, not 100% foolproof though. actually its nice for chen chen to hv a playmate, so boy/girl not impt lah. same sex not a bad thing, can share hobbies/hang out together...schooling also easier if u intend to enrol chen chen in boys school, no.2 can just follow.

i told my mum, i go for no.3 if i strike TOTO ...she say dun wan!
U dun like huggies dry?
U bring charcoal for BBQ
Kidding lar. So heavy how to carry. My hse next to NTUC juz grab anything simple. err.... u contribute chilli sauce, BBQ got eat tomato sauce or not har?

Strike toto to hv no 3, u wanna be a sahm?
I like to hv a gal leh
What a lot I miss when I'm not logging in just for a few days! Not going to torture you with too long a post, so going to pick on only a few topics of discussion.

Teddy is attending Kindermusik at Tanglin Mall. Good thing is can get 5% rebate on Home Materials if using POSB Everyday Card. Any mommies want to join me? Can use my card to pay, and I 'discount' you the rebate amount lor!

Doubt I'll be able to go for Shook's BBQ as well, don't want to risk your little ones, quite a potent bug, even for an adult! So sad, miss 2 gatherings at 1 go!

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>-Have you tried the Nepia BIG size (actually XL lah!). Teddy uses Nepia BIG(12kg up) pull-ups, and Pampers Premium. But nowadays, Nepia can only handle one wetting (big volume bladder!) and Pampers 2 wettings, so now only use Pampers.

Will try to toilet train him when I get well, since I've noticed that he has good bladder control. Any suggestions on making potty training easy on mom and son?

Anyone wants to buy over my Nepia BIG pull-ups? Got 2 packs to sell, at $14 (very cheap!), bought during the bulk discount. Collect at Sengkang.
BTW, Jin Tai Tong Medical Hall at PAsir Ris sells Pampers Premium 36 XL pcs for $18.20 (abt 50cents/pc), one of the cheaper prices around. Dunno if the Jin Tai at Rivervale Plaza sells the same price, any1 can check?

<font color="0000ff">B2</font>-why not consider hiring a half-day CL, or at least, cater confinement food. It really eases your load a lot if you don't have to cook. I even ordered tingkat dinner for hb and me for Teddy's first 6-7 months or so.
Know how you feel about staying elsewhere other than your home. Better to stay at your own home if you can handle, but must be willing to let a lot of chores go, or hubby has to seriously help out A LOT!
Viv, my mom is very active too. Think she sacrificed quite a fair bit looking after Vane and my niece. Thanks in advance for the diaper.
Your mom so persistant that you can only have 2???

shook, Vane got nappy rashes after using Huggies Dry. I prefer Huggies Dry Comfort. Chilli sauce??? Ok, I bring that and maybe Marshmallow? Did u request the email from the other thread on choosing gender?

Boey, I quite like Kindermusik too but feel that it's ex. I find Nepia pull-up ex, I use Huggies pull-up but Nepia diapers. Take care!
Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb &amp; Dana - agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Boey KIV
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings

May consider bringing fruits, samosa/curry puffs, bak kwa!?! , fried rice???
thx for informing me. U r always so understanding

Great mind thinks alike. I wz thinking of suggesting u to bring marshmallow (light n easy) on my way home

Thx for the suggestions. Giggler will b sending Vane to class b4 going to my hse. So fried rice not possible. Fruits probably too heavy for her to bring as she needs to handle Vane alone. In case Vane sleeps she needs to carry Vane. No offence hor. Other mummies who haven't decide wat to bring can get idea fm u

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow
Hi mummies,
Thank you for the well-wishes and commiserations. My Evac procedure (not a D &amp; C as earlier mentioned) went very smoothly. Took my gynae about 5 minutes, according to the nurse. I'm feeling fine, a little crampy, very little bleeding, like end of menses.

It was disappointing to lose our baby, but I sort of had a week to prepare myself since the last check-up was already not good, so I was OK with it. It would have been for the best. The baby is probably with the Lord now. We've named him/her 'Sidney'. hehehehe. My hubby's idea.

Now I'm on a mini-'confinement'. And I can see my MIL fussing already. Thank God she doesn't have the time to come over here. But cos of antibiotics, I'm not allowed to take the Dom, or the strong herbs yet. (Yay!)

<font color="ff0000">Sanrio</font>,
Sorry, I don't think I can go to your place tomorrow. If my MIL found out I was going all about, she'd probably yell at me.
no prob. u take care
c u some other days. we can go shopping mah wen u're 'well'.

i personally find d playgp v v gd af we tried n visted so many. conducive environment, v nice teacher, v small ratio (3 kids, no. 4 dun cum evydy), creative n interesting teaching materials n lots of educational toys. but quite sad, i hav withdraw ash fr class. tdy is day 3 n he oreadi noe v well tis is gg to b a regular 'class' n he protested. he cried, cling tightly to me n kept wanting 2 open door n get out. 2 tramatic 4 him n me. i will let him try agn perhaps wen he turn 22/23 mths. meanwhile will let him attend d once a wk church nursery n once a wk gym at jwt.

jeslyn n val,
c u tmr. any mummy wan to pop by my place, most welcome
tks 4 asking abt me n ash. u alwy remb abt us thou hardly c u here
we ar fine. ash alwy so active, nvr change. he slim down but still 1 of d biggest n tallest among his peers. how's lionel?
as 4 ur job, really depend on wat's ur priority.. but i agree it's not easy 2 get a part tx job.
Hi sanrio,
lionel is well..very active...funny thingie is he likes to do hseworks.So he fancies things such as vacuum cleaner,mop...*puzzle*

biggest &amp; tallest?haha...but both u &amp; ur hb not big size type leh...

I've to admit it is very difficult to find part time job.furthermore,this is a permanent part time.

hi b2b3m4,giggler,shook &amp; mummies,
thks for the valuable advices on part time job

Frankly,nowadays,most jobs r very demanding &amp; multitask.My current job in this German MNC,thou the pay is so much less than wat i was getting previously,I oso hv to work so hard.And the culture in this co is very weird-no accountability.For e.g. the secretary,she doesn't follow up the tasks she supposes to.

I don't hv a good support from my boss though i've a bunch of nice colleagues.But i tired of the heavy responsibilities coz some seniors always like to push things ard then end up become my jobs

I've been looking for jobs since last mth.Actually,I was just trying my luck but didn't expect they offer me the jobs.Firstly,I do not hv the skills &amp; experiences in HR or admin &amp; working in hospital.secondly,I do not hv the degree,so i am quite surprise that this giant US MNC offer me the full time job &amp; career prospect is promising.

The pay for the Part time job is oso quite attractive-$12/hr &amp; 3x times per wk.It allows me to spend more times wf lionel on tues &amp; thurs.I oso can hv some times for myself &amp; do hsework.

But I am holding on bcoz:
1) will it be difficult to switch back to full-time job?

what will the employers think when they see my resume tat I've been working PT admin for years &amp; now I wanna to go bk to full time?

2) how's the working environment in nuh?
I've bad experiences working in a female working environment(remember the previous job I've had in a beauty &amp; cosmetic french co?)
Will it be too political to handle??

But I do really like the hiring mgr.She seems like a nice lady.

Now I realise...motherhood is really involving a lot of sacrifices.

hi pvl,
sorry to know abt that...U take good care,ok?

hi hazey,
unfortunately,they'll going to give the PT job to another candidate which they've shortlisted if i reject the offer.

r u working full time? looking for part time?
*pant pant pant* Thread moves so fast... :p

How abt getting a CL to help u out? Then no nid to rely on ur mum and tire urself. Erhhh, ur mum really abit strange leh, went to seal up the rubbish chute. Nowadays want rubbish chute in the house oso dun have.

Ethan so brave. Can take sch bus on his own. Do they have pple on the bus to jaga the kids?

How i wish i can come to ur gathering. I haven met some of the mums b4. N so long nvr see u and chenchen liao.

*wave wave* Hi there...so long nvr see u here... How're u coping wif 2? Hey, Matt and Max look very diff. Matt still looks the same

Gd to hear dat ur MS is getting betta. I'm sure it will disappear once u reach the end of 1st trimester. SInce Alicia is okie wif ur mum, then u must rest and rest

Oops, gotta go liao. Continue later...
Of cos i remember dat incident where u taught chenchen the identification of colours. At least ur efforts paid off
I dun have dat kind of patience. If Kieran doesn't know, i 'sua' liao :p
Hey, gd if no 2 is a boi leh. Can be chenchen's playmate. For me, i definitely dun mind having another boi.

My MIL bought alot of gao li sheng for my confinement last time. So i took it a few times a week. However, i oso heard dat cannot take too much of it oso cos will cause the vein/nerves??? to tighten then next time burst or wat. Aiyah i oso dunno.

Kieran jus stopped his kindermusik class. Planning to let him try other types of classes. If can't find suitable ones, i'll sign him up for the 18 mths kindermusik class cos dat one seems more fun than kindervillage.

Mebbe Ash is not ready. Nvm, can try again when he's older.

RE: herbs during confinement
I'm oso curious wat kind of herbs r suitable during confinement if i wanna BF.
B2, I cant cook so fried rice is out, fruits too heavy for me cos I taking public transport with Vane. I'll buy marshmallow, bring chilli sauce and maybe curry puff if I can find Old Chang Kee along the way.

shook, you like to eat bbq mashmallow? I quite like it leh. Thanks for so understanding leh.... I cant cook so cant possibly bring fried rice and fruits too heavy for me. Great minds think alike hor???

PVL, you're very strong!
Take care of your body now and you'll be blessed with a healthy bb soon.

sanrio, Ash doesnt want to be there everyday? Then dun 'force' him... I withdrew Vane from Talentplus mainly it's cos Vane keeps telling us she doesnt want to go sch.

avocado, heehee... vane likes to wipe floor with paper/cloth. Maybe they can set up a cleaning co together hor? I've a relative who is with NUH since it started so I assume the working environment shd be ok since she's able to stay that long.

skyblue, how's your MS? You ok now?
Nope, not getting CL. Too expensive and we don't really have a budget for it now. Or rather, the 1.8k can be put into better use. I will try to work out the confinement thingie with the mummies help here. hahaha..

My mum is getting abit weird nowadays. My grandma, uncles and aunties all saying that. For me, I give up liao.

Waiting for her to call me when she finally rem that she got a daughter that is going to give birth soon.

So you coming to my place 1st b4 going to shook's place?
Avocado, if you can justify to future employers why you work part-time and your future employers are willing to give you a chance if there is a good job bit, shouldn't be too much of the problem. It all voice down to what you really want, career or more time with family. I have been thinking how nice if i can find a job only work about 3 days each week, you managed to find one and i think not many companies are so pro-family to allow part-time.

Shook, i am using the pull up pants like undies. Ask Dana if she wanna pee every 1-2 hours and if she say she wants, then she will walk to potty and i will show her how to pull down the pants and help her sit on potty. Sometimes could be false alarm though

think this is the latest list:

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
QSG, hb &amp; Dana - coconut agar agar
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
B2B3M4, Ashley n hubby - garlic bread
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
Giggler, Vane - chilli sauce, marshmallow
Vane tells you she doesn't want to go to sch?? Does she get upset when you mention sch. Now Nat still phobia leh. Today I show her this chinese dvd I bought, she cried. Refuse to watch it. Cos they were speaking in mandarin and classroom scenario. She was so upset. Chia lat. She oso doesn't like me to speak mandarin to her leh... how??? I oso dunno how to home sch her. THink I oso as lazy as Skyblue... Hee...
<font color="0000ff">Avocado</font>

Thanks so much.. She smiles and chats alot!! can have a whole conversation with herself.

I've also just came back from MIA long time too!! High 5!

<font color="ff0000">Pringles</font>

Eh congrats!!!! Didn't know you are expecting!!! LOL! Thanks on Max's chubbiness...hope she don't turn out to be Ms.Michellin!

MS-haiz...still remember my cravings.. Till now after also craving!!! Today crave the old chang kee curry puff again!!!

<font color="119911">shook</font>

Not dangerous ah.. we watch him carefully. When he's done he'll say "no more" and wait for us to clean his "pantat". he never tries to get up... LOL

Yah Max very chubby!!! I think overweight now... She's a milk machine! But very talkative.. she can entertain herself talk for 1 hour.. tired then cries to be "so so" to zzz..

<font color="0077aa">giggler</font>


Eh come and pinch max's cheeks eh!! I'm the "long Lost" ones.. kekeke

<font color="ff0000">can someone please update me on the preggie mums ah?</font>

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>

thanks..she's a lot chubbier than Matt. had to learn to clean under her neck!! Matt no need...

Durian?? wow...I still remembered the last gathering.. giggler's chalet!! durian puffs.. LOL

<font color="119911">re:pampers,nepia etc</font>

My 2 cents.. I'm using nepia large for Matt , nepia BIG and pampers..

Nepia big good for training esp now Matt knows how to point at pampers when he wants to "mm MM"

Anyone need samples??

Anyway I buy them still for $14 from nepia with max's S size pampers...

My order 4 S Nepia
2 Big n 2 L size..

The 1 pt cupons still can redeem for NTUC vouchers..

<font color="ff0000">SkyBlue</font>

#WAVE# I'm ok.. with the 2. Matt always grabs my hand to bring me to mei mei when she cries..even if he's playing with his toys whatever.

<font color="0077aa">re: herbs and stuff</font>

another 2 cents...(anymore 2cents I'll be broke)

I too minimum herbs etc etc during CF..I took multivits and stayed away from ginger..No DOM also!

Max had no Jaundice..no wind etc etc..

<font color="ff0000">giggler</font>

Matt like to throw rubbish (mei's diapers, dust, thread etc) .. can he join too? heh heh
Mom2nat &amp; Giggler,
Actually, I also didn't teach Gareth things at home leh. Too busy to do that. But i realise that he seems to know alot of things recently leh. He know how to say 'don't want' to me leh. When he want to walk, he will say 'walk walk' and when he want us to carry him, he will say, 'bao bao'. When the floor is wet, he will say, 'wet wet'. etc.

I really want him to go for some classes, but can't find a good weekday one that is near my auntie's place for him.
didn't have time to read thru all the postings, just caught sight of Avocado's.

Did u ask abt the work environment of NUH??? Wat position are u talking abt. Part time?? As admin? Which part of admin?
pigletz, so sorry about your mum. Sometimes our folks get a little strange when they get older. Mine too is starting to talk nonsense sometimes. My friend's mum suddenly became strange, and a check found out that she had a thyroid problem. Never knew a thyroid problem can cause mental symptoms.
You can order confinement food like Natalie did. That would help. And your aunt is going to care for gareth, right? Think you would probably need that for the first week or so at least.

Any of you managed to resist drinking the DOM though your elder relatives insisted? How ah? My MIL is so pushy about it. I don't want to get into an argument with her cos she is sure to win and then make life difficult for us for years to come. For now, the antibiotics are helping me win. But only for a week! I've never had more than 12.5% alcohol before, and even that made me have a rash around my face and ears, and gave me asthma. I'm just waiting to try the DOM and see if it will give me the same reaction.
Ya, thinking of ordering confinement food to at least solve one part of my confinement. Auntie taking care of Gareth but I still hope to bring him home every night. Will see how the whole things go. In the meanwhile you take good care of yourself okay.

As for drinking of DOM, I didn't drink any during my last confinement. Reason being I am allergy to alcohol. Just let your MIL know abt the allergy and say more that what you will get, like rashes in private area etc. Think they will not force you to take anymore. For me, I really get rashes in private area that's why I will never take the risk.
PVL, my elders din insist on drinking DOM, i also dun like only tried a few times and stopped. Think if you are allergic, you got to make your stand to them. Who is going to bear the consequences if it triggers your asthma.
1) will it be difficult to switch back to full-time job
As long you have a valid reason, it shld b ok.
2) how's the working environment in nuh
Well fm my experience, every working plc hv politic. No where is politic free
Did u ask NUH if there is a possiblity of switching to full-time job in the future?

I wz rude shocked when I received your sms. I scrolled forward n forward n forward to ensure I din c the wrong name. Sidney is in gd hand now.
Stay @ home n rest rest rest for the moment to prepare for the next healthy bb.
I din take DOM. Reason I bf. Tell your MIL DOM trigger asthma for u

Ash will attend school happily 1 day like he did for the informal class. Give him time

Come lar come
For me if dun understand I hv the patient to explain in different ways but if not paying attention, I will get v frustrated U r a teacher, u know better than me how to teach.
Gal can b Chen Chen's playmate too. I wz a v gd playmate for my bro.

To me pot luck is to lighten host's job. Anything will do as long as it is useful. Even non edible like charcoal, disposable trash bag oso can. Getting drinks, disposable cups, plates, cutlary all look simple but my hubby n I gotta go a few trips to buy them on top of our marketing. There is a limit on the amt of thing we can carry. Chen Chen wanna carry after shopping a while in supermkt. So pratically it is my hubby carrying most of the stuff. I only help to carry some.
I never try bbq marshmallow. My hubby n SIL told me it's gd. U can get chilli sauce n marshmallow in the NTUC next to my hse. Dun hv to lug them to class than to my hse
R u coming to my hse straight or Pigletz's hse 1st? U decide which way is convenient for u

Nat holds crayon like we do. Chen Chen can't. I din get him crayon or give him pen n pencil. My fault
Nat's fine motor v gd. 1st time hold crayon can hold so well. Can she self feed?

Oh I missed out. PD oso ask Chen Chen where r the parts on his face like eyes, nose,etc during the assessment
<font color="0000ff">PVL</font>-just say that you're allergic to alcohol and makes you unable to breathe from asthma. If MIL insist, then you insist that she puts it in food and cook until the alcohol evaporates off. What I did was just to accept the DOM, then put it in the storeroom! Now the elders all know that I don't drink (I'm a tee-totaller) when they see all those bottles so they gave up liao cos' they 'sim tia' to see all those unused bottles.

<font color="0000ff">skyblue</font>-Come Come join me and Teddy for Kindermusik! What timing convenient for you? Weekday ok? Trying to get people so can start a new class with at least some pple I know! 15% 'discount', not 5% as posted b4!

<font color="0000ff">shook</font>-Don't make me blush leh
, thanks for the compliment. Figured it'll be easier for you to plan. Enjoy yourselves!
Boey /SKyblue
Kindermusik is fun oso. But v tiring for me!! And a bit costly. Hee...
Hey, how come you see free, tot you should be gg Sanrio's place today?

Tks, I think Nat imitate us. Err... self feed ah, with her fingers! GIve her fork or spoon, she use 1 or 2 mouth, then use fingers all the way liao... Sigh
Wah piang, i how to go sanrio's place? I working leh. Hey, i tink the class for 18 mths one not so tiring cos i seldom see dat parents nid to carry their kids and 'fly' here n there :p
Eh, Nat looks really grown up leh.

Cannot take ginger during confinement? Then how to get rid of wind?

I weekday working, can't go weekday class. During Kieran's last lesson, we joined another class cos he missed the one wif his 'original' class. He's one of the oldest there, so it's abit boring. So now if i want, i'll wait till he qualifies for the next stage.

Was tinking of going actually but dun dare to commit 1st cos Kieran was originally supposed to go for MMR jab tomolo, and fever will supposedly come 4-5 days later. So if he really kena means can't go for ur BBQ. Who knows, now really dun nid to even tink of gg to ur place liao. He had fever yday, so I'm postponing his jab to next sat. Haiz... Fated...
Hey, i'm not a very patient person.

Hope everything will work out fine in the end
I got this job from the recruitment agent.If u r keen in PT, i can recommend this agent to u.She is very helpful.

actually,i really can't decide bcoz right now,my MIL still can tak care of my boy &amp; i can afford to go for full-time.But I really feel tired juggling both job,family &amp; hsework.

Call me lousy...though i've PT maid to help out,i still find it hard to cope wf tiredness.My workload &amp; responsibilities in my current r getting heavier.The economic is getting beta,so we've more projects.They're hiring more engineers &amp; purchasers,but none for logistics.Yes,I am the only logistics supports for ALL projects.

I've voiced out to my boss but he ignored.I've to go for the projects meetings selectively but some project mgrs hv the impressions tat I am not supportive.But in fact,I am overloaded!

so i really not sure if it is bcoz of the current job tat making me so tired tat I shld for PT, or will it be beta if i go for another full time job?In my previous job in US MNC, which I've worked there for almost 8yrs,though there were times tat I was tired &amp; overloaded,but I was happy wf my job.One of the reasons is my colleagues &amp; given the flexibility to work from home.

I feel very sad when i read thru this forum...bcoz I realise I've neglected lionel ever since I took up this job.Look at the mummies in this forum, they know their children development so well.And they r so devoted in their children,sending them to childcare....while for me,lionel is oredi 19mths,yet,i don't even hv times to think abt sending him to any class.

U know anyone fr. nuh? yes, it is PT admin.Actually,like wat Foreverfrd said, every companies hv politics...it is very hard to tell unless u've worked there.

there is definitely a chance to work as full time but I don't tink i wanna to do tat bcoz being a full time admin is not my pc of cake leh.

I've been in logistics line since I grad &amp; i like this kinda job. Think abt the paperwork,repeatable jobs as an admin..hmm...i wonder if how long i can work to keep the job interesting.

i just wondering if it'll be difficult to switch back to full time logistics related job,if i've worked for PT admin fr. some times.

I oso hv to think of my age. I am in my early 30s,it is the age tat i shld be settled in a more senior position.by the time i would wanna switch back full time job which I might be oredi in mid 30s, will the employers consider my age?

If it is not bcoz of lionel,i would got a managerial position in my previous co.

sigh...motherhood---lots of sacrifices...
I drank DOM during my last 2wks of my confinement.The CL advised tat i shld only drink DOM when my wound is recovering...can't rememb wat the reasons...

Actually,I still drink DOM now...Thou I don't like the taste but i feel more energetic after drinking it ever since i gave birth...
Sorry, that part of the msg should be for Boey only.
Heee... she looks more mature I guess. BB look long gone liao lah
Avocado, i am currently very underpaid in this job and there is no potential (it will take at least another 6 years before i can be in managerial position due to very tall structure and other reasons by then i will be late 30s) but i stayed on bec of the environment like my colleagues and regular hours..most of the time i can leave on time and rush home to be with Dana. I have stopped looking for jobs with better prospects seems like my career is gone lei but i am really not the type who is ambitious.It seems your recent jobs have been stressful, with higher rank/level comes with higher pay but of course higher responsibilities and longer hours, there is no perfect solution, difficult to have best of both worlds. How much time are you given to think about the 2 offers?

Nat v kiang leh. 1st time imitate u hold crayon, the say so chun liao.
Chen Chen oso hands all the way after self feed a few mouthful. CNY eve I kept repeating nobody eat wif hand. My SIL than irritating told Chen Chen next time aunty teach u how to eat wif hand. I boil man asked Chen Chen r u a dog mummy angry already har. He cui mi mi cried w/o voice than my family members said aiyo little boi never mind. I quickly popped food into Chen Chen's mouth to let him chew. He chewed his food n back to his cheerful look. Heng din let me lao qui

So far kieran had fever after injection?
Has his fever subsided?
U look like a gd temper person

I already gave up my career. Now I m being kept on the shelve. Motherhood yap great sacrifice. I never forget wat Jo said. Now we sacrify our career for our son. Next time our son grow up hv his gal friend doesn't want us anymore. We r left wif nothing. So pathtetic sob sob sob
When I m can't decide b/w 2 choices, I list out the pro n con of the 2 choices. I choose the 1 wif the most pro. But hor sometimes it's gd to go wif your feelings. Wat is your religion?
