(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

pigletz, think they scared that it'll 'chong' when two happy things happened together. Will u insist to do confinement at your own place? Then who help you with confinement then?

shook, heehee.... I stay in West so didnt look at the East. You may want to get Mom2Nat's help since she stay in the East.

Jeslyn, you still got energy to study with 2 kids now? I gave up my postgraduate study once I have Vane.

PVL, what songs is Sarah singing now? Vane's fav is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

B2, you also on bad terms with your mom? Not gg to engage cf nanny to help?

Not really angry anymore lah, just don't want to hear her nonsense anymore. Rather take care of myself now since I get tired easily nowadays.

Haha, don't worry abt the bbq food not cook, I see red red i don't eat can liao lor. hahaha

Oh, Nat and I was chatting thru sms yesterday and I mention abt the bbq. She just joking with you on not inviting her lah. It's open to all of us mah, right? *griN*

Ok, will cool myself down when talking abt this issue, so that my bb won't be a hot temper bb.

I see, but can try asking to see the face next week when u go checkup. No harm mah.

I will start to stock up my confinement stuff by this week lor. Really wonder how to do it myself. Must seek advise from mummies here.

Good idea abt the durian. Hmmm, maybe I can go serangoon to get durian for the BBQ. But of cos, I get those packed in boxes one. Any objections from the mummies here?

Well, the doing confinement thingie on my own strikes me only these few days, so haven't really sit down and plan yet. If really doing by myself, hubby will bring Gareth down to auntie's place every day and bring him back everynight. But auntie was telling me to send Gareth over there to stay for the month. Which I don't really want to do that. What if Gareth think that I don't want him anymore?

well, 'chong' is one thing, but must be reasonable mah. She scare her son's marriage no good, don't she think that it will not do good for my bb especially she makes me do the reno planning and overseeing the reno for her b4 the wedding, ask me to do planning for the wedding as well. Now then tell me 'chong' and do ridiculous thing?

Will not insist doing confinement on my own, but will post questions for her to let her decide if she wants to be that cruel to her own daughter anot lor.
Sori, Moms... been extremely busy at work.

shook can i buy up sausages, stingray to ur place for the bbq? cos i'm working till 3pm so hb says we go coldstorage b4 going to ur place. He asked u mind if he use ur kitchen to chop up some onions n garlic?
The person getting married on the day (ie ur bro) is the 'biggest'. So if 'chong', u and bb are the ones who'll kena. Not ur bro. No point getting all worked up and then affect ur health. It won't be easy doing confinement on ur own leh. Must put ur interests 1st.

shook, giggler,
Now u've made me curious who the gang of guests is :p

Wat did the PD ask chenchen to do during the assessment?

Wow, read the alphabets? Dats no mean feat leh.

Take care...

Which is ur favourite shoe shop?

Ur hubby oso has a point lor. Cos if kids lead too stressful a life when they're very young, it kills their interest in learning when they're older.

Wow, 2 kids still doing studying. Salute u.
my mum is not concern abt me at all for the time being. I know doing confinement myself is not easy, but if really no choice, then will have to see if my auntie willing to help abit anot. The only thing is i'm staying too far away from them. Queenstown and SengKang.

Haha, any sahm mum at sengkang willing to help??? *joking*
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Emily, Ethan & maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz - durian
Viv - otah
A gang of guests - 4 ppl
Sanrio, hubby & Ashrel
Boey KIV
Mr & Mrs W n 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp & cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
pigletz, hahaha.... can even feel your fumes from my end leh. Cool down lah... it's norm for old folks to be "zhong nan qing nu".

skyblue, heehee... wont tell u.
But I curious who is "Mr & Mrs W...." now.
I dun think that the kids will be stressful attending those enrichment class leh. Cos it's a place for them to have fun mah.

shook, are u surprised at the response for your bbq? Made me so itchy to go leh, but I scared Vane will be knocked out after attending the trials on 25th Feb.
Is it eureka? She MIA so long liao :p YOOOHOOOO, EUREKAAAAAA, are u the 'gang of guests'?
It'll be stressful if kiasu parents send their kids to a series of classes, like jam pack their weekends wif tis and dat class. Of cos if the child enjoys, then not an issue.
haha, ya, will see how my bro treat her next time. all my uncles think that my bro will listen to the wife more next time.

think all of you are more curious abt the 'gang of guests' and the Mr & Mrs W more then the bbq. hahahahha

What time the trials end on 25th Feb? If it's a neither here or there timing, come my place 1st lah. Let Vane sleep at my place. I opening child care services soon. hahaha

My hubby's friend all becoming parents soon, so next time my place will be a childcare centre for them when they come for mahjong session. hahahaha
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda - sausages & stringray
Emily, Ethan & maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz - durian
Viv - otah
A gang of guests - 4 ppl
Sanrio, hubby & Ashrel
Boey KIV
Mr & Mrs W n 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp & cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
U asked the gang of guests or she told u? I put the name per her request
U v sharp n inquisitive. hahaha.... 2 tods u guess who
Indeed v surprised over the response. Chiam the space not big enuff, the bench there can only sit 6 pax max. Too bad, club hse taken liao, if not there r 20 chairs wif 4 tables in there. Air con somemore.
Wat time r the trial classes Vane attending on 25 Feb?

Otah n shrime ball cook or uncook still red red leh
Nat can advise u how to do confinement on your own. Check wif her

memory searched me, last time u brot sausage to my hse right
Mark v gd leh, can cook
Cut big onion into ring n chop garlic into small small pc is it? Need how many pc. I do it for u. Make up for the trouble to make Mark jaga BBQ

The gang of guests tell u no use coz u dunno her. She never post here
I knew u will ask. PD asked gave Chen Chen 5 cubes n asked him to stack them; gave him a small bell (size of rasin) to pick; asked him know how to call ppl or not. Chen Chen called him uncle, Dr n kong xi kong xi to him when I told him to do dat. Chen Chen said wu tie seeing the butterfly hanging on the ceiling. Chen Chen oso name the color of the cubes correctly. Chen Chen said bye bye when we were abt to leave the PD's rm

U coming for the BBQ or not?
U asked the gang of guests or she told u? I put the name per her request
U v sharp n inquisitive. hahaha.... 2 tods u guess who
Indeed v surprised over the response. Chiam the space not big enuff, the bench there can only sit 6 pax max. Too bad, club hse taken liao, if not there r 20 chairs wif 4 tables in there. Air con somemore.
Wat time r the trial classes Vane attending on 25 Feb?

Otah n shrime ball cook or uncook still red red leh
Nat can advise u how to do confinement on your own. Check wif her

memory searched me, last time u brot sausage to my hse right
Mark v gd leh, can cook
Cut big onion into ring n chop garlic into small small pc is it? Need how many pc. I do it for u. Make up for the trouble to make Mark jaga BBQ

The gang of guests tell u no use coz u dunno her. She never post here
I knew u will ask. PD asked gave Chen Chen 5 cubes n asked him to stack them; gave him a small bell (size of rasin) to pick; asked him know how to call ppl or not. Chen Chen called him uncle, Dr n kong xi kong xi to him when I told him to do dat. Chen Chen said wu tie seeing the butterfly hanging on the ceiling. Chen Chen oso name the color of the cubes correctly. Chen Chen said bye bye when we were abt to leave the PD's rm

U coming for the BBQ or not?
skyblue, 'a gang of guest' is not Eureka. But not sure abt 'Mr and Mrs W..." I still dun think the kids feel stressful cos there's no need to take exam after attending those enrichment class.

pigletz, it's the usual lor. My bro also like that. Sigh...... The class ends at 2pm and it's at Esplanade. So it's neither here or there lor. Ok, I'll go to your place after her trial. Anyway, it's near shook's place rite? Your place is the gathering place for mj session? I just had mj over the weekends. My sil volunteered to take care of Vane for me while I enjoyed my mj. Heehee.........
Hi Giggler,
Any idea where i can go se the Ameda pump?

I can't pick u up to shook's place cos i'll be at work till 3pm. But no prob to send u home

Happy hor to find good caregivers for our precious.

Shall we meet up for kfc for lunch every day?
U asked the gang of guests or she told u? I put the name per her request
U v sharp n inquisitive. hahaha.... 2 tods u guess who
Indeed v surprised over the response. Chiam the space not big enuff, the bench there can only sit 6 pax max. Too bad, club hse taken liao, if not there r 20 chairs wif 4 tables in there. Air con somemore.
Wat time r the trial classes Vane attending on 25 Feb?

Otah n shrime ball cook or uncook still red red leh
Nat can advise u how to do confinement on your own. Check wif her

memory searched me, last time u brot sausage to my hse right
Mark v gd leh, can cook
Cut big onion into ring n chop garlic into small small pc is it? Need how many pc. I do it for u. Make up for the trouble to make Mark jaga BBQ

The gang of guests tell u no use coz u dunno her. She never post here
I knew u will ask. PD asked gave Chen Chen 5 cubes n asked him to stack them; gave him a small bell (size of rasin) to pick; asked him know how to call ppl or not. Chen Chen called him uncle, Dr n kong xi kong xi to him when I told him to do dat. Chen Chen said wu tie seeing the butterfly hanging on the ceiling. Chen Chen oso name the color of the cubes correctly. Chen Chen said bye bye when we were abt to leave the PD's rm

U coming for the BBQ or not?
yeah... the last time brought chicken cocktail sausages. So sausages banned this time?
Yeah... he says put big onion w chilli for the adults and chopped ginger for those who wants to feed the little ones.
My apologies dat my msg wz posted thrice. Co sys hang. I clicked post no response clicked agn. Who knows posted thrice

A v sad news to annouce
Pvl's bb din grow for 2 wks. There is no heartbeat. She is going for D&C tml
No lar wat ban sausages. I like the cocktail sausages u brot. Dat's y still can remember mah
I blur liao. Put big onion wif chilli n chopped ginger in wat? Thot u said onion n garlic. How come now got chilli n ginger?
she posted at d forum mktplace. u mean it was posted in our thread? ash attended 2 days oreadi. he cried a bit wen i leave but af a while he settled down quite well. wat i like was d gp is v small n d teaching materials ar quite creative n interesting.
oso hopefully it helps ash to learn 2 b a bit more independent..

tat tx back pain was v bad. the whole of left side, upper to lower. now ok but somtx slight pulling pain if i dun watch my posture or cari heavy stuff.
Oh dear... Pls send my regards to PVL.
Chenchen is indeed very advanced in his language development. Can say wat colour somemore. Wow
Hi viv,
If you need a bb monitor I also have one that I don't use. I don't find it useful for me coz Ryan now sleeps on his own in his room. If he wakes up he will walk over.

Pls send my regards to PVL.. she needs to stay strong
brenda, I not sure where u can view Ameda leh. I lent my sil mine, let me see if I can borrow from her to let u see this Sat.

shook, aiya, she told me one lah, I wont be able to guess who they are.
As for Mr & Mrs W... , my guess is Eureka lah. Vane's trial class start from 1.15-2pm on Sat. Wow, Chen Chen really intelligent.
Oh... so sad for PVL. Is she ok? Send my regards to her too.

sanrio, no it was not posted in our thread lah. How much did you pay for it and what's the frequency?
help send my regards to PVL okay. God must have a better plan for her.

ya, will check with Nat on her confinement soon since I have decided to do it at sengkang now already.

just come over after Vane's class lah, we can do some catch up with the bbq. hehe.

My place is near to shook's place, 3 lrt stop away, very convenient.

Oh, my place is always open for gathering. haha, we like guests and that's why we got a 5 room unit instead of a 4 room units. That's why friends like to come especially with no restriction of any elders around.
shook, pls send PV my regards. Did she seek a 2nd opinion?

Pigletz, am so blur. So 25th is your gathering or BBQ? How come have two gathering on same day?

Brendali, yeah, am so glad and happy about Ethan's new CC. He went on the school bus himself this morning. The school bus auntie had to bluff him with some toys, then he didn't cry. That's good news, hor. Hope he's fine at school today coz maid is not there.
shook, did PVL seek 2nd opinion before she decide to do D&C?

pigletz, what happened that made u decide on doing confinement at SK? What did your mom do last nite? Ok, on... I'll do to your place after Vane's class.

emily, how's Ehtan in sch bus? Is it too dangerous for him?
no lah, my house don't have gathering on 25th lah. Vane's classes end at abt 2plus and it's neither here or there for Giggler to go to. So i suggested that she come my place so that Vane can catch some nap b4 going to the bbq.
Well, my mum didn't do anything lah. But I feel that my mum's place is getting more and more uncomfortable with someone new there. There are more new rules and regulations. Rather to have it at my own comfort zone.

You know old house got the rubbish chute in the house right? My mum went to seal that rubbish chute after the reno and now must go downstair to throw the rubbish. *fainted* and i only get to know it yesterday. Why do she wanna kill of the convenient that she had leh? This is one of the trigger point of my decision. hahaha
emily, what childcare does ethan go to ?

does anyone have any recommendation on playgroup or childcare in the serangoon area ?
nope, my mum didn't engage feng shui shifu, but don't know what trigger her, maybe her friend say something lor. Yup, my bro and wife staying with my mum cos my bro can't buy a flat yet until my sil gets her PR approved.

Gareth using Pampers Premium now, so far so good. Can we measure both Vane and Gareth's tight on Sat? haha
I'm not sure leh, but i compare the price of Nepia and Pampers Premium, it's abt the same. Anyway, I find that Pampers Premium can last longer and store more urine. But I usually buy when there's promotion.
<font color="0000ff">Hi EVERYBODY</font>


Managed to pop in for a short while...Baby sitter on half day leave for Matt 2day. So I'm home with 2 kids...Now both in ZZ land!!

Anyway I hope to meet eveybody at Shook's place on next Saturday!!

Will try to pop in more often!!

Take care you all!
I used to do my confinement in my room at my mum's place. But now brother married, he took up my room as the bridal suite n keep his room as status co. So even if i were to stay there only during the day, there's no proper place for me n baby to rest or breastfeed.

Already engage a maid, so i doubt i will take on a confinement lady or nanny.

At least someone volunteered to help u with Gareth. My headache is how to cope with both the NB PLUS Ashley PLUS the marketing. I dun trust the maid to do marketing for me. The nearest marketing place is either Rivervale Mall or COmpass Mall which are still quite a distant. Hopefully my mum will do the marketing for me n i will need to do my own cooking with the maid helping out with the house work n baby sitting Ashley.
Yah, i dun think its a good idea to put Gareth at your aunt's place for a month, at least bring him home every night or every 2-3 days.
take care!!

just went to ur friend's shop at chinatown yesterday to get the pao sheng and dong chong chao...spend money again
the herbs are not cheap, feeling a little heartache but told myself better pu properly else kena aches n pains next time...also this is gonna be the last pregnancy liao. i told my mum the i'm having a bb irl only yesterday cos my younger sis forbid me to announce as she wanted a surprise. When my mum heard tat i;m having a girl she got so worried, she say she dun wan another grandchild already ...2 is enof, she v scared...ask me not to get pregnant again!!

doing confinement on your own is siong leh ...consider getting a CL?


no problem.

u not going to keep the bb monitor for no.2 ? u hv a pic of the bb monitor? i'm gonna use for no.2, think of letting her sleep on her own in another room while we sleep with Jana.

u wanna try sealer? can pass u a sample when we meet up durin bbq.
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
A gang of guests - 4 ppl
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
Boey KIV
Mr &amp; Mrs W n 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings
Max is sooooo cuteeeee....

Hi Mummies,
hv been MIA for quite long time...ya..busy in job...hv been working in the german mnc for the past 7mths...But planning to quit...very stressful..cannot copeee...

Right now,I am facing a very tough decision..I am offered two jobs-full time &amp; good salary job in a US MNC which very near to my home(Sci Park), second job is Part time admin at nuh,which I only nid to work 3x per week.

I really don't wanna miss the chance bcoz it is very hard to find part time job but at the same time,the full time job pays me well...what to do????????????????

hi Shook,
how is chenchen?

hi sanrio,
how r u &amp; Ash? very fast hor..our boys going to turn 2yrs in 5 to 6 mth times.
I see if I have time to take it out from the store room to take a picture of it..Post for you later okay ?? It is the normal 2 way channel bb monitor with antenna. I dun like the bb monitor..coz it is "too sensitive" a little movement and there will be static sent through the receiver.. and wake me up as I am quite a light sleeper. For #2 will sleep in the same room as me. Ryan sleep in his own room so no problem with that. Why don't u more jana to her own room instead of the baby since you will need to do night feed for the baby.
Hi mummies
hvn't been here for awhile. Have been busy travelling to my mom's place daily and adjusting to changes. Now Alicia is very comfortable with my mom taking care of her and I must really give credit that my mom enjoys bringing her out to places as well as cook for her
Only when i'm around, she will stick to me like glue. So these days, i just leave her to my mom the whole day til evening then i go join them.

My ms is still there on and off but seems to slightly subside. Eating sour/spicy stuff seems to help me. Ive been eating a fair bit of taiwan oyster mee sua, beef noodles with gd chilli and kfc! Anything with vinegar and chilli, i'm ok. Cravings this time quite different from 1st pregnancy.

Fitti is not bad, I recently switched back to it again since its still on offer at ntuc and cold storage.

Wow, Ethan sounds really independent to go on the school bus all by himself!!

Max looks very different now from Matt. She has her own unique look and oh my, she's so chubby
hehee. Matt doesn't object to sitting on the potty?How did u train?

U also believe in pao sheng and dong chong chao....my mom made for me too previously. Really helps.

Viv, pigletz, B2
u gals preparing for cf alredi....i'm still only in my 10th wk!Argggh.....time crawls!
Initially I taught Chen Chen color till I wanna vomit blood remember?

U wanna trial ameda pump or wanna take a look @ it? Trial u can get fm Moms in Mind.

Skyblue, Giggler
Thx for your compliments on Chen Chen. Ryan n Ian can do those things oso. I believe there r tod in tis thread who can do the same juz dat the mummy din mention
As I always say, different bb develops differently.

Hahaha guess the gang of guest dun wanna keep u in suspense.
Bingo! U got it.
Wat trial class Vane attend on Sat? U can come straight to my hse after the class but hor pls pardon me if I hv no time to chao hu u coz I need to prepare for BBQ

Ethan went to school on school bus by himself! He is v independent! But hor I can't bear to let Chen Chen go to school by school bus @ tis young age leh.

Emily, Giggler
Pvl din seek 2nd opinion. She saw the ultrasound. Size of bb still 0.4cm which shld b 1.5cm @ 8th wk

u dislike your SIL is it

Did u talk to your bro? Confinement is only a mth. Let u stay in his rm

Pigletz, B2B3M4
Do u feel u hv no di wei after u got married n when u hv sil staying wif your parents?

My mum said if my no 2 boi agn how? Want to try for no 2 or not
Thx for updating the ppl coming wif u to BBQ

Isn't it dangerous for Matt to sit on top of the wash area? He is still so handsome
Max v v chubby

Chen Chen is active n noti as usual. How's Lionel?
Your question on the 2 jobs. Well US co pays u well but I bet gotta work late right. Ask yourself u wanna work short hr or higher pay
pigletz, think Pampers Premium double the price of Nepia.

B2, you sure you can cook and do mkting yourself during your confinement?

Viv, what's your mom worry? I thot old folks will prefer boi and she'll ask you to try 3rd one for a grandson. Is Sealer's cutting big?

Nat, aiyo Max so chubby!!!

avocado, can u survive with the pay from the part-time job? I'll opt for part-time if the pay can sustain my living.
pringles, it's nice of your mom to take care of Alicia hor? I've tried Fitti before and it leaked.

shook, I'm right!!! Wow, that makes me even want to go to the BBQ now! Can see and talk to so many 'long-lost' friends. I gg to Actphabets for trial class on 25th Feb, it's free.
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
Boey KIV
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Pls pls pls update who u coming wif</font></font>
no lah, no one volunteer to help me take care of Gareth lah, it's just that my auntie has being taking care of Gareth since young and we pay her also, so now just treat it as normal taking care even if the little one is born.

Think we will more or less face the same set of problems. If you going to the BBQ, we can try to exchange idea. When is ur EDD again huh?

You buying herbs for your confinement? Can share what to buy? Not getting a CL. We don't really have a budget for one and seriously, don't think I need one. Cos there's only somethings that I need help on. Gareth's time i was half doing it myself since I'm at home with Gareth most of the time. Just need someone to shower bb that's all.

Glad that Alicia is getting used to your mum. Don't think 10wk is slow, suddenly you will feel that you got no time at all. So enjoy ur pregnancy now.

Nope, i don't dislike my sil. I just don't like the way they do things and the way my mum handle the stuff that's all.

How much is Nepia per piece?

Max chubby leh, so cute.

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Brenda, hubby &amp; Jerome - sausages &amp; stringray
Emily, Ethan &amp; maid (maybe hubby) - salad (maybe more see if have time)
Pigletz, hubby &amp; Gareth - durian
Viv, hubby, Jana - otah
A gang of guests 2 adults n 2 tods - pasta in tomato sauce
Sanrio, hubby &amp; Ashrel
Boey KIV
Eureka, hubbyn 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp &amp; cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings

Pls pls pls update who u coming wif
