(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Giggler, you going to register already with JG? Thought you attending the trial first this friday? Previously did you attend GUG trial before signing up? Her teachers are Ida and Yani. I am still waiting for your review on Clement's playhouse before deciding on JG. I think the one at forum dun have outdoor playground...so it seems evans road one better?

I think Playworkz or Gymboree is diff from JG or GUG. Cos one is play play play, the other is more studying kind. I dunno if I can get Nat to sit or not... and since she likes to play, so tot prob Playworkz would be good. Now she goes to Gymboree for the free play.

Tks, I will call JG for a trial. You gg to??
GUG no good?
Thks. Tink he has oredi recovered, jus his psychological part bah.
Wat exactly is bad abt playworkz?

I tink it's not very painful cos he was his usual self after the surgery, except when we visit docs.

Yar, it's mostly my hubby who's taking care of Kieran these days. Kieran is very attached to daddy, follows him everywhere in the house.

Will go JL to see.

DO u take iron pills?

Wow, tis cc definitely sounds gd. Which cc is dat?
QSG, you bored with GUG? Actually me too, heehee. Ya, I gg to attend the trials first then decide on one. Evans can start class right away but Forum will be on waiting list. How do I go to Evans from Boon Lay? I scared that it's too far for me. Clement Playhouse and MMI will be alot nearer.

Mom2Nat, I made appt for trial at JG liao. It's not that GUG not gd but my cousin prefers JG lah. She keeps telling me that the environment very different at JG.
Hi mommies,
yeah - so far, am so glad that I changed the childcare centre. Ethan obviously enjoyed his day yesterday... he was briming and smiling and all excited when I asked/talked to him about his childcare and his day at school.
This morning he woke up happy and excited about going to school again.
The school is Windsor Playskool located at Punggol 24th Avenue - Punggol end - where the private housing is.
Giggler, funny hor, we changing places bec we are bored not our kids
I think there is no easy way to get there using public transport, you would have to take cab if going evans road. For forum, at least you can take MRT if you want then walk about 10 mins to forum. If transport is a main concern then something nearer is better if there is not a very big difference in the classes. What does MMI stands for?
Emily, how much is the fees for Ethan's childcare?

QSG, hahaha.... ya lor, Vane was still ok with the class that time lah. No bus to get there from Boon Lay? If got to take cab, then I got to reconsider the extra costs liao. Sigh......... MMI=Modern Montessori Int'l. I dun mind letting Vane try out Montessori sch but I feel that the teacher's Eng not very gd while they spoke to me via phone leh. Having headache now.
Oh yar hor, now dat i recall, u oso stay in punggol rite? So which cc did Ethan go to previously. I must remember to blacklist dat one shd i really nid to send Kieran to one. I was tinking of going to look see Carpe Diem, oso amongst those pte houses.
what's the difference between the parents at GUG and BJG? Care to elaborate? I am recovering from gastroenteritis... but the worst part is over lor... just still having poor appetite and slightly groggy... really powerful bug this time round... poor Ian must be going through the same I did over the weekend... sigh... I can't really sleep / rest also cos baby keeps kicking and kicking all the time. So log on to chat with you gals lor. Dunno why this time the movements are almost continuous... even more pronounced if I carry Ian. And keep getting contractions... aiyoh... hope to tahan until term.

I agree that Playworkz is different from JG, but I certainly expect more from a play programme than what we experienced.

Skyblue asked what exactly was so bad about Palyworkz... last night hubby and I were telling my mum about it and it seemed like a big joke. We felt that there was no objective behind some of the activities which they tried to get the kids to participate in.... even I, as the parent, couldnt understand what they were trying to get them to do, no wonder so many of the kids were standing around looking lost. The teachers were wearing plains clothes like us... took me a while to differentiate them from the parents! There was poor coordination...timing not right, clash at the wash area, some parts so rushed, some parts like stalling for time. *argh* I'm cringing in my seat going through all this.

The games were not all that safe.... one of the kids even hit another kid on the head with the wooden rhythm sticks a few times until she cried and the teachers did nothing! There was this silly parachute game which was really unsafe... one of the kids was trapped underneath the parachute and they just pulled up the canvas sheet with her inside... I can't imagine what would have happened if she hadn't fallen out earlier...

There was only one tap in the wash area, at adult height... not well thought out at all. The teachers burnt the cookies which the students made... surrely that wouldn't give US a good impression right?

The story telling was ridiculous... I couldn't even figure out what story the teacher was trying to tell in her broken English! And like Ruffy said, the book was so small. Not attractive at all. I think I can tell stories far better than that teacher, hands down.

There's this room for children to climb around padded ramps and slides and the edges are not lined... the teachers weren't vigilant at supervising... dunno what horrible adult music they were playing... I was trying to figure out the music... no rhythm for me to catch. *shake head*

Skyblue, trial $10 only very cheap... go try for fun and let us know what you think lah! =)
jul, the parents at GUG more savvy, most kids wear branded clothings there. Parents at BJG more humble and caring. Really diff lor. Aiyo, how many mths are u preggie now? How come got contractions so early? Take care.... Seems like most mummies having No.2 are suffering hor?
Giggler, I am almost 32 weeks now. Sometimes I lose count... hehehe...

Oh i see what you mean.... in JG, a lot of the kids look like they are from rich families. Branded clothes and shoes lor. I felt a bit under dressed... hehehe... but I saw some of my colleagues there, so I didn't really bother much lah. Anyway I was still getting used to the place myself. =)
When you gg JG??

Yup, some of the points you made are really true abt Playworkz. But hor, I went Gymboree, oso like tat leh. NO real aim in the play to me.
The trial i went was $20, not $10
Hehehe...u all give such bad reviews abt the place, i still go and try for wat? Waste time ah? :p I'm jus curious cos my fren said it was okie for her gal, but u all said until like nothing is gd at all.

Wahahahah, wat a great idea
My fren oso sends her girl to Playworks. Her girl enjoys it too. So I think depends on wat you are looking for. If you are looking for learning, with teaching materials. Then this is not the place. This place hor, you go play play play, then at the end of the day, you go home with nothing, no materials kind of thing.
But now whenever I show Nat the photos and video taken and Playworkz, she is v happy. When I mention gg Gymboree, she oso v happy. Cos she loves to play and climb, doesn't matter wat play, organised or not.

Oh, tat time I called this Yu Qiao childcare or something. Then the teacher who spoke to me, I think PRC.. her english hor... makes me worry oso.. Hhahahah
skyblue, giggler, shook. school fees $405 after govt subsidy for half day.
skyblue, the previous cc is just downstairs my block. But everyone is different. The other parent think cc is ok for them - think I fussy. It's bright kids.
jul, almost 32weeks... that's really fast hor? I also feel under-dressed when I go to GUG. But I dun really bother with it lah. Heehee............

Mom2Nat, I'll be gg to JG trial class this Fri 4.30pm at Evans Rd. Same here lor, I've spoken to 2 teachers there and both of their Eng like not up to standard leh.

Emily, $405 for half-day is abit on the high side. But if Ethan is happy there and you can afford it, then ok lah.
Evans road no MRT to get there right?? Actually, transport is a prob for me.
You gg for the english class? I was thinking of the bilingual one.
jul, almost 32weeks... that's really fast hor? I also feel under-dressed when I go to GUG. But I dun really bother with it lah. Heehee............

Mom2Nat, I'll be gg to JG trial class this Fri 4.30pm at Evans Rd. Same here lor, I've spoken to 2 teachers there and both of their Eng like not up to standard leh.

Emily, $405 for half-day is abit on the high side. But if Ethan is happy there and you can afford it, then ok lah.
The thread is moving quite slowly these days... what happened to Pringles?

Giggler, so the lesson this Friday is from 4.30 to 6.30? I find that a bit late, and it's during Ian's nap time, so we're in the morning class. There's water play this week =)

Mom2Nat, good that Nat enjoys Playworkz,.... I mean, I could see a couple of the other kids who had been there a few times enjoying themselves too... but I think Ian has enough of all that climbing and jumping and music stuff at home liao lor... hehehe... anyway he wasn't interested in those padded ramps, just ran around the edges. I never brought Ian to Gymboree... intended to but kept delaying and delaying until I went back to work and then forgot all about it... lazy Mummy here... =P

take it as entertainment for your family for that 1.5 hours lor, can look around Millenia also mah. =)
Giggler, yeah... fees a bit on the high side.. but if you are living in the north like us... it's about that rate or slightly lower only.
Am so far happy with the school. Ethan is still thrilled that he can sing and dance and play and of course read books etc.

Am not too sure about his activities - maid was asked to stay in visitor's corner after a while coz teacher wanted Ethan to get used to the place himself - Ethan cried for about 3 mins only after she left and then was happy again in class.
From what I hear, they had water activities today - fishing toy fishes with a net in a pool of water. Ethan thought the net given to him was for blowing bubbles and he started to blow at the net. heheheee.... so silly! Other activities include outdoor play, song and dance etc etc... Ethan has already started participating in the class activities. So glad at how things are turning out. I have pointed to principal about the dusty floor and she said she'll make sure the cleaner gives it extra care and she'll ask the cleaner to clean it again in the mornings instead of just doing it once in the evenings.

Shook, the cc is a cc only. No classes during weekends.
jul, it's only the trial class so I'll just so and see how.

Emily, so happy that you've got Ethan a place where he can have fun hor?

shook, I've col who still send her kids to enrichment classes during weekend though they are in cc Mon-Fri.
Just come back from my checkup. Well, I've lost 500gm since my last checkup last week. Gynae say will monitor next week to see if my weight continue to go down anot. If yes, then she will wanna induce me since the bb is not growing. Bb current weight now is 2.6kg.

Gynae show us bb's face today. haha, Bb got hubby's nose, very chubby looking. But think bb is sleeping cos eyes closing and no moving.
pigletz, aiyoh, baby not growing? Did you do a 3D scan? Can see baby's face? Wah!
My niece's 2nd daughter had IUGR, and was born at 1.46 kg. Jia lat. In hospital for 3 wks.
2.6 kg is not so bad lah.

I have gynae follow-up appt tomorrow. Waiting to see how things are progressing on my side.

Jul, mom2nat, Gymboree (serangoon and parkway) is implementing a brand new curriculum from next week incorporating more cognitive skills into the kinesthetic activity. Will attend next week's class and let you all know what it's like. I was supposed to go for the trial class of the new curriculum last Thurs but I was too busy. Sarah really enjoys Gymboree. But I'm not sure if I'll sign on for more classes after her term is up because of my pregnancy. See how. If the new curriculum is really good, maybe we'll extend for a couple of months. It will get harder taking her by bus, esp since she falls asleep on the way home and I have to carry her from the further bus stop to home.

Pringles is at her mum's. I think she can't cope with her MS and Alicia at the same time.
just went to c doc this morning too...i finally gain some weight, 1 kg over the last 2 weeks ... see how fattening KFC is! esp if u eat it 4 times a week! hehehe ...

bb is 2.2kg at 34 weeks, estimated birth weight is abt 2.9 to 3kg. bb is in the right position,so my doc is asking me think abt my birth plan, so will need to think whether i wanna try vaginal birth or op for csec.

wat happen? not eating well? better take care ...

how come u can see the bb's features? my doc did a scan today and hubby and I couldn't even make out wat part of thebb she's scanning!
Juz came back fm PD's clinic. Brot Chen Chen for 18 mth jab. Chen Chen is 9kg n 79cm. PD said Chen Chen is always on the small side n he is growing along the 25 percentile. Chen Chen performed watever PD asked him to do. PD said c Chen Chen size small small but v intelligent. Yeah!

Is it too heavy for tod to attend playgp everyday n enrichment class on wk n? No break @ all leh

Aiyo u loose wt. Eat eat eat
2.6 kg no worry Chen Chen wz borned at 2.74kg.

Great dat bb is in right position.

May b u bring Sarah to gymboree on wk n wif your hubby. Ask your hubby to carry Sarah.
Mebbe can try to drink more nutritious soup. 2.6kg is not too bad. Kieran only 2.53kg at birth. U did a 3D scan?

Same qn as I asked giggler. Will chenchen sit down quietly when given the jab? Kieran is gonna take his MMR tis sat.

The cc really sounds like fun. U're tempting me to send Kieran to a cc. :p

Millenia Walk is such a boring place. No lah, i'm not really interested in physical play for Kieran. If wanna sign him up for classes, i'd prefer smthg dat aids in language development, for instance phonics. But of cos, most importantly it must be smthg dat he'll enjoy. Just like mom2nat says nat enjoys her gymboree and playworkz sessions.

Wat's most impt is Nat enjoys the lessons and enjoys going there, rather than have them develop a phobia for attending 'classes'.
I asked hb just now, abt gg GUG or JG for a trial... He say give Nat a break from sch. He say why must so to sch, she is so young. Let her play. *sigh* I v lazy at home one, so her time at home not as constructive.

Wah, then I better avoid KFC. I put on so much weight, many of my clothes can't wear leh.

Dun worry too much. Everything should be fine. Prob conceived date a bit later then you tot lor.
Hmmm... I bring Nat to gymboree, I v tired running ard with her. YOu preg, maybe ask your hb to take over lah.

After 18 mth jab, still got wat jab?? I really can't keep up with this jabs thingy leh.
As for BBQ, your side easy to book? MIne v difficult leh. Esp Sat evening. UNtil now, I still can't get a slot for Sat evenings.
So sad, can't join your bbq this time ard.
shook, mom2nat, weekend Gymboree class does not suit our schedule lah. I don't really run around much with Sarah. She runs too much for me anyway. I just follow her at a slow stroll eventually she'll come back to me. She's really independent anyway. She even refuses to sit on my lap for the 'lap-ride' section of the class. She will sit on the teacher's lap instead. The teacher is usually there to direct activities so Sarah kinda knows what to do, and some of the other caregivers are very helpful. We all help each other with the kids depending on which kid is nearest us.

shook, great that chen chen is so intellegent. Didn't you know already?? Hehehehe.
I let Chen Chen sit on my lap, PD held Chen Chen's leg n administer the jab

I meant the jab dat is supposed to b taken @ 18mth but I delayed till 20mth than send Chen Chen for the jab
My side BBQ depends on period. If peak period gotta book a mth ahead
We r not the only 1 stay in condo mah. Others who stay in condo can oso organise BBQ wat.
Gd dat Sarah is independent. Won't disturb u much. U need rest esp in tis stage

Thx for your compliments. I thot Chen Chen's development is on par.
*clap clap* Good tat Chen chen's dev is advanced. Well, Doc dun have a chance to test Nat. Cos she whines when she sees any doc. Dun even go near her, she will scream... *sigh*
shook, Vane not attending any playgp on weekdays so I'm looking for enrichment prog on weekend for her. Wow, Chen Chen intelligent leh.

skyblue, if that's the case, you can consider GUG or JG or MMI.

Mom2Nat, same here.... I getting lazy at home now, that's why, so keen to send her to weekend class. Also, I feel that she likes company so let her make some friends too.

PVL, it's good that Sarah is independent.
I can't eat most of the time and not hungry at all. Not to stress over the wedding but more to pissed off. I didn't attend the wedding yesterday at all, but was at my auntie place looking after Gareth while my mum took all the pple in the whole world to help with the wedding. Even hubby and Gareth are summon to help. If not, I would have left Gareth at home with me at our own comfort zone.

Now just hope that next week checkup, bb continue to gain weight even if i continue to lose weight.

BB still growing, just that i didn't put on weight but lost weight instead. Nope, didn't do a 3D scan, Gynae uses her normal scanning machine and show us the bb's feature. She did that the last time round too. She pointed at the bb's nose and tell us, "see, that's the bb's nose, eyes, mouth" It's just so amazing. *grin*

Update us on ur checkup today okay.

haha, maybe I should go eat KFC everyday. See if I put on weight by next checkup anot.
Next time you go checkup ask your gynae to show you bb's face lah, I think it's possible.

make sure u feed me more food during the BBQ next sat okay. haha..
So that I can put on weight. Anyway, think bb absorb alot from me, took all my iron and now took my weight as well. hahahha

Btw, Nat will be attending ur bbq next sat.

No more soup for me unless i cook it myself. I still angry with my mum becos of my bro's wedding. Thus not going to mum's place for dinner till i cool off. Infact, preparing to do confinement at my own place instead of my mum's place now.
pigletz, is your mom pantang? You preggie that's why cant attend your bro's wedding? Dun be so mad with your mom lah. She must have her own reasons one.

Mom2Nat, I withdrew Vane from the weekday playgp last mth. Still prefer to go sch with her.
Any of you were at parkway Giant around 3-4pm? My helper told me she saw one of the mommies from the gathering. Too bad I missed it coz I popped into Cold Storage. Wonder who she saw.
My mum not super pantang kind, but she's the kind who listen to what pple say, which makes me pissed off.

She say I can attend the wedding after the bride comes in, but I got pissed off so badly already that I do not want to go. I told her that pple say that it will not do good to my bb if I were to go.

Anyway, it's already over, I'm just waiting for new surprise from them to tell me that I can't do confinement there cos it's still within 30days of the wedding.hahaha
Can't agree more. The assessment depends a lot on the tod whether he/she wanna perform or not. Chen Chen woke up 2 min b4 PD assessed him. I wz v worried he wont' perform. Initially Chen Chen blur blur n kept quiet but a v short while he did wat he wz told to do. I think Chen Chen has chemistry wif tis PD. Chen Chen initiated "communication" wif PD during the last assessment when he wasn't dat proficient in talking as compared to now. PD commented Chen Chen wz a chatty n cheerful boi dat time

I believe child's development can teach one. I give the cr to my mum. My mum teaches Chen Chen a lot of things. My hubby always say Chen Chen too young to teach this and that. He was surprised when Chen Chen did the thing he thought Chen Chen can't do.
I wanna look for enrichment class for Chen Chen now dat I stop sending him to BJG but haven't been looking ard. U v gd in tis. Do u know of any gd enrichment class in the East?

Cool dwn. I can't stand it too when my mum listen to those yi ma gu jie's nonsense. I hv 1 aunt, she can't ctrl her DIL came to impose on me many things on my wedding n my confinement I than piss wif her
U try eatting durian for wt gain
Wow I ze ren zhong da leh. Make u put on wt during BBQ. Chiam, I dunno how to BBQ wait give u uncooked food lao sai, overcooked food sore throat. Someone gime a hand pls
U asked Nat if she wanna join BBQ is it? I juz post here n 4got abt those who dun visit tis 4rum anymore. Nat sms me said got gathering I din invite her hor. So pai seh man

No problem. Food lai ren dun need to lai hiak hiak hiak pulling your leg. U join next gathering ya. Mom2Nat is waiting for some1 to organise BBQ
how often u eat KFC? i dun eat so much when i'm not preggie ...mabbe just once a month.

ur condo new mah ...so everybody wanna hv bbq for gatherings/house warming. my sis condo same problem, v difficult to book the bbq pit and the function room, need to book 3 mths in advance and some more need to go early in the morning. during peak period, people actually sent their maids to queue before the office open! my sis ask me whether i wanna do full mth for no.2 at her function rm, she need to book now ... but then i cannot predict when no.2 gonna pop leh!

i quite like millenia walk ...cos got my favourite shoe shop there

cool down ...else no.2 temper hot hot!!
eh....gd tat u dun attend also mah ..it would hv been very tiring for u.

my gynae very clinical type lah ...her main concern is mummy n bb's heath n nothing else. during yesterday's scan, she measured the bb head,and tummy size. then the length of thigh ... confirm the sex of bb...and tat's all.

i also getting my place ready for confinement. went to ntuc last weekend to restock my entire kitchen n all the necessary household stuff ...bought so much things hubby had to make a trips to carry all the things up to the house.
pigletz, aiyoh, you seem very angry with your mum. I think I would be too. So superstitious, and also without knowing the reasons.

shook, you are right. We can indeed teach our todds so much. Sarah can even read most letters of the alphabet now. And sing songs too. It's very cute to see them 'perform'. Maybe soon we'll wish they would shut up. Hahaha. Hey, you should organise a durian eating party for pigletz and me and any of the mums out there who want to put on wt or want their babies to put on wt!!
U r going to go thru confinement on your own? Guess we can share the experience tog. After my bro's wedding last Dec (which was just as irritating. Thank goodness, hubby "tang" everything for me). My mother has officially declared she won;t do confinement for me n i wld need to do it myself at my own place n at the same time take care of ashley.
I will oso be changing my present maid. hopefully the next one that comes along wld be better.
Have u tot of what to buy? Like food, toiletries etc...
U will be taking care of Gareth as well??? Or u sending him to some playground??? I'm sourcing aorund my place now for Ashley to go to while i m on my maternity leave.
Hi all, I'm back, but caught a very potent flu bug. So I won't be able to go for Sanrio's gathering. Sorry Sanrio.

Hope you can manage to get transport to Sanrio's. Sorry for bailing out on you.

Going to go 'faint' on the bed liao, if Teddy would let me.

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang on 25 Feb from 5:30pm

Viv - otah
A gang of guests - 4 ppl
Sanrio, hubby & Ashrel
Boey KIV
Mr & Mrs W n 2 tods - maize
Nat, KK, bbsitter, Matt, Max - Shrimp & cuttlefish balls, mid join chic wings

<font color="ff0000">kindly indicate who u coming wif n the food u gonna bring</font>

Sarah v clever can read alphabats n sing song. Chen Chen can't
I scare of putting on wt leh

Y your mum dun wanna help u wif confinement n looking after Ashley?

Take care
