(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

went for Trial when he was about 16-17mths old I think.. before he started CC. Most of the friends I went trial with did not sign up with them as all of us didn't like that place. The kids only enjoy the ball pit room. IMO the teachers there not very professional as those in Kindermusik or at CC. Also they use a very small storybook for storytelling. They should use those Big books type so all the kids could see. Ryan couldn't see..so he went up to the teacher and stood right infront of her to "look at the book".. had to keep on pulling him away as he was blocking the view of others.. after sometime he got bored and wanted out of that room.

March is colder then Jan/Feb leh.. last time we went there in March was for his 1st b'day..he has to wear thermal..and if possible get some from SG..buying there maynot be cheaper. Places to visit to take photos would be the riverside where the convention centre is, TST- Walk of fame, Snoopy world at Shatin Shopping centre, not very much kid orientated places.. I dunno if teddybear world is up and running..was under renovations for a while. Normally we bring him SHOPPING. he enjoys shopping and eating.

Ryan saw live fireworks from the rooftop of his godfather's house. but didn't really see the whole thing as it was blocked by the hotel infront. He was very happy..not scared of the loud noise - fireworks were for 2nd day of CNy.
Bathing young baby..lastime when he cannot sit up.. I let him lie on me or hold him in the bathtub while hubby help to bathe him. Sink..not that easy..coz the tap will be more of a hinderance when bathing. Even now when we go on hols to HK I help to shower/bath him with him standing in the tub while hubby stand by with the towel/clothes to wrap him as it is cold during winter..don't want him to get chill.
WE haven't brought him to Ocean park or Disneyland coz no point he can't enjoy it and we cannot enjoy also. We will wait till he is at least 5yr old then bring him to those places of interest.
This time we brought him to his Godfather's outdoor studio to take photos in his man-made garden with all the props.

ELC launches Art Play at Suntec. Our new art and creativity program features two fun and interactive 45 minutes classes for two age groups, 18 months to 2 yrs and 2 yrs to 4 yrs. Contact us at [email protected] to register your interest and receive further information.

Start The Year of the Dog with a splash of colour!
Ya wk n car can only start driving fm 7pm on wk day unless u display the $20 coupon
Sore throat v kang kor. Does Vane drink a lot of water?

25 Feb to 8 Mar is 1.5 wk away. Err..... Wld u prefer me to bring forward a wk?

When is your EDD?
Does Jana dirty herself or the hse or others when using pen or marker? Chen Chen does.

Viv, Jul, QSG
I dare not let Chen Chen draw wif pen or marker or crayon. No gd for his motor development hor. I let him draw on magic board
Is your tod patient when drawing on paper?

Your hubby v v v v v v understanding. Right choice!
Bring along Nat's photo n load her video clip n voice in your cell photo in case u miss her

Dunno u believe or not. Go eat durian. BB will grow big fast

Dana still attend class @ GUG?
Haven't decide wat time to start BBQ yet. C the response than decide

Nic has v big appetite. No wonder he grows so fast. He muz b v huge
Same frequency. I dislike to BBQ food. Stink n oily.
cooked food will c wat the mummies wanna bring for pot luck. U wanna join?

THe ELC artplay class is on which day?
How many lesson in total?
How much?
Wat is the programme?
wow the thread is moving very very fast, i cant catch up leh...omg..


- Who sleeps with No. 1? --> my no1 usually slps with my mom on my mom's bed together with my dad...but if i bring her back to my home, she slp with me & my hb...she will not want to slp on her own, all along if she slp on her own on her matteress on the floor, middle of the nite when she wokeup, she will join my hb & i on our bed...

- What's the sleeping arrangement like for No. 2/3? --> my no2 slp in her cot. i have one cot in my house, & one cot in my mom's house...so slping arrangement for no2 is more easier..but recently i realise she don like to b slping on her own alone, cos when i put her down in her cot, she won slp, keep moving here & there,then when i put her on my bed lying with me, she falls aslp v fast...i guess she need company..

- When baby cries at night, what's No. 1's reaction? --> most of the time she'll wake up by no2's crying, & she'll also cry in the same time cos she dono wat's happening & some times she got scared by no2's cries...& she tends to get jealous if my mom/i carry no2...
Am not watchg any serial, watch tv at nite if I can get all three asleep by 10pm.

"Fearless' is ok xcept wat viv said, lotsa fighting lor....

Maybe I hv good help from mil n maid, daytime it's ok....

U asked re br pumps:
My feedback.....
I hear good comments abt Avent manual pump but it did not work for me leh, only droplets even tho I pumped like crazy, plus have about 7 parts to assemble, I find it so troublesome.

Medele single pump, is so noisy and really sounds like grass cutter.
Anyway I dun like single pump cos that time in office u can't hv all the time in the world to pump twice...
So I used the Medele PIS it was pretty good except it was the luggage model, v bulky.... recently I bot second hand PIS haversack model (the one qsg has).. since I dun move about, I only use the motor and it sits in my study.

My gf also lent me the Ameda pump, it's ok but prob cos she used so much, it is not working so well now so I've stopped, hence I bot the second hand MIS one...

Think I got tested during jesse's time so now I find it easier... but had a rough nite... chara kept waking up like every 1.5 hrs n wanted to drink... toughest nite so far... so tired tis morning. I went back to sleep after sending jesse off.

chara drinks like less then two hours, worse if bm, only 1.5 hours, she will be 'screaming' for milk and open her mouth big big. julien more predictable... but also about 2 hours, they take about 90ml.
chara is 4.75kg, julien 4.1kg at one month..

Trip - we wonder when we can go on a trip.... u plng to attend chc camp in BKK??

Last nite hb n I managed to go out for dinner on our own...

Wat do u mean by PIS heavy? U mean the lugging of it around??

So what did the gynae suggest? U gotta go back for more checks?

I shall continue to monitor, hopefully as she gets bigger, the problem wl subside and eventually go away. It is already beta these few days.

I line jesse's table with mahjong paper for him to draw. He is ok, xcept he tore the paper...hiaz...
Shook, Dana is in her second term at the Parent and Babe class. She won't be attending any daily playgroup due to the issues i mentioned sometime back so thought let her continue if possible. But may switch her to somewhere else after her first term in Parent and Tod class. Think her social skills did improve but dunno if due to the class.

I also let Dana draw on magic board but i think she prefer holding on the crayon but i dunno how she can manage to break those crayola giant size crayons. She is okay with regard to drawing on paper not really impatient just get sian after a while and start drawing out of the paper.
Ian's Crayola has plastic body, won't break leh... he just likes to dig his fingers into the front part... argh... my sis bought them from Toys R Us.. maybe you can try those instead.

Shook, think Ian likes to see us draw things for him more than drawing stuff himself now... he used to doodle a lot more... I wonder if it's because I haven't been letting him draw as much that's why he's losing interest... sigh....

BUT he does get very excited when he draws on us though!
stylobb, yah, gotta go back next week for check again. Meanwhile, I have to take those Duphaston Dydrogesterone pills.

shook, hey, I don't mind eating durian. Except these days not so easy to find leh.
Jana drew on the sofa and her bedsheets, so now the rule is no writing instruments on sofa or bed.

season 6 is the final season. i go home n see if i hv all discs or not ...kinda messed it up
the last round i watch it

i finished all 6 seasons. i'm a big fan of the series. hmm..no idea when Fearless is gonna
end leh ... i dun even know wat the show is about! went along cos hubby wanna watch and also
to utilise the free movie vouchers before it expire in march.

my edd is 27 march, by gynae said it might be earlier. of definitely!! she loves to draw on
her hands... lucky i bought the washable markers! she just anyhow draw ..wouldn't really let
us teach her anything decent. at most i can only write a few letters/numbers and she'll push
my hands away

the PIS backpack v heavy when its loaded with the ice pack and bottles ...and worst if i use those glass bottles and at the end of the day when it's filled with milk!
I will be gg for 4D 3N. HB said dun so fast come back, waste time gg. But dun think I can leave for long lor. I just wanna go and buy some stuffs for my house and relax a bit.

I agree the art and craft rather messy. Nat dun like, cos she is upset when she sees her fingers gana the paint. They gave an apron tat day.

Jul / Giggler
I am thinking of putting Nat to Playworkz. If 2 persons join tog, they give $100 off for the first person, then 2nd person 15% off. Wanted to join with Sanrio, then can share the discounts. But now she gg to put ASh in GUG. So if any of you mommies interested in Playworkz, tell me hor.

Lucky your hb can help you oso. But I am a light sleeper, so when NAt cries at night, I am the one waking up lor. And hb needs to work mah, so i try not to disturb him, unless I buay tahan liao. So actually, still tiring for me lah.

I dun wanna bring Nat to BKK, cos she runs ard too much, v dangerous. And food and water oso maybe more prob.
Well, I bathe Nat like how Ruffy does. Sometimes I will fill up the tub, then ask hb to bathe Nat, then I take towel and dry her afterwards. I oso bathed her in a sink several times in Fr... Hee... But hor, the sinks we have here can't compare to those in US, which is much bigger.

Scully I cry ah... We were joking, tat scully at night the 2 of us sit there and cry cos we miss our girls!! Hahahahah...
Yest I brought Nat to mil's place, then after she napped, I went out. My mil said Nat woke up cry. Can't find me... then see my shorts hanging there, cry, see my towel, cry... Then play for a while, ok.. Then see my shorts again, start to cry again... hahahah...

I used the Ameda one. I think quite good. Rather quiet. But hor, the motor slows down after sometime. Then bcos got 1 yr warranty, I got them to change a new one after I stopped bf. So can keep for #2. Hee...

Are you gg back to scan again? Tat time Nat din have heartbeat. Then blah blah blah... then realise I ovulated on the 21st day instead of the usual 14th day. So maybe your case is like this?? Then you no need to worry too much.
In fact, i find malaysia's KFC nicer. Taste jus like the KFC in Spore last time. Wah shiok shiok, going BKK ah? Enjoy hor, go for massage. Hey, go try Popeye

Got Popeye still. I ate it like less than 2 mths ago. U brot Vane to PD oredi? Must be too much CNY goodies.

Most of the delivery food taste yuckys, incl Pizza :p

Okie, ONZ... next time gathering @ Popeye. I like the fries too!!!

My fren went for trial at Playworkz. She said it's not bad, and her 16 mths gal enjoyed herself there.

If there's no spotting, tink everything shd be fine. Mebbe u ovulated late, so if based on ur LMP, then size will be smaller. For my case, if based on LMP, my EDD shd be 6 Aug, but after so many scans now, the EDD has stayed consistently at 12 Aug.
Brenda, tried the mini electric, dun really like noisy and not really effective.

PVL, think most likely is late ovulation. Dana's case also like that, can't see anything in the sac when by right should have, i felt so down after that and put on hormone pills but by next check up i am assured.

Jul, the crayons with plastic body is it very ex?
can look at http://www.elc.sg/ to get the details of the art clourse.. not applicable for Ryan so didn't really look at the details.
Oh the art play is on saturday..
9.45am/10.45 am..they dun give any other details so u must e-mail them
that day I went they didn't give apron leh.
The haversack is beta, I lugged the luggage one, aiyoh, back and fro nearly everyday... the things we do for our dears...

So nice can go BKK.. I also wanna 'escape' leh...but if I go, I wanna escape to HKG... sigh... but how to???

Ameda, yah, it stopped suddenly in the midst of my pumping... so I decided to buy my own PIS instead.

For my pregnancy, I took duphaston too.. due to miscarriage earlier. Dun worry too much, am sure everything wlbe fine.
my comments on playworkz same as ruffy, except ash was given apron but he din wan to wear n he din like craft. my hubby wen 4 d trial w ash 2 n he din like it.

go get d table. ash loves it n it's v useful. now he dun wan sit high chair anymore so mealtx, we use tat.

ash cant get tanned too, he gets red then back to fair agn..

we will try to cum 4 d bbq.

mummies coming to sanrio hse,
if i change the date to 17 feb (fri), time same. is evy1 ok? ruffy cant make it on wed.
pls let me know ur response soon
if u have used PIS, u wont like d mini medela. to me, the double mini is ok.. less noisy than d single n can pump both sides at 1 tx, but i find it a bit 'painful' n of course less efficient than PIS.
May b c whether there is durian after CNY

Chen Chen anyhow draw too

Nat clean n tidy gal doesn't like paint on her fingers
Know wat. My mum said when I m @ work, Chen Chen gets my pyjamas, holds on to it n calls mummy mummy. CNY I bot him a top wif the print I love mummy. He refused to take it off, pt to his top n said I love mummy I love mummy when my SIL wanna bathe him
Aiyo dunno Nat will cry for u or not when u go to BKK

Thx. I can't make it Sat morning
Sorry I can't bring forward the BBQ bcoz the earliest date available is 25 Feb. Hopefully your no 2 guai guai pop after 25 Feb

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang
A gang of guests
Sanrio (try to)

It will b a pot luck. Can u gals pls indicate wat u gonna bring
Maybe Chara's milk dd has also increased? Nick was drinking 120ml at 4 weeks and already wanted more milk after 2 hours. Chara is also quite big leh... comparable to Nick in terms of weight at 4 weeks.

I haven't gone for dinner on our own or watched a movie yet. Only gone for lunch. Partly coz I really wanna keep up w bf and his drinking pattern is still unpredictable. After 150ml, still asking for milk after 2.5 hours. Dunno how I'm gonna keep up with TBF when I'm back at work. Just found out my boss is leaving so things will be even more hectic when I returm to work since I'll be like the 'most experienced' person handling the project. Sigh! Really dreading it.

Will ask hubby abt BBQ. He also v scared of heat. Is your BBQ near the pool etc... then the tods can be entertained.

Thanks for the advice on bathing. Looks like we really need 2 persons to bathe bb. Prob is the rinsing part. Currently using Essemtam which doesn't really need rinsing but I kiasu ... prefer to rinse the soap off. Maybe for those few days, I'll just close one eye so not so troublesome.

Ruffy, strange that March is colder than Jan/Feb hor. I was there last MArch too (same period) and I remember it being quite cold. But I love cold weather anyway. Nick should be able to wear ALly's handmedowns for winter wear since he's so big... just a bit girly. haha! Ally should be alrite ... not scared of cold. Snoopy and Teddy bear world sounds interesting. Will check it out. Thanks!

Must enjoy the spas and massages since you're on your own.
Went for my checkup yesterday, that's why didn't reply you. Don't need to bring forward lah. 25 Feb is okay for me. Gynae say if everythings goes on normal, my bb should be out in 40wk unless we decided to bring it forward.

I put on another 1.5kg for the past 2 weeks, total weight put on now is 4.5kg. BB growing very well, already in position but not yet engage. Which is not a big issue as Gareth wasn't engage when he was born. I forgot to ask for the bb weight.
Will ask next week when I go checkup.

You like KFC in Malaysia?? Err, i find them too salty leh.
PVL, thanks for the info on the off-peak car. Dun worry abt the dates, usu the scan is more accurate. Which gynae are u seeing now?

absolut, wow.... Nic really taking your bm well to gain so much wt.
Hahaha... spoilt with a good helper huh? Not bringing Vane to Disney on Ice.

shook, I'm 'forcing' Vane to drink tonnes of water since yday. Think she got sore throat from shouting also. She very quick temper recently, get angry very easily and will shout out if she's angry. Sigh.........

styloBB, think I wont be able to catch Fearless liao cos the cinema put up new shows yday rite? How much did you pay for the 2nd hand PIS? It's quite ex rite?

QSG, you'll let Dana continue with GUG? I'm looking at Julia Gabriel and Actphabets now as they provide bi-lingual lessons.

Viv, Vane drew on my bed too. Now, we only let her draw in the living room. Where to get those washable markers?

Mom2Nat, you ok with Playworkz? Wow, Nat really sticky to you leh, can you still bear to go BKK?

skyblue, yup, brought Vane to see doc yday. She's so familiar with the procedure of checking by doc liao.

sanrio, why your hubby doesnt like Playworkz? Ok, I'll go Ikea and take a look. But I cant buy yet cos my sil haven take the bed away from the room.

pigletz, how's your iron level?
Iron level went up abit..10.5 now, but will be better if can go up to 11.5. Gynae 10.5 will be just enough if I don't lost alot of blood. But the last time round, I lost quite a bit, so she just want to be careful. Now I continue to eat 3 iron tablets a day lor.
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang
Viv - otah
A gang of guests
Sanrio (try to)

i used to think the luggage one better cos the haversack doesn't go well with working clothes ...people keep asking if i'm going for a workout
i had to resort to taking cabs home eveyrday cos its really too heavy for me ... so my BM is actually more ex compared to FM! thinking of buying another pump, so 1 for home and another for office ... so dun hv to lug the pump around and i think it more economical than taking cab which is abt $200+ a month. Any idea if i can use PIS and Ameda interchangeably? dun think will get another PIS...too ex already.

i love bkk!!! think i got no chance to go till the 2 kids are much older
Mummies, i slipped and fell in public yesterday. So embarassing and angry with hb. The palar malam near our place ended few weeks ago but till now the wooden planks for the base of the palar malam still there, hb insisted on walking thru the palar malam as it is faster despite me telling him i wearing heels and the planks wet and slippery and i may slip if walk through. Before i have a chance to go the other way, he was dragging me towards the palar malam and before i know it, i slipped and fell on the floor, my pants (first time wearing) got so dirty and so embarassing as there are so many people who saw that. Worse still, think i injured my lower back again..previously already injured till now on and off got pain now kenna again. Hb instead of feeling apologetic said my fall has nothing to do with him

Giggler, i thought you thinking of putting Vane in Clement's playhouse as you find the others too ex for you? JG is even more ex than GUG right?

Viv, i also got people asking me what is inside my back pack....worse still most who asked are guys so pai seh to tell them what's that. Even my male VP also interested that he went to ask my other colleagues
Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang
Viv - otah
A gang of guests
Sanrio (try to)

Shook, what other food do u need?
So u considering going to BKK for camp or not? Me/hb still considering... how to handle 3 kids ah? Not only that, how to listen to the sessions?

Thanx, I just asked maid to increase to 120ml for her... her mouth perpetually opening... bm also not 'powerful' enuf for her but I still gv her.. hehe...

Yah u do TBF, stressful, last time me also, hated to go out cos dun know when jesse wlbe hungry...and can feel brs becoming 'rock hard'.. terrible... this time I relax lah, just express... can start going out more often from this weekend onwards.

Your appetite good? That day I quickly took Pepsi Twist...haha.. missed having it...

When are u back at work? Guess u really dun mind staying home to be w the kids huh?

I think the show shud still be on for stime...

$350 for the second hand.. ok lah. I saw on auction someone selling for $500..
Telling myself that shud just invest in one lah.

The haversack is easier to carry leh...
Interchangeable as in whether it wl affect ur ss? Shud be ok rite. I think the ameda costs around $290, u might consider getting...
U know, my colleague out of good intention lent me the single medele pump, I tried it and I thot I was going deaf! It was so so noisy!!
Lugging around v troublesome ... last time I did that too... used to feel relieved when weekends came...
Once I carried a cooler bag on mrt and one preggie asked me if I was transporting ice-cream...

Poor thing! U ok or not!!! Aiyoh why ur hb like that?? U take care yah...
V difficult to walk on those planks...
pigletz, at least the iron level went up lah.

Viv, yup... I strongly recommend Ameda. If you want, I can intro you the distributor for it.

QSG, aiyo, so did u see doc or chinese sin seh abt your back? I'm trying out Clement's playhouse this Sat. But my cousin highly recommends JG to me. It's not really more ex than GUG as it's bi-lingual and 2-hr per lesson. I'll attend their trial class first then decide.

styloBB, $350 is cheap for PIS. You got a good deal.
Hb hasn't been to BKK b4. Quite sad this time he can't go. Maybe next time when Nat is older than go tog.

Playworkz ok lah, play and play, Nat's fav lor. Where is JG? YOu go for trial then tell me good or not.

actually, no need to bathe bb too often. In fr, I bathe Nat once every 2 days.. Or else too drying.

Aiyo... must be painful. Gotta be more careful, since old injury.
Fr is cooler unlike over here so humid?? Heheh...

About the bathing in hotel sink, just be cautious hor, cos I always find the hot water from the hot tap spurts out hot... so pls pls be careful..

It's ok lah... an 'investment' since I use it everyday...
how about asking the hotel if they can supply a baby bathtub? Bring a soft scrubber to clean it out before first use. Last time my hubby & I had a night at a hotel here in singapore. They provided a nice bathtub for Sarah. She was 6 months old then.

I saw Dr Han HC at the Private Suite.

thanks for the assurances. It is very trying for me these days, worrying about why my little baby is so small, whether I will end up with a miscarriage, whether something is wrong. I reckon it would be better not knowing. In the US we never scanned until Wk 20. As long as the mummy's vitals are good, and feeling fine, the Dr or midwife would just listen with the doppler heartbeat monitor and press to measure the fundal height and that was it. And that was only after week 10 cos heartbeat hard to hear before that. They just let nature take its course. The stress of knowing is worse than not knowing.

sorry for your fall. Take care of that injury. I think often we feel the embarrassment more than the injury itself. But since it's your back, do rest yourself, and get your unrepentant hb to give you a back rub lah.
when people ask me where i'm going with my back pack, i tell them i'm going nursing room ...they'll usually stop asking any more questions. If they ask wat's inside the bag ...i'll tell them it's my bb's food lor

yep, haversack easier to carry, i even carried along when i went bkk with hubby. but looks funny when carried with heels n working clothes. yah ...worried that i'll not be able to express with ameda since PIS quite a powerful pump. One of the nursing moms also used a single medela pump..its so loud i can hear it from outside the room
so straightaway I know who's inside the nursing room!

can give me the contact for the distributor? is the pricing better?

ur hubby likes shopping ? else bkk v boring for him.
Mom2Nat, there's 2 JG in S'pore, one in Evans Rd and one at Forum. Ok, I'll let u know my feedback after my trial. But they even more stuck up that GUG. No trial during weekends at all. That means I got to take leave to go for trial class.

styloBB, ya, the breast pump still cheaper than the milk powder.

PVL, so you go to KKH?

Viv, you changed your username? The distributor for Ameda, Mickey 96233383
Me not going for camp coz would likely to return to work early Apr and Jan - Jun is my super peak period in office. Plus my boss is leaving so likely to be more involved this round.

Poor thing. Better go check out your back. No joke to have a back injury.

Regarding bathing, think I'll check if the hotel can provide, if not, would prob bring the small bathtub given by the hospital.

Regarding the bulky pump bag, I used to tell pple that it's for milking the cow and they'll stop asking.

Ruffy not free next Fri. Is gathering still on then? BTW do let me know if you are gonna be in town or central area tomorrow. Likely to be around the novena area in the evening.
absolut, why don't you get the inflatable bath tubs?
Thanks for your response on sleeping patterns with bb and No.1 - good suggestions... I just hope my bed is big enough for both of them coz I feel bad not sleeping with both of them. As it is, hubby has already graduated to sleeping on Ethan's baby cot mattress on the floor. So small for him... poor thing hor.

PV, u take care and don't worry so much. For me, that time my periods were not accurate and doc said bb was 2-3 weeks too small. In the end, no prob and it's just that the dates were not that accurate. Just relax and let God take charge.

QSG, hope u are better. Take rest.

Brendali, thanks for talking the other day. I was really miserable. For those who didn't know what I am talking about... it's Ethan and his CC. Think he was miserable in class coz too bored - not enough things to entertain him and no space to run and explore. In the end, I withdrew him from class yesterday and found another place. It's a semi-detached bungalow; good activities around but costs $105 more per month... this is half day as compared to the 3 hr classes previously and he has to take school bus to school. I don't know if I am making the right decision... but it hurts when I hear my maid reporting (when she sneaks down to spy) that my ethan is left alone and he's sobbing while the other kids walk aimlessly in class and the teacher is busy with someone else. Can't the teacher give some work to the kids before she gets busy? Anyway, I've withdrawn him.
Thank Moms for the feedback on the pumps!

Viv, i have and like this one too... easy to get let down but have the prob of not abt to clear my breast thoroughly leh. End up keep having lumps on the side despited massages

hahahha.. tahnks for informing the loud sound it makes. Can't imagining i inside the toilet cubicle n ppl wondering what's happening inside.

Viv, went to see... difficult lah. Imagining the days hb not free to pick us up. I have to carry bb, hold on to jem, and juggle w jem's bag, bb's bag and mine PLUS the PIS... PENGZ!

K, i go look see the Ameda pump.

sayang sayang... dun worry too much k. i had the same prob when having jem. but he gets big at trim2.

Eat durian must drink lotsa lotsa water hor... very heaty.

Of course miss u.. u mia for so long. So is it really very much more busier now that u have two to look after.
Jem enjoyed Ocean Park. tho had prob keeping him quiet for the pandas. But he enjoyed the rest of the stuff

U dun like bbq then u still help us organize?? will it be too overwhelming for u anot?

Hahah... i curious, who's the gang of guests in ur bbq list?

Food hor, i can help prep fish, sontong, meat kind so wait see at the end what's needed lor. But can't help w the cooked food cos i working till 3pm that day.

Let me help u give the moms suggestions for the food that can be bbq : Satay, Sausages, Sweet potaotes for the little ones!!, sweet corns, pork/chicken fillets, fish, chix wings, taiwan sausage...

Others: Fruits, salads, fishballs, drinks

hahahah Ian so cute!! gets excited when drawing on u guys... we let jem plays w fingerpaint n if we draw on him.. he will give me a 'eeh, dirty' look.

I find Canadian Pizza quite good leh.. esp. their jumbo wings n jem like ther lagsana tho i declare it's way to salty.

Gosh, take care of ur back.

No prob. sad to hear Ethan being so down too.. he's afterall, another kid w similiar character as my jem!! should be enjoying himself n be the rascal in CC! hahahah. U dun wan to look arnd more to find an ideal place for him? i went down to this centre quitea few tx before enrolling.
re PIS:
I also use the PIS. But I don't bring it home every day. I leave it in the office... and only bring home the cooler bag. I steralise all equipments in office.
I'm also using Ameda Pump. So far so good.

Dun worry too much. Just cover your bb in prayer and everything will be fine.
Chenchen so cute... will actually see ur clothes and miss u. Btw, where did u get the 'i love mummy' top? I remember i used to make Kieran wear 'i love mummy' mittens. heheheh...

Gd to hear dat bb is growing well. And u've put on so little weight? Mebbe cos i love saltier fried chicken, dats y i like M'sia's KFC. Why did ur gynae monitor ur iron level? U had giddiness?

So far, i seldom hear comments abt Actphabets. Dunno gd or not hor. U mean Vane will sit there and guai guai let the doc check her? Ever since Kieran had his surgery in dec, bringing him to a doc is dreadful experience. He'll cry the moment we go into the consultation rm. And he's going for his MMR jab next week. I really dunno how.

Aiyoh, so poor thing. Must go see doc if the pain persists.

Some CCs dun pay much attention to the children. Std not there. Dats y must monitor b4 deciding to put ur child there long term. If paying more gives betta quality care, then y not cos it sets ur mind at ease.

I've not tried Canadian's jumbo wings. I tink their pizza is betta than Pizza hut. Tok abt wings, now i got craving for Jerry's buffalo wings. Hehehe...
Popeye Chicken,
We had that for dinner on Thursday.. The Q time was really long.. Hubby Q for about 20min before we got the food. IMO.. I don't find anything special about it. Last time it tasted better.. it didn't tasted great last Thursday.

Today.. after a long time.. got the chance to go to Orchard Rd shopping without Ryan. Shop for 3-4hr..bought some books/ matching CROCs ( HB & 1)..actually wanted to get CROCs for ryan also but it would be better if he tried it out first.

Hope the new CC is better for Ethan. The teacher shouldn't be just attending to one student. When Ryan 1st started CC.. there was his teacher/ or teachers taking turn to carry him around as he needed lots of conforting due to change of environment. I still see the teachers carrying the new student(who normally cry a lot) around on their hips while attending to the others in the class. Now he happily mixes with everyone there... even goes up to every teacher to say bye bye before he leaves each afternoon.
Popeye Chicken
I tried it today. First few bites was nice. Then get "ger lat".. find the skin part too hard. Hb said the buttermilk biscuit had no taste. To me, tasted like flour. BUt overall ok lah.
thanks for the contact for ameda. din change username, that's an extra username i register to configure the postings here to be sent to my office email, so during office time, i can read posting without accessing the forum.

dun think i'll try manual pump ...very siong for the hand leh! when i lug around the PIS to and fro office, i dun carry any other bag, i just stuff my office pass and a small coin purse into the haversack.

can go n see ameda, its much much lighter.

seems like its so diff to find a good CC. if the new CC is better, than its worth paying more ...at least u hv peace of mind while working and dun hv to constantly worry abt ethan.
Viv / Brenda
I have Ameda pump. The motor not v strong. But bcos they give 1 yr warranty, I got it changed. And the valve tears easily. My fren had to change it many times. Overall I like Avent Manual Pump, really can pump out most of my milk. But too tiring for night time use. The Ameda one is good, but doesn't pump out all.

The smaller one I heard noisy. I'll always rem my fren, went Genting, stayed in the same room as her mil. So she pumped at night, when all's asleep. Next morning, her mil said she heard someone cutting grass. Asked if they heard... Hmm...
Would like to check with you. Before you withdraw Vane fm GUG, is she attending the PT class? Who is the lead teacher? Any comments?

d rect 1 v fast sold out. i waited quite long 4 d current stk 2 arrive.
playworkz: my hubby 'expected' d overall 2 b much beta but it wasnt. he said d 'play' is not creative/interesting, jus throw balls, walk fr here 2 there kind. perhaps ash is too active loh, a while he bored liao. ash only enjoyed d gym session. oso d story book used was v small n story quite boring. during music tx, teacher cant decide on d songs to play n cds not ready, kept rewinding n 4warding. ash was quite bored n cant wait 2 get out of d place.
