(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I've got one 1st generation MIM Sling (cotton material) which I just learnt how to use but not too good at it. Will have to ask you for advice. Quite tough to pull. Hoping that the bayb sling will be easier to pull and manage. Nick also quite likes the sling. Usu sleeps quite quickly when he's in the sling but I'm afraid if he'll get too used to being carried. He already refuses to lie down when he's awake and wants to be carried to sleep.

Thanks for the offer but will be getting the sling from Sanrio.

my schedule is actually better on wed. But can't stay too late for both days.

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>-6 May is a little far in the future to be really sure, tentatively I'm ok.
Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>-wah, can borrow Jana one?

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>-Mercy! No more! Else resistance to KFC becomes futile!
Glad that you're better now! 2nd trimster always the best of all, better than the '4th trimester' even!

<font color="0000ff">shook</font>-There's something called 'Stop Itch' from Aussie. Think it works like Mopiko, only not 'hiam'. I got it from my gynae (she dabbles in selling creams and supplements for bb's as well, smart move!)

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>-Hope Vane gets well soon!

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>-Congrats on your presentation! Bet you swept them off their feet!

<font color="0000ff">PVL</font>-HAve PM'd you.

<font color="0000ff">absolut</font>-No problem. Can show you how to use the MIM sling on that day too. You could sign up for MIM babywearing class on 11 Feb, if you like. I learnt a lot from their session.
pigletz-6 May is a little far in the future to be really sure, tentatively I'm ok.
Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

Alamak, my little tyra look so mature ah? Already can see the tai tai-ness in her??? She cannot be a tai tai lah, she must earn a lot of money so that her mummy can be a tai tai in old age! Hahahaa! Think it's all my fault combing her hair that way.

Ok, do I look "younger" now?
Sanrio &amp; other mummies going to Sanrio's place.
I'm free to go down on Friday.. can leave work by 2pm.. so we can be down at Sanrio's place around 3pm.. I also cannot stay too late coz of heavy traffic/jam on ECP. so must leave her place by say 5pm.. The most convienent for me to pick up would be ABSOLUT.. so please PM me your HP No..so we can cordinate the transportation.
PVL, is off-peak car cheaper than normal car by great diff?

shook, I applied both leave and mc last week. I know I alr being blacklisted by my boss abt my mc but I really got no choice. My sils cooked at my place, I didnt have to do much. Anyway, I'm not a good cook.

Boey, think Vane got worse.... she couldn't even sleep properly last nite, kept waking up and cried in pain.

hazey, hahaha.... Now Tyra looks like Lin Qing Qia's era leh.

Mummies gg to Sanrio's place, so envy that you can meet one another leh. Sob sob sob...........
Haha..like suaning me leh, macham I so free can still come to forum but I hardly post here leh.... Well, when I am expressing bm, nothing to do but read the forum lor.... o/wise how to pass the 40-45 mins???

KFC - I like the crispy one.. but dun eat all the time, maybe every few months....

Thanks for advice. I guess I will hv to monitor, must say my maid is handling her beta than me.

She is fine, bubbly as usual. Said I steady lah, carry twins till full-term and with good weight. Also remarked I not depressed this time round... haha...

I opted for c-sec with epi cos I wanted to b/feed my gals. Who knows, I kena wheeled for observation for one nite and did not b/feed them till a day later. At my last check-up, gynae and nurse already commented the wound has healed v well, even Mdm Zu said that.. she said v clean and neat...

Dun know leh, maybe more experienced liao, maybe 2nd mums here can comment. The gals are ok... find that bois tougher to take care than girls... (absolut, what do u think??)
Last time jesse really stressed me out... I was kinda in depression mode for a while.

Actually me also lousy with the sling, the one I took (we have two) is already pre-slung so I just put julien inside.. Hb was fidgeting with his and it seemed his needs more adjusting.. cos chara macham did not look too comfy in it. julien is smaller so she fitted easily...

So nick wanna be carried all the time? Just like jesse. At least the gals so far are ok. Can fall asleep on their own.

I'm pumping more bm now, still not enuf for full feed but at least I'm filling up my bottles faster haha....
Mummies who response to Gareth's bday party, I know it's abit early. But thanks for responsing so that I can do the planning in advance. Of cos, when the date is nearer, you all can confirm with me again and I will send out emails too.

Pretty stressful last 4 week for me now. haha, hopefully my #2 won't feel so stress inside.

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen
giggler, the off-peak car costs $17000 less than the normal car. Also, the road tax has a rebate of $800 a year (I think). I only pay $50 tax per year, cos my car is only 1.3 and after the rebate, I must still pay the minimum of $50.
The car is really affordable, esp if your usage fits the timing. If you need to use the car outside the allowed time, just put the $20 coupon. I normally use 1 $20 a week, to do my grocery shopping and visit my MIL, run other errands etc. Otherwise can take bus and MRT.
hazey-it's the eyes and the rosy cheeks that make her look pampered lah! But she's very very lovely!

ruffy-no prob! Jeslyn and PVL, let me know if you want to meet somewhere to go together. My HP is 96987839.

giggler-oh dear! Have you brought her to see the doctor? Weather also not very good. Try to get her to drink more water.

stylobb-hope that it's just regurgitation for her then!

pigletz-Do give us a reminder nearer the time also, ok? Chances are I'd 4get!
went to watch Fearless with hubby yesterday evening ..bad choice of movie!!! think too much stress during the day cos of the presentation + the fighting scenes make me quite gan jiong ... feeling a little contractions when i reach home. but i'm fine now ...no more exciting movies ...will only watch romantic comedies from now on.

i've also started planning for Jana's birthday party and no.2's full month. i'll wanna attend Gareth's birthday party but not sure how i'll cope with no.2 ...so i put my name down first hor ...

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

wanna check if you are able to get some more of the aloe vera stick for the mossies bite?

went to colettee yesterday. salesgirl said membership discount at 20% better than the sale which is only 15% off. saw a red sporty pair...but hubby around and couldn't buy

no, din take the KFC at zoo. we had naan at the Jangle Tandoor , surprisingly, its one of the better naans i've tried.

i've been teaching Jana the diff types of animals from the small animal figurines and her books. my SIL also bought flash cards of animals for her as well. so she knows quite a few and is able to recognise them. when she see the lion, she even make the lion sound!

also i wanna bring Jana there before no.2 popped cos if no.2 is difficult bb then Jana wont get a chance to go zoo for a long time.

yes, can borrow Jana ..u interested????

watching serials when expressing BM is a good way to kill time ... and you'll look forward to each expressing session cos u'll wanna continue the story mah ...
Mommies, finally! Thank you for your congrats for having a boy again! eheheheee... here's to saving money! Cheers!

Brendali, you mean that there was a BBQ and I missed it?? When?? Where?? How come I missed it? GOSH!!!

Anyway, am deteremined not to miss it again if it happens... SHOOK! I'm in!!!

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

Giggler and Brendali, Ethan's coping fine at CC so far. It is day 5 today. Last night he was super cranky! Today there's a kid's birthday at CC and he ate lots of cake! His favourite!! Everyone was surprised he could eat so much of cake.. ehehehee...
He'll just cry a little in the mornings and then stop and go and play etc etc.

stylobb, take it easy! 2 kgs to pre-preg weight is a great job! Good to hear that things are fine with you..

Some questions for mommies who already have #2:
- Who sleeps with No. 1?
- What's the sleeping arrangement like for No. 2/3?
- When baby cries at night, what's No. 1's reaction?
I co-sleep with Ethan, so am thinking that he'll get affected when No. 2 cries next time... yeah???
Sure, will remind all of you again when the time is nearer.

Ya lor, we have to start making preparation now since both No. 2 and No. 1 birthdate is quite close together.

Yes, if you want, I can get my auntie to order for you.
thanks for the open invitation but I would have just delivered then... gotta give the party a miss! =)
You gals enjoy!

thanks for the compliment
Good questions that you have. Would be interested to know the answer too.

Gareth already got used to sleeping on the floor liao. But now, we thinking of shifting him to the other side of the bed so that we can have the bb cot in the room. No intention to have either #1 or #2 to sleep on our bed. haha, still want to hug only hubby. hahahha
U got boi boi ah? Also need to start findg clothes for nbr 2 if u dun recycle all of nbr 1's stuff.

Some questions for mommies who already have #2:
- Who sleeps with No. 1?
No. 1 has been sleeping on mattress on his own but in our room

- What's the sleeping arrangement like for No. 2/3?
No. 2/3 for now sleep betwn us cos we are too tired to 'crawl' to cot to tend to them.

- When baby cries at night, what's No. 1's reaction?
Initially No. 1 one nite got up and said 'So noisy!' but now he tuned out liao, does not wake up. Of crse I tell hb shud the gals cry, we shud quickly make milk for them so as to 'shut them up' otherwise poor No. 1 gets disturbed but so far, so good.
ash likes d table a lot. $35. tis rect 1 was out of stk 4 sometx oreadi. we din wan d round 1 cos 2 big n 'din te'.

Dear mummies coming to Sanrio house:
Date: 15 Feb (Wed)
Time: From 3pm

those coming:
1) val &amp; randall
2) absolut, helper, ally &amp; nic
3) boey &amp; teddy
4) ruffy &amp; ryan
5) pv &amp; sarah
6) jeslyn n renee

did i miss out any1?

wed u can? since most mummies said fri got peak hr jam.

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen
Does pharmarcy sell the stop itch cream?
Last 9 I pasted a plaster on Chen Chen's ankle. He kept complaining tong tong pulled it off n pasted it on my leg n said mummy de. Faint I told my mum to bandage Chen Chen's ankle n arm today. Dun think he can pull it off tis time n tie on my mum n said puo puo de

Your princess look as if she wears make up

Your SIL cooks @ your plc. Not any better. Gotta clean after dat. Frankly speaking do u mind?
Now dat your MIL not ard, your hubby's siblings dun rotate going to ea other's hse during CNY?

R u going to celebrate no 2's b'dy every mth like u did for Jana?

BBQ dunno on or not. No business leh. Any1 else interested in BBQ?
For the sake of u, I go check wat is the next date dat BBQ pit is available than broadcast here n c the response

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang

Viv, Mom2Nat
BBQ lovers on?
wow! how do you do tat? enof hands meh???? kow tow to u ....

i'm worried i'll be too busy to think and prepare all the stuff, so now searching around for ideas, caterers and venue for the parties.

thks, can get you auntie to order 2 more for me?

hahaha...gd question!!! i haven't tot abt it. when i did for Jana, i wasn't planning on a no.2 at all. but i got to be fair ...so no.2 will get a cake every mth as well... wonder how am i gonna slim how like dat
Thanks Stylobb for your answers. Sounds like jesse is quite good and can tahan the noise. Think Ethan will most prob wake up crying too. Sigh!

Mommies preparing for 2nd birthday of tod:
Poor Ethan will most prob not be able to celebrate this year. Why? Coz of new bb lor. #2 born in mid-June. #1 birthday in early july. So, if I celebrate for #1, then the next week must celebrate for #2's 1st month. Like so paisay have to keep asking people to come for gathering and partty, so looks like ethan will not get birthday party this yr... at most just buy cake for him and bring to childcare lor...
Thanks for trying to accomodate me in the bbq, but if really cannot make it, then the other mummies will help me to eat.

Ya, I also worried that after #2 out hor, no time to do planning, that's why planning early. So that during that time, I can just follow the plan.

I know what you mean by timing too close. That's why I'm only having the #2 1st month for relatives while #1 bday party for friends. But yours is really too close, you might still be doing confinement during Ethan's bday right?

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang

hmm...ask no.2 to come out 2 wks earlier and then hv combine celebration lor
styloBB, maybe it's true that boi is harder to take care cos I got no prob taking care of Vane. I can even bring her out alone once I finished my confinement. What serial are u watching now? I'm chasing Sex and the City, borrowed the DVDs from my fren.

pigletz, you can relax after your bro's wedding hor?

PVL, what's the timing for the off-peak car? Think we can consider getting one.

Viv, is the show nice? Thot of watching with hubby too but no one to help taking care of Vane. I not sure Vane will know animals other than cats and dogs. Heeheee.........

emily, it's good that Ethan alrite with childcare.

sanrio, $35 is consider cheap? I thot of getting a table for Vane so that we can do some art work at home.

shook, my sils clean up for me before they leave. Frankly speaking, I dun mind lah. They dun rotate to go one another's place, they still come to my place.
viv, brenda,
I tink KFC's standard drop. Now i prefer Macdonald's McWings. Have u tried Popeye @ Changi Airport? Very yummy one.

I can't confirm wif u now but i definitely would like to attend Gareth's birthday party if I can make it.
U celebrate Ethan's b'dy n no 2's full mth tog. But hor ppl still gotta give u 2 gifts

U already ate cake every mth for 12 mths, won't put on further when u eat cake mthly for no 2. Bsides u not fat wat
Hey great woman thinks alike
shake hand

Wk n car for wk day can start driving @ 7pm. sat 3pm. Sun n PH anytime
Your SIL v considerate to clean b4 leaving
Wah, Giggler, you want to get a table for Vane to do artwork? Hehehe... Ian loves drawing ON the table and the floor even when we give him a whole sheet of mahjong paper! And he'll say "ang zang" or "dirty" after his "art" is done, sometimes on our arms and legs.... I guess girls are neater! =P

Emily, good that Ethan is adapting to childcare. Like Shook, I can't imagine sending Ian to childcare.
Next Sat Chen Chen has BJG class. BBQ on wk after next ie 25Feb can? Pit available fm 4pm. Pls state time of your preference.

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang
I can't go for your bbq, cos I gg Bangkok on 25th. I am gg with my fren. Hb will be home to take care of Nat.
Hey, btw, I checked tat Nissi Childcare tat Nat went to, their license was 12 months, now 6 months leh... DUnno wat happened.

Tentatively I am free. But v near my bday, maybe got plans...
Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

Hee... can sense I in gd mood? Ok lah... Still tired at times lor. Do you get enough sleep every night?

Skyblue / Viv
I like the KFC in Genting. The chicken v juicy... Singapore's one dry dry small small...

Jem's photos at Sentosa v nice, His eyes so lovely.
Do you know when the show until?
hahahha... dunnoe leh, find kfc at zoo nicer than most branches.

i lol seeing ur post of Mark being a hunk.

Where got suan??? serious... i worry too next time i hv no. 2 liao wun hv life to chat online cos seems like the trend here leh. Eureka, Nat all MIA liao n Absolut so seldom seen.

The new picanto very cute!!!!

Good good... that Ethan's coping well in school too. Aye... i haven't seen his pic for some time lei

YEah KFC standard drop long time ago.. now only a few branches still serve nice ones. McWings hor.. not consistent one!! sometimes extremely spicy.. I LOVE POPYE CHIX!! HAHAHAHHA

HI all,

wanted to share this with u gals, keep forgeting.

Sunday we went down the Globetrotters for snacks. While busy poring thru the menu, we din see our monkey got hold of the pepper and salt shakers, until we heard two knocks. Before we can react, we saw the pepper shaker smash in his hand when he bang the two against each other. Haiz, lucky no cut. So keep those little hands off those ceramic shakers...

Hi to those who express milk,
I shared the medela dual pump w my cuz the last time.. dun think this time i'll be taking back from her so intending to get one. Just wondering whether anyone here use the mini (one pump, battery opp) and its sufficient? cos that one seems easier to bring for work.
Hi mummies,
Many postings. I cant catch up. Too bz going out with Randall. Felt kinda bad cos my intention initially was to stay at home and "teach" him. But now, almost everyday is outing. Jia lat, very "hway ka".

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:
Wai Yen

Mummies interested in BBQ @ Sengkang

Tried the mini b4. Find that the avent manual still the best. Cheap and good. I finished pumping in shorter time using the avent. The mini very noisy. Like cutting grass. Using that is like telling the whole world u r expressing. LOL~
A frankly speaking, do u bear to leave Nat @ home when u r @ Bangkok? Your hb can take care of Nat OMO. Ichi ban! U need a gd break

I not the only 1 said Mark is a hunk. A few mummies here said he is a hunk after viewing his photos in Bintan in the sleelveless top
I sourced for pump B4 I delivered Chen Chen. On a single mini medela pump. V v v v loud. Saw some1 in the forum said the sauction is too strong. Painful

Hey when is your EDD? Is 25 Feb ok for u? I haven't book the pit yet.
skyblue, think there's no more Popeye in Changi anymore.

shook, weekday can only drive after 7pm? Then not very worth. Ya, most of my hubby's sis are very considerate and good to us.

jul, thot of wanting Vane to have habit of doing her work on her study table. Just like having meals at dining table.

Mom2Nat, Vane still cried in middle of the nite of pain last nite. Think her sore throat really bad, may bring her to see doc later. So you used to Nat's style that's why happier now?

brenda, you enticing me to buy car huh??? So bad leh. Aiyo, our tod really diff to handle now hor? I like Ameda pump leh (electric one).

Val, where can you go everyday???
ya, after next week my stress will be all gone. But today got pissed off by my mum and I feel like not helping at all, and not even attending the wedding. Might as well stay at home and rest. I'm not suppose to be in stress anyway what, right?

My EDD is 8 March now. So 25 Feb is okay with me as long as bb didn't decide to come out early.
yalor, KFC standard not as before..worst is the delivery ones ..taste horrible.

its training n habit lah ...when my dad introduce the pen to Jana, he also gave her a piece of paper. so now she understands pen n paper goes together, if she find a pen/pencil/marker in the house and wants to draw, she'll ask for a piece of paper.

25 Feb sounds ok to me. Jana has class till 4.30pm. So we'll only be able to reach there around 5+.

last yr i went to the sentosa flowers show very late and some of the flowers withering away already.

Genting KFC???? a bit to far lah

i'm using medela PIS, very gd pump but very heavy...

poor Vane! hope she recovers soon.

i finished the whole sex and the city series when i was bedrested for 2 weeks last yr. i like the show!

The show is not bad lah, i watched it at gv great world and they are showing it at the big screen cinema.
There is still popeye at Changi Airport Terminal 1.
Didn't like playworkz.. they had Art and craft during the trial and didn't provide aprons..ended up Ryan's clothes got so dirty... also they didn't bother when Ryan showed he didn't like what they were doing and headed towards the door.. I let him open it and walk out and none of the teachers there bothered to invite him back to join the group.
Ian knows he's supposed to draw on the paper but he just likes to see the mess he creates outside it leh! Argh.... he'll just doodle a bit on the paper then start going to the boundaries....
Oh, tat's popeye at T1?? Ok, I shall try one of these days.

Well, hb won a pair of tix to BKK. We wanted to go, leaving NAt with my mom and mil. But after much contemplation, we decided none of them can handle her. So hb "sacrifice" to let me go. I am gg with a fren, she oso has a bb. Well, can't bear to leave Nat, but hb thinks it is a good break. He told me to rest more there, and dun shop until late at night... hahah... Hb takes care of Nat sometimes when I go out for a while. He can even do housework with Nat ard. He will let her "play" tog with him, like take the pegs for her to play, while he hangs the clothes... I dun have this patience.

YOu have the whole series of Sex and the City? Can I borrow the seasons after Season 5? COs I stopped there.

Aiyo, still sore throat? Poor thing. NO more flu lah?
Giggler, skyblue, ruffybear, brendali,
U gals like popeye too? Yeah, it's still at Changi.
~~ Think maybe we can all have a gathering there the next time. Ethan loves the warm biscuits there and the fries too! ehehheeheee... oh! plus the popeye cartoon and running around the airport. ehheheee....

Viv, yeah if no. 2 comes out one-two weeks earlier would be good enough.

Mom2Nat, wow! U very daring. Dare to go holidaying and leave hubby with bb.
How many days will you be gone?
pigletz, aiya dun be mad with your mom lah. Prob she also under stress mah.

jul, I'm thinking of asking similar qns leh.... No, I got no experience with Playworkz.

Anyone has any experience with Julia Gabriel at Forum?

Viv, I agree that Medela PIS is very good but too ex for me. Which season are u watching? My fren passed me season 4 and 5, quite good. Any idea when Fearless will finish showing at cinemas?

Ruffy, oh... think I went to T2 to search for Popeye the other time.

Mom2Nat, it's good that our hubby can handle our kids hor? I leave Vane to my hubby if I'm tired at nites. Heehee.... Not sure if she'll get flu soon cos I heard her sneezing this morning. Sigh....
Shook, Dana has class on that day, if come after 6pm would it be too late? Afraid by then the rest left already?

Pigletz, would like to go to the party but still abit far...let you know again nearer to the date.

Viv, so good got 20% disc, didn't know if not would let them know your IC
, am tempted to buy another pair sandals type.Sale ending soon.

Jul, dana also like to draw out of bounderies, she drew on her table and chair and even on the TV. Tried to stop her but not successful and i din manage to clean off the crayon marks. Hb said nevermind so i also give up liao.
giggler, the off-peak car can be used freely from 7pm to 7 am Mon - Fri. From 3pm on Saturday and the whole of Sunday. Other times must put the $20 coupon. If you don't put, I hear the fine is quite hefty.

mummies, I went for my first Ob checkup yesterday. The scan indicated the bb is 10 days smaller than it should be. My Ob seemed a little concerned - gave me progesterone to take, told me not to lift heavy wts, or exercise. Made me and hb worried. But I have had no bleeding or any other problems. With Sarah, we never had any early scans so I have no precedence. Is the Ob just being kiasu? My periods quite regular leh. Seems worrying to me
Ally used to sleep on a mattress on the floor beside my side of the bed. Just before Nicholas was born, we switched her over to my hubby's side of the bed so that Nicholas' cot can be on my side. Hubby started putting her to bed in my 3rd trimester ... partly coz bb was very low and it was hard for me to get out of her bed.

When no. 1 cries at nite, I'm in charge of him while hubby looks after Ally. Usually she'll stir or wake up and he'll have to pat her to sleep again. The reaction of No. 1 will be dependant on the child. Since Ethan will be older than Ally when your no.2 is born, maybe you'll have an easier time. My prob is also that Ally is a super light sleeper. Any little sound can wake her.

Are you intending to co-sleep with the newborn as well? Hopefully your bed is big then or maybe you should get a mattress for Ethan and place your mattress on the floor too so you have a bigger space for all to sleep together.

Why dun you celebrate Ethan's birthday together with your newborn's 1 month. Bring the 1 month celebration 1 week earlier? I opted not to celebrate the 1 month coz bb doesn't know anything. But in laws had dinner for family and some friends. Anyway who knows, your bb may come out a week earlier to make things easier for you.

Actually I think whether the kid is easy to look after or not would depend on the kid's character. But Nic is definitely more demanding when it comes to milk and his cries are louder than Ally. He's already drinking 150ml and still crying at 7 weeks. Dun remember Ally drinking so much then but I guess he's a lot heavier than her now. He was 6kg at 6 weeks (gained 1 add kg in 2 weeks ... super scary) and already wearing some 6 months old clothings. Thank goodness I didn't buy much newborn clothes. Only bought a few 3- 6 months and mostly 6 months onwards. Never expected him to be so big since he wasn't a huge bb at birth and Ally didn't grow that fast.

You sure your hubby can handle Nat esp since she's so sticky with you? But it'll def be a good break. Now you got me tempted to leave Nic in Singapore too coz we are planning to go to HK during the March school hols before I return to work. FIL suggested BKK but hubby says boring for Ally... nothing for her to play while HK got Disneyland (yup... think we're def going back there) and Ocean Park (hubby says there's new stuff).

Ruffy, you're the HK expert. Can advise what else is interesting for Ally?

Mommies who travelled with your bbs last time, how did you bathe them? Last time I brought a bb tub for Ally when we went to Jap when she was 6 months. Dun feel like bring the tub to bathe Nic this time. My friend told me they bathed bb in the basin but it also depends on how big the basin is rite? Also, can't help but think it's dirty coz pple brush teeth etc in it. Suddenly the thot of leaving Nic in Singapore is super tempting. So bad hor... would never have entertained that idea for Ally but think it would be v tiring for me to handle both Ally and Nic without helper leh esp when Ally is cranky and insist on me carrying when I'm busy with Nic. Guess I'm spoilt already

You miss me in the forun is it? Me still here but find it hard to post coz everytime Ally sees me on the computer, she'll insist on being carried and looking at her pics or videos of the Barney show we took last year.

Anyone bringing your kids to Disney on Ice? Going with Ally on 11 March 1130am show but worried that she'll get scared if there are loud sounds. She freaked out when we saw the chingay preview coz of the firecrackers (super loud... I also got a shock), fireworks at Disneyland etc.

Hubby and me not a lover of BBQ coz hate to cook in the heat and can't imagine having to BBQ and look after tod and bb leh. But maybe if some of us bring cooked food then easier.

I was considering Disney On Ice but can't confirm if I will be free so hesitating. Ian loved the River Hong Bao fireworks but still said scared scared... hehehe...
