(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

sanrio, gimmi the address please, thank u...i mayb driving my hb car there...& im bringing only my elder gal there, baby left to my mom to take care..hehe...i any of the dates above also can...do let me know hor..

Morning Jeslyn. How are you? Long time no see/read.

I've PM'd you to ask you something.
Mom2Nat, hahaha you very funny abt the joke on having No2 leh.
Have u try tie Nat's hair since she doesnt let u cut it? I like Nat's dimple, so nice. You so cute leh, only rem the bbq so last min.

PVL, what made u send Sarah to dentist?

shook, thanks... Vane is ok now. I also give out ang bao till shou luan, lots of pple came to my place though I didnt have chance to go out. Dun feel so mad abt your ils, ok?

jul, aiyo.... is Ian ok from the fall?

hazey, wow Tyra so brave!!!

Emily, what makes u think of checking-in to hotel on CNY period? Does your maid go with u? You stay with Ethan the whole day in childcare? I missed out your announcement on having another boi leh. Congrats!

pigletz, you haven buy anything to pack your maternity bag? Better start doing it soon. Your aunt will help you to take care of both Gareth and bb when you go back to work? Wow, my future son-in-law so sturdy looking.

styloBB, you getting Mdm Zu to massage for u?

skyblue, CONGRATS!!! Is everything ok now? You still working or you got mc to rest during this period? Kieran looks tall leh.

Viv, I got not much control over what Vane eats as she self-serve most of the time. I dun know when she learns how to open those containers to take those food. Jana so sweet and pretty leh. Dun worry abt your breasts not getting bigger. Mine didnt enlarge but I still managed to bf Vane till she's 14mths.

sanrio, wow your frn's son is really a genius leh. Vane cant even say out her name. How does your fren train her son? Is Ash better now? He doesnt look sick from the pic leh. It's great that Ash is ok with sch now. How long is the Sunday sch?

Jeslyn, there's one playgrp at Jurong Pt which I may try one of the weekends.

brenda, Vane is ok liao. How abt you? You still bleeding? Think Jem quite like his new childcare.
Wow, your Jem getting very handsome these days.

pringles, Alicia looks so sexy and pretty.

boey, it's good to look alot younger than your actualy age.

shook/Viv, your tod enjoy themselves at the zoo?

QSG, I intend to check out Clement's Playhouse this weekend. I'll let you know my feedback after it.

B2, how's Ashley now?

hazey, wow... Tyra is another mei nu leh. She's so fair. Why got to make decision now? I feel that if you got someone to be with maid then maid more economical cos she can help you with housework too.
called learning Vision and they don't have half day charges... sigh... now wondering whether to send Ian to Julia Gabriel on weekends to try out. But rather steep.

hehehe, your Opel sounds so humongous everyone wants to tompang!

alicia posing so nicely... hehehe... like she's really aware of her looks =P
Mummies whose tods snore, i brought Dana for her 18 mth assessment last sat and mentioned to the PD about her snores. She said there is a cause for concern if snores on a regular basis as there could be insufficient oxygen going to the brain or it could just be some allergies. She asked if wanna go NUH for sleep study but i find it traumatic for both tod and parents so said i will monitor for a period first. Read up and found something called sleep apena...something like enlarged tonsils or adeniods causing the blockage.

Giggler, last nite i went NTUC to buy something and decided to drop by 5th floor to check that place out..end up couldn't find that centre at all after walking at least 2 rounds..i find it strange and wonder if it really exist. Pls update me when you check it out this weekend.
you are very well read I must say! How bad is the snoring? Does Dana wake up choking or coughing? Does she appear tired during the day despite having slept through the night? (Unlikely, I think... hehehe..) These are all significant markers of likely obstructive sleep apnoea and warrant further investigation, but usually not at such a young age, so don't worry.
Yepz... those were wat i read abt snores. I tried to find the mag which i read from, but somehow, jus can't find it. It's recent issues from either Young Parents or Motherhood. Sleep apnea is a rather serious pblm. Cos kids stop breathing for a while when sleeping.

I'm fine. Thks.
I'm still working. Tis time though got spotting, but gynae nvr ask me to bed rest. Jus ask me not to over exert.

Tyra is so pretty.

So sad, got to give ur house a miss. Working day. Haiz...
Jul, she is active during the day and does not or rarely wakes up choking or coughing..i think her snoring probably due to allergies as both hb and i got sensitive nose. Just find it strange that young tods can snore next time old already even worse?
how about the church kindy's or the other void deck ones near your mum's place..should have 1/2 day. Yeah JG is very $$.. that is why I didn't consider it. You have time to bring Ian there on weekends? How abt your shift work?
if the problem is due to big adenoids, they might outgrow it because the adenoids usually get smaller as they get older. Tonsils may need removal at an older age if the snoring gets worse and is associated with sleep apnoea. But really not that common in slim built people, esp girls.
My mum's place has one playgroup but I doubt the qualifications of the people conducting it.... haven't heard much positive feedback about it so not considering at all. My weekends are generally qutie free now... but I was thinking that maybe my hubby could bring Ian there.... no more shifts for me liao. =)
Hi mommies,
I feel very much better! Morning felt like .."TA DA! First trim over!" over kinda feelings...hahahha. Now got craving for KFC

I'm gonna thicken my face...SOMEONE ORGANIZE A BBQ AGAIN LEH!!! hehhehe

LUV ur girl!!! so cute and can pose real well.. next time can be little model..hahhaha

I hv coll coming up to ask whether i preg alread tho i'm not wearing matrnity clothes yet.. still into drawstring pants.

I agree to what u say.. they hv mood swing, some times eat more n some time eat less

Jem's been to the zoo 7-8tx already... no prob. Have fun there! Have KFC there!!

relax relax.. things will work out

aye.. what u did to tyra's hair??

i'm also very fearful osteoporosis. Aiyoh!! i also small boobs .. or rather flat ones to start w.. now bigger doesn't mean more milk... only mean MORE STRETCHMARKS!!!
Mom2Nat, my post so long cos the postings for the past few days very long mah. Heehee.......... You enjoyed your CNY very much? Can sense that you're in gd mood.

jul, huh? Ian sick again? Are u giving him any supplements to help him build up his immunity? Heard that Julia Gabriel very good, got dual language but very ex.

QSG, the centre is inside Kent Ridge tution centre.

skyblue, has your spotting stopped? I must agree that this thread really productive leh. Heehee.........

Viv and other mummies hoping to strike Toto, pls rem to buy Toto for this Fri. Winning amt of $10mil. Heeheeee.........
The cc has mossies.. all the kids there like pocky face.

RE: JEm's
Hey... so farnie, i dun find jem cool at all leh.. instead his pics at sentosa looks so 'girl' to me. No meh???
He still cries occasionally in the morning when we bring him to school lah.. just the teachers told us he will be fine after a short while of carrying so we leave him be.. tho he's happily laying whenever we go n pick him up.

AND!!! that fella has been making this screeching sounds whenever he's playing recently until i hv to call him a hyena. Thoroughly yuckie!!!
You're the one selling the sling rite? Just wanted to check with you the difference between MIM and BBSling. Is it thicker or abt the same? Just concerned that if it's thicker, may be too warm for this weather. If we are going to your place, can pick up the sling from you personally.
Me finished with massage by Mdm Zu. Only 2 kgs to lose to get back to pre-preggie weight. Lost weight v fast this time round.
Dun rembr if I told u about my c-section, had no problem walking on second day, after I went home, was ok too... walked around such that everyone was amazed at my recovery.

I had no CL... cos figure so long my mum can prepare the food and maid can take care of h/h with mil helping in the daytime, can manage. Nite time hb/I manage the girls + jesse.
So far so good, cos I get to rest in the day if needed.

U take care,glad that first tri over for u.
bbsling much thinner, cooler n softer than mim 1. oh u wanted 1 ah... oh oh i got 1 'buyer', i let u noe agn..

Dear mummies coming to:
Date: Either 15 or 17 Feb (up to d majority)
Time: Anytime from 3.30pm (+, -)
Pls let me know ur response and i wld pm u my address wen date n tx is cfm.

1) absolut, helper, ally n nicholas
2) val n randall
3) ruffy n ryan
4) jeslyn n renee
5) pv n sarah?
6) boey n teddy?

sure, cum cum
wld email u my add wen cfm.

my frd is a sahm, jus 'teach' his boy like tat loh (tats wat she said) n tis boy evytg can absorb, remb n said it out.
yup i m glad ash is much more independent now. he is alwy super active, sick tx jus minus d 'super' a bit. how is vane at sch? she still enjoy it a lot? i wont send ash for daily playgp 4 now but wld likely put him on twice a wk class w gug.
Giggler, no wonder i can't find the place..but how come the centre is within another centre?

Stylobb, there is no pain at all around your wound on the first few days? Did you take any painkillers?
U juz returned to work after CNY break?
R u or your hubby the eldest? Nobody visit me tis yr. I go visiting every day
Chen Chen enjoyed himself @ the zoo n picked up many words on animals fm there. But dunno y he din wanna watch the dog show
I use flash card to write Chen Chen's English n Chinese name n flash to him. He can recognise n pronounce his name. Perhaps u like to try dat
Chen Chen opens the container wif the CNY goodies. My parents keep close eye on him n said your mummy said u cannot eat. They said he distributed to them until they dun want liao he pretend pretend put near his mouth or nose wanna eat. They stop him fm eating due to his cough. If not I believe my mum will feed him some of the goodies

Poor Ian. Wat happened to him?

Can feel the zest in u!
I dun mind organising BBQ. But hor I m the type of ppl dat mon2nat described, sit n wait for ppl to BBQ. Both my hubby n I r not into BBQ. So we dun really know how to BBQ n set up the fire. We organised BBQ @ our condo twice, both times the guests jaga the BBQ we sit n wait to b served
. So if I organise BBQ hor, I need volunteer to BBQ the food
U bring Jem to zoo so many times. Wow, the tic v x.
Agree dat some of Jem's pic look like gal. Overall he still look handsome n adorable
Chen Chen had 5 mosquito bites on his tummy wee hr tis morning. He wailed n wailed. I scrathed for him n applied lu yi yu. He finally smiled n slept. I v scared he scratched himself. He scratched until bled. So difficult to heal n left ugly scar coz he scrathced till bled agn when it is abt to heal
U so mean call Jem hyena

How's your headache? Better?
great world city level 2, lots of kiddy ride, abt 10. ash loves it, wld go fr 1 to another, so nid not put $


tis is ash new table fr ikea.
hi mummies
thks for assuring me that I should hv confidence n trust in my boobS

hmm..i think tyra next time v good life ...she has a tai tai look!

so far my relatives and friends all quite ok n automatic, they'll bbq the food themselves. but usually its the guys doing all the bbqing, the ladies just sit around chit chat n be fed.

u stay at the zoo for so long??? chen chen must hv been a gd boy ...cos if its Jana, she wont last so long, she'll be tired n cranky!

very nice pics taken at Sentosa? did u participate in the photo taking contest?

i got infected by ur KFC craving ...went to KFC at BM for lunch just now
ordered orginal and the 2 pieces of chicken was so miserably small ...cant fully satisfy my craving ...think I'll hv KFC again for dinner tonite!

yep..Jana enjoyed herself v much ...make alot of noise when she sees certain animals, she can appreciate the animals better now.
haha, you so cute! I so envy you that you still got craving. I still don't have and seems to get worst now. The only time i have craving is when i wanted durian. But nowadays, the thought of eating feel so sian.

how's ur KFC? shiok anot? haha
Shook, thanks for concern. These few days still have slight migraines. I went for the scan last wed (decided to go ahead bec i kept worrying), paid $963 (so ex) out of which $700 should be able to claim from company. Results will be reviewed this thur afternoon. Praying hard...

Viv, are you aware colettee having sales? I bought a pair last sat for Dana. I felt that actually their shoes pricing quite near to clarks but range is nicer for gals.
Giggler, Shook,
Think Ian caught the flu from my SIL... long story... we had steamboat together over the weekend... sigh... even though I was not keen to expose Ian.

QSG, message me your IC number I check report for you if I can.
Dun worry, I'm sure all is fine.

Painkillers, I took initially but after lying and being observed overnite, I told myself no matter how must get down to walk. So I kinda forced myself to.

After my confinement, I also headed for KFC with hb and jesse....

How are u doing?
Hey, I found the sling v convenient to carry the bb. I carried julien who is lighter, she v comfy inside and slept thru the entire church svc..

Can I check sth with u? Do u have any advice for bbs who puke after drinking milk? My chara does that, have been told to just leave it cos shud get beta by six months. Is that so?
just gave a presentation on stage at my company's auditorium!! i've been dreading it cos i'm the type who hv terrible stage fright but lucky the pregnancy is keeping all the stress hormones levels down ...so not tat panicky
wat a relieve now ...

dun envy me lah ...my craving's making me very tong ku ...wish i can hv some cakes, chocs, coke ...also i'm constantly hungry cos i need to cut down on my portion ...my blood sugar is not very well managed. so i'm eating every 3 hourly ...same feeding schedule as Jana

tks for the info! mabbe i'll pop by great world later.
I know it's abit early. But I'm doing some advance planning now. Would appreciate if you all can response to me for me to continue my planning. I will update you all the status when the date is nearer.

I'm planning for a bday party for Gareth on 6 May 2006. Reason being, I want his friends to be with him during his bday and to give him the attention he needed after #2 is out. Don't want Gareth to feel neglected becos of #2.

Can mummies here tell me a rough idea of whether you all can make it anot?

Thanks alot!
<font color="ff0000">giggler</font>, I took Sarah to the dentist last wk becos on CNY 1st day, she ran, fell and chipped her front incisor. There was some bleeding and bruising of her gum. Some of my Dr relatives advised me to go get it checked out.

<font color="ff0000">brenda</font>, hahaha, when I was preggy with Sarah, I also had a slight craving for kfc. But never did go lah, cos the cravings were always late at night, in the middle of winter.

<font color="ff0000">shook</font>, how did chen get mos bites? Your mum's place got mozzies ah? Poor chen chen.

<font color="ff0000">QSG</font>, wah, how come your scan so ex? What sort of scan was it? Fortunately your co can cover most of the cost.

mummies, I don't really have any ms, but today on a bus, I started to feel really sick, almost wanna puke. Thank God I was off the bus before it got any worse, and the feeling lingered for another half hour. I'm wondering if it's cos of the pregnancy or becos of the lousy bus driving. I don't get car sick. Any mums with similar experiences? On the way back, it was better cos I broke my journey halfway to run some errands.
Jul, different hospitals can check ah? same database right?i sms you in a while, can you call or sms me if you manage to see the results? thanks. I think is ready already bec the radiologist said if i wanna check my appointment to yesterday can but too bad fully booked already and my neurolgist only sees patients on mon and thu.
good good that u r copingwell. hehehhe, actualy feel that u the only mommy having no.2 already still frequent here. KEEP IT UP!

hahah... another chicken fan. Next time our gathering can just order kfc

u so nice! heheh, i dun mind volunteering my hb if u dun mind having an ah pek looking 'satay man' bbq'ing ur food..hahhaha

Oh no! ur side bombarded by mossies too? mine also at nite but think cos i preggie so all attack me first. U sure it wun be very 'la4' if put ru yi yu if the skin is torn?

He really sound like a hyena, k. those screeching sounds that gets on one's nerves.

Ash looks fairtoo.. hahahah, i went to 'burn' jem's skin on Sunday.. doesnt work. u got any idea?

I agree w u on Tyra! u say she has tai-tai look.. i always say she has princess look.

Har? my photos from bad to worse liao dun dare to participae anymore...hahhaha. but i dd go n see those pics.. some bb looks soooo cute!

hahaha... i had 2 pcs of spicy chix. yalor.. their original are getting super mini. Thot u gotta watch ur diet one??


ME!! ME!!!! I'M GOING!!! *Waving frantically***
PVL, its MRI with contrast. Think is MS. Last time i got slight nausea during 1st tri and when i on bus or in cab, it will get worse, i will try to tahan till reach home and vomit.
<font color="0000ff">Jeslyn</font>-To check for PM, just access the email account you registered this UserName with. PM should be sent to that email acct.

<font color="0000ff">sanrio</font>-if Friday, not very good idea to stay until peak hour for long distances, right? Either have to leave b4 peak hour or much later in the evening. But both days are fine for me, what about PVL?

<font color="0000ff">PVL</font>-Great! Would be glad to share cab with you, else Ruffy stressed, worrying about the suspension in her car with the added weight of tompangs!
Which day do you wanna go?

<font color="0000ff">qsg</font> - Think heredity also plays a part. Teddy's Papa snores loud enough to wake the dead! Now and then he gives such a loud one, we all wake up! So Teddy only small snorts and snores, not all the time, I very happy liao!
If due to sensitive nose, buy a humidifier/air purifier? It worked for my colleagues and me.

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>-Great that you feel better! Hope your bleeding stopped or tapering off. Now you make me crave KFC too. Must resist!!!! Overweight already!

<font color="0000ff">absolut</font>-I'll be bringing my MIM sling along, so you can compare if you want. BBsling got padding along the edges, so won't make creases in poor tod's legs. MIM sling need to get cotton sateen or silk one, much cooler, and thinner material, but not very cheap either. But your tod may be too heavy for a sling liao leh. Teddy's weight is killing me, even in sling!
I've got a brand new BBsling, still in box, black one, you want to buy for $60? Can discuss price.

<font color="0000ff">styloBB</font>-Regurgitation is just spitting up of some of the milk, puke usually a bit projectile type, and bb shows some discomfort later. If regurgitation, try to burp bb after the feed, or elevate the head a little to let milk go down and stay down, best is hold in upright position. Jul, pls add on if necessary.
where to see the pics tat were submitted? some guys "borrowed" Jana and took some shots ..but dunno whether they've used it for submission or not ...

yah ..watching diet..cannot eat sweet stuff ...fried stuff is ok though I've never tested KFC before, think mabbe i should do a test after my KFC dinner tonite just to make sure ...
Still bleeding but yah tapering off (i hope).. but the cramping is obviously lessen thus betta mood.


Its at the old ferry terminal... the place where the clock is. hhmmm... near Burger King?
Chen Chen slept on the way to the zoo. 12+ requested me to nurse him. Nursed him in the car n he zzzzzz...... On the way home he
He where got guai, kept asking me to carry HIM. My hubby told him mummy no strength to carry u but he still said bu yao to my hubby. My hubby gotta bluff him daddy bring u c animal fighting than he let my hubby carry. Can't understand the man's mind, wat so nice to c on fighting
Did u take KFC in the zoo?

KFC in zoo is more x than other branches hor
Mark is a hunk where got ah peh look. U mean my hubby is it? 1 satay hunk v chun. Need more volunteers
It's my mum's plc where Chen Chen got the insect kisses
Agree agree Tyra the princess

May 6 v far away leh. Tentatively I m ok
Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:

I dunno how Chen Chen got mosquito bite. Actually I wonder if the 5 bites on his tummy is bed bug bite. But my hubby n I dun get it leh. My hubby been sleeping on dat mattress v long liao. The bite on Chen Chen's hand is definitely mosquito bite
U din drive but took a bus instead?
styloBB, so how's Mdm Zu now? I engaged her massage service the other time too. Good that you recovered so well after your c-section. Did you ask for epidural c-section? Wow, sounds like you're coping well with the gals and Jesse.

sanrio, your fren must have put in a lot of effort for the boy. I stopped Vane from the daily playgrp liao. My mom found out that she's bullied by one of the older gal. That's why, she kept saying that she didnt want to go sch. Now, I intend to try out Clement's Playhouse which is at Jurong Pt for her. GUG is too far and too ex for me. How much did you pay for the Ikea table? You just brought Ash to Suntec? Playgrp duration is abt 2hrs, if Ash can tahan the sunday sch, then he'll more likely able to attend playgp.

QSG, I not sure why the centre is within another centre leh. Most prob, I'll go for trial class this Sat provided there's vacancy. I've booked for trial class at Clement's playhouse this Sat from 10am-12pm.

shook, actually I rtn to office yday but too busy to come to the forum. Most relatives came to my place cos my mil used to stay with us. Though she's gone, they still continue with the practise to come to my place lah. Vane got sore throat now, think she ate too much CNY goodies liao. Sigh.... Ok, I'll try flashing Vane's name to her.

Viv, my fren told me to bring Vane to zoo when she's older cos she'll knows more animals then. Congrats on your presentation!

pigletz, you dun have appetite to eat or dun have craving? Wow, you really in advance for Gareth's bday party leh. I'll be there with his gf.

Mummies interested in Gareth's bday party on 6 May:

brenda, I like KFC too!!! I like both original and crispy one!!!

hazey, I also agree with the others that Tyra got tai-tai look. Heehee..........
shook, yah. My car is an off-peak car, so I don't normally take it out during the daytime. Sarah was going for her Gymboree class this morning.

Wai Yen, the Punggol playgroup is on this Thurs at 4 pm, at my place. Email me if you want to come.

Sanrio, hmmmm, Wed and Fri both not so good for me, but Friday is better, but I must get home by 5.30.
I dunno the lu yi yu is hot or not. Chen Chen smiled n went back to sleep after I applied lu yi yu on the bite

Congrats for overcoming stage freight!

U applied leave or your co resume work yes'dy?
Do u need to cook for your relatives who went to your hse?
Poor Vane got sorethroat. Does she drink water?

Wow Tyra tai tai look. I wanna choap for Chen Chen. Than Chen Chen will b a millionaire
