(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Wah, the zoo! Pls give me tips on what to prepare to bring a toddler to zoo. We've been talking about bringing Teddy, but worry that he may not be able to handle with heat, mozzies, etc etc. Also, zoo got nursing area or not hah? Where would you change diapers for your tod? Toilet? Never been for long long time, so very not up-to-date. Thanks!
yah, Teddy very clingy, I also very sian with him sometimes, especially since he disrupted his sleep pattern 3 days ago. Wake at 3am, don't sleep till 8-9am, then sleep long long until 2pm, then when I'm super KO already, disturb me until nighttime, and the whole cycle starts again.
I try to nap, but body can't adjust to the weird timings, so can't sleep, although desperately tired. Things looking very hazey now, quite surreal and floaty feeling.
Teddy goes through phases like that now and then, think could be 'cos of his incisor coming out. Hope he reverts to normal sleep pattern soon, but usually take about a week.*Sigh*
Maybe it is teething... Aiyo, must be so tiring for you... I hate it when bb dun sleep well leh *yawn*
Wat do you do at Pasir ris on Wed??
Pringles, Alicia looked prettier and she has got really long slender legs

Mummies, may i know if any of your tods snores when sleeping? something like heavy breathing and got sound?Is it considered normal?

Sanrio, Dana is teething again, these few days milk intake dropped drastically. Kept biting on the teat and put her fingers in mouth to feel her teeth.

Emily, congras.

Brenda, how come fishball can cause the tooth to tbe chipped? Thought the fishball kinda soft?

Giggler, sometime back you mentioned there is a clement's playhouse at JP, have you checked it out?Would you be switching Vane there? I am thinking if its similar to GUG, i may wanna switch there also, cheaper and dun have to travel all the way to united squre.
yup, my mum and aunt stays in the same blk. Another uncle is also looking into buying a unit in the same blk. Will be good if he can get one there so that next time got pple bring Gareth to school while my aunt takes care of #2. hehe

haha, I got gathering at home but it's for my hubby's friends. Finally over liao. *phews*

Told hubby no more gathering for the time being as I'm already starting to feel the contractions very often now. Really hope that bb don't come this 2 weeks. Bro getting married next week.

Wow, Alicia looks like a young lady liao. haha, next time when she grow up, sure alot of guys after her one.

Sorry that we didn't manage to go the other day. So when is your next bbq? hehe

Good for you.
I'm sure Ashrel is a very independant boy, you just need to know when to let go.

Think u worried too much abt Chen Chen clinging to you. Slowly you will realise that he has grow up like Ashrel.
Watch Finding Nemo together with him, and sometimes you might just realise that it's time to let go.

Wow, another boy.
Great!!! Just wondering, will you try for a girl again?
Ur aunt will be able to handle both Gareth & bb at the same time? My aunt oso said she definitely can handle but i'm still abit worried. SO now, one of my options is to get a maid to help her out. Wow, so fast u're gonna deliver. U on maternity leave oredi, or still working till the day u deliver?

I tink i ever read from somewhere b4 dat if a kid snores on a regular basis, then there's some pblm wif respiratory sys (i tink). Forgot exact details liao. If i came across again, i'll keep u updated.

RE: teeth
How many teeth shd our tods have in all? 8 top, 8 bottom? If dats the case, Kieran has 2 more to go b4 he gets a full set.
Well, I trust my auntie, cos she really very good with kids.
Maid is never an option for us cos there's no place for the maid to stay. And my mum and auntie don't like maid too.

I'm only going to be full-term this week, 36wk. Hopefully can wait till 40wk then give birth.

I will be working till my labour pain. Boss won't allow me to go off early as well, as my replacement not here yet.
hi mummies,
it has been a long time since i last drop in. initially has been busy with all the CNY stuff. buy, tidy, nag, blood test, gynae visits.. Juz when i tot i can take a breath, Ashley fell sick after CNY day 1. all the cousins n relatives were so fascinated by her, kiss, touch, feed her. by evening came down with fever. was miserable for the next 2 days. tot everything was well by the time i'm back at work on wed, then she flare up in this rash. went to kk twice bcos the rash dod not respond to medications. suspected dengue, have more blood test. luckily nothing wrong. now slowly picking up. weighs only a mere 9.4kg now. the nieghbour next door at 4months weighs 8.5kg, relatives give more stress n say i'm not feeding enough. Luckily hubby has gone thru enough of these n told all these kapos off.

congrats, Ashrel has grew up!!!!

dun worry too much abt Chen Chen being clingy. Ashley's cousin, male, who is 3 months older oso refuse to leave the mother when they r at my place. AShley was a good host n try to pat him, get him to play but he simply ignored her. n he has 3 older brothers (difference of only 2-4 yrs) at home. so some tods are just more shy.
I put Ashley in Prime Gym tods class. The class is for tods between 18months to 3 yrs. Ashley is the youngest. She doesn;t really participate much in the group activities, prefering to walk around (like Ashrel). But she dun mind playing side by side with the older kids. I think they are still in the stage where they can be with other children but still play alone.

Alicia is so pretty. she look really tall in the pics. How's your MS now?
Have u tot abt your confinement? my mum has already voiced that she won;t help me this time n i'm going to send my present maid home soon (really cannot take it already!!!) NOw thinking of how to cope with ashley plus NB.
congrats! ethan's gonna hv a di di! having 2 boys is not a bad thing! i tot having siblings of the same gender is gd cos they tend to be closer. it also gives me the excuse to buy things for Jana now ...everytime hubby complain, I'll just say it can be reuse later for no.2 ...very economical!

i read that if we preggie dun take enof calcium, then the calcium will be drawn from our bones and teeth for the bb. To play safe, just pop the calcium pills lor, no harm lah ...u dun wanna suffer from osteoporosis later rite?

i also envy those mums with tods tat are attending childcare with no prob...Jana is definitely not ready as well...

yes, it was nice bumping into you at the zoo! i look radient? my new blusher must be gd then, hehehe...i left at abt 12, was surprise i could last so long, initially only plan to stay there for 2 hrs.

u managed to get the jing zhen tou?

u hv aching boobs???? i only got itchy ones ..hehehehe... i'm starting to worry a little cos my boobs not any bigger than before preggie...dunno if i'll run into problems with breastfeeding again.

i miss ur bbq invite! i love bbq too...can organise another 1 or not???

ash really knows how to hv a gd time with the toilet roll!

i like how alicia pose in her bikinis
she looked very tall!

i took the oscar test as well, tat's becos my gynae noticed that the bb's neck is a little thicker than norm.
Congrats on having another boy. my scan wasn't really definitive, but seems to be a girl. Hubby was kind of relieved, he thinks having another girl helps him to save $$$ (bang head!!!)
B2, don't worry about Ashley's wt lah. If you are stressed I should be even more so. Sarah is only 9 kg. In fact, I suspect she may have lost some wt recently cos she had a cough over the CNY period and didn't have much appetite. Her diaper seems to be looser than usual. As long as they're healthy and active, meeting the milestones, no need to stress lah. Sarah usually eats quite a lot, and is now more interested in her milk. I try not to think about it and ignore comments about her skinniness. She's SO active, most pple who comment about her can't keep up with her anyway.

emily, at least, having 2 boys, you can use Ethan's clothes for #2. No need to buy a whole new set. Save $$$.
Gareth looks kinda diff. Is it cos of his hairstyle? Tell ur boss if dun let u off, sekali u deliver in office. Hehehe...

Lucky Ashley is fine now. Ignore those pple who said u're not feeding her enuf. Somehow, they jus have tis impression kids must be chubby chubby then considered healthy or smthg? Kieran's weight has been hovering ard 9. smthg kg for dunno how many mths liao. I agree wif privileged, dun be bothered wif wat those pple say as long as u know ur own shild is developing fine. Someone once commented Kieran has a miniature face. I nearly fell off my chair when i overheard.

Tyra looks like she styled her hair.

Big boobs small boobs oso can breastfeed rite...
Hee... I love bbq food too. But with Nat ard, usually I dun have big gatherings for BBQ. Cos many pple like to sit and eat, not BBQ. Esp relatives, they ask, food ready already?? Wah lau... Then with kids, where got time to bbq right???
Hi mummies
thks for answering me on the Oscar's test. I'm still in a dilemma whether to take it or not. Haiz....so many considerations... wish life is simpler:p

Thks for compliments on Alicia, think she takes after daddy's tall build.

First sight of Gareth really tickles me. He has a contagious laugh and he's really cute and natural! U are counting down to edd, so exciting! Take care

Itchy boobs? LOL!! You are really funny! Agree with Skyblue, big or small boobs both do good job at bfeeding
Don't worry. Just don't get stressed.

I booked confinement lady this time round to help me for 5 wks. Dun wanna trouble my mom. She's gd and has been used by my fren and her sisters a few times already. She's quite nicely booked all year round! Gd business. Maybe u can still consider her for ur confinement. May still be available. Let me know if u want her number.
My MS still bad but seems to subside a little. In shopping mall i can literally visit the toilet a few times just to puke. This pregnancy so far more tiring than last time. How about u?

My gal only seem to start posing for camera recently. After she's got more aware of the camera and its functions, she now happily smiles for us when we tell her to pose.
Re:Bring tod to zoo(just some pointers)
-Stick on anti-mozzie patch(very effective)
-Grab the zoo map and plan which area u wanna cover that day, don't be too ambitious
-u may prefer to cover teddy's favourite animals
-can push him on stroller and let him roam at certain spots to avoid overtiring u or him
-closer to naptime, choose somewhere quiet to let him nap
-the children's play area can be a tempting place for water lovers and u may end up stuck there and not seeing much of other animals if u go there first

Tyra is really a "da4 mei3 ren2".
what's holding you back from doing the test? Just cost? Hmm... it's cheaper at NUH, that's all I can say. KKH more expensive.
hey, 1 day we mus let ash n gareth go running together. i got the same (but white top) 1 set shirt n pants fr fox 4 ash. guess wat! size 2 n he cant fit into the top, v tight. i brought it bk 4 exchange.

tyra is v pretty, even pose oso got the 'you xiu qi zhi'. ash still got chance or not leh.. now independent boy liao n no longer crying bb hoh, keke..
Wat I brot to zoo for Chen Chen - diaper, wet wipes, handky, xtra set of clothes, food , water, snack, hat. I brot anti mosquito patch but forgot to paste it on Chen Chen. 1/2 day thru remember but c no mosquito bite so leave it
Dun think there is nursing area. I went to a quiet corner n once back to the car to nurse Chen Chen
There is a changing table outside the toilet for changing diaper. Tis is v gd coz can get hubby to help
Teething cld change sleeping pattern. Poor u muz b v worn out

Chen Chen snores @ times

Showed Chen Chen Finding Nemo b4, he doesn't like it. He doesn't like to watch TV programme except weather forecast, share index, commercial n start n end of show where there is singing
Gareth looks v happy.

Is the tod class Ashley attending daily class?
The last time we weighed Chen Chen @ PD clinic few mths back he is slightly above 9kg. Once I saw a little gal younger than Chen Chen @ Tiong Bahru Plaza. She looks bigger than Chen Chen. Her mum said she thot she underfed her gal. Chen Chen is even worse. V untactful the way she talked. I said PD said Chen Chen ok.

I left zoo @ 6+. Thot will only spend 0.5 day there
I got the jin zhen tou fm East Coast Rd. Pigletz gave me a no to call
No worry. My boobs weren't much bigger n is still small. I m still tbf.

Your princess is still so sweet n pretty
Dear sahms n ftwms (if u can make it or take leave)

(mummy has lots of HK 4 viewing, ash has lots of toys to share)

Time: 3.30pm to 6pm++
Date: 1 of the weekday (14, 15, 16 or 17 feb)

Bt Batok a bit far but pls come
i travel all d way to sk, pasir ris too leh..

pls let me know ur response n indicate which day u cant n i will try to fix a date asap.
I think it's becos of his hairstyle. Anyway, bringing him for a haircut this Thursday to prepare for my bro's wedding next tuesday.

haha, ya, everyone commented that he likes to smiles. Hope that #2 will be like him also, smile alot.

Ya, counting down to EDD is a horrible process, but guess, no choice. haha...must go thru this to see the bb.

haha, if you really want to see both of them run together, must make it fast liao lor. If not, will have to wait for me to finish my confinement liao. hahaha.

Ashrel bigger size then Gareth. Gareth size maintain and I like his current size and weight. Just nice.
Not too big, not too small.
i tink so far,
val n jeslyn are coming right?
ruffy, where ar u?
pv, come lah..
eureka, long tx no hear?
lyn, hope to c u n jearld leh
mom2nat, coming?
pringles, c u next tx
all other mummies: most welcome
ash has now 'maintained' his size too. he is not too big, can ask val who recently saw him, but a bit 'bigger' than his peers..
now tat ash is rejecting food, i told hubby he got lots of 'reserve n spare' so i no wori, hahaha.
hey, come my hse lah w gareth
Gareth starting to show interest in TV nowadays. So I will show him his normal VCD, but sometimes will play Finding Nemo, Shrek, Incredibles and the most recent one that we play is Ice Age. He won't sit down for the whole cartoon, but at least for the 1st half an hour. When he kan cheong that time, we must sit together with him to watch. hahaha
haha, Gareth appetite increase recently. But then, he's so active, so I think he really burn off all the food that he eats.

The only day that I can make it is next tuesday after my bro's wedding. But hor, must see if I need to go checkup anot next week. Cos I think I'm suppose to have weekly checkup liao.
dear mummies,
jus to share this:
my neighbour's daughter has myopia n started wearing glasses at 3yrs old wen she wen nursery n complain she cant c clearly. had gone tru check n tests by specialist n cfm tat she is not born w any eye prob/condition.
so wat caused it?
do take note tat wen our tod watch tv n if u do not hav curtains, watch out for reflecting n bright light/sunlight. this little girl is watching tv under such condition 4 quite a while tat resulted in her niding glasses at such a young age. tat's wat d specialist told the mummy.
You travel to Pasir ris meh??? ASk you come my house until now, you still can't, bcos always need to see if your hb can drive you here leh... My hb can't come home and fetch me so far... *sigh*

Gareth looks different now... His facer looks rounder!
okie okie, will sure cum ur hse 1 day. c, u can get a lift fr ruffy

ok, will try to arrange wed or fri noon.
Afternoon like after 1.30pm then okay for me. on wed/friday.. . coz I can only leave like 1pm from school
Mom2nat.. no prob give u a lift lah.. u stay near my place..
sanrio, I'll see how. Let me check with hubby cos I have to settle his dinner too. Must come back by 6 30 leh. If I take public transport, it will take me >1 hr. I'll calculate the timing and let you know. Is your place near the MRT? Stroller friendly?
hahaha, sorry ah, just uploaded pictures to my office laptop, so posting her pictures...

Thanks for all the compliments, but now my turn to "headache"... maid or childcare for Tyra? Can feel another few strands of my hair turning white.....
<font color="0000ff">Mom2nat</font>-I bring Teddy to see my parents once a week, usually Wed or Thu, since my parents are only around at home then. They very active and busy one!

<font color="0000ff">QSG</font>-Teddy grunts and snorts sometimes in his sleep, esp when deep sleep. Drools too!

<font color="0000ff">pigletz</font>-Sorry to alarm you, but the thought crossed my mind that it's possible that you feel contractions very near or even (horrors!) on the day itself, with all the excitment and bustle. Must keep yourself calm ok? I still believe Teddy's birth was triggered by all the excitement in the air over the finals of that Soccer Cup that night(in 2004). Contractions started just as the finals started. Also, there was no room available in TMC that night, 'cos suddenly many mommies 'popped', and most were boys too!

Gareth looks cute playing with the pillar!

<font color="0000ff">B2B3M4</font>-Good for your hubby! Lucky he told all those KPOs off, and were not affected by what they say and give you stress. Hey, lighter baby means can carry longer! Mine carry only 5 mins, I 'peng' liao!
BTW, Where's Prime Gym pls?

<font color="0000ff">hazey</font>-your girl looks very like those Taiwanese actress looking pensive and thinking deep deep tots!

<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>-thanks for the zoo trip, oops, I mean, tip!

<font color="0000ff">shook</font>-Chen Chen so mature, watch the news! Could be the coloured graphics!

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>-Agree that can bf regardless of size of boobs. Big boobs may even have more problem, cannot find size to fit! I had problem bfing Teddy at first, and now, they, er.., get in the way when we co-sleep.

<font color="0000ff">sanrio</font>-I'll try to come. Anyday should be no prob for me, but I'll have to leave by 4pm to beat the peak hour crowd, so can't stay long at all
, unless got any1 want to share cab back? Sengkang, PAsir Ris, AMK pple?
Your car big or not? Can tong pang another 2 adults, 1 tod and 1 bb? If can, me also dun mind following to Sanrio's place. Can meet you somewhere convenient in the east.
haha, I know what you mean. That's why need to get everything ready b4 next Tuesday. In case things like that happen.

When Gareth was born, all the 2 bedded ward were full too. Maybe cos it's mothers' day. So i gotta go to a 1 bedded ward for half a day. So shiok, but later when transfer to a 2 bedded ward, a nightmare to me. My neighbour got visitor even till midnight.

haha, Gareth on that pillar trying to look for his girlfriend, like those in the Tamil show. hahahhahaha...Vane...where are you??? *LOL*
Ruffy, if got space for me, can Teddy and I tong pang too? I can go to Pasir Ris to meet you together with Mom2Nat.
Alternatively, any1 want to meet at Compass Point, Sengkang to share cab with me to get to Sanrio's?
My car is the normal sedan..not MPV...so can only take another 2 adults the most coz Ryan's car seat in the centre..only can take 1 adult on both side and 1 adult in the front. Not advisable to put toddler/baby in the front passanger seat coz there is an airbag there also..the car has 6 airbags. We only drive the MPV(mum's car) on weekends when the whole family goes out.
Usually Nat wakes up 3+ or 4. By the time you pick me up to go, reach there quite late liao. So I gotta give it a miss. Tks for offering. Think you can pick either Absolut or Boey lah.
The pic u took for Tyra v artifacti. I like!

Chen Chen doesn't watch news. He watches weather forecast. I guess bcoz of the music, color n fast changing screen. For share index, most probably the color

Jem has mosquito bite on the face is it?
Jem v chubby. Feel like pinching his cheek

boey, pv, absolut, mom2nat,
cum cum... can stay till 6pm+++++

u get evytg ready, once she wake up, 'cheong' out of d hse. tat's wat i normally do.

my place walking distance fr bt batok mrt or a feeder bus fr d interchange, bus stop jus below my blk. mrt got lift so ok 4 stroller. on ur way to my place, there are a few small steps here n there. nid u 2 carry d stroller, u can manage?

evy1 will cum if u got a big big car tat day, keke..
