(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

ya lor. But still don't get a chance to meet you leh. I must really make an effort to meet you. I also hope that hubby will get well soon as we intend to invite friends over this weekend, but if he can't entertain them, then won't invite liao. *sigh*

nevermind, you can still open house when you can. Don't deprive other mummies from the gathering.

Latest EDD gynae told me is 8 March instead of the original 10 March. Just hope that everything will goes on smoothly since it's gonna be a busy February for me.

3 more kg to lose? Should be easy right? Not sure if i gain more since i didn't really eat much for the past whole week. Just hope that bb will take as much weight from me as possible.

Yup, giving birth soon. Sleepless night soon. hahahah

Think I too busy to feel the excitement this time round. But bb is super active when bb knows that I'm free.
Will only know the gender when I give birth. *Grin*
Took so long for me to tell all of u dat i'm preggie oso. Pai seh. Didn't say earlier cos my pregnancy is abit unstable. Tis wk is the end of my 1st trimester. EDD is 12 Aug.
hope Vane gets well soon. Jana love the CNY goodies too, but i only gave her those baked stuff e.g. pineapple tarts.

wow..ur CNY is so packed with activities. Did u take a look at the Sentosa Flowers at the Fountain Gdn? Hubby n I are off today and will b bringing Jana there later.

actually hor ...i dun like tat outfit!
but bo pian cos FIL bought it for her ...we were going to my PIL's place so i just ying chou a bit, i changed her out of it after abt 30mins.

i usually tompang ang pows for relatives on my mum side cos we r closer and they do tat too. for those at my hubby side, i bochup..bad experience...some can even pretend not to see you so tat they dun hv to give ang pow.

u just reminded me of my maternity bag! just did some shopping just now at robinson after my medical check up. Check up is ok, doc says she thinks bb has turn already but will confirm when she do the scan next week. my weight gain is not too gd, only 100gm since the last visit 4 wks ago but doc says she's not to worried since I'm already in my 32 weeks.

my no.2 is also not so active ...except when Jana wakes up in the middle of the nite to play ..then she'll kick non-stop! think must separate the 2 gals in diff bedrm!

wah ...envy! u hv 3 kids n still managed to catch movie with hubby!

i forgot all abt the teething gel! will get some later but her teeth just push thru the gums n look quite scary ...dunno whether i dare to apply the gel for her or not
Hi Mummies,

Can I ask a question? Do your kids get all wet with perspiration when they are in the car seat? Tyra's back is always wet even though I feel perfectly comfortable with the aircon. Not sure if it is the car seat or it is the car....
dear mummies,
Happy CNY to all

wasnt too gd a cny 4 us. ash fell sick, had high fever few days b4 cny n is still not too well now. he seldom sick but tis tx is d worst n longest. he din eat 4 almost 6/7 days. cant swallow. only 'survive' on little milk. he spent his cny, cry, wail, scream, throw tantrum n nap cos nite tx cough badly cant slp well. ash hungry cant eat, din slp well, evy min is throwing his temper n tantrum. i ren ren ren until v stress. hubby oso.

jus 2 share, me n hubby hav an interesting 'encounter' w my frd's son tis cny. he is born in june 04. is like a little genius. ask him, who is s'pore prime minister, he say 'lee hsein long'. who is the senior minister, he say 'goh chok tong'. my frd recite chinese poem n ask him who is the author he can say correctly like 'li bai', 'du fu' etc. he talk like a little adult. he will tell u 'come follow me to the room'. i ask him wat is ur grandpa name, he say 'xin4 li, ming2 shuncai'
me n hubby v shocked n amused by him. he's a v 'interesting' tod to talk w. too bad din brg cam to record it down. my frd took 10 yrs trying to conceive n tis is her 'pdt' af the long wait..
mayb can i invite her to join us 4 for next gathering..
tis is ash, 1st day of cny. we were at il place in d morning. then spent whole day at my parents' place cos ash sick n he had 2 naps there, total almost 4hrs. af nap, his mood a bit beta.
Congrats and welcome to the preggie mummies club.

Congrats too, now you don't have to worry too much abt bb head still not turn yet.
Gynae's clinic asst told me it's okay not to gain too much weight for 2nd pregnancy. Cos for 2nd pregnancy, what you gain is what you keep, so the lesser weight you gain, the better it is. As long as bb's weight keep increasing can liao. Our weight not too important.

Sorry, can't help you. No car so no car seat.

Ash don't look sick leh. Still a very active boy.
Why scary? haha..
Does Jana lose weight? Her chin is sharper now and face look thinner. Sayang her!

congrats! Mummies here really very productive!

ur frd's child really a genius but i believe it can be trained. U can start ash with the poem and San Zhi Jin now.
Hope that ash get better soon. What and interesting encounter you had. You friend must have spend a lot of time teaching her son.

Ryan's back will pespire if he falls asleep in the car due to the "cushioning" of the car seat. but other times he is okay. We do have air-con vents for the back seat so there is air-con circulation at his seat.
Wah, Ash sounds quite sick this time.... you take care also! That toddler you mentioned sounds interesting! Must be fun talking to him! =) Your friend must be really proud of him! Would love to meet him if we can.... hehehe...

Jana looks so sweet as usual. I don't dare to let Ian touch gua zi cos he will try to eat them, I'm sure!
congrats!! Add you to the list
Pigletz - Mar 2006
Viv - Mar 2006 (girl)
Jul - April 2006 (girl)
B2B3M4 - May/June 2006
Emily - June 2006
Hong - Jul 2006
Brenda - Aug 2006
Skyblue - 12 Aug 2006
Pringles Sept 2006
Priviledged - Sept 2006

wow, how did that couple teach the child to say such things? Sarah can only say 2 syllable words at best, and not so clearly either.

Jul, Hazey, shook,
yah, our todds seem to be getting themselves into trouble. I think it's the excitement and tiredness of the CNY. Made them careless.

Went to KKH cos some of my Dr relatives told me there is a dental surgery dept there. But actually there ISN'T. You need a big fat reference to get to the pediatric dental surgeons at KKH, and only for serious things. Got redirected to the National Dental Centre at SGH, which redirected me
to the School Dental Clinic. They only see on appointment
, so I had to wait. Fortunately there were some interesting toys on the wall there and Sarah was kept occupied. I waited for about 1 hour. The dental officer was very gentle and kind and Sarah had a good experience there, waving to everyone and saying "hi". The result : no serious damage. No need to patch or treat. Just keep clean. $9.00. OK lah. Thank God that the injury was just cosmetic.
PVL, Thank goodness that Sarah din have a "traumatising" experience with her first dental visit! and good to hear that she is ok!
Nat still as sweet as b4. Hair not messy

Ai say man. Only 3kg to go
Hey u v gd life leh. 3 kids can still go movie n surf forum

Aiyo, u due soon still wanna invite guest to your hse. Pack your hospital bag, wash NB clothes n rest rest rest

Congrats! Somebody asked you if u preggie n u siam. I presumed u preggie but u wanna keep the news till u r over 1st tri. I did dat too

Chen Chen perspires till hair wet wet in the car. We feel comfortable wif the temp n my mum feels cold

Great dat your no 2 turns. Relief!

Ash looks normal in the pic. Wish he gets well soon
Your friend's son is indeed a genius. Bet it's fun talking to the little tod. Did your friend send her son to courses or she taught her son?

Chen Chen injured bcoz of carelessness on my part.

Luckily everything is fine wif Sarah. Bet she is brave wif @ the dental clinic
Thks for ur congrats.

Wahahahah, u're sharp :p Some mummies here oso very sharp like u. Kekeke... Pai seh pai seh...

Yar, tis thread very productive. Mummies here inspired me :p

Hope Ash has recovered. He still looks gd though he's sick.

Jana won't put the gua zi in her mouth? She's very comfy sitting in the car seat hor? Hehhehe...

Nat's hair dun look messy leh. She's so pretty.

tks. i hope ash will recover fully v v soon. yup he is still active but d few days wen he had high fever, he was tired most of d tx.
my frd a full tx sahm. no she din send d son 4 any courses. she said her boy jus love to talk n whatever she taught him, v fast he can remb n said it out correctly. keke... i asked her can i send ash 2 her.

same, i dun dare to give ash small thgs like guai zi, evytg sure end up in his mouth. yup tis tx round ash mus hav caught a strong virus.
skyblue, congrats! So nice to hear good news on the 1st day after the chinese new year celebrations.

sanrio, poor ash... sayang him.

PV, wow... wait 1hr.... think I'll faint! So, have you decided on your gynae yet?
If Chen Chen doesn't wanna say a particular word or words no way I can make him say

Talk abt IL. I hv my story too
On CNY eve, I brot a bottle of bb food to PIL's hse. My eldest SIL (the idiot who left her shoes in my hse) said not nice lar, Chen Chen swallowed the food sure not nice, blah blah blah. Hallo who doesn't swallow food to get food into the stomach. I purposely asked Chen Chen hao zi mah, he said hao. Repeated in diff langauages. He ensured me nice. Dat idiot still nag.
1st day of CNY I decided to bring cereal to keep my ears @ peace. Who knows my MIL dipped her finger into the cereal to feel the temp of the cereal when I wz feeding Chen Chen. I wz rude shocked. Even my youngest SIL said her own mother. Boi, dat's the only food I brot there. Bsides if I throw the cereal away, can't imagine the consequence. I had no choice but to heat up the cereal than feed Chen Chen. Sigh.... I HATE MYSELF I HATE MYSELF.....
1st time having CNY with ILS..so far quite okay..they don't force Ryan to eat what they have on the table..will cook special porridge ..or if there isn't fish avaliable..purposely go and buy baby bottle food - heat it up then serve Ryan in the BB spoon/bowl that they specially bought for him to use. MIL even bought him bedroom slippers to wear in the house as the floor was cold but that monkey refused to wear then.. only wore them at Raph's granny's house..
Will update the holiday photos in his blog when I am free.
Ash will talk one day. Just have to wait!
Boys are very talkative, u will have headache once they talk!

I will stare at my MIL if she did that!! I never get bottle food for Janelle as meal? Nice? but look like chen chen enjoy it.

Old pple always feel bottle food are not gd cos not fresh mah.
Your IL modern n hygienic. U no problem wif your IL @ at?

I hate myself coz I can't protect Chen Chen. Always hv tis feeling when I go to my IL's plc.

My MIL is a tyrant. No use staring @ her. Dun wanna put my hubby in difficult position
I dun feed Chen Chen bottle food unless boh pian. CNY eve busy no time to cook. N I dun wanna let Chen Chen eat the salty food my MIL cooks. Tho she prepared steamboat on CNY eve, the fish is v v salty. Guess she seasoned the fish wif lots of salt.
I hv generation gap wif my elder SIL. Anyway she is a weirdo. Even her elder daughter can't stand her.
I've made an appt with Dr William Han HC at The Private Clinic for next week. Will see how.

Any mums have comments about Dr Han?

Nat's hair is NOT messy lah. She looks very photogenic and pretty.

aiyoh, your MIL is so interfering!!! Thank God my MIL has given up on us. She still takes opportunities to make snide critical remarks every so often, but she doesn't do anything directly. Last night we went to her place, Sarah refused to let her feed her.
My MIL v interfering. Till now she still ask if I bf Chen Chen n asked me to wean him off. Never give up. Luckily I dun stay wif her or Chen Chen taken care by her.

CNY eve she gave a buddha pandent to Chen Chen. Old n filled wif powder. I told him dun need Chen Chen's neck might itch fm wearing a chain. I showed her Chen Chen's ankle which hv tis rough n dry patch where he wears the anklet. My MIL said "who asked u to let him wear the anklet, dun wear such thing!" I told her tis anklet wz given by her. Last time she nagged till I let Chen Chen wear the anklet. Now she forgets. She wz speechless n get back on the topic of the buddha pandent. Insist dat I take it. I dun 1. My hubby took it.
PVL / Skyblue
Tks. Hee... I cut Nat's hair yest. While she was napping. So now hor... slanted!!! Her fringe one side longer than the other!! Hahahah....
ash still look v happy n sunshine though he's sick. i know wat u mean, Jana was terribly cranky when she was sick and me and my mum almost peng looking after her. to make life easier for us, we just give in to everything she wants..she demanded for TV and watched barneys/sesame st/pooh bear the whole day! Jana was sick twice for the past month, PD says the virus floating around is very strong this time round.

dun worry too much abt ash, i'm sure he's absorbing things you r teaching him. Jana is also the silent type, but occasionally she'll blurt out words like "water", "sit down" but its just tat one time and she refuse to repeat again. Same goes for her gong xi gong xi, i taught her for 2 days, on 1st day of CNY, my mum ask her to do, she willingly obliged and we were so excited! but she refuse to repeat it after that.

congrats!!! how r u feeling?

Jana also perspire alot when in the car seat, for my case, its partly the material of the car seat, also she's at the side, more diff to get the air-con to her. When we get into the car, I always get hubby to turn on air-con at full blast and cool down the car.

pigletz, shook
yah ... its really a big relief! and i can stop the exercise that pvl taught. yesterday i could feel bb kicking on the upper part of the tummy which feels kinda weird ...

the teeth just partially push thru the gums, i'm worried it might hurt when i touch it, also there's this reddish patch on the part of the teeth that has alrady pushed thru and it looks like the flesh from her gums!!

yalor, Jana lost quite alot of weight, she was 10.5 before falling sick, now only left 9.8kg. all her shoulder blades n ribs can be seen and her arms looks so thin.

skyblue, jul
Jana wont put the gua zi into her mouth, mabbe its black and she dun like it? but she puts peanuts into her mouth though ...

dun feel bad abt yourself! you should just do wat you think is best for chen chen, as mothers, its only right for us to protect our kids. just ignore ur SIL...smile smile and then one ear in and the other ear out lor. er ..can think of not so obvious ways of throwing the cereal mah ... like spill the whole bowl on the floor or something?
Or mabbe you can feed chen chen in a quiet corner or room ...away from their prying eyes?

haha ...I also cut Jana's fringe myself..spent 2 days to get it right!
Still the occasional nauseous feeling. But 1st trimester very cham tis time round. No appetite, nauseous whole day at times, tired all the time. Actually now haven pass the so called 'dangerous' stage. Still on hormone pills and jabs. In fact, today feeling abit nervous cos later going for nuchal scan. When i 1st knew i was preggie, i didn't have the ecstatic feeling unlike when i was expecting kieran. Mebbe it was too sudden bah. Felt so depressed then.
Wah, Jana is heavier than Kieran. He's still below 10kg.

Dun worry. Slanted fringe in fashion. My colleague's hairstylist purposely cut her fringe slanted oso.
just hang on, the ms phase will pass soon since ur already at the end of 1st tri. Dun worry too much about the nuchal scan, relax and enjoy the pregnancy cos I find tat time really flies for 2nd pregnancy ..wish I could buy some more time!
U v lucky your MIL seek consent b4 she does anything on Ryan n respect your decision

Your bb turned after n did the exercise dat Pvl taught u?
No quiet corner in the hall n kitchen leh. My IL's hse is old 3 rm flat. Hall n kitchen v small n there r so many ppl in the hse. Unless I feed Chen Chen in the rm. Dunno my MIL allow or not
Hahaha spill the whole bowl of cereal on the flr, ok ok I better bring spare food
Jana looks sweet in dat outfit. Does she like flower?
You are so scare ur kiddos eat junk food. But I am worry cos I find Randall v unusual. Whatever I gave him, he oso dont want. French fries, sweets, pineapple tarts, biscuit, yakult, etc. All not keen. Even when I offer him adult food, he also dont want.
Jana looks so cute in that outfit! The flowers nice hor.... wish I had time to bring Ian... sigh...

can't believe your MIL put her finger into Chen Chen's food... argh... I would have told her off! Don't hate yourself lah... you can't control her mah.

your in laws sound nice. =)
I can't wait to deliver actually cos i feel bad abt not being able to carry Kieran much. Dats a nice top dat jana has
dun feel bad lah ...just make it up to him with lots of TLC. I couldn't carry Jana much too esp during the 1st tri when i was bleeding. But now that bb is much stable, i could still carry Jana but not for too long though.

yes, the flowers r very nice, we went last yr too! but last yr Jana blur blur dunno wat's going on, this yr she can appreciate the flowers better.
Brought Ryan to the LV near my house..dun really have gd comments abt it..but have to see individual branches.. they are run similar to NTUC style..so I dun like it as the teachers don't speak proper English and the space was quite congested. Also not really that clean.

Ryan only like FIL to carry him MIL he most of the time bo chup her. However she is the one that buys educational & age appropriate toys.. the toys FIL buy for Ryan have to keep in the cupboard for a long time coz mostly for 6yr old and up.. keep on anyhow buy toys for him..
Chen Chen likes flower very much.

Not dat I dare not to tell my MIL off. No pt since she is a tyrant. Dun wanna sour the relationship n put my hubby in a difficult position. My parents n bro will gime a gd dress dwn if I show my MIL face Gd thing I dun visit her often

Both your IL r nice. My FIL is ok except he is a heavy smoker. My MIL buys toys for Chen Chen like toy car, fighter, balls. To me these r not educational.
still so chio arh!!! heheh

RE : Tods parroting
SO CUTE!!! Jem doesn't leh..hahhaha, ur littles ones are so ke ai!

Gareth violent streak follows the mum...hahahaha
How's little Vane?

at least jana doesn't drool when teething.
Jana looks so diff now.

Your girl still have hermegawatt smile hor!

Congrats conGRATS CONGRATS!!! Haiz, can understand how u feel... me also getting very sianz w the constant bleeding prob.

No prob w Jem's carseat so far but he's not one to perspire easily too.

Wah sanrio,
Hope Ash is betta now. Jem had fever 2 days back... worsen my bleeding.. haiz

aren't u glad we only need to hv reunion dinner w them once a year?? I was super sianz too cos they smoke in front of jem n me, n jem was like playing w ashtrays n lighters... argh!

No wonder din c u. U rest rest rest rest rest...
How's Jem?
My IL smoke in front of me n Chen Chen too. Then lousy feeling. Dat's y I hate myself everytime I go there. Cannot prevent Chen Chen fm inhaling the smoke
Jem plays wif lighter v dangerous leh

Ryan's school teaches him a lot of things. V gd
Does Ryan know how to wear bedrm slipper?
