(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

congrads.. so is it planned or unplanned?
NO problem..but rather meet somewhere besides town coz parking is very $$..hehe..can fetch u no problem.

Don't be stress. God will give when the time is right.
pigletz, you thought I as blur as ruffy? ehhehee... yes, the kit says I am preg... unless it's wrong. Going to doc @ 11.40am to confirm tomorrow.

PV, don't be stressed. In His Time... remember... He will provide...

Ruffy, nope, it's not planned. Was planning for at least half a year later. ehehheee... come to think of it, Ethan also came half a year early. :p

hmm, is it too early to go tomorrow? Base on ur LMP, how many weeks are you in now? Advise you to go maybe later, if not, can't see any sac also no use.
Hope that you have a smooth pregnancy this time.

Ryan also not really planned..came 1.5yrs late.haah

Planning for #2 end of next year.
pigletz, half-day c/c more ex than playgrp. Luckily you're not like Brenda leh. Vane is more fortunate than Tyra. hahaha........

brenda, so you looking for job now? Think if your hubby support you to be sahm, then you make use of this chance to rest at home and build up your body?

shook, ya hor??? Didnt thot of that leh. heehee... Just thot of letting know Vane knows how to pronounce but didnt think of the visual side.

Emily, Congrats!!! So you're earlier than QSG to be in the list. This thread really exciting with pple announcing good news now & then. Think the govt will be very happy leh.

QSG, hope to hear good news from you next week.

sanrio, where u get such gd lobang? Next time got lobang to work from home must let me know asap, ok? Then you can help me to fulfil my dream to be a SAHM.

PVL, hope your turn to announce good news will be here real soon.
Emily, wah, you beat me to be number 9 ah?
think me may not need to test liao...feeling menses coming but dunno wait how long.Pigletz is right, better see gynae about 6 weeks if not cannot see bb.

Giggler, think probably dun have to wait till next week if my menses comes these 2 days. I can't remember how many days cycle but should be within these few days.
Duh Pigletz,
Think Emily is just going to confirm the accuracy of her off shelf preg test issit??

Pigletz, Giggler,
Know you two very happy being qing jia lor.. dun need to do that to me. Take number go for tea only mah !! Hazey very understanding one.. tsk tsk.
hello mummies!!!!!

CONGRATS !!! I'm not seeing my gynae so early. Planning to do it only by the end of the month. that wld have come up to 8th week. so exciting!!!!
So, what test kit did u use?

Jia you, jia you !!!!*cold sweat*

Not planning to tell boss until cannot hide MS or tummy. she has the most unsympathetic things to say.
I guess the massage does help cos I can't imagine if I did not do it, how my tummy wlbe!!!!

Oh - macham like so difficult to get hold of one bottle leh.... then their opening hours are so short.....

Why take her life?? The boy so poor thing... how can she bear to??? Aiyoh with kids we must tell ourselves all the more we gotta be resilient and strong man!!!

Red sandals - an improvement over the thick red shoes...kekeke.... Ash looks so happy!

Why dun u get those CDs with sermons that u can listen to while Ash is asleep???
Work - that's a great arangement! U get to do something while still stay home with Ash. Cannot fly to JKT ah??? Keke...seriously if u need to, do u have anyone who can take care of Ash?

Nap - jesse is older than the toddlers here... he switched to one nap for some time ... only once a while at my mum's place, he takes two naps. At my place on weekends, he can nap for 3 hours.

Thanks, I will take care... go home nowadays and nua around, never do anything except make milk for jesse hahaha... hb plays with jesse... stimes I also play but not the rough games.... Then when jesse falls asleep, stimes I am too tired to 'roll' myself off the bed and sleep as well.
My gals are kicking left and right man..... my pants like wanna burst!!!!

So u really bo hiew your boss ah? He never said anything when u tendered?

So confirmed ah!!!! Wow, this thread is really productive leh....kekeke....
<font color="ff6000">CONGRATS!!!</font>
That time false alarm, this time is for real!

U ask qsg to announce?? Dun keep us in suspense leh....

Our thots are the same and are right! Hahah..

Btw u ok? No pain since ur op???? Vane ok?

S'pore is a super unfriendly place for prams and strollers...

U stressed again ah....kekek....'work harder'..... yep, God will bless u in His timing....

Ur boss really so unsympathetic.....

I also went to see my gynae only at 8 weeks....
<font color="ff0000">Emily</font>

Congrats!!! Nice to have you No.9 on N0.2 mummy's list...

Luckily we had a list going...heh heh.

I'm still the earliest!! Now is like waiting for time...

<font color="0000ff">Pigletz</font>

next week lunch no problem... I also very bo chap as well..

-no hospital bag
-no 0-3, 3-6mths clothes in drawers
-microwave still in box
-cf food still haven't order..


<font color="119911">sanrio</font>

So sorry to hear about your friend...
As for yourself.. please know you've always got friends here and we're only a phone call or sms away!!

Take it easy!! have you quit work already??
<font color="0000ff">stylo</font>

yah.. they have erratic hours..I've got my wash from yahoo auction...someone was letting go cheap...

Your gals moving about??? wow I really hats off to you when you have to handle 2..You got help??

I'll be looking after No.2 alone..if *touch wood* C-sect then hubby will take 2 weeks off..
<font color="119911">Giggler</font>

Wah you have a lot of kangtao lo.. LOL

9Mois- I bought the maternity jeans.. but realised to heavy for our weather...

Little Dreamers- Plan to get the shampoo.. still thinking about it...
wah ...v tired today. went out for meeting this morning, then back office, then out for another meeting, and now back to office again. think i'm gonna knock out early tonight.

hubby now dun wanna fly ..he said the air compression/decompression no gd. actually i also not much energy, but i need a holiday leh ...

just nice..planning to buy the maternity panties from thyme.

its not those playgp run by cc, originally plan to send her to those cc playgp as soon as she hit 18mths but now i realise she may not be ready n i think my heart gonna break into million pieces also. Now our plan to send her to enrichment classes instead and then later to kindergarten when she turns 5. I enrolled her in Wee Care after a trail last Sat, kinda like it cos it doesn't require the children to do much sitting down together n pay attention. the kids can roam around the various stations n the teachers will come round n give each child some individual attention.

pigletz, stylo
i also did the malay massage, but i did it 2.5mths after delivery cos mine's c-section n i din dare to do the massage too soon. i find the massage effective in removing wind but din help in the slimming ...somemore i ren and put on the corsage the entire nite. anyway i think i kena ripped off cos my massage lady charged $50 for each session and her session v short ..only 30mins. i checked with my friends/colleague...theirs is at least 1 hr.

CONGRATS!!! u just tested?? in the office???

wow ..gd news! everything's falling into place ..u've quit ur job but now there's opportunity to work from home ...best of both world!!

dun stress!!! stress no gd for baby making ..
COngrats!!! Yippe... so many mommies preggie... Hee...
DUn get wrong idea, I not interested to join the list now... unless Durex fails me!!! Hahahah
First time I hear of such products....

Help as in after delivery? Yah, getting a maid, with mil and mum chipping in to help. Of course I dun like a 'stranger' in my house, but in my case, really no choice...

Yah, they are moving about and kicking me... stimes they alternate in their kicks....

Ur bb turned right? Engaged already???

I think u'll find the jeans at Thyme more suitable..

pringles and mummies
Suppose u all know that Suntec is undergoing renovation at the kids' level.........

Travel - more likely u will 'wake up' in your second trimester....

Me also busy...boss just left for the day ...hehe....

I like the ribbed maternity panties from Thyme.... (they are still having it $29 for two) think I'll waddle down after work.... I had a pair of black capri... M-sized... cannot wear anymore...and it's nice.. wl pass to my gf who is preggie..... see whether they have it in L-size.....

Massage - I think the lady who did for absolut did it for one hour each time leh....

C-section takes longer to heal right??
<font color="0000ff">Mom2nat</font>

Don't think durex fail..lol unless got holes/expired...

I think the durex from bef Matt's time got holes/expired already...LOL

Still in the drawer... :p
Not actively looking for job now too. I still hv till month end leh. stay at home arh? i scared i'll wither away..hahhaha.

What did u make jesse do during weekend to make him so tired??

sheesh.. u r scaring me leh. I remembered the days that i went online to see if any preggies died due to stomach ruptures and i was just having one inside me!! aiyoh.. what if i try again n get twins??

He tried asking me to stay on twice. But think this time i wun budge liao... HB took leave already too.

u thinking ur little one can wrap in sarong arh?
<font color="ff0000">Stylo</font>

Yah first time I heard about it too.. but it seems more appealing than the herbal pack which I'm supposed to boil myself...

Chanced upon the wash when looking for NB pampers on yahoo auctions for fun.

Now I think tiwce about complaining when my gal kicks me..I have you to think about..LOL

Yah she's head down.. but not engaged...

I'm doing less walking as I don't want her to pop so soon..exam preparations.. Hope to help the kids till month end.. Eng O's on 9th!!
hehheee.... am going to doc so soon coz
(1) I want to know when bb is due (coz I have irregular menses so don't know. LMP: 28/8/05)
(2) Boss coming back Friday, so I want to get this over and done with
(3) Want to make sure bb implanted properly
(4) I thought 4 weeks can see sac already? I remember seeing sac when I was with Ethan at 4 weeks.
(5) Think am about 5weeks.
(6) I need my supply of folic acid.

B2B3M4, when was your LMP? I used clearblue from watsons. hehehee, who knows maybe our due dates will be very close.

Brendali, you don't have to ask Jem to ask for my phone number...hehehee.... you can always just give it to him, yeah?? ehehehe... :p
I like In His Time song too...
Well, I dunno my fren used which brand. But she preg, nvm, triplets. Nvm, 3 different eggs... guess their genders. Her first one boy
<font color="119911">brenda</font>

Now you scaring me lo...I'm so ill prepared!! The maxi-cosi car seat cover also not washed!!

Come to think of it..I haven't even washed the MIM sarong!!!!
oh my...then how u sleep at nite? r there times when both of them kuai kuai sleep together?

eh ...i already in my 2nd trimester!!
and after work i can hardly go anywhere ...cant even waddle can only crawl around...hehheh

think my c-section heals quite fast, thanks to my gynae ..she made me get down the bed the day of my surgery! she said the sooner i move abt, the faster i heal. the wound on the surface heals v fast but gynae said the heading inside will take awhile and she advise not to do massage so soon. i find that its easier to handle the wound from c-section than vagina birth...anyway i'm gonna op for c-section under GA this time again.

i went to see my gynae at 5 weeks, she din do any scan ..she say prob cant see anything. She only did the scan at 6 weeks to check if its implanted properly.
<font color="ff0000">Mom2nat</font>

eeeks.. condom laced with fertility hormones!!! Scary!!

But at least can close shop!! One boy two gals???
<font color="119911">VIv</font>

I'm a bit afraid of e c-section...were you on LA or GA for the procedure? The scar prominent? Can hubby be around?? Will I need help with Bfing baby?? washing up?? etc etc?? Is the operation site very long like in cm??
brenda n emily,
i like tis song 'In His Time' too, so meaningful, it 'speaks' to me too, remb my earlier dilema, is gone, once i learn to trust in His time...

she 'suspected' to hav depression but since she has alwy been a quiet person, sad to say no 1 actually 'notice' it.

wah! Chen Chen can hav 3 naps. Ash jus nid 1 nap n he is all ready to 'cheong' d whole day agn, evyday!

out of town. sure. c wen u free, u sms me 'in advance' lah. ya parking $$$ there, hubby alwy say, 1 wkend in town, cashcard low value agn, keke..

tks. cant wait to c ur little princess Maxine

happen to join hubby's frds gathering, there cum d lobang. she nid some1 to manage her projects n i m doing project mgt.
u gonna op for c-section also??? tot maxine kuai kuai turn already mah?

i was on GA, hubby cannot be around. If u op for epidural c-sec than hubby can be with you.

The scar is initally quite long, mine's abt 12 cm but now its shorten to abt 7cm. mine can still be seen cos i develop keloids
so gonna ask gynae to tuck them in during this round. if they heal nicely, then eventually think cannot really see the scar. anyway still can wear bikini ...cannot be seen! only hubby will see the scar lah

yep ...will need some help with bfing intially. i started only on 2nd day cos first day i keep falling asleep...can talk halfway with friends who visited then suddenly next sec, i close my eyes n sleep liao
nurses din dare to let me bf cos they scared i drop the bb. u just need someone to pick up the bb for you for the first few days, then rest the bb on a nice comfy pillow n u can bf by urself, u just feel a little pressure on the wound but it doesn't really hurt.

i din really need much help going to toilet, washing up on my own from 2nd day onwards. the wound is v easy to manage ..infact no need to do anyting, its protected by the opsite and can bath easily cos its waterproof. the impt thing is tat u need to get out of the bed ..dun be scared of the pain ...u'll heal faster. and its good to use a binder too ...less painful when moving around.
Okay ladies, to make u feel better... as well as my hubby who's saying save money go later....
I will call the clinic tomorrow and ask when's the best time to go.
<font color="0077aa">viv</font>

not opting... but just preparing myself for it...
This pregnancy was nothing like matt's so I'm just being a little more careful to expect the unexpected..

maxine is kuai kuai..head down.. but does not mean that no distress on me or her when time comes.. Matt ws 36hrs last time!!

Thanks for the insight.. I feel very much relieved and reassured!! I thought I'd be like completely dependant for the whole confinement month..I don't really want to entertain the idea of having my MIL around..

Did the gynae say anything about being preggie so soon after?? I thought the wait must be 1-2years before No.2??

In fact..I'm more nervous for this pregnancy..cos I've got Matt to think about..whether hubby can take it looking after both matt and me and maxine..

Matt sleeps at 9pm.. till 7am..so if Maxine needs feeds, hubby still can help I suppose..but at the back of my mind.. in terms of c-sect.. I don't know if I'll be pushing hubby too far..

This binder thing... it's available at the Hospital??
brenda, why you jealous huh? heehee

styloBB, thanks for asking. No pain after the op. Not sure if I can say Vane is ok cos she got running nose again. Also, she's getting naughtier and I'm still loss at disciplining her. Sigh....... What's the name of your malay massage?

Nat, my fren gave me one travel pack from Little Dreamers. The things look gd cos everything organic one. As for 9Mois, I got 5% or 10% discount, cant remember liao.

Viv, where is Wee Care? Think sanrio can consider since Ash so active. I did my massage 1.5mths after my delivery and I find it effective leh. Try for c-section under epidural instead, it's more enjoyable than under GA. I really enjoyed my child-birth with c-section under epidural. If you go under epidural, you can bf right away cos you'll still feel energetic like having natural birth.

Mom2Nat, finally there's someone like me who not interested to join in the list. hahaha....

brenda, think you'll really nua and rot at home hor? You better start looking for job now lah. You planning to go anywhere after u quit?

emily, I managed to see sacs when Vane was 4weeks too.

sanrio, happy that things are smoothing out for you.
<font color="119911">Giggler</font>

u had c-sect under epi?? anything to take note of? can you feel anything at all?? When does epidural get administered??

Did your legs feel like elephant legs?? How soon can walk about?? Side effects?? Vomitting etc etc?

Sorry about sooo many questions!! Books don't seem too carry so much info as one who's experienced it..
my gynae noticed that i wasn't too excited by the pregnancy ..so she cheered me up and said it was a gd thing! she say settle the 1st 2 asap and then i can decide if i wanted a third one!!

i think the speed of the healing really depends alot on ourselves. i hv a colleague who told me she took a whole mth to heal n she was in pain for the entire mth. so when my gynae and the lactation consultant advise me to move ..i kuai kuai follow!

yes, u can get the binder from the hospital. the nurse can teach u how to put it on.

the side-effects of GA/epidural depends on individual. did u hv epidural the last round? u'll prob the experience same reaction? cos i went under GA twice, both times i feel sleepy after that.

Wee care is at devonshire rd, they hv a webpage http://www.weecare.com.sg. call quickly if interested cos the classes r small (6 toddler only) so the waiting list is long.

U are v v daring and i kow tow. I heard from another friend that his wife even flirt with the anaestatist. I v timid one leh.. i dun wanna be cut up when i'm awake n aware of wats going on. The last time i extract my wisdom tooth i was so scared, the nurse has to hold my hand throughout the procedure. Then i also freaked out during the cvs. so tat's y i gonna op for GA.
Giggler, viv
my massage only 0.5hr. She like anyhow do then always on the phone somemore. Will not use the same massage lady agn

I m confused. I thot playgp is learning n playing in gp not individual.
I oso ripped off by my massage lady. Memory searched me, think she chrg me $45 a session

A gd alt, work fm home. But muz access how much is the work load
Chen Chen naps 3 times if he has short naps
YOu go natural tat's why?? Hee...
Well, for us, not now lor. Later on lah.

My fren with triplets. got 3 boys, non identical. So in total 4 boys if preg sucessful. Faint hor.

We are not prepared to have #2 yet... maybe later on. You really wan to close shop ah?
some activities r done in gp - the singing and storytelling + games and cookie time. during the developmental activities, then its individual attention by the teachers... cos not easy to get attention of all the toddlers n for them to concentrate at the same time. the kids r happier also cos they go to whichever station they like. its alot of involvement by parents as well so that we can learn how to hv meaningful playtime with our kids.

i feel my massage too short ..not shiok
tks for d info. can i ask how did u get to noe abt Wee care playgrp? any special/interesting thgs tat made jana like d trial class? mayb i shd send Ash for d trial hoh. i m tinking of sending him to playgp wen he turns 20mths since i m not working.

u're right, i mus check out d workload. else Ash nap so little, how i work.. probably got to burn midnite oil but next day where got energy chase af my active boy hoh.
how u manage stroller n sarah at d same tx? i dun brg stroller unless hubby cum along cos Ash likes to run abt. if he refuses to b in stroller, i peng san, cant manage 11kg + 4kg + barang barang.
She is Mdm Zu.

Do u still have her tel? Need to book her later...

We did nothing, but I think it has become a routine for him every weekend...

I only said my pants wanna split, I never say my stomach wanna split, why are u so scared? Hehehe...

Why u waste money to get folic acid from gynae? U can always buy from Unity... so cheap some more...

Argh...hearing about c-section makes me cringe....I am against that due mainly to b/feeding... for natural, I was ok after delivery and managed to b/feed almost imdtly. I hear that for c-section, it can be painful and those with low threshold of pain can't even walk, let alone try to b/feed...

About sleeping, most of the time, it's not their movements, it's just that I auto wake up, maybe due to hunger... and I find it so difficult to change position...

What do u mean 'So in total 4 boys if preg sucessful. Faint hor.'
Aiyoh, 3 boys are a handful man...

Why u think of c-section? Thot natural is still the best unless bb in breech position.

I am not sure what binder are u referring to...
for the massage lady's one, it is this long piece of cloth that she ties round my tummy...super long and super tight.
The other binder I know is the one I wore imdtly after delivery to hold my tummy cos it was so loose, my gf advised me to get, it is just a piece of thick cloth/like bandage material with velcro..

U shud enjoy your gal's kicks... cos once she is out, it's a different ballgame altogether... it's easier when she is inside...hehe... ok, think of me, double action when your gal kicks...hehe...
I think I am not feeling the full effect yet... me only coming to 25 weeks.
Cos I think triplets is considered high risk preg. My fren now 21wks, in hospital bedrest liao. Really scary.
Yah man, I hear C secton I oso scared leh, cos operation. Tat time when my gynae said my epidural failed, I really wan to faint. Then he tried one more time(after poking many many times)... and luckily ok. But hor, now I got phobia of epidural!!
When are you due ah??
sanrio, Sarah's barang are not many, I just put them into a back pack and sling them on my back. She's not 11 kg, maybe only 9 kg at the most, and I don't think our stroller is that heavy, and it has a strap to sling over the shoulder too. Walking around and taking the MRT/LRT is OK. But perhaps to take bus I might hesitate.
How many students n teacher in the play gp?
Ya 0.5hr too short. In fact I think mine is < 0.5hr since it incl binding n the interruption when the massage lady is on the phone

We no longer bring stroller. Chen Chen doesn't wanna sit in stroller.

How come epidural fail? Wa man poke many many times. Faint.... R u going natural for the next 1?
3 different eggs? Your friend went natural or IVF?
Usually 6 in a gp and max of 7. I was told 2 teachers, but during the trial there was 3 and 1 of them is a chinese teacher.

i heard abt it from a friend. I guess Jana is excited and enjoyed herself cos so much new things to play and new experiences e.g. sitting down at the table with other kids to eat cookie, which is so nostalgic for me cos it reminds me of my k1 days
Hubby n I just wanted her to get some meaningful exposure cos she's stuck at home all the time and if we din bring her for classes during the weekend, then we'll prob end up shopping also.

i haven't try out bjg or gug though cos i find it difficult to compare wic is better with just 1 trial lesson. hubby n i tot just let her try out wee care for a term n see how it goes.

your LMP even earlier than me. mine is 5/08/05. so if calculated from that day, is around 12/06/06.

U need folic acid??? actually i can even pass some to u, how much do u need? A box of 1,000? actually i haven't taking it myself. think there r some left over from the previous pregnancy.
