(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

QSG, GUG is too ex for my pocket so going to send Vane to playgrp instead.

Viv, I like their clothings too. My fren wear them as normal clothings.
Oohh... Vane hasnt been to pool since her maiden dip last yr. Dun think she can wear those bikini liao.

pigletz, Vane used to be such a glutton that ate everything. But now, quite selective liao. She doesnt like porridge, cereal, anything that's too soft and mashy. You're really not normal leh, usu pregnant will feel hot but you feel cold.

brenda, you gg zoo with Hazey? Me haven bring Vane to zoo yet, I cant stand the weather leh.

skyblue, good for my mom as she can do her stuff while Vane naps. But not gd for me cos she sleeps late in the nite. Vane still doesnt really know how to talk lah. She just babbles and we try our very best to decipher her bb talk only. hahaha...

absolut, your maid is good leh. My indo maid doesnt speak Eng well and Vane doesnt seem to like her so cant get her to teach. I didnt check with GUG if they sell the audio phonics leh. I afraid I cant pronounce them well so thot of getting CD to let Vane listen to correct pronounciation.

lyn, think he bled and really felt painful after the fall that's why he beat u lah.

Giggler, even with Philippino maid, it's the same... My fren's girl has this unicorn toy, and the maid keep telling her, "where's your horssey?"
Don't worry abt it. Enjoy urself on Friday okay.

Gareth will still eat anything, but nowadays he will know what he want and what he don't want. If he don't want, he will shake his head. haha

Ya lor, I abnormal. My colleagues commented that I'm the most serene pregnant lady in the whole office. And always say very cold, always not hungry. hahaha.

Will give you a call tomorrow. Most probably confirm meeting you.
U dun say till I so lucky leh... I've tried to date tyra twice liao.. both fail leh. So not going to zoo with Tyra. It should be still trying to extend an invitation to my Princess Tyra..hahahha. Jem lor! bu he zuo :/

Pigletz feeling cold cos not enuf 'fuel' in her body !
<font color="0000ff">hi Pringles</font>

Me n my bump will be late...I'm collecting confinement wash bottles from someone from orchard MRT...

<font color="0077aa">emily</font>

Yah soon!! Hosp bag not packed.. BB clothes still in box!! CF food not even ordered!! Now bz finishing up crash course eng for O levels..10hrs.. LOL

Will let you know when I pop... but if on your playgroup day... then I suppose won't see you till one month...heh heh.. you got babies, mummies n daddies to entertain!! :D

<font color="ff0000">Pigletz</font>

hmm sounds like me on first few months... cold etc etc.. dress warm.. and eat more/drink more warming things... Shook suggested logan tea!!

Don't worry I haven't forgotten lunch appt with you n Hazel yet...this week a bit busier than usual..except the friday.
hahaha, oh ya, slip off my mind this morning.

9 Nov - dinner at:
Grand Copthrone Waterfront
Mandarin Hotel
Rasa Sentosa

I thinking of going to the Grand Copthrone one, then can go pick up Gareth when the dinner is over. Then let hubby go for the other 2.

Friday u meeting up with the sahm mummies lah. Next week lor.

As for the feeling cold portion, it's the same as my last pregnancy, so I don't think will be any issue lah. hahaha, just wear more that's all.hahahha
Pigletz, I have been to the Grand Coprhrone one 4years ago. Recently went to the one at Rasa Sentosa. What was good about that was it started early and ended early. Ended at about 10+pm. So that's good, yeah? How can your husband go for the Mandarin Hotel and the Rasa one on the same day?? How to divide? ehehehee...
Mandarin Hotel, I went to that about 4-5years back too. Impression not bad. But all in all, the food sama sama other than the Conrad one I went to last week.
hubby say will go to the rasa sentosa one 1st, cos i told him will start early and end early, then halfway thru, he will leave sentosa and go to the Mandarin one. hahaha, that's the prob when you got too much too friends. hahah
Pigletz, can check something with you since you are the one preg woman here that feels cold and not hot. Can take your temp early in the morning before you leave the bed and see what's the temp? Am curious coz for pregs, usually temp will be higher than normal. ehehheeee... :p
haha, I try okay. Cos usually morning very rush for us, need to get ready and send Gareth to auntie place and rush to work.
hazey, but Fili can speak better Eng than Indo mah.

pigletz, you dun feel hungry? One of my col will feel hungry ard 4pm after her lunch at 12pm. Trying to show off that both you and hubby very sociable huh???

Emily, what good news are u sharing with us tom?

shook, you very busy with work? Didnt see u here for quite sometime.
Hi QSG...

Warming Body Wash for Confinement
Created with pure essential oils of Lemongrass, Ginger &amp; White Camphor which are commonly used in Chinese Medicine tradition to warm the body and expel 'wind' after delivery of the baby. Lemongrass, Ginger &amp; Camphor are known for their relaxing &amp; warming properties. Enjoy!

Note: To be used only after delivery and not during pregnancy.

For more information, see our notes on 'Confinement'.

click here to read reviews on this product

4 oz Prod#: MC0020 S$18.90

can try some chicken soup n bu a bit. i was also feeling cold during initial 2 months, i feel better after my mil's chicken soup with dong chong chao.

i chked the sentosa website already ..nothing there leh.

u hv the name of the maternity shop?

yup, its a swimming costume, its 2 piece and the top is flare type, easier to wear.

Vane hasnt been feeling well, wait till she's in the pink of health first before bringing her for the swim. got excuse to buy new bikini for Vane
Jana also out grow her 1st swimming costume, this is her 2nd set and hopefully can last till she's 2.
Nat, thanks for sharing the info.

Viv, those i can remember are Cloud Nine, The Maternity House, Modern Mum and Thyme Maternity. Used to have Spring Maternity also but i think closed down recently.
Hi Mummies
V busy this week....

<font color="0000ff">THANKS</font> for remembering! Kekeke... I tried to listen to the 123 song but think my mic in my laptop at home is going soon...cud not really hear properly and hb was warning me that such links stimes have spyware so he is not really supportive of it leh.. The sound that came out did not sound nice..... think I shud look for the CD instead..hehe.
Wonder if deer succeeded or not...

I was thinking of u when I saw the link....wondering whether you will appear!.....hehehe.... so how? Did u manage to hear the songs?

Samui easy to get to, direct flight.... maybe once u hit 2nd trimester u can convince hb to go.... whole day laze at the beach... so nice....but beware of sunburn!
I dun think I'll be travelling cos I really have no energy and my gynae is not for it either... My tummy is big....

I can't wear sleeveless cos I look awful...hehe...
The one at Paragon is Swell. I used to go to Motherworks too but their range has decreased quite a bit... their jeans are too exp... !

U still have nausea?? Doing a self-test????

Massage lady - I think I paid $270 for mine, can't remember how many sessions though...

Wah u really bo chap mummy, let little one wear kor kor's clothings..but u do have PINK rompers right....hehe......

Aiyoh I am feeling HOT everyday!!!! Feel like the office has no aircon, no ventilation while my colleague is decked in jacket...
At home with aircon and fan on, I feel so hot while hb stimes is freezing...hehe..

I am v apprehensive about taking medication when preggie no matter what the GP says.... if u cough for so long, then machan u took quite a bit of cough mixture right.. Btw it's really uncomfy to cough with a big tummy rite?? Xray scan really sounds serious...hehe....

Pregnancy test - I guess it shows up at 5 weeks huh? But I never tested so early leh... both times just went to gynae, only third time bot the self-test... funny thing was I saw the wrong line, supposed to be horizontal right, I kept looking at the vertical one... until hb told me....hahaha.....
emily is....preggie????

Were u two talking about maternity wear, strange, for me, I can't find anything from 9mois... I think me not funky enuf....Thyme is having promo now, buy three items and u pay $12 for the third item (must be the lowest priced, of course).
I have to wear XL for my tops now....

Have u told ur boss re your pregnancy? So scary the way u say your boss.... I find that generally men are more sympathetic than women... even tho women bosses themselves have gone thru the pregnancy process..... when I ask my male boss for time off to see doc, he lets me go and will ask me what is progress the next day. He also said I cud take time off if I really feel tired but so far I'm too busy to ask for it...

U serving notice or have left already??

If I miss out anyone's query, I apologise..

Where is this product from ? L'Occitane???
<font color="0077aa">Stylo</font>

In Singapore


Address: 40 Jln Pemimpin, #04-10C, Tat Ann Building, Singapore 577185.

Regular Opening Hours

The showroom is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 4pm.

We are usually open two Saturdays each month.

Opening dates on Saturdays: Oct 15, 29 : 11am - 4pm.

Please call us at (65) 81131280 or email us before you visit our showroom so that we can

ensure that someone is there to receive you.

If you wish to visit the showroom apart from the regular opening hours, please contact us in

advance and we will try to accommodate your request.


To contact us for overseas orders or other enquiries, email to [email protected]

Phone/ Fax:

You can also call at (65) 81131280 or fax to (65) 62552179 for orders or other enquiries.


Some of our products can be found at:

Pharma Plus - Camden Medical Centre, 1 Orchard Blvd, #01-04 S(248649), Tel: 68873456

Do note that only some items are available there and that the prices in the pharmacy may not

be the same as those listed on our online store.

Our Delicate Skin Baby Oil (BC74) is presently used in baby massage classes run by the

Birth and Beyond Group Pte Ltd. Do visit their website at

Stylobb, may not need to do self test after all...have a feeling menses may be coming bec since last nite i got slight lower backache which i usually have when having menses. So could be false alarm this time.
Lyn, Giggler
Shook repoting here

Alicia's speech develops fast outta sudden. Congrats

Chen Chen still can't tell body parts

Thx for ordering the blank cards for me. Boi, it is then heavy. Luckily my hubby went to your office to collect fm u. Imagine u lug them to mrt, your op not long ago

New term starts tis wk. It takes a mth after u notify BJG termination of lesson for BJG to return u deposit
VCD on phonic I oso interested

Hey, dun get involved in the shifting

Jerald v clever, can complain. He is xcellent wif his communication
Jerald so indepedent now. Those were the days when he glued to u only

I wz quite surprised coz u anti childcare n playgp leh
5 weddings a mth super broke! 5 star hotel somemore

Jem v independent

How long wz your post nantal massage. Mine wz 0.5hr. I find it too short

Which play gp did u send Jana to? Usually play gp accept tod who r 18 mth
gd af'noon mummies,
hope u all dun mind me sharing tis.
i m quite upset n disturbed since sun. met up w a girlfrd on sun. she told me 1 of our frd (not v close but ok frd), had chosen to end her own life many mths back. reason: 'suspected' depression. she left behind a young tod boy. haiz...v sad...to hear tat. she was a sahm n v quiet girl.
tis strike my mind so much as i remb 1 or 2mths back, i was in a dilema over to quit or b a FT sahm. 'derpression' slowly creep in me w'out me noticing. i remb few tx wen i was preparing food for Ash while he nap, n while watching him play, my tears jus flow, i find it so meaningless n bored being at hm w him alone most of d tx n tinking why why, how how, shd i work or quit??? there was once i even put d pot to boil w'out any water in it. thank God, He reminded me tat i m doing d most meaningful work at hm by taking care of Ash, d most precious gift from Him. i told myself, no more negative tots! i m really grateful to all mummies here tat i can cum in to share, n my hubby n my mum (thou still recuperating fr illness, once a while will drop by to visit me n play w Ash). since then, i on christian children songs n music all d tx n not let d hse b so quiet. oso i try to venture out w Ash more often now.
pringles n mummies,
i look 4ward to seeing all of u tis fri at suntec

ruffy n lyn,
anytx u free n bored n wan go kai kai, give me a short notice lah n probably we can mt somewhere in town.
oops sorry, think Sentosa just update their promotions.

busy busy still gotta to take care yah.

Me serving notice till month end
Yup, depression can strike anytime. Best is to share with family and frens your unhappiness. It happened to me when I was in Fr and not coping well initially. I lived with abt 3 to 4 hours of broken sleep EVERYDAY... tat time really can think of dying. Glad tat you are strong and know's what's best for Ash.
some fotos of Ash to share:
tis morning he 'noticed' mummy moody so keep smiling at me. n he mess up d whole hse to keep mummy busy n wont hav tx to 'hu si luan xiang'.
he likes to sit on daddy's shoulders.
finally found a red open toes sandal. Ash likes bright red shoes (at least can 'replace' his ley chay n heavy red converse sport shoes). his 1st pair of walking shoes torn liao n he missed it. btw, he n mummy like open toes shoes/sandals.
will get my mum to make chicken soup for me when she's back from her holidays.

Do you feel that the massage is effective?

Haha, ya, me and hubby super bochap kind. We only went to buy the baby cot during the last month of my last pregnancy. hahaha

Ya, I heard alot of pregnancy lady feel warm and hot that's why most maternity clothing are sleeveless, but i cannot leh. haha, maybe i abit too weak liao.

ya, I anti childcare, but i'm okay with 2 or 3 hr of playgroup to let Gareth learn alittle bit of things. Anyway, it's a 5 min thing for me. hahah, I only look for playgroup that day when Giggler makes me panic, now i'm back to my bochap style again. hahahahha
yup, he drools a lot, d whole shirt n his neck can b all wet. so at hm, i put on a thin small bib for him loh. funny hoh! hahaha!
Nat, you got stuff from Little Dreamers? They owned by my fren's bro.

Viv, my hubby got Vane 3 sets of swimming costume but only brought her for a dip once. Feel wasted that she cant wear those bikinis liao.

styloBB, I got the same guess as you abt Emily leh. heehee... Prob, she's announcing that she has little one in her tummy tom.

shook, thot you MIA liao. Ok, I'll let u gals know if GUG got the audio phonics CD. I prefer Vane to listen to audio CD than watching VCD. How come your massage is so short? Mine lasted at least an hour.

sanrio, think you'd better organise more activities to meet us and not cope too much at home. So sad to hear abt your friend, she must be very young. Keeps looking at smiling Ash to remove all your negative thots ok?

pigletz, so have u found one playgrp near your aunt's place?
nope, most of them offer half day childcare, which is not what i'm looking for. So might just stay put for a while till maybe he's older lor.
Couldn't wait... so went to test.

Preggie list
(1) Natalie - Nov 2005
(2) Pok Pok - ?
(3) Absolut - Dec 2005
(4) Stylobb - Jan 2006
(5) Pigletz - Mar 2006
(6) Viv - Mar 2006
(7) Jul - April 2006
(8) B2B3M4 - May/June 2006
(9) Emily - ?
Brenda, Pigletz
U gals missed me. So kang tong

Forgot to ans u.
Chen Chen sleeps 10+ 11. Usually 2 sometimes 3 naps a day abt 0.5 to 2 hrs. He naps more n longer on the 1st day he returns to my mum's plc after wk n
Sad to hear abt your friend's case. I had dat thot during my confinement.
Hey u sahm r nuturing the talents of the future. It is a big prj. Feel proud of yourself. Cheers!

Not MIA lar. Can't catch up wif the postings.
Listen to audio for phonic? Then how to tell wat r the alphabet n how to produce? They come wif a book? I plan to send Chen Chen to phonic n drama course when he is older

Your menses returned since u bf?
R u going to cont to bf?

i dun noe how leh..

tink af i made d decision to quit n share w frds n hubby, much beta now. ya i took lots of pic for Ash n keep looking at them.
2day late noon, i m gg to brg Ash go kai kai.

dear mummies,
i got some work assigments cuming up. can work fr home. yeah!! huuby's frd wife is a trainer. she nid some1 to help her w her projects. ask me to fly w her to jarkata once a mth (SQ n 5 star hotel), ohter tx jus nid to work fr hm at my own pace (within dateline can liao). my hubby said evythg can, fly to jarkata cannot, not safe. keke...
Scroll to the extreme right. There r 2 icons in the same line as the date n time of your posting. pen on a paper is edit icon.
QSG, ur turn. I have given my news.

Shook, yes menses have returned. Will continue to breastfeed until Ethan weans himself or if have no milk left.

B2B3M4, have you seen doc? When do u intend to see doc?
haha, I think not only you still in shock. I'm abit shock too. R u really pregnant???

If yes, congrates!!!!!!!!!!
just to clarify, shock becos i suddenly see ur name in the pregnant list, but u didn't mention anything leh. So, not sure if i'm seeing the right things. hahaha

Emily, congrats! *stress stress*

There are stairs on the way to Suntec? Wah, how can they be so stroller/wheelchair/disabled unfriendly? Anyway. I think I can manage lah. The stroller is really light (can even sling on shoulder) and I'm not pregnant
, so I can carry stroller and Sarah together if necessary.
