(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

ehhehe... glad to hear that you liked the idea. So, you keen??? :p

let me see... ideas for the group:
one mommy can do music and movement, another do project time (i.e. art & craft etc etc), another do story-telling, another do flash cards or phonics. The rest take care of the kids and we rotate the duties each week. Someone can help plan the routine so after each lesson, we'll know who is in charge of what the next lesson. Those who are not planning for the lesson that day can share and bring some food, like curry puffs, cake etc... and we can eat and rest while the kids play toys together.

Example of schedule (can change lah - just dreaming here):
3.00pm: Opening song
3.05pm: Phonics / flashcards
3.15pm: Project time
3.35pm: Clean up time
3.45pm: Story-telling
3.55pm: Song, music & dance
4.15pm: Snack-time for kids
4.30pm: Snack time for adults (discuss next lesson plan etc)
Toy-time for kids
5.00pm: Go home

Now, gotta wait and see who is going to sponsor their house. Soorry, cannot sponsor mine coz my hubby has his stock all over the house (in the hall, dining hall, and bedroom even). Only Ethan's playroom and my bedroom is spared. If I can, I'll definitely do it, coz easier for me what! No need to go anywhere.

Don't think it is a mistake for you and hb to clap. Think it's perfectly fine. Jana so cute... she really wants you to applaude her achievements. She's just as excited as you are lah... that's why when she manage to stand, she'll laugh. Ethan used to be like that too... then he'll try one or two steps then start crawling again. Then one day, we brought him and my god-daughter out. She's one month younger than her and already walking at 10months. All of a sudden, he started walking and going after her in the restaurant in Changi. WOW! We were so surprised. Previousy, when he didn't know how to walk, he'll always try to pull her down while she tries to pull him up. ehehheehe... funny yeah? Continue to clap and make her feel good, then she'll start showing you more of what she can do.
Ethan is currently trying to show us that he can walk up and down stairs (holding onto the rails... but the stairs like very big for him leh... he has to squat a little in order to reach the step below.) ehheheee... in the malls, if there are stairs, he'll be walking up and down them at least twice! Can u imagine... such patience I must have to wait for him to finish them. Once he finishs a flight once or twice, I quickly distract him away or I'll have to wait for him to go through it once more.

Me ok for 21 Oct class. It's at 415 right? Thanks for helping to arrange. Emily, wanna join too?

Didn't know nan xin bei xin are chinese almonds no wonder the soup taste so almondy. I drank the soup and ate the pear but didn't take the nuts. Are the nuts suppose to be good to eat? Was afraid it'll irritate my throat even more.

Congrats! Another preggie mommy! Hope you're feeling a lot better abt it now that it's confirmed? Come by and chat with us esp if you need a perk me up. We are always here.

Me also quite interested in DIY classes but must tell you i dunno anything abt doing the lessons hor. Always seem to run out of ideas to play with Ally. That's why decided to look for some enrichment class to get inspiration and if I can do on my own, then no need to go already. haha! For a start, me can bring food. Dun mind opening my place but a bit small so cannot fit many pple

Ok ... let me know if Ethan will be there tomorrow. Actually me been coughing quite badly for a month already and may go doc tonite. Taken the pear stuff etc but still not well. Best if he can give me an mc so I dun have to go on half day tomorrow! haha!
Thanks mums for all your good advice and encouragement. I know this child is god send n i know there r many couples out there who r trying very hard to get conceive. Just look at the number of postings at TCC, i know its not easy.

dun worry. u didn't say too much. in fact, i admire your courage to face the twins. i think that wld be another blow for for me if i have multiple pregnancies. Thank goodness its not in either of family history.

my check quite cheap. Bought the cheapest test at Guardian. Only $7.80!

Emily, Pigletz...
Wow!!! I was just thinking of something like that!!! Hubby's piano is already in. Anyone interested?

Had wanted to tell u this yesterday. What u described abt knowing your 2nd pregnancy was exactly how i feel...
Jaz, though it's ex but at least the money well-spent since all of you enjoyed the trip.

absolut, if Ally knows how to walk then dun need to carry her during singing session. Though BJG said that they make up for 2 sessions but the other time they only gave me 1 make-up session. And the reason they give is no more avail slot.

Val, you signed for for Parents & Babes?

brenda, so glad that Gem is ok now.

emily/absolut, Hong is rite leh... got to bring extra clothings cos they may get into mess though they provide aprons for the kids. Usu I dont let Vane wear ex clothings for GUG class. But you can see all branded clothings for her classmates lah.

jo, what does Lorna Whiston cover? My cousin recommended Julia Gabriel but I find it ex. Wow, Zl knows how to pose for camera. He got no more bb look liao but smart looking leh.

shook, Chen really early talker leh. Vane still "ah" for her conversation.

Hong, that's why I gg to get Vane out of GUG next yr cos I think her playgrp will do similar things too.

QSG, if you interested in BJG then you can wait till next Jan when they have new branch at Bt Batok.

B2, wow... you're another preggie here. This thread really productive leh.

Nat, wow... your boi really handsome leh.

hazey, anything happened to you???

lyn, sure sure... hope that you can legally drive car on the road to celerate your bday.

pigletz, thanks for all your lyrics.

Emily, I like your idea leh... but cant contribute my place cos it's too small and too far for most of u.
B2, congrats. Don't worry. I'm sure everything will work out for you. When we got pregnant with Sarah, we were living in the USA on savings. My hubby had no job in sight at all. God provides. Now we're still trying for #2. So your baby is a blessing.

Pringles, thanks for posting the Taka meeting in colour. Was MIA for a day and there were too many postings to catch up with, so your coloured letters caught my eye. OK. 11 am Taka Aunty Annes, next Fri.
Ladies, do you think we should limit the number of bb in our playgroup? When should we start?
what about 29/10/05 or 5/11/05?

Playgroup list
1. Emily
2. Pigletz
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler

Ur hubby's piano in already... so does it mean you can sponsor your place???

Absolut, I tried calling them earlier, but got the answering machine. Will try again later. Have left a voice message for them. You better take care of your throat. Rest well.
No probs for my place. But will be a bit smaller than the last time, cos' the piano now sits at the empty plot near the dining area. A bit bulky.. baby grand lah.
Your new nick not much diff fm old 1. Bsides, u using your real name. Easy to spot lar
I wanna send Chen Chen to speech n drama course when he is able to converse well. I wanna send him to play gp next yr after CNY
Hey ZL beef up liao. Look @ his lotus hands n chubby face. He so cute give u dat whisky smile when u focus camera on him. It is difficult to take nice pic of Chen Chen nowadays. He either moves away or snatches camera

Diff bb develops differently. Chen Chen started walking when he wz 14mth old. We let him explore ard but he cruised. Dat time my mil said Chen Chen's vein had not come out yet, so not strong enuff to walk. Perhaps Jana's vein has not come out yet?
Jana so cute, seek positive stroke. Clever gal

U so creative, changed the lyric to ah me tou fuo

. Priviledged gonna feel stress agn
Dun say no 2 a burden. When time comes, everything will b fine. Dun shop too much lor hor
BB grand oh dat's big

I support your idea to form our own play gp. But hor, Sat is out for me sice Chen Chen's lesson is on Sat.

Absolut, Emily
U want trial on 22nd Oct 4:15pm is it? 21st Oct is Fri not Sat

Nan xin bei xin is the chinese almond found in the dessert xin ren dou fu. The nan xin n bei xin r usually discarded
Jac offered Triston make up class in the new term. U like to call Jac n check agn?
Has Vane attended make up lesson @ BJG?
29 Oct is okay for me. Hubby will not be around cos he will be at ubin for team building. Thus, haha, B2 place will be a good idea. At least this pregnant woman don't need to travel so far.

You sure you can open up your place? Cos I think it's still your 1st trimester, so hor, the sleeping bug will be pestering you. Don't want to tired you out even though I very much wanted it to be your place lah.

haha, welcome. Those i remember i provide, those i don't rem, the internet helps alot. hahaha

Chen Chen class is for how long?? or u will be letting Chen Chen take these class for as long as it can?
stylobb, you veri blessed, can save alot of $$ with the hand me downs.The maldives trip is also a very memorable holiday for us. I like the convenience of just stepping out of the villa and just swim abit can snorkel already.

Giggler, which part of Bukit Batok? You letting vane join this new branch?
Absolut, you took up my spot! There's no more room for me and Ethan for tomorrow's lesson. :p Ai yeah... don't feel bad lah! It's first come first serve mah... besides I knew it will happen when I told u gals about it.

Shook, since u've tried so many classes, you really should be our mentor and guide us leh! When does Chen chen's enrolment end??
Shook, yes... I want saturday. Friday is out for me. Thanks.

B2B3M4, thanks for offering your place... at least now we know we have a home!!

So mummies, what do you all think?? Any ideas? Suggestions?? Requests?? Anymore interested??
let us know if we will be imposing. Then we'll shift to the void deck! eheheheee... no lah, then we'll shift to someone else's house lor. No pressure hor.

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05)
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler

What about the rest? Which date is better for you?
btw, any volunteers for the activities?
For the 1st session, I don't mind doing project time or storytelling.

Giggler, would you be able to do phonic/flashcard since you've been to such classes and have seen how the experts do it coz I don't know how to do it... I think our ideas will be able to flow better once we are shown how to do it. Can you give us some ideas on project time too?

For the music and dance, I don't think I want to snatch with pigletz or B2B3M4's (hubby). :p

Shook, any suggestions??
I din try many classes. I think many other tods like Randell, Ethan, Janelle n Vane attend more classes than Chen Chen. Of coz I m more than happy to do wif our tod something similar to BJG but sat is out for me
Chen Chen is starting new term next wk

U can teach swimming
pigletz, absolut, giggler, B2B3M4
Shook cannot make saturday... you girls want sunday?

Shook, I don't mind doing swimming. Don't tease me hor! But no pool leh! Can you sponsor your pool? Then I'll bring Ethan there every saturday/sunday! :p
Viv can teach art n craft
Mom Mom can teach baking when tod older
Who's hubby wanna teach the tod how to play? Men r gd in playing wif tods. They can come out wif surprising funni game

If u gal wanna come to my hse, I can book club hse. But swimming hor, as I told Pigletz, the children @ my plc there play till v rough in the pool. Sometimes I c the security guard warn the children. I dun feel safe for little tod. I think Absolut's hse got swimming pool

I bring Chen Chen to the pool early in the morning 7+ 8+ am depending on wat time Chen Chen wakes up. Ethan welcome to join Chen Chen for morning swim every wk n & PH
Shook, tease me in swimsuit lor. ehheheeee... :p
Wow! chen chen wakes up so early? If I keep nursing and sleeping with Ethan, he can sleep until 10+am! Lazybones, yeah?? Isn't the pool too cold at that time?? Absolut's house too far for us lah! I don't think Ethan will mind the rough children as long as we get a little corner to ourselves. :p Shook, 9.30am swim can or not, then I can go to church for 11am mass just next to your home. hehehee... sorry for the self-invite. So thick-skinned hor...
Hi mummies
Not much time to post today so quickly speed read thru and came in to post reminder for next friday meetup.

<font color="ff6000">Friday,14 October, 11am @Taka, meet at ground flr fountain area, next to Aunty Anne's Pretzels</font>
We shall discuss where to eat later. Can start thinking about it.

<font color="119911">Priviledged</font> confirmed
<font color="119911">Sanrio</font>
<font color="119911">Pringles</font> confirmed
<font color="119911">Mom2nat</font> confirmed
<font color="119911">Lyn</font> confirmed
<font color="119911">Pigletz</font> (KIV)
<font color="119911">QSG</font>
<font color="119911">Natalie</font>

1) Hi mummies, pls feel free to amend the above list accordingly if u are <font color="0000ff">confirmed</font> on coming. Tks!

2) BTW, do u mums want to book a place to eat in advance or we just go easy on that and decide on that day?

No prob, i will continue to post frequent reminders for the meetup next friday. Any suggestions on where to eat?

Saw Chen Chen's picture in Today's Parents!!
Why u and Lee stopped playing the instruments?

U can eat the pear as well as drink the juice.

ZL definitely looks a big boy!! So much hair too
No wonder u say our kids look babyish... he looks real cute with his big grin! Does he swim alot?

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!</font> Now that u know the result, no more confusing thoughts! Get geared up for baby no #2! Wah, baby grand...soo nice,ur hubby plays classical?
Aiyo, won't tease u lar. I dun hv beautiful fig too.
Thot u r referring to our own play gp. Absolut offered her plc mah
Chen Chen early riser. At home he wakes up b/w 7+ to 8+. Never sleep beyong 8:30am. Back @ my mum's plc, he can even wake up at 5+
9:00am can or not? Chen Chen nap ard 10+ leh. Bsides, I m allergic to ultra violet. I get rashes if I go under the sun

U subscribe Today's Parents mag?
Lee stopped playing trumpet since he left school
I gave up piano to concentrate on study. My mum said x to maintain the piano. So sold it off
Long time no hear from u!!! I miss zl. Hey, he's still as handsome as ever

Nice pic of chenchen too

COngrats to u

halo, finally c u here agn. i like zl foto (v nicely taken) n his smile.

mtg at taka shd b fine unless Ash fall aslp b4 i leave d hse. tis morning he woke up at 6.30am, play n play n by 11am, he really cant take it n doze off to dreamland. me zzzz too.
any gd recommendation for classes for Ash
hopefully can suit his active self n allow him to exert his endless energy. tried gymboree n kindermusik, both he dislike. My Gym was ok but dun noe whether got any other interesting classes beside those 'gym-based'?
stylobb, yep. more or less settled. even if you go work, probation also 3mths, within these 3mths must learn to adapt.

qsg, nanxing n beixing are same thing as nanbei xing ren. hock hua hv, sold in packet.
i add honey rock sugar 2 small squarish piece only. different family got different taste mah. if the soup just for urself n you got a sweet tooth, u can put 3 or 4 cubes.
i do eat the pear. can mash n give it to jerald as a dessert.

viv, no prob. i now reading up on books to prepare healthy herbal soup. but dare not try out as same ingredients which wrote in chinese i duno what are they, only tried out those every simple n common ones.
where did u bring Jana? she enjoy water alot!!!

pringles, not formal lunch. but at least a place where there's table n chairs. if there's a ball room at mac, i dun even might going there!! but the kfc n mac at taka doesnt seems that bb friendly.
i dare not take nanbei xing raw. after boiling, it kinda soften, taste like normal nuts in ice cream.

b2, congrats on the gd news! rest n relax. things will eventually turn out smoothly.
hey, ur no2 could fall into our may/jun/jul/aug bb!!!

jo, not icecream on nanbei xing. but the other way round. pour away quite a waste. so i ate with ice cream lor. my 2 boys love the soup. but i dun hv a big pot enuff for 3 portion. my bowl fit just nice in the 1.5ltr mini slow cook. so the soup always give to hubby n jerald. i left with the nanbei xing n sometxs a few slices of boiled pears.
Zl, looks very different when i last saw him at sahm's plc!! all grown up!!

giggler, no doubt i sure hope for that b'day present. but i very gan cheong spider!! dare not drive alone. i always got my hb or instructors with me whenever i drive at sch or illegal. i duno how i'll react if i'm alone n worse if with jerald.

em, tks for organising the playgroup. but i cant confirm just yet.
no matter how excited she is ...she'll still remember to hold properly ...she's v v careful ...so careful that she hasn't fallen b4 since she started cruising n learning how to climb up/down

nevermind i sms u the answer and u just send in lor

haha...ethan is really so adorable.

i think the playgp is a great idea!

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05)
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler
6. Viv

i also blur blur dunno how to conduct activities. i only can think of food
we can make pizza and the kids can help put the toppings.


Jana slept already ..mabbe later i get a touch light n check for the veins

we brought her to sentosa, siloso beach. she's a water bb ...she loves water so much she would refuse to get out of her bath ...then give her a cup of water to drink she end up putting her hands into the cup to play with the water. when it rains, my mum will always bring her to the window cos she likes to catch the raindrops.

hubby bought a bicycle for Jana, but she doesn't like to sit on it at all...but she like to examine the bike though. both my mum n hubby said she's gonna be a mechanic !
I oso dunno wat class is suitable for ash. u gotta bring him there 2 c if he likes. may b u can bring him to swimming class to burn his energy
Gd dat Jana is cautious then won't fall.
My MIL uses her hand to touch Chen Chen's ankle. I dunno how she tells which vein
send Ash for swimming lessons..can use up all his enegry. I agree with shook. BTW sent you an e-mail on how to alter the design of Ash webby.
Ryan also sleep around 8.30-9.00pm in his own room then we have to wake him up around 6.10am.

What playgroup activities are you mummies having? What is the location?
Ya. Hubby plays classical. U r into it too? in fact, u can come over n be our pianist for our playgroup!

Mummies into playgroup,
I'm pretty fine opening my house up. Let me check hubby's schedule n see which sunday he is ok. if sunday, need to start earlier, cos late afternoon need to go over to IL's place. dunno whether that is convenient for church goers?

have u tried Rthymn in me? Its seems pretty fun the last time i was there. Planning to send Ashley there when hubby's schedule is more fixed.

Viv n Shook,
Wow! If Ashley can sleep at 8.30pm, i'll be so happy. my girl never calms down til 10pm. even at 10pm, must let snuggle everywhere on our bed. can sometimes takes up til 1 hour.
<font color="0000ff">HI ALL</font>

Thanks for the compliments on how Matt is handsome...He too will pat his chest if we ask where is "MEI MEI" (pretty/hansome)

Yet he'll pat my tummy if we ask him where's "mei mei"(little sis) or where's "baby"..

<font color="ff0000">Absolut</font>

I think I missed your post...It was cold n windy in perth!! I'd rather go Melbourne too.. but the journry.. I think it's trying my luck a bit too much...heh heh

I didn't carry Matt much as he prefers to walk..but I had to "jaga" MIL "jaga" Matt at times..she has a tendancy to give allow Matt to play with everything!!

I 'peng san" when she allowed him to play with the light switch!!

Just the day before..Matt was allowed to bang 2 bottles of nail polish remover together till one broke!!! My hubby flipped and yelled at his mum. I was on the mobile with a "lor sor" parent... Luckily Matt not hurt.. >.<

Re: Confinement food <font color="0077aa">pok pok n some1 else?</font>

First delight n Natal essentials the menu posted for ONE week is SAME evry week for the 4 Weeks!!!

The newbaby is 1/3 week same, 2/4 weeks same...apparently some other thread forum mummies recommend this after they themselves and friends tried Newbaby...

I'm also ordering tingkat lunch for my last 3 weeks as well... I've heard KcK is good and they deliver for 1 as well..

Now with swollen legs.. not so good to walk out to buy food.. besides don't wanna trouble my neighour as well..

Anyone knows of GOOD tingkat people??

<font color="119911">B2</font>

Congrats!!!!! You are now mummy no.7 :D

Hey I think we have to make a mini list like the ones soyabean used to do when we were all pregnant!!!

<font color="aa00aa">pringles</font>

I'll confirm I'll be there!!
Can walk around...

Gynae today confirmed that Maxine's head is down but not engaged yet... means what?? I don't know.. maybe 3 weeks??
How many times Ryan nap in the day. He sleeps v well thru the 9 n v early too. Chen Chen sleeps late. Till now, I hv not got the chance to explore adding music n moving pic to his blog coz he always disturb me when I m on the pc
Emily has the thot of organizing a play gp. Plc not confirmed yet. Activities story telling n singing n waiting for other suggestions
U v IT savvy

Our tods same sleeping timing

Hard to tell. Last time my gyne n co GP said Chen CHen's head dwn not engaged yet. Gyne even scheduled for next appt on the following Thu, who knows Chen Chen popped on Sat, 6 days ahead of the next appt date
But your EDD is 7 Nov, still a mth to go. Mine wz a wk b4 EDD
don't worry abt baby not engage yet. haha, Gareth is not engage even till the day he pop out. As long as head down, it's safe already. But of cos, due to he not engage, we have to vaccum him out lah. hahahaha
it's good that Jana is a careful baby. She will walk once she's confident enough. You must be patient and always encourage her to help boost her confident.

Don't ever be like Gareth, aiyo, that boy not scare of pain one. Very reckless.
u suan me har... anyway congrats.
It a gd new!

i saw my mum so worried so i tease her lor. All the pple in car were laughing at my creation.

yah lor.. the children in the class all wear branded gd right. That is why i feel so out of place... cos we just wanna live simply
B2B3M4, currently the dates we're planning is for saturday. Shook would like to go too... but she can only go on sundays. That's why I asked if the mommies interested want it to be held on a sunday.

Mommies in this list or people who are interested, pls indicate your prefernce for saturday or sunday and also how frequent the play group should be.

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05) - Sat ok; once a wk or fortnight ok
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler
6. Viv
7. Shook - sunday

Viv, Jana is so clever... can be careful at this stage. Boys are very ya-ya. Ethan doesn't care when he falls. He'll just pick himself up or I pick him up, dust him up and off he'll go running again.

Shook, thanks for the invite!
Yes yes, I don't mind joining you swimming with chen chen... maybe alternate sundays so we won't be troubling you too much. hehehee... 9am is fine with me. After that can go eat breakfast at rivervale mall and then head for mass. :p I'll let you know by sms @8am if I'll be joining you guys this sunday, ok? Thanks a million... coz very hard for me to bring Ethan to swimming coz his dad don't let him go to public pools and my friend's club or my cousin's condo so far. In addition, we have stopped swimming classes already.
I seriously don't mind teaching swimming to the kids in our playgroup if (1) we can have swimming pool (2) you know that I am not expert hor... I only apply what I learn/see.

Nat, wow! You due so soon??? Cool!!! Let me know and I'll go visit you hor...
I am not sure what LW covers but mainly language and related stuff kwar... since it is speech and drama course. I like LW's bag, very nice hahaha

have you found the playgroup for vane?

yes, i think chenchen is very advance in his language! zl is about 10kg plus to 11kg, so ok right? maybe fed him too much fresh milk at night hahaha

yesyes, it is also not easy to take photos on zl coz he moves around alot. in water, his first time, so he dare not move around.

haha... zl too "chao lao" lah... i love babyish look heehee... that was his first swim, going to bring him to swim again this weekend, if not raining.

hahaha... long time no see u and kiaren. any pic to share???

ashrel very active leh... he is youngest but the most fit baby here... what is his weight? he looks very cute in the running photo. oh, heard about your decision to be sahm... so good hor... i really don't have the courage to be sahm...

huh, u drove illegally?!?! tot u have passed ur test?

b2, looking forward to meet ur #2, hvnt got a chance to hv a nice chat with you. missed you out at pigletz's gathering.

viv, hvnt bn to siloso beach for long time!! the only water fountain that jerald love to play, had play in is the bugis one!! he'll protest loudly if you forbid him near the fountain.

nat, that some 1 else is me lah. very bad experience with my prev CL.
who knows ur Nov bb might be late/end oct bb.

jo, tks for ur kind words, i sure wished i've passed! i only dare drive ILLEGALLY frm my plc to the big carpark at NTUC Downtown east, do a reverse park then either me or hubby drive back to my flat again.
now nearer to test date liao, i very tempt to drive but better not take risk of getting caught.
Mummies who are still interested in the magic pot. Taka sale starting today, one of the special items is the 4.5l magic pot selling at about $170 compared to original $218. If interested go grab fast as these items usually run out fast that's why previously i end up buying a bigger pot.

Stylobb, you mentioned jesse going to sleep in same room as the twins, will this affect the quality of his sleep when the twins cries in the middle of nite for milk or diaper change? or jesse is light sleeper. Who is taking care of your confinement?
Sorry ah, no time to read thru all the posts. Wat playgp?? I oso wanna join!! Hee... Sat or sun is fine.

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05) - Sat ok; once a wk or fortnight ok
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler
6. Viv
7. Shook - sunday
8. Mom2nat
Emily, I dun mind Sat but not Sun. Vane got GUG class on Sun. Both dates are fine with me. I can do flashcards as I have them.

shook, is that so? No, didnt even attend the make-up class cos Vane was sick that week. You got same planning as me... I'll stop enrichment class when I send Vane to playgrp next yr.

pigletz, where u get those cheap CD? I got one from Popular and cost me abt $20.

QSG, it's at CDANs the country club near the driving centre. Not sure yet got to consider next yr. Just got maid so not sure if budget allows. Most prob I'll send her to playgrp at Gek Poh CC, cheap and easily accessible.

lyn, I feel more relax to drive alone than with hubby beside me leh.

Viv, you can teach arts and craft mah. Like at GUG, they got chance to use paint to do palm print, paint animal, etc. jana doesn't like the bicycle? Vane rides on it everyday when my parents brought her downstairs. She doesnt like to sit in her pram anymore.

hong, aiya I dun care lah... We just go there for Vane to have fun mah not fashion show. My mom feels that the parents at BJG friendlier than those at GUG.

jo, I'll just dump Vane to Talent Plus cos they got a branch near to my parents' place. Not gg to search for one anymore, just leave her at one where it's convenient for my parents to fetch her. Huh? You want to enrol ZL at LW just cos of their bag?

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05) - Sat ok; once a wk or fortnight ok
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler - Sat
6. Viv
7. Shook - sunday
8. Mom2nat
Giggler, i think i know where you r referring to. I am also thinking of sending dana to playgroup if she din attend any enrichment class. How much is the one at Gek Poh? what time to what time?
actually Jem's okay w crabs n lobster too.. prawns the killer..dunnoe y. But my aunt n PD telling me its common.

Those pics r taken in Sentosa? i think Jana stand qute sturdy leh.. mebbe u gotta let go?

u sound more n more like a pro housekeeper leh!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! U think u'll wan a twin too?

Zl's cc sounds really bad leh.. I recently receive a call from mcys to check on my centre.. u get it too? can complain to them.

ZL so super cool!!!

I went to the same resort as u in MAldives.. but hahaha, on my own for diving. Beautiful hor...
giggler, i dun like hb to tell me look out for this watch out for that!! he makes me more gan cheong only. but i dare not drive alone leh, lagi scary.

brenda, why you say that?? my house still look like a dump no matter how i keep. hb always complaint what i do at hme whole day.

Sagrada Familia is the church in Barcelona?

Yah yah.. try the toy r'us trick.. it worked on Jem..hahahah

Wah... mummies,
All so keen in playgroups now?
