(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I went there to dive w the ang mos...*blush*

Hahaha Lyn,
Dunnoe.. u just sounds more confident in the things u do nowaday. Tell ur hb he lives in a dump thats y it looks like that. I tell mine we live in pigsty

Ryan only takes 1 nap a day around lunch time ..can be from 1-2pm or 12-2pm that's all..
I am also for swimming playgroup..if sat then we will join..
Mummies keep me informed okay!
Now having free period so can log on to my laptop at my workstation.

If you free can go swimming on Friday afternoons or wed afternoons.
ya, ya.. i think we have talked face to face b4. u joining us for the playgrp session???

the smaller magic pot doesn't comes with the handle to carry, right??? I can't make up my mind whether to get the smaller or bigger one. oso, there seems to be other brands on the market that is more affordable.

Twins!!!! I think i will freaked out!!!!
When r u going to switch Jem over to CC? depending on my preg, i may switch Ashley later. can't imagine struggling with ashley in the train all the way from Sengkang.

dun worry abt your place messy. mine now really like mini store. boxes everywhere. now i worry can't take so many kids n mummies for the playgrp.

i'm not available on 5th.
Think u are going thru your emotions now.... yah, if u need to destress u can always come here....
Try to relax and not think so much.... somehow things will fall into place. What are u concerned about? Care to share???
Me brave ah? Hehe... I did not choose wor, it's God who gave to me so we gladly receive.... in fact I took this pregnancy beta than the earlier one which ended in miscarriage.
<font color="ff6000">Cheer up, cheer up!!!</font>

FYI identical twins can turn up at random hor...

U coughing ah????

Yah lor, we never had to spend a lot... my this gf even drove all the way to my place to pass us the cot...

U brot up a good question that I also asked hb: won't jesse's sleep be disturbed? We have no answer for that yet... haha..
Confinement, if have maid and my mum comes over, shud be able to manage.....

Maldives - so so relaxing... whole day do nothing kind... sigh.....
Why u *blush when u said u went diving with ang mohs??? Ahaha.....
QSG, I think it's abt $150 per mth. Mon-Fri 9.30-11.30am.

lyn, for my hubby, he wont say much but his expressions tell all!!!

brenda, cos thot of enrolling Vane into playgrp next yr.

styloBB, true that it's God's will lor...So be blessed for those who are preggie.
My bigger magic pot usually only 1/3 filled w soup/stew etc for my family of three.. but it was just nice for group gatherings for curry..hahahah. Guests will say nice nice cos it's piping hot !

Hahah... ask Pigletz to do live demo on struggling Gareth in the train from SK!

I'm thinking hard abt the CC now cos i've just quitted my job here. In case my next job is not convenient to travel to AH.. so sad hor, i really like that CC. HAIZ!

See if i can find the photos taken there tonite.. let u sigh further..hahahahah

I *blush* cos all my friends felt it was a crazy thing to do especially after i came back to pack my bags n join them at Italy for another round of diving...wahahah. Those were the happy carefree days of being single which i think now i'll flipped should my daughter come n tell me she's doing the same!

The Carpe Diem (dunnoe spelling) near Jurong hv no playgroups?
my friend just delivered, both elder girl (16mths) n the bb sleep with her. she says she doesn't allow the elder one to take too much nap in the day, so by nite time she totally knocked out n doesn't wake up even when the bb cry.

maldives is a dangerous place! u go there n part of ur heart stays there n doesn't follow u back to reality!

the resort got single ang mo to go diving wif u? at the resorts i stayed ..all couple couple one ...

eh ... they call it temple leh ... so is it church or temple????

yep will try out the toy r'us trick since recommended by both u n shook

i tried letting go ...she ponged n fell!

my mum doesn't allow Jana to play wif the fountain at bugis, its too strong n she says might break her hymen.

b2, shook
train ur next bb to sleep earlier, hv u read Gina Ford's The Contented Little Baby? I use her method for training bb to sleep 7pm tp 7am. Some parents think she's crap but so far it has worked for me and my friend but i dun follow her method too strictly cos it can be too rigid.
Jem &amp; you only eat ex stuff... that's why crab and lobster ok, but not prawns... :p So good life!!

Playgroup list
1. Emily (29/10/05 or 5/11/05) - Sat
2. Pigletz (29/10/05)
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler - sat
6. Viv
7. Shook - sun
8. Mom2nat - sat/sun

making pizzas is a great idea for project time... ehehehe...
Can't wait.. then we don't have to bring makan that week... can just eat the pizzas we make.

Giggler... wow! hand painting... sounds great!
B2B3M4... u hear that??? We lay newspaper all over your floor then we paint... can??? :p Mommies will stand by with bbs to monitor. Or we can lay newspaper in the corridor/void deck to do painting work. :p (ehehee... u must be fainting now!)

Ruffy, you on for swimming playgroup... then can show off in your bikini? ehehehe... :p am jealous!!! Think we form playgroup and see how... maybe can alternate between playgroup and swimming playgroup; that way the kids can have variety. Will have to ask and see the other mommies' opinion.
U mean twins can happen randomly too?!?!?!!!
ya, ya... i am very emotional for my last pregnancy. now i'm worried that i may not be able to keep the fetus (crazy hor? initially i dun wan, now i scare i will lose him/her). i was taking medications during that period, so i dunno whether there's any effect on the fetus. also, i'm only in my 5th week, it so early, anything can happen. i even heard of someone who had a miscarriage after someone give a hard pat on her back.
i dare not tell anyone around bcos its too early but yet i dunno how to tell my boss who insist on me to do very physical activities. That's another long story.
Don't stress out... let us know ur concerns abt the playgroup thingy. we have session one session on 29/10/05. Then we decide from there regarding next session lor...
So what's the limit for us this time??
Where got good life? Ex stuff can't get to eat often.. cheaper stuff allergy. Think he has to grow up on kunning already.

sayang sayang on ur fears on mis-. *sob* but hor... i was taking medications when having jem leh.. no probs at all whereas my mis- was medi free. SO? No Worries!!!
Think you should tell your boss, but tell him/her not to tell anyone coz you feel that it's too early and don't want to let others know yet.
Have you gone for the check-up? So how? One or two sacs? Right now cannot see if one sac has two yolks or not, yeah? :p
brenda, you quit your job??? Found new one or what? I not sure Carpe Diem got playgrp or not. Didnt check cos my parents got to walk abt 10min to that place.

Viv, your fren's bed must be King size to accomodate them. How abt her hubby? Sleep with them? Care to share Gina Ford's method here. Vane sleeps the earliest 11pm everynite.

Emily, that's part of the reason I signed Vane up for GUG - arts and craft. So that my place wont be a mess lah.

B2, think it's advisable to let your boss know since he expects u to do physcial job.
You are making me panic now. haha, I better start looking for playgroup for Gareth.

I planned to let Gareth and the little one sleep in the same room too. haha, Gareth will downgrade to sleep on the floor while the little one take over the cot that he is sleeping now.

I'm not afraid that the little one will wake Gareth up in the middle of the night as I want Gareth to be involve in the life of the little one as well. haha, weird thinking? Hahha
hey hey...since when I struggle with Gareth in the train?? haha, Gareth well trained to take the train nowadays. hahahaha

Don't have to worry abt Ashley taking train from SK to QT. I do that everyday. Taking train every 12 hr now. hahahah
nasty u! stop making B2 panicky!

tell me the sacs thingy too, k...hahahaha

nope, haven't job search yet

u weirdo thinking?!?! later gareth not enuf sleep then u'll end up w three cranky bbs

That's y i say must get u to show demo mah.. duh! Y would I sabo her to learn from u if u gabra??? HAhahha, can i get Jem to show Gareth how to run in the train??
Giggler, is Carpe Diem good? Coz am thinking of sending Ethan to the one at Punggol. I have to check it out... btw, what's an average cost after government subsidy for 18+months???

RELAX!! Let Vane draw at home lah...
I don't worry when Ethan makes a mess at my place. I even let him use crayons on his toy furniture. hehee... I found it to be creative! :p But then again, my maid washed it up after that... coz she can't stand to see creativity on the brand new table and chairs from Ikea. ehheheeee.... after that, Ethan has not attempted to draw on them again... I am open to Ethan drawing on his room walls etc etc... but limited to only his room... and am very well prepared to repaint his room after he has outgrown the toddler years.
hahaha, keep your Jerome out of the sight of Gareth when taking the train. hahaha, I don't want to see Gareth running abt in the train. Imagine I having a big tummy chasing after Gareth. hahahah

Yup, i weirdo thinking, but wouldn't it be fun to be a family thing when there's a new life? haha...if Gareth wake up becos of the little one, I will go make milk and ask Gareth to bring it to his daddy to feed the little one. hahahahha
brendali, you also kaypoh like me... I am just concerned and want her to know all possiblilities mah! btw, u know at my 1st checkup when I discovered that I was preg, the gynae told me, "okay, lie down and let me check to see if have one or two sacs." I was like... huh what does that mean... she really got us worried. Then she explained and then checked and said, "oh... okay, one sac!" I was like phew!!!
hahaha, you better stop asking B2 so many questions. Haha, let her slowly get used to the idea of No. 2 1st. 1st trimester cannot take stress one. hahaha
why u dun buy the big big rolls of drawing paper for Ethan?

Lucky we take extreme sides when it comes to train rides..hahahah. But no lah, jem still too laxzy to run in the cabins

wahahha, imagine this senario.. Gareth woke up, come to u in the kitchen.. u pass him the milk, mumble mumble cos not fully awake.. he walk back to the room to see daddy koonz.. he go stuff the milk up the little one's nose.
B2B3M4, mine got the handle...not sure if the 4.5l one got handle but depends if you are going to bring it outside. For me, i dun really use the handle. But taka special price is only for 4.5l unless you have taka card then you can get 10% for the non-special items. I just came back from taka, sent phone for repair dropped by there end up spent about $250 on Osim UZap and i didn't even try before buying...hope it will not become white elephant.

Giggler, does the playgroup provide any food during the 3 hours?
pigletz, I didnt source ard for playgrp like sourcing for c/c this time round. I just find one that is easily accessible to my parents. Think by then Gareth can really help you out with his bro/sis liao. Now, Vane will bring pacifier to my mom if my niece cry, bring her diaper if she saw my mom changing for my niece, bring pillow if my mom is patting my niece to sleep.

brenda, what made you so unhappy to quit your job? Thot u ok after the other time?

Emily, not sure if it's really good but from the website it states that they focus on multi-intelligence. Think most mummies will say that the most teachers the most impt factor if you placing Ethan into c/c. I let Vane draw with on paper with pen but she's rather draw on her hand.
the elder girl sleep on the mattress on floor and the bb sleep in cot.

my initial plan was to let hubby n Jana sleep in Jana's room, then bb sleep with me. Jana stirs alot at nite then the bb will need feeding and i'll hv to express also ... so if both r in the room then i'll be awake the whole nite
have already bought a v v comfy mattress for Jana...hopefully she finds it irrestible n want to sleep there.

but now i sim tia Jana ...she's used to having my mum/me as her bolster and i feel so sorry that she's affected by the arrival of the new bb and have to make all these adjustments. so now will see how things goes... 1st 2mths will definitely keep her in separate room, then if by 3rd mth the little one can sleep thru without nite feeding then will move hubby n Jana back n all sleep together...anyway plenty of space in my bedroom ...quadruplets also no problem
Vane so sweet hor!!!!

My manager complained i took too many leaves rrecently, so i bo song.. leave lor. hahahha, yeah.. me spoilt kid too
ahaha, you never know. Gareth seems to follow whatever Jerome do.

Your scenario very cute, but I think if the daddy is sleeping hor, he will most probably end up drinking the milk himself then stuff it inside the little one's nose. hahahaha

hmm, maybe I should go round my auntie's estate to see if there's any playgroup around anot. hehe
ya, I know what you mean by Jana effected by the arrival of the new born. That's why I'm trying to get Gareth involve.

1st of all, the little one already snatch his cot away liao. hahaha

Will your mum be able to sleep with Jana for the 1st 2 month instead of your hubby? If not, then you have to start training her to sleep with your hubby soon. Maybe a few nights a week starting from now.

I'm training Gareth to sleep at my auntie place at least once a month now so that when I go give birth, he will be okay not sleeping with us.
Thanks! Now that i noe those rolls of papers not effective, i'll think twice when i feel like buying them now...hahahah
Oh.. the 4.5L oso has a handle n is the only one with offer??? ok, ok, i'll get that one.

U bought the Uzap??? Have u tried?? I got the oto trimax. but now pregnant, i dare not use.
Think I miss out on your question on the cd. I got it from pasar malam. If you want it, I can get for you if I pass by any. Let me know okay.
B2B3M4, i meant i not sure if the 4.5l got handle...you can try checking out the tiger website if got say. or just go taka shop since got many things on discount can shop for your bb also. I din try when buying..i heard the trimax more ex but Uzap got more features i like the lime green color too. So far the trimax effective for you?Btw, you said you 5 weeks preggie, how to count 5 weeks?ovulation is 2 weeks before menses due so i tot should be 3 weeks instead of 5?
Hi mummies,
Thanks for all your concern.
i happened to suan-suan have the most unsympathetic boss (female by the way) She always claims family comes 1st but reprimand me why i need to take leave when my girl is sick. Can even say she can work till her aminotic fluid dried up n baby is still ok... Telling her will only make my life worse n more excuses to say that i'm not performing well.

i was happily popping painkillers away. bcos i kept having this bad cramps n i tot my menses is coming but turn out it was otherwise. these painkillers r a definitely a no-no for pregnancy.

Stop reminding me abt the sacs thingy... *perspiring cold sweat*

U travel with Gareth everyday??? all alone during the morning rush??? *kneel down, bow, bow!*

haven't checked with hubby abt his schedule. i get back to u guys tonight? Pai seh!
Hi Mummies,

Doing a lot of speed reading here, so dun scold me if I nvr reply u hor...

Well, the "bad" things happened to my colleagues in the office. Not v convenient to post here cos you nvr noe who are the mystery readers. Thanks for all the concern!

Pringles, your house got grills meh? Howcome in the video, the living room got no grills?

B2, CONGRATS! Since u nvr take precaution, you have to expect it... not an innocent teenager who dunno abt precaution oredy. But like all the mummies said, a baby is God's gift to you... Very happy and excited for you. Wow, mini grand piano, so we can hv a Baby Einstein Mozart session at your house!

Emily, lovely idea to have our own May/Jun/Jul/Aug playgroup! Would love to join if it is held ard hougang, sengkang, punggol area... But would be difficult for me to volunteer my mother in law's place..... noe wat I mean?

Nat, Matt is sooo cool! and you look very well rested in perth... dun look like u suffered any pelvic pain etc! hahahaha must be the lovely weather.... By the way, how come go with dowager???

QSG, my turn to ask question.... so the smaller pot is 4.5L? with a handle? Me confused....

Concerning sleep training, I put the blame on breastfeeding again...cos it is all breastfeeding's fault that my baby is co-sleeping with us.... hahahaha
I remember that Vane wakes up late also rite? we train Jana since 1wk old, think its easier to train younger bbs. For Gina Ford's method, she has routine n schedules planned and the bb has to wake up at 7am so tat there is enough time for feedings for the bb to sleep by 7pm n be able to last till the next day 7am again. will go home n check the book tonight n c what she recommends for toddlers.

i was shocked when my mum told me that too ...but she said she read somewhere. The jets of water from the fountain r strong enough to tear the hymen.

I'll be doing confinement at my own place ...more comfy and actually no space for CL to sleep at my mum's place, So my mum wont be around to sleep with Jana.

Jana used to sleep with both hubby n I but eversince we left her at my mum's place, hubby hardly sleep together with her anymore. Funny thing is that for the past 2 days, everytime Jana see her daddy, Jana pats her chest to tell us that she's scared! Need to do some damage control asap liao.
Oh, forgot...

Shook, chen chen looks like a boy now! No more that baby look! And yes, I think he is very advanced for his age! He can speak so many words! And he know their meaning!

Viv, I got married a very long time ago leh...where digital camera is still not popular, so my Maldives pictures are all hard copies... But I agree with what you said... part of your heart never came back... But I think I came back with a viral after drinking their boiled water... Had very bad vomitting and diarrhea for a few days after coming back to singapore..... But it was fun, cos there actually is a "hole" on the floor in the room that you can open up and the sea is just below... can see the fishes....

To viv again, I think you shd try to let Jana fall, but fall on safe areas, eg maybe encourage her to walk on those mats first... so it's not so painful. But I agree with pig, it's good that Jana is a careful baby, because if you have those "kamikaze" babies like us, you know who suffer? The parents lor... cos you always have to keep an eye on them!
brenda, no lah... think u already tolerate your mgr very long liao. How abt mahjong paper for Jem to draw?

pigletz, to me I dun really bother abt the curriculum lah. cos I just want Vane to have chance to socialise more with other kids her age since she's only child. Then dun want to bother my parents too much so I find one near their place. Can get from pasar malam? Ok, I'll keep a lookout if there's any pasar malam near my place.

QSG, 5 weeks cos the 1st week is the 1st day of your last menses.

hazey, do u still bfg? I dun bf anymore but just cant get Vane out of our bed leh.

Viv, you're rite.. Vane sleeps at 11pm and wakes up near noon time.

hazey/Viv/brenda, you gals made me feel like gg to Maldives leh. But hubby sure object one, think he afraid of tsunami. hahaha....
Here's the updated list so far for the playgroup.

Playgroup list so far:
1. Emily
2. Pigletz
3. absolut
4. B2B3M4
5. Giggler - flashcards
6. Viv
7. Mom2nat
8. Hazey

Any mommy volunteer at the moment for any activities? I only have giggler volunteering for flashcards at the moment. Anything not volunteered, I will do lah... since I am the one who open my mouth and suggested this playgroup.

Things to discuss at the 1st playgroup meeting:
(1) How often should we meet up? Once a week or fortnightly or once a month.
(2) Whose place to meet up next or should we stick to only one place?
(3) Who's doing what for the next playgroup meetup?
(4) Syllabus: eg. We start with A then B then C.... etc etc.. or 1, 2, 3....
(5) What materials to bring for each playgroup besides the toddlers. Eg, scissors, colour pencil, colour paper, glue, etc etc...

Please feel free to update any of the above to meet your needs... or what you think should be discussed. Thank you.

B2B3M4, don't want to stress you out. Playgroup still have a lot of time, so relax, but remember to ask and let us know hor.

Shook, soorry have taken out your name from the list coz the mommies prefer saturday.
Giggler, shd GO! Cos it's really v beautiful! And it's so much cheaper now!!! Don't have to dive like brenda lah.. can jus do snorkling. But now with ur SIL's new baby, you hv to bring Vane along. And it's not so baby friendly... cos in my case, last time SQ flight will only reach midnite Male time, so we have to take those boats to Male during the nite, when the currents are v strong! definitely not stable like those ferries to bintan! So, must reconsider lor...
B2B3M4, how many days you start getting nausea before your menses is due? Actually i have been having slight nausea for a few days but my menses is only due next week, i was thinking if it is possible that symptons can start so early. Thought initially is due to migraine as i had migraine past few days but today no migraine still got nausea. Worried.

Hazey, i was telling B2B3M4, i not sure if the 4.5l got handle.Think jo got the 4.5l one.Which resort you go to in maldives can open a hole and see fishes? sounds interesting.

Viv, so its the jets from our shower head considered strong also?

Giggler, i find the way of calculating strange lei...if pregnant the conception is during the ovulation period not from 1st week of last menses...strange right?
haha, better don't mislead you. My hubby taking the same train with us. But at times I will bring Gareth to my auntie's place myself. Till now, Gareth is not allow to walk in the train. So either he sit quietly at my lap or he will stand up and play with me on my lap. At times, I will sing songs to him to make him sleep. But we have being doing that since the day we shift in to our sengkang's place.

If Ashley is okay with stroller, you might wanna try using stroller. I lazy to use stroller, rather carry him. hehe

Oh ya, but if you carry her hor, most likely you will be able to get a seat, but with stroller, you might have to stand thru the whole journey.

Don't worry abt the painkiller thingie. I pop in hormones pills before I know i'm pregnant to stop my menses coming also. haha.

Btw, when do you intend to visit the gynae?

Oic, so you will be getting a CL? I think can start some training now to let Jana sleep with hubby. Try maybe once a month now, then increase slowly. If not, haha, might want to try my method and get Jana involve with the little one. ahhaa

Mommies doing confinement, I heard that www.confinement.com.sg has good food and service... maybe you'll like to try them.

QSG, so r u mommy no. 9??? Wait and see lor...

So far we have:
(1) Natalie
(2) Pok Pok
(3) Stylobb
(4) Absolut
(5) Jul
(6) Viv
(7) Pigletz
(8) B2B3M4
Did I get the order right?? Did I miss anyone?
Geee... this is getting exciting, isn't it??
