(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

U dun like dat say me hor. *pouts* I where got jump thread? In tis thread, Kieran is like the baby, but over there, he's the big gor gor. :p
Jem very very handsome!!!

I wish i can post more but got my face leh. Somemore my hubby itchy finger, used another camera to take pics n their file size very big. Dat tiny foto i posted yday took darn long for me to resize. Dats y i didn't post many pics. Confirmed it's not rosela again? When Kieran had rosela, he was as active as ever.

<font color="0000ff">DEER!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>
OOI............jailbird also got handsome one OK!!! <font color="0000ff">Jem</font> is unanimously deems really charming n handsome!

Will get back to u later, i want u to be hum bao longer..........hahahhahaha.........!!!!!! Silly U....lao hum bao bao, lao hamburger! Shame shame.........

<font color="0000ff">Brenda,</font>
Din watch movies since Rae's arrival. Recently watch 'THE MAID', 'BE THERE FOR ME' (not sure of title) n next waiting for 'CINDERALLA MAN' n now perhaps 'THE MYTH'...wow, seems like big production......'bing ma yong' n the india's wat wonder, opened to filming only under their governement's approval! HAving said so much, my simple question is IS THE SHOW GD?? Jackie Chan's movies I dun follow one.......let me know, ok?
Story line... usual Jackie production lor aka Good Govt vs Bad Doers.
But i would say he really make an effort to produce beautiful scenes which has been missing from HK productions for some time...
Hahhaha... after watching the indian part.. i really think whether to take up yoga anot. the scene look so serene n calming.
Nice and relaxing is my verdict.
dear mummies,
tks for all ur listening ears. i hav decided to quit my job.

af chatting w u. i kind of sort out my thoughts. lesson for myself: dun compare, dun complain, b contented, in evythg, give thanks. in fact i m v v blessed oreadi
Hah? Why she said that??? Wow...wow....what a tactless comment.... quite hurting leh....
So u/hb kept quiet???

1.5 years after birth? Isn't that a bit tooooo long?????

What is rosela?

Kieran is younger or older than YH????

Did u watch BE THERE FOR ME? How was it? I read the review....
Yah, I also thinking of picking up yoga but fat pple can do yoga huh??
That indian actress's figure really very drooling leh n that scene really very soothing! I agree n it is like so wow n beautiful!

Tks for sharing ur feedback. If i nvr caught the production part of this show on tv, i wont even know this show exist or worst, if I saw it is Jackie Chan's production, will totally give it a miss. Now i will see how my hb agrees to go.....
Ur mom in the same boat as my mom ... only opp. My mom has 3 granddaughters and been praying for a boy coz she claims that granddaughters will be closer to the granddad. So she was over the moon when my no. 2 is a boy. Now at least for you, the two girls are adds a good balance to the 3 boys.

Gymboree got new parkway branch? Then maybe will consider bringing Ally there coz the branches at Serangoon and Tanglin are too far for me.
U back from HKG!!! How was it? Raining? Hot?

Yeah I met her stime back and she told me she has been praying for a grandson...hehe... so funny. But I haven't told her about my gals yet.
u have decided to quit your job??? Care to share why? 'cos i feel for your job, with your boss being so considerate, u may wan to try out part time first. Its really a pity to give up now.

Wow!!! why MIL so like that one??? She dun like u har?
<font color="0000ff">PRingles,</font>
POWER U! Wat did u say to sanrio that let her 'kai qiao' n derived the decision clean cut
? Kind of relieved for her.

<font color="0000ff">Deer,</font>
Poor u, really feel tat u r overwhelmed lah.....I will be also! I got headache reading ur family time table too....let alone ur mum n u, those 'participants' involved......

Dian liao...radiotheraphy? Hua liao....chemotheraphy?? Dun ask me any further, i dun know the difference too
! Hey, I missed out! Wat happen to ur grandma? Tot only ur grandpa!

Caregiving for the little ones always a huge headache but heck lah, sure got solution one. Pardon me, this is my attitude on reminding myself always. So fan fan fan but life leh, sure got solution. Hmmmm....wat abt getting a maid, u n sis share, help mum out till YH much older, then go c/c?? Sm time, solution is not ideal but still feasible. 1 thing for sure, ur family very united n this is really very an wei liao! However tired, the pillar of strength is there!

hahahah, I know lah, u kar jiao want to provoke me! MIL went up ur body to haunt me issit?? Tat's y I tango along lor, no worry lah!

A decade later, I have friends tat still in touch but hardly meet. Who knows, we are those that nvr meet but still in touch after 10 yrs?? hahahhaah.......tks to all these msn, email, sms, forum etc!

Wat about the summary for ur personal profile....share leh...words by words! hahahaha....'ting ah yi'? 'si san dian'? 'empathetic'? 'warm'? 'crude'? 'nian jiu'?

<font color="0000ff">Shook SHook,</font>
We hor always think same wavelength! I also think how come Ruffy's freezer is at the lower compartment but dismissed the query by thinking maybe I sua ku. Nowadays maybe fridge are built this way?
it make sense to put the freezer at the bottom, cos cold air sinks n hot air floats. so theorectically uses less electricity.
So technology improves n pple makes more sense, so nowadays, freezer are indeed built at lower compartment?
...think i got2 go best denki etc to see the fridge liao, rather than zooming to kids' store always!
but those freezer at the lower compartment one hor, is all those drawer type. So, not ideal if we got toddler. hahaha
Hey, looks really happening at Botanic Gardens last weekend? Jem looks gd as usual and it didn't occur to me he looks like jailbird until Eureka rubbed it in!hehee....Its great that u and hubby can steal some romantic time off for a movie...

Ash's converse shoes sure does look heavy! LOL
but it shows off his great determination to walk in them and he def balances very well!

RE:Maids and helpers
I guess its a rare catch when we do find fantastic maids. Most of the time, they are never up to our expectation but guess we can either keep changing maids after maids or settle for one that's reasonable enough and close one eye to their flaws.....maintaining our own youth and happiness at home more important right? I'm talking about myself too, my PT helper sometimes falls below my standard but i've learnt to appreciate her good aspects and not blow up on her weaknesses. As long as she has a gd heart,is willing to improve and perform her basic duties, I am ok with it.

Eureka, Shook
I also did wonder abt Ruffy's ice cream kept below ...but then remembered, nowadays there are freezer units in lower compartment too ma! Rite Ruffy?

How was HK trip?

Ya, know wat u mean. U need a good 3-4hrs at least to do ur hair so its really precious time for working mums especially.

ok...thks on the tip on starting with sticky Jap food. In fact, one of Alicia's fav food is sushi! Otherwise, i just simply let her use a fork to eat fruit with.
My fridge my rae still dun know how to open leh. I bot those no bar, no door knob type. If can open, I also think i prefer the conventional fridge liao. imagine elyse n gareth taking out Frozen fish/prawns n playing away! hahahaha
Ya no mensus
Your 2 mth old niece not bf?
Dun feel u deprived Vane of your time. As FTWM, we can only afford quality time.

Gd dat your family members r cohesive n share the responsibility to take care of the sicked senior.

Chen Chen had fever last sat morning n recovered in the evening.
Rosela is a kinda infection. v high fever 3 to 5 days. After fever subsided red spots fm head to toe abt 5 days

Which gyne u found dat u like? In KK?

I dunno is it Rosela coz tis time fever 1 day. Rosela is v high fever 3 to 5 days

Relief dat u reached a decision. Can sleep in peace liao

I always feel dat the words u say r v persuasive n make sense. Bravo, u helped Sanrio settled wif wat she wants

Looks like both of us r outdated on fridge design
The stuff in the frozen compartment har bas if located @ the low compartment. Chen Chen loves ransacking things within his reach. Luckily he doesn't know how to open fridge drawer n door yet

Eureka, B2B3M4, Pringles
All items except the box of ice-cream dun seem like forzen item leh
type something for you and my Internet Explorer hang. *sigh*

Anyway, my fridge also conventional one. haha, don't want to give Gareth a chance to open the drawer and take out the things.

Ya lor, later both Gareth and Elyse takes out all the prawns and fish and meat and start playing 'jia jia jiu' . hahhaha
<font color="0000ff">Shook, Pringles</font>
1 ice cream box in ruffy's fridge got us all curious! hahahahaha....

<font color="0000ff">HEY HEY SHOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>
U know wat! Elyse n chen chen had the exact symptom n duration for the fever n rashes the last round. Typical rosela case.

Then now chen chen n Rae has almost same symptom! Hi fever for 1day only n rashes all surfaced liao. Very active thru out tho. Doc said dun seem like rosela n urged us to go for blood test at KKH. Till now, still dun know wat the rashes was but all the fever n rashes no more liao. But the rashes took longer than 4 days to clear........ ??????
WAIT 1st <font color="0000ff">Pigletz,</font>
U ate just now???? Or sniff air only! MUST EAT AH!

Once, i was eating lunch at a hawker center n 1 china man came to me 'xiao jie, ni you hen hao bian xiang4, xiang2 suan bing ma?'
.......not true leh, ME jinx ah, ur internet explorer hung! hahahahah...

Wat let them play jia jia jiu? If they dare open the fridge n take the frozen things out, then they have to dish up a meal for us!!! We keow kar at the dining table n wait to be fed!! WOW, gd life leh!
i m on no-pay leave since ash birth till dec 05. jan 06 supposed to report bk to work. decided to quit n b a 'real' sahm
eureka, very wen xin to have your kids to love each other so much hor? The Myth: my bros' liked the show and the songs so you can try lah.

QSG, enjoy your trip!!!

deer, dun you feel glad that your family is so co-operative? At least everyone willing to share the burden. No lah, not relactating as Vane doesnt want to suck anymore. In the end, me and bro sharing a maid to help my mom out. So no c/c for Vane at the moment.

pigletz, so tiring to wake up in the middle of the nite to make milk hor?

Emily, Vane got complains that she slapped others when the kids trying to snatch kids from her. We got Indo maid and experienced in Sin.

brenda, ok you wait and see when Vane reach 3yo lor. Heehee.

styloBB, I guess it depends on the kids' character rather than the age gap.

sanrio, yup I agree that you're very blessed that you able to be with Ash during his first few yrs which I really deprived of.

absolut, how's HK? Like the Disneyland?

pringles, yup that's what we've been reminding one another at home. As long as the maid is obedient and able to perform her basic duties can liao.

shook, my sil bf her but think Vane's virus too strong so my niece got it. Feel so bad abt it leh. Too bad I cant take leave if not I'll look after Vane myself when she was sick then my niece wont suffer now. But I always I dun have enuf time for Vane leh. There's so much I want to do with her but "you xin wu li". Sigh........
ya, i ate 7 fishballs just now. Can?? hahaha

err....don't understand what the china man trying to tell you leh. haha, abit blur now.

Ask them to dish up a meal for us?? haha, then who clean up the kitchen in the end???

ya lor. Very tiring to wake up in the middle of the night to make milk. Especially when not feeling well and when the little one cry his lung out. *sigh*
Brenda, StyloBB, Eureka
I thot of putting YH in half-day cc also, so tt i still can continue to work full-time. But when i called up a cc near my place (also near my mum's place), the person-in-charge actually told me to send YH to cc only when he reaches 20 mth old, she said there will be many older kids around, they will be running abt blah blah blah .... i guess nobaody wants to turn away customer right? so it must be out of real concern for tt person to advise me so. So i really dunno how leh ....
I dun think i will get a bbsitter for YH, i really bu fan xing, i only trust my mum and my MIL, but its impossible for my MIL to look after YH, she's looking after my niece now and another niece coming along end of this yr, plus she got knee problem, so i guess the only solution is i work part-time to lighten my mum's load.
StyloBB, i thot of the work 3 days and go off for 2 days also, i heard tt there is 1 colleague in other department do so .... but it all depends on how supportive the boss is. But hor, i also wonder whether the 3 days when i m working full-time my mother can cope alone or not??? I actually thot of asking my sis to work part-time also, so tt when i m working, she is off, when she is working i m off, so at any time, there will be one person helping my mum. But again, this is subjected to whether she is willing and whether her orgn approve ....
Think Eureka is going to complain tt she's hving headache reading my post liao hahahah .....
Anyway, like what Eureka mentioned sure got solution one, no solution also must die die come out with one! hahahah ....
I m really glad tt i can share this with someone here, at least some of ur suggestions help me to explore diff alternatives, thanks so much

Care to comment abt the 20 mths old enrolment to cc like what the person mentioned? Or is there other half-day sch which is diff fr cc and more suitable for YH? YH is only 10 mths old, by the time my sis go back to work, he will be 12-13mths old.

My grandmother still hv one pending op for her eye. Think it is not very urgent to hv tt op at the moment.
My father and my hb also suggested getting a maid, but my mum, my sis and i r very against the idea. I think getting a maid really depends on luck, if u get a good helper whom u can depend on, then u r really lucky, but if u get one who doesnt meet ur expectation, then u r not so lucky, but if u get a troublemaker, then u r really unlucky! I dun think i want to take the chance, i dun hv tt much time to play play with a maid, it will only add to my stress if i get a not so good one, or a troublemaker. Btw, my profile is perfectionist/precisionist, so u can imagine how stressed out i will be if i get someone who doesnt meet my expectation.
Aiyo, cant tell u word by word lah .... but hor, the word systematic appear in my profile, and it reminded me of ur step 1 ... step 2 ... step 3 lost ...gabra!!! hahaha .... And hor, a few colleagues and i shared the same profile as Beethovan and Leonardo da Vinci, this really made us wonder whether we r in the right field!!! Maybe we shld hv participated in the Superstar ... but i cant sing leh ... one more thing, i think they missed out mentioning "ting ah yi" in my profile! hahahah .....
i really 'bu ren xin' n 'bu se de' put ash in cc af being w him FT for so long. oso wan to watch evy moment n stages of his growing up n b with him. i shant tink of my job now, future c how lah. af i make d decision, jus feel more peaceful n happier. my hubby is supportive, so okie
Hahha StyloBB,
yah.. both of us keep quiet cos both of us lazy ppl (yeah, girls.. i'm lazy to talk to my family too)!! it might sound unpleasant but my cardio taught me this since young... never let ur blood pressure rise for insignificant ppl - it kills my heart faster and that's not worth it.

Wahahha Eureka,
ticklish rite... ur comment on fat ppl n yoga. mebbe after a few rounds of meditation, u will agree w me that u r not fat but blissfully robust?

Suddenly hor.. i had this image of Rae Rae hiding at one corner of ur kitchen with ice cubes, telling u "Ma, i wan to camp in an igloo tonite" Wahahhaha... now i wonder whether the ice cubes compartment is in the drawer kind of freezer too?

hahahha.. i dun noe whether she likes me anot. But i know what prompted her to make the remark. You know when our tods can walk they dun like to be carried?? that's what jem did, despite her many attempts to approach him. Then when he's younger, he cried the first few tx he was carried by her.

how's HK? fun?

I decide to go on with Chris Chong.. hahaha, ex KKH?
eureka n pringles,
tks. keke...tink ash red shoes really not v 'practical', v nice lah but v heavy n 'tx consuming' to put on. somtx af i put on 1, he std up n run/hoping away w 1 shoe. tink wld end up letting him wear it for 'fun' at hm. so i took fotos else so 'saiyang'.. cos v soon he may outgrow it.
Deer arh...
the 20 mth enrolment ask Hazey.. she just got it from the c/c too..hahahhahaha

U took the DSCI test arh? Perfectionist leh... give a place for half day in c/c u also will hv complains n stress one lah... hahahah, RE-ADJUST!

where r u????
Shook, Giggler,
Yes, i m really glad tt my family is united in times like this.

Has ur maid arrived? How do u find her? Will she be taking care of the bb also? My SIL also hire a maid for my MIL, but she told my MIL the maid cannot touch the bb, my MIL will be the only caregiver to my niece. So the maid is only meant to help out in the household chores. I can understand her concern, after hearing so many stories abt how maid mishandle bb.
Hi mummies! After such a quiet week, suddenly all the posts come in liao. I couldn't catch up and only scanned them.

stylobb, does two sacs mean your twins are fraternal?

brenda, your Jem is so adorable!!!

shook, poor chen chen. What was the final diagnosis? Couldn't be roseola again, right?


<font color="0000ff">Sanrio,</font>
Just my 2cent.....

U know y u have so great dilemma n uncrystallized thought abt getting back to work or being sahm, bu she de ash etc?? COS U HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!! U imagine all the FTWMs out there, they have the equal bu she de, anxiety as u or me or sahms too if they were to send their little ones to c/c or whereever. But having a career or job, they have no choice but to move on with the choice of sourcing for quality c/cs to entrust their kids! So their agony or ordeal may seem to be not as prolonged as it seems to u! Hmmm....understnad ur feeling but since u have been a sahm, hb supporting the family ok, then sah for ash for longer period till he is older, then go c/c also no harm rite?

Anyway, bet now, u heaved a sigh of relief liao....derived decision liao. Dun think anymore liao........

<font color="0000ff">Hi deer,</font>
Having a maid without any1 in the hse is scary. But with ah ma ard, shd not be that bad. I kind of will adopt ur sil's style if I have a maid. I will handle my kids majorly.

Symstematic, YES U ARE!!!! APt! Perfectionist, yes u are. So to speak, ur life also more mind cracking hor, everything must pre-plan in order.....i really admire those pple can survive on last min impromptu thingy.....can thrive on tight deadline.....i am those lousy one which will gabra type. Whichever trait, think all have their gd n bad side...2 sides to a coin. Hey, ting ah yi pple understand each other better, tot i have to explain to u wat's ting ah yi!

Tot i read Giggler's maid will arrive next wk?

<font color="0000ff">Brenda,</font>
Think u r a very creative n very colourful, great exploring mind, imagination type of person. Ur jokes are all so un-common yet so funny....i always LOL by ur posting!

Blissfully robust....wait I check my online Merriam Webster hor...........

Rae...hahhahha.... i got pple telling me my 2 kids will be up to no gd behind my back next time...conspire to do things n hide away...oh dear, i par par....they are cheeky.

U know wat? I tucked them in n off the light, then left the room. After awhile, we opened the door with the slightest sound to peek.....saw rae switching on the tv n elyse swinging her legs happily by the bed edge, both 'partying' away!

<font color="0000ff">Giggler,</font>
my kids luv each other for now....but cant speak too soon............

WOW, Vane BRAVO......firm n stand up for herself! hahahhaha, me hopelessly positive hor? Ay, she sure is fierce leh, slap pple! hahahahhahaha...cant imagine! Her lotus arm n hands' deed!

<font color="0000ff">Ay Pigletz,</font>
Fishball alot of msg hor......add green leafy veg, better......

That china man, just a con man maybe

Who wash up ah.....dun know leh...heheheheheh
<font color="0000ff">Giggler,</font>
Ur bro said nice ah? But guys' opinion i trust half only...cos they all find stephen Chow xing zi(?) funny leh. My friend's bro told me this actor dun nid to say anything, just appear on screen n they find him funny. I was like huh....????
My hb dun watch chinese movies but he can sit there watch n watch stephen chow's movies over at scv, still laughing away despite watching donkey times liao????!!!!!!
Indo maids are patient but a little slow... that's what I think. My feeing is they take good care of bbs but when emergencies arise, you better put them out of the way... coz they will not be able to handle the stress.

Vane slapping other kids? I don't think Vane really wants to slap. She just uses it as an expession. Some kids will cry, scream, kick... but your Vane just decides to slap as an expression of her frustration. She don't know how to complain yet... so she cannot go running to you... so no choice, she uses her own method... slapping. Give her time... explain to her when you can... she'll understand in her time.
I still have her angelic face in my mind. :p Kids are good in nature. Don't stress out! If I were to meet a kid who slaps my child to get what she wants, I will just make sure I keep my child clear of her path when I know she's about to slap. They can still play with each other... but I'll keeo an eye on them. No point complaining to her mom coz she's too young to be reasoned. Sometimes, when kids fight, and parents interfere and fight. Half an hour later the kids will be playing again... while the adults continue to sulk. Get my point?

PIGLETZ!! You not eating??? GGGRRRRrrrr..... what are you doing to yourself and you bb!! No appetite also must just eat a bit.... for your kid's sake... that's the 'joy' of motherhood.

Sanrio, good to hear that you have come to a conclusion. At least now no need to pull your hair out! hehehee....
pigletz, you still sound very sick leh... Ok or not?

deer, ever consider of getting maid to help your mom out? That's what we intend to do for our family. My mom also got knee prob, recently it's worse cos she complained that her hands will go numb on &amp; off. She so worried that she'll get stroke leh. So no choice we share a maid to share her burden. For me, I'll just leave the maid to my mom for training cos the maid's job is to help her. We gg to do similar thing to the maid. Her main jobscope is to do housework for my mom. My niece who is just 2mths old will be taken care of by my mom ONLY. But she still got to chase after Vane if she awakes and my mom busy with bb. My maid comes only next Thu. If YH only 12-13mths, you'll need to place him in infant care and not c/c.

sanrio, glad that you've found solution to your prob.

PVL, Sarah so sweet and grown up now.

eureka, hahaha.... your kids sure know how to 'enjoy' without you ard. I cant stop laughing when I think of the image of Rae and Elyse in the bedroom leh. Vane sure knows how to speak up for herself hor? My fren blame on me for her slapping cos I slapped her hands when she disobeys. Ya lor, worse she very rough one leh, and my fren's gal so soft &amp; gentle. Though my fren's gal is older but she scared of Vane.
heheheh thank u for saying Jem's adorable. So is your little girl. Is she very curious by nature?

i'm very flattered, thanks for your compliments. heheheh

The thing u share wrt Rae n elyse at nite... so wen xin!! hahahha, now i can smile picturing it. mebbe my turn i'll tear my hairs out. well.. at least they haven't reach the point where one starts to on pc n msn away and the other one yaks on the hp swinging her legs..hahahah

Pigletz run liao
Vane into slapping arh?? Jem into snatching!! that day when i went to re-visit the c/c n saw all the tods there preparing for afternoon nap, they start to take out their pillows n bolsters. My first thot is,"Oh no! Jem no pillow, he sure snatch!"
u're right, i hav a choice so tat's why d dilema. ya not tinking any other issues for now except to spend qlty n qty tx w my precious Ash. but me tinking of how to put on a little wt, dun 'pong' me
tsk SAnrio!!!!!!!!
MUST pong u......remind me to think of how to lose my fat! hahahha....gd lah, take ur mind off that bothering issue liao......i been thru it n i know.
Giggler n Brenda,
Your tods into slapping mode too!!! Mine will slap the face of the person who carrys her. realise that she does it bcos she likes the startled response. yesterday she did it to me again. try to freeze my face. she slapped me a few times, lose interest when there's no response. then i suddenly jump out to kiss ashley. now she dun slap me liao!!!!
I eating chwee kwui now...the chilli very nice!
Think of u now......

enjoyed reading ur post alot. U paint scenerio very well. Yapp, I cant imagine how when Rae on PC n elyse yak non stop on her phone! Then hor, how will i react when i cook liao n everyone call at last min, not coming back for dinner etc. Dun know i will cry sadly or fuming away??

Ay...share with u smthing! We as mum always taking 1 thing at a time n learn along the way rite? Like recent case of our little one running into lift, got2b more watchful? Then also overly friendly little ones, got2b very careful etc? All these issues do not trigger me till pple forewarn me.

Last nite hor....my son was sitting directly opp me on the bus. He folded his legs up n oh mine....so obscene! He is toilet train liao n i happily doing without his diaper. Then I realise it is high time i get him proper undergarment liao! His vital organ spilling out frm his short!!!!!!! Oh dear....hhahahhahahahah....see, 1 more thing to shop liao......
Jem will not only snatch pillow. he will oso conveniently help himself to other people's drinking bottle. Ha, ha......
Don't scold me for not eating okay. I already try to eat already. But really got no appetites. The last pregnancy also like that. Have check with Gynae before abt it too. Gynae say it's okay. The little one inside the tummy just need an egg a day if i really don't have appetites.

Think plus now that I'm not feeling well, that's why eat even lesser. I will try my very best to take good care of myself okay.
really? she do so to look at the startled reactions? It's really amazing what goes thru the little ones' minds hor?

share w u what i saw at the centre this morning. Jem not well mah so the teacher carry him to a corner to feed quietly. One of the boy (same age as Jem) went up to them n sit directly opp jem n starts to 'chat'. Heard the teacher says,"dun disturb Ah rom (yeah, that's what they call him), he's not well" The boy take one long look at the teacher n starts to sayang Jem on his face!!! Well, my boy as usual bo chup n continue to eat his cereals...

Wahahah... yah yah, think he will do that too.
Wahahah Eureka,
Quick!! Go shop for those white cotton briefs with barney smack right at the strategic place that gives u the peek-a-boo effect!
Where selling? :p

Wahhahahah, u so farny wif the description of Rae Rae's pte part peeking out. My freezer is at bottom one. Not easy to open though.

Rosela must have high fever for a few days? Dat time Kieran only had very high fever for a day, subsequently the temp not dat high but PD diagnosed as Rosela leh.

Kieran is older than YH.

Yipee, u've finally sorted out ur thoughts

Sarah looks so grown up...wow...

brenda, giggler, B2,
Ur little ones into slapping? Mine into poking his fingers into my nostrils. Then jab my mouth, pong my specs until they fly off my face. Violent kid.

Eureka, Priviledged
It doesn't occur to me to bring Chen Chen too c dr since his fever subsided within 15 hrs. I think to late for me to bring him for blood test now
Tis morning I din inspect Chen Chen dunno still got rash or not

I laugh reading your kids partying off in the rm. U watch too much movies to imagine such scene

OIC Chen Chen din fell sick when ppl in my family fell sick during the early days. So I thot tbf bb higher immunity
Virus passed easily in the hse. No choice lar. Your SIL as a FTWM understands
Wish u get a gd maid
Vane slapped other kids once or many times?

Ask your hubby to make milk for Gareth middle of the 9

U not going back to KKH anymore
Luckily my MIL din comment whether Chen Chen is her grandson or not. Chen Chen only let her carry him on 1st visit n CNY when he played till he din notice who's carrying him. The rest of the time he cries his lungs out when my MIL touches him. My mum said may b Chen Chen cld smell the smoking smell n hates it.

agreee 100% "No point complaining to her mom coz she's too young to be reasoned. Sometimes, when kids fight, and parents interfere and fight. Half an hour later the kids will be playing again... while the adults continue to sulk."

Low fever wif rash oso consider rosela. I dunno. Thot the sympton is v high fever for 3 to 5 days
