(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

U take care of yourself too. ((HUG)) It is not easy handling tod alone worse when he is sick. Dun take your mum's words too hard. I bet she misses Jerald a lot n take tis opportunity to send u back to work so dat Jerald is back to her care. Next time when u r tired, dun complain to your mum u r tired, u surrender, can't handle. Bring Jerald to her hse, juz say bring Jerald to visit her. Bet u get the chance to rest. Suggest u do it once or twice or any no of times u deem necessary every wk. Then u get some breaks n your mum won't or dun hv the chance to pass those remarks

to read dat your hubby said u latch Jerald on coz run outta FM. Guess Jerald already lost the skill of latching on.

I oso dun favor feeding sour milk. No offence hor
Very tiring and mentally draining when bb are ill, esp stomach flu... busy cleaning and cozxing them. It is fine if he wants muffins now. MIlk hor... if diarrhoea, you should not be giving him milk leh, make it worse. Should be giving soy based milk or non lactose kind.
Prob i am repeating again... give these food to reduce the diarrhoea, carrots, potatoes, rice, apples and bananas.
And shouldn't be bringing him out!! Rest more impt.

Oso, agree with Shook. MIlk "chao sng" already lah... dun give lah.
U so funny! Serious abt feeding BM again? Maybe dun feed first batch of EBM and continue expressing. The next few batches should be fresh enough once milk starts flowing again.

U take care... think the most poor thing for SAHM is the fact that you still have to look after your kid when you're feeling ill and awful.

Agree with Shook, can give excuse to let Jerald spend time with grandma and visit them to take a break. My mom loves having her grandchildren around.

Do you really think it's the bread that's the cause of allergy. Dunno leh... but maybe there's something in there that's not suitable for him. Maybe I should avoid that too.
Brisbane and Gold Coast sounds nice. Never been there before. Maybe that should be my next destination. haha! But will have to wait for at least 10 months later. haha!
Lyn, good to hear that you are back and Jerald is better now. Ethan still poos twice a day... a little wet.
So cute... your hb so cute! ehheheee...

I am going to read up on why your milk is sour etc etc...
Of course if milk is sour... don't give. Will tell you more after I have consulted the experts.
shd b d bread cos he din eat anythg else n his puke 'contain' d bread. probably it's too 'heavy' 4 him. n personally me n hubby dun like such bread cos it can b kept n eaten for 1wk at rm temp (under our hot n humid weather) so d preservatives (in any form) mus b a lot. wont buy agn. no offence to gardenia bread lover.
tink u dun let Ally try tis if possible. Ash a v gd eater oso got prob af eating tis.
we hav been there twice b4 Ash came. but it's a nice place, relaxing, not too boring n not too far fr sin n nice weather. so dun mind gg agn.

take care
hey u shd give urself a pat on d shoulder oreadi. it's not easy being a sahm, both physically n mentally. esp wen bb n mom both sick, super xiong. thgs will get easier once u 'master' tis sahm job. u sure can!
jerald diarrhoea shd b gone v v soon.

dear mummies,
we visited 2 CC tis morning. conclusion: i really 'se bu de' put Ash there af being w him for 1yr++ full tx n giving him my best care. oso d CC is quite ex (1 at bt timah, 1 at HV) n not v gd in terms of environment n teachers (2 of my main concern). will still look ard but mayb hav to say bye bye to my gd bosses liao.
my plan was to work part tx for 3 days n put him in CC wen i work. now kind of 'bu fan xin'..
any1 got gd recommendation of CC in d west or central area? (i wen to MCYS website. so many, so hav to shortlist only a few).
shook, doc said Vane is quite weak nowadays so easy to get infected by others.

pringles, I feel better now but feel tired and heartache cos Vane is sick. This morning she vomitted the medicine that I fed her. Nearly cried with her. Worse, cant take leave to take care of her as I'm very busy with work. Got warning from my boss as I was late. Sigh...

lyn, you really funny leh!!! Hope both u and Jerald get well soon. Seems like most bb sick again. I carried Vane after I removed my stitches. Heehee I also have some milk leakage recently leh. What happened huh???

sanrio, sorry cant help with cc prob. Me gave up the search liao. We gg to get maid to help my mom out.

Mom2Nat, you took the pix at studios? They looked so clear. Nat really cheerful gal hor?
Wow! I like the photos... very well taken... Nat looks super duper cute in it! :p Geee... love her cheeks!

Lyn & all other moms interested in this question,
I found the answer re: relactating. I wrote to ask an expert at breastfeeding... here's what was written:

Q: Am just wondering if it is possible for someone to stop breastfeeding for about 10months or more and still find milk leaking/dripping. This is happening to my friend and she's asking me why it is so. I can't answer her. In addition, her kid had the runs recently and since she now is a sahm, I suggested to her that maybe she'll like to breastfeed again. She sure sounded excited and when she expressed the milk to see its condition, it is creamy and but she says... tastes sour. She managed to express a few ml... but as it was sour she threw it away. Why is the milk sour?

A: It is perfectly normal to find some milk still being produced even after a woman has stopped breastfeeding. Certainly, the qty may not be as much as she used to get but it wouldn't be a problem to squeeze a bit out. Even grannies can re-lactate - tho they probly need more help lah.

The rule of thumb is: the earlier the relactation period to the period of weaning, the higher the chances of success in relactation.
Simply explained: it just means that the sooner one relactates after weaning, the more success one would have at this. So a woman who chooses to relactate, say 1 month after stopping breastfeeding, wd have a better chance of relactation being successful (in other words, ss almost being as good as it used to be) than, say a woman who has stopped lactating for many years or a woman who has never lactated before at all (eg adoptive parents).

The milk tastes sour/salty because of the higher salt content in involuted breast glandular tissue. It is still not 'bad' milk. Only with regular pumping/expression will the qty increase and the old sweet tasting stuff come back.
Love Nat's rosy cheeks. She's always so cute and lovable.

From Em's posting, looks like you can certainly start bf again. haha!
Can save $$ also.
Sanrio, where will you be working? Maybe you can find a CC near your workplace so that anything you can rush over. And also, you can 'bring' him to work with you and be with him earlier when you finish work. Check the buildings near your workplace to see if there are any around. Then, also ask if during lunch time you can go and see him. That might make the transition easier for both of you.
Hey since u hv milk leaking u can consider bf Vane agn to build up her immunity

The expert is your friend or??

C it's your diet. U not sweet tooth enuff

The photo of Nat look v pro. Beautiful!
Shook, the expert is my friend... she's qualified doula and has cert in these fields such as breastfeeding, birth etc. She herself has 4 kids with another on the way and she breastfed all of them.
Em, you're very lucky to have such a friend. Remember I used to scramble around when I kanna engorgement etc coz dunno how to solve and had no LC to consult. So did she accompany you during your labour process?
Mom2nat, wow, the photos of Nat are really great! Resolution is so fine, and composition is very good. And Nat is so photogenic. Kudos to the photographer. It's so hard to catch our toddlers in good poses, but Nat is a Natural! (Like Eureka's Elyse too) Hee hee.
nat's foto soooooo.... nice! she looks so sweet n pretty in her nice purple dress. was d foto taken in studio?
emily n giggler,
if i cant find suitable cc, most likely will give up my job.

sori to hear tat vane is sick. u take care too as it's tough for u having to bal work n hm. did u consult d same pd or another? hope vane quickie recover v v soon
absolut, I only knew her after I gave birth. Lucky... yes! She really helped answer my breastfeeding questions whenever I have any... and also those of my collegues' pregnancy/birthing/labouring questions... even while my collegue was in labour. She's good and nice... and so easily contactable via e-mail.

Sanrio, in a way, it's a blessing in disguise, yeah?

giggler, take care... and hug vane for me, okay? Has been so long since I last saw you and her.
i show ash d pic of nat. he looked at d pic n showed off his brightest, widest n non-stop smile. i asked him, nat pretty? he shy n turn his face away. hahaha...
U so lucky hv n expert friend to give u advice anytime. Last time I search internet or sms Absolut when I hv problem
Thx for the link. Will u bf Ethan beyond 2 yrs old?

Now we can tap on Emily for expert's adice
Wat time u leaving tml? Initially I thot u left to HK last Fri. Dat's y I thot u still suft internet during holiday
Me leaving for HK tomorrow afternoon. So sian... checked the weather forecast and it's suppose to be raining thruout the period we are gonna be there. Packed in all of Ally's sleeveless tops and short skirts coz thot weather is so hot (up to 34 degrees). Now can't be bothered to change my selection of clothes so just bring cardigan and waterproof jkt for her but it'll be tough to move around in the rain esp in Disney. Sigh.

Yah... will be good to tap on Emily's contact in future. hee hee!

Very good excuse to continue as SAHM unless you are really looking forward to going back to work??
Hi SAnrio
There is no perfect childcare ard......guess best that u be the main caregiver till ash is older.
It takes time for the ugly n negative side of c/c to surface, along with alot of heartache n pain frm u.
EUREKA! hehehee... u still lurking around hor...
How have you been? Everything okay?

Sanrio, then you tell Ash too bad he didn't get to see Nat in person. :p
me here... got read postings but too busy to reply. But still in msn though :p

To all babies who're unwell,
Hope they'll all recover soon...
*sprinkles get well dust*
hi mummies
haven't posted for awhile...i had a terrible week. i went for a detailed scan last wed and the scan went well, i was so happy! but the next day when i say my doc, she told me my blood test results were not too gd, i hv high risk of having a down's bb. i decided to go for further testing called CVS which is invasive cos i wanted a more definite answer. i had the procedure done yesterday and i regretted doing it...it was really traumatising...the moment the needle went into my abdomen i was in shock n my womb contracted and i started having v bad cramps. i was crying terrbily and trembling away, lucky the doc was really good and she managed to extract the tissue sample from the placenta.

the clinic called this morning and had great news for us, the bb's fine! and they even told my hubby the sex of the bb. now i'm so relieved that everything's fine now ...
Glad to know dat all's well in the end. I can imagine how traumatising it was for you when u heard the bad news of the blood test n then having to go thre CVS.
Do take care. R u having a prince or princess?
i dunno the sex of my bb yet, only hubby knows n he refuse to tell me. he had this crazy idea that we should keep ourselves in suspense so that everybody can have a nice surprise during delivery!
Weather forecast not chun most of the time. Gd to pack cardigan n jacket in addition to wat u packed. Wish dat the weather is beautiful when u r in HK. Enjoy your trip

The blood test muz hv kept u worried till the result of CVS is out. Gd dat all is fine. CVS sounds like amniocentisis test. R they the same?
Did your hubby keep u in suspense when u were pregnant wif Jana?
CVS takes placenta cells n is done earlier from 10 wks onwards. whereas amniocentisis takes the amniotic fluid and is for 16 wks n above. think the needle for amnio is more fine, the one used for CVS is abt the size of satay stick

No leh, guess he was also excited with the first one ... dunno y he so siao this time round.
can just imagine what you went thru coz went thru a similar experience with Ally. Gynae called and told me I was in the high risk category of having a DS child coz triple T test ratio not good. Was in tears for almost 2 weeks and couldn't work and sleep. Anyway, decided to trust in God's goodness and didn't do further tests. Partly also coz of the risk of miscarriage. Glad that Ally turned out fine but you can imagine my apprehension at delivery as well coz I never did further tests.

Very happy for you that the test went well and everything is fine. Hope you're feeling better too. Yr hubby very cute and you also can tahan the suspense hor. I sure cannot tahan and will force it out of him. haha! U can tell him that he play cheat coz he wanted everyone to be in suspense til actual birth but he knows the gender already so not counted anymore.

U finally appeared again. Didn't see you log in MSN as well. What's keeping you busy this time?
OMG the needle is so thick. R u on mc now? Rest well
Ya u r lucky dat the dr is able to extract the tissue sample. The mum of a boi my mum bbsitted cldn't get her amnio fluid extracted. She suffered the pain (luckily not so painful as compared to others I heard), went thru the fear yet gotta pay for the test
Call the hospital if u wanna know the sex of your bb. U r the mother, u hv the right to know than any1 else.

Poor u, living in fear thru out your 9 mth of pregnancy.
Viv, wow! Congrats that everything is fine. The procedure sure sounds terrible... good that everything is well now. You better rest... especially since the procedure caused you so much pain.

Ai yoh! So full of suspense... I also told my hb that if we get another... whether we can don't want to find out the gender and wait for labour day... he don't seem interested in that leh...

yang yang.... luckily everything went fine for you and ally is fine.
Hi Mummies
Wow, so tiring day yesterday...went for detailed scan....HEHEHEEEEE....guess what, we are having TWIN GALS!!!! Heheee!! It was a nice surprise, good lah cos my side all boys, at least the girls can play with each other next time.

The prof did a really long scan - 2 hours!!!! I was so blur due to lying down for so long.....
and it cost us $500!

Vane not well ? Maybe u shud ask your doc if she shud be on prolonged medication for some months, just so to make sure she recovers well.

Thanx. Yes, I had a fall 1.5 weeks back..not a serious one thankfully.
Thanx, does not seem to be improving or deproving... just have this pain on and off... but at least at nite the pain is not there...
nowadays I cannot walk for long.....

Glad it turned out well for u... me also had same experience as absolut .... bad TT result.. but I prayed and got my friends to pray, believing that God is giving us a healthy bb. Can't imagine ur feeling of the tummy contracting...eeeeeeeeeek.
Sure u can tahan until birth to know the gender???

Professionally taken - v nice pics of Nat.
Congrats! Girls are really fun to dress up and now you've got 2 to do just that!

Wow... jesse will be the BIG protective bro in future. haha!
Stylo, CONGRATS!!! Now ur hubby can go wild with buying all the pretty dresses in Zara for the girls!

Viv, so glad that everything turns out well for u.... so terrible that you have to go through all that.....
congrats! wow! twin girls, so nice, sure u will enjoy dolling them up. me was tinking of u cos my frd has a pair of twin boys n her boys are really handsome! u wan to c their foto? i ask her, if okie, email u?

can undstd wat u wen tru. thank God evythg was ok. u eat n rest well well n dun tink abt d test agn okie. ur hubby so cute but can u 'ren' until d day of delivery or will 'force' him to reveal d gender of ur no. 2... keke..
u take gd care

can i hav ur msn email n add u in my list?

tks for ur reply. yup visted 2 n quite disppointing. surely i cant expect them to b like d alternative mummy, n provide such care. mayb i will choose to stay at hm n jus send him for playgroup wen he is a little older.
Mummies, i have been busy with work....stressed up as got many problems with this project plus have to deal with some difficult people. Will still be quite busy hopefully till of this month only. btw, suppose to be going to bintan next wed but now Indonesia got bird flu, do you all think it is still safe to go bintan?

Stylobb, congras so nice to have 2 girls to doll them up

Viv, glad to hear your bb is okay. Hope to know the gender of your bb soon.
Emily, can check for me how to relactate if I want to? Thanks Vane getting better now after she vomitted the phlegms yday.

shook, maybe I shd try hor? Actually I kind of regret to wean Vane off cos she kept falling sick since I weaned her off.

sanrio, I went to the same doc but also saw another doc for 2nd opinion. It's still better to look after Ash yourself if your financial permits. When you intend to send Ash to playgrp?

absolut, enjoy your HK trip!

eureka, what happened? Rae suffered in his cc? Me not gg to send Vane to cc liao leh. My bro and I share a maid to help my mom to look after.

viv, so happy for you that your bb is fine. You can tahan not knowing the gender? But unfair leh, cos your hubby knows liao.

styloBB, congrats!!! Now, you have a complete family.
Think you cant do much for your back now that you're preggie.

QSG, you still haven go Bintan? Think only Jakarta is affected by the bird's flu rite?
Giggler, the maid will be staying with you or your mum at nite? The cases so far are specific to jakarta but dunno i heard something from the news saying afraid it may become a epidemic and a world wide alert has been sent down...blah..blah...blah
we did consider getting a maid but will b d last option unless really really nid 1. if i sayonara, will send him to playgroud anytx af he reaches 18mths n provided i found a gd n suitable 1.

QSG, the maid will be staying with my bro. If u dun feel comfy then beta dun go.

sanrio, not advisable to get maid to take care of kid alone. For my case, the maid will mainly help my mom with housework so that she can concentrate on taking care of kids.
