(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi mummies
Who was it that said must speed read this thread? Brenda? I can't agree more!

Did u all enjoy your holiday? How was Jerald throughout?

Welcome to the thread. Faith looks like a really bright and happy baby. And she sure is heavy for her age!

Thks for posting the photos of our darlings in Ash's blog. Looking back, Alicia was really so botak then!! At least i'm relieved her hair has grown longer now..phew. Hey, if u do end up getting a flat in Toa Payoh, we can easily meet up. TPY is quite central and very accessible!

My gynae also gives her 24hr emergency number to me. Used it once, very fast and efficient.

That was a GP u brought YH to? I only trust GPs handling bb for common cough/fever/cold ailments etc and vaccination but for a lump like this, think its better to see a PD.But since u have absolute peace of mind, then ignore wat i said

O, u paid a one-time pkg price for all ZL's vaccines at polyclinic? Then i really must call them and check it out. Alicia did her chicken pox vacc at The Kidz Clinic(Rivervale Mall) for $75. I am aware that not all jabs are free at polyclinic. Chicken pox is not free like wat u mentioned.

Think as long as all the vaccinations given to bb are signed off,stamped and dated in baby health booklet by the doc, it should be ok.

Jana can use the video clip u did on her wedding next time

Welcome back

Thx for the updated list.
I hv a few things to make in mind. Gonna try out during wk n, esp self create recipe. If all else fail then I make sandwich. Dun wanna bored u ppl wif the same kinda food. Err.... I dun do onto others wat I dun like others to do to me. I love varieties

I agree too. Speed read tis thread
My PD said dat too. THe health book is stamped n signed off by Dr of all the jabs taken. He even pasted the lable of the jab on the health book. He ensured us dat if needed he will issue the cert. I dunno whether my hubby's colleague's case has health book signed n stamped by Dr or not
Morning mummies!!! I feel alot better after one day rest yday. Got work to complete and hand over before my op so no time to go thru the mails. Come back later when I free ok!!!
Nope... no constipation. Think it's more of muscles pulling. Really dunno why like that.

Ally can play by herself but doesn't like to be alone. Also dun feel safe leaving her alone to play on her own too long coz she's one of those active toddlers who's always up to something. Never walks, only runs. She fell a total of 3 times last weekend ... first time, landed on lips and it bled, second time fell on rough floor and got scratches on face and third time, ran into bathroom and fell on metal bar of cubicle ... now her bum has 2 blueblack lines from the bar. She doesn't even like to watch barney alone (only time she sits still). If she's alone, she'll call out while her eyes are fixed on TV. Super funny.
Happy Teachers Day!

Ruffy, all geared up for work tomorrow? Which school are you at, dun mind me asking...

Shook, it wasn't the amniocentesis test which KT Tan was trying to sell. They have formalised the Nuchal thickness measurements and added some additional scan so got more reason to charge more now. Aiyah, still can't decide whether or not to pay the extra $350. I don't have LMP, so early dating scan can predict the EDD accurately. I went to test because i was having dizzy spells and bad nausea. Suddenly the thought struck me that hey, I could be pregnant. Hehehe...

QSG, I haven't decided about Sheila Loh. Won't get any subsidy if I go private to Dr Sim. KT Tan is junior to LN Sim,... heard that they weren't on fantastic terms. The thought of tumour came about because I didn't think I could be pregnant... there are tumours that cause the same symptoms as pregnancy.
I added u to my msn liao but nvr see u go online.

YH has lump on head? Ehhh, like pringles, i'll prefer to have a PD take a look leh. Did u ask me how I'm celebrating Kieran's bday?

No worries. I can take jokes one :p

I very sian leh... Kieran is sick and his birthday celebrations is this coming sun. Started wif cold last weekend but recovered by mon. Tues developed fever. Until today, the fever is still ding-donging. Up the whole nite sponging him. Yawn...
Shook & Pigletz, i received the notification liao.

Pigletz/lyn, how in advance must we book the bintan trip? Dun have time to go collect this week. Can book just one week before the trip?

Lyn, the mooncake counters started at caltex already, when you coming?

Jul, so your subsidy is $350 per year right? same as what i will get if i stick with KKH. But if KKH dun really have good female gynae then no choice have to follow Dr Sim. So scary, tumours can cause same symptons as pregnancy. Actually i checked the KKH website before, KT Tan is now the head not deputy head.
Hi Stylobb,

Yes, i'm working. I'm praying for a homebased job but yet can pay quite well.


Yap, am planning once Faith turns 1, most probably early next year we will go for it.

Usually i'll see Dr Ang at sembawang clinic, as that was the one that my friend introduced me to.

I'm staying at clementi, the journey can be quite tiring.

Hi Pringles, yap, Faith is heavy for her age but she is losing some fats now, as she crawls and moved more and more.

Boon Keng Pri? Is it the one besides Bendemeer Sec Sch?? Think it is called Bendemeer Pri Sch now, wonder whether i got it right?
So u moved hse half way thru ur pri sch?

Chk with u, does ur younger sis's children call u Ah Yee or Yee Ma??
For my family, my mother is the eldest, my aunt's children call her Yee Ma, and we call my aunt Ah Yee. So i guess my sis's son will call me Yee Ma .... dont quite like Yee Ma leh, sound so old, wonder whether is it right to call me Ah Yee or not??

Jana is the guang jia bo at nite ... hahah ...
U must hv headaches sleeping with her since she hates blanket so much!

Viv, Hong, Pigletz
YH also dislikes blanket, whenever i cover him with one, it is kicked off immediately, even when he is already in his dreamland .... wonder how he knows??? So i just give him an extra shirt and a long pants b4 i tuck him to bed, so tt i dont need to play blanket game with him. If my room gets very windy and YH stirs non-stop, i will pull the legs of his pants down (his pants r all very long), so tt the pants can cover his feet. Once his feet r covered, he will stop stirring.

Long time didnt chat with u liao ....
A few days ago when i was on the bus, i saw this car with a plate "Mafia Baby on board", it reminded me of u and Jerald .... i remembered Brenda said Eureka nicknamed u a mafia girl ... so i guess this made Jerald the mafia bb ... hahah ...

If u wanna throw away ur sofa and dining table, throw to me hor, i remember seeing a pic of ur living rm, deco simple and nice, so sofa must be very nice also .... heheh ...

Pringles, Skyblue,
Thanks for ur advice and concern

I hv searched the web on bb hving lump at the back of the head. Seems like it is not uncommon. And i found out tt it is a swollen lymph node like what PVL has mentioned and the symptom and cause of the swell is exactly like what the GP had explained to me. So i guess i dun really need to fuss over it, but i will continue to monitor the lump. Thanks so much for ur concern

I hv searched the web abt YH's lump and confirm tt it is a lymph node problem, it is to fight off infection. Dunno why the doc didnt tell me the medical term, he shld tell me mah, so tt i can search more info. Thanks for ur info

Glad to know tt u r much better today. Have a good rest over the wkend to prepare for the op. and hope u will recover fast fast.

I almost wanted to faint while reading thru all the falls Ally went thru, she's indeed very active! I can imagine when YH started to walk and run, think i will be as bo eng as u! Hope Ally's cuts and bruises will heal soon.
The muscle pull u r talking abt, is it related to ur pregnancy? If u r worried, chk with ur gynae.

Yes i m the one who asked abt Kieran's b'day celebration, so what's ur programme?
Hope Kieran will recover in time for the celebration. If he has recovered by this Sun, u might want to avoid crowded places also. U poor thing, didnt sleep well, try to catch a nap whenever u can.

U stay in Clementi? Where do u work? I work in Clementi, ur di pang ;) Fr Clementi to Sembawang, very far! Do u drive? If u drive, i guess still not too bad. I stay quite near TMC, so i see Dr Ang at TMC.
Haha...so funny about the calling part, I can imagine that, maybe she wanted some reassurance that someone is nearby.
jesse kept running into tables over the weekend.... then will point to his head, come to hb/I to ask us to sayang him.

I ask sensitive questions ah? Orh.....but for brenda's case, I did write that if she doesn't wanna answer, it's ok.
(brenda, I was just wondering that u ain't v old right, how did your parents passed on.. must be quite traumatic for u.)

U also ask me sensitive question...ahah... 'childhood sweethearts' really sound so clich.... eeekk.. think if I know him so long then marry, I would be so bored by then...hehe.. no lah, we knew each other for a short time then married liao....

Hey, I saw ur pics, I think YH looks like u, but confess I did not zoom in on your hb but I think YH has more of your features.....

For qsg, I know her mah, so feel that it's ok to ask plus she has mentioned about her hb kinda being against having another kid.

Yah, wonder now, from 3 children to only 1? I really wonder why... whether still haven't adapted to having a kid?
Me also not so maternal but I can see my hb loves kids and I dun mind lah and I dun want to just have one kid, no matter how xin ku it is in the upbringing process. I think it's great to grow up with siblings.... (actually we had a 'mini' debate stime back at the other thread about having just 1 or more....)

Subsidy of $350 is for medical or pregnancy???

What is LMP???
I went for the NT scan, cost me $73... but for two mah.... u mean the gynae tried to convince u to take some tests??? With the NT scan, no need for triple test.
My detailed scan is end Sep....

Okie, okie, joke joke ah...

Sian right, like if we travel, scared if jesse falls sick... hope Kieran gets well in time....
LMP: Last Menstral Period

welcome! Your darling very cute and have the 'pinch' factor.... but don't worry once she starts walking, and crawling and running... they lose their baby fats very fast... just like my boy.

Happy Teachers' Day to all teachers here!!!

Shook, Ethan was standing from squatting position before he started walking.

Viv, don't worry about Jana not walking yet...
Be patient! Before you know it, she'll be running!

Saw the blog... shook and Sanrio! Nice blog... wish I can do one for Ethan too... but so lazy...
Oh yar i almost forgot to congratulate mummies who r gonna have No2.
Gong xi gong xi

Thks. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed.

Gd to know dat the lump is nothing serious. I've booked a chalet and will be celebrating Kieran's bday there. Catered buffet cos dun wan the hassle of preparing food. So basically, it's jus go there, decorate the place abit, wait for food to arrive, welcome guests, dinner then cake cutting.
How're u celebrating for YH?

Forgot to welcome u to tis thread
Ur ah gal has pinch factor :p
Boon Keng Pri is not beside Bendemeer sec.
I think they had closed down Boon Keng Pri.
Yes, u and i shld be Yee Ma. I called my aunt Yee Ma and my mum sister Yee yee.

Ah yee or Yee Ma also can. Unless u have more than one sister. Now i teach Janelle to call my 2nd sis, Yee yee and my youngest sister Ah yee.
So next time my youngest sister's child can call me Da yee and sister Er yee lor. hahaha..

So YH got a lymph node? I used to have it when i become too heaty. Is YH getting heaty recently?
Dun worry it will go away on it own.
During my 1st visit 2 Dr Sim. I heard her turning dwn celebrity patients n suggested to pass the patients to another gyne thot it's Sheila Low but I remembered her saying dat gyne wz on maternity leave. Since Sanrio wz seeing Sheila think it's not Sheila.
How u know KT Tan n LN Sim not in gd term?

O poor Ally. Did she cry?

Wat is the temp of Kieran's fever?
U muz b v tired sponging him. Lucky u r not working today.
Wish Kieran recovers v v soon b4 his b'dy
BTW u celebrating Kieran's b'dy tis Sun or next Sun? His b'dy next Fri. Normally ppl celebrates in advance

KT Tan head of KKH? Has John Tee left? John Tee wz the head of KKH

Thx for your reply n compliment

My mum's side we address the sisters by the order eg my mum da yi, 2nd sis er yi n so on

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deer, me thot of gg on leave cos dun feel like working on my bday. Heehee but haven thot of what prog to do tom lah.

skyblue, hope Kieran gets well soon. Ok, I'll on my msn now.
Hi hi deer....

Me staying at Clementi West St 2, moving to Clementi West St 1 in about 2 months time.

My workplace is at Alexandra Technopark, not too far from my home, thank God.

No car
so quite tiring esp that time i had bad morning sicknesses.

Hi Emily / Skyblue
thanks for welcoming me.

Picture of me and my girl.


You take care.


you and your gal look so alike. welcome to the thread.


Will you be going for the gathering?


you MIA?
Hi mommies, i sahm for today... less tx to be in front of the pc

reply u later hor.. settle the gathering stuff first.

Did u just ANNOUNCE that you are not joining us on the 10th?? Oh, then we'll only have one kind of sandwich. Shook! What sandwich are u making?? I make another kind lah. My mango pudding can make it the nite before cos need to chill, so morning can do sandwich.. I VERY 'YOU XIN' HOR!!! CAn get Chen Chen and Gareth AND TYRA PRINCESS to kiss kiss me anot?
thanks for all your compliment

I'm turning 28 this year loh

and yap, she is more like me, but at times looking at her, she has a little of my hubby too.
Oh Jem doesn't let u sit in front of pc?
Ruffy joking only lar. She is going to Pigletz's hse
Sure can let Chen Chen
u but 1st of all, u gotta get him
u. He not affectionate like Jem. He bites. Ouch! U want?
One room lah.. rented from the hdb. Return to them since we got this new flat. YAh.. lotsa sentimental values. I turn it to kinda studio flat so my friends found it very cosy.. so it was always bustling w activities like xbox gaming parties, food parties, wine appreciation gatherings etc etc. Of course, later on become confinement place for me. But the best is jem's man yue, 60 over ppl turned up n all squeeze squeeze together, lotsa laughter.

In comparison, now that i hv a 5room flat.. it seems rather empty.

hong, viv..
u gals tuck the blanket under the little ones legs anot??

Fun anot???? Got eat crabs??
Why need to tuck the blanket under the legs? She hate the feeling of the blanket on her feets.
Most of the time i will only cover her tummy.
Could it be the bb snuggling too much on one side n pressing against some veins?

It's better to check again during ur next assessment for YH for that lump, k.

i'm pretty okay with my past. To me, whether it turns into a tragedy often depends on the self. Well, it's my parents' choices that turned me into an independant girl today.. which attracted my hb n out pops jerome! no trauma, only drama..hahahah

kieran down w the birthday curse too?? dun say too much of his birthday celebration in front of him..

Tomm ur birthday arh?!?!?
the 'gua zi lian' is a description of the face? my chinese not good

Jem arh, no lah... he ignored me the whole morning liao.. now Zzz'ing. But pc in the study room.. dun like the way he comes in starts to flip thru all my books n mags.

orh... no lah. cos jem had the habit of kicking his blanket off too.. but it managed to stay till morning since i cover him only after he sleep for a while n tucked the blanket under his feet

"gua zi lian" is to describe the face of a gal like a melon seed shape. normally is praising her being a beauty.
hello mummies,

will be going for a kelong trip organised by my church tonite, back on saturday, thus will not be able to chat with u mummies.

below is the website :

Will share more with you all :0

Alright, have a blessed weekend ahead of you

sweet heart
Jem seems to hv put on some weight! The rain coat is the skyblue raincoat tt u bought in s'pore? Jem is the blue riding hood hahaa .... I like Jem's hairstyle, where did u bring him for the hair cut? Or u cut it urself?

Thanks for ur concern for YH, i will get the doc at polyclinic to check on his lump again during the next jab/assessment.

U stay at home today to do the HK pic? so few ... got somemore or not?
shook, I taking leave tom cos hubby promised me that he reserved the whole day for me since it's my bday. My op is on Mon morning.

PokPok, thanks

Geri, you only 28yrs this yr, consider young mummy leh.

brenda, yup my bday!!! But not having big celebrations lah, just that hubby said got time for me so take leave lor. But still haven got any prog? Any suggestions? Wow, finally got your HK pix.
Pok Pok,
hehehe.. thanks! i'm terrible w chinese.

yeah... SKYBLUE raincoat bought in Singapore.
Har?? u like his hairstyle?? hahaha, ppl always complain too long. I cut it cos i cheapo mummy, never thot of bringing him to the hairdresser yet.

I stay at home cos today Teachers' Day lah.. infant ctr close. Not much taken cos it was raining all 4 days we r there, so cam under cover most of the time.

Jem put on weight meh? I only felt he grow up but still small size leh.

Jem put on weight anot?
Happy birthday , Giggler.

IN advance in case you din come into the forum tomorrow.

No need any big programmes, just spend the precious time together alone tomorrow.........

(Without Vane, kekekkekek)
hubby got time for u arh.. vane leh? will she tag along anot??
heheheh, i suggest u two have couple couple tx! hmmm, like outdoor? Sentosa beach got quite a few nice al fresco style eating place. Indoor, cuddling time arh... catch a movie at suntec area n enjoy sea breeze at Esplanade? There's a pretty nice suhi restaurant there. Go for buffet?? Betcha w Vane arnd nowadays, u guys hardly have the luxury to dig into good food n chat at the same time...

gals, help leh!
Me cannot help much.

Tat day my hubby took off to accompany me for some shopping. Although Ethel not with us, in the end, 80% of the stuff we bought is for her.....

That's why I say dun think so much, just enjoy.....
"Childhood sweetheart" gave u goose pimples ah?? hehehe .... since u dun mind sensitive qns, do u mind if i ask how u know ur hb?? heheh ... but if u think its too sensitive, u can ignore my qn :p

YH looks like papa, tt's what everyone tell me, since u said YH got more of my features, i will wait and see, maybe when YH grow older, he will look more like me?

Seems like u hv organised most of the thing for Kieran's b'day liao
Hope he recover fast fast and enjoy the celebration and opening the presents

I hvnt planned YH's b'day celebration, but if u know me and hb, u will know tt we go for smthg tt is simple and doesnt require too much planning. Most likely i will buy a cake and celebrate it with my PIL, then buy a cake and celebrate it with my parents and my siblings. And on the actual day (Fri), i will take leave, and hopefully hb is in s'pore and he can take leave also, then we will bring YH to somewhere tt is fun and not crowded. Hvnt thought of where yet, maybe Jurong Bird Park? (But very far and not tt accessible without a car). Will see how when the day is closer

Thanks for sharing with me on the Ah Yee and Da Yee thingee ... actually ur sis's child shld call u Da Yee Ma hor, but it sounds like .... u know what lah ... hahah ...
I like "Yee Yee", maybe i shld ask my nephew to call me Yee Yee, hope my mum approve it

I dunno whether YH is heaty or not recently, but he got some scalp infection which dunno caused by what, but already cleared liao. Talking abt heatiness, think i shld make him drink more water. Thanks for reminding me

Tomo ur b'day? Happy Birtheday to u!
Wish u good health and all your wishes come true!

If u got plenty of leaves, then take leave lor. Why not ask ur hb to take leave also, then both of u can spend a day out with Vane. Tomo thurs, a good day to go out without much crowd.

U really look young! And Faith looks so sweet with a pinky attire
Faith looks like u, esp the big eyes

U r very fortunate to hv a workplace so close to ur hse. I stay in central, work in the west, got to wake up early to bf then go to work, everyday is so tiring. And sometimes the stupid bus comes so late and make even more late for work!
Btw, 28 is still very young ok? At least still got a 2 in front! Me past 30 liao ....

U, hb and Faith going for a short break? Enjoy urself and post more photos when u r back!
How u squeeze 60+ppl in a studio flat?
Guai zi lian describes shape of face like dat of a shape of a melon seed. N dat's the shape of a beauty's face
Jem loose his bb's look. Still has pinchable as b4

Wish u happy b'dy in advance wif my favorite Honey.
Yes! i like Jem's hairstyle, i always dream of hving a hairstyle like this, but my hair too much liao, cannot hv it like tt. YH still hving very little hair, will wait for his hair to grow longer then style it my way heheh ... but he too boyish look liao, cannot take Jem's hairstyle lah. I like one of ur HK pic, the one u took with 2 zebra (isit cows or zebra?) in the park. It looks so relaxing and so childlike n country-like .... i mean the photo, the background, not u hor :p
I really think Jem put on weight leh, can see he got a bit of tummy .... or isit the thick clothing?
Btw, why think twice abt the Bird Park? I like the bird park, not many pple and relaxing.
U r a young mummy like Brenda

Can go kai kai like marketing or window shopping or go swimming or go East Coast to cycle.
Can hv own candle light dinner @ home wif Vane. She will b fascinated by having dinner wif parents in a quiet environment. Chen Chen enjoys having meals wif my family or my hubby n me (refer to the family photos in my blog)
Hv a gd family time on your b'dy
Hi Deer, Sanrio, Brenda, Stylobb,
I miss tpy garden the dragon playground most! The Tower is still there, always luv to climb up there dun know for wat. Then all those partor couples stare at us! In the 70s+, 80s+, so many wedding couples luv to take foto there, u know those 'ring like, round round concrete'...sit there n snapped..hahahhahah....

The seafood restaurant ah, my mil ever worked there n my hb hang ard there alot during childhood days!
....dun know my hb ever infatuate in u b4? hahahahaha........

Near blk 128, there is this old market, my mum n sis always bring me there to eat yong tau hoo....there is this store selling hot dessert like hot maize,green bean soup, nice! Very old couple liao, dun know still ard? The old aunty backcomb her hair wan! Think hainanese couple.

I also born in those 1 rm flat, those dark dark corridor but very fun.........i shifted out to Blk 157, the curved blk near the interchange. Last time, there was this 'silver spoon' aircon food center near current hdb hub. The rojak n the mutton soup is nice!

Yapp, I oso went to the fountain near TPY library. Luv to go round n round it! They also used to have those 'pipe piper' band performance there which i hate most! I also go to the guang qian xi yen to watch movies! heheheheeheh....

n hor my mum n sis got to wake up very early like 4-5am, go first toa payoh pri school to register me!!!!!!

I frm Braddell Primary school, u leh? But likelihood i graduated liao, then u enrolled. hahahahah..........

Those tall flat near interchange, i like alot the height but hor, very crowded n cluttered leh. But sure very ex cos stragetic location. Yes, ever heard the flr area not very big. U shift to tpy gd, we can meetup very often!

Cant help it, no time, no energy, talk abt tpy, my childhood place till now a huang lian po of 2kids, I really must yak abt
Jem no more Getsby bb

Foreverfriends Honey is my nick so u know how much I like Foreverfriends bear. Oso like the word Foreverfriends. Sanrio share tis sentiment. She is the only 1 here who address me Foreverfriends notice dat?
U come back liao!

How's Elyse and u doing?
Didnt know u r TPY kid also! Aiyo, i moved out at 4 yrs old, i got not much impressions on so many things tt u and stylobb and sanrio talk abt, for e.g. the TPY garden restaurant, i really got no impression. But i do remember the Tower and the wedding couples at TPY garden hahaha .... think my uncles took photos there for their wedding, coz my grandparents stays at Whampao, very near TPY. And i remmeber the dragon also. I think last time there was a dragon in Whampao/Kim Keat also, but removed liao.

By the time i went to primary sch, i already shifted out of TPY. I studied in Owen sch, later changed to Rangoon Road pri sch. I dun think our age diff is tt much, if i m not wrong, think our age is only 5 yrs diff ;)

Oh, i didnt notice Sanrio addr u Foreverfriends. But i do know u like Foreverfriends bear esp the honey bear, coz u mention it b4, and i think u mentioned smthg like Chen Chen can say the word "honey" and u were very delighted
