(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

U finally appeared!
Silver spoon - the laksa was v nice, used to go every weekend. Now the rojak along the road near the library is also good.
Ur hb infatuated with me ah??? Hahaha...that time ran into u, cannot be lah, he never said anything.... hahahha!!!!!
Me too old for him... hehe... (wink, u know what I mean...hehe)

Flats - did u notice that just across where my neighbourhood is, that the flats ain't so crowded.......!!!

One room flats, are those with the tunnel inside and then there are some shops selling stuff like titbits and bread??

U not around? Me still waiting for your reply on TPY balloting...hehe.....

The melon seed shape also came to my mind..... one eg. I can think of is Evelyn Tan's face.. the ex-actress.....

Jem can sleep without moving and blanket stays on? Think last time jesse can even turn to opposite direction when I find him in the morning! Now he's beta.
But he also kicks off his blanket....

Jem is really v cute looking, I find he has his own looks, doesn't look quite like u or ur hb......
I like the one with blue raincoat, then can see the diaper underneath...haha...
But his hair is a bit messy leh.....
U are rather skinny.

Btw your gynae said u can try again after 6 months is it???

U really blur..today is Teacher's Day mah..

I say I dun mind sensitive questions meh?? Reply: met in church lor...
What about u? heheheeee....

YH looks more than papa? I am quite blur at seeing this sort of thingy...

My mum and i like rojak very much! Which rojak stall r u talking abt? Is it the coffeeshop nearest to the library?? Tell u smthg, there was once i saw a durian stall outside tt coffeeshop, one man opening up durians, the other man will wrap the durians into the white boxes. I wanted to buy 2 boxes home for my mum and myself (btw, my whole family dun eat durians except my mum and me, not tt they dun like, but they too health conscious liao!) .... guess what i saw? The man who did the wrapping is too slow, so there r a few unwrapped boxes lying on the table waiting to be wrapped, and i saw a lot of houseflies standing on the durian meat!!! when i saw this i quickly ran away b4 i puked!

Me and hb met on the internet heheh .....
felt so bad esp for second fall coz I was holding her hand while she walked but she has a tendency to pull her hand away when she wants to venture on her own. After pulling away, she fell and the scratches looked quite bad. Kept hugging and apologising to her. So now I dun hold her palm anymore, but hold her arm so she can't pull away.

Trying to get used to the falls but just must look out coz dun want her to fall and hurt her head etc.

Muscle pull - gynae says may be lack of calcium but sounds unbelievable leh. never mind... can still tahan. Now guai guai take calcium pills. Haven't been taking much of calcium and multivit pills coz hate pills

Dunno leh. Maybe lah. Will see how things go in 2 weeks. If not better, then better ask gynae again.

Love Jem's pic with the blue reindeer. Where did U go to see the panda? Wouldn't mind bring Ally to see that when I'm there.

She cried but the good thing abt her is that she doesn't cry for long. Just need to distract her a bit and she would have forgotten abt it. Maybe she'll just be abit more manja after that.

Happy Birthday in advance in case you dun have a chance to come in tomorrow. U take care and have a quick recovery after procedure ok?
I was also a tpy bb leh. Stayed near Eureka. Was staying in Blk 158 (opp 157) til P3.
Yap, u v gd memory. I wz n still is fascinated wif Chen Chen saying Har ni

Hi 5! I like the one with blue raincoat, then can see the diaper underneath
Chen Chen same same sleeping pattern as Jesse. Chen Chen always invade my hubby's territory. My poor hubby being chased to the flr 2 days ago
Brenda is not skinny she is boney

Ally is a tough gal
Calcium, I took 4 slices of cheese n a cup of yoghurt a day during pregnancy time. My gyne said more than enuff. Din take calcium pills n milk. I hate popping chemicals. Oh yes the ikan bilis n white bait, rich in calcium
deer, stylo, eureka,
I spotted the dragon playground when we turned into TPY. i actually miss this kind of dragon playground. pretty fun but dangerous. I dun think we can spot more now.

My hubby also from Owen Primary, after that he transfer to some other pri sch and all the pri sch he attended is no longer existing. I said he is a jinx then. hahaha..

Happy bday. Enjoy ur day tmr ok and a great success for ur op on monday. May all the bad goes and the gd comes.

Eureka, Brenda,
I used to live in the 1 room flat too but i wasnt borned there.
The coffeeshop facing the main road lah... the goreng pisang stall?

Oh the stinko coffeeshop ah, the rojak has been featured before right? I like the laksa there.. only $2.50..
Then did u stop eating durians for a while?? Hehe.

That was once hb held jesse's hand walking, next moment before we knew it, he fell face down, mouth bleeding somemore...gave us such a fright... after that we dun hold him, just walk close to him...

U never take your pills regularly? Noti, noti..

So u also TPY bb hehe.. I didn't know that...
No wonder that time u were looking for a place in TPY too.

Yeah, have a nice b/day and a smooth op... then all's well for u!!!!
absolut, don't feel bad abt Ally's fall for long .... Ian also likes to pull away from us. last week when we went back to our own place, hubby was preparing Ian's bath water and I was taking off Ian's clothes in his room. STANDING. He stepped out of his pants and wanted to run away but tripped on the rubber edge and fell forward. Hit the corner of his drawer. For a while, I freaked out cos he screamed and I thought it hit his eye. Luckily it was his forehead. There was a 2cm cut and immediately a bump developed. Felt so panicky and apologetic... kept hugging him. But he recovered faster than I did. Sheesh.....

Shook, John Tee is still in KKH.
QSG, yah I know KT Tan is the head of dept now. Maybe that's why she's become so aloof.

Shook ah, I have friends in the dept mah.... we have our inside info. And from talking to LN Sim last time about KT Tan, hubby and I sensed that there is some tension between them.

QSG, my outpatient antenatal entitlement is $350. Same as you har? Heard that can use Medisave for the antenatal package. But I don't intend to take the package leh... cos with the waiver, I might be paying less actually.

Eureka, you must be very busy these days. Your postings so short.

were you the one asking... Ian was born in early June, so not exactly 2 years gap lah, but close enough. =) School wise will be counted 2 years lor.

happy birthday!

POk, will be working on the day of the gathering. Not going leh.
U must hv felt very bad when Ally fell down right in front of u .... thanks for the tips, next time when YH learn to walk i will hold him by the arm and not the hand. Hope all Ally's cuts will recover soon.
Why pop calcium tablets? Do u take milk? Take 3 glasses of milk a day will be more than enuff. I prefer milk than pills.
U take care, if still got the pull, must consult gynae.

Maybe Chen Chen will call u honey mummy next time ;)

Ur hb fr owen pri?! Maybe i hv met ur hb in sch b4??? Both pri sch i attended closed down liao. And my sec sch had shifted, became a co-ed sch and changed name liao .... maybe i was a jinx to my sch also hahaha ...
mummies, dun chase me for the pixs yet!! let me take a breather!!

the trip overall was v.fun but tiring. went to kelong for seafood dinner. V.YUMMY... but suggest that you eat fast cos the seabreeze cool the food v.fast too!! by the time we attack the crabs...already not hot thus i dun find it nice.

little rascal didnt get a chance to swim in the pool. he seems to be more interested in the sea than the pool???

was v.worried abt his diet before the trip (room doesnt got a small kitchen - duno where to get porridge) lucky thing they got chix/fish porridge during b'fast...lots of variety of cupcakes/bread and cereal. i bought a small tupperware to tabao cupcakes, cornflakes n museli for him as snacks/lunch (dun be paisay)....for his dinner he eats with us (shook dun pong me) it's only a small portion of rice n some prawns/crabs/chix!!

qsg, u shd hv call me mah!! i c if i can go down fri if not on mon to grab the raffles mooncakes!! can pre order or not?? i dun want to waste my trip leh. tp mall only will start this coming 8th. not sure when issit going to taka!

you can book every thing (room n ferry) on the internet. everything done within hours. why?? very tempted to go rite???

ah...few days of absent...we again got new comers??

jul's is preg?? confirmed??
John Tee no longer head of KKH?
Since u hv friends in KKH, y dun u ask them to recommend gyne to u

I look 4ward 2 the day Chen Chen call me honey mummy man

Recharged? Your hubby happy wif Jerald tagging along?
Not dat I wanna pong u, better dun give Jerald prawn n crab @ such a young age
Jul n Viv pregnant

The video clip u did is EXCELLENT!
All along I thot utube is for loading video clip but yours seems like slides n video. Love the songs. U understand French?
I agree dat Jana can or rather SHLD use tis for her wedding montage
All the phots r v well taken but 1 short fall is y so few shots of mummy?
Sama sama... Ally has also eaten prawn and crab. hahaha! Oops ... think Shook also gonna pong me.

So tell us... did hubby enjoy the trip with Jerald? Has it improved your relationship and will there be more trips with Jerald in future? Hope the answers are all YES!

Glad I'm not the only one who has her toddler falling in her care.

I eat quite a bit of fish and try to eat healthy so thot the pills were not that impt. but now that i'm getting some backpain, pain from muscle in bum and gums in teeth are also bleeding during brushing... think better take more precaution and try and be obedient when it comes to the supplements and thyroid medication.

How come John Tee used to be head and now no longer? He's the gynae of 2 of my friends. One of them just gave birth via elective c-section coz her first was c-section and epi didn't work for her. He kinda disappointed her during 1st pregnancy coz at that time (4 years bk), they didn't do mthly scan and John Tee felt my friend's tummy and said bb was engaged. After being 1 week overdue, she went back for checkup and discovered at the scan that bb was breeched and had to have c-section the next morn. totally freaked her out that nite. Was surprised that she went back to him for second pregnancy but I guess it's coz my other friend who's a doc says John Tee is the best gynae in Singapore esp when it comes to complicated cases. I dun know how true. Maybe Jul can verify.
Hi Jul, POK,
Me mia cos tied up with kids now. Elyse had high fever n now developed Roseola....very ugly n gee-li, super cranky n clingy. WHole house full of virus n all of us except Rae is spared.

Would wish to post more, like old days but cant afford to.

Hi absolut,
U stayed at blk 158, issit across the bridge or already demolished? I have 1 ang mo schoolmate stayed at the demolished blk. U noticed b4? hahaahah, wat kind of question? She stayed at 6th flr, me at 10th flr. My hse no phone. We will communicate frm kitchen window. If I lift a RED object at certain agreed time, mean I would go over to her hse n play with her! Very smart hor?

I didnt log in n read the archive, dun know wat abt for this mum n that liao. Hope u r ok, ally too n didi too. Take care.......

Hi Jul/Viv,
Eat well, rest well..........enjoy ur pregnancy!!
shook, after jerald passed his 1yr mark, i gave him almost all kinds of food!!! i do gave him lots of prawns (they are my fave) but i only gave him a small portion it's probably his 1st(probably abt a t-spoon)of crab only that nite.
viv preg - i know.
jul preg - cant find her posting...but read that all the mummies are so happy for her.

absolut, aiya as long as both of them well behave - i thank god liao!! dare not think too much. otherwise i stuck in between in a strange land - i sure go freaking crazy!!!

sahm, how's ur 27/8??

brenda, how come you can always look so gd in the pixs!!! i totally tired out by the rascal's ever going energy!! like a duracell rabbit!!
wat did you do to jem's hair??? so different?? he sure put on some weight!!! ur hubby contribute issit?? he seems to hv loss some weight.
come we exchange our pixs...

mummies, sorry, after going thru all the postings really dun where to start to reply. tks a lot for all ur encourage....now i know being sahm is not as ez compare to a 9-5job either. today i die die tahan till jerald's is asleep - quicky rushed to toilet for a break.....do laundry...etc...before even i could finish reading the posting on 1 page n njoy my tea...he's already up!!!ARRRRhhhh!!

k, lah...enuff of my nonsense....for ur viewing pleasure...BINTAN SEA BREEZE TRIP.

lyn, saw your Bintan photos. The chess set looks impressive! Beautiful! Looks like Jerald experienced a lot of new things this time. Good that you all enjoyed yourselves minus the mosquitoes.

Shook, my friends recommended KT Tan or LN Sim for my first pregnancy, and I haven't asked again. But got a few more recommendations from others and Sheila Loh is not one of them.

Absolut, it's no fun being head of department. Sane people who are not power hungry will not take up the job. *ahem* I'm not surprised that John Tee stepped down after getting a taste of the job. I guess if he really is as good a doctor as your friends say he is, then stepping down actually gives him more time to spend on his patients, which is what medicine is all about actually, and not admin work. =)

StyloBB, NT test and triple test are very different tests. KKH has a package that combines both. Very ex.
i also dunno y like dat leh ...i guess my girl really got big temper.

i cannot tuck the blanket over her legs..dun dare to leh ...she'll know and wake up screaming ...can only put the blanket over v gently. also if her legs kena stuck in blanket while kicking it off ..she'll scream!

pringles, shook
haha ..by the time she gets married, think she'll find the video very obiang

the reason y there so few shots of mummy is that daddy is a lousy photographer and its always the mummy taking photos

remember u requested for photos rite? here goes ....


Jana likes toplay jia jia ju


Jana playing on slide
oh yah mummies
i brought Jana for a haircut last sunday at paragon. the first photo above is before haircut and the 2nd photo is after haircut ...but no difference rite???? i told the hairstylist not too short else she'll look like boy boy ...so she trim a little ...then hubby say still too long ...she got fed up and look at me n say "u wanted long long rite?" she tried to trim a little more but she was obviously getting pek chek and Jana started to get impatient n keeps pushing her hands away...so in the end we just say nevermind lah. its suppose to be a children saloon and we expected the hairstylist to hv more patience as they r suppose to be more experience in handling kids.
Hi Lyn,
Jerald is still so round round n u still manage to look good, U r doing a great job as a sahm!
U look better n more chic in this new hairstyle, who say sahms cant look good
Jerald is having lots of fun n it was really a gd break for u!

I am planning for a big gift for my coming up bd, like u which is planned in Dec......u go decode lor...
No difference except some thinning, bet u can DIY at home too. U paid for bad service, #@#@@$!

2nd pix, Jana looks like a very pretty tod! Her features all matches so well!
NT and TT are different tests? I thot both to test DS?? No? Anyway me not taking the TT this time. I see no point.
So have u decided which gynae and hosp u will be with this time? U feeling ok???

Hope u all get well soon!!
John Tee is v famous. Heard dat he is v gd n gentle. I dun 1 a male gyne so never consider him.
Your friend c section n epi din work. Wa man, her threashold for pain muz b then gd. May b 2 your friend, John Tee still gd on the whole

The son n daddy bonding well in tis trip. Pic worth a 1000 words
Jerald puts on wt. His 2 doggies tag along too

I dun remember my co dr recommend KT Tan.
KK package is how much more x than the time we delivered our tod?

Jana's look changes a lot
My hubby said by the time Jana got married, montage may b outdated liao
Photos taken by your camera v sharp. Wat brand n model is your camera?
U hv v gd color sense
Yeah her hair looks no differnece to me
Hey, Jana is not slow in development. Can play jia jia jiu n climb up the slide
Mummies, i bought a blanket before Dana came out until now no chance to use. Does your bb sleep in air con room ? if not dun need blanket right?

Stylobb, think hb said he wanted 3 during the pre-marital course bec he didn't know how is it like to take care of kids and how much of his private time he needs to give up
My $350 subsidy is for outpatient medical and/or antenatal. Each time you need to co-pay a certain % but the total amount you can claim per year is $350.

Jul,medisave can even be used for antenatal expenses effective from Aug last year not necessary package.You may want to check out the MOH/CPF website.What waiver are you talking? btw, how come during your visit, KT tan gave you $40 discount?

Lyn ah, i already posted all the dates for the mooncake sales 2 weeks agao lah...also i dunno when you coming back so didn't think of calling you mah. Taka started yesterday. Can pre-order but you need to have the brochure with the order form.

Viv, saw the clip you made, Jana looks very different now compared to the initial months. Where is the place she is playing jia jia jiu?

Lyn/Pigletz/Shook, i going to collect passport after work today. Previously did you go after 6pm or during normal office hours? Afraid will be very crowded. I remembered you mentioned can go to a counter (faster) instead of taking queue number and wait.What counter is that at which floor? So do we take queue number then go to the counter or dun bother to even take the queue number?
Lyn, saw your pic... looks like you really enjoyed yourselves... Jerald looks different now... not so fierce anymore..
but, still quite bak bak..

Viv, Jana looks different too... did she slim down or put on weight? I can't differentiate.

TPY kids,
I used to be in TPY and playing at the dragon/tiger playground too... ehheheee... that was when I was barely five... :p then shifted out.
I remember the mutton soup... loved it!
QSG, I think Dr KT Tan gave me a professional discount because we are in the same line.
I asked the counter staff at TPS... they said Medisave can only be used for the package. Aiyah, anyway, still gotta fork out money mah...

Shook, I didn't compare prices, so dunno whether there's an increase in price.

StyloBB, there is more than one test used to detect Down Syndrome. Makes things more complicated for us right... grr....
Jul, so good still got pro discount...$40 each time is a lot. Test for downn syndrome not compulsory right? Went to KKH website dun have the package price anymore to compare.

Lyn, did you specially request for the giant size bed? how come one side is against the wall? so jerald din sleep in his cot at all? Btw, saw that both father and son wore sandals onto the beach and sea, why? tot the sand there very fine? You mentioned the trip is tiring, how come?
QSG, yah they dun put the prices online anymore. But they gave me the handout... wait I go dig out... now very sleepy, going to sleep a while. *post night shift* The test for Down Syndrome is not compulsory but i definitely want to screen for it because I know I cannot afford to have a Down's kid. The trauma will be more than I can bear. It's how much testing and how sure I want to be .... sigh... the new test is 75% sensitive. The old test only 60%.
Jul, you are still so young so the risk is very low right? Whether is down syndrome is first told by the thickness of skin fold during the scan at 5th month right? I remembered reading somewhere saying those tests for down syndrome can cause miscarrage, is it true?
Shocking hor.. 60 in a 1 rm flat.. but all my friends n relatives know each other one so they somehow just squeeze squeeze and stand together to chat.
So sweet of u, say i young!!

Thanks har.. say my jem girlish.
YEah... nice hor those zebras.. very childlike. Dun worry, noe u not describing me, cos then the correct term will be pretty :p
Aye birdpark arh... YH might lose interest fast cos its still not in them to search for the exhibit in the cage leh.. even jem went zoo so many times liao, interests mostly on animals that's close up. But the main concern is their exhibits too far apart w little shelter in between lor.. so very hot for tods sitting in pram.
hahaha.. din noe u got the 'thing' for sneaking up on paktor couples.
Oh yes! I luv that mutton soup very much too.. so sad when they close so now go to the one where styloBB say the rojak is nice. It's the coffeeshop that sell goreng pisang.
I'M A BRADDELLITE TOO! wahahahhaa...

Yeah.. Jem got his own look. That mischevious look lor..hahahha, hb n i look so guai instead. U also notice his diaper only arh. Messy hair hor.. cos i always like to mess it..hahah.
Nope, my gynae say cannot try before 0.5yr. LAter subject to approval..hahhahaha
TPY Kids
Seems like many mummies here were TPY kids b4

Wonder any mummies remember the the children show Jia Zhai Da Ba Yau (Home in TPY)?? I cant remember the story of the show liao, but somehow the show title still stuck in my memory .... and now it reminded me of many other children shows i used to watch like Xiao DD, Liu Xiao Wu Chai (6 Kiddos) etc ... i really missed those much younger days .....

I still crave for durians, but i m very heaty now, so dun dare to eat at the moment. I was at Carrefour the other day, asked my mum whether she wants to eat durians (PS Carrefour got sell durians, opened and packed in white boxes), but my mum said its no fun eating alone, so she's waiting for me to eat together with her. I missed the old days when my dad bought the actual durians home and we surrounded him when he opened durians. He no longer eat durians, coz he find it too sweet, he is taking medicine now to control his sugar level. My sis also avoid durians, she find it too sweet also. Only me and my mum heck care ;)

Today Fri liao, u can zzzZZZZZ all u can tomo

U no good lah, i talk to u and u bo heel me *sob sob*
Saw ur Bitan photos, very nice and wen xin
Find u quite a good camera woman leh, all the photos u took for ur hb and Jerald come out nice, unlike me, shaky hands!
I like ur trio photo, the one ur hb holding Jerald and u put ur head on his shoulder and smiled so sweetly, u very teh leh ... but very wen xin happy family photo!

Fr the desc of ur symptom, think ur tummy must be quite big liao. When i was in 3rd trimester, i got pain in the bum also, esp when i sat down for too long, i even need to put extra cushions n my office chair. My gums bled easily also when i brushed my teeth during my last tri. Yeah, u must take good care of urself, coz ur bao bei is inside u. Since u dont like to take too much medication, why not u drink milk for ur calcium intake?? During my preggie, the nurse at Yvonne Chan's clinic told me if i m taking 3 glasses of milk everyday, i dun need to take calcium tablets. Take care.

I like Jana's 2nd photo, she looks so sweet with her nice nice smile
I like her hair also, look so soft. Think u spoil Jana's imagine lah ... she looks like such a goody girl, and yet u exposed her bad temper ... hahah ....
Is the kids salon Junior League? Think the branch at UE is better. I brought YH there once, the hairstylist was very patient and service was good. Maybe u can try the UE one next time.
Can Taka voucher b used to buy mooncake?
I took leave to collect passport during office hr. Happen to b on my b'dy mah. Need to take q no. Q v short so being called < 5 min
Test for Down not compulsory but better to test. The clinic my SIL works had 2 young mummies (early 20s) gave birth to Down bb. So gyne advised to test for every patient

QSG, Jul
How nice u got $350 subsidy. My co dun foot a single cent for anything related to pregnancy. My co v anti family hor

I heard of cases tested high risk for Down but child borned normal I took the triple test tho
I oso remember reading medisave can b used to pay antenantal chrg

Com'on it's a fact dat u r young
60 in 1 rm flat, pratically can't move @ all. Did u hv buffet?
Well go by FAITH then, no need to go for so many tests....
My gynae told me NT is 90%, while TT is 60%, no wonder lah, that time told me jesse on the border line for DS, of course we dun believe cos we knew he was God's gift to us. ..... that time hb told gynae whatever the child's condition, we will keep the child. Think stimes it is a test we go thru and how much we wanna trust God. You a Christian? God is good, remember that.
Yah lah, why u think of DS ah?
Actually I dun like the way they 'scare' preggies, esp those above 35....

It's not compulsory but I feel most gynaes want to indemnify themselves against any complaints by parents that in case is wrong, they say how come gynae never tell them???
I dun think the normal tests will cause miscarriage, it's the amnio one that has a certain percentage.

Think your hb still wants his personal time, if he has three, think he is scared ... hehe....

$350 - oh I see but the amount does not bring u v far....
U know i like Jem alot, i wont say he is girlish lah! I just find Jem got the look to carry tt kind of hairstyle

Thanks for pointing out why Bird Park is not suitable, it didnt cross my mind .... but i dun think i will bring YH to the zoo. If it is a sunny day, i think my hb will find it too hot, and i dun think he can tahan the smell ... if it rains, even worse, got to run for shelter and spoil the day. Singapore so small and so crowded, dunno where to go leh .... any suggestions?
Shook, so scary early 20s also like that, is it bec of family line got someone also have? genetic? Actually the subsidy not from my company is from hb's. He is in civil service so wife and child entitled to $350 per year but provided we do no go to private hospitals/clinics. Giggler's company lagi better, her pregnancy and delivery charges all paid for by company if i din recall wrongly.
Shook, forgot to answer you, i dun think taka vouchers can be used as the stalls there are mostly hotels and restaurants which are not part of taka.

stylobb, think i got quite a number of friends who didn't take the test went by faith. You took for the twins this time?
Brenda, Eureka,
Both of u same sch ah??
But i think by the time Brenda enrolled into the sch, Eureka had left liao ... Ooops! Think Eureka will wallop me in her dreams again ... hahaha ...

Is tt ang mo schoolmate ur best friend? I remember we got this best friend thingee in sch. And dunno why the teacher always made us write compo with titles likes My Family, My Best Friend, My Ambition etc! Ur para on hanging ard the kitchen windows and going to neighbour hse to play really bring back alot of my childhood memories .... me and my sis liked to "fly kites" at the kitchen windows, we used those red color plastic bag and tied a string at one of the handle and fly it at the windows, wonder how many mummies here do tt also??? Hahaha ....
I dun think eureka will wallop u, qin xia era means qin xia era lor, me also what.

U can rembr quite a lot about TPY, me macham like not much memory...

I went for the NT scan, at the advice of my gynae. All is ok. Detailed scan stime end Sep.
When I went for detailed scan for jesse, Prof Ananda was v nice, he did a thorough scan, worked out the percentage and told me despite my age, it's almost nil and he said everything is fine. We knew both the TT and detailed scan results at the same time, so a bit taken aback but faith and trust comes in and we said we will go by the detailed scan, when gynae said to go for amnio, we said No bec we trust that God has given us a healthy bb.
Panda is at the Ocean Park too.. It was raining heavily when we were there so couldn't take much pix.. hope the weather is much better for u cos there's a lot of nice nice place to take photo!

Not sweet liao.. say i boney

Chen Chen good boy.. go disturb papa not mummy..hahahha

tell u liao.. ur rascal is chimpanzee, mine is gorilla.. lazy to move his butt so i not tired lor..hahaha
My hb sure very happy to hear that he lost weight.. Jem arh, he super siao this few nites.. keep drinking 300+ milk.
LAter gonna see ur pics.. now finish posting first.

Jana keeping long hair har... so sweet. aiyoh, i'll keep imagining her in Chateau de Sable little dresses..hahhaha. looks like the hairdresser did what i always do to jem's hair.. just trim
Yeah lor, think only the 3 of us remembered the young Lin Qin Xia and Qin Han left their romantic footprints on the beach in those taiwan drama mama!
I think i m really old liao, after i had given birth to YH, i had a few occassions which in my dreams i was still attending lectures in the uni!!! This sounds ridiculous right?? I felt very dazed when i woke up, a lot of mixed feelings .... somehow a part of me missed those carefree days very very much ....
my childhood idol is liu wen zheng. hahaha, he's soooo charming and handsome. hahahha

Jerome didn't put on alot of weight lah. But sure can say that Jerome still looks charming..

Who else post I miss huh? have being very busy these 2 days...
nope.. i prepared food. So pro hor, got curry somemore..hahahah

Sentosa? can go to the beach n test test sand on YH..hahaha. If not, a walk round Holland Village is actually interesting. Well, at least jem quite like it there.. can see doggies, later the nite got all the bright bright lights on. If hb those sun shy ppl, can also try going simei for pet safari, then head to Changi Airport or East Coast Park? Singapore so small... but my weekends still fully booked one leh..

I fly kite w plastic bags too!!!
Lyn ah,
I loves the pic....very nice. Too bad that Jerald didn't get to go swimming. Think he will enjoy it too.

aiyoooo...you making me feeling guilty. I haven't done up Gareth's album yet. But I will make sure I keep all his softcopy so that next time he can use it for his wedding. hehehe.

You take more of Vane pic okay? Then during Gareth and Vane wedding, we can put their pics togther. hahaha...*dreaming*
I liked Liu Wen Zheng also!!! There were 2 songs which i liked very much, Ge (Song) and Tong Lian (Childhood)! I watched the movie which liu wen zheng acted, think it was a tragedy, and it played the song Ge in the movie .... i dun remember the story liao, but i guess tt's when i started to notice the song Ge.
Actually my childhood idol was Leslie Chueng. I was in p2 or p3 when SBC showed Fu Sheng Liu Jie, Leslie Chueng was very young in tt show 20+. He had a very wholesome look! I liked his sweet baby face very much hehehe .....
Jerald so brave!! venture into the sea... can i bring him for diving next time?? hahahah.. Why no food pix from kelong har?? u dun look too tired what? so now? rejunevated?
hahaha, i know alot of Liu Wen Zheng's song and see alot of his movies. hahahaha, my neighbour last time even try to imitate him. hahaha, have his hairstyle and lost weight to look like him. hahahaha

Leslie Chueng ah...don't really like him too much...ahha..too girly liao. hahahha
I long time didnt go Holland V liao, tt place can walk with stroller meh?? I remembered tt place very happening, got a lot of tables and chairs on walkway, and pple smoking .... not my ideal place for a leisure walk ...
I like the Changi Airport idea, i can hv my sugar roll without sugar at Polar and earthquake at Swenden, and bring YH to the viewing gallery ... The last time we brought him there, he slept thru the whole session, hopefully he is big enuff to admire the plane take off now

Tell u sth funny...... I will once a while have this recurring nitemare that I'm in the exam hall taking (of all subjects) a Maths exam... and always my paper is blank! Then I will struggle out of the nitemare.. Haha..u know why? Cos I am v weak in A Maths.... always fail.... haha...... and for Uni, I only scrapped thru the Finance paper... but Qualitative papers, me v strong lah....

Today u have FREEDOM again??????

Actually tho me from that era, I didn't watch many of the qin xia movies leh....

Rumour has it he is balding now, that's why he was always seen wearing a hat! Agree he looked charming in those days...ahaha....
