(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

soya, u mean the hotel provide free shuttle frm hotel to town?? maybe i to occupied to go spa spa n more spa - that's why didnt notice :p
plus i went during wkdays, so not sure there's a pasar there

shook, u try sitting on the floor, rite leg cross in front of u, support body with both hands, butts slightly above ground, left leg is "like a tail" straighten slightly behind then move....i also duno how he do it!! but looking at the tape, really hilarious to c him moving in such a way.
notice that boys prefer daddy as playmates...agree?? how abt gals with mummy?? hope my no2 is a gal, then ill find out the ans.

deer, unless go downstairs/mil/mum plc otherwise, dare not venture out of pasir ris without a dab of color!! really like "huang lian po"

U r hoping for a girl for no.2 also? Me too. I wish i will hv a girl. I think girl will be closer to mummy than boy, hope i m right.

U mean it's alright to look like huang lian po in Pasir Ris? hehehe ....
Fr ur pic, i think u still look very young, dont look like huang lian po, dont need to be so particular lah.
QSG, I'm joining you for gymwalkers afterall. 3 of my col will be going and they asked me to go along. So I cancelled my music class and join the gymwalkers instead.

jo, my first choice of childcare is Learning Seeds near my parents' place. But I just gave them a call and was told that they already have 20+ pple on waiting list. Aiyo what happened during the gym? Better not tell my mom abt your incident if not she'll even object me to send Vane to infant care. Where's Orchid Ctry Club, Yishun? You still need to go for gynae check-up?

absolut, at least you'll have cool weather while doing your confinement end of the yr. Which enrichment class you going?

pringles & emily, thanks for organising the bday bash for us though you're busy. Really appreciate it.

Ruffy, when do u intend to go JWT gym? I not sure if I got the time to go leh.

skyblue, BJG=Baby Jumper Gym.

shook, I seldom flash cards to Vane nowadays cos my fren told me that my method is wrong. Sigh. Ok, I'll organise the BJG trial. Let me find out the max no. of bb they can take for trial. Most prob, I'll arrange it on 21st May (Sat).

deer, YH didnt change much since newborn hor? I feel that you're over-protective lah. Just like hubby has some fun with YH lah.
Vane also prefer dad to me though my hubby doesnt spend much time with her. Maybe daddy can really play with them so they prefer daddy? I only have time to put on powder every morning cos I'd rather sleep more. heeheee....

lyn, actually there isnt much need to really control our diet lah. I start to miss my bfg days though I'll only stop end of this mth leh.

Emily, I'm not going to the music class cos I'll be joining my col & QSG to the gymwalkers class instead. You let us know how it is like as compared to Kindermusik hor?

Val, I'm celebrating Vane's lunar bday on 14th May leh so can we go on 21st May instead?

soyabean, the spa at Angsana is so hot in demand? So both of u just R&R at Bintan?
deer, pixs can be deceiving! afterall, those shopping at loyang pt all hsewife, make up or no makeup who will bother?

giggler, the childcare vane going issit dou dou ban?? tot of sending jerald out to socialise just for 1/2 day so my mum can rest. but u said already got such long waiting list really scared me!!
yes... there is a shuttle svc from most all the hotels to pasar oleh oleh... S$3 per pax to and fro.

yah... oni 2 of us R&R at bintan... yah lor... the spa is so popular leh.. i can imagine how busy they are during the labour day weekend...
Giggler, so you still sharing cab with me? If yes, then tomorrow i wait for your sms to go downstairs.Thought you not going gymwalkers so ask hb to go instead, do you mind him joining us? though most probably he dun want to go liao since he prefer to stay at home with his PC.
Actually if u look closer at YH's 1 mth old photo, he looks like a 'little old man', i used to call him xiao lao tou zi when he was less than 1 mth old. And my hubby likes to call him Yoda. It's only when he is going to 2 mths old, then he looks more like a cute little baby.

What's the reason tt u want to stop bfg end of this month? Since u miss it, why dont u continue? R u celebrating Vane's lunar and actual b'day? Vane so fortunate, got 2 celebrations for her b'day

Why do u need to look for infant care? Why dont u look for child care instead? By the time ur SIL give birth and finish her maternity leave, Vane is abt 16 mths old, some child care ctr r willing to accept 16 mths old, or u just wait for another 2 mths, u can send her to child care. If u look for child care ctr, u hv a wider choice.
lyn, no I'm not sending Vane to playgrp. I'm sending her to childcare next yr '06 cos I'm afraid cant cope taking care of 2 bb.

soyabean, I quite like the ambience at Bintan but I find the food ex and lousy leh.

QSG, of course I dun mind him joining us. Ok, you wait for my sms to pick your family up tom. Try to ask your hubby along to see how Dana react to the class lah.

deer, you're rite that YH got 'mature' look for a bb but still cute in his own way.
I'm afraid that it'll get more difficult to wean her off later as she's accustomed to sucking my breasts. So I target her 1st bday to wean her off. My mom said got to pray to the God on her lunar bday so got to celebrate lor. She even said that we got to get Vane to choose one out of 4 items, eg ruler, book, etc. That's my mom's intention lah, but I'm afraid she cant cope so I still look for infant care to standby. You sure that some childcare willing to take in 16mth? But I really got no idea of good childcare centre ard West area leh.
my friend is serious
never mind lah... when zl sick, all i wan is he has good health.

hahahaha, u hubby so funny, called YH "Yoda"! zl also looks xiao lao tou zi when he was a few months old and i tot it is normal for them to look that way.

last time i m energetic, multi tasking, good memory but after delivered... slacking, can't focus and poor memory

my friend told me it will be come worse after 2nd one!!!! eureka, true or not? where is eureka??? miss her jokes...

yes, orchid country club is near yishun. wow... learning seeds so popular! when u told them u want to start vane?
We hold hands. I dun wear any make up too, b it work, attend wedding dinner...
I read n cook @ home on wk end n public holiday. Wk day abt same routine as u
U going to b SAHM after your sis give birth?

U mean Jerald moves in sitting position. Dat's v tough, like the act of acrobat
I wish my no 2 gal too.
I saw banners @ a few plc in Pasir Ris for playgroup. I wanna send Chen Chen to playgroup. U sending Jerald to playground near your parents's plc?

Wat's wrong wif your method?
21st May I need to attend wedding dinner leh. Another day can? BTW u going to Katong Mall or the one @ Orchid Country Club?
A, thot u stated 7 bb in a class?
Hmm.... thot u celebrating Vane's b'dy on 28th May @ the chalet? IC celebrate twice. Chen Chen too!

Lyn, Giggler
I admit daddy is better n more creative @ playing wif bb, even my boring engineer

Hahaha my mum said I kang cheong spider. Well, as long as u feel ok, then ok
Me too, can't focus and poor memory . My colleague said will b worse wif no 2. She used the word stupid, more stupid. Wa man, wat a great sacrifice, sob sob......

Giggler only wants Vane, no no2. the other bb is referring to her sis's bb
I think u r already very good mother, since can bf Vane until 1 yr old! If u really miss bfg, then go for 2nd one lor, nine mths later can start bfg again hehehe ... ;)

Wow! Ur mother really follows tradition, still got to choose 4 items! But can be quite fun, tell us what did Vane choose hor, when it comes to her b'day.

I think i read somewhere which talk abt govt subsides, if u want to enrol ur child to child care ctr, and he is only 16 mths old, hv to write to MYCS (?) for the subsidies to be approved, so it gives me the impression tt some child care ctr can take in 16 mths old. No harm asking child care ctr when u call them up. It seems child care ctr r very popular. I called my workplace child care ctr to find out whether they hv half-day care, the lady asked abt my son's age. Then she told me i can register online, but i told her i only intend to enrol my son when he is 18 mths old or older, guess what she told me? She said no harm register now, coz the child care ctr usually has a long waiting list! I nearly fainted!
I also dont know which child care ctr is good in the west, sorry, cant help u in this area.

I also face the same problem after giving birth. Poor memory and constantly feeling tired. Guess what? I just woke up fr a 20 mins nap .... dozed off again without myself knowing
Think i will stop bfg soon after YH is 6 mths old, i cant constantly doze off like this, my company will sure fire me one day ;P

R u working or at home now (in the morn u said u want to take half day leave), how's zl doing? Has his fever gone?
Giggler, you going anywhere after the class?
Regarding hb, he may not go lah, see how ...
Any idea how big the class is tomorrow? Did your colleagues just book the class today, if yes quite surprised they can squeeze in so many last minute for tomorrow's class.
jo, me too. Cant focus and really slacken leh. How to improve on our conditions huh? Dun want to be in this way leh. Not sure if Yishun or Katong is nearer to me. You're rite their Jan 06 intake is full at my parents' area. Sian, got to start looking for other childcare liao.

Emily, I'm referring to my sil's bb after Jun.

shook, okie I'll try to arrange the BJG trial class on 4th Jun then. Did I mention that it can accommodate 7bb? Sorry, I forgot liao. For the lunar bday, we just praying to the God lah. Not really celebrating for Vane. My friend attended the workshop on Glenn Doman's method at Thomson Plaza, she told me that I shd hold all 5 cards on one hand and use the other hand to move the cards. And can only show bb once you master the technique of shifting the cards. Also, for dots cards there's a sequence to follow and you cant stop. So now, I make sure I got my method right first before I continue with Vane.

deer, hahaha. Dun think I'll have No2 just to enjoy bfg lah. My parents very traditional pple. Do your family practise it? Heard that Kinderland near my workplace also got long waiting list. My col registered her son when he was only 2-3mths old in order to get a place there.
me at home... zl fever... very confusing... hubby said he used ear themometer to measure 38'C then use digital themometer to measure under armpit 37.4'C... later i go home measure again...

me busy closing but once i reply,i got hook again... ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... i also scare company found out me slacking and fire me... hahaha

like that.... really must think hard to have no.2 or not liao....
We can shake hand again, my hubby also an engineer, and a boring one ;P

When i read ur colleague said the word stupid, and more stupid, it really makes me laugh! Yeah lor, we, mothers, r very great hor, make such a big sacrifice for our child/children ;)

I dont think i will be a full-time sahm after my sis give birth. I am exploring various alternatives. If my mum can cope with 2 bbs, then i will continue to work full-time until YH 18 mths, then send him to child care ctr, either full day or half-day care. If my mum hv difficulties coping with 2, i will go part-time, subject to company approval. And if my sis can go part-time, better still, then it can be Mon, Tue, Wed morn, i go to work, Wed afternoon, Thur, Fri, she go to work (something like this), this means at any one time, either me or my sis will be at home helping my mum with 2 bbs.

Wonder whether there r still better alternatives, if mummies out there got better solutions, pls let me know
Jo, ear temperature confirm higher than armpit temperature. How is ZL's cough? Ok already? Oh dear...hopefully he dun catch a cold n cough again.....
QSG, no me not going anywhere after the lesson. My col called yday nite for tom's class but I got no idea how many children will there be.

jo, ZL still having fever? You working at home? Me also scared that my appraisal will be greatly affected leh.

deer, how abt getting a maid to help your mom with housework?
My family not very tradition lah. Last time when i marry my hubby, i ask them whether they want wedding banquet, my parents said up to me, even if i only go for honeymoon with no banquet also can. But in the end we still hv wedding banquet, coz hubby wants it.

Since u know those 'popular' child care ctr got long waiting list, u better be more diligent in looking for one now.

Ear thermometer is less accurate than the armpit one. If do a search in this forum, u will find there r some discussions abt ear and armpit thermomters, some mummies has confirmed this with doc and nurses. but if zl's fever is persistent, think u better bring him to doc for chkup.

U talk abt closing, r u an accountant?

Me also kena hooked by the forum ... think i better focus more on my work next week ;P
A maid is no-no. My mum, my sis and myself dont feel comfortable with hiring a maid, coz too many horror stories abt maid. The closest tt my mum agree with is a part-time helper to help out with household work once a week. But even with that, i wonder whether she can cope with 2 babies. We will wait and see how.
giggler, bintan charging 10% tax!! that's why must select eatary carefully otherwise waste $$
what are the 4 items?? ruler, book, $$ n hammer issit? but for vane to pick hammer is meaningless leh?

shook, sort of, he looks like sitting on the floor except his butt is slightly lifted.
i tempt to send jerald for some socialisation!! he so "to himself only" imagine time come for him to go sch, he'll cry his eyes out!!! better start early for him
dun think will enrol him in the east, i'm looking at ascersion kindercare which is just next blk or bethel day care along serangoon rd

mummies with poor memories, try ginko lor, but i myself issit any where better, sotong already more sotong!!!
deer, I just called Kinderland at Jurong East. They're avail but quite ex compared to Learning Seeds. Kinderland costs $640 and Learning Seeds costs $370. I'll try to find time to visit the Kinderland. Your situation very similar to mine leh. I really dun like the idea of having maid. My sil rather use the money for her gal's enrichment class.

lyn, where got hammer? Dun remember got hammer leh.
deer, yep saw a few at ur area, nothing compare to just nex blk. ascersion is just nex to my mum's blk, just across car park, bethel day care is further up bidadari muslim cemetary nearest mrt stn wld be serangoon

giggler then what is the 4th item?
R the childcare centre u checked v hot ones? Din know childcare gotta register so early
Thx for arranging bjg trial on 4th Jun.
Wow I din know there r proper method to flash cards. I anyhow flash, ea time juz take any no of cards always > 5 cards. I stop showing dot cards long time ago. Next gathering u demo the correct method to flash card can

Wz the thermometer under armpit inserted close to armpit? Sometimes bb moves n thermometer is away fm armpit

Your co allow u to work Part time in tis manner? My colleague in Europe works 3 days a wk after delivery but I can't do dat

Hv u ever consider getting bb sitter or a PT maid to help your mum wif hse chore n look after bb?

I wanner let Chen Chen learn to socialize too even tho he is fairly sociable most of the time
I dun like to eat ginko leh

Giggler, Lyn
Is the 4th item abacus or calculator in modern world now. wat do the items signify?
Tis is wat u posted

Details for BJG:
For The Little Crawlers, the course fees per term is $330 and The Little
Walkers, the course fees per term is $370 and registeration fees per child is @$40
(one time payment) and School T-shirt @ $10, these are the fees required
when you sign up. Materials fees are optional. Per Term is 10 lessons and 1hr
5% discount off the course fees for siblings or friends who sign up together.
Right now, we only have the weekends classes, starting from July 2005, we
will have the weekdays classes. Per class is maximum to 7 children only, each
child is accompany by 1 parent. All slots are base on first come basic.

The trial session, which is @ only $20 for 1 hour.
As for the schedule on weekends at Katong Mall, they are as follows,
On going classses,
Saturday - 9.30am - 10.30am (19mths - 23mths)
1.45pm - 2.45pm (14mths - 18mths)
3.00pm - 4.00pm (9mths - 13mths)
4.15pm - 5.15pm (14 mths - 18mths)

Sunday - 9.30am - 10.30am (15mths - 22mths)
1.45pm - 2.45pm (5mths - 8mths)
2.00pm - 3.00pm (19mths - 23mths)
my ideal plan for no.2 (if my hubby overcome his babysit nightmare) is i will get a maid just to do housework & cook. i will still send my no.2 to infant care and no.1 to preschool. this is great idea except that a bit expensive lor... maid fees + infant care fees + preschool fees, total easily over S$2k! so this is a bit siong... anyway i am one of the mummies here cannot accept having a maid at home... no privacy and very difficult to get a good one....

thanks for your concern... me a bit worry... although his fever has subsided but he cough a bit during his sleep just now... maybe he is choked by milk...

my job, i can't work from home. seems that we are not alone, i believe most mummies here will be too focus on their bb and neglect their works...

btw, my colleague sent his daughter to kinderland @ Jurong east, he sings praises about it. he saw the difference because her daughter used to attend PAP but he has to pay extra for speech and drama lessons.

yes,i am BKL accountant, i have introduced myself here... ya, next week better focus on my closing and reportings... very guilty... always come here to chit chat during office hours...

ya, so i must measure a few times to confirm the 'C
Hi mummmies,
I am extremely lost n didnt skim thru much of the post. U realise most of the individual posting are sooooooOOOOOOOOooooooooo long? Cant catch up at all............

Hi Absolut,
All have been said n nothing more will be said.

Hi Giggler/b2b3m4,
Ytd, I was reading this thread n read that giggler is expecting. I got so excited n happy. Then b2b3m4 also came in n said she is preg.............All out of sudden, so many no2?? Then I realised I was actually reading April 2004 archive.....ah duh!

Hi Shook,
Tks for the great news on NTUC wipes. I dun fancy house brand but really glad that I opened up to NTUC wipes n their tissues. Good n economical!

Hi Jo,
Really think u must have look extremely juvenile before to be taken as aunty by ur ex-colleague now?? Thought u already look young for ur age?

Ur hb? Take heart. I guarantee u, once zl turns a tod (soon), hb will zoom in n play with him lots n u will start to complain abt his too much attention on him n what abt u?

Nowadays, my hb takes too gd care for my 2 kids that I at times, cant help it, sulk I may as well dun exist!!

U see, Lyn's hb n jerald already forming a mini circus..........u can imagine wat's coming up for ZL n papa.........

Hi Emily/Pringles,
Tks so much for organising the bb bash. I am in flavour for the Farmyard Fun theme or All Aboard Trains. Storyland adventure is interesting too but wat is the story??

Hi Deer/Lyn,
I heard v gd feedback on Acension too....near macpherson/Potong pasir. Think it only accept kids of 2yrs n above n for few hours playgroup, no childcare. My friend's kids residing at Bishan n then upper Thomson, still swear by this school...........travel all the way here. U may want to check in detail when time draws nearer?
How come Learning Seeds so much cheaper? So far, many child care ctr i browsed thru cost plus minus $600. Since Jo said her colleague commented Jurong east Kinderland is good, at least u hv one option on hand. Yeah lor, oour situation very similar, but the difference is i intend to hv no.2 when YH turns 1 yr old, and i saw fr Shook's posting tt u dont intend to hv no.2, so i got one more issue to solve, who's going to help my mum when i hv no.2?!?!?! Maybe our govt shld do more to help couples tt us who really want bbs ;)

Good to hear zl's fever has subsided, hopefully his cough doesnt come back.
Ur plan sounds good, but it's really exp! If u intend to send zl to EtonHouse, then it will cost even more per mth!

Giggler, Jo,
Even though my company's child care ctr is cheap after subsidies fr my company and govt, but i hv caluclated tt the amt which i need to spend on cab for bringing YH with me to my workplace can amt to $400++. Per trip to my workplace cost around $12. So it really doesnt save me $$$. If i were to buy a car, i hv to learn driving first. Hubby works in the east, and i work in the west, we stay in central, so i cant expect hubby to drive me to work everyday, too siong for him. Think i will look for a child care ctr near my hse.

My company is still consider stat board at the moment, so it's possible to arrange to work part-time. But it's going to corporatise next yr, so i really dont know whether still can arrange for part-time. I have a few colleagues went on no pay leave and came back, but recently heard another colleague said, one colleague wanted to apply for no pay leave to take care of her baby, but was turned down ... seems like things hv changed ...
We intend to hire part-time helper to help with hsehold chores. But i dont think we want baby-sitte, my mum will sure object to the idea, she loves her grandchildren too much, doesnt want 'outside' pple to take care of them.

Wow! u MIA for so long. U very funny, how come u went to read the 2004 archives?? Maybe ur sotongness will come true?? We wait and see ;P
Acension really so good meh, from the way u describe, it sounds like it's another expensive school. If i want no. 2 and i go on part-time, i dont think i want to put YH in expensive school, too siong for out pockets.

All Mummies,
Wish all of us Happy Mother's Day!
Hi Deer,
I dun equal reputated childcare to good quality.....reputable but lots of bad experiences heard. Some branches of gd schools are black sheeps too. Frm there, my option to neighbourhood childcare is open. NO matter how gd a childcare is, there is always hiccups happening too.........so wat say u??
Oh yes Jo,
I protest badly on the pt that after giving birth, memory deterioate........tot it is lame excuses.....it didnt happen to me!

BUt after my 2nd birth, oooooops, memory lapse do occurs. Sometimes, it needs some effort to recall but never will I forget still.

Dun tell urself u have poor memory so u wont have lor...........rite?
If ever I have a chance to meet u, shall show u Jana's clone bro! Hb agrees that Jana n my cousin's son look so alike.

Heheheh.....sometime back u remarked abt Elyse wearing green. That pc was a hand me down from Rae kor kor lor. I nvr buy any green for elyse too
, nvr cross my mind.

Hi Deer,
Me so backdated. Elyse's hair is natural curl, not I style wan. Maybe she got it frm me, I have curly hair when I was at elyse's age too (i posted the foto here b4).

WOW, so quiet in here today...guess everyone busy celebrating Mother's Day!

To all mummies, here's a pat on our backs for coming so far with our darlings! Happy Mummies Day to All!

And Congrats to Absolut!
hi eureka
finally see ur post! miss u so much!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha... so funny that u read the 2004 archives... well, who knows... maybe b2b3m4 will announce that she has no.2 soon? heehee

hey, share with us about the bad experience from childcare u have heard leh... if not convenience for u to reveal the name of the childcare centres here please send private email to me... THANks!

as for no.2, last night hubby very depressed cos zl fever up and down... he said why other parents take care of their children so easy and began to doubt our method of taking care of our child... don't think he is ready for no.2 liao...

yeah, it is wise to find a childcare at ur convenience. in this case, visit ALL childcare centres near your place! u sure find the one u like!

yesterday zl fever up and down... so we started to feed fever medicine. i also called PD and explained in details, he said it is common not to worry. anyway zl's fever subsided this morning but start coughing liao... if coughing worsen by tomorrow, we will bring him to see PD again...

ok... hubby calling me to pat zl to sleep liao... good night!
dear all,
really miss chit chatting wf u all! Too bad,now my new co doesn't hv internet access.

My boy admitted to hospital last tues due to throat ulcer.He was running high fever 39'C.The PD immediately admitted him to hospital.

oh gosh,we spent 3nights at gleneagles hospital.My boy so poor thing..he was crying non stop when the nurses & doc took blood & mouth swap from him..I didn't dare to see..my MIL went in to the procedure room..While me & my hubby were panicking outside.

A day after he discharged,we thought he was ok..But this morning,his fever shot up again & he coughed non stop. While for me, I was downed from fever,sore throat,flu..too weak to move.So my MIL & hb brought him to A&E.

The PD said he said viral infection! Probably passed from my mother who came to visit him.Oh gosh..one thing to another...

i really hope he gets well soon..I see him so poor thing..hv to take so many types of medicines:antibiotic,paracetamol,medicine phlegm & cough mixture.
hi avocado
oh no.... 39'C!!!! i didn't know throat ulcer will cause such a high fever! a day after discharge, another viral infection?! my friend's son got it and took anti-biotics for 1 or 2 weeks. it is so heartache to see bb suffering... do take care of yourself too!!!

so many mum having no.2... this morning zl cough and running nose, could not drink his milk and cried and struggle... i was telling myself... where can we have the courage to have no.2?
I shake hand wif u. I oso can't accept maid @ home, no privacy n heard too many terrible stories on having maids
Every1 gets sick. No1 never gets sick. ZL will recover soon.
Disagree 100% on wat your hubby said other parents take care of their children so easy. Who in the forum dare admit dat is is SO easy to take care of their child/children? There is no model method. No1 method is wrong. If he doubts the method, he shld hv more kids to expereince various methods

Wish u n your boi speedy recovery

Some of the hse brand stuff r produced by branded companies actually. NTUC bread is produced by Sunshine or another famous brand, can't really remember. These branded companies make use of their excess capacity to produce for NTUC n sell cheap to NTUC, so NTUC can afford to sell cheaper than the original brand

Congrats! So u r the 3rd 1 in tis thread to hv no 2
yes, i scolded him when he said this... it is wrong that he is so negative... maybe he is the youngest and only son in his family, so he is always well taken care of.... As for me, i am the eldest in family thus this explains i am stronger than him. actually i am waiting for him to be the one consoling me... end up he is so negative and i got angry... guess next time i have to console and encourage him.... sigh...ming ku.....
By nature fm caveman era, men dun handle bb, women do. So it is ren ming, not ming ku lar. C those Thai/Philippinas who hv to earn $ n let hubby spend or worse womanize
>See how communication changes over time between a couple.
>6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U.
>6 months : Of course I love U.
>6 years : GOD, if I didn't love U, then why the hell did I propose?
>Back from Work:
>6 weeks : Honey, I'm home.
>6 months : BACK!!
>6 years : What did your mom cook for us today??
>6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you liked the ring.
>6 months : I bought you a painting; it would fit the motif in the
>living room.
>6 years : Here's the money. Buy yourself something.
>Phone Ringing:
>6 weeks : Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
>6 months : Here, for you.
>6 years : PHONE RINGING.
>6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good!
>6 months : What are we having for dinner tonight?
>6 years : AGAIN!!!!
>6 weeks : Honey muffin, don't you worry, Ill never hold this against
>6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again.
>6 years : What's not to understand about what I just said??
>New Dress:
>6 weeks : Oh my God, you look like an angel in that dress.
>6 months : You bought a new dress again???
>6 years : How much did THAT cost me?
>Planning for Vacations:
>6 weeks : How do 2 weeks in "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" />Vienna or anywhere you
>please sound??
>6 months : What's so bad about going to Istanbul on a charter plane?
>6 years : Travel? What's so bad about staying home???
>6 weeks : Baby, what would you like us to watch tonight?
>6 months : I like this movie.
>6 years : I'm going to watch ESPN, if you're not in the mood, go to
>bed, I can stay up by myself.
Oh dear...Poor ZL and Avocado's boy! I really pray hard that all our babies are healthy and happy...I think that is the wish that all mothers will have...It's horrible to watch them suffer from their illness....We would do anything to suffer on their behalf rite?

Shook....ur posting really got me chuckling on monday morning!
shook, ginko nuts not ez to prepare, must boil, break shell, peel!! I love them!!
not too sure abt what the 4 items mean, must really ask those older generations.
hey, post more of those jokes!! realy a monday blue killer!

jo, dun feel guilty coming in to chat, as long as you cleared ur tray, i think it's pretty ok.

sahm, me in for ascersion since it's only next blk to my mum's plc.
btw, was telling hubby abt the black vois, and he tot of repaint our wreck in that color!! OVER MY DEAD BODY, OTHERWISE IT'S LIKE SLAPPING MY OWN MOUTH, so in the end we settle for blue, color code 8N8, another color worth considering is the Mecca Red.

avocado, long time no post!! tot u gana bury by tons of files by ur new co!! hope everyone in the family get well soon.

hui32, how's renee?? must come in more often!!
lyn, I think there's an abacus? Got to find those abacus toy for Vane liao.

shook, the childcare I've checked is those neighbourhood one. Didnt realised that it's so hot. Ok, you remind me to demo the correct method at the chalet. I also not very sure what all the items signify. Let me check with my mom if she knows.

jo, your fren sang praises abt Kinderland JE? There's vacancy leh but the fees is doubled the one near my parents' place at $600+. Is ZL feeling better today?

eureka, hahahha..... you so funny leh. Think I'm the last one to be expecting cos cant afford to have No.2 and no plans to have at all. LOL

deer, you intend to try for No.2 once YH turns one? Ya, Kinderland JE is another option but the fees is ex leh. I also not sure why Learning Seeds is so cheap and they even have Yamaha teacher to teach music weekly leh.

avocado, aiyo... sounds so bad leh. So your boi is hospitalised again? You better rest more and take care of yourself too.

hui32, Congrats!!! Seems like quite a few pple preggie again.
Hi gd morning mommies,

Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. So, what did ur hbs do for u? Or ur little one?? :p Me? Too sleep-deprived since I was doing some private accounting work then... <yawn!> Have been up since 4am.

Okay okay... enough about me...

Giggler, sorry about the mess-up... that's me for you when I just quickly scan the messages and never read properly. :p

eureka, welcomed back! Good to see that u are reading the posts again. :p

hui32, congrats! We now have 3 mommies who are preggies again!!! Who else is trying? :p eureka??? girl next one lah... how??? hehehee....

Pringles, can u pls set a poll for the party theme? I can't remember the choices. Thanks.

Mommies, okay.... hope all of you have received my msg sent via yahoo groups about the bb bash thing. The majority has decided on Serangoon Gardens. I really hope that the mommies who have voted for Tanglin Mall will still go for the Serangoon Gardens party. While all of you are busy voting on the date, pls vote on the theme too once pringles have set it up. In addition, I think I'll go and set a poll for the cake choices. Pls go and vote too. Also, pls go and fill up the database for the chalet gathering and also the bb party if u will be attending. Thanks.

My gynae is away on leave. Tried to visit her on Fri but she's fully booked. Since I basically wanna just check on bb's heartbeat, was thinking if it might be cheaper to just go to KKH for a gynae check coz was told cannot go for scan without gynae check.

Interested in the bjg trial too. Shook, you're right ... near my place.

Lyn, Ally prefers me to daddy esp when she's tired or hungry. But as a playmate, think she prefers my helper. Daddy is in a far third position.

I'm interested in the JWT gym trial. Giggler, tis the one I was discussing with Shook.
