(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Oh No Jo,
Is ZL better n back to normal now?BB sick, difficult to go out, esp with fever! Do monitor him closely n u n hb get as much rest as possible, as n when u can!

Cookies, small matter.........successful........I can volunteer to finish..........where u work?
....can keep for x'mas too!

How's ur son's colic? Oh no, I registered ur son as PB n not his name
, come again, wat's his name ah?

The left over shoes matter.............wait for ruffy to be back frm Hk, can ask her for any way out? Not too nice to throw away during spring cleaning leh.............

Havent read in details abt ur MIL's stories but u have a share too? Tot u r safe frm such woes.....but v scary, ur hb got so many siblings!!!

I like edi's portrait here too....v well done!

Ashrel starts to change look liao......u feel it? maybe not.....since u see him 24hrs! Yes, take more MORE, alot of photo.......u wont regret! It is for next time when he no longer bb.....u just wonder 'He is like that 1 ah, bb time'...........v sweet to recall!

U also do v nice combination for Ashrel's cot.

Tks.....ya.......do spread words for 4leaves' poor service.........cakes over the counter shd be fine still to patronize......just to be impartial here.

Do enjoys ur gathering at Nat's place! Gonna be wonderful, I believe!

Who is the next mum hosting...think by then, most of us the hormones all balanced, wont have so many hairs lying ard liao

Hi jo,
oh no! how's ZL fever???
did u gave him any medicine yet? When i saw doc for my girl's high fever (39.2) last wed, he said that the most impt is to drink lots of water, and its norm to drink lesser milk. Btw, fyi, my girl fever is caused by the flu, and then follow by cough (think was spread by me). And try to sponge him on forehead, armpits, neck etc...

And yes, my girl also wants to be carry all time during she sick. Once put down to bed, she will cry and wake up. Hope zl recovered fast.

And also dun know y, my girl has rashes yesterday nite, have to go and see doc again...
thanks sanrio, soyabean, sahm & kis

i waited today for so long and now got to miss the gathering.... this is the first time zl has fever.

his temperature is about 38 when doc measure him 30mins ago.

anyway i am not so much worry about zl fever cos i think fever is quite common... well, after the stomach infection, nothing can be worse liao...

hi sahm
thanks, u r right i got to rest as much as i can. last night was really bad.....

cookies is not bad cos i added alot of choc chips. cookies can keep for so long? got to check with my colleague who pass me the recipe. u wan some? thanks for so "san lian" (give face)... me work @ toh guan @ west... opposite of east.... but i will be going to town tomorrow (if bb recover) or monday to do x'mas shopping.

hi soyabean
yes, if ur boy woke up more frequent than usual in the middle of the night for milk, it is a sign for solid food.

hi kis

i just fed him 1 tsp of bb panadol.

thanks! will give him more water and sponge him more often.... actually i hesitate to give my boy more water cos i remember i read from somewhere, not to give bb so much plain water. only after 1 year old, u can give as much as he wants to drink.

rashes? is it due to heat or milk rashes?
poor ZL, poor mummy too. Besides sponging the forehead, my friend taught me that it helps to sponge and keep the thighs cool as well as the major blood vessels are there. Take care !

was actually looking forward to see u and ZL..since so many says Alicia and him has some resemblance....pls take gd care of him....he will be fine....keep him cool....and hydrate him well......we will keep u updated on today's gathering!

Natalie and mummies, i just finished making the sandwiches abt 1/2 hr ago then Alicia zonked off to zzzzzz land....will be slightly late, maybe 3.30 or so. See u all!
Hee... u still remember my boi had colic... that's so nice of u. He has recovered from that
But then when i brought him for his jab on tues, the PD checked on his ulcer in his throat n found that it's only slightly better. And i thot he was fine. PD told me not to worry cos he's drinking well, n alert. Dun think I told u his name b4... His name is Kieran

Enjoy ur gathering at nat's pl.
Thx 4 hosting the gathering. So sorry Chen Chen brot a cake n t tho mummy brot fruit salad. He wanna contribute something but not appropriate leh.
Your hse is v windy n nice. Like the strong color u use 4 your walls
Convey my thx 2 KK. Oh thx Matt 4 lending his pants 2 Chen Chen

hahaha we same school. U study bz but n up in healthcare?
Ash looks v diff now. He is much better doesn't cry much @ Nat's hse.

I m in accounting since i left school. U?
Missed u, zhenglong n your cookies

Sponge Zhenglong on the forehead n bhind his head. Wish he gets well soon

I saw I saw Alicia's 2 front teeth. She doesn't seem 2 like West area huh.
U look so slim n sexy

Know wat my hubby bang his car against the stair grill @ Nat's plc. I actually dun believe the shoe thing but the suay thing comes 1 after another.

Kieran n unusual name

Had a nice chat wif u @ Nat's plc
thank viv and pringles

yeah, i would also like to see if alicia and zl has any resemblance.

thanks shook
his fever drop from 38 to 37.8... still high...

I have wrapped my cookies nicely last night, can't wait to share with u mummies my cookies :-(

yes, i am also in accounting since i left school... but i joined auditing for a couple of years only. i like the challenges in auditing line but salary too low... couldn't wait to get out of auditing line.
Nat, thanks for hosting the gathering. Shook and sanrio, really appreciate you for giving me lifts today. Really made a difference.

Mummies, nice meeting you, think din manage to talk to everyone.

Shook, i graduated from NTU.

Joey, partly bec i din practice what i was trained, my pay is miserably low comparable to fresh graduates though i graduated quite a number of years already. You mentioned salary for auditing too low but my peers earning quite alot in auditing.

sanrio, can you help check if there is a ez-link card in your car? It dropped out of my pocket and might be in yours or Shook's car or Nat's place. Already sms Nat and Shook. Let me know after you have checked. Thanks. Btw, there is no lift at Jurong East MRT.
Nat and hubby,

thanks for your hospitality. You've got lovely breeze there...thank God Alicia's cries didn't bring the house down...think i spent more time on her rather than mingle with the mummies today....sigh


Chen Chen is so well behaved....makes things easier for you and hubby huh....ya....Alicia was more relaxed at your house....today, she was also partially tired...didn't sleep enuf...slept on the way back in the cab.Your hubby's car ok?Any dents?


Tks for sharing with us the products you are dealing with....should i need them or any frens interested, will get back to u.


Enjoyed talking to u today....Gareth is adorable!


Jana looks just like the pic u posted...just that she's grown slightly bigger if i'm not mistaken? She's real sweet...


Hope you will manage to wean Randall gradually....guess it takes diff methods for diff bbs but one way or the other....it'll work. Just requires patience.


Didn't get to talk much with u today until whn we were abt to leave....anyway...catch up next time.


Didn't get to talk much with u too.....hope to see u ard again next gathering...if i can make it


Where were u and Vanessa?
Hi All,

thanks for warmng up Matt's humble home today...Too bad Matt not much of a host...was in ZZ land till evryone left..

First time he slept so long..must be a good sign. The nosier the better??!

I really hope evryone had a good time..sorry was so bz "kitchening" that no time to mingle. Glad that I did get to chat up most of you though...

Thanks everyone who brought food..almost finished..I cleared the rest of the sandwiches, cake for tomorrow and luckily still got some ferrero roche!!! Pasta..hubby ate bef going for a wake.

Hope evreyone enjoyed yourselves..thank goodness it was windy today..sometimes no wind at all!!

Sanrio, Shook,

Me too from RMIT..was in Melbourne for 7 yrs.. Came out with BSc for talking...heh heh (social science n mass communication d.maj PR/Journalism) Then I took bits of other D n Ms in Education, Bz(econs), Arts(eng) n Sc(env sci).All from diff Us. Rojak right? Wanted to do law or environmental conservation..end up tuition teacher cum SAHM.
Teaching all subj excl chinese. Funny how things turn out...


Thanks for the comment on strong colour.. We liked something diff..KK's colleagues call our home mini ikea..they'll be coming on Xmas.

We painted ourselves as we knew place was going for upgrading so trying to do the min..

We were planning to renovate after upgrading..but maybe not..kinda used to it already besides things go rusty real fast as we get sea breeze and the humidity from the forest behind

..maybe just change the window grills as they are stiff and squeak alot..anyone got kangtao??!!

Jo n some mummies(not sure whom)

Hope baby is doing better..get some rest when BB rests..usually BB not well can be quite cranky. So you'll need all the strength you can get.

OH YA!! I didn't get many photos...hopefully Hubby snapped evryone...will wash photos n see..


I did manage to get a pic of Jessie!!She reminded me though..heh heh.


will hunt around...hubby did cleaning so got to ask him when he gets back from wake.


Thanks for your demo on sarong, bandanna n teething toys.. send me the webby if you don't mind...KK got some colleagues may b interested.

Those who interested in the Oils let me know too..

Thanks so much for coming..Alicia's cries didn't bring whole house down.hope she's all settled in now..

.honestly I was more afraid for Ashley, I still remember the screams at the hospital and B2B's house (sorry Sanrio..no offense hor?).

Luckily, Ashley was very calm today..means we pass the house test liao...keke.

For Giggler, Vane last min got fever...hope everything ok..
keke, it's ashrel not ashley. tks for having us
ur place is great, so windy n cosy. if sit at the balcony area for a while more, i sure zzz.

ai yo, hope vane is okie now. we miss u n her. my hubby still remb her n ask where is the cute cute chubby chubby bb girl? if u still like to c the teether doll n bandana, let me noe lah, anytx..

ai ya tis tx we so busy chatting n eating n din take fotos. alicia wore such a nice pretty little dress, so sweet girl girl.

we miss u n tyra, i so long din c her liao..

tks for supporting my v v small 'biz'. my frd v nice noe i'm a sahm, no income so ask me to help her. n since i use n like her pdts (she has a bb boy abt 1 yr old now n she's v particular abt pdt qlty), i dun mind recommending to others. tk u to all the mummies
if u or ur frds are interested, pls let me noe.

foreverfriend n sahm,
tink both of u are right, ashrel change quite a bit, many pple say so. like a little boy (not so bb looking) now hoh..
yes, ur ezlink card is in my hubby's car. how do i pass to u? wat is ur email? i can write to u abt the Ergo Carrier i mentioned. my frd is d 1st one to brg the pdt (fr US) to s'pore. it can carry bb up to even 3 yrs of age. w its ergonomic design, u dun feel the strain on shoulders. carriers in the mkt, max can take bb up to 10kg n it's v painful for our shoulders.
okie will 'heed' ur advice n take lots of fotos. managed to capture his smiling shots today. havnt upload.
keke ashrel n gareth buddy. slp side by side each other at same tx n wake up at same tx n both din cry wen awake
gareth so cute..his face fair fair n so so smooth..
aiks sorry Sanrio...y I'm thinking of Ashley ar?? Do we hv a BB ashley?? Maybe if I got a gal I'll call her that.. Ashrel n Ashley?? Hmmm..
Thanks for having us. Ur house really windy.....Ashley is B2B's girl!!!

Hope Vane will get well soon. My mum was asking how come nv see tat "pang nui" :p Miss her smile.

Seems tat U had lost quite a bit of weight since I last saw u.

I m still doing my ACCA. Left the final 3 core papers. BUT, I stop for almost 1 1/2yrs. Initially stop becos of wedding then who knows, pregnant. Too tired to prepare my exams. Then now, bo sim to study liao. Hehe... Anyway, still bfing Randall, how to attend class??!!
Hi mummies - tell me wat i'm i going to do with 80pc of konyaku!!! me sotong!! hubby more sotong!!

taken med for my stuffy nose after making those konyaku - no fever - but stuffy nose really cant tahan - pop med dan off to ZZZzzz ard noon!! waited for hubby to come back frm his morning duty - so we can all go pick jerald dan to nat's plc....but me didnt set alarm....overslept till 2+ hubby tot i hvnt recover so didnt wake me up!!!!

wat's happending at nat's plc y'day?? can keep me posted??
hi mummies
the news of maid throwing 5mth old baby down the flat is really a tragedy... poor baby... so innocent.... sigh....

hi qsg
at my time, commercial company pays better. not sure about now.

thanks nat
this morning, i think my bb has fully recovered...

hi lyn
hahahaha, overslept? now u have 80 pcs of konyaku? i have a bag of cookies... so i have cookies for yesterday lunch and today breakfast. think will pass to my mum or keep until tuesday for my colleagues.

hi giggler
learned from Nat that vane also has high fever, how is she now?

hi Val
It is really difficult to take ACCA if u have baby now. Maybe u can consider it after your child in primary school.
Primary school? Haha... Tat will be 7 yrs later?!?! By then I dun think I hv the energy liao. If not becos of bfing now, I would continue in Jan 2005. I intend to start next Jul. Well, there again u nv know wat gonna happen next. At least its my target for now.
U still in Audit? I HATE audit. Did audit for 3 mths during my vocational training program.
Gd to hear dat Zhen Long is ok now
U hv cookies for breakfast n lunch, hahaha, cookies is my breakfast n lunch too when I m working. Can't afford to go out for a break coz my break time is used for milking

Chen Chen well behaved yes during the bb gatherings hahaha..... I shld say so far he knows when to well behaved when to b nasty when outside

My hubby's car's bumper scratched n dented but not too serious, eye sore tho

Juz a suggestion, pack your stuff into 2 bags. I carry a backpack n a hand carry to work. My hubby said your bag as heavy as mine but mine distributed out so not so straineous to the back

Ai say man, u studied so many fields.
Hey, no wonder Sanrio u n me so friend friend, we were fm the same school. U full time study I supposed
U painted lately? b4 or after Matt popped? U can go into interior design

How's Vane now? Poor gal, how come she got fever?

Is there a website on the bb product? I only saw your demo on the sling, after dat I attended to Chen Chen n missed the rest of your demo

U v on, still going to cont ACCA. Gd gd.
U in Accounting?!

u v big sotong. We go your hse to eat up the konyaku
or u send to me then I hv konyaku for breakfast n lunch instead of cookies

aiyo.....so u slept thru the gathering...thot wat happened to u....don't sleep thru next gathering ok?


is Vane better?


I went home and tried out my sarong sling on Alicia and guess wat, she was perfectly fine in it! But i'm still thinking which is easier...my carrier or sling....hmmm, but i must say, i think your sling is lighter and cooler!


hey..nice pictures of 3 musketeers together...whn i arrived, think Matt was sleepy already...wah...Chen Chen nicely padded up in the later picture...too windy for him huh?

And is that QSG's bb on the Bumbo? Sorry i can't remember....all i knew was that this little bb was enjoying herself the whole time on the bumbo!!!
She was keeping herself occupied!

Aiya....was actually waiting for a photo taking session with all bbs but b4 anything else, Alicia starting crying....this time, recharged my camera battery but not put to much use...

BTW mummies, do your bbs have a tendency to stick closer to u than to daddy?

Only managed to take a few shots of Alicia and Gareth....while she was still in good mood...


Next Jul is ur target to resume the course? Hhahahahh..watch out, dun get preggie again!

Is that u? So gorgeous looking! Glowing n radiant! Alicia is 1 tough bb! She seems to become more girlish liao! This time round, without Vane, she buddy buddy with Gareth? Gareth is 1 lovely boy........

How's ZL? R u at work or at home with ZL?
Ya....the tradegy......worsened by the fact n esp painful when the bb is ard our bbs' age!

How's Vane now? V pang tongue.....just said Vane is a tough bb, not like mummy BUT.....Shhhhhshhhhhhhhhhh......

Ayoh, hb's mood affected by the dent? Chen chen oso grows up liao........taller?

UUUUUUU...............so sotong!! Hahahhaah, u sure scolded ur hb inside out?

This time gathering's foto v well taken! So clear n sharp..............but v few bbs....issit?

Wow......Nat's pl seems breezy...bbs in cardigan etc........BB in pink is QSG's?
How do u manage to buy dress for our bbs at this age? Elyse looks like a little gorilla when in dress......the dress machiam hanging on her....too big!

Tks for compliments. We miss seeing u and Elyse. How was your bb full month celebration? The dress above was a gift. But i told u, Tanglin mall that shop, Bundle of Joy got really nice dresses for small bbs too la...buy one for new year is reasonable excuse rite? Go check it out. Another of their branch at Katong Mall.

do u all face same prob i face? BB sticks to u more than daddy when they are in bad mood? I want to leave her with daddy for half a day also dare not.....she cries more whn i'm not around for too long....
Elyse is as such too......cranky n crying time, I can calm her down much faster than hb. Maybe due to our bahu, our way of carrying them, our motherly voice etc? But she is equally happy to be entertained by papa or mama. In fact, both my kids laugh much louder when papa play with them! They simply luv 'chor lor ness' by my hb more!

Alcia is facing u 24 hrs, much more than papa, tat's y she is more attached to u? Our natural motherly bonding plays a huge part too..........

<font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas to all aunties, kor kor, jie jie, didi, meh meh..............frm Elyse</font>
Hi jul, I already told my mil that it's not good for bb to watch TV but no use lor. Cos she watches TV most of the time so if she carries Vane, she'll just place her on her lap and watches TV together. Sigh

Hi sanrio, sori I didn't make it to the gathering to see the stuff you selling. Vane got fever on Sat but luckily it went off by Sun. And Sun afternoon, my hubby spotted her small little gigi.
Kiddy Palace also got the float? Ok, I'll go to JP to take a look. Vane also like that when I tried to take pic of her.

Hi soyabean, I like Edi's smile leh.

Hi shook, can't throw the shoes away lah cos they're brand new shoes leh. How's the car now? I think it's due to Vane's teething lah. Got no fever but still cranky at times.

Hi lyn, you feeling better liao?

Hi sahm, I didn't get to Suntec to see the shoes too. Cos Vane got fever on Sat so stay at home the whole weekends. My mil's stories not as bad but me also got some complains lah. Anyway, most of the time, I close 2 eyes to avoid conflicts lah. Although, my hubby got so many siblings but most of the time it's my hubby and one or two of his sis taking care of my mil. We only see the rest of siblings once a year during CNY. Ya hor, I just said that abt Vane hor? Ok, must remember not to say such things anymore.

Hi jo, same leh. Vane also got fever on Sat. She was so cranky, only wanted me to carry her and kept crying. But luckily, her fever subsided on Sun. How is ZL now?

Hi Kis, very tiring to carry Elyse round the clock hor? Does she want other pple to carry her when she turns cranky? Vane only want me to carry her over the weekends. Now, my hands ached till going to break liao.

Hi pringles, Vane got fever on Sat morning. Think it's due to her teething lah. Managed to see her first small gigi on Sun.

Hi Nat, luckily Vane's fever subsided on Sat nite after I gave her some medication

Hi Val, thanks for asking. Vane is ok liao but still cranky at times lah. Think it's due to her teething.
mummies, wah!! i missed a lot for the gathering!! me sotong - taken med dan go Zzzz missed the whole event!! hb more sotong!! didnt wake me up!!!

i really scare to open my fridge!! ALL 3TIRES FULL OF KONYAKU!!

sahm, elsye so cute!!! ah sohs who said she u**y is very very blind!!!

shook, the pixs u posted - care to share the names of the bb(s)??
Hi mummies who were at the gathering on Saturday. Nice meeting all of you. Had a great time thou Jovan started getting cranky at the end. Luckily hubby came and he started to sleep in the car.

Nat, you must have had a busy time cleaning up the place after that. Shag day yah. Your place is really windy. Your hubby is so friendly and voluntered to help me look after Jovan.So nice of him.

Sanrio, no worries, take your time, no hurry. No rush for the bandana. Just let me koe when u r free. I'm still hesitating if I should get the sling cos since he is almost 6 mths liao, wonder whether he can stay put in tat. If only I had seen this earlier.

Other other mummies like Pringles, Val, Viv, QSG , you all r so slim n pretty. Envy....

QSG, your bb gal look so happy in the bumbo.

Piglet, Gareth is so adorable n chubby. You must have a hard time carrying him around.

Jessie, so u confirm getting the sling from Sanrio. Hope you will find it useful. Can keep for 2nd bb too ;)

Shook, Chen Chen was a good boy. Didnt hear him fuss at all throughout the gathering.
U u u......I tried to open the page but the page now not available. will try again lateR! Cant wait 2c Ryan.....oh boy, he seems to grow v big liao!!!

U really made me LOL....those konyaku......hhaahahah....sorrie hor, so bad me, laff at u!

Ur gal is so sweet...finally got2 c her!!

U keep saying u fat.........U high expectation lah........sarsi said u r slim n pretty too!

It is a hsewarming that we supposed to go on sat, not bb's full mth. We didnt go as the weather was v bad n Elyse knocked out ard 2+ pm till 6 tat day. Didnt go for the shoe sales too....stayed at home.............

Once I just 'boast' how strong my boy is...hardly fell sick under my care etc.......who knows, the same week, he fell ill 1st time so serious. Scared me off, needed sponging, asked him who mummy, he lied there n just lifted his finger n pointed at me, no strength to even speak! I heartache n hated myself so much then. Me is those that dun believe in any myth or pang tongue type. After this incident, watever related to my kids, I rather pang tongue than regret. For myself, I still 'la la blah blah'...no pang tongue

Luckily, only get to see siblings once a yr......my mil also like to watch tv n claims that my gal luv watching tv!!! If she does not watch, our gals know how to watch?hahahahahha.....but we have no right to stop her frm watching leh........just that dun carry our gals to watch along hor?!
I let Chen Chen try bumbo. So happen Gareth n Matt were there so took pic of 3 of them.
Ya dat gal is Dana, QSG's darling. QSG din bring camera so my hubby took pic for Dana
Changed Chen Chen's clothing not bcoz he wz cold. He water foundtain n wet his romper when we changed his diaper

I wz asking my hubby if u brot camera coz u were the 1st one to post bb bathering photos taken @ my plc. My hubby said he saw your hubby armed wif camera. Alicia is v sweet in the dress
Chen Chen sticks to me when he wants comfort. But he is ok after a while if my hubby took over w/o Chen Chen's consent. Guess Alicia sticks to u so much coz she is wif u most of the time since u r a sahm

Ya hubby moody. His old juz turned 1 yr n 1 day old on dat day. He has v gd track record on driving. Never scratch his car b4. Dat's y I said the slippers bring bad luck. Buy my hubby denied. He cut himself on Sat too
Elyse looks more n more like u
It is me who said u attending bb full mth party. Sotong me misled the others

Welcome back!
Thx for sharing your photos. Ryan looks like 2 yrs old. How old is he now?
Check wif u when non occupants leave their shoes in your hse so dat whenever they come, they hv shoes to wear. Will it bring bad luck to the owners of the hse?

Gd dat Vane's fever gone fast
My hubby's car scratched n dented a bit. He said will ask technician can do something to it when he sends 4 service

1st pic Chen Chen n Matt (nat's boi)
2nd pic Chen Chen , Matt n Gareth (Pigletz's boi)
the gal in pink is Dana QSG's gal

Din know your name is Peggy. Wz wondering who r u. Chen Chen is the famous sleepy prince here
HEY Ruffy,
Just viewed ur pix....I luv the way u dress Ryan! Most of the pieces r so nice....where do u get them? DUN TELL ME THEY R FRM HK AH!

REad n gather that u r a rather prudent mama when comes to buying things for Ryan, care to share where do u normally get stuffs for Ryan? Boys' thing v limited n hard to find leh!

Ryan grows up liao but look wise not much changes. His hair suits his face. Oh mine, pao pao looks gracious..............U keeping long hair?
Hahahahah Shook,
U so funni! So kia si, quickly grab hold of 'fengshui' queen Ruffy for advice!

Fengshui aspect, preferably, no shoes at drsteps. It is becos 'qi' flow n gathers those 'bad aura' n ????......something along this line.......Ruffy, where r u?
nice pic u took. ai ya, tis tx din take foto of ashrel n all babies. mummy busy, he sleepy, so..
i'll email u n let u noe more abt d pdts.

no prob. i only started using d sling recently cos he's real heavy. useful wen i brg him for walk n go shopping. cos many tx he refuse to sit in pram.

glad alicia is okie w the sling. practice makes perfect. at least u got both choices. i wen bundle of joy, more girl than boi stuff as usual.

elyse like 'grow so much' since i last saw her. really hope to c u n her n ur ah boi in the next gathering leh

here's pic of ashrel, taken at hm b4 we wen nat's place:

gd to hear tat vane is okie now. next gathering u cum, i demo sling 4 u agn (tink by then u expert liao right..)
Hi sahm, Elyse looks so natural infront of the camera leh. So sweet!

Hi ruffy, you enjoyed your stay in HK? I like your boi in the Chinese costume.

Hi lyn, how do you dispose your jelly?

Hi sarsi, you went to the gathering? Miss out the chance to meet you leh.

Hi sahm, ya lor. Can't stop my mil from carrying my gal so it also means that can't stop her from letting my gal watch TV lor. Actually, I already quite happy that she doesn't smoke infront of my gal.

Hi shook, the one in bumbo is Chen Chen? I can't recognise him leh. Lucky thing, it went off on that nite. But she was so cranky over the weekends till I so tired today.

Hi sanrio, anywhere that I can see the bandana and sling?

Hope hubby's car will be ok too...

About slippers...come to think of it...My MIL left her house slippers in case she wanted to come by...our car has got 3-4 unxplainable scratches across the boot area..like someone but something on it and dragged it across..

Maybe I just paranoid...LOL

Oh we went out y'day..Matt saw MIL and cry..Mil call n call him he turned n hide his face in my shirt n cry... When he saw his YE YE who said, "why?? Why??"

He flashed his big smile admists all the tears. MIL said, "Why don't smile at MaMa?? You not well ah??" Matt started again..I'm really clueless now.


Welcome back..

luckily you didn't miss out... now I remember you as Sarsi...lol. I also got your face to go along with your nick n name..
. Thanks for coming!!!


Good thing all is ok...hope you had a good rest too!!


Too bad about your Konnyyaku...I was looking forward to something sweet n cold apart from the cakes..

Well, you missed out on my windy house...but seems like the pictures couldn't capture it as no one's hair blowing all over the place..heh heh

We had a little presentation on the Aromatherapy oils I'm using..Thanks to those who showed interest..I'll get the supplies soon as I don't stock them at home..

Oh..and you missed sanrio's Baby products..tying sarong demonstration, teething dolls n bandana.

We had sandwiches (tuna n Egg), pasta (chicken chipolata n mince w tomato base), ferro roche chocolates, fruit salad, cheese cake, nuggets and kuey lapis.


How was my Pasta ah?? Nice or not?? I made the sauce myself, but I usually do Beef..first time I did chicken mince n chipolats...now must fish fish for compliments..heh heh

the painting done by KK n me when we moved in...about 4 yrs now??

The ceiling is lousy job as we couldn't see wat we missed until it was dry. The previous owner used gloss.. so now we got this guy to do it for $20. So at least we don't have wet look for the ceiling for our next party on xmas..

Yah, I did full time..RMIT, Monash n Melb U. Too free la..I got no night life one, n shops closed 5pm...so best to study lo..anyway got no one course allowin me to do the things I wanted to learn.. sigh else no need use so much $$.
mummies, postings here really make me dizzy!!

shook, tks for the who who's v.confused between chen n matt!! both look alike!!

giggler/sahm, i share a few tray among my neighbours, my mum n her neighbours.... really sorry cant make it to the gathering.

but duno gd or not to be absent - after all i jus recovered frm my stuffy nose - but still the throat needs more moisture....Ah hmmmm..
Shook, thanks for your concern. currently i am already using 2 bags - my pump in style breast pump comes in a back pack packaging and with the cooler carrier bag inside i can't squeeze in anything else so used another hand carry.
Help me thank your hubby for taking pics for Dana and helping to carry my bag that day. Can you email me the pics with her inside?

Sarsi, I looked slim only but got alot of fats especially tummy, till now alot of clothes can't wear. Certain clothes will make me look 4 months pregnant. That day i wore something that make me look slim
. I am glad she was okay in the bumbo that day as she gets bored easily when at home maybe that day too many things to keep her busy watching. Since she was okay in bumbo, i can free my hands to makan.

Sahm, thanks for your compliments for Dana. I put on a cardigan for her as she was wearing sleeveless romper dress, afraid it is too windy for her.

Piglet, think your hubby took some pics that day,can share with us?

Nat, your pasta is nice and hot.

Lyn, yesterday nite i went for a thanksgiving dinner and got Konyaku and they reminded me of you.

Ohh..the sauce u made it urself? Haha...I tell u, my mum was commenting tat the sauce is good and ask if u made it or off the shelf. I told her "aiyo..people where got so free to make. Buy one lah!!" :p
