(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Nat, I'm so sleepy now cos didn't really have the chance to sleep last nite.

Hi lyn, at least you don't need to throw your jelly away lah. Drink more water for your throat.

hi mummies at the gathering,
so sorry that i came late and left early...cos my girl just recovered, dun want to stay too late. And only talked to a few mummies there, cos me not socialable type. Hope have chances next time. And nat, thanks for the gathering and for lending out ur bedroom to me to bf.

Jo, Giggler,
glad that ur babies are well now. My girl recovered, but got slight fever last night again...and her flu seems getting worse. Have see doc for my girl rashes (red dots almost all over body, more of the covered area), doc says its eczema (dun know the spelling), but initially we tot its drug allegies....actually wat does eczema looks like har???
Any experienced mummies can help???

thanks for ur sling demo...i went home and tried out, it works! but hor still not very steady. Very tempted to buy your sling, so soft and looks comfy...but i already have one. Wait till i master the skill perfectly and sell mine away, then can consider yours. Actually also quite interested in ur other pdts, but quite ex leh.
hi Pringles,
Did u go to Kids Mall-Suntec last sunday? I found u & ur girl very familiar leh..

Hi Kis,
My boy oso has a bit of enzema.The PD gave us a special lotion called Hydroderm..very good.We oso use Cetaphil to bath him...

Ur baby very cute leh...
hi mummies,
I saw Bumbo selling at $79 at Carrefour..so tempted to buy but my hubby said our boy won't enjoy sitting still in the bumbo so he refuses to buy leh...
Can sell ur homemade pasta sauce....my hb would luv it! Wow, sound so delicious leh..drooling! Matt seems to have lost some weight, has he?

Hope Elyse is fine by now........Every mum here claimed that they r not so sociable....dun think u r one. U r chatty here, just tat come n go swiftly!

FUME if mil dare smoke in front of Vane!

Car is just like 2nd wife to men.......no wonder ur hb is upset abt it.......understood. Morever, he is 1 that take gd care of it n gd driving record.

Ashrel looks so boyish here......grow up liao!!! He is forever so cheery!

Sling is definitely a gd investment.can use until over 1 yr plus n can keep for 2nd bb. Worth buying...........
hi avocado, thanks, i go home and check for the lotion.

sahm, my elyse haven't fully recovered yet, on and off...and her running nose has worsened

i'm not chatty lah, tat's y i come and go mah, but also no time to catch up with the fast-going postings...but today seems quiet hor.
Today extremely quiet...........i agree.

Is elyse given nasal drop? It helps........sleeps better n thus recuperate better....
Hi Kis, my gal also got eczema. Hers is red, rough patches on her face and neck. But they went off after I applied the cream gave by her PD.

Hi sahm, how to fume when she's a heavy smoker? I'm already thankful that she's auto enough not to smoke infront of Vane.
Hi shook,
Ryan is 9mths.(mar 04 bb)
some of his clothes were bought in SG/Malaysia etc.. from the pic the overalls/chinese costume was bouht in HK.. also bought a lot of pants/jeans n shirts but he hasn't worn them yet.

yeah enjoyed shopping and eating.. will go again next march.
sahm, no nasal drop leh, only flu medicine. Is nasal drop better???

giggler, wat cream was given by your pd? I understand ur situation. my uncle drops by my mum's hse for dinner, and he smokes outside the corridor, sometimes he will come and play with elyse after tat. I also can't tell him off thou he's smelled of smoking. V difficult hor.
depends if Elyse has stuffy nose? Can she sleep well n peacefully? Loud breathing sound?

Nasal drop helps for the above.......

SG where?
hahahahaa.........the red checked shirt is cool....n the 1 under 'the dog' series is nice too...the top n the pant.......so cute!
Top maybe a bit hot for SG hor?
mummies who were at the Sat's gathering
nice meeting all of u

thanks for ur hospitality. nice breeze and good for my girl cos she gets hot n perspire v easily.

thanks for offering to help me out with Jana, but I had to leave early cos Jana's sleepy n cranky. v diff to put her to sleep cos there's too many people around n she's v kpo. Moreover I'm going for a concert so need to bring her over to my mum's place first.

tks for the sling demo. I tried it out too with Jana on Sunday and it's great! but then hor ...she keep slipping downwards and i have to keep adjusting, any advise ?

can send me the list of products u selling, i'll help u circulate, there's quite a no. of mummies in my office.

tks, yah her weight gain for the past 2 weeks v good, abt 500gm. mabbe its becos we started her on solids? alicia's very sweet and girlie esp in the dress, very pretty. u r v gd at dolling her up. where did u get the head band from ?

v happy to see Elyse cos i'm v attracted to her big big eyes.

i'm v impressed with ur girl! she's so well behaved, can just sit there n play on her own. u using the PIS also, v v heavy hor ...i usually dun put the cooler bag into the backpack cos too heavy n v siong for the back. like shook say, i carry it separately to distribute the weight. I just put my hp and a small coin purse into the side pocket so i dun hv to carry any other additional bag.

u n ur mummy so slim n sexy ...nobody can guess u mummy of a 4mth old bb! r u hainanese ? tot i overhead ur mum speaking to y in hainanese.

i din get a chance to go down to suntec for the shoe sale too, v sad to miss it cos all the shoes looks nice. how's vane ? feeling better ?

yah.. initially i also not pang tang but then these things v funny one ...last Saturday my girl had 6 feeds and even wake up in the middle of the nite for milk, so I was just commenting how come she drink so much ... the next day she refuse to dirnk her milk until now, v v diff to feed her. really regret and Scared already, next time dun dare to say anything abt her ...

aiyo..i really bulging everywhere, just that I wear something that's doesn't show my tummy off too much.

aiyo ...u din see my tummy n double chin ? Jovan v gd boy ...can zzz with all the noise around.

nice meeting

i think u must b v scared of konyaku jelly now ... heheh

went to great world for lunch just now and came across this interesting product. its CD that has songs personalized with child's name, can chk out at the website http://www.kidsmusicgifts.com. ruffy, there are sample songs are for Ryan... u just need to download, no need to buy !
aiya ..was typing halfway and posted the message b4 i finish ..blur blur...anyway... it was nice meeting u, Gareth v steady already, how old is he now ?
the red checked shirt was bought during the opening sale at Fox kids.
I don't go to a particular place in SG to buy his clothes.. come to think of it mostly buy home/sleepware in SG..the others are from HK. hehe.
thanks for the link..will listen to the songs when I am free.. at the moment I am teaching Ryan and a few of his friends music and movement on alternative weeks on weekdays.. we use nursery rhymes suitable for certain actions - bouncing, shaking the hands..using the drum/shakers etc.

Merry christmas to Elyse too!! She's a cutie pie in that hat and smile!


Yes, in fact, i was at Kids mall with hubby and Alicia on sunday! Where were u?? Should have called me.You were with your bb? Describe how u look like, maybe i saw u...wat were u shopping for?


I also faced same prob as Viv....Alicia's backside keeps slipping down while in the sarong sling...
Yes, Bundle of Joy has mostly bb gals stuff....sad to say


I also bought 2 CDs called "JustMeMusic" frm suntec with personalised kid's name in all the songs and on the cover. Looks like its the IN thing now huh?

Bought the head band frm KP. She doesn't hv much hair yet....so its just my way of trying to make her more girlish....coz so many aunties at foodcourt come up and tell me....is it a boy?.... while she was wearing pink!


Yes, the pasta sauce was yummy!
Shook, B2B3M4 and mummies,

I recalled a handful of us living in Sengkang. Kindly refresh me on who u are? Just thot of meeting up occasionally for kopi since we're near each other... especially the sahms(not many i think).

B2B3M4....where have u been? Its been a loong time since we've heard frm u.
viv, pringles n kis,
u're most welcome w the sling demo. to prevent bb slipping down: gather as much of d cloth to 'secure' bb bum (ie. for bb to sit on) b4 pulling d sling tight. for sitting/hip position, d cloth needs to cover d side/back of bb knee too. a bit difficult 2 explain here. i c whether can ask my hubby to take some close shots wen i sling ashrel n show to u all. sling needs a bit of practice. for my sling, is not difficult as the back n bum area are padded so bb sit beta on the padding. hope our next gathering is soon n if u all need, i can demo agn (i oso not expert loh).

okie, if u sell ur sling n wan to get 1, let me noe lah, anytx

i'll email u. wat email add?

the pdts are a bit ex cos, for the sling, gd cotton breathable material is used n come w padding for mum n bb comfort n nice embroidery design. for the teether doll, it's specially imported fr USA (patented pdt) n agn it's of high quality.

elyse oso so 'smily'. she n ashrel love to flash their smile
oh now ashrel looks more boi boi hoh, pple oso said so.
Oh yes heard b4 no shoes @ dr step but we still plc shoe rack outside dr. Normally ppl put shoe rack outside dr. 2day my hubby passed his sis's 3 pairs of slipper to her liao. My poor hubby cut his nose while shaving. C la, how u ask me not 2 b paranoid over the shoes. Tis wk n, gonna burn kan men yen in my hse
Ya rite, my hubby takes v gd care of his car
Can't agree more, Matt loose wt. So Chen Chen catches up

Ash joined Chen Chen's sleepy club

Ash looks v happy @ nat's plc

The 1 in blue romper in the bumbo is Chen Chen.
U oso need to take care of yourself then u hv the energy to take care of Vane
My PIL smokers too. My PIL smoked in front of me when I wz pregnant

My hubby heartache of the scratch n dent on his car. Gotta spend $ liao. Really v suay. Actually I dun believe the shoes thing but now I really believe it
Matt n Chen Chen r darling, they know who to flash their smile

U made the pasta sauce. It's mamamia. Teach me how to make leh. I always buy ready made sauce. Luckily u put chicken I dun eat beef

Matt n Chen Chen look alike? Matt hair long long Chen Chen botak botak; Matt ang moh look, Chen Chen Chinese look
Konyaku cooling can help to cool your heatiness

U brot pump to Nat's hse?
U r slim lar, look @ your face, arm n leg. Tummy takes time to go dwn after giving birth. V few like Sanrio n Pringles, hv washboard flat tummy

Most welcome.
How's the concert?
Sanrio, Shook,
My observation towards ur darlings chun hor......

U r always so funny in ur post. Sanrio n Pringles have washboard tummy.......hahahahahhaha......LOL! Both are sahms but so slim, me not like them at all! Even when last time I look after my boy alone full time, also fei fei pang pang

Very inevitable not to have shoes outside the dr leh.........me worst, come in frm main door, all my laundry hanging there......undies watever.........hahahahahha.......u come to my hse, sure exclaims 'CHOY'!

Sunday go pray lah...........maybe bump onto u there

Chen chen n Matt look totally different leh......

Some pple told me it is NOT US that is pang tang....it is the bbs themselves! So dun know coincidence or wat, I also scared liao, like u!

Ya la.....difficult to spell out particularly where we get our bbs' stuff lah....see nice n value for money, just buy lor.........

Yah....B2B3M4, Jo, PVL, where r u? Soyabean n skyblue havent made appt to appear here together yet
hi sahm
i am on leave today and tomorrow, so stay at home with ZL so no time to spend on PC.... actually wanted to go shopping but my mum and youngest sis fall sick, so i have stay at home to look after ZL...

hi giggler
ya lor... so coincidence.... my ZL got sick on friday's midnight very sudden... last night i just discovered that he might get it from my youngest sis.

hi shook
me not sengkanger... me stay at yew tee...
ever since zl sick, he drank very little... but as long as he still looks energetic, i think should be ok.

hi sahm
today i went shopping and tried look for the abacus alphabet... saw one at toy r us... wow... about $50 (discounted price some more)... so ex... still looking for a cheaper one.
photo of zl (sick) on saturday.... anyway when he is feeling better on sunday, i couldn't wait to bring him to orchard shopping from afternoon till night... ;-p

Skyblue reporting mdm!!! Today not free cos got mummies gathering.

My bb also pantang one... Like viv, i was also commenting to my hubby why my ah boi drank so much for so many of his feeds on sat. Then suddenly sun n today always can't finish his feeds. Wah piangz... talk abt pantang. Grghhh...
huh? today gathering? Not working mummies? Another eg of pantang.........better believe!

ZL looks so nb here.......That pigeon fever pad......no use 1. Finish using n dun ever buy again.

No lah, that alphabet abacus is v cheap only! Think abt 10 over dollars? I last saw at Cheri???

Hahahah..........wat an irony. on leave at home, no time to log on but hor, at work, can surf net n online...heheheheh.....no wonder Shook's ah nei nei boss eyeing n spotchecking on her! Our bbs sure are more demanding than our work at office! Heheheheheh.........
In a way lor... but i sort of missed going back to work... Still waiting to give my boi his last feed but still no sign leh n i'm still not sleepy...
Pringles, Jo
Aiyo typo error, Jaz stays in Sengkang, not Jo

Zheng Long still looks gd tho he is sick. He shld b alrite.
Zheng Long ah Zheng Long, want go kai kai or not? U know wat to do huh (saiyang his head)

Me oso pang pang. We can set up pang pang club

Sun go go temple. I will go early early 7+. How abt u?
How come u hang your clothing in the living rm?
Shook, i thought you refering to my bags on normal working days. For last sat, its bec i tot it will be easier to attend to bb while outside if i just have a backpack behind and push the pram so dump everything inside. I din bring breastpump to Nat's place that day but the other things i have inside are heavy already

Its almost 5 months already but my tummy instead of getting smaller its getting bigger that's why i'm concerned especially i din exercise and still eating alot. Gets hungry easily maybe due to breastfeeding.

You can email the photos to [email protected]
hi Pringles,
I wasn't sure if it was you..I can recognize Alicia. I was with my hubby. I left my baby wf my MIL....we were shopping for rocking chair.

I was the lady in bare back black tops & dark red (with stripes)mini skirt. I think u saw me. I kept on looking at u & ur baby...I scare i recognize the wrong person so didn't dare to call u leh..
hi Pringles,
Alicia looks more chubby in person...She's very guai..My boy very noti.He is very active even I carry him...
jo, hope ZL is getting better!! c that fever pad...so heartache...

shook, sahm...all bb looks the same to me botak chubby, cute!! who's that hunk with dana?? Chen??? sorry i realy got mixed up!!! u 2 setting up pangtang lub?!?! i tot we all modern n westernise (but exactly there's still a bit of traditional roots in me)

pringles.....me staying quite near SK, me at Pasir Ris, jus across the expressway.

is konyaku cooling?? my are added with de coco, some with logan, some with pineapple cubes....where got cooling :p

qsg, sorry to hv missed gathering. how to pass the brown rice cereal to you now??

mummies, can any of you adv me wat's goin on?? jerald hd bn pulling, doing someting....until last evening upon closer inspection his ears were all red - and he scratches till there's slightly some blood/broken skin...but no smell/water... wat's wrong with him?? mum said he jus notty - no need get paranoid!!!
U real funny!!! hahahhahaha......buay tahan U sweetie! It is PANG PANG (fatty) CLUB that Shook wants to set up, not PANG TANG CLUB!
How u blunder time after time but I like, so comical u!

Pulling ears is part n parcel of bbs' gesture leh, dun need to be unduly alarmed.......

I will keep a look out of u too whenever I go out jalan
. Now that pple recognise u n u dun recognise pple, beware of being studied n stared!! Nvr mind, feel like a shining star, hahahahaha.....

Y u go so early ah? Sunday mah. Tot only wkdays then go so early as u need to start work?
Huh...how to explain ah? At the entrance, it is the access area which was bought n became the balcony, so I hang my laundry there lor.

2day gd day to shop.........ZL ok by now?

Whenever my girl is back on Fri for the wkends, I sometimes look forward to quickly send her back to MIL. But when Sunday evening comes, I 'bu she de' badly, sometimes even teary till now! But my joyful boy kind of cushion the 'separation' better, with the attention he wants n the cuteness he provides. Guess when u r getting back to work, u will have the feeling that Shook, Hazel etc mummies experienced!

Cherish the presence!
Shook, wrong wrong, I stay in Hougang.....

Viv, my boy is those type that can sleep anywhere if he wants to. But if he dun want, how you make him sleep he oso dun wan.

Nat, yap its hard to associate our nick, real name and face from juz one gathering. Muz meet a few more times. I oso felt tat Matt has lost a bit of weight. Or mb cos he looked taller now.

You gals saw the bb stuff at Fox? They are really really nice. The girl girl stuff lagi nice. I spent so much there. Its oso very affordable. Tat time they had 30% very cheap. The jeans was like $23 and after less onli abt $16. The tops is abt $9-$16 and after disc even cheaper. The boys stuff are very sporty looking. Nice Nice.....
hi Lyn,
my boy oso likes to pull his ear.I believe they r boring so start to play around wf their bodies.My boy oso likes to pull his hair, play wf his bolster...why not u give him some soft toys to keep his hands busy??
i remember u mention that u using some hair tonic is it ? can recommend ?

u hv the contact for "JustMeMusic" ? the one @ great world doesn't have the CD with my girl's name.

the concert is v nice, its the SSO christmas concert, there's a sing-a-long at the end, so u sing xmas carols and sso plays for you ...

wah...bare back n mini skirt...hmmm...sexy mummy

Jana does that too, she's always pulling/scratching her left ear. initially i tot it was some ear infection but pd said its ok cos bb learning abt sensations.

elyse can sit on her own already ?
Hi ruffy, good that you enjoyed your trip with your family.

Hi Kis, your case is a lot better cos your uncle smokes outside your house. For my case, my mil smokes in my living room the whole day. That's why, I'll bring my gal to my room once I reach home.

Hi viv, thanks for asking. Vane is ok liao. I just got the personalised CD from Vane's god-ma.

Hi pringles, I'm thinking of getting one of the head bands for Vane too.

Hi sanrio, can PM me?

Hi shook, what did your hubby tell his sis when returning their shoes? Both your pils smoke? It's very difficult to stop my mil to smoke lor. But the funny thing is when she goes to her daughter's place, she'll smoke outside of the house. But in my place, she'll just sit infront of the TV and smoke smoke all day. Sigh........

Hi jo, aiyo the flu virus really strong recently. ZL is sick and you still take pix of him? But he looks ok in the pic leh.

Hi QSG, I think I also put on weight instead of losing weight leh. Eat a lot compared to last time and think it's due to bfg. Now, I don't even dare to weigh myself.

Hi sahm, you haven take over Elyse from your mil full-time?

Hi sarsi, I like Fox baby stuff too. Which outlet do you go? I regretted for not getting one of the frocks that they sold the other time. I can't seem to find any of them now. Sigh..

Hi avocado, you sounds sexy leh. Wearing bare back and mini-skirt. ;)
Lyn, can you bring the cereals and put in your office first and PM me your handphone number? I sms you maybe one of this days (this week or next) to get from you during lunch time.Your lunch time from what time to what time? Usually i finish pumping about 12.50pm then go out.

Giggler, i also din bother to weigh myself nowadays think haven't done so for at least 3 months but once in a while i measure my waistline.

Sarsi,which fox outlet you go to? i went to the one inside seiyu before, nothing much. seems that most are t-shirts and the sale person said nothing for my baby's age. Is it having sale now? until when?
Elyse can sit by herself for few mins only...here she was able to, cos she was hanging on to the abacus........

I will ki siao if pil smoke in my hse or anywhere when my kids r ard!! Haiz......v jialard. They staying with u rite? So they treat the hse as theirs and smoke anywhere in the hse lor. SIL's pl, they r guest, so have the courtesy to smoke outside.

We intend to bring Elyse back after CNY........getting cold feet now
Fox is having 15% off for bb stuff for DBS Cardholders. THey have bb clothes at Raffles City Shopping Centre and Great World, am not sure about the other outlets. Happy Shopping
sahm, sorry!!! me realy sotong so its the pang pang club!!! aiyo!!silly me.

avocado, viv..i gave them a few toys (one at a time) teether, blocks...toys....etc...all ended up in his mouth - yes it keeps his hands AS WELL AS MOUTH bz!!!

qsg, pm you already....dun to rush out if u are bz.....i normally take light lunch (sandwich/bread...etc) i can wait for you.
hi Jo,Giggler,
Flu virus is everywhere! Lots of my family members & colleagues fall sick. My boy finally recovers though still hv a bit of running nose..Happy to c him active again....

hi Viv,
I was sick for the past two wks..i passed the virus to my boy & ended up he was sick oso.It was a torturing wk & i lost 3kgs...My boy oso lost a bit of wt..so heartpain to c him slim down.I wanna feed him cereal again when he's fully recovers.
hi Lyn,
same same..my boy put anything into his mouth.I wash his boslter cover alternate day! can't stand him playing his saliva all over his bolster & hand.

why not u try to wash the toys wf "boiled" water then let him suck? The prob wf my boy is he likes to play big & heavy toys. So I've to hold the toys for him while he's playing,just in case he bangs the toys onto his face!

Hi sahm,
is it possible to ask ur FIL not to smoke when u bring ur kids there?

hi Giggler,styloBB,
what r the things selling at FOX? Clothes?


here's the website - www.justmemusicasia.com
They can type in any names and burn the CD on the spot!But i must say abit expensive, tho now offer price. $29.90/CD but if u buy 2 CDS then $10 off.


aiyo, Elyse looks like potential mathematician already!!

haha...shining star indeed....like on top of the christmas tree huh? Eh.....people didn't notice me la....they noticed Alicia....she more popular than me....i'm sure Elyse also steals the limelight...but of coz we mummies don't mind, rite?


u working rite?So not possible to meet up....looks like not many sahms around here....but i do hv a few in my block..


wah...u can wear mini skirt and bare back that means u very slim leh....i cannot wear miniskirt...pls post a photo of ur bb and u leh....maybe i can recognise who u are...u managed to get rocking chair? I was interested in their gate, on offer...coz bb crawling over everywhere...must barricade the kitchen area soon. Alicia has put on weight i think, only after her 6 mth assessment....that time, she only gained 200g whn weighed in the clinic.


Sanrio and Val have washboard tummies...me....no no.....flabby tummy....covered under clothing...but nowadays....i can't be bothered anymore....


i was going to say same thing Shook mentioned.....ZL looks gd even whn sick
