(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Put me in the Guiness record book for the longest posting here 2nite........

Gd morning to u in advance for tml morning......poor u!

BTW, ur gal is getting cuter n cuter. Will be a pretty gal n u'll have to ward off all her suitors next time.
haha....gd morning sahm for the advanced greeting!And to the other mummies!

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler and Vane
Jo, hubby and Zhenglong
Pokie,Hubby and Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia ~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen ~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald
piglets, hubby and Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
Avocado, hubby n Lionel
QSG n Dana
Valencia n Randall


tks for the info. Gonna check it out asap

oops, bb woke up...gotta go now
guiness record book? hahahaha u r so funny. yes, thanks to ruffy, don think i will bother to try those night feeds. last night saw the mamil night feed sample request form again, wanted to tell u that mamil night feed contains of lactose.

thanks to stylobb, pringles and sahm for the pumpkin tips.

hi shook, u bought the food processor? I also bought the tollyjoy food processor but my friends said it looks like "ma sak".

hi lyn, thanks, think i should do the same. buy brown rice then go to medical shop to grind. what brand of brown rice should i buy? i saw there is made in australia brown rice.
How much the shop owner charge u for grinding brown rice
I oso dun wanna participate in the bb photo contest. Like indirect selling chay

Chen Chen looks like puddington bear?

Thx for the tips on how to choose pumpkin n the dos n dont's of mao kua yam n lotus. How to choose lotus? The type dat will b in powderly form. Most of them is in fibre form can't make into puree. Can feed Chen Chen cucumber, winter melon n lau huang kua?
Guess there is no need to add salt or sugar to chicken/potato/pumpkin/big onion/maze/carrot soup rite. How long u need to boil the soup?
U r v observant. I added 20ml of bm to 2 t spoon of brocoli. Chen Chen finished them. Chen Chen wanna feed himself. The brocoli wz stuck in the spoon, so he lick n lick n wanna get his way to eat the brocoli

Everytime I bargain the seller says very cheap already, can't lower px anymore. I will say ok lor. Never suceed in bargaining unless I buy in bulk. If bargain already dun buy can or not har. I feel v pai say if bargain then dun buy
The way u cover Elyse's hair so cute. Like how those model appear in the TV. She is so adorable can pose somemore in the 2nd shot. Chen Chen always hide his smile when he knows we r taking pic 4 him

The food processor I hv is Pyo Pyo. It is a bb shower gift. Well I find it v useful. Think the owner dun find it useful or already hv a set coz the food processor has yellow spot n turned the other way round, ie u c the foam holding the food processor instead of seeing the food processor. Never mind lar as long as it is useful to me

BTW for those confirmed attending bb gathering @ Nat's plc, kindly let me know wat u gonna bring for pot luck
gd morning gals!

the trip was good, shop n shop but din manage to get all the things i want. Came back n having shopping withdrawal symtoms so yesterday went for some more shopping at mothercare and bought bumbo for Jana
yah..missed my girl especially when I'm expressing cos she'll b "staring" at me
there's a slot for bb picture in my breast pump bag .. also felt guilty leaving her behind so hubby n i make it up by buying lots of clothes for her, hehehe

my girl also gets impatient when i'm changing her, before i can finish stripping her, she start to fuss already. I also shake the ru yi oil bottle, but mummies please b careful cos the cap came off once and the bottle drop out and hit Jana's face.

din bring Jana along for the trip, dun think we can manage, she can only stay awake for 1.5 to 2 hrs. thinking of brining her to KL for short trip. both JW marriot and mandarin oriental are next to shopping mall, so if we stay there then we can shuttle between shopping mall and hotel for her naps.

ur boy's really look like paddinton bear and also quite hip-hop ! is he feeling better ? hang on in there ok ...just tell urself "it will pass soon ..." n get watever help u need, we mummies r human being after all, will go crazy if we hv to carry a crying bb for hours.

alicia is really developing v fast and well ...u must b very proud of her.
hi shook
yes, i also find it useful and fun.

i am not sure but i may bring chocolate chips cookies (self made).... if not successful on that day, then i will bring other food... heehee
aiyoh.... randell so phui phui leh...
i see already wanna pinch and hug leh!

anyway, i noticed edi's nipples are inverted like mummy's... told him "lucky u r a boi leh... if ger next time difficult to bf lah"

i oso bgt the tollyjoy food processor... but hvnt start solids so still in storeroom. its so much more cheaper than the pigeon one, and with the same items somemore.

hehe... chen chen looks like he's in shock eating leh... i oso like pumpkin...
hahaha.... why dun u substitute indian wif another word?

thanks for ur comments.
i dun mind sharing wif mummies here of cos... if they dun mind lookg at it, i wld let them hv the link lor.
elyse never fail to charm me in her photos leh. can she be edi's gf?

u so sweet... wanna mk sure u address everyone in ur post...
stylobb, dunno if ezcema but if it is, not serious, mild only and it doesn't seem to be bothering Dana.

Sahm, you gave me a "big sister" feeling. Elyse's "hat" reminds me of turban

Emily, how are you going to pass the brown rice samples to us? Ethan not going to take them?

lyn, i got 1 can 900g of Enfalac A+ to sell, you still need ? Let me know.
hi soyabean
ya lor, i compared pigeon and tollyjoy, same items but pigeon almost double the price of tollyjoy... branding mah...
MRs Ng...Jo,
Are u a very feminine lady? Dun know leh....just got tis feeling...hahahahah...scully like soyabean, she sounded v noti here but ended up she looks so guai guai girlish type!!
Ya lo....ytd went to replenish milk powder for my kids, nvr buy Mamil Nite....gimmick....
I also think those food grinder frm tollyjoy, mucchkin etc like ma sak,....not sturdy enuff
...maybe me 'lao ku tong' ??

I will stay put for those 3 veg that u asked me. Lao huang kwa more for cooking soup leh....nice meh? All the 3 kwa u mentioned are cooling leh........
Ths soup cook for 1hr plus will do. Pumpkin will dissolve in the soup..........yummy! Sugar? I dun cook anything with sugar or MSG...i add a little bit of salt though. My uncle said must add to bring out the taste of soup leh n I agree too....not more than 1/4 of teaspoon of salt I add.......
Lotus, beats me....in fact, my ah boy was started on brown rice cereal n porridge. Not much varieties, me not adventourous at all. Now as I read more, gather frm mummies here, I want to try this n that for Elyse liao!! so excited! But hoe, Elyse dun seems too keen on our food at all yet......
Last nite went to visit her....such a sweet darling, smiling n chuckling at ah gong.......
Bargaining ah.....me see situation. If bargain fails but salesperson giving gd service, I will 'ok lor' n buy...If not I will smile n say 'Think I can get better price elsewhere...tks'.....tong gong me issit...hb have to thicken his face when he go shopping with me.
When chen chen hides his smile, also gd. He wants his innocent eyes to be the key features...so smart!

Think u didnt share the best pic of edi with us here yet! Share lor the link......
U brilliant...subsituting 'indian' wz another words...LOL....guess Shook's mind was just straight on 10 little Indian boy since we were taught that way since day 1. Shook rite?
No lah, just tot if mums here talk to u, it is of courtesy to reply....1 statement oso gd....

Then everyone is 'big sister' to every1 here at certain instance....
Ur injury can relapse if dun take gd care....remember u wouldnt like to be at MIL, Mum's mercy too much rite?

LOL.....U ah......shopping withdrawal symptoms....so funni!! SO apt too.....
Missing Jana.....definitely lah...making up to her by buying many clothes ah....ayoh....she also blur blur licking her fingers away arma...hehehhehe........only u n hb so pleased when she looks so lovely in those baju u bot 4 her, rite....hahahaha

Tks for grabbing that few mins away frm ur hb to post the location of the brown rice....

Did u intentionally dress up ur boy like paddington bear or...........
Wanted to get the whole range of paddington bear bd cake for my boy till he pri 6, gd idea? Since 1st year already of this character?

Me looking at my pregnancy clothes, nursing bra, breast pump etc n funny feeling rushed up. Just like mon mon mentioned abt her BF'g stopping soon, weird weird feeling.
Packing away all of them n like v bu she de......dun think will use them anymore.....
The turban on elyse's head was just her t-shirt being pulled n tied like turban, b4 her bathtime.
If I am going Nat's pl, I will bring those Eclair toffee sweet frm Mark n Spencer.....every1 can take while they chit chatting away....sweet lip....U r rite on the headcount frm my side but cant confirm on attendance yet

Elyse is indeed a darling. Look at her smile....
and i like the "turban"!


Chen Chen looks tall...wats his height? Chen Chen very guai hor? He always strikes me as the cool baby who can sleep without disturbance even with a storm!LOL. Me still get ulcer in the mouth u know...terrible..one after another...already avoided chocolates..heaty stuff....eat chinese pears....still like that...sigh...how...must drink liang teh everyday??Eat guiling gao everyday?

Giggler....where have u been?


Welcome back! I'm sure u do miss Jana badly....i go out only one day without Alicia and miss her already....the power of mother's love!!
ELyse n Edi........
- SAME height at birth
- SAME 2+ pm babies!!
- SAME starts with E for their names....
Ponder Ponder......20, 30 yrs frm now, will they be fated to be........???....hahahahaha....siow mama!

SHHHHHHHHH.....mama resting......u gd girl huh!
<font color="0000ff">sahm</font>
I managed to clear my Inbox, you can email me !!! Thanx! Elyse looks pretty...dun call her ugly lah! She got unique look!
I found the 3D T-rex dino cake from Smiling Orchid...wondering if I should get that.

<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>
Yah, and he has started walking at 11mths!

<font color="0000ff">QSG</font>
The rahes subsided today?
hi soyabean
wow... after visiting ur website, i can only say "peifu"... i m too lazy/tired to do this...

the food processor is pretty good when i tried to make puree. cheaper than those machine operated food processor.

hi sahm?
feminine? donno leh... nobody comment that to me leh... hahahaha... i also went to buy FM yesterday during lunch time, becoming more and more aunty liao...

ok going for lunch now... brb...
sahm, ur gal so chubby n cute!! getting ready for ur beauty bath??

wow!! if there's ever such med hall - me also v.interested leh - go in pay $$ then that it!! save all the hassle.

dun 4get me love shopping but got v.poor/bad shopping habits!! nobody (even my hb) cant tahan me. very of course comes in handy if u want me to bargain/slash prices!

jo, shook, really cant comment on the brown rice cos my mum takes care of EVERYTHING!! me - as a mum seems not doing anything??!?!? and the charges varies - it all depends what/how much si sen u add.

shook, u must be determine/firm/thick skinned. "v.cheap oready??" doesnt work for me. unless i really want the item otherwise - bargain oready i still leave the shop WITHOUT BUYING!! no need to paisay - if the owner curse n swear - let him be!! me blacklist that shop 4ever!!

btw, pot luck - the konyaku (correct spelling??) jellies

qsg, how much u selling? jerald taking the one without iron.

mummies who hv stop bft, me felt funny on my breast today - so curious i hand express - managed to get a few drops of milk (thick) taste - HORRIBLY SOUR!! normal or not?
U dun scare me....wat unique look elyse has huh? UNIQUE as in 3D T-rex? I doubt my boy know wat's dinosaur leh....

Tell me ur opinion leh, want to hear ur opinion.......continue to buy him paddington bear bd cake or shd I gif him something he will relate to....too too train, aeroplane lah...........his eyes always brighten up..........so boring! Oh yes, or vacuum cleaner bd cake? He simply possessed by it!

U know those design we like may not of fancy to kids leh.................
Wah.....wat this world has become......PC/IT world.....even christmas songs with title 'I Gonna E-MAIL SANTA' !!!!!
where did u hear the song? haha... nw tech so advance, santa oso shld hv email mah...

no lah... very easy to do the website... i didnt put in alot of effort oso...
Hahahaha........santa dun know have forum anot....

Headache.....ah boy childcare has x'mas party n santa is coming. children got to wear disney stuffs. have best dress competition....where to get interesting disney things......dun exactly like their cartoon baju leh.....childcare oso so much pattern.....next time pri school ask me be volunteer blah blah........
<font color="0000ff">sahm</font>
Aiyah, elyse having unique look and the T-rex cake are too separate matters ..hehe!

My opinion ah? Change lah... give him something else lor.. otherwise so predictable...he is getting more aware now...altho I like paddington, I got a paddington bear soft toy.
Yeah, it's true, anyway what does jesse know about 1-year cake? Just that I thot T-rex suits him hahaha!
Jesse's afraid of vacuum cleaner sound cos it resembles the shaver at the barber shop, hahaha!

<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
You like to bargain, then I sure so shy if I go shopping with you, me so lousy at bargaining!
think now robinsons at city hall has disney fair... got sell some disney costumes leh... u can go see got anythg for ah boi or nt...
Tks Soya,
Gonna make a trip dn there....but hor, I dun fancy disney thing! No choice.....dun want my boy to be left out........

Am surfing for bd cake for ah boy.....also think I shd change....kids r excited over varieties, colourfulness etc....dun know will he like 'Chocolate Star' frm Coffeebean...Twinkle twinkle little star......nice anot? Coffeebean cake delicious anot ah?? I belly scared of gaudy cakes.

Smiling cake....their cakes' design not nice leh, look dated.......3D cake difficult to cute....not bear to cut too.....hahahahahah......

U have IM anot huh...........easier to talk tham email leh....

Pack oreadi anot? All the nepia diapers in the luggage....hahhaha........Nepia, I gave up liao....tpy NTUC still no stock!
<font color="0000ff">sahm</font>
Me also dun fancy disney stuff!! KEkeke!
I know Bakerzin Cake is nice!

Look dated ah? Where else got nice designs/ yummy cake?? Share, share...!

Have yahoo msger but no time to chat lah.
Me also waiting for Nepia ... think I'll go get from them next week if NTUC still does not have.
Packed but mostly jesse's stuff...!
Haiz..headache....easy to get marvelicious cake but some are at private estate n no delivery provided...not convenient!

Same wah, coming in here n on IM?

Go travelling, bb's luggage tend to be bigger than hb n urs combined luggage!
Indeed I find that my boy is learning things n picking up things faster at childcare. Think thru learning with other children (big kor kor, jie jie...his role model, peer pressure, mimic), learning thru play &amp; songs, art n crafts.....all better than staying at home. Furthermore, I think he luvs n wants to interact, mingle with kids. happy survivor my boy. he is picking up mandarin frm there too!! MM Lee shd be glad to hear this!

I am a pro-childcare mama....not those mums that says 'ayoh, so young send there, so ke lian etc...'
self made choc chips cookies :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I put dat in the confirmed list

Oh is it. .. Chen Chen looked in shock. He wz v aggressive, wanna snatch spoon n the cup fm me
Gd idea, substitute the word Indian wif Monkey

I love to eat lau huang kua dat my mum boils soup wif cuttlefish n oyster. So thot can give to Chen Chen. Ok I won't give Chen Chen lau huang kua, mao kua, winter melon n cucumber yet. Run outta idea wat other veg to give Chen Chen. Any suggestion?
Ya rite, whenever I hear the tune of 10 Little Indian boy I phobia n skip liao. Never think of substituting tis word wif another word
U like paddington bear?

Dunno wat's Chen Chen's ht now. Haven't bring him for Hep B jab n 6 mth assessment. Let u know after we bring him to PD
There is a mtd dat a Chinese sin seh shared on the TV on how to cure ulcer. Let me ask my mum then let u know. Think it is mixing n egg into boiled green bean water, no sugar added

I gotta pai shi fm u on bargaining.
Ok I add konyaku next to your name. I love to make konyaku n agar agar

R u still breastfeeding?

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler and Vane
Jo, hubby and Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby and Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby and Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
Avocado, hubby n Lionel
QSG n Dana
Valencia n Randall
sahm, helper, ah boi n Elyse :)~ Eclair toffee sweet
Shook, continue pumping... think of chen chen... don't stress too much... that's what's happening with me.

Regarding nestle brown rice milk cereals, it is sample packs... my mom works in clinic, so she collect for me. I am trying not to introduce Ethan to cow's milk coz he has never taken it before... and milk cereals have that. I only give Ethan plain rice cereal which I mix with my milk. For milk cereals, u only need to mix with water. btw, what was chen chen's 1st meal?? Ethan's was rice cereal.

If anyone is interested, I can pass to u from Punggol or Sengkang. Furthest I can go is Newton MRT... coz I work around there.

sahm, ai yoh! ur gal soooo cute!!!!
hi sahm
my friends always discourage me to send bb to childcare too early cos easy to get sick...etc but personally i feel very positive about childcare and looking forwards to send my boy to childcare once he reaches 18mths! oh do u know about etonhouse@ vanda road (nearer to my office). my friend suggesting donno what learning ladder.... have u heard before? maybe next year, i will start visiting childcares....

hi shook
u r so creative to put :)~
ok! i will try to make the cookies this week or maybe tonight... wait until my son Zzzzzzzz... i just got the recipe from my colleague yesterday, she made very nice cookies... so i am very determine to learn from her!

why nobody make agar agar? i like the type of agar agar with coconut layer...
Hi mummies, I just came back to work after 3 days of mc. Suffered from severe flu and eye also swollen sigh. Now spending time to go thru the postings but may give up soon cos my eyes getting blur liao.
stylobb, think still abit of rashes but din see clearly this morning since in a rush.

joey, i tried to make chocolate chip cookies last sat but not successful, so sad have to throw away most of it. I used the Hershey's recipe. I tried the chocolate cake sometime back taste quite nice but doesn't look as nice as those sell outside

Today 2nd boss on leave, no need to rush back from lunch to pump(borrowing his room during lunch time to pump), rushed down to bugis junction for quick shop shop, went to seiyu childrens dept, most of the clothes got discount...15-20%. Heard JL having 15% storewide tomorrow onwards and OG 20% tomorrow till sunday, so time of shopping for mummies again!

Shook, i dunno what to bring yet, will let you know nearer to the date.

Lyn, not sure if the can i have got iron but i believe its the same type used when Jerald is born? I go home and check first. My bb born in same month as Jerald in KK and i think that month all use enfalac A+.
Hi Viv, so you miss Jana or not?

Hi shook, you only give Chen Chen veggies so far? No rice cereals or brown rice or porridge?

Hi sahm, you really creative in taking your gal's pix leh.

Hi Pringles, have been feeling sick since last Fri. Got severe flu and still feel weak even now.
Hi jo, ya lor... having serious flu. Haven fully recovered. Luckily, Vane didn't get it from me. (touching wood now)
soyabean, the webpages u did for edi was so good!! me not into the web thing - can only follow instructions and upload pixs - cant put in cute little jummping cartoon or links....

stylobb, when it comes to diaper - me still got a lot to learn frm u

sahm, u getting nice baju for boi boi?? can try taka sale ending tis wkend - can go hv a look. as for the b'day cake try www.ecreative.com.sg i got thier catalog for 2005 floral &amp; cake designs. got nice 3d cake on too too train/plane...lots more. can c c look look for ideas.

as for coffeebean cakes - nice but expensive. also must request less cream!! me jus bought for boss's b'day in may this yr.

jo, u think i good life?? my hb said me spoilt by my parents - imagine now i'm already mummy to my own son!! me v.dependent on who i can dependent - no gd.

shook, better not - cause me also walk out if i dun get what i want (unless i want it badly) also gana cursed n swear at by the shop owners :p

emily, can i get 2pkts frm you?? 2enough - let jerald try out when he hit 6mths. u seems not on the list goin to nat's plc??

jo, the agar agar with coconut layer must do it with skill otherwise whole thing down the drain - if u fancy - i can get some on my way frm TP Mall. NO WORRIES - MY TREATS ON TOP OF THE KONYAKU.

QSG, there's 2 type in the mkt $21.50 with normal iron level (i gave this to him cos not too heaty - no rusty taste). the other is wat KKH is giving - $29+++ with extra dose of iron.

frm raffles u go all the way to bugis jln jln?!!? all in 1hrs time???
giggler, hope u get well soon. there's a photography contest for bb - but a fee of $15 is applicable. Not sure u might b interested or not but believe Vane stands high chance of winning some good prizes.
lyn, think the one i have is with extra dose of iron bec we bought exactly same as the one in KKH and the retail price is 29+++. So you dun want right? nevermind. The normal one should be Enfalac without the "+".

I walk very fast and just browse through quickly then tabao lunch back office. Initially wanted to check out the shop you mention at China Square central but tot since boss not around, make use of the chance to go abit further.
hi qsg
yes, i believe practice makes perfect. tonight 1st try, tomorrow 2nd try, next week 3rd try sure ok! heehee...

hi giggler
ya lor, i also dare not ask u if u pass it to vane or not. bb sick no joke.

hi lyn
wow... u so nice
no lah... got knoyaku enough liao. yes, i have tried to make agar agar with coconut... failed very badly... don even wan to try again.
Hi lyn, I rec'd the email from my sil too. Is it from Kidzoomer? Not sure if I want to pay $15 for the contest leh.

Hi jo, do u know that my hubby got the flu from me but Vane still ok so far? (touching wood). Not sure if it's the power of bfg.
<font color="0000ff">shook</font>
Me no more breastfeeding..hehe.. but last time I had tendency to get so stressed when I was pumping..think I should learn to be more relaxed.

<font color="0000ff">joey</font>
My mum makes the yummy agar2 with coconut layer, her friends always ask for it, but ironically I dun like it...

<font color="0000ff">giggler</font>
Sounds so terrible..hope you have a good rest over the weekend.
there are edi's photos on the webbie..

hope u get well soon.
no wonder didnt see u for the past few days.

haha... monkey is a good word!

ok... need to go pump already. missed the 2pm pump cos hvg a mtg... come back later.
qsg, sorry no deal here - me dun like the one with extra dose of iron - got rusty taste!!!

jo, no issue - it's along the way. no trouble.

giggler, the participation fee of $15 is really a put off!!

hi giggler
donno leh... but my colleague's daughter is on bf until few years old but hor... she always fall sick leh...

hi stylobb
r u coming to the gathering? heehee...

hi soyabean
yes, i saw edi's photos liao... he really looks like his daddy leh... but he is cute cute version.

hi lyn
so paisei...... :") heehee.... thanks but seriously konyaku is good enough liao...
