(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


like Emily says....maybe your baby might like other semi-solids. I just fed steamed pumpkin to Alicia today...she loves it and the texture is great..it doesn't flow out of her mouth but stays in her mouth while she slowly munches and let it dissolve b4 swallowing...its full of nutrients too!


brown rice is better....unpolished rice(chor bee)too rough and if not enuf water intake, bb can hv constipation due to the amount of fiber they are not used to yet.
Hi mummies,
Thks for wishing my boi well and all ur compliments abt my boi.

Ashrel must be a very happy bb. He always look so happy in the fotos...

The 1st nite my boi started screaming away, I cried along with him until my hubby scare n took over. He immediately SOS my aunt to come over to my pl to take over. After delivery, I've been having depression on n off. I also dun know why.

Ashrel is one very happy baby! His skin doesn't look like he's got eczema...i'm also diligently moisturising Alicia's skin...on and off apply hydrocort when necessary....she perspires very easily..like daddy....but try not to worry....unless someone in the family has history of skin allergies,its one of those childhood things that should go away....

postnatal depression is not uncommon. I remembered i cried a bit too after returning home after discharge. In hospital still holiday mood, come home...face the real truth. There's now 3 of us in the family...not 2 anymore....crying baby...tired mummy who's still bleeding away....pumping now and then....waking thru the nites and looks still abit out of shape..etc....dun worry....give yourself time to adjust....it'll get better as each day passes...you'll be more experienced with bb....slowly get to understand ur bb's cry..needs....it takes time to know him....his character....how old is he again? Things will get better....stay positive ok??
My boi is gonna be 3 mths tomoro. I've definitely gotten more used to him now as compared to the 1st mth. Jus that when he has tis colic attack, he doesn't seem to want me, kept struggling n struggling n screaming away. But i know it's not me he's rejecting, but rather he is feeling some discomfort n maybe that's his way of letting off steam.
jo, ready that cant give cereal in bottle b'cos of a few reasons but i remember someting to do abt his growth of gigi

skyblue, u not alone lah - me oso xiao xiao after my CL left! all alone with bb (sometimes with my mum/hubby) really helpless!!!
SO many posting, how to run thru.........I v moody now, hse so dirty, die die must mop today...n think that time of mth ard the corner...vvvvv mang chang!

Foto 1st.........

Ur boy can join the Paddington Bear look alike contest!!! What do u think....see my boy's paddinging bear cake........didi look alike!


Ashrel NVR a fat boy in my opinion! He is macho! He is always so generous with his smile. V v v nice n cute...feel like cuddling him!

Think mmost of us no hope on massaging our 5,6mth bbs now. Dressing them is so challenging liao, still talk abt massaging? My girl will fire me if I still go massage her???!!! She has not experienced my sensational wonderful touch b4........

Talk again
Hi Ladies,

was wondering if anyone knows of the orchrad road carnival on the 18th Dec?? I heard there are floats etc etc..anyone knows what time that is happening??
lyn n jo,
yes i read fr brochures n bb magazine tat we shd not ' bottle feed' rice cereal, oops cant remb d exact reason.

2mrow hubby taking leave, ask me to mt up w frd for makan n shopping. kind of look 4ward to it but a bit 'bu se de' n 'bu fan xin' ashrel leh.
yes he loves to smile a lot. evytx wake up (if not hungry), will smile n smile abt 15-20min in his cot. oso wen i pat him to slp, slp oreadi (eyes close), will smile n smile at me. his smile really warm my heart..

my favourite past tx now is take fotos of ashrel n surf net.

how to participate in d bb foto contest ah?

i used to hav bad ezcema. ya, af i diligently take care of his skin n w the cream, he's much beta liao.

yes i remb u
hi sanrio and lyn
yeah lor... i also remember reading that cannot bottle feed rice cereal... <font color="ff6000">anyone knows the reason?</font>
extracted from babycentre:

Julia Youll, R.G.N., R.M., R.H.V.: Experts do not recommend adding cereal to your baby's bottle, as it prevents him from learning how to handle food and to differentiate solids from fluids. Also, the Department of Health recommends that babies do not have anything other than milk, ideally breastmilk, until they are six months old.

There are unfortunately, no proven methods for getting your baby to sleep through the night. Babies are actually programmed in the early weeks to wake frequently for feeds and to make contact. There is a great variation between those who sleep through virtually from the beginning and those who continue to wake up regularly. Some babies seem to be aware of a night / day rhythm earlier than others. After your baby is 3 or 4 months old, she is more likely to sleep for a 5-6 hour stretch, which is considered a more "acceptable" pattern.

To sum up, an infant's ability to sleep through the night is dependent on a developmental and adaptive process rather than just a nutritional need. Perhaps our expectations (in the hope for our own precious sleep) are sometimes a little optimistic?
Mummies whose bbs got ezcema. When(which month) did they start getting ezcema? Seems my bb getting also, got red patches on hands, legs and even face. Doesn't look like milk rash leh. Can just leave them or must apply anything? How long does it take for the patches to go off?
sahm, ur boi b'day cake so huge!! 1st b'day??

sanrio, u can email ur pixs to irene's email. or u can call up for chit chat for further details. BUT FOR EACH ENTRIES THE FEE IS $15

jo, thks for the info - currently jerald taking milk/cereal frm bottle, water/med/gripe water..(fluid) frm a syringe....any other he will reject!! i think he's sort of confused - but if he's comfy abt the arrangement - me ok....dun c the problem.

qsg, val, mummies working in raffles plc....found another bb shop selling nice/cute/affordable clothing. it's @ china square basement - All 4 Kids. Bought a cute "airplane" design romper for jerald - tag $7 - bargain paid only $6.
lyn, do you mean china square central or china square? I thought china square is a food court now got sell clothes ah? Wow! didn't know can bargain when buying things in raffles place.
bottle feed cereal may result in botilism or bb may choke coz too thick and they are eating in the lying down position.. some other website also have the reason( can't remember the website offhand) Anway it is not advisable nowadays to do so.
My boy also dun sleep thru the night yet even though he is 9MO!!.
In thot so bf helps slimming dwn but it doesn't happen to me

Ethan muz b v cute now dat the shop owner used him as a model. Hey shld charge them for dat

I wanna let Chen Chen try diff kinda veg every wk. Comming wk cauliflower n mao kua. Wonder can give him lotus, winter melon, lau huang kua, cucumber, yam or not. Mummy running outta wat veg to buy for Chen Chen. Leafy ones I dunno how to make them into puree
Yes take pic of Ethan's madien feed
Happy 6 mth birthday Ethan!!

wow your colleague v on wrt the theme of the DnD. They muz b v fun ppl

c, c, c how can your white hair due to age.
Being a 1st time parent, we really @ loss when bb cries non stop. Dun blame yourself for wat u did in the past. Me too I don't wanna carry Chen Chen when he cries as I wz afraid it will become a habit for him.

I hv phobia over Indian never sing dat song to Chen Chen

I wanna give Chen Chen pumkin but my mum said pumpkin sweet, afraid Chen Chen may reject bland taste veg after taking pumpkin

Randall looks so diff now. Not so bar bar n short
QSG, it's china sq central - i type frm the the name card - cant be wrong. it's behind the foodcourt - near cold storage. v.near the bridge linking to hong lim. anyway me ah soh oready - so bad habit - buy things always like to try my luck on bargaining, go mkt worse :p

shook, u give chen chen so many varieties of vegie!! gd for him - still trying to stall my mum as long as possible till jerald's hit 6mth b4 giving him brown rice!! tks god the sun is "on leave" lately.

if u determine enough - of course u can - but me soft hearted when coming to my son - must dashed to pick him up if he starts eee ah a bit. even when he sleeping - me just go take peek.
I think due to resize tats y he dun appear to be so bak bak. My hubby said his nay nay lao lao then got the triple layer bak ard the wasit. Haha....

hi sahm
wow... u bought such a cute and expensive cake for your boy, hey ur hubby surname is Ng? same as my hubby.

hi lyn and ruffy
i think as long as rice cereal in milk bottle not too thick, should be ok. anyway i also add abit of rice cereal in his milk bottle at night, hoping that he can sleep throughout the night.... *fat hope*. lately, donno why he wriggles about 3am instead of usual 5am... so i have to wake up at 3am to feed him but still once only.

hi valencia... wow... ur bb very cute in that expensive bumboo! ur boy looks abit like girl hor... how old is he?

hi shook
i read from a book that there is no such thing as spoiling a bb by carrying him. anyway i cannot stand his cry, so most of the time i will only carry him when his cry loud. my mum insisted that we should carry him before he cry loud so that next time he will not cry loud just to get attention.

any mummies here try the dumex night feed? is it good?
hi shook
i think sahm is right it is ok to carry bb when he cries but if toddler, then we should start explaining to him. wow... can't wait for my boy to turn toddler! so fun!!!
Gals, sorry to interrupt.......

If you had emailed me, I cannot reply yet cos my mailbox is full, and I cannot even delete! Hb is looking at it now and I'll let you know once it's cleared.
Rae really looks good!

Why you always say you are old when you are so young?? Hehe...
I imagine poor jerald falling over that 'swing' position ... aiyoh.

Hope you are feeling now.

I understand your depressive mood cos I also had that... important to talk it out and dun think negatively. Hey, really looks like Paddington Bear...hehe!!

Dun be bu she de...go out and have a great time with your hb!!!

My friend's dog also likes my boy.. and my boy went to pull its ear and fur...funny...
hi mummies! If you're interested in where I got the organic baby food, I didn't go to the Brown Rice Paradise in Tanglin Mall. The shop I went to was on the corner of Tomlinson Rd and Orchard Boulevard, in a private apartment called Park House. The shop is called Super Nature. Address is 21 Orchard Boulevard. Maybe Brown Rice Paradise also has the same stuff, I don't know, cos I haven't been there.

Saw in another thread the playyard you got for your boy. I'm interested to get it. Where can i buy it from? I desperately need to put Alicia in it when i'm busy.


Actually, pumpkin is not sweet...some are sweet but not the one i bought. Its quite tasteless i was worried Alicia might not like it...but she actually did.Sweet potato is much sweeter. Just try buying a very small slice. Anyway, u can eat it too...gd for health!


Your boy's paddington bear bday cake looks yum!!


Ya, Alicia also pulled doggie's ear and i quickly stopped her coz i was afraid she offend doggie....when she wants her toy...she can pull the toy with all her strength....she doesn't know doggie isnt a toy!

Hey, never seen your baby b4. Any pics to share? How old is your bb?

Randall is really very round and cute..hehee....think u must be always tempted to kiss his cheeks all the time!
jo, i agree with u abt the cereal n bottle thing. anyway now he also dun wan to lie flat when drink - also want to b carried at an angle

stylobb, saw u on the bfg support group - on the nepia diaper u order bulk frm may?? care to share more?? me v.interested leh - FM can order bulk now diaper also can order bulk - save me time n trouble to fight over the last pkt in the supermkt.

The eczema symptom comes and go....doesn't totally disappear once bb gets it....might prob subside another few months or so....if it get worse or really red, go to PD for prescription.
hi pringles
may i ask when u feed pumpkin to alicia, do u just mash it with spoon? did u add anything to the mashed pumpkin? e.g. milk or water to make it smoother or watery? thanx...
pringles, any idea if eczema is bec parents have so bb have or bb may be allergic to something in breastmilk due to my diet?

Stylobb, my back is slightly better, trying to avoid carrying heavy stuff and using the sling nowadays.
<font color="0000ff">pringles</font>
I think it's good to expose them to animals cos me quite frightened of them..hehe... strangely the dog sorta called him and he responded..went to lick him too. My boy's name is jesse, he is coming to one year in Jan.....me too shy to post photo...

<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
Yep! You stopped b/feeding?
I think there is a minimum order but I haven't ordered before. I only called May asking why the stock at NTUC is not replenished. Seems new stock should be on the shelves soon, NTUC is slow in re-ordering. Meanwhile she said I can go and buy from them direct.

<font color="0000ff">joey</font>
I boiled the pumpkin with the porridge and before feeding I will mash it up so that my boy can swallow otherwise keno choke then how..

<font color="0000ff">privileged</font>
FYI we did not quite succeed in the sleep training! Now it's 50% in the cot and 50% between us, we intend to extend to 2 nites in cot, 1 nite on bed. At least we get some sleep. But he does not bawl now...thank God...

<font color="0000ff">QSG</font>
Back - glad to hear that...!
Dana has eczema?? Serious or not?
Hi mummies,
Have been really busy. How's everyone coping? Planning to start Ashley on brown rice soon. She always looked at us intensely when she's with us at the dinner table. N oso, bring her out for meals are much easier now. No longer need to bring stroller, can let her sit in the high chair. But she have this terrible habit to lick the chair n safety harness. N when the waiter took the chair away when we are abt to leave the resturant, she will make noises n stare at the waiter, as if telling him why he's taking away her chair. SIgh, so young n already so possesive!

How;s Elyse? Has she gone for her jab. I am thinking of pushing her 3rd DPT to next month n take tog with her Hep B shot. Has anyone tried the 6 in 1, the vaccine with Hep B included? Does it cause fever?
SOOOOOooooo many posting, I cant catch up.....just ran thru briefly. Tired after the hsechore.

Elyse does not have as many foto as my boy. Hb dun fancy current camera, passion to take foto not so intense liao.....poor mei mei! Also becos 2nd bb liao.....nothing new? He prefers to carry her, smell her n tickle her. Then elyse will chuckle v loudly n we v happy

So far, feedback was my boy looks like me, some to the extent saying, photocopy?? Elyse maybe too young, not much feedback yet n we also dun find her look like any1 of us...perhaps daddy more?

Bingo......so indeed Alicia is kind of curious n not fearful toward the dog? maybe she was just so thrilled on any new things she is opened to? Like to see her expression in those photo u posted.......v engrossed n interesting. Such shot will be v meaningful n interesting when in future u look back..........

Trick.....me headache also........elyse v chilli padi. Protest n cry if I too slow in dressing her up. Want to flip.......hb have to be crown lor....I have to shake ru yi oil bottle, let her bite wet wipe package lor (bo bien
), be rough to her at times just to get things done n over...hahahahaha..........Maybe gif alicia a teether while u quickly get her dressed? U tried?

I yet to post u any reply when u checked on me if I posted u anything. Then I wrote u something n kena bounced back. So I wait to hear frm u lor
..........tot of posting for u at the other thread but was pre-occupied n who knows, u came here! Same frequency again!!!!! hhahaahaha.....

This idea cross my ming too....how abt feeding Mamil nite powder to Elyse.....just happen to see the advertisement....Then imagination ran wild.....got any 'an mian yao' anot....aids in sleeping?? hahahahahha.............

Ayah, got2 go....2b continued
I like Randell's nei nei lao lao leh....so cute. He looks a little girlish liao......

All skin problem will outgrow as bbs grow older....just natural......

Which mum say cant wait for her bb to become todddler ah.......hahahahah........v v v fun but hor u have to go thru the bb's verbal frustration phase. Tell u, headache mannnn......frustrating also.........I am lucky cos my boy behaves rather fine n ok, manageable nowadays though he is not over 2 or 3yrs mark. 'Terrible 2' phase can starts frm 18mth to 3yrs............

PVL, Stylobb, u read my headache abt my boy on another thread rite? Now, he is really ok, not too bad.....same as Jesse? Phew........
Shook, no no... regarding photo at shop, they take so many kids ones too...

btw, Ethan is not 6mths yet. Only 5mths.. his b/day is 8th July. So sad... I had to give Ethan solids earlier cos not enough breastmilk (no time to pump) and I don't wanna give him formula. Now work not so stress, and ss dropped... so trying to built it up again.
Thanks for wishing Ethan happy 6mth... 5mth also gd lah! But really sad about the breastmilk stuff... sob sob...

B2B3M4, Ethan took the 6-in-1 jab... so far so good... only slightly warm the 1st night after the jab... by the 2nd night he is okay... so no probs so far. btw, now so late can still change jabs mah??

sahm, relax.... household chores don't have to be completed all at once... can do slowly...

hi hi... any mommies want the brown rice milk cereal sample packets?? I can afford to give at least 5 packets or more to each person.
i tried the mammil nite milk..but didn't work on Ryan.. some other friend tried it also and same didn't work.. waste $$. Just FYI.
my boy has ezcema, face, elbow n knee joint, neck n scalp. my poor boy.. me used to hav ezcema. if 1 parent has allergy, 20% bb may hav. if both parents, then it's abt 50-60%. like wat pringles said, it comes n goes. but ashrel has it for quite sometx n din go off, there was abt a wk wen his face is like red lobster. saw paed. Desowen lotion works v well for ezcema but it has steroid. paed said once beta will switch to Elidel (non steroid). mus oso dilgently moisturise n use soapless bath lotion.
his condition is so much beta now.
some bb has ezcema due to allergy to milk protein, if u bf, u can try not to consume diary for 2 wks n c how. if c improvement, then try consume diary n monitor agn. if ezcema recur, then cld b allergy to milk protein..
yes, bb may outgrow ezcema.

randall oso a big boi boi..so cute. u got the same color bumbo as me.

i read tat pumpkin is a nice n nutritious food for bb. i like to eat pumpkin, will let ashrel try wen start weaning.
abt the bb picture contest that lyn posted..i also recevied the e-mail.. it is not free lah.. have to pay $15 entrance fee.. and the prize is only so so. I dont understand the logic of having to pay to enter contest so won't take part.

Sanrio has said it all with regards to eczema....i was also concerned that time whn i went to PD. Asked if its coz by my diet since bfeeding but its 50/50. I tested out, avoided milk etc....but no diff....in the end....it subsided..then these few days....come back again....on and off la....because bbs got too many fatty folds la..hahaa....they will hopefully outgrow it soon(like sahm says)...dun worry too much....just apply cream frm PD and bathe bb not more than 15 mins each time....don't put powder....keep them moisturised but also cool envt...don't ask me how....difficult but that's the way it goes...keeps us mothers real busy.....


kindly tell me where's kids mall? Toa payoh KP has it?

Jo and Sanrio

I just steam pumpkin long enuf till real soft...then i just mash with fork...didn't add anything else coz it was already smooth and wet enuf...melts in the mouth....and bb's saliva helps to digest the food...so its not too dry either.Just nice
(my mom said that some pumpkins are sweeter than others....i dunno how to tell....but seems like bbs don't mind even those not sweet ones)

looks like we all like to use the ru yi oil bottle and shake shake to distract bb when we change them...hahaaa.....in the end...sometimes i also have to be a bit rough...but we have to be real quick....these bbs wriggle like worms!
Teach me bargaining skill leh. I always feel shy n dunno how to bargain
IMHO, diff veg has diff kinda nutrient bsides most of it has bland taste gd to start bb wif veg

Ya Randall like mi le fuo in the 1st photo. He look not as bar bar compared to the time I saw him in the 2 bb gatherings

My colleague taught me not to carry NB to much otherwise they want to b carried. Anyway no chance to let Chen Chen cry too long. My mum or hubby will pick Chen Chen up
Since the time Chen Chen had fever, I carry him whenever he cries coz dat time he rested v comfortably in my arms when I carried him but when hubby took over (coz I wz ill myself), Chen Chen moan non stop. So I know Chen Chen feels most secured n comfortable when in mummy's arms

Y u dun wanna bring Ash along tis time round when u go out wif your hubby?

Oh yes, I love pumpkin, always steam n eat it. All those I tasted r sweet. How u choose tasteless one?
U r rite, sweet potato v sweet, my mum said dun wanna give Chen Chen sweet potato anymore coz he seems to dislike potato after he ate sweet potato

r u still breastfeeding Jesse?
Jesse still sleep in bb cot, he won't climb over the cot?

Sorry me so sotong, thot Ethan's birthday is on 8 Jun
I dunno my ss drop or wat, juz cant get my milk outta pump. Now xpress 1/2 amt when I 1st started work. I v sad 2 c my storage decreasing
Wat is the exiry date of the brown rice milk cereal? Where u get the lobang? How come u dun wanna give to Ethan?

Chen Chen's madien feed



jo, my bb on friso(reg/gold) and Enfalac a+ (without the extra iron) now he also on dumex rice cereal. I've a few tins of samples for step 2 similac, enfalac and mamil gold/nite - will wait for him to reach >6mths before giving him step 2.

stylobb, i think nowsday May v.scare of handling the calls!! suggest u go over and work hand in hand with her!! u like our nepia rep here. yah, if u order direct frm CO, they sure got min order like hlf dozen...etc

emily, where u got so many samples?? wat brand??? a bit interested to know more.
ruffy_happy, yep, there's a chargable fee - me oso didnt join - if win nothing - $15 burned!!

mummies, the shop that my mum when to grind the brown rice is at pearl ctr (no sure correct or not - it's the pink complex - near chinatown mrt) rite towards the end nearest to Furama Hotel, opp is a shop selling luggages. The physician in charge is Kwok Mei Ling. But u can approach any staff to grind the brown rice.
shook, me v.thick skinned!! if i wan something badly - sure ask!! Plus those times spend in HK n BBK - sure can train u into a good purchaser!! no bargain - no deal!!

So many mums came in today n I kind of got lost who asked wat, who comment wat......so shall share to all mummies, can? Some I remember here n there, bits n pieces....v disorganized!

'Pumpkin' mummies.....hahahahaha....
Pumpkin, choose those v orange type to get the sweetness. Those more yellow type is for cooking soup, not as sweet!

Agree...pumpkin is a vvv gd choice for bb...texture gd n v nutritious. Small slice, sometimes cant seems to get. Dun worry, just dump watever remaining into chicken/potatoe/carrot/big onion/maize soup.....v yummy. The addition of pumpkin thickens the soup n it enhance the soup. My whole family luv it! Try it..........I shared this b4....lor sor!

NEVER bottle feed ur bbs lying flat.......read that it will cause ear infection.......

Think dun start mao kua too soon........cooling! Yam is a no no....u know yam has those sticky sticky thing....some adults cant take it, say 'poison', will itch?! In china, they swear by lotus....v gd food.........if u go chinese emporium, u can see lotus powder selling everywhere!

Chen chen 1st solid food seems watery.....he seems more interested in the spoon more than his food!
...finally get to see him eyes big big....not sleeping....v round head....v innocent cute look!

Shook, can try to bargain with 'Is this ur best px? I am sure u can offer me better px....can lah...tks hor' with a smile......try it, it works!
If not, bring Lyn along! hahahahhah

Think u can give up hope massaging Alicia....she is so active.....wont be patient enuff, massage must not be too long a session too.....bbs get restless n cranky.

Hmmm...think my boy was ard 4mths then....I use Nuskin Ylang Ylang massage gel.....Have U read that my boy nvr flipped, so I was able to gif him the sensational touch!

Sat elyse going for her jab, sun got wedding dinner....dun know when then can go Tanglin mall leh.......

Mrs Ng (jo)/Ruffy,
Ya...I kind of sceptical that the nite powder will work but no harm trying.....now after hearing Ruffy's feedback, think I cant be bothered liao.

Cereal in bottle not advisable for safety. If too thick, bbs may choke. But if 1 or 2 teaspoons, shd not be a problem........it will dissolve n milk is still watery.

When there is charges to bb contest, it will normally come along with door gift of bb's stuffs.....in a way, u r paying them if ur bb didnt get any prize frm there

Lyn, Luckily u or another mum (?) mentioned abt buying the rice, washed n sun it, then bring down to medical hall to grind!! I tot just go dn there, pick up, pay n go! Me also crazy liao.....lost my mind!

We are all not perfect mums at start.....motherhood is a journey we embarked n learn along the way. Dun take it too hard if we blunder at times, lost our cool, feeding inappropriate things etc.....BUT DO FEEL GUILTY n learn not to repeat....hahahahhaah......

In the face of a noti n 'challenging u' toddler, I scream at him too....v bad.....it is detrimental but I cant control. U know anger plus rational, v difficult......then followed by guilt......v bad feeling! Many times, when my boy is sleeping, I will go look at his sweet face n sayang him, feeling so sorry that I lost my cool over him!

Totally agree with u, Dick Lee freaks me out in earlier days.....but recently find him charismatic too..........man ah, the older they get, the better n more attractive are they!

U miss piggy, hb hermit ah?

I will go spot Ethan's foto at PP.....
Tks for ur reminder...I am plain hopeless....dun like to mop flr....

Those brown rice sample issit sachet form type?

Do still take good care of ur back though it is better. u know as mums, sometimes, we just pull n strain dun know frm where....for ur case, U really cant afford to......slow down n take care of ur posture.......

SHOOK made me LOL on her phobia for indian, tat's y nvr sing 10 little indian boys! ahahahahaha...........

Edi is a lovely boy n his foto at the websites so lovely n pages so nicely done....have u shared with the mummies here?

It is indeed v v v of content n great feeling seeing our kids showing their learning skills! Edi is picking up things liao...so fast!

I understd how u feel.....

I 1st came to this thread to share abt my girl's diahorrea...i was so disturbed then. thank gdness, shared with sanrio n brenda (?) n felt so much better with their assurance.

Do come in here....many listening ears here. U r a great mum.........

U can gather my boy's name frm the cake. Both my kids' name only 2 names, I mean Elyse Ng and Ng XXX.......both chinese names also exactly the same number of strokes.....I spent days n nites scribbling on paper, calculating, doing all combination of the characters n strokes till 1 fine day.............get it!! Somemore got 2b auspicious......tough n challenging mannn
but full of achievment after that....hope everything 'soon soon' for them

SO fast, rocket fast, Jesse turning 1!!! Hahahaha.....u gonna peng san soon.......toddlerhood soon.......

Hahahah, i can imagine Ashley's expression when the waiter took away the high chair.....but she still bo chap after that rite...'take? take lor?'...ashley, 2 me is a bo chap queen. remember her foto at ur hse.........

Her hair growing?

Y do u want to go for 6-1 jab? Elyse is gd but an early riser....wakes up ard 5+am n refusing to sleep till 11am+...sleep for 30min to 1hr......shiong.....chilli padi. She has managed to put on weight, more chubby nowadays


