(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

wat is this bumbo u gals toking abt? wat's the purpose?

dunno if u gals still rmbr me.. once in a while i pop by before delivering my baby.. now my boy is almost 5 mths liao

pringles, i may not be able to go for the gathering.... dun keep me in suspense lah! Who is your hubby?????

lyn, me older than u also.

Giggler, i can't bear to use the suppository on Ian...

Thot it's quite dangerous esp if bb does have the milk coming out oredi n may jus choke on wat is being regurgitated?
aiyo u 25 a mum still not young. Not many in Singapore 25 a mum already. Only if I were as young as u

Chen Chen wz given suppository 2x. When insert suppository, poo immediately after dat back to no poo 4 many days pd said cannot rely on suppository to poo. He suggested Isomil fm which helps wif constipation. dat wz when i gave chen chen fm once a day.
i read fm bbcentre dat bb's dd remain the same fm can't remember which mth think 3rd mth till bb wean off milk
the swimdiaper cheap can wash somemore. Do u know can wear how many times? van muz b v cute in bikini

bb dun wear swimwear juz a bottom can or not har?

of coz remember u
If I let chen chen lie on his back milk will come out fm his nose. Dat is even worse

U coming to my plc wif??
Wat time u prefer - Thu 3pm ot sat 12pm or sat 3pm?
mon Mon,
U mean the guy that went to slash the lady that worked in the bookshop? I remember that incident too, but only part of it. U mean he committed suicide after that? N that pl is haunted...nvr hear such thing b4 leh....heng ah...cos i still blur blur tao bao food frm there leh...the western food frm there is nice!

Nowadays...hardly go back there........

Hahahahahah..........u so funny...we r digging up our past liao, to see how many times our path ever cross izzit?

I was frm Nanyang Girls High....dun think we will meet even if we were frm same school....cos I senior citizen!!

Lately, I found that I like to bring Elyse out of the hse. Easier to entertain n pass time. She will be entertained by passerby n be distracted. I can get fresh air n shop too! At home, I chat with her, I play n read those flipbook with her. Otherwise ask her to sleep or carry her....or luckily, she can quietly licking her fist while I carry her by the PC/TV.

Ya...running out of idea also...but just keep talking n watching her 'o o e e ah ah' lor.

Yup, I read abt the pacifier versa thumb things frm some links n agree on wat it says, as per ur PD...totally agree. Kids/bbs fingers v prone to bacteria....when they started to crawl, put everything into their mouth......headache...I pray none of my kids is those suck thumb type. pacifier I can control better. When they dun suck thumb, it does not mean they are not aware or not exploring their bodily parts.

serious? ashley crawling liao? That is rocket fast.....luckily my GP called to remind us abt the jab....1 mth 1mth v fast hor?

Latest...BUMBO lor.......now bb swimming lor?

Probably yes......80%.

Ayoh, compasspt ah....me also have PR there liao....Always bring my boy there to the KP. U study hard for ur exam lah....then it's time for us to meet up for the gathering at shook's pl liao.

Hey, tat only spell u r indispensable in the company! Significant person...good mah! Err....but still it is good that u insist on going off for ur leave.....gif others a chance to contribute n cherish ur presencce more
Hi jul, I got no choice leh. But the suppository really effective.

Hi shook, so Isomil fm helps Chen Chen to poo? Which feed do you supplement chen chen with? I still consider if it's necessary to buy the swim diaper.

Hi B2B3M4, Ashley is fast learner leh. Vane only tries to crawl but still not crawling yet.
shook, my baby is on similac excellence, having constipation. So I should switch to isomil?

babylooney, if baby hasnt finished throwing up all the milk, this could be dangerous right? Cause the milk can backflow and cause choking?
Giggler, B2B3M4....mummies,
any idea at which mths bbs will start crawling ah?

I have no clue since my boy started to crawl only ard 9mth+, for 1wk+ n then started walking frm there.

U mean Ashley n Vane havent even sit uprite by herself n oreadi started crawling? Huh...bbs nowadays so fast?
Come lar. Come c your old time buddy bet u n Mon Mon has many old memories to share n recall. I help u take care of Elyse. Your boi sorry la, u gotta jagar him if u bring him for a swim. As a guest, I gotta stay @ home

I gave Chen Chen Dumex. Coz I gave him Dumex 3 days when his jaundice prolonged beyond a mth. Dun wanna waste $ to buy Isomil. He pooed everyday initially after taking fm. We gave him fm once in a day, in the morning, the 2nd feed. After few wks, it doesn't work anymore. Chen Chen looked v lethargic n kang kor when taking fm. Dat wz when his regurgitation wz v v bad. Can spit out like merlion. So my mum added more water than the recommended amt. After finish dat tin of fm, we stop giving Chen Chen fm tho I bot another tin of Dumex. So wasted, wanna sell off the Dumex milk powder.

Ashley is fast. Chen Chen pushing his legs like wanna crawl but can't crawl yet
It depends on where you go for swimming..some condo will fine $1000 if bb doesn't wear swim diapers.. certain swim schools are also particular about it. It would be easier to clean your bb if he wears a swim diaper.. the one giggler showed is quite cheap.. but if there is wind..bb may get chill..so mostly will let him wear disapoable huggies swim diapers ( can be bought from carefour/cold storage) under his wetsuit when we go swimming.
I dunno if Isomil works. I gave Chen Chen Dumex not Isomil refer to my reply to Giggler above. Faye din poo as a result of taking similac?
sahm, looks like my exam revision pao tang liao. Tomorrow have to go back to office. Monday also... Tuesday is exam liao! fingers crossed man!

B2B3M4, your boy very fast wanna crawl... that's gd.
U wanna talk to me izzit, not b2b3m4! U one shot make 2 of us blur....I like that!!! hahahahahahhah.........so ticklish!

ayoh......exam leh..........cant u delegate ur duties to ur subordinates?

Blunder again......B2B3M4's bb is ASHLEY n she is a girl.....hahahhahahahaha
mummies, must bb how to dress bb probably if they are to go for a swim??? those swim diaper neccesary??? cos i think swim suit too expensive!!

shook, wait till you c me nex sat - i look so much older than 25 after giving birth!!

b2b3m4, there's a saying bb 7mth sit, 8mth crawl, 9mth erupting teeth....of course not true for my case since jerald already caught with 2lower gigi - n ur gal is also quite a fast learner - can crawl liao.
shook, faye didnt poo after I started adding FM as nightfeeds, so far have tried enfalac and similac, both also didnt poo.
me too, same here. aloysius oso regurgitate almost after every feed. brought him to c pd & even chinese sinseh oso no use. after every feed we will give him medicine until now he's very afraid to take medicine liao. "sigh" me got used to it oso but still will gan cheong like u.

how did u hold vane when u put her into the swimming pool? did u put any float on her?

the frisovom tat u mentioned does it contain starch? is it meant for reflux?
was ryan better after taking frisovom?
the frisovom is for reflux and constipation. Ryan was better after taking it..but we stopped after giving him 1 tin as the symptoms dissapeared.. He doesn't have reflux anymore.. when was younger used to have like a fountain effect. I can't remember if it constain starch..can be found at Shop N save.
how old is ur bb now?
Aloysius oso hv reflux but pd recommend Enfalac AR oso for reflux but not getting any better leh.
I also gave Aelwen Frisovom as recommended by pd. Like Ruffy, we stopped after she finished the tin as she now poos regular...although not daily but every 2-3 days. Have to make sure the teat hole is bigger than usual cos Frisovom is quite thick in consistency.
Jaz ,
he just turn 8mths.. used to have bad reflux at 2-3mths.. but since giving him the frisovom, gripe water he is better.. now he doesn't throw up after feed and can burp by himself.
Hi sahm, I not sure which mth will bb start crawling but Vane is trying to crawl liao. Vane can sit upright for abt 1min lah.

Hi shook, so you didn't start Chen Chen on Isomil lah. Vane also trying to crawl but couldn't crawl yet. Heehee

Hi ruffy, thanks for your advice on swim diaper. My col told me to get the Huggies one too.

Hi Jaz, my hubby hold her under her armpits in the pool. I'll upload the pix into PC tonite and try to post here ok?
u mean u only give ryan 1 tin & his reflux problem is solve? so good.

i give aloysius about 3 tins liao, still he has reflux. can u remember around which mth ryan recover from reflux?

did u use those normal teat & cut it bigger?
dun mention it.

U taking van swimming often now? I'm looking around for swimming buddies for Ryan.. at least can have some fun..sometime bring him swimming alone can be quite boring.. the weather also.. not so favourable these few days.
hi mums. Haven't posted here for so long. Aiyah, today my Sarah was so naughty. She didn't want to take her naps at all. She cried like she was going to sleep. Then after a while, it was quiet so I thought she was asleep. When I checked...NO, she was playing! Play until long overdue for her nap. How how how???

How many naps do your bbs take during the day? What's the interval between one nap and the next?

Maybe Sarah is trying to stay awake longer, I really don't know.
Ryan's reflux problem stopped when he was about 3mths + coz he didn't have the problem when I moved back home after 2mth CL at mum's place..I also stopped burping him at 5mths coz he doesn't throw up his feed anymore..now after feeding he will automatically burb by himself..and is not affected by physical activity immediately after feed.
Hi Pv,
Hows the potty training going on? Tempted to start it on Ryan..so now doing some reading up on it. Maybe she wants to play more with mummy now? Ryan also has reduced his daytime nap time but now sleep from 9pm-3am..then 1 feed till 7am.. these few days raining.. me v.happy
coz he will sleep for 2-3hrs in the afternoon instead of just 1 hr am/ afternoon.
PVL, Tyra is like that too today!!!!! Aiyoh..these babies!

Mummies, I got my "nice" Dumex box oredy today! hahahahaha! Really very nice!

Jul, still no chance to try out the bottle, cos she is so cranky today. Don't want to ruin any hope...so maybe will try tomolo.
Saw in the papers tha Giant is selling a Giraffe Swing for $49.90 (UP $79). Looks cute..you may want to check it out.
tks for ur infor.

aloysius nowadays oso dun sleep much in the afternoon but if he naps, he can sleep for 2-3hrs. nowadays he gets very cranky prior to sleeping time, we hv to carry him & walk round the house b4 he falls asleep.
ruffy, the toilet training is going fine. No pressure for me or baby. I just take her to sit on the toilet about half hour after the feed, for 10 minutes. Sometimes she poos, sometimes not. Sometimes she pees. Sometimes she also poos in her diaper. Well, no worries there. Just training her to recognise the toilet as the correct place to poo, and to make the sound "ngh-ngh". Then can save $$ and switch to cloth liao.

Mums, how many naps do your 4-5 month olds take during the day? 2? 3?
Hi Jaz,
I'm using the Avent Variable Teats. There are 3 types of flow so I use the fastest flow when feeding frisovom and the slowest for water.

Hi Mommies with bb not pooing,
I tried to take lots of fruits when Aelwen didn't poo. Will take fruits after every meal, even tried taking Prune juice but not too much cos may end up I poo
Anyway, discover by accident that when I take star fruit, she'll poo the next day after taking the EBM I express today. I tested twice and same effect...don't know if it's coincidence
For you info...me also not that young. Hope to catch up with you at the gathering.

I just remember that Aelwen going for jab next Friday. So if she is Ok after the jab should be going for the gathering.
Oh pardon me. My PD recommended Frisovom not Isomil me. Sorry giggler, berry my memory v poor nowadays
Chen Chen Poo alternate or 3 days once. So I dun give him fm anymore

U poor thing. Your boss v mean leh. 1 day leave doesnt make much diff wat. Wat if u go on mc? Dun tell me u still gotta crawl to office? Doesn't make sense. Think your boss juz wanna make things difficult for u like my idiot mgr

Aiyo, wat happened to me. Ya 1st msg is for u. My mgr spot checked me twice today. So I kang cheong spider typed wrongly

Look is deceiving. Wif make up u look any age u want. The real thing is your actual age
mon_mon, the swing my hb buying is frm Garco?!?! batt operated abt $89.90?!?! c pix. i keep hesitating cos me very hesitating type when come to buy expensive stuff - till now my most expensive bag is a elle tote bag - no gucci, prada, lv


we try to put him in a plastic swing the other day at bugis - he dun wan!!

pv,jerald now 4mths - altot he got regular sleeping patterns but of late due to erupting gigi - he a bit cranky! avg day woke up at 7.30/8am dan sleep again 9.30/10 each time 30mins - so can say he naps at least 5/6times in the day and ends the day ard 8.45 - 9.15 the lastest.
Aiyoh!!! Sarah is STILL not asleep. Now she's crying away. I fed her, rocked her to sleep etc etc etc, but when I put her down she just doesn't want to sleep. I give up liao. I think I'll take her and put her in her playpen. i must go and cook dinner. She's been up since 1.35 pm. Don't know what to do already
. She doesn't seem sick. She doesn't seem affected by the lightning or thunder. Panic panic.
i've bn aiming at this swing since the day i put him in!! he enjoy and chuckle loud!!!

but look at his expression on the plastic swing??!!
Hi Jaz, don't have high hopes on the pix cos the cameraman (that's me) no good one.

Hi ruffy, I intend to bring Vane for swim every other week. Where do u stay? We can meet for swim next time hor? Maybe can even ask Ryan to give Vane lessons.

Hi Priviledged, I think my gal takes abt 3 naps in the day. But she only sleep for abt 1hr each.

Hi mon, how much starfruit do you take? I taking prune juice now, hopefully it helps.

Hi shook, so it's Frisovom that everyone talks abt lah. Hopefully I don't need to supplement her due to constipation. Sigh

Hi lyn, Jerald looks like he's in fear when in the plastic swing leh.
Hi mummies,
I'm indeed very confused by all the postings... Yah, sahm is right. Mine is a girl n she;s Ashley.
Actually i don even know whether what she's doing now is considered crawling. Her tummy is on the ground n she pushes herself around.
As a working mum, I dunno Chen Chen's sleep pattern. Heard my dad said Chen Chen doesn't sleep as much as b4. Chen Chen sleeps b/w 1 to 2 hrs on the avg. Well, bb sleeps lesser as he/she grows. As long bb drinking, happy, gain wt, produce wet nappy, nothing to worry

Mon_Mon, Giggler
I took prune, n up I poo so many times but Chen Chen still the same

Initially I kang cheong like u. Now seasoned liao n accept the fact dat bf bb dun poo bcoz they absorb all nutrients in bm
B/w medicine n fm, I rather give fm to take care of no poo problem. I m anti-medicine.
Do u know where I can get cheap plastic holder? I wanna make flash card using A4 paper, so need to put A4 paper in the plastic holder. BTW wat color marker do u use for writing words on the flash card? Is the white board maker ok for writing words on the flash card?

Does Ashley move forward when she pushes herself? Chen Chen moves his legs like crawling but doesn't move forward. May b I shld put him on the flr to "crawl". Perhaps, it is difficult to move forward when on the bed.

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm)
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn + hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + mum + Vane
Piglet + hubby + Gareth (Sat 12/3pm)
B2B3M4 + ??
Everyone is fine wif Sat 3pm. Giggler n B2B3M4 r both of u ok wif Sat 3pm?

Chen Chen is due for jab next Wed but he has not recovered completely fm his cough. Gotta delay his jab. If he is still coughing next Sat, I will lock him in the rm, separate fm other bb

Chen Chen shouting agn today n yes'dy. He recovered fm running nose, guess he wanna celebrate loudy
Mummies in the update list for gathering at my plc
I will sms those who I hv cell phone no my address. I will pm the rest whom I dun hv cell phone no
I stay in the East ( tampines).. how about you? As long as not too far and convnient time I don't mind travelling.. and also.. if there is convenient place to bathe bb afterwards.

Ignorance is Bliss


Pls update me on your address etc at my hp no:94354056


May i know what was your bb's reaction to the cold water first time swimming? I thot they are all afraid of cold water?


Alicia is sleeping less and less these days.... in the day time, she usually sleeps about 1 hr in the late morning and about 40 mins in the afternoon...then by 830 she'll be dead tired so easy to make her go to bed...but on other days....she may sleep 2 hrs in the noon and 30 mins late evening...then her bedtime will be pushed to 930pm...they are constantly changing


Alicia is also on tummy pushing all over the place but she is better at moving backwards ...forward still not very far yet...But she has started to push herself up away frm the ground and she keeps bouncing herself like a frog thats ready to jump...haha..once they start crawling, ....its time for us to put up the barricades!
Talking abt sleeping...my girl was exceptionally cranky just now.......cried her lung out! But the more cranky she is, the merrier am I, meaning she will knock out v fast! Me v 'ah Q' spirit hor?

Sarah not sleeping? I notice my girl also have weird pattern.....one day she sleeps alot, another she simply not sleeping much....45min the most...yes, i heard u saying sarah not sleeping at all. C how thing go tml......Think she is growing up......restless n want to be stretched a little more, napping lesser? BBs's patterns n habits changes v fast.........

My mil also asked us to be wary of my girl....trying to arch her body up n 'dive' forwards.....flip fast too. Doubt they r trying to crawl or can crawl without going thru the sitting up firmly phase.

No harm trying the starfruit, it is good fruit....some pple dun like it...u try going with sng buay powder, not too bad........

Jerald really look gd with his botak head. Suit him well, dun u think so?

Mon MOn,
Yah, catch up at shook's pl...hopefully I can make it...me stuffy nose, sore throat now....

Ur boss really scared u off today.....u r the host, we r the guest! I like u......brighten up my day

Hi hi hi ruffy,
If we just dry our bbs after the swim n then proceed home to bathe, is it ok for the skin? I mean it's chlorine water izzit? think this is 1 way out, if not how.....no heater, no bb's facilities, how to bathe huh? Hmmmm....got more question on swimming, will ask u again later
yah, the water flowing non-stop, so floor is wet from bed to toilet and then toilet to door, on the stairs to downstairs, to the car then at the hospital..all the way to the labour ward ! hee ! v messy !! my girl din turn, she's breech, tt's y the emergency ceasarean.

So far no mosquitoe bite when I bring her to the park, I put a bit of the insect repellant from johnson&johnson.

thanks for the info, i'm planning to bring my girl for a swim next weekend, hopefully weather will b gd. Wat time do u usually bring ur bb for swim ? my sis said that I should do it in evening when the water is heated up by afternoon sun n not so cold ?

mon mon
wah, ur labour so long! did u opt for epidural ?

i guess shopping ctrs are the best place to go cos got air con and changing/nursing facilities, but my hubby don't really like it cos its crowded and he's worried bb may catch virus n fall sick. Can u really shop with the bb around? I find that I'm v distracted, so hardly get to buy anything when shopping with bb.

Mine was also a scheduled ceasarean, but bb decided she wanted to come out earlier, naughty girl! Did the nurse check your cervix ? the nurse check mine leh, I'm wondering y she did it cos i tot for ceasarean dun need to bother abt dilation ? The doc gonna cut us up anyway ...

I haven't cover up the mirrors yet, keep procrastinating it and everytime my mum nag, I'll jus say "ok ok ok ...."
Now she change target and nag at my sis to do it instead, heh!

Good to hear that ur girl finally poo, must have been a great relief for her and for the adults too !
Hi jaz,

U mean after tring the frisovom, ur boi still regurgitated milk after feed? I very hesitant in changing milk powder leh, scare my boi can't get used to it n refused to drink then even worse. Will then have 2 pblms instead of only 1. I jus pray n hope that he'll get better soon... But hearing that ur boi still has tis pblm, I'm thinking I 'jia luck' liao.
My boy is okay with the cold water.. at the swim school they teach how to gradually introduce the bb to water so he is able to regulate his temperature ..slowly bring them step by step into the pool till they are ready to put their hold body in.
My boy is not afraid of water.. he loves being sprayed with the shower.. even during bath..will snatch the shower instead of playing with his bath toys..when he sees water he gets v.excited. Even tried giving him ice to suck when he was teething.. and he likes it..

so far Ryan is okay with it.. his skin is not allergic to the pool water also have no rashes etc..so it is better for him...coz quite hard to bathe bb even if there is hot water as you have no bb bath tub and harder to control the "strength" of water from the push button dispenser in the shower stall. Ryan doesn't like being bathe straight after swimming and will fuss coz he doesn't get to play with water..but if I dry him up then bring him back to bathe he is okay with it as he normally falls asleep on the way home and will wake up less grouchy.
When I go to friends condo..will bring along bath chair to bathe ryan..unless that friend happpen to have bb also ..so can use their bb bath tub.

I normally bring Ryan swimming about 4-4.30pm if possible.. earlier sun can be too scorching sometimes..but for classes..they may have them as early as 3.30pm.

giggler, he dun like the plastic one!!! no cushion for him to sit/lie down not comfy enough for him!! the sec after taking the pix - he screaming liao!

sahm - his hair was lot when he was a nb - but after the man yue hair seems lesser each day!! yah he looks cool in his botak - love to run my palms on his little head n feel the mini durain spikes.

viv, when i bring bb out - my full attention goes to him - no more visits to ladies dept!! straight to kids dept dan go supermkt dan go hme. if i wan to get someting - i'll normally go after work dan dash hme to be with him. no more idle window shop - i think abt what to get - get it immediately dan dash back to him liao....

prev my shopping habits v.bad till my hb dun like go shopping wtih me!! one blouse can test/fit so many colors till in the end didnt buy - but after walking 2 rounds - end up running back to the boutique to get it!! buy bag - hesitate n hesitate - touch n touch didnt buy dan grumble whole day - regret this n that in the end oso buy.... :p
now no more like that.
