(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

So interesting this thread..........MON MON MON MON.....where r u?

see, me 're-united' with old neighbour soon too
Wat a small world hor..........

U know my hb n i always joke tat if our kids ever show interest in medicine....we peng san..where got money to let them study so many years!
U r really gd n capable!

Hb also always complain that ah soh me y go mkt so long.........always got2 stop by to chat with friends ard my estate (remember me a sahm ah soh)....hahahahaha........even at malls, me will be yukking away with mummies n hb will then ask, u know her huh....then I say no n he will shake his head n laugh........

Giggler, Jul,
I really against the idea of resorting to medicine for infants/kids, only in the v worst scenerio. Think I will be like mon mon....8th day then I take action but always ensuring bbs r ok n alert on daily basis. Jul, u meant to say subjective, not objective izzit???

Mon MOn,
WHO R U? Wah, think u stay there as long as I did!!!! SHould have met b4 then?? Cant wait to see u leh............................

I really lol when I read those old thread of urs. Ur hb so funny n apt when he asked chen chen 'wat u want? I already give u my wife?' so sweet too.........

According to my friend, her mom told her that the elders believe that bb will have nightmares when they look at the mirror when they are less than 1 yr old. My MIL also forbid us to do that but we still secretly do that at home cos Aelwen loves it...she will also look very curious.
Bumbo can be used as soon as baby can hold head up steadily right? My friends all swear by it, I think I'll bring my baby to check it out when her neck support is better.

Sigh, I finally gave my baby the pacificer last night, feeling quite sad and guilty but oh well, my sanity's more important. Anyway, how often does the pacificer needs to be washed? For those of you whose baby also using, How many pacifiers do you have to rotate? Do I need to use detergent? Do I need to sterilise it everytime before giving to baby?

POO- if my baby is on 2-4 FM feeds a day (as well as breast milk), how often should she poo? Is 2-3 days considered constipation? How about longer than that? If she gets constipation, then it means the FM brand is not suitable for her, am I right?
giggler, my mum also forbids me to use the mirror on jerald!! her myth is tat bb will recognise n he'll want to play with his reflections!?! so no choice lor at her plc dun play - but during wkend i do what i want when i bring jerald hme.

gd idea to bring grandmas along!!! prev missed the gathering at b2b3m4, b'cos i got hme quite late frm work - n hb not ard to offer extra hands, n me not very confident to bring bb for such long trip so didnt go .... now that you mention to bring ur mum along, now i know that i can also bring my mum along too.

where did u bring vane for her maiden dip?? my colleague hv bn inviting me over to her plc to use the pool but i afraid water too cold for jerald???

val, how's ur 1st day at work?! back in raffles plc rite??? hope to bump into u at golden shoe later (tot i duno how you look like) cos i didnt attend the prev gathering.

sahm, i hvnt bn to the nursery at bugis, taka one - i just hv a quick glimpse and exit cos long q. the one at suntec carrefour is gd got free samples - but everytime go - the shelves empty liao - i got my samples handed out by the promoter.

me born in dec1979, coming to 25 this yr. u still think i'm young mah??? aunty liao lor. you saw his update y'day?? he behaving more like a emperor!! v.demanding!!! think i spoil him liao - but infront of his dady he very well behave cos dady will raise his voice n scold him.
sahm n shhok,
Thks for reassuring me that er ni is nothing serious. Shook, didn't know that Chen Chen still er ni now that he's coming 4 mths rite? U all never discuss here in this thread abt er ni pblm so I assume that all ur babies here dun have tis pblm. That's y I gan cheong, thot there must be smthg wrong with my bb.

Yeah, that's wat old pple say. Dun know wat's the relationship bet er ni n growing though :p
Wow, didn't know the Carrefour changing room gives samples... I didn't go in last time. Only tried the nursing rm on the Kids' floor, not bad, but a bit cramped.

sahm, I have my parents to thank for my education... it really took a huge chunk of my dad's CPF. I could never repay them. I wonder if I can provide for my children like that in future!

I said "cannot be objective" mah.... correct lah....

Berry, I dun think there is a limit how many times u clean the pacifier. My boy hates the pacifier, so we offer once, drop once on floor or come into contact with clothing, we sterilise once. Not too siong for us since we offered only a few times, figured he only wants "the real thing", and we gave up. I still have 2 brand new Avent pacifiers received as gifts, not opened.... any takers?
giggler, jul
take it easy on vane's poo problem dun give medicine. As long bb still drinks, sleeps well n happy, bb is perfectly alrite. U worry when bb's poo is hard like pebble or there is blood in the stool

Ya Loan pump still hv problem xpressing. Juz dwn I bend dwn while xpressing, I can xpress more. V funni leh. Back v sng to bend for 20 min
my mum dun allow us to let chen chen look @ the mirror

hmmm.... u read the postings back to the achives?
my hubby wz at his wit's n Chen Chen still complaining. so he said dat to chen chen

chen chen oso 1 the real thing instead of the dummy

Chen Chen 5 mths old
Hi sanrio,
Long time no "see"!where can we buy the Bumbo from? I've been busy with job search & taking care of my boy...

hi Shook,
how r u? Ur Indian boss sounds like a jerk.My company is even worse. My job oredi obsoleted coz oredi be outsourced. & I've been working in this co coming to 7yrs.I thot I'll get the retrenchment benefits, at the end, they asked me to resign myself!! They actually gave me a timeframe to look for job internally & if I fail to get any job,I've to resign myself.

Now, I've nothing to do..I can come to work anytime any day. My mgr dun bother me at all.

I've applied for nearly 50 jobs,attended 6 interviews since Oct...yet,no respond..feel so sad..

Hi Skyblue,
My 3+months boy frequently chokes when he drinks milk since a month ago.It even worse when we feed him water.

We brought him to see doc,the doc said he has reflux prob so advised us to feed him milk powder with "rice water",to thicken the liquid.He is beta ever since.
Hahahahhah skyblue/Jul
Yah lo.......Jul.....think we all know that too 'I AM SURE THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REGURGITATION AND GROWING UP'.....just old wifes' tale.....v cute hor, such saying. The mirror thingy also v funny...bbs cannot see own reflection, otherwise.....blah blah.....

My girl of 4mths still er ni........

Really have to thks ur dad...tat's his old age's saving.....wei da papa....

Nice mth 2b born...dec! Me luv christmas season...U saw metro' deco? I like their lamp v much. Young lah.....got to turn back the clock dun know how many rounds to get back that tender age!!!

Y sad? Pacifier is ok...can be weaned off easily. Most bbs will either suck thumb or pacifier. Thumb is part of their body....even more difficult n takes longer to wean off rite? Moreover, got to use cloth follow her ard to keep the thumb clean.....more lek chek! The best is both also dun need to use but if were to choose, I choose pacifier.

I sterilize it whenever i steam the bottles. Other time, I wash with pigeon detergent n use hot water to sterilise it in a cup (ongoing during the day).

Takers for Avent pacifiers....free huuh..? ME, Ash using avent too.....berry also can have it hor...........how......christmas gift??
To add on, use the pacifier only at wits' end or before bedtime.....dun use it for convenience. Prolonged suckling of pacifier also can cause thrush, if it is not clean.
Hi avocado,
The word 'OUTSOURCED' has been largely used lately......hear it, see it.....worry! Take it at ur strike lor......God's will, want u to spend more time with ur boy

Bumbo, I saw it at isetan n carrefour....didnt see it at KP, kids mall no idea.
sahm, yeah, I will only use it as my last resort- eg, either give pacifier or go crazy :p Actually I prefer her to suck her thumb, but she still cant find her thumb at this stage, thats why I intro the pacifier.
Berry, she will find her thumb eventually. I used to help Ethan find it! hehee.. now, he loves it so much... he sucks his thumb and drinks from bottle too! so notti!

sahms, me sahm for a week from today... am on exam leave.. wish me luck man! so sian... don't feel like studying today.. my exam is wed. Better start soon man... so much to study.

sahm, if u at punggol area can ask me to go shop shop with u.. hehehee... since i on exam leave.. just call me! ;p

sanrio.. u bought bumbo? Hmmm... i dare not buy for ethan coz he grow so fast ... and hubby says too ex.
I used to stay at one of the 4 blocks of 3-room flats, what about you? Me also can't wait to meet you. Your pix here only side view so cannot see clearly leh

Initially my girl also suck pacifier, then when she found her thumb, she prefers her thumb. But these few days, looks like her thumb not satisfying her....got angry after sucking for a while so give her back her pacifier again.
mummies, in the 1st plc i always dun like jerald to suck anything - i only got him his pacificer when he's 3wks old - otherwise there's no other way i can put him down n sleep quietly on his own. now starting to erupt teeth, he further put his whole hand into his mouth - or i shd say anything he can grab!! i dun stop him - but i make sure i clean his hands every now n dan....

btw, any mummies here bought enfalac for thier bb?? (too lazy to read the archieves) i believe there's 2 type on the mkt one is w/o iron ntuc selling at $21.50 the other one w/iron @ $29.90 i'm wondering any mummies got any lobang for bulk purchases and wanted to share?? i need only 3 tins for the one w/o. but duno where to find lobang.
Hi jul, I've succumbed to medication today cos it's already her 8th day without poo poo. Let me know what your PD says ok? Aiya, it's some superstitious reason lah. But I still let Vane looks at the mirror in my room. ;) Takers for the pacifier? I don't mind if it's X'mas gift for Vane leh. heehee.......

Hi sahm, I got same thinking as you. Only want to use medication as last resort.

Hi Berry, I've 2 pacifiers to rotate everyday. And I sterlize them using the boiling method.

Hi lyn, heehee then our moms can have their own 'gathering' hor? We brought Vane to Downtown East as my niece celebrated her 21st bday there. We brought her there at abt 4pm so that water is warm but no sorching sun. I think you're one of the younger ones here.

Hi shook, I got no choice got my mil kept nagging at me everynite. Sigh. There's the disadv of staying together. Huh? How come your pump like that? Now, I normally get 6-8oz when I pump for 10-15mins.

Hi avocado, your job situation sounds bad leh. Which line are u in?

HI skyblue, my gal 5mths old also still er ni.
emily, I'm also helping baby to find her thumb. I'm planning to wean her off to her thumb as soon as she can find it by herself.
MOn Mon,
Me too.......blk 106.....u still go back there? Me no more 'cos all shifted to punggol n aljunied liao
Punggol plaza shop until i sian liao leh.....chai chee bak chor mee i eat until scare scare liao

U study hard ah! Bet u surely get distracted by Ethan easily

no worry abt the extorting of pacifier.....my kids using Nuk, not avent .........
let me know whether the breastbottle works!

The pacifiers are for newborns, very short teats... I want to sell cheaply, not give lah... otherwise may end up with hubby's friend who's delivering soon.

Sucking is a reflex! If dun suck, I'll be very worried!

Giggler, what medicine did u give Vane? Results up to your expectation or not? Hehehehe...

Emily, what exam are u taking? Hey, the blouse I got from MIM har, colour faded very badly after soaking... alamak... cannot wear outdoors liao.
Hi sahm, i didn't ask u to go to punggol plaza lah... was thinking of compass point.. coz bigger.

ai yeah... see lor... anyway gotta study and also silly boss want me to go back on monday for work when my exam on tuesday coz have some big meeting with clients very impt... and looks like in an office with about 100 staff only Emily can make sure that things run smoothly and conference rm is nice with flowers. Stupid right? So sian of them... I also got Indian boss (same as avocado)... today in fact, my CEO actually said to the director... how can Emily go on leave.. she cannot go on leave coz I need things done. Like my subordinates cannot find things for him like that.. he is too reliant already man! Serve them right when I leave one day... so mad...

Hi jul, me studying for my cpa. I had only that faded blouse problem with one blouse. Maybe u can call them and ask them if can refund of something. What about the other blouse? Is it okay?
Your co v mean. Wish u get a new job soon. Now job mkt quite bad rite. Sigh... dat's y I m still holding on like koala bear

U studying. U v can. My brain rusty liao. Now my time spend in office n Chen Chen, no own time
Wish u gd luck in your exam

v envy u. I only got 40ml to 110ml in office. If tandem pump, can get more provided Chen Chen suckle long enuff. I worry my ss drying soon. Sometimes I wish we can get our milk like passing urine - so fast n so much n so frequent
U 1 pacifier?

Your mum joining the gathering?
Emily, the other blouse is ok, phew. Did MIM refund u ? Gd luck for your exams.

hehehe, [roud to say that my job is recession-proof.
Talking about bumbo ah, KP TPY is selling.. dun know if the discount card can shave 10% off or not.

You are so young..hehe!!
Hi Giggler,
U thinking of getting the bumbo?? I'm quite tempted too... $80 leh.. Think we can gather more mummies and buy in bulk from supplier? Maybe it will be cheaper.

Hi sahm,
How's Elyse? Have she gone for her jab? checking my schedule tonight, thinks its Ashley's turn this Saturday. Sigh... hopefully she won't get fever this time. She was really grumpy the last time she has her jab.
Took her to the Botanical garden over the weekends. Gosh... now she no longer lie down on the stroller. She wanted to sit upright n was grasping both hands on the safety strap of the stroller. passerbys tot she was already 6 months old.. faintz...
These few days she's attempting to do the crawl. Kept pushing her bump up n down when she is on her tummy. Think my girl is developing too fast for her tired mummy to catch up.
Hi Sahm,
HA! Me stay behind your block, 108. Maybe we could have seen each other at the windows....hahaha. I still go back there every month to visit my mom.
Hi B2B3M4,
How r u? been busy ah?

Yes, their jab is due or overdue? This sat will be bringing her for the jab liao. Yah, be prepared for the fever....at least we know it's reaction to the jab n not any viral infection. My kids so far have not kena fever b4.....my gal...keeping my fingers crossed as she still has a few jabs to go

Wah...ashley sitting up n grasping on to the safety strap liao....FAST! REEALLY fast! Ur strap has any wording? Watch out, partial wording will vanish into thin air...hahahahha...ashley will bite n bite till some words missing.

Think of her finger digging n super bo chap leaning on other bbs make me laugh. SHe is really bo chap queen...cool beautiful bb.....hahahah
Mon mon,
see u at the gathering..........somehow dun think we ever meet face to face b4...intuition...

Remember the temples? Always so 'happening' n those pet shops/vet there?

Now where u staying? maybe we neighbours again?
Hi shook, sahm, giggler,

Wah I didn't know @ 4/5 mths still will er ni. Thot when they can sit uprite will not er ni oredi. Sianz man... How long do I have to bear with tis horrid pblm of my bb? Though used to it somehow but when he pukes too much I still become gan cheong spider. Sigh...

Choke as in cough n cough? Mine will do so if he drinks water.
Hi Ladies,

Going for trip...didn't realise Matt got soooo many things..I think I bring the whole house already!! Some more my Period is here...so ma huan...Hubby so "er xin" say use baby's one then save space...

Well keep thinking of us..and we hope to make it back for the gathering at Shook's place.

Dec Gathering My place still on..

Have a great weekend!!!!
hi val, shook
lucky both of u v relax easy and organised labour n birth. mine v scary... too exciting. my water bag burst at midnight while I was sleeping, the "piak" sensation when the water bag burst actually woke me up and then the water started gushing out and is flowing non-stop like a tap. Was v shock n scared and all I could do is stand in the bathroom cos the water keep flowing n flowing while hubby get ready to go to the hospital. No time to even brush my teeth or comb my hair ! When I reach hospital, they started prep'ing me straight away, even while I'm having contractions. When I tell the nurse I'm having v painful contraction she said "sorry we cannot stop, ur doctor asking for u already" by 1.30am, my bb is already out, by emergency caesarean.

hi Giggler
My mum also has issue with mirrors, she ask me to cover up all those mirrors on the musical mobiles, activity gyms.

hi berry
I also give my girl pacifier but only when she wants to sleep. I hv 3, so that I can change it when it drops and I need to bring 2 whenever we go out. I use pigeon detergent to wash and sterilise it once a day. Thoughout the day, if it drops on floor then I just wash and soak in hot water.

Where do u bring ur babies to during weekends? Hv been to quite a few parks and shopping centers n running out of ideas where to bring bb ...

I wanna bring my girl for a swim, what do bbs wear for swmimming ? I bought a swimming costume for her from mothercare. But its only a single bottom piece and doesn't come with a top, my mummy said bb will be cold. HOw long can bb play in pool ? n how to clean/bath bb after tt ?
U joining the gathering?

ya still regurgitate @ 5 mth but very much better compared to his younger days

Wow your water bag burst mid9. were your bed n the way fm bed to toilet wet? How come u r on emergency caesarean since your sign is like bb popping out liao
Your mum v strict on the mirror thingy
I bring Chen Chen to shopping centres only
oh yes n restaurants. Do your gal get mosquitor bite when u brought her to the park?
My hubby doesn't allow Chen Chen to swim till Chen Chen tunr 1 yr. So can't comment on swimwear for bb
bb can play in the pool for the max 45min.. however you need to observe..if their lips start to quiver it means that they are cold and need to get out of the water. They have full length swim suits sold at Tanglin mall, Forum, Kiddy palace..sometimes cerisi also sells them. For me I find it easier drying the baby and changing them back into their clothes before bring bb home to bath as many pools do not have bb changing facilities.
Hi Viv,
Yeah, how come you are on emergency caesarean? But not that bad lah...short labour....my labour was 24hours (if you start counting when I have show)...and then ended with emergency caesarean too. Should have opt for caesarean to begin with

Hi Sahm,
Yeah...the temples still happening. And I think that place is known for its pet shops. You remember the school beside blk 107? MOE renovated the whole place....looks very nice now. My most memorable happening there was this mad guy slashing people at the blk 107 coffee shop then ended up commit sucide. Think you stay there as long as I do so should know about this right? I wrote this for my O level's Chinese composition
I can still recall after the incident got so many ghost story about the coffee shop haunted, etc.

Now I stay in Woodlands. don't mind me asking which sec school you attended? scully same school...hahaha.
hi avocado,
gd to c u here agn. all the best for ur job search. i at hm looking af ashrel. he has shorter naps nowadays so i no tx to come online. when he's awake, he wants 100% attn, if leave him alone for even a short while, he will cry.

i got bumbo fr tom n stef at westmall. if u hav the disct card, can get 10% off. $10 to apply for the card which i din. i tink many places sell.

like wat jul said, sucking is a natural reflex. to me, pacifier is ok. jus keep it clean. ashrel only takes it wen he wan to slp. but now he prefers his entire fist. pd told me is easier to wean off the pacifier than thumb. oso thumb sucking can cause the thumb to b sore n u need to keep bb hands clean at all tx. but they love to touch evythg w their hands once they 'discover' the wonderful use of them...

all the best for ur exams.

now w the carrier, he likes me to brg him out of the hse often. yesdy nite he cranky, i put him in it n walked round the hse, he fell asleep in it.

did vane poo oreadi..u coming for the gathring right?

how do u 'entertain' elyse? i read, talk, sing, play until no ideas liao... near my hse only 1 shopping place, westmall. i not adventurous enough to brg him alone on bus/mrt yet..
Hi girls,

Do any of you have any breast pump u wanna sell? Need one urgently... electronic would be great! Pls let me know asap today!
shook, no lah, grandma not coming - cos last gathering i all alone dare not ask my mum along - dun acceptable or not mah, anyway this time round hb with me so i think better let my mum hv her free time.

stylobb, sanrio i coming to 25 liao!! kid already call me aunty!! fat, short and going bald - u think still young meh?!?!

viv, s'pore so small - dun say bring bb out even during dating time with our hb - we run out of places to go!!! if you bring bb out - must b sure there's changing/nursing rm....clean toilets...etc a few plcs that i frequent with jerald - suntec, taka, PS, parkway, tampines, bugis. i think that's abt it - keep on rotating lor.

as for swim wear - read in the forum that some mums actualy when to get swim diaper for bbs?!?! saw the swim wear for kids - one pieces actually cost abt $40+++!!! my mum n hb object me buying - actually i oso hesitating since with this price i can buy my own suit liao!?!?

gd idea to buy the dumbo in bulk - can get gd discount leh - but really dun think i getting cos price too steep - and nvr put jerald to test this duno his reaction - in the y'day decided with my hb to get him a swing tomorrow. cant wait to go shopping.
Hi sahm,
Yah confirmed. Ashley's due for her jab at Hougang Polyclinic tmr... This morning she was able to push/crawl around on the bed!!! Find this stage too exciting for my weak heart.....

Yah.. has been busy recently. Unable to drop by this thread. What's the latest?
Hi jul, I don't know the name of the medicine leh. It's one for oral and one to stuck in her backside. The result is immediate for the medication to be stuff in her backside one.

Hi emily, you still can find time to study? I stopped my CFA half-way and still got no guts to continue.

Hi shook, I guess my ss has established? Just hope that Vane will maintain her dd as of now so that I don't need to worry abt ss. No, I don't really need pacifier lah. Just joking with jul.

Hi B2B3M4, I told my mom abt the bumbo. She's very interested till she heard of the price. Hahaha

Hi pinochhio, thanks for your info.

Hi skyblue, try burping your bb after every meal, it helps.

Hi Viv, wow your delivery sounds exciting leh. I got no such experience cos mine is scheduled c-section. So you cover up all the mirrors? I brought bikini for Vane. My hubby dipped her in the pool for abt 10 min, after that, we carried her back to the chalet for shower.

Hi sanrio, Vane finally poo after my mom stuff the medication in her backside. Ya, me going to Shook's place for the next gathering. How abt u?

Have been burping my bb all this while even if it takes an hr cos of his er ni pblm. burp oredi still will er ni one. So sianz... Sometimes, the milk came up together when he burps.

hey.. 1 way to prevent milk from flowing out after a loud burp is to quickly let the baby lie on his back.. this works for me..
