(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

BTW, mummies who give FM to your bbs, although instructions on the milk tin usually say to discard contents within one month from date of opening, must u strictly abide by that? I have quite alot remaining in my opened tin of Friso because I only give FM to Alicia occasionally and it still smells good...wasted to throw away leh.

shook, everybody surprised that Jerald doesnt show such "negative" signs when he's sprouting teeth. i consider myself luckly otherwise more headache for mummy. i think each bb different. my colleagues said her elder son running stools, younger one fever....

do you know when did ur own gigi erupted?? my when i was 3mths - so my mum said my son take after me.

pringles....as long as u keep the FM will closed away frm moisture/sunlight dan it's ok. when jerald is on BM and FM, it takes him abt 6/7 wks to finish one tin but now (since my ss drop - he can finish one tin in 3wks!!! and after he starts drinking 100-125ml recently - one tin last only 2wks or less!
BUMBO not dumbo...hahahhaha. $80+ but if can use for 2kids at least, then it is really a worthy investment. Dun need to be auctioned liao...well spent....go try to be convinced
. Buy lah, u go 1 facial also ard this px....sacrifice ur facial treatment this mth lor

I think the part when i put my gal on it n we were face to face, communicating away, is best. We can have direct eye contact...really enjoying each other's company....saw her BIG smile? Somemore we wont feel warm or tired carrying ur bb....can leave her alone awhile while we do hsework...alamak...the more I say, the more I feel like buying!!!! Going to harass hb tonite liao

I do discard any tin of milk which I opened for too long or lost track when I opened it.
sahm and shook,
Oh Gosh! me so stong... give sahm laugh at me twice for being stong liao!
work too hard is like that one lah! Am fine with any day in that case. But then again, I have on many occassions worked on PH... hopefully this time PH okay. Am fine with any day... as long as I can make it. ;p

sahm, no worries... I'll get my helper to help u full-time during the gathering with either your boy or your gal. Just let me know in advance.
Nvr mind...I like ur SOTONGness.....induced uplifting laughter

Tks so much for ur offer.........
sahm n muumies,
wah the thread moving so fast. i cant post cos ashrel seems to b 'changing' his napping habits tis wk. he seems to b super alert, nap half an hr, wake up n playing in his cot. but a while will scream if c no one ard. next moment wan to b carry n play 'pretend to drop/throw him' n he will laugh so loudly, he dun wan to sit on rocker, will fidget so much n turn his body until almost drop off the rocker. sori to grumble agn, thou it's fun to c him laughing so happily, but my hands really cant tahan the wt!!! n if he din nap enough, a while will b so cranky. like wan to slp but dun wan to slp kind, will cry n fuss. ai yo....

any of ur bb is like tat when they turn 3mths?? ashrel was able to nap 2 to even 3 hrs previously.

yup i shd go n get bumbo to try.
i like tat pic of elyse on the bumbo v much, the bumbo n her smile both so bright, so nice!!

gathering at ur place or jul's place is fine w me. any day is fine. prefer the 3pm.
if u dun c me here, can u update me on the gathering details. tks hoh

how ah? ur place for the next gathering? or the westerners can drop by ur place on another date?

nvm, hope to c u n jerald n his tiny little teeth..
Muz b your bm dat does the mircale dat Herald has no problem wif sprouting teeth
My gigi sprouted on the 4th mth. Chen Chen 5 mth liao. Definitely not taking after me.

I din go facial since my late pregnancy. U still go facial?

Dat shows u v delicated to work. Not like me always look forward to public holiday
U prefer 12pm or 3pm?

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (ok all time)
Val + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??
U said it all....my girl behaves just like ashrel too. She lagi vain....u pretend to throw/drop her in front of the mirror...she stares n smile...then u 'drop' her...she LOL!!!

She gets knocked ut easily prior 3mths+, then once she knows how to flip...gone case...more difficult to put her to sleep. So always bring her go shopping. She simply luv, smiling n playing with passerby, kicking excitedly.

As giggler or emily mentioned, y dun we have different dates for Jul n Shook's gathering....both I also want to attend leh. HOW mummies?
Sorry. U told me u prefer 3pm liao. Still ask agn. So lor sor

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (ok all time)
Val + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??
I still have 3 facial/massage leftover since yr 2000.....u say leh....i too lazy to go. Wonder the package is lifetime anot or confisicated liao.

Last went was after my boy's confinement!!!! oh gush.....ages liao. I didnt go 'cos was cornered by the staffs there to sign up another package with them....par par!
I agree to hv another gathering in the West on another date

Sorry lah. Looks like response for 2nd gathering in NE my hse is getting better. U wanna propose another date? Dec gathering at Nat's plc. U? Wow gd then we hv at least 4 gatherings. Keep going, yipee!!
I'm okay with anything... hehehe... no worries. Can come by my place another time.

Sanrio, sahm, how do u pretend to "drop" your kid? Dunno how Ian would react to that.
Refer to the photo u took with nat.

With Ian in that position, u
- Grip tight
- Bend ur knee n lower urself
- Increase ur speed n level of 'dropping'
- See how Ian LOL

viv,shook...all mummies...dun go rushing to chk ur bb gigi!!! Jerald growing teeth b'cos he like me - sprouting teeth at early stages - maybe u can chk with ur mum or ur hb side if anyone oso like tat!!! blowing bubbles/drooling doesnt mean teething - if later no teeth dun say i not accurate lah!!!

sahm, will give the dumbo a try - bring jerald to carrefour for try latest this week.

my hubby prefers 3pm on 13/11.

Lyn and SAHM

Ok....will try to finish using the FM asap while it is still good.


I think Ashrel's behavior is not unusual...my daughter is also like that..."want to sleep don't want to sleep" syndrome.....dunno why....bbs just don't seem to know what they want....they are exhausted but their mind still want to play....thats why we have to read their cues and know when to put them to bed even if they seem to fuss....they should grow out of it eventually..one week sleep less...next week sleep plenty....they change all the time...nowadays, I also try not to carry so often otherwise my arms will "peng san"....I just support Alicia while she sits or bounces on her feet...or simply let her occupy herself with all the toys ...everything goes straight to her mouth....raining tons of saliva...
Hi viv, that's wat I'm worried abt. Cos I know kids will feel worse than adults when they fall sick n they can't tell us where they're uncomfortable. But then if u're the only caregiver, I guess we dun have a choice.

Hi gals,
Wah, the bumbo so ex
Mmm... gotta consider b4 investing in smthg so ex. Reading ur posts abt ur bb 'want to sleep but dun want to sleep' syndrome makes me scare. Hope my boi won't be like that when he's 3 mth plus.
U joining gathering @ my plc?

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm)
Val + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??

Val, Giggler
Wat time slot u prefer?

Giggler, Absolut
Dunno y nowadays I xpress lesser n lesser fm ameda pump. Left side 10-30ml each time n gotta hand xpress after xpress wif pump. N of the day, my breasts hard like rock n milk leaks
Everyday rushed home to feed Chen Chen n tandem pump. Do u gals hv tis problem?
Sometimes when my mum is out, I gotta handle Randall. I really pull hair. I told my hb yest...I cant be a sahm. I sure ki siao.

Tat morning went to see gynae and he said my bb getting bigger n bigger and I already wk 41. So wanna induce me. I went hm to take shower, took a pic and went for bak ku tek b4 I set off to the hospital. Hehe....
Did u massage ur breast b4 pumping? Sometimes xpress very little as nv massage.
Randall + myself for the gathering.
I m ok with both dates & time.

Tell me abt it. I gg back to work this thurs. Damn sian!!! Randall these few days refuse bottle again. Drink a bit..60ml-80ml. Like eng siew to drink. Now I oso painc. Tmr last try. If not drinking then he gotta stave liao. Gotta wonder ard again. I think the staff in charge of taka bf room know me pretty well liao. I always go there to pump. Haha....

When does bb neck steady enff? Randall's neck still not very steady leh
He is like tahan a while then drop his neck. Then he start making noise.

So where exactly will the gathering be?
I woke up 4+am do do big bz on the day Chen Chen popped. Had show n I wz scared coz I never hv red discharge thru out my pregnancy. So I kept cleaning my pte part. There wz no more discharge but v light pink color water. Think dat's water bag burst. After dat contration pain came in. I wz standing there to wash hair not to wash hair. I even told Chen Chen not to come out yet, wait till next wk. He moved when I told him dat. I timed my contraction pain n it wz getting shorter n shorter (shorter than 5min). So wash my hair drank essence of chicken. My hubby woke up asked me y I changed my dress n washed hair. I told him his son going to arrive soon. He asked me whether I wanna call KK to confirm. I told him to go n call himself. He said all documents in the car. Then I said go KK. Reached KK 4cm dialted when wheeled to delivery suite fully dilated liao. No time 4 me to eat breakfast (anyway no appetite), let alone take pict. Yours like v organised.

I massage b4 xpressing n milk drips or shoots out but can't xpress much. Left side the worse. Sometimes I juz press n slide dwn my breast w/o squeezing milk shoots out but put on pump, nothing comes out. Sigh, wat I do is pump (get milk fm right side) then hand xpress left side (if time permit)

Bet u can do better than me 2 b a sahm. At least u bring Randall out on your own. I never bring Chen Chen out on my own. Always wif hubby. Sometimes I feel like brining Chen Chen out when hubby washes car

Where u stay? U go all the way to taka to pump? Where is the bf rm in taka? How many rm r there?

Randall still young for his neck to b steady

The gathering is in NE agn. I stay in Sengkang

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm)
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??
Shook, hubby has an appt with his friends which he will keep so i won't be going to your place for now, unless he changes his schedule.

Pringles, how come "grand senior" knows me? i know i was quite 'famous' but your hubby should've left VJC when I got in leh...

I wnt to buy the Bumbo but the price is deterring. Dunno whether Ian will even sit in it for 5 minutes since he's so fidgety. I really worry that he has attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. We tried him on a few swings and he always screamed.

sahm, i followed your instructions for the mirror thing... Ian looked so shocked. He didn't laugh at all! Told my hubby to try abt 4 hours later and he misunderstood me... he let Ian "free fall".... the little boy started crying from shock!!

My Ian still hasn't poo-ed... and no teeth either... just drooling a lot.
skyblue, sahm dun think i wan the dumbo for now - jerald cant even stay 3mins in a cheaper rocker!!! i think he will stay in the dumbo either...think better dun waste $$....but will keep the option open....

sahm, i tried ur "dropping" game with jerald but he looked so stun!!! in the end hubby played swing with him - he laughed n chuckled v.loudly?!?! babies - as pringles said they r always changing.
hubby bought the bright lime green bumbo for ashrel yes'dy.
elyse is such a cheerful bb, gd gd girl.

pringles n giggler,
mus tell u tis. i m so happy. put ashrel on the lucky bb carrier (i paid only $26.90 for it, taka selling $49.90) n walked to westmall for shopping yesdy. he okie w it n was busily looking around. on our way back, he fell asleep. i took him out fr the carrier wen reached hm n he cont to sleep! heng, din buy bb bjorn (so ex n yet he dun like). my frd lent me 1 carrier, he din like tat too. ai yo...so fussy..

we are fine w thur or sat. 3pm is okie.
sanrio, how much did u buy the Bumbo for? We used a Fisher Price front carrier for Ian last time and he even slept in it when we were at home... just wrapped him up in it and he would sleep... but now he feels restricted by it so we don't use it anymore. So with the carrier, u have more confidence going out with Ash alone?

Where did u buy the carrier from?

How would we know if a particular brand of FM is not suitable? My bb keeps regurgitating his milk (seems to be quite a lot recently) but has been gaining weight. Poos a few times each day also.
wat your hubby let Ian free fall. dat's v dangerous. Muz catch properly. Poor Ian he muz b rude shock

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm)
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??
GIve urself sometime to adjust....getting back to work after 2mths is difficult, n blessed u, after 3mths..surely damn sian. Sure miss Randell badly but try to compartmentalize work n son lor.....in no time....everyting is better, like other mums. Furthermore, u work, can buy buy buy alot of things for urself n randell!
Ki siao...hehehe....haiz....me on the way liao
but my antidote is the heartwarming hugs n smiles frm my kids...i revive, sane again

So envy....ashrel has the bumbo liao. wow...u didnt let ashrel try it out 1st? As a sahm, i think u will find the bumbo relieving u awhile? Remember to continue talking, singing to him while he sit in the bumbo while u get busy temporarily. Now u can also have full view of Ashrel when u talk to him....also ur hands wont be so sng liao.........Keep me posted if Ashrel luv it, or u luv it, k?

Lyn, Jul,
Hahahhaha...really both boys got shocked? Did u all smile, giggle, make it v fun for them while on the 'dropping' game? Or u all make it ma chiam like on a viking game....heart attack? Or my girl is a sam seng girl...she luv it, be it papa or mummy does it....LOL.....so much fun!

Personally, I dun fancy rocker, yao lan, playpen for my kids. Studied n examined them all...feel that can jolly well do without them....Have none. Bumbo maybe gd but it may not last too long...once if ur bb reaches 18mth or if he/she outgrow/outsize it. But the pros of it for this 18mth is good loh.....so if still going for 2nd bb, can buy lah. Heheheh....my personal opinion only lah........
wa man dat idiot spot check me agn. Heng tis time I wz working when he walked bhind me.

How u do dat dropping game?
The 'want sleep dun want sleep' pattern, think somehow at certain phase, most bbs will experience it. So be on guard

How old is your bb? Has he/she been on the formula for long? How's his/her stool? regurgitating? U know wat...some old pple tell me bbs regurgitating GOOD...will put on weight! Hahahaah...old pple's theories........listen here n out there.......

Think since ur bb is putting on weight n if still alert, sharp, not in distress, not listless....everything shd be fine. But always gd to get this assurance frm PD if u r 1st time mum. I paid high fee to the PD to get this assurance lor....maybe 2nd time mum....not so kan cheong liao
Be watchful mannn...so close shave!! Sian hor....kena spot check?!!!

Dropping game....I spank u ah...instruction listed out in earlier posting liao mah!
Later chen chen also kena shocked! hahahhahah....
Ya lah. Coz I said I xchange my 1 hr lunch for expressing. So he made sure I work during lunch time.

Saw the instruction of the dropping game but I gong gong dun get wat u mean leh. U mean hold bb's arm n let bb's body hanging in the air then u bend your knee a bit then straighten then bend .... on and on ...
NO NO...dun leave him dangling in the air....oh gush.....wondering did Jul, lYn did that? No wonder, shoocked n insecured!

Refer back to Jul foto with Nat....carrying Chen Chen in that position, hold tight n seccured to ur body then follow the steps.....
sahm, the rockers/bouncers are all gifts frm my friends, i didnt buy - so since its a gift use lor. as for yaolan aka sarong at first i oso against the idea - read frm the web it saids that if we yao too hard - bb will exprience shaking bb symptoms, but since my mum is the main caretaker - n she loves jerald so much - i let her be lor. as for playpen - its also jerald's bed, since a $300 cot is too expensive - i bought the 4-1 playpen for $100 only!! can convert to a "cage" when he's older.

refering to jul/nat pix - yah lah - carry him exactly like tat dan i quickly zoom up n down!!! he dun like n look v.stun n blur but when his ddy carry him similarly n did the swing - he LOL!!!

shook - ur mgr dammn BAS****D (sorry for the use of language). U mention he's still single??!?!? wait till his wife experience the same situation - dan he'll understand!?!? o...btw...a man of such sickening character duno got woman wan or not??! :p

skyblue, can you further explain "regurgitate" i chk the dic and it says "rush back"???
sahm, duno leh....die lah - becoming more aunty liao...all those years of studying gone down the drain

aiya, pple give what just take lor. Unless really close friends then can tell them what you want lah - those "surface" type - paisay mah - pple think you hard up type!! actually i oso prefer CASH - can put into bb's saving a/c n earn interest.
Oh wat I do is I carry Chen Chen tummy facing me, like koala bear then bend my knee n I will say up (when moving up) dwn (when moving dwn). Chen Chen loves it v much n laughs loudly when I do dat

Can't agree more. My mgr is a damn BAS***D. He is married wif 2 children. He is a high class Indian (the fairer type wif high sharp nose n big eyes) fm India. I suppose he comes fm a rich family. His wife a sah tai tai. Where got chance to experience such. He din go thru his children's growth stage. I ask him abt sleepless 9 bla bla bla, he said he doesn't remember dat imply dat he din hv to go thru dat. I feel so sorry for him
Ya regurgitate is er ni spit milk

I asked for cash for bb shower party fm my office colleagues n a group of close friends as they asked me wat I want
i got the carrier fr tom n stefanie

bumbo is $89.90. fixed px evywhere.

look like we got to demo how to 'drop' bb. oh no! i hope ian n jerald din get a big shock.
probably hav to wait another wk b4 i let ashrel try bumbo. we bought w'out trying. at hm, i put him in, his head/neck like 'dropping forward' leh. but wen carry him, his neck seems stable oreadi. why ah? he is 3mths2wks now.

i let ashrel try yaolan which my frd lent to us, he dislikes it cos he's so active, even wen sleeping in cot oso can 'swim' round the entire cot.
shook, didnt know tat he's already father of 2 - i pity him cos he has missed out on his kids growing up process!

regurgitate....ok got the meaning.

jul,sanrio the bumbo i saw on yahoo auction is only $79.90, of course not yet add postage lah.

sanrio, jerald is ok, tot stun he looks like "ah?? what happened??" i think better let ashrel's neck stable more b4 putting him in the dumbo - even now i still put my hand near his head incase he yank his head back!!!
Hi sahm,

My bb is abt 7 wks old. been on formula b4 he's 1 mth old. Stools r mustard yellow in colour which my PD once commented is a beautiful colour. Also heard old pple say er ni is gd cos it signifies that bb is growing.

Will continue monitoring his condition. If continue to er so much, maybe better to bring him to PD.
ya he missed the precious moment in one's life which can't rewind. I guess he cldn't care less since he is so mean

chen chen regurgitate after almost every meal. PD said it is normal. No need 2 b alarmed

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm)
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + ??
Piglet + hubby + Gareth (Sat 12/3pm)
B2B3M4 + ??
Hi shook,

Does Chen Chen regurgitate a lot? Mine sometimes quite a bit but not merlion style.

ANy recommendation of FM for 2 mth old bb?

My hubby says to tell you he knows Michael and Johnson as well...... And he tried the hand made mashed potatos your class made for the fun fair.....


Congrats Ashrel likes the carrier! It definitely takes the weight off your arms doesn't it?


We'll bring ice-cream for the gathering.
Hi sahm, the bumbo seat very ex leh. You want to sponsor me? Looks like youll be the next one to buy the seat soon. HahahaKK.. Vane likes to look at herself at the mirror too but my mil forbids me to do it leh.

Hi shook, I anytime also can.
But I still not sure what to bring leh. Also I'll try to drag my hubby with me but if he can't make it can I ask my mom along? Thot of having someone to help me carry Vane so that I can take more pix at the gathering. I dont have any problem with Ameda leh. You got it repaired?

Hi sanrio, sounds like you got to eat even more now since Ashrel likes to be throw around. Lucky that Ashrel likes the Lucky BB carrier.

Hi jul, Vane also never poo and today is the 7th day liao. Again, my mil and mom start to tell me to give medicine to help Vane to poo. SighK

Hi lyn, for me, I told my col that I prefer shopping vouchers. In the end, I got Robinsons from them, really put it into good use leh.

HI mummies, I'm very busy with work recently. Looks like I can only surf the net at nite after Vane fall asleep. BTW, I brought Vane to have her 1st dip of water last Sat liao. I can't really tell if she likes it but at least can tell that she's not afraid of being in the water. But she got afraid when someone splashed water on her face accidentally.
Yeah. My labour very organised. Up to the extend tat I find it so boring. No excitement at all

I onli brought Randall out on my own once. Which was the day we had our gathering.
I stay at Serangoon North but if shopping then go town. So ended up in taka as they hv nursery
(Level 3, in the chilidren dept. Onli 1 bf room). Otherwise, I will go centrept as they oso hv a quite comfy nursing rm for me to pump. Now I maciam kinda enjoy gg to nursing rm as I get to see many bbies & mummies. Can learn new things fm them. Hehe....

How come so cheap for the carrier? I wanna get it oso. Where is tom n stefanie?

gg back to work tmr. Bz packing. Arrgghh....gg to use the tablet to sterilize my pump. So gotta bring container, washing detergent, brush, pump, blah blah blah. Hope I dun miss out anything.

skyblue & sahm,
I tot bb er ni partly becos got wind? No?? If Randall nv burp when I burp him then he will er ni. Er ni and bb will grow?? LOL....
Gd morning Val,
Gettng ready to work..see I so excited for u that I cant sleep.......LOL! No lah, kena awakened by my son ard 5+am n till now, cant get back to sleep.

NVr mind, u will have a v 'disorganised' n full of excitement (like shook...actually shook's one also not too bad...can still think to wash or not to wash hair!!!)labour for ur next bb

Bak GUk Teh....which one u went b4 ur labour.......have u tried the one at AMK, opp bishan park n near to the swimming pool? Long q! One of the best ard.....Serangoon North, I stayed there for 16yrs! Rather near, frm there to SK hor.

Tom n Stef...1 at west mall n the other at civic plaza izzit? My gal was ard Ash's age when she 1st sat on the bumbo at the gathering.....seems ok. Every bb differs...so ya, just put Ash on it day to day n think he shd luv his 'throne' soon
.........my sweet Majesty Ash. Now with the carrier, bet being a sahm not that bored? Can bring him to nearby pl.....even to playground to let him hear n see the children playing away.......to wait for papa home at the void deck etc. Sometime, getting out frm the hse
with bb is gd...take some fresh air n be distracted by the surrounding...not always 'coup'(caged) in the hse........

I would have bought it already if I came across during my boy's time. Now I was debating n pondering whether to get since v likely my gal will be our last child.....so shd I invest. As a sahm of 2, I personally find that it is a gd relief n of great help to have it ard.....

I also have $200 voucher for my boy's shower. V ideal...I like
Vane wearing those colourful bikini for her maiden swim? And those swim diaper anot? Tink at tis stage, they shd not be afraid of water yet.......I worry my son may have developed the fear for it by now........

were u 'notorious' in school
....hahahhaha....ur senior clearly remember u
. This forum, great way to get reunited with old pals. Like hazey n Absolut....u n pringles's hb. Vane is not pooing too.......Ian pooed yet?

I agree wz Shook, not 2b alarmed by the er ni thing. My boy hardly ever er ni but my girl yes. Think maybe u can just bring it up if going for jab....dun need to go PD just for tis reason....the PD will probably assure u like wat shook n I did here.......

The nursery rm in Taka n bugis not bad.......check it out. Not too sure if the 1 at carrefour is new......n they have PP samples at the shelf above the changing table!! 1 mum just marched in n grab the last pc n GO while I blur blur c wat's she doing. Miss out the sample...ayah
......looks like there is so much more seasoned n 'eye big big' aiming mums ard...hahahahhaahah

Think u r the youngest among us here? So fast return everything to school liao ah?
Jerald getting more n more cute n adorable...as depict in his foto
Giggler, Jul,
Found this over at the other thread...cut n paste here for u - "know wat... my 3 mth+ ds poo once a week! He's on half bfg half fm. Pd said as long as his stools r not hard, he doesn't cry or strain when pooing; he's drinking, sleeping n playing well then let him be, some babies r like tat. He's also against diluting milk.'
Chen Chen regurgitate abt 1/2 a table spoon to 2 table spoon. Dunno whether consider a lot or not. Getting lesser sometimes no regurgitation @ all now. So dun worry too much.

Ie-cream u make me :)~~~~~~~~~ like Chen Chen
Ok I will buy smaller spoon for ice-cream bsides the cups, plates, forks n spoons

Sure drag your hubby, mummy along. My mummy v happy to c bb gathering photos. She may come for the gathering.
Let me know wat u gonna bring later.
My pump is still wif the distributor. Anyway, I hope they won't gime back my own 1. The loan pump is not so noisy

Thot u meant u go to Orchard Rd everytime u wanna pump. 1 nursing rm in Taka where got enuff. Do u need to q v long?
Where is the nursing rm in Centre pt? I need to go Robinson or JL Specialist. Wanna find out where is the nearest nursing rm.
Remember to bring cooler bag, ice pack, bottle or storage bag to store milk
I know there is Tom n Step in White Sand Pasir Ris but v small dun think they sell carrier. There is 1 big 1 @ Tiong Bahru Plaza

My 1st bb so I dunno if it is false alarm or real contraction. So pondering to wash or not to wash hair @ 5+am. Stepped in n out of shower cubicle like a chick
Been to Bugis nursing rm. V gd but draw curtain 1, 1 little boi drew my curtain to look 4 his mummy the last time I went there
. 1 in Carrefour? R u referring to the nursing rm @ family link a level above Carrefour? Dat 1 is gd but 1 rm only gotta q. Hv not been to taka b4.
Ya been to changing rm in Carrefour, when I wz there, all sample gone liao

So gd dat Ashrel likes the carrier. Chen Chen doesn't like carrier. N I hv 2, wanna sell the other 1.

I hv a Pierre Cardin carrier brand new for sale. Any taker?

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu/Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm) :~ ice-cream
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + hubby/mummy (any time)
Piglet + hubby + Gareth (Sat 12/3pm)
B2B3M4 + ??
Hi Giggler and Jul,
I agree with Sahm's "Cut & paste" portion. That's what my pd says as well. But if she don't poo for the 8th day, we'll give her the stimulant to poo. These days she only poo every 3-4days. She will show some signs that she wants too poo so we will give her some exercise (put her legs in motion like she's cycling-saw this from some website) then carry her in a position like the adults in the toilet to help her poo. Maybe you can try that.

I used to stay at Serangoon North before marrying as well! Think also about 15 years...the day when Serangoon North was first developed....think used to be known as Serangoon Ave 5 initially. Could you be that girl in the lift? hahaha.
Hi Val, how's your 1st day at work? Missing Randall already?

Hi sahm, you're rite. Vane wore bikini for a maiden swim but I didn't get swim diaper for her lah. She dipped in the water without any diaper. Heehee Must try out the nursing rm at Carrefour liao. I also quite agst giving Vane medication to make her poo leh. How?

Hi shook, so you're using their loan pump and got the same problem? Ok, I'll check with my hubby and mom to see if they free on 13th Nov.

Hi mon, thanks for your advice Looks like I got to give stimulants to poo cos today is the 8th day liao.
mon, sahm, thanks for your advice... I've done all the cycling and massaging already, even before he had this problem.. siyoh, still no poo, like Vane... Giggler, when are u going to "succumb" to medication? I think by 7 days, even if Ian is very well, which he is now, I will still bring him to a paediatrician to check.. sometimes, even if you're a doctor, u cannot be very objective when it comes to your own kid, so better to have a 2nd opinion.

Pringles, yup, Michael and Johnson and me are close friends from VJC thru' med school, up till now... hehehe... do u mind letting me know who your hubby is? Is he from SJI?

sahm, Pok Pok and me are relatives by marriage too... hehehe.. her daughter looks like my MIL. I was not "notorious" lah... just quite famous, hahaha... every time we go out, we sure meet someone I know and will stop to chat... hubby cannot understand why I seem to know so many people. Hehehe...

Giggler, I also say the Bumbo very ex... why doesnt your MIL allow Vane to look in the mirror???? That's part of the discovrey process what!!! Ian always shows his wide toothless grin when he sees himself in the mirror.
