(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Jul,
Think either NE or west is OK for me....about the same distance.

Hi Shook,
I prefer 3pm cos got more time in the morning to do housework.

mon MOn,
HI HI HI....how r u? Enjoyed chatting wz u at the other thread. Met Vane...she is evenly bak bak thru out. Ur girl leh...want 2c her lotus legs! Shook is staying in SK, not west leh.

Ya....my girl luv the bumbo.....tot i could leave her there while I shop!!!!

PVL, Hazey,
Got invisble posting here meh....I cant see any foto with Sarah or PVL leh.........???????

Hi irenevinc,
I v scare of long wait at PD and polyclinic....so just went to the GP dnstair. I opt for 5-in-1 jab for both my kids n so far none developed fever.......my girl still have a few jabs to go..so dun speak too soon. Lost track of the charges....only remember chicken pox jab is most expensive???

Think we really will have our days of blues at times. COme in here for theraputic release n be charged up again.

No lah....dun think bumbo can replace high chair. It depends on individual bb. My high chair is collecting dust now...just praying hard my girl will use it. My boy protest sitting in there once he hit ard 18mths! Want to sit on adult chairs like ours! then may as well get the bumbo.....3mths onwards bbs can sit steadily n happily inside till maybe 2yrs (the most). V comfy! Imagine dun have to carry ur bb at gathering! I personally luv it!
shook, i think either dates me n hb ok but jus that i'm on hlf day work on 13/11 so probably me will come ard 3pm.

jerald really melts my heart when i c him chuckling showing off his 2 gigi - but it can also be a terrible nitemare since he's very uncomfortable n irritating by them oso.
Can understd ur situation too. Being 1st time mum n hb always not ard.....it can be quite blue at times too. Imagine to handle a cranky bb n 'beat me, wat's the bb crying?' all alone can seem pathetic if u r not strong enuff. But ur hb is working on shift n on course...v tough on him too.....the 2 of u are all doing wat's best for Jerald...so be united though hb is not at all time present.

I still carry on taking care of my kids when I am not feeling well. Just dong lor...maybe it is self deception.....I try not to breathe direct at them/no direct up close n personal contact lor. N myself drinks alot of water......
skyblue, when you're sick, you will pass the antibodies to your baby if you are BF. So best to BF as much as possible when you're unwell. For me, I still continue to look after baby myself. She's still v young, I dont trust anyone else apart from my hubby to look after her properly. Just keep washing your hands and dont kiss her.
Hi Shook, I am all for 3pm coz I work on saturdays.

Ladies, I think it is best to only have one gathering for the day... or else everyone will be too divided. What do all of you think? Can we please have the votes? Actually, come to think of it, what PV said is quite true too... smaller group can get to know each other better as well. For those who are fine with any location, pls state as well. We have to make it easier for the hosts lah... or else next time no one will want us at their place... then how? ;p

B2B3M4, u disappeared already? Did we misbehave and your hubby forbid u to join us? ehehee....

sahm, wow... Elyse look so cute and happy in the bumbo seat... she looks like she has grown more beautiful.
U should have bought it for her. A smile like that would have melted my heart. It will at least last a year, right?

Hey... stay positive... I believe you are great at that. Ups and downs are usual... u are a gd mommy... don't worry.

PV, I like Sarah's eyes and hair.
Finally get to see your pic and Sarah's pic..
Gd we managed to catch u there...

Hazey, why your maternity leave so long? All of us working moms have already returned to work lah... so lucky... you get to spend so much time with Tyra.
Lucky gal!
Hi berry n sahm,

I'm not bfg so I'm concerned that I'll pass the virus to my bb. I won't want my bb to fall sick as well since he's sooo young n they'll feel terrible.

Rite now, i'm practisig wat u've suggested, dun breathe direct n keep on washing my hands b4 contact with bb.
Really envy all mummies who r total bf'ding, wish I could too. Bcos of my low supply, I stop the week before I when back to work when my girl was 3 mth old. When I got back to office, a nursing colleague encouraged me to continue, so now I express 4 times daily. The relactation process is very slow n difficult and my girl no longer wants to latch on. I really miss the bf'ding feeling very much .. so mummies who r still bf'ding, persevere !

I think I overate. My diet is very controlled during last 3 months of my pregnancy becos I had gestational diabetes. I hv constant cravings for cakes now that I dun have to watch my sugar intake
I trying to put on my tummy binder as much as I can, I even wear it to work, heard from my colleague that it will still help if its within 6 months.
PVL, Hazey,
Heheheheheh....super sotong me....saw the photo liao.....haiz.....badly needs dieting. Yes, agree with Emily, Sarah's has nice round eyes, v smiley too....her hair is nice n alot but mummy nvr really comb, izzit!

I am not bfing anymore too. I have been giving my boy n now my girl Childlife Colostrum frm GNC. Maybe u will be interested? Check it out...U take care!

Think ya...it is a matter of controlling. When on confinement, dun dare take junk fd...no ice creams, no chips n I only took half amt of rice intake. But getting back to normal diet will put on so much of weight so speedily meh? Binder...does it help? U wear that to work? not hot ah? May as well wear girdle?
Viv, are you a sahm too? I also often question my milk supply because Sarah is always so small. But she seems satisfied, and I feed her when she demands, so I don't bow to pressure from well-meaning relatives to supplement.

sahm... hehehehe, finally saw yourself in the photo? Aiyah, Sarah's hair comb also no use. She's too active, head moving all over, hands also all over. I comb her hair several times a day, but she always looks like siao zabor anyway.

Don't talk about losing weight. I think I still need to lose about 5 kg!!
sahm, i already not so bothered abt his absence...with or w/o him ard - i've or i better hv to learn how to handle my son alone - otherwise go crazy liao duno if there'll anyone will sympathise me.

emily...sorry really wan to catch the 2 gigi on pix...but very blur/difficult. got to c for urself at next gathering!!
Hi shook, my MIL helps to take care of Elyse while we are away. My mum has this membership, and use her pts to redeem for free cruise. I can't confirm if i can make it, cos hubby haven't told me his plans yet. If i'm going, hubby will come along too.

Hi giggler, glad that Vane getting better. Elyse also poo this weekend. Well, elyse still dun know how to crawl, but she kindof use her body and legs to push fwd/move ard.

Hi jas, your aloy and my elyse can be buddies liao...forgot to tell u that once i ask dr, she says sometimes bb smaller stomach/intestines, so cldn't absorb much. But sometimes, can be quite fed up hor...mummy low milk ss liao, still wasting my milk. Anyway, her appetite improved liao, some feeds can drink more, some feeds less. Hope aloy guai guai and drink more milk. I just started rice cereal for her, give her 1 teaspoon yesterday, and she finished it.
Btw, anyone knows how much water/milk to mix with the cereal?

Hi val, u got stretch mark problem too??? Not sure if mine is stretch mark, but got dark patches leh...and also a few lines

Really??!! but I didn't see you with Edison le!! Maybe next gathering??


So sorry about your babies being "cut off" next time I'll take better ones hor??

Anyone need photos for print please let me know so I"ll send them in original size...if hotmail yahoo users I'll send you zippy file.
Nat, is that matthew eating veggies??? He looks so cute... entertaining himself har... hehehe... ian hasn't found his toes yet. They are 1 week apart.
Jul...not veggies la...it's a green thingee for chewing from pigeon..

He drips pools and pools when chewing on it..wasted $$ buying cos he obviously prefers his toes!!

I totally agree w the Bumbo.. for Matt as you can see he can self-entertain..gives me time to go toilet break as I can put him on a conventional chair or the table.. he can even watch me take water for him for bath. Sometimes I needed a break I'll put him on the table and chat with him face to face. If carry is always in lying down position or he's looking over my shoulder.

Feeding him cereal is also easy...except he'll put his toes in his mouth at times. He does not even arch his back just to worm out of my carrying...
One more thing...I can even bathe him in it..I forgot to get the towel for him so I put him in the Bumbo...he peed in it and so I carried him and the Bumbo to bathroom...ran hot water and bathed him there.. he had so much fun..laugh and laugh..
Since all of u are 1st time mums n bbs only the most 5mths+....go grab the bumbo...it is really comfy n gd!

Go try it out at any departmental store n see the satisfactory smile on ur bbs

Nvr mind.....she is just so sweet n innocent....all mummy's fault
....u trim a bit for her lor....shd do the wonder! Heehhehe...put her on the bumbo n trim....can...NAT, wat do u think....hahahahahha...we sing so much praises for the bumbo here!
I took my son to PD to take 5 in 1 jab. $90 per jab

U coming wif ??
U prefer Thu (3pm) or Sat (12pm or 3pm?)

U steady man. Leave your gal while u shop
There r ups n dwns being a mum. Yes, we sacrifies alot. Especially sahm. Salute to u. Pour in your sorrow in tis forum. We can't help u but can lend u listening ears n share our stories too

Wat other sympton/uncomfy Jerald has when his gigi pop?

I still look after my boi when I m sick

Pls send me original file wif Chen Chen.
Matt so tum jia, "eats" his toes, boi
Matt is such a gd boi non attention seeking, so easy to take care of

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
Pringles + ??
Val + ??
sahm + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12, 3)
Mon_mon + ??
I cant confirm anything yet cos' may not be able to find relief for babysitting of 1 of my kids. Long break...every1 planning for holiday. Just take it as i am not coming 1st. Not a prob rite if i were to just pop up at last min??

I didnt leave her alone to shop lah....just that the bumbo is so sturdy n comfy for her that I think i can leave her alone for awhile

I m feeling much better now......actually my 2 kids n hb are real dear to me.....
U r bothered by his absence lah....just that u ve learnt how to handle Jerald on your own better liao....so not too much bothered by the extra hands.......Hurray to ur little independence gained.

Hb ever worked 36hrs in a row.......u believed it? also like that lor.....not shiok but wat can we/he do?
The club hse is available on 11 Nov 3pm onwards till 9 time, 13 Nov 12 to 3:30pm. I booked 13 Nov 12pm. But if u gals prefer 13 Nov 3pm, then hv to go to my hse which is not v big. Cast your vote

I thot u bringing Elyse n your boi. Sure u can pop by last min. Wish u come
Wow your hubby worked 36hrs in a row. His co so terrible. When did the last slave die?

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
Pringles + ??
Val + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12, 3)
Mon_mon + ??
BTW, it is going to b a pot luck. Kindly indicate wat u gonna bring
Hi Shook,
I'm Ok for both dates. If it's Sat, then hubby probably won't be able make it as he has to work, so it'll just me me and Aelwen. If it's pot luck, I would prefer Sat so I can bake a cake the day before.

Hope you can make it for the gathering so will know who you are if I even bump into you at NTUC...or rather fight for the last pack of diapers
jul, I'm from VJC too!!! S11, but waaaaaaaaaay before your time

Nat, can send me the only one photo with me & Sarah in it? The one with sahm and your Matt and helper.
Nat, congrats!
ehhehee... old people say that if your bb finds his toes early then next bb will come soon... ehheehe... Ethan has seen his toes, but hasn't initiated to grab them. Phew!

Shook, I can't make it on thursdays. Am working... not sahm.

Sahm, if no one to take care of your little one for the gathering, then bring him lor... I'll bring my helper along to help u.
natt, i think the dumbo cost abt $80+, very expensive investment - v.keen to get him one but the cost is holding me back.

shook, Jerald's 5-1 jab at the neighbourhood GP is $75, hep B jab is $20.

Signs of him sprouting gigi...lots of drool!! It started when he loves to blow bubble with his drool like a crab!! His thumb is nvr far frm his mouth, and anything he can grab!! And of late he dislike brushing his gums!! ( i think that caused irritation - no matter we use cotton or cloth) and in the beginning he's very cranky!!! But now the 1st erupted gigi is very visible so i think he doesnt experience much irritation so he's in much better mood.

shook, you got my vote rite - spoke to hb liao - if no hic up - our attendance is 95% confirmed.

sahm, i think all along - i've dependent a lot on my parents - so now even after marriage i dependent a lot on my hb - now i got this little man dependent on me - so i must be indepent for him lor, otherwise how to be somebody mummy!!!

wow, 36hrs???? he oso working shift??
Hahahahhahhah EMILY.....
SOTONG U! THu is a deepavali leh.........u work? So ticklish.........see...I am back to my gila self.......haiz....imagine kinda feel so down n tired over the wkends.........now me dragon liao.....
...yah....really needs ur helper's hands if i lug 2 of my kids there! Tks in advance hor

Pls spare me lah....dun point me out to any1 here....FAT n REAL DISASTROUS!!!!!! Ian can join Vane n Aelwen liao......nvr poo for days.....think shd be ok.....unless Ian is listless n in distress?

Me is always one of the most giantic ladies ard....so it shd be easy for u to spot
...yah...v much luv to see u at the gathering too.

My hb v industrious one. Not dead yet but left with bones only........poor thing! Both hb n I v extreme sizes one.......hahahahhaha...u will agree if u see us!
Not like u n hb....both petite n almost same size?

Giggler, Sanrio, B2B3M4,
where u mummies.............miss MIss U leh

How's ur trip? Did u go for jacuuzi? What pts did ur mil redeem ah? I like to collect points too...hahahahahha.........n I am gd in that too....how, did u try all the restaurants' fd? Chinese rest not bad rite? the soup v gd......u catch the sunrise?
sahm, ian is still his usual self, that's why no action on my part yet... hehehe, hope u dun mind me pointing u out...
Along with our bbs, we r also growing up....n sometimes we r FORCED to grow up fast. Like wat u said is so true........if not the little gentleman turn to who? 'ni1 xiang3 tong1' le......hurray!

ONce only lah...such 36hr record.....no, he not on shift...but at time his hours also rather irregular n long...so at times, i v scared to recieve his sms in the evening....'dear, will be late tonite.'.....
I dun dare to take care of my girl when I'm sick, the last time I did that, she got it from me. I was wearning a mask all the time but she still kena the virus. Very heartache to hear her coughing and sneezing with her nose running, and she was only 9 weeks old then. I carried to sleep almost throughout the whole night cos her nose is blocked and cant breath when lying down. Worst when we try to feed the medicine ..she scream n scream. Don't wanna go thru that again.

wah..ur boy v fast. my girl 1 day older than ur boy but no teeth at all. I realised she has all the symptoms u mentioned! drooling and blowing bubbles all the time! hmmm..tonight better do a thorough check.

Yah its hot wearing the binder, worst when i walk to the hawker center for lunch, but what to do, my tummy still v big. My manager saw me and ask if I'm expecting again!
With a binder, I can adjust the tightness. When it gets unberable, I loosen a bit. With girdle, cannot do that leh

I'm a working mum. Initially I wanted to stay home till my bb is 6 mths old, but returned to work when my girl is 3 mths old cos I was getting very very restless. Moreover my mum n dad simple adores my girl, so she's in good hands so I can relly fang4 xin1 and go back to work.
I ANGRY u know!!!! Dun do that again....spank u ah!!

Ian shd be fine.......dun worry......came across more bbs not pooing for days than pooing too many times a day (like my kids).....but key pt is if they are still their usual self, not is distress/listless....things shd be fine.
Me is in ur shoes too...been mistaken as expecting too....esp if I too lazy to dress up. How to dress up, when my boy n girl are all over me? Worst, after i got the 2 ready, hb already waiting for me at the door liao...ended up I machiam maids. Maids ard my estate r all presentable than me too!

True...not all women can tahan SAHM's life....prefer to go out to work........
Hi gals, so many postings!!! My eyes going to pop out liao. Took leave yday to take care of bb cos my mom is sick and I still not confident to let my mil to bathe bb. I tried feeding Vane rice cereals myself yday. Quite enjoyable as she quite like it and can finish it up in less than 10min.

Hi sahm, Elyse made me want to buy the bumbo seat leh.

Hi jul & shook, I'll prefer to go to Jul's place for gathering cos it's nearer lah. Heehee But since Shook already book the clubhouse, shall we postpone the Westerners' gathering to another mth and we'll go to Shook's house instead?

Hi Kis, Vane also trying to push her hands and legs fwd when in push up position now.
sahm, must xiang tong!! if not tong dan all jammed inside my head sure go crazy!! as for the dumbo...after bb can sit steadily by himself liao - dan how - you'll c all mummies posting the dumbo for auctions!! $80+++ i tot shd i buy the swing (which he enjoys) or the dumbo (which he hvnt try).....

if i strike 4d dan dun nd to think so much
I give u a day off on Thu
. No need to go to work. Allo, Thu is Deepavali public holiday. I m not a sahm as well

Chen Chen oso drools, blow bubbles n put anything into his mouth. Dun tell me he ....???
Does Jerald hv fever or diarrhoea?

Come, come, lug your 2 kids n your hubby

Ian a breast fed bb. No poo 2 wks oso not a problem

I booked club hse on Sat 12pm. Thu 3pm still available last Sat. If most of u prefer to go to my hse on Sat 3pm then we gotta winzip in my hse coz club hse already booked on Sat 3pm
So u coming wif ?? n time slot u prefer??

Latest update
Nat, hubby n Matt
Sanrio, hubby n Ashrel
Emily, hubby/helper n Ethan (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
Pringles + ??
Val + ??
Lyn, hubby + Jerald (thu 3pm, Sat 3pm)
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12, 3)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3)
Giggler + ??


Haha...I don't know you, but my hubby recognises u! He's your grand senior. If you turn up for gathering at Shook's place, u would probably know him too.


I'll confirm with my hubby on preference of date. But u can include me + hubby + Alicia.
