Hi Mar_mum,
So fast hor, actually i enjoyed my confinement, done by my mil, had very gd rest.
I have a maroon MIM sling one, can sell u if u don mind, pls PM me.
Hi Helena,
Oh, din know ur hb still not back yet, tough to take care of kids w/o hb around, i feel. i prefer hb to hands on together.
U sound like u hv a terrible mil, can share? Now u staying w ur mum? My PIl love kids, so they are more than happy if we put our kids under their care.
btw, r u still breastfeeding Titus?
Hi Wendy,
Gd to hv mil& maid to help u out. We din like to hv a maid, is like a stranger invade into our privacy.
So u going to try for a girl? I do yearn for a girl but we have plan to go oversea for 1-2yrs, so maybe after we are back then try again. By then the boys are more controllable, i hope.