(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Ladies

Will let all of you know once we are confirmed relocating, for the time being the official letter has not arrived yet like I say about another 4 weeks and a couple more days...

K's mum, I suppose a centre and a school has a great difference. Well, we just have to be more involved with our children's life and education and I am sure they should be fine.

Alcovelet, I have seen the Mindstorms set but have not laid my hand on it. So far, have not let Kai try the robotic invention set yet, like you I do not want to do all the programming. There are centre teaching the children the programming which I might send Kai to when he is much bigger.

This week is a bit busy for me on weekend, if I am not wrong, a couple of my this month's Saturdays are out as I have to go for meeting for Children's Ministry and also Meeting to integrate visitors and newcomers into the church.

hi Apricot,

Ya kids definitely included. Anyone want to suggest a date? Since Pris say she is busy this month's saturday ... would 10th May sounds good? I suppose thats the mothers' day weekend?
Sherlyn, thanks for organising. 10th May is out for me as it is my bro's birthday.

I know one in geylang, reasonable price but freshly made, if not can try the red star restaurant in Chin Swee Road.
Hi Pris,

I wouldnt want the pressure to be put upon u, but just wondering if u hv other preferences on the dates?

Thanks for the recommendation. I guess I will go hunt down the chin swee road red star.

thanks again
Sher, yesterday got recommended one on TV Tim Sum at AMK blk 151 #01-3030. We have not try yet, probably will do so when we have the time.
hi worrymom
did u go to the restaurant in the end?

hi sher
10 may is out for me, i have a BKK trip on the cards.
btw, 11 may is Mother's Day! = mommy's sanity day = no outings with kids tagging along ;)

hi k's mom
headache's absolutely related to the shoulderache, i went thru the throbbing pain without panadol that day, and soooo proud of myself for not giving in to those painkillers. haha
Hi Moshi,

I've not done yoga often enough to reap the benefits actually. But I do feel good after all the stretching & breathing exercises.
Hi Moshi,

No harm trying
Typically the instructor will ask if you have specific pains & such & they can advise accordingly.

Hmmm boardgames = bored games for C. She doesn't quite fancy them. She only played My First Scrabble once & it has been in the cupboard ever since.

How about Uno, Mastermind, Snake & Ladder or Tic Tack Toe, just to name a few.
Alcovelet, hm...are you aware that you don't accept PM? Anyway, I made the choc cake. Mine was quite dense. Yours seems so crumbling like a cake. I find mine taste and look more like brownie. Actually, I didn't make granche because can't find double cream. I also do not have enough cocoa powder, so I just melt the left over choc bar in my fridge and dump it in. Maybe that was the reason it's so dense.
Sherlyn, if you are reading this go check out Alcovelet blog, she has this really nice choc cake recipe. Yum yum even though my was not the exact version. I'm sure you would enjoy it. Thanks Alcove for putting up the link!!

Moshi,what boardgames can our kids play?

-junior scrabble
-junior boggle
-5 stones??
-old maid

Actually I asked this question awhile ago. It was more like what do girls play. But ain't got reply.

Chloe, ya my girl is not into board games too. She likes to play dress up. She also hates jigsaw puzzles. So, I'm really curious what other girls play at home.
I'm new to this forum. Registered some time ago but this is only my second posting (first posting also made today)
I'm also a fren of Moshi (hello, yes, i finally got here!) -- our kids attended the same kindergarten briefly
Real keen to make more mummie frens as being a SAHM can be er, quite isolating at times?!

Have 2 kids, one born 2003 and another in 2006. Son is quite neantherdal, not sure if he likes board games, will try to find a set for him ;P. He likes horsing around mainly. My girl is more so-called conscientious -- she will pay attention when i try to educate her. She's now 2 and can count to 9 (better than bro at this age).

Currently I'm based in Taipei (where hubbie works), but will be back nex year, or the year after, when my boy registers for P1.

Read that there may be a gathering in June? I will be back in SG then to run some errand... (date not confirmed). Hope to join u guys if possible
Hi Serena, tks for telling me abt the pm issue. Just fixed it. Double cream etc is avaiable in Cold storage. I used whipping cream and that was fat enough as it is. Super rich!
Hi Serena,

C likes to play dress up too. She has a few princess costumes so every nite she will dress up with little C & they will play make believe or simply sing & dance. Or she will draw & paint, read or play her keyboard, or watch VCDs.

We have many toys at home, but most are rarely touched.
Hi Hui Li,


I've got 2 girls, 4.5 & 2 yrs, similar to you. Do your children play well together? Is your boy attending school in Taipei, or are you homeschooling him?
Hi hui li!!
Finally! Back in june? Yipeeee it's the hols. Ian and mel have to meet! they must hold hands ok!
u got me looking up the dict for 'neanderthal'! goodness me, ian's such a charmer, who cares if he is 'uncivilised'(if that's what u meant) haha

hi k's mom
la-dolce-vita-attitude in europe?? this piqued
my curiosity too, can explain pl, teacher;)

hi serena
mel plays teacher every day now, her lesson starts at 3pm, she gathers her animals friends, greets them , starts yaking like a teacher, naggy n commanding. refuses to nap as a result, and goes to bed sulking saying she to go check if her students finish their worksheets!!
for her, simple things do wonder, household items double up as props for her pretend play.

by chance, i found mahjong to be 'educational' too, yi wan, er wan (chinese), arranging the dots and green sticks in order, actually i am beginning to think that they can play adapted version of the game! ok, don;t tell me there are mahjong-ing kids here already!
Hi HuLi!! Welcome!!

Moshi & Chloe, spot on!! Belle likes to play teacher too. Yes, yes gathering all her plush toys as students!! Her toys are also untouched. She also loves to dance! Trying to impersonate Britney spears dance moves!!



Here's belle doing a jig in the hotel room.

Moshi, hey you gave me a great idea. Think mahjong is quite fun but alas! I don't know the game.
yo britney spears wannabe, that's a cool move, video pl!

sarah, miss fickle has changed her mind, wants Dora now. pirate theme, kind of ties in with the ocean theme she's doing in sch.
25 may 1130am at expo!

anyone keen?

10% off if u pay by NETS at any Tickets outlet,
i am of course buying the cheapest CAT. hehe
Hi women,
Thanks much for the warm welcome! :)

My children are 4 yrs 4 months (boy, Ian, born Dec 2003) and 2 years (gal, Ky-shan), really close in age to yours :)

They have a love-hate relationship... Actually the gal worships her brother, follows his every naughty action, like jumping on beds & sofas and whining. The boy is super jealous type. Loves his sister (sometimes will kiss & hug her and say he loves her), but always bullying her -- give her all the lousy toys and snatch things from her. At the worst, they will shove one another. :-( My gal also not doormat though, she will retaliate by thumping Kor Kor's head!! Quite funny... :) But can get quite chaotic when they both whine at same time for your attention!! ... Best part of having 2 kids is they can entertain each other. :)

Ian attends full day childcare here. I just try to supplement by reading him stories and teaching alphabet etc when he cares to listen...

How abt yours?

Ian also likes to role play school. Yesterday he made the whole family line up, hold hands and go toilet to pee pee. :)

Here's a picture of Ian in school in Taipei, charming his classmate with a birthday present. (It was Ian's birthday and the teacher made him give out the gifts one by one).

Ha ha! Girls all like that?... Like to preen n pose in front of mirror? Ky-shan also likes to do that, and no one taught her... How old is Belle? She looks like she is coming to her preteens soon...
oh, that swoonsome smile, it kills!

what's in that bag har, pink? your choice?

anyone on skype? i want to add more pple to my list.
moshimoshi, I skype. You can add me using my yahoo email.

Kai for a stage was role playing teacher too. Now he is into bible snake and ladder board game where he needs to recite verses and sing hymns etc.

Got to go now, homeschooling time.
Hi Hui Li,
I'm beginning to see my gals play together more now, especially when they are horsing around. It's a joy to watch them when they are not squabbling.
Hi all,

the gathering i propose did not seem to hv good response. Is it the dates? Anyway, would 17th May (sat) be good for those that hv replied so far? Venue at Disney Naturally, AnchorPoint, Opp Ikea.

Pris and me are fine with this date. Worry mum, you are on off too right?

Hi Hui Li,
My sis is living in Taiwan too. Taoyuan.

Hey mommies,
I'm on msn and skype too. PM me.

H is into role play too - teacher, customer, shop owner, pets etc...poor mommy has to play whatever role she dictates.
Board games? No monopoly for her becoz she didnt want to go to jail.
Hi all,
You guys meeting in May? Well, I will likely not be back by then. But hope to see photos post-event ok? Have fun!

Oh the pink bag... Yes I packed M&Ms and balloons. Pink for the gals and blue for the boys of coz :) Nowadays, kids' birthdays turning into rather expensive events (wat with the cake as well)! But happy that the kids are learning to socialise at a young age, better than mummie at the same age!

Hi Sarah,
Your bro in law does not work for Philips by any chance rt?? Coz i know a S'porean in Taoyuan. Btw, how old are your kids?

Anyone on face book? Hey, send me a fren request ok? :)

Gonna go, sppd to be time wif 2 year old daughter. She gettin real bored already...
thanks ladies, will add u to skype. i used to use msn but have resigned from it. consolidating all at skype.

hi huili
goodies bags are a must to me, they make bdays like bdays. i would go easy on the cake though, nice ones are too ex, and kids are not likely to finish up.

hi serenade
yes, fisherman sch. used to, but don;t quite like the prog, too much focus on the history of composers. u know someone fr there?

hi sherlyn
17 may is my work day, pl go ahead with the rest ;)
i dug out an old book i chucked into the box, "Maths Games" by Jenny Feely. Plenty of game boards compiled into a book, bought at $5. try ur luck at Popular.
Date of return not confirmed. I sold my flat recently and will have to come back to sign docs and pack up the hse. Still waiting for agent to advise. But will be flwg this thread re. meeting and will certainly try to join in if I can. :) Although imagine that I will be rushed, sweaty and tired packing... see how :)
Hi Sherlyn
Thks for organizing Wish to join the gathering but 17May unable to make, we are going BKK for holidays during that week.

Hi Moshi
How’re u? Long time didn’t come in here since we met last year at Sarah’s place. I m also looking forward to visit the Philetic museum, there many nice stamps and books. For pains, I have tried taking panadol everyday for my shoulder ache + headache – Last week I went to pharmacy they recommend me to take Neurobion. They told me that is due to nerve that why I feel the pain. I just started n stop taking panadol. Maybe u can try too. I went yoga stretching & breathing exercises but it doesn't work maybe i m too lazy to practise it everyday.

Hi Moon87
I have MSN will PM u. I went to that HG store sell milk powder on sun and is only cheaper by 10cents..Now waiting for the carefour sales 5%+5% then I keep stock. If u r free on 01May drop by to HG stadium, my dd's sch having Sports Day in the morning.
hi hi everyone,

I've done it at the new school! Finally a sigh of relief and I can move on.

And btw, Ben's 2 front teeth are starting to shake and it seems like his new teeth are coming out. So don't be shocked if that happens to your kid.... He's 5 years 2 months old.

N btw, just sharing a new thot ... for those who are learning music (Judy!!!), when your kid is playing the chord (with 3 fingers on the left hand), do they have problems playing on the Electone or the piano? For eg, to play C, the kid presses Do, Mi, So ... mine tends to press down on the 4th finger (Re) as well. It's not obvious on the keyboard coz the keys are smaller and lighter but quite obvious on the Electone .. Serena (or anyone), how can I help him to change or improve his fingering? Teacher says must change or else it would become a (bad) habit.

oh, btw, National Musuem is free entry on 1 May ... someone just told me that.

Hi Hui Li

I am on facebook too.

Star, have your try taking Reliv, a friend from Barker Road Methodist Church recommended me and so far it has been very good to me and my mum. My mum has insomnia but after taking it, she can sleep very well and my friend used to have heel pain and now it is been relieved. If you want to read more testimony about it, I can email you as they have been email me the different testimony. For myself, I find that I do not feel so painful down when I run, I have a knee injury.

To all

29 April, Ben & Jerry is giving out Ice Cream cone free.
Ky!! Wow! It really hit me that our kids are growing up!! Teeth shaking? I wonder when will that happen to my girl. Congrats on the change of school. May I ask which school did you put him in?

As for playing on the piano, is he left handed or right handed? Usually righted handed means more power in that hand. So, correcting it becomes easier. You did not mention which hand. You will need to ask him to practise more often. Techniques are achieve thru more practise. Ask him to play on the table, moving just the first 3 fingers. Do not fret though, it is not a serious problem because it also has to do with his age, motor development may not be that mature yet. The piano teacher is not married, I suppose?? Seriously in the past, music schools only start accepting kids at 6 years of age.
Hi Serena

It's his left hand, and he's right-handed ... will practise help if he's constantly making doing that? He can't control the 4th finger very well. What if he keeps practising on the wrong positioning? I'm thinking of either disturbing my neighbour to practise on the electone or getting a 2nd-hand one. the teacher's young ... some mummies even gave her ang-pao during CNY, so go figure how young. But she's really nice and patient.

I've chosen CGM (Christian Gosspel Mission) for him, and like I've told Worry_Mum, only 1 vacancy left for the 2nd session.

Hi Star,

Glad to see you around again. How are you? Fyi, pandol is not good for body especially kidney. We did not managed to get the milk powder Neslac3+ from HG store as they were out of stock for quite sometime. Staff told us Nestle has not been bringing this milk powder for past 1yr due to shortage. How much did you pay for it? NTUC is selling at $34.50/tin.

I'll see if we can drop by on 1May at HG stadium.
Ky, that's why young piano teacher has no clue about motor development. She will think it's something serious that must corrected now or else... Anyhow, usually left hand can be weak. Practise more will strengthen the left hand. Eh, btw you don't have any keyboard at home? Then how does he practise?
Hi Serena

We have a keyboard. Just that I find that the keys are smaller and lighter, as compared to the Electone. Out of 7 kids that are left in his class, I think 3 kids are 5 year olds so I'm also observing their playing techinique. The older kids tend to play better.

