(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Moshimoshi .. Nov .. beach .. ok, if go , let u noe, cos nov scare rainy day. But West Coast is out of dengue, and the last time i went, both me and dh like the new additions .. so will also frequent there.

Your idea of A - Z party is great! I 100% supportive. Maybe we hv 2 letters in a month, then we can cover 24 letters. As for the 2 extra letters, we can see combine into which month lor .. or we can start nov and dec of a letter each, then 2 letters for the whole of nex yr. Wow, we hv all our parties planned up. How exciting!

sherlyn, I only develop photos for scrapbooking purposes :>

Pris, wat's the petition against Homosexuality abt ... I'm not against it actually (coz of a good fren)

Noone's keen on this ?? on character building. I'll go ahead myself then.

there's a parenting talk on 3 Nov by The Little Skool-House ... today's the last day for early bird registration ... anyone keen to go down? let me know. I've just received the email with details.

Family Seminar for Parents & Children entitled Kids for Character, Character for Kids!- Enthusiastic and Engaged: Supporting Young Children's Positive Approaches to Learning

Sherlyn, Worrymum, I like the movie thing too. Too bad it's in Nov!! Sigh! No time to join anything in Nov!! Pleeeeeeaase plan something in Dec, though.

Pris, your photo of the strudel is small. Can't see very clearly. You don't have a close up? Btw, like KY I'm also curious what's the petition against Homosexuality about? Is it not acknowledging them?
KY & Serena, they are passing a law to accept homosexual marriage etc. And it will be a social problem. There is alot of social problems and also STDs, Aids etc are common diseases of it.

And then the basic structure of the family unit will also be affected.

I think for the sake of our future generation, it is important that a law does not pass for it if not we are going to have alot of social problem like in the west. And I believe we do not want our children to grow up believe it is okay to marry the same sex etc.

Serena, it is in my blog if you are looking for the photos of the strudel.
rainy rainy monday and mel, down with drippy nose, has all the excuses to curl up at home heehee

hey hey
A to Z ideas are not mine!
copied and pasted from some site la.
hope we can get something going soon;)

my sis forwarded the petition to me too, haven't got the time to get down to it, but it's definitely for a good cause.

so the interview in london will decide if u guys are staying or coming home?
Ops.. sorry not organising.. but sharing.
cos still cant confirm going or not ..
Hi moshimoshi,
Indeed a good weather to curl one in bed
Just the right excuse for Mel to a big longer stay in bed.

Hi Kristin's mom,
I didn't insist on wearing socks during cold days. We had the heater switched on most of the time. So, it was fine for us if the kids didn't want the socks.

Looks like I'm not the only big spender online, hehe... Makes me feel better now... (Thinking aloud) hmm, should I go ahead and hit the "checkout" button? :p
Moshimoshi, if everything goes well and that he gets the fund for his research, we will go over to London next year. So it all depend where God's leading now. We will be back to Singapore first before we know the result and where we are heading or stay put till end of December or even next year.
Got this Article from CNB news forwarded to me by a friend regarding Homosexuality. A lebsian activist denounced herself from homosexuality...

CBN News
June 29, 2007

CWNews.com After 29 years as a gay activist, former lesbian magazine publisher Charlene Cothran stunned the homosexual community when she announced she had become a Christian.
She has renounced her homosexuality, and changed the format of her magazine to spread the Gospel to the gay community.
As a gay rights activist, Cothran was never afraid to fight for what she believed in. For 30 years, she was as vocal and in your face as they come.
She organized and marched with other lesbians in gay rights parades. And as editor-in-chief of Venus magazine , a national gay and lesbian publication, she wasn't about to change -- until something happened at a gay pride celebration that she never expected.
"In 2003, I was in Chicago at a gay pride event, in the middle of this beautiful park," Cothran recalled. "I took a panoramic view, and as far as I could see there were men with men and women with women, all just partying and having a good time. But a shame fell on me, I felt so out of place. I knew something in my spirit spoke that, 'this is that road that leads to destruction, and you're on it.'"
It took several years to come to terms with this vision, and during that time Cothran continued to publish her gay and lesbian magazine. But she couldn't escape the message she'd heard that day in 2003.
She said, "I kept myself busy with marches and activism and public appearances. But in the still of the night when everything is over, there was still that little voice, "You're not right with God."
Cothran says she longed for peace, but even in the midst of a long-term relationship, she felt intense loneliness. She'd grown up in a Christian home, and had come into the lesbian lifestyle at 19, after several bad relationships with boys.
"I didn't want anything to do with men anymore," she said. "I was away at college and that was a whole new world, and in that world there were many, many women who were attracted to me, and, of course, I was attracted to them. And these women were nurturing, wanted to get to know me intellectually -- they were organizers whom I found a lot of comfort in. It felt good, it felt right."
But it didn't feel right anymore. Then in June 2006, local Pastor Vanessia Livingston of Miracle Deliverance Church called Cothran, regarding an article in one her publications. She didn't know anything about Cothran's life and proceeded to talk to her about God.
Livingston asked Cothran, "What are you going to do about your life?" Then she told her, "'You need to get your life together.' Cothran said, 'I'm in the life.' I said, 'Yes, I know, that's why I'm talking to you, but you don't have to stay in the life. You can be delivered today, right now, right where you are.'"
They talked for awhile and Cothran remembers her words: "I can tell that you want to come back to God, but you feel unworthy, you feel that God can't use you because you've been marching and publishing and you've been such a proud lesbian all these years, but that's not true. He's waiting."
That day changed everything for Charlene Cothran, as she finally asked Jesus Christ to come into her heart and forgive her.
It was a personal transformation that she immediately wanted to share with her gay and lesbian followers. She wrote a front page article in her magazine called, "Redeemed! Ten Ways to Get Out of the Gay Life, if You Want Out."
"When the Lord saved me, I knew everything would change," she said. "All of the ads, the editorials, the mission of the magazine had changed. We're going to be calling people out of homosexuality."
Most of the response from the gay and lesbian community has been fierce and negative. But she says she knows that many of them are just as conflicted as she was.
Cothran said, "In order to fill up this empty space, they pretend to put on this wonderful face, 'how gay and happy I am,' when in fact -- there's a lot of loneliness in the gay community that's not talked about, and it's real."
But there has been positive feedback as well. Cothran says she gets lots of e-mails from people who say they struggle with homosexuality and want out.
CBN News asked Cothran, "I know people probably ask you, do you still have feelings for women, and are you dating a man?"
Cothran replied, "I'm living a celibate life. I'm so focused on the spirit right now, that I have no urges for anyone -- man or woman."
With a new outlook about herself and life, Cothran is still on the frontlines of the gay rights battle, only now she sees it as a spiritual fight to lead others to the freedom she's found.
"Our mission now," she said, "is to educate and to turn people away from the homosexual lifestyle simply by presenting the truth. We simply want people to question what they've learned through the pages of Venus magazine over the past 13 years."
Prior to Cothran's conversion, Venus circulated about 35,000 copies per issue which ran four times a year. But after the issue featuring her testimony, the gay political machine pressured advertisers to drop the magazine. And gay pride events and college campuses no longer subscribe.
But in her own words, Cothran has no regrets about her change.
She said, "There is a joy and a peace that you can't find in a club, I don't care how good the music is. You can't find it in the middle of a gay pride parade, I don't care if you have the biggest, prettiest float. I have a joy and a peace that I wouldn't trade for anything."
k's mom
guess what, i lost the newspaper cut-out with the answers!
but i rem vaguely the number is one thousnad five hundred something, so ur answer could be right!

anyway, mommies, i am fretting over this PSLE math question published on papers on sunday. have u solved them all?

6/14 of the chairs in a hall are in rows of 13. Half of the chairs are in rows of 7. There are 112 more chairs in rows of 7. The rest of the chairs are stacked up. Find the total nunmber of chairs. (4 marks)

so k's mom,
i think i have problem understanding the first line! 6 out of 14 are in rows of 13 so where are the other 8 chairs? or this piece of info not important?

can show ur workings here?
Mel's sch is selling the Ednoland computer prog to be conducted during curriculum time, $120 per term, 1 hour per week.

any comments/feedback on this?
Hi moshi2!

I think my answer might be wrong... waiting for my hubby to confirm it.... hehee... you are talking to one person who has recurring nightmares of failing her maths exam, even till this day!

When I read the question, I just took 6/14 as a fraction.

I was just thinking about the question again when I was at the gym this morning, and I thought, I might have made a mistake coz if 1568 had been right, then it would mean 6/14 multiply by 1568 would be divisible by 13... so... oopsy!

Anyway, I take consolation that the question only costs 4 marks... haha!

But someone really has to go find out the real answer!
Hi Serena!

You still in Sg?

Thanks for the pretty OshKosh outfit!
It just came in the mail today. It went through some custom check.

I think K will love the dress to bits! She's in this phase where she wakes up in the morning and demands to wear a dress to school! We are already running out of dresses that she can wear at this temperature. After I last mentioned about the temp, this week's temp does not hit above 5 deg C before the afternoon.

Thanks alot again!
Hi Moshi2!

Your parcel must also be with the custom now for clearance, I think. Haha... these Germans must be thinking what these people who live at this address are getting....
I think they'll be pretty disappointed to find just toddlers' outfits!
Hi moshi2!

Hee... I goggled and checked for the question and answer. I think I got the answer right! Yippee! Now I can go show off to my dh who has an excellent enginering degree!!!

Actually, it's very simple and I think reading and understanding the question is key.

Will share more later today. Gotta run and pick the kids up!
moshi, if you need help to solve maths problem, email me the pages, I can help.

I do teach double maths in school. I love training my pupils for challenging problem sums.
It is a playing with words, so if you is careful and read it, the answer is quite simple.

For row of 13 chairs, 6 units out of 14 units.

For row of 7 chairs, 7 units out of 14 units.

7 units - 6 units = 112
1 unit = 112
all together, there are 14 units = 14 x 112
= 1568

If the whole question is as shown above.
This is a common questions and it gives away the marks.

If the children has been doing challenging problem in school all the time, should not have the problem solving these.

I am tempted to know more about this year paper and as usual parents will com
Hi Pris!

I did it the same way as you did, though dh was thinking of equations.

I thought P6 weren't supposed to know equations. So let's pretend we all didn't know that too.

What I did was:

6/14 no. of chairs are group arranged in rows of 13.
7/14 no. of chairs are group arranged in rows of 7.

(I figured 13 and 7 were basically distractors... Which I found out later to be true. )

7/14 - 6/14 = 1/14, which is the remainder no. of chairs stacked up and also happen to be equivalent to 112 as given in the question.

So multiplying 112 to 14 gives me 1568. (Rationale of 14/14 as a whole unit)

But what I found flawed was that, if every pc of info given in the question was true, then working backwards would show us if the chairs were really arranged in rows of 13 and rows of 7.

Rows of 7, yes.
But rows of 13, no. Coz (6/14)*(1568) is not divisible by 13.

The question should have been set with a better distractor like 12 (at least a factor of [6/14*1568] instead. That was why I thought my answer was wrong initially. Thinking too much is not good, eh? So let's just stick to simple question, simple answer! ;)

Sorry there... I couldn't explain the answers with units like you did. From my working above, you can definitely tell that Maths isn't my forte - gee, more words than numbers! Also, I was never a brilliant maths student. Only certain topics in Maths thrilled me like 3D vectors and matrices. But that too is history coz mathematics is so remote to me now. I wonder how I'm gonna survive looking at the questions my children might have for me in future... haha!

Ok... here are the other questions:
The other two don't pose any more challenges to me anymore coz I saw the answers right at one glance. Haha... my GP tutor always knew that I jumped lines when I read!

For your benefit, please don't scroll down the photo too quickly.

Apparently, Norman Tien's blog shows some workings there too.
Hi Pris!

I'm still figuring out simple ways to solve no.3.

Hmm... like drawing a graph. Coz no equations there, remember?

Anyway, let's just tease the rest a bit here and not serve them the answers right away! :p I'm sure they will get a kick out of solving the problems.
I am trying to look at Q2 again, by logic, it is right to get 1568. By technically, like what you say that I am working backward, I think there is a flaw to the question.

Using the unit model, but using backward to check answer, it does not seem right.

6 units = 112 x 6
672/ 13 = 51.69 rows

7 units = 112 x 7
= 784
784/ 7 = 112 rows

112 chairs are stacked up.

I only managed to solve it before I brought Kai out so thinking when I am back, then check the answer haahaa....there is a flaw...must know who is the setter haahaa.

There are some other that are also common like this one

There are 84 chairs in a room, arrange them into a square so that everyone in the room when seated, could see each other. How many chair are there on each side?

For those solving, just for your info, children are trained to draw simple model from P1 onwards, so if your children is not doing it, then when it comes to the more challenging problem, they will have problem.

For me, I insisted that all homework and all problem sums, my ex-students had to draw models. And of course, during meet parents sessions, parents had complained that I am too demanding but when PSLE time, the children find that is it a breeze since they are trained to do that and also lots of speed tests in class.

My pupils in the beginning are like scoring like 0 or 1 out of 5 problem sums haahaa...then towards year end, they are getting full marks and it helps in their exams too, leaving them alot of time to check their working, answers etc
K's mum, I need more questions to challenge my rusty brain haahaa.

By the way, STU Gen-Sec passed on. Just found out from the newspaper.
hi k's mom and pris
yep, got it thanks! for Q1, i solved it through simltaneous equation, still trying to figure it out using part whole model. pris, care to enlighten?

serenade, pris is right, all methods are welcome but workings must be shown. P2/P3 kids will be exposed to basic part whole models.
mommies can look out for workshops conducted peridically by assessment books writers like Andrew Er and Fabian Ng to learn how to use them.

someone here knows fabian ng, is that u, pris?

yes, answer is 25cm for Q3.
workings also for this please, thanks.

actually i read that those questions are not revealed by the exams board but the students themselves. as usual, some high flyers cried after the paper as they couldnt solve all questions. but a nice retired teacher offered these comforting words "you dont need to solve all to get an A*" how true!
enjoy your Genting trip!

abt scholastic books, mel gets the order form from the sch too, will let u know when i receive it, the next round would likely be jan'08.
Hi moshimoshi, pris,
Thanks for affirming that algebra solving is allowed. Recalled that my cousin said the school teacher didn't allow algebra. But that was years ago...

For the working,

Original volume of water in Tank A = 40x50x60 cubic metre

Since original vol. of water in Tank A is shared between Tank A and Tank B, it means :
New volume of water in Tank A and Volume of water in Tank B = Original volume of water in Tank A

50x40xH + 40x70xH = 40x50x60

*H is the new height in both Tank A and Tank B.
*Formula for Volume = Length x Breadth x Height

Solve for H and the answer is 25cm
For Q1, I did it in a slightly different way. The crux - "There are 112 more chairs in rows of 7".

Since the rest of the chairs are stacked up, it means there are 112 more chairs in the rows of 7 than rows of 13.

1/2 chairs - 6/14 chairs = 112
1/14 chairs = 112
chairs = 112 x 14 = 1568

It's easier to see the picture if one draws it.

Hmm, would the student get extra marks if he/she points out the discrepancy as mentioned by K's mom? :p
does anyone have tips on making custard like steamed egg?

how much water to one egg? i have this tendency to overcook steamed egg cos' i want to ensure the bacteria in the egg are all killed, that's why i have the egg stuck to the side of the bowl and washing is hell after that.

just how long do i steam it? and how much water???
moshimoshi, yes, he is one of my ex-colleague's good friend.

Q1) I cannot draw model here, so let x be the equal amount sold.

4 units + X = 156
1 units + X= 72

3units = 156-72
= 84
1 unit = 84 / 3
= 28

Amount sold = 72 -28
= 44

Checking using
Amount sold = 156 - (4 x 28)
= 156 - 112

Q3) Volume of water = 50 x 40 x 60
= 120 000

Since they are having same height for water,
Base area of Tank A = 50 x 40
= 2 000
Base area of Tank B = 70 x 40
=2 800

(Base area of Tank A + Base area of Tank B) x height = 120 000

(2 000 + 2 800) X Height = 120 000
Height = 120 000/ 4 800
= 25

Height is 25cm.

In fact, in class we do not encourage Algebra but some very bright kids know algebra well so if they can explain clearly, I will mark right.

In PSLE, we are told that we mark accordingly,no matter what methods used as long as it is logical and think at the viewpoint of the students.

So, model, algebra, trial & error, all acceptable.

Hi moshimoshi,
We are going Genting next Monday. So, still around this week :p

Hi Worrymom,
Thanks a zillion for the info. After some thoughts, we are taking the coach instead. Can't muster enough courage to drive in alone...
