(2003) Calling all 2003 babies


i guess layering is the way to go bah (not much experience thou) ... so that u can "unlayer" when u go indoor. Anyway your gal can take alot of layers
. brrrr, 4dC so cold. I think another impt thing is skincare too, and also lip balm. Enjoy yr trip

Wah so u will be busy for a month! You better prepare to bake a logcake for the christmas party (gog to hv one rite?) hehehe

Serena, K's mum said almost everything. Over here in Vancouver, it is already about 9 degree celius in the day depending on whether rainny or sunny.

I used have a long cotton shirt for Kai, he will have another cotton vest, then fleece cardigan or woollen sweater depend on how cold it is, a waterproof and windproof outer coat. He wear thick jean with a cotton long pain inside or even fleece pant and a waterproof pant outside. Thick socks and boots.

Yes, it is important to get the flu jabs. And prepare lots of lotion and use them sparely as the weather is cold and dry, the body will itch so need to apply alot of lotions. Like K's mum has mentioned lip palm and sunblock too.

Do get some vit. C to bring along as well as some cold/flu/cough medication for the trip.

Enjoy your trip!

Sarah and Hannah, enjoy your trip to Paris too.
Meilan, this is for you. What happened that you cannot access the site? I have granted you access. Nevertheless, here's some photos of food for you.

Ondeh Ondeh

Moist Chocolate Cake


Swedish Meatballs
Child's size

Adult's size

There are some like mooncakes, oven baked donuts in our shared blog.

Apricot, all your 3 princes look like each other when they are 2 months.
Serena, once the temperature goes below O degree Celius, Kai will wear his long john inside, in the day, he will have the long john with a cotton layer underside but at night will be the woolen one.

Also get beanies for the head and ears, scarf too. Bring along a sunglass to protect the eyes if you are going to places that has lots of snow, the reflection of the sun can be quite painful to the eyes.
hi mommies,
work's getting busy & i have no time to log in. yeah so surprise thread's so quiet.

hi sarah,
bet you are having fun in paris now!

hi kristin's mom,
read about your books spree. so nice of them to give out free books! chloe has the phonics slide & write book too, but i have yet to use it.

hi serena,
chloe has got some thermal wear. should be able to fit bel. pm me if you want to borrow. when are you leaving for hokkaido? are you going skiing? i need sometime to dig the stuffs out....
gee, winter holiday, great to have sartorial advisors like k's mom and pris around!

hi meilan
bottletree tour, would prefer the first week of dec. can i propose 3 dec, Mon?

we can also do the botanic gardens too!

i will pass u the stuff on sun, anytime between 230pm to 3pm's fine, just text me;)

hi chloe
did u visit the children's garden at botanic? how did it go?
hope ur hub is back and u are less busy;)

hi k's mom
have u got the K's package? i think it's close to a month since i dropped it in the post! hm...
instinct tells me u are getting it today;)

did u receive my address? sorry for the late reply, i usu. dont go online during the weekends.

hi jan
r u off to sentosa this weekend? have fun!

hi apricot
how's ur first week of work? hope things are well with the twins, they must be missing u much;)

hi serenade
genki? what hv ya been busy with?
hi moshi,

you mia for a few days huh?

oh yes we went botanic garden's jacob ballas last saturday

the weather was terrible, scorching hot, then rain, stop, rain again, stop, then rain again

there's a water play area (& thanks to the watering cans, the poor plotted plants were all soaked with water), a sand area (not great), a maze (quite fun). we missed the tree house cos of the intermittent rain. see pics in my blog =)

i wanted to bring C there again on monday, but she wanted to go to the zoo instead. so i guess botanic gardens wasnt that great....
ML, reason for the lukewarm response to the Bottle Tree Park trip is probably cos most of our kids are in school (ie cc) in the mornings. I personally am reluctant to take him out of school for outings as such, though it sounds good. And you know K naps in the morning, and so no for him too ... u wanna consider changing it to the late afternoon? I can join then

Pris, thanks for putting up the pics for me. Luckily I just had lunch so not drooling this time
I will try to enter your blog again. By the way, do you happen to have a recipe for yakitori? My helper tried yesterday according to a Japanese recipe I have but it didn't turn out right.
hi sherlyn
lemme know if u are going to the beach in nov, i am gona be free during the weekends for that month, yipeeeeee
Ya, Bottle Tree Park outing is on a weekday so will be more for SAHM and working mums who may be taking leave for their kids during the sch hols. Prefer morning rather than afternoon as it's not so hot and also to accommodate to children who still take afternoon naps. Let's see how the response go. I think the park has enough play facilities so even if the group is not big enough to ask for a fruit tress tour, we can still have a cosy gathering

Date: 19 Nov or 4 Dec (Mon)
Time: 9.30am (while it is not too hot)
Venue: Bottle Tree Park at near Khatib MRT

1) Meilan (2A 2C)
2) Moshi (1A 1C)
3) Sherlyn (1A 2C)
hi meilan,

yes it was crowded and dh had to drop us & park somewhere as the nearby lots were all taken up.
i would suggest you go on a weekday morning to beat the crowd.
worry_mum, snapfish - I use already ... I paid $1.90 for postage. if u recommend fren via email, I think u get more foc copies too ...

there's a parenting talk on 3 Nov by The Little Skool-House ... today's the last day for early bird registration ... anyone keen to go down? let me know. I've just received the email with details.

Family Seminar for Parents & Children entitled Kids for Character, Character for Kids!- Enthusiastic and Engaged: Supporting Young Children's Positive Approaches to Learning

So 20 prints at $1.90..hmm not bad hor. How's the print quality? So u wanna recommend me to get more prints? me have not register..hehe
print so-so only ... semi glossy print. I like matt print.... yes, pls. i'll recommend u (cheapo mummy here too). let me go dig that mail

Hi Kristin mom and Pris, thanks for the advice on winter wear. After all the layering, do you girls still feel cold when you're out and about? Or is it bearable?
Chloe's mum, you don't seem to worry that much when you go Australia. Look at me, worry so much!! What's wrong with me!!!??
hi serena,

ha ha i'm too busy to worry, just pack & go!

cant exactly remember how many layers...when we were at the ski resort, she had wool thermal wear, cotton long top & bottom and her ski suit, coupled with mittens, shawl & goggles when skiing.
hi serena,

dont forget to bring moisturizer (i use goat milk lotion from crabtree & evelyn which was very good), sunblock & lip balm (c loves this, like applying lipstick)!
Hey, that's a great idea! Bel would think she's putting on lipstick! Thks! Chloe can ski?!! wow, it's really tiring isn't it. I tried once in Switzerland. Killing!! For a 4yr old must be tough. Or mayb they just treat it as a game.
Hi moshimoshi,
Busy playing with the kids, that's why MIA :p Taking a break now cos they are watching TV

Hi Serena,
Think you might freak out if you know how much clothing my kids wore for winter, hehe... My kids only had 2 layers of clothes, apart from the winter jackets. Brandon wore only normal jeans with thick socks while Cheryl had jeans with thick stockings.

Anyway, always try to dress according to where you are going. For instance, if you are spending a long day in the open air, maybe more layering. Scarf and mittens are most important. In fact, a good thick scarf around the neck is the best for walking in the open. But if you are having indoor activities, you might consider only one or two layers of inner wear with the jacket. More often than not, indoor places have heater and it would be warm if you don too much clothing.

Remember to get Adabel drink more water. It's possible to get dehydrated in winter.
Oh Serenade!! yes I almost forgot about the water. Thanks for reminding. I need more water myself too. Don't you miss those days in France?

Despite all the going on in my life now, I still can't tear myself away from baking.

I bake some cream puffs. I finally realise this is how they make chocolate eclairs.


It tasted so nice on its own that I didn't pipe in any custard cream or choc cream. Bel ate 5 pieces at one go. Can't believe it!! The cream puffs were very moist and light.

Sorry mummies, I'm too lazy to create a food blog like Sheryln and Pris. So, I post them here for you girls to give me some comments.
Hi Serena!

You've got my vote!
Yummy cream puffs... so how did you make them? Pray tell! Recipe please!

What Serenade says about spending your day in winter is quite true. OUtdoor or indoor. Outdoor I will always carry a sweat shirt extra for each child and leave them in the car for the Just In Case. Otherwise, I won't go more than 3 layers including jacket coz it's too bulky and heavy for the kids and they can't even run, jump and walk properly. I usually get snowsuits for winter so that they can play properly in snow.

My kids only complain too hot, never tell me when it's too cold. I will know when it's too cold coz they won't even walk.

Gee... it's getting really cold all of a sudden. Tonight's gonna be frosty and next week, it will be single digit day time temp! Maybe this winter is gonna be really cold to compensate for the extremely hot one last year. Otherwise, the earth really won't have enough rest and crops will not thrive again next year. Btw, you know all the meat prices will hike next year coz crops were bad this year and animal feeds will go up...

It's already snowing 800m above sea level.
Really am looking forward to some snow for the kids' sake this year...
HI Chloe's mom!

I got B to work on the slide and write books on his own while I cook. Quite good.

We have an overdosage of new books this week. The books I ordered from Scholastic came in today. So we've got a couple of shelves of new books.

Will definitely be MIA for the next week with so many more books... hehee
Hi moshi!

Got your addy already... tomorrow will be our excursion to the post office.

Still no sight of package...

Drop me another msg when your premonition goes strong again.
Oh yes, Serena,

regarding skiing... think it should be easier for a 4 year-old. The children here start about this age to learn skiing.

Downhill is definitely not for me, I'd rather do cross country. Coz I'm not a person for speed, so I'd be braking the whole time... Haha... the last time I skiied the coach had to pace me to get down the hill, otherwise I was braking the whole way down...

Oh... for the record, I usually will not go more than 3 layers for winter either.
To keep warm while up and about, best thing is to have your head, neck and feet/sole areas well insulated. Actually, what I usually do for myself is a very thin layer of camisole - not cotton though, at least 50% polyester. It really does keep warm that way. Then I swear by cotton pullovers. That's my second layer. And then my jacket.

But it's still not that cold now that I need my winter scarves yet. And it might be a little easier for me coz I slowly get used to the cold each day as the temp dip. But it might different for you when you need to adjust when you fly in from humid Sg of 30 deg C to a wintry 5 deg C Hokkaido. Also... personal preference. My family likes it really cold.

It's about 18 deg C room temp for us right now and I'm still not turning up the radiator yet. Haha... you're talking to someone who would sleep with her windows open in cold winter nights! :eek:
Hi Serenade!

Did your children wear socks in winter at home?

After the warm winter last year and a long summer, my children have forgotten about house socks. These days I need to fight with them to put on socks on their feet everyday after their naps.

Hey... went to a pumpkin patch on Tues with B's class... so fun... saw so many pumpkins!!! Haha... "mountain turtle" here.

MIA this week coz of the many activities in school too, other than the new books.

Hee... gotta try to get myself as involved as possible with children's school experience coz I know I won't have the luxury once my NPL is over.
Hi apricot!

Firstly I must say, all your boys are so cute and gorgeous looking!

And yes, Aston and Charlton are the real twins at home! Royston though looks a little different from his brothers, still brilliantly gorgeous!

Second, how's work? Hope you're settling well again...
hi kristin's mom,
how did you order the books from Scholastic?

i used to have an ex colleague who will help me order cos her kids' pre school distributes the booklist every quarter. the books were good and very affordable. have not ordered since i left the company...

hi serena,
different kids have different threshold for cold. you will be surprised that C sleeps with socks on every night (& we dont even switch on the aircon), otherwise she will be tucking her feet under my body to keep warm. she gets cold easily, just like me (freezing in the office most of the time). so you have to know if bel likes cold or not
Hi Kristin mom, I'll post the recipe in the blog. You will be amazed how easy it is to make these.
Your family loves the cold weather?!! leave the windows open in winter? Wow! When I was in Copenhagen, I was screaming at my husband for leaving the window open. He was trying to freeze his drink outside the window! How come my leg ache so much when I tried to ski? I think I'll be like you braking all the time. Very "kia see", like a typical S'porean.
BTW, If you get to see snow flakes soon can you take a photo and show us? I don't think Hokkaido will be snowing when I'm there.
Chloe's mom, I thought C can take to cold temp very well. She wear socks even in S'pore? That means she don't perspire easily, right? A is totally opposite. I think more like Kristin mom's kids.
As for the Scholastic books, I think Moshi can help you with this. Check it out with her.
Fancy a A - Z party?

'A' party in jan, 'B' in feb and so on.

just ignore me if u think it's crazy but i really love the idea!

here goes:

A - Make an A using apple seeds/ Cut apples in half (horizontal) and dip in paint to make stars/ Make an apple pie/ Bob for apples/ Eat applesauce and apricots/ Make an angel/ Decorate your classroom with pictures of angels/ Find a picture of angels and color them/ Make an Ark of the Covenant out of a shoebox wrapped in gold wrapping paper and decorate with religious emblems/ Find various small objects that begin with the letter A and put into the Ark of the Covenant box

B - Wear blue/ Make letter B using birdseed and beans/ Have a Bear and Balloon party (invite friends to bring their favorite stuffed bear/ Have a parade complete with lots of bubbles to blow/ have plenty of blue balloons and write the letter B over some and B words on others/ Make peanut butter bagels and serve with brownies, gummy bears, and banana slices in banana pudding/ Take a trip to the beach (if close to home and warm enough)

C - Clown party (paint clown faces on the children)/ Serve cotton candy as a treat/ Bake cookies/ Bake a cake/ Read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff/ Make cupcakes and put a C on each one using the spray cool whip in a can/ Make letter C on black construction paper using shaving cream and corn seeds/ Cowboy Day---dress up and ride stick horses (Mom's mop or broom will do)/ Make a clock on construction paper and use popsickle sticks for hands and add a face

D Read Daniel in the Lion's Den and David and Goliath/ Make letter D with crumbled dog food/Serve doughnuts for breakfast

E Make letter E with eggshells/ Cook eggs in different ways (scrambled, sunny-side up, over-easy)/ Read Babar the Elephant/ Make elephant ears out of gray construction paper/ Find the eagle on the nation's emblem in an encyclopedia/ Color a picture of an eagle

F Go pretend fishing in your backyard (don't forget fishing poles and flip flops)/ Wear your flip-flops all day/ Decorate your feet (using rings, ribbons, fake stones, etc.)/ Trace feet on paper and cut out, glue on construction paper, decorate however you like/ Eat Frito pie for lunch (easy recipe: pour chili over Frito potato chips)/ Make fruit loop necklaces/ Make letter F with Fruit Loops/ Visit a farm as a field trip

G Wear green/ Work in your garden/ Visit a near-by Prayer Garden (find a church near you that has one)/ Make letter G with green glitter/ Buy a gourd at the supermarket and make it into a drinking gourd (tell your children how people use to use these as drinking instruments)/ Make a gingerbread boy and read the book/ Give your Guardian Angel a name and say the Guardian Angel prayer

H Take a hayride (even a small ride on a lawn trailer with a few haybales will satisfy the children)/ Eat honeycomb cereal for breakfast/ Eat hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch or supper/ Find out how honey is made/ See if you can get a real piece of honeycomb for the children to taste

I Have an Ice Cream party/ Buy Icees one day/ Make icky ice cubes (put plastic spiders, small trinkets in an ice tray and fill with water to freeze just for fun---these are not for children to eat)/ Make Indian headdress & teepees out of construction paper

J Practice juggling/ Make a Jingle Bell necklace/ Learn to play a game of Jacks/ Make a jungle in one room of your house and put all your plants in that room or make plants out of green construction paper/ hide stuffed animals in the room and pretend you're on a safari)/ Read Jesse Bear books by Nancy White Carlstrom/ Write the holy name of Jesus on a 5 x 7 index card and decorate it/ Make Jiggling Jell-O with fruit

KKite party (have friends bring their favorite kite and fly them outside)/ Serve Kool-Aid and kiwi fruit/ Make key imprints in playdoh

L Make an L out of licorice/ Eat lemon cake, lemon cookies, lemon yogurt (anything flavored with lemons)/ Make homemade lemonade/ Play Leap Frog

M Read If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff/ Make muffins/ Go to a local museum

N Make an N with noodles/ Make Noodle Art (boil noodles in water long enough to become bendable, adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to water to keep noodles from sticking,then drain and allow to cool off)design your own art/ Make a necklace with different noodle shapes, beads, flowers strung on yarn, etc./ Pound nine nails into the N shape on a piece of board/ Use nickels to count by 5's/ Make a name poem (take your child's name and make a poem using each letter of the name/hint: it does not have to rhyme/ Example: SUSAN Susan is my name/ U is spelt `you'/Spanish I do not know/Art is my favorite subject/Nighttime is my favorite time of day)

O Have Oreo and orange treats/ Make an owl out of a brown paperbag/ Make an omelet for breakfast/ Wear orange/ Make an octopus by draping a styrofoam ball with colored yarn, braiding the legs, and gluing on wiggly eyes

P Have a Pajama Party (wear your favorite pajamas and bring your favorite pillow-serve pizza, pretzels, popcorn, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper/ watch Pinocchio,Peter Pan, Pocahontas)/ Read If You Give a Pig and Pancake by Laura Joffe Numeroff/ Make breakfast pancakes/ Have a picnic/ Make letter P with popcorn and pumpkin seeds and peanuts/ Make homemade popsickles with wooden popsickle sticks/ Wear purple/ Pray a Psalm every morning

QMoms will love this Mom is Queen for a day (have children make you a big crown out of construction paper and decorated with jewels, glitter, ribbon, etc.)/ Find pictures of Mary being crowned Queen of Heaven/ Have a quickie clean-up each day (everyone must pick-up around the house as quick as they can)

R Have recess all day/ Wear red/ Make letter R with rice/ Make a raisin man (open-face peanut butter sandwich with raisins for eyes and mouth, banana slice for a nose)/ Paint a picture of a rose
Hi Serena!

Haha... you still remember how much my kids perspired during the bbq at ky's place in July! The same with Daddy... I think active sweat glands is in their genes.

Now, unfortunately, there's a big construction site just 100 m away from our building, so we don't sleep with windows open because of the noise. Otherwise, the colder and darker it is, the better K sleeps.

Snowfall now is in the mountain... I'm hoping that it won't start snowing so soon though... Snowing in the low-lying cities in the last week in Nov is realistic. Let us have a bit more fun of autumn first... there's a time for everything!
Hi Chloe's mom!

Scholastic book orders are placed through the kids' American preschool. Prices are all in USD.

You are right... a lot of good books there which I either can't find in Sg or they would otherwise cost more. So I'm taking advantage of this service the school provides.

The last order amounted to about 300+ USD... My dh will always go, "Wow... you spent so much on online orders again!"

Hee... think Serenade can understand how therapeutic online shopping is!

Check it out with moshi or ky and ride on the orders with some of the moms here.
Hi Moshi,
No, I dun find your A-Z party ideas crazy...I am so impressed by your innovative ideas..there are only 12 mths & you have go all the way to 8 more mths...
Now is J mth..so where and when shall we plan this PARTY !

Hi Kristin's mom,
Work was ok for me last week. I am catching up as much as I can. @work, will miss my twins very very much and every day will head straight home to hug and cuddle them. You are just so lucky to be able to order Scolastic books on US order form. The books there are sometimes better than the ones we have in Spore. I say this is becos my friend was able to buy a inflatable globe ball and solar system model from US order form mamy mths ago.

Hi Serena,
Wow wow wow, I really drool at your cream puffs, these are my favourite !
Hi Kristin's mom,
Do you love to shop ? I love to shop but now with kids I cannot go out shopping. So I have also turn to online shopping to cure my retail therapy..hee hee. I shop mostly on clothes for myself and kids. I love books too and am so tempted to order from Amazon but curbing my spending..else will be "nagged" or "killed" by hubby..
Hi Kristin's mom,
Did you order ISPY phonics books from Scholastic ? I heard that these are selling very expensive in Spore. Great savings if you have bot from Scholastic !
Will be taking a long break from here, lots of stuff to do and also Dh is going over to London for his two interviews soon so spending more family time together before he head off for a week.

Wow Serena, love your puffs .. also my fav u noe, and i bake these a few months bak. REally very simple, but not sure my "output" is "correct" or not cos i dun remember inside so moist one leh (ya mine also moist!). hei maybe we shd both make some the next gathering and compare (the outcome lah, not good or bad) so that i noe what i did was correct .. hehe

hmm, yr puffs look so pretty. I oni spoon batter, did not pipe.
