(2002) Any 2002 babies?

hi luanee,
me too.. come back from work already so tired, plus his homework load... Sometimes I've even forgotten about his weekly spellings and TINGXIE

Looking at how knowledgeable and hardworking the mummies are, me so ashamed of myself..

<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
I feel tat my gal din do well not becos she dun know how to do... but rather cos her reading skills are terrible! Once duuno how to read... means cannot do liaoz. Haiz... somemore b4 P1, I already send her for ICR (I Can Read) program for 1-yr. Feel like I wasted all the time and $$$. Cos at the end of it, still cannot read. So hv stop ICR program and changed to Phonics instead.

To help 'boost' her grades, I've enrolled in Phonics Booster Holiday program (KRTC), then for Maths, she will hv 4 x sessions of Semester 2 Foundation tuition (also @ KRTC). Her Chinese she scored 59/100 which is good, cos we dun speak mandarin at home. So will juz continue with her Berries class. Other then all this, I will be doing lotsa of Assessments and past year papers with her. Hiaz...

<font color="ff0066"> Joanne, Greenpink &amp; KC</font>
Wah... din know got so mommies in this thread with their children @ DLS. Cool..!! Btw, you mommies going for the P-T Meeting next Thursday? Which slot you all going for? Mine is the 3.30pm slot. Wondering if can get to meet any of you. hehehehe...

<font color="ff0066"> MPM Maths</font>
I was reading thru another forum and realised tat wat someone mentioned is true... Last time MOE emphasised on Mental Arithmatic (aka Abacus) thus tat time it was essential for kids to learn Abacus even in schools. But now, the focus seems to hv changed to MPM Maths. In MPM, kids learn Maths thru various ways like using Multi Process and Multi Diagrams, Conceptual Thinking, Data Analysis, Critical Thinking and Spatial visualization. This is evidenced from questions like using stars and moons, Heuristic questions, etc.
Hi there Chicken Little,

My dd is from Beacon Pri, she got back her common test papers but were not over 100 points. Eg Math is over 50, EL over 40 (10 marks for listening comprehension)and 40 for Chinese(10 marks for listening comprehension). Will it still be relevant to be collated?
<font color="ff0066"> Greenpink</font>
Nope. I din get any results for the Oral/Compo/Spelling either. Think the teacher will inform us at the PT Meeting?

<font color="ff0066"> Luanee</font>
As I'm a SAHM, I'm the one to go thru my gals homwork on a daily basis. Then 1-mth before her exams, I acutally took extra time during weekends, etc to coach her using Assessment books. Haiz... still get lousy result. Tink I need to change the way I teach her. *faintz* Now dunno wat to do leh.

Tink if I'm also a FTWM, then will be in similar position as you all liaoz. After work already so tired... where to find extra energy to do coaching?
is it difficult to catch up coaching beacon's syllabus at home since they are supposed to do a lot of computer stuff in school?

i'm a sahm too. my husband is restricting my expenditure on my boy's academic enrichment cos he wants me to make my time worth at home.
sometime i feel that my work is not as tired as teaching the kids. :p

imagine i have to coach another PSLE dd and K2 ds...every day after work i have to rush for my "2nd shift".

Not really, they still come back with alot hand written home work. Though i must say they also do alot of stuff on computer while in school. At home, they are given few websites to go and do some e reading like Razskids and also log in to their school portal to do some quizzes. Thats about it.
Think need to save some annual leave for the year end SA2 liao. I think teach too early may not be useful as some kids got short memory. I was also like this last time in school, study too early no use one. Need to do last minute studying then throw everything away after the exams haha...

Very difficult to find time to teach afternoon session kids as FTWMs like us are not at home in the mornings.
I tried one term (ie 16 lessons) of phonics at KRTC collaboration with Read in a week Phonics. My son still couldn't read in K1. I switched to Zoophonics and stayed for 1 yr when in K2.

Same, my son also can't read. So he didn't do well for Eng. Reason being I never read to him or make an effort to make him read.
Talking abt forgetfulness..I just realised my P1 gal has forgotten to bring the exam scripts to school. Her teacher has specifically reminded them TWICE that the scripts has to be returned today.
I rushed down to the school just now and caught hold of her school during her recess. Aiyoh!! I had nagged at her before she packed her bag this morning to make sure that she placed them in her file folder and YET she STILL can forget!!
Now I am wondering did I buy the wrong DHA supplement?? What have I been feeding her then??
DLS mummies ...thanks for the update.

Read that your dd scored 59/100 for Chinese but thot the main paper is only upon 65 and rest of marks come from oral etc. My son just barely passed his Chinese so curious to know his oral etc marks to see whether he can get a overall pass.

My PTM is at 8.30am and will have to rush back to office after that.
About reading, sometimes it's very tiring when the kids clamour up onto ur bed at night, asking for bedtime stories when all you want to do is just to zzz. But everytime when I reject my girl, I feel very guilty coz reading is supposed to be a good habit. Sighzz...

my son already p1 this year. Can't read in the begining of K2, therefore I sent him to Kumon English classes last year..indeed he improved alot and even can read the whole passage of comprehension. Of coz must put in alot of efforts..eg, read with him everyday.
Hi yen ling,
Son used to take Abacus, he always do short cut on the working for the Maths too....so now, when ever he do his problem sum, I sure be sitting beside him to see how he show the working....if nt, i will just erase and make him write again untill I'm ok....hope tis will correct him as and get use to it.....

Dn't feel tat way....diff kids hve they way of knowing things,understanding, no kids r stupid....&amp; they r just diff even if they r sibling....
2day just went to my little girl sch for the Meet Parents...and we d do some compare on my 2 kids, the teachers quckily stop us nt to do it...she said, kids r just diff frm each others... all we can do is to see how we can help them understands more in their work....tis is true...when comes to maths, I can see the diff in girl &amp; boy...so now, I can only help her if dn't understand...

Oh...2day, son also got back is Maths Paper....make careless mistake again....
I agree with caroline that our teaching methods have to change. Gone are the days where u don't know? U keep trying until u know.

I also trying to explore new ways to teach so that my kids can understand. Hope to get some good tips through our sharing.

Ya, after a day's work, not easy to be sweet and nice to each other. The kid is also tired after school..
<font color="ff0066"> Joanne</font>
No worries babe. Yup yup.. hope got chance to meet next time.

<font color="ff0066"> Jasmine</font>
Wow! Really not easy for you. Somemore gotta coach PSLE. Already I find it tough coaching P1, I can't imagine the headache for PSLE siah. *salute*

<font color="ff0066"> fz</font>
Yup. I can understand totally about curbing expenditure on enrichment classes. Tat's why I'm only limiting myself to those super essential stuffs. Despite all the effort I put into coaching her... I find her SA1 results totally disappointing. I feel tat she really needs to take this June Hols and faster buck up least she falls further and further behind. So hv decided to 'invest' in those courses. I'm so afraid of her failing again for SA2 and dun want my gal to be even more de-moralised.
Heard from my sis-in-law, we should make the kids to read to us then we read to them. Then we are able to know whether they can read or not. This is how she teach her kids.
<font color="ff0066"> Greenpink</font>
Yup.. the second paper is upon 65. But dunno leh.. my gal got 59/100 written on her paper and she said tat is the total mark the teacher gave her.

<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
Really yah. Thks for pointing tat out. I will monitor her progress then. But so far she seems to be doing quite well with this program. Hopefully she improves after the holiday booster.

<font color="ff0066"> Luanee</font>
Dun feel bad lah. I'm a SAHM and also dun read to my gals. After 1 whole day doing all the housework and running after 2 younger gals, I'm absolutely poofed-out liaoz. Also juz wanna ZZzzzz only. Worse once I start reading 1 book, they will start yelling for me to read more and more. End up I will yell back at them to go sleep. *faintz*
The teacher in school tell me I should read to them. Maybe from P3 get them to read to us. Now should read and make them keen. Because if we make them read to us, they may lost interest and refused to learn from there.

So now is Learn to read and then later read to learn.
I told my boy I'm planning to enrol him in some creative writing camps and he's like ...pls don't.. i don't want to go! hiaz

Talking abt reading, I really hate to read since young. I always know it is good to read &amp; bring my kids to the library but never do that. Now, my son also doesnt like reading...think it's my fault.

I normally cant go beyond page 1 of my storybook ... then i'll be in dreamland.

I make my boy read to his sisters... but he bored them ..before he finishes pg 1, both his sisters disappear.
Hi CL,

oic, actually i do both. some time i read to them, some time they will read to me. by getting them to read to me, it will also prepare them for their oral test. i will want them to read in different tone according to the story. eg: sad, happy, scare etc and i will ask them question abt the story.
Whooa seems today's thread move very fast lei. I'm glad I found this thread and realised that I share the same sentiments as all of you. Dead tired after work and still got to freshen up and start my night duty. Wish I have the luxury to just sit down and watch TV after a stressful day. In fact, after his exam, I think I'm the one that's more relieve than him !

Have a good weekend everyone

I have let her pack her own bags since she started school cos wanted her to learn responsibility and ownership. Initially I will check when she goes to bed, But after term 1, I have stopped doing it. I kept telling her that if she did not pack properly, she will have to answer to the teachers herself. She is very terrified of speaking up to the teachers.

The return of the exam scripts had been specifically instructed by the teachers, who even sent letters reminding the parents. So no choice I die die need to rush down..

On reading/..Ya..even I as a SAHM..also find it tiring to read books to them daily. I try to make my kids read to me instead, or we take turns to read alternate pages. At least, not so tiring and at the same time practise their reading skills. For certain stories, we will also act out a bit, otherwise I will doze off before the story ends.
i only read to my 3yo. hardly read to my P1 cos after a few pages, my throat goes sore. i usually just ask him to read to me (on an adhoc basis) those short passages from the compre section to 'train' his oral. :p
Hi hi, indeed... this thread is moving very fast.

June hols? I'm thinking of send my son to a Chinese Class

Not sure if it's good, but just want to sent my son for a course that's fun... needs to keep his interest and passion burning.

Not sure though, but I guess, to him, his mummy must have changed from being a loving mum to a "monster mum" since he started P1. Like what my hubby told me, his honeymoon period is over. *sigh"
MPM Maths -- I quite like the questions. It will be good to expose your child to non-routine Maths questions.

Here's what I did with my son when I teach number patterns


Step 1 -- Get child to draw an arrow below (as shown) to indicate the difference (P1 -- Usually it's still only base on addition and subtraction)

Step 2 -- By right if they do it, they should be able to see the pattern and get the answer for the blank.

Step 3 -- Give a few more examples on repeated addition/ like the example given in e.g. 1 &amp; 2.

Step 4 -- Play a game where he can compete with daddy to get the correct answers (I gave him a headstart of 20 seconds before daddy gets to see the question)

Step 5 -- Get him to set his own questions, reminding him that the question he set must have a certain pattern. (my son's question... +1, +7, +1, +7... pattern)

By the second time we played the "game" with emphasis on subtraction, my son managed to set a question with a (+2, -3, +2, -3) pattern.

Have fun exploring... :)
hi immummy,
thanks for sharing. :D

hi jolene,
i am going to collect the report book next wed, but since the dad is off next tue, we are going to bring the boy to buy his reward toys before looking at his overall results. so far only know his math and his paper 2 results. good enuf for us. :D
Jolene that's great. Dunno my girl's school got class position or not. She just told me she's worried the teacher would choose her as a 'model' pupil as she is afraid to go up the stage to bow. I asked her what makes her think she be chosen? She said she is well-behaved in class, LOL.
<font color="ff0066"> tinklebell &amp; fz</font>
hahhaha... me yah.. can't even read even page 1 of the book siah. Got once my gal ready the first page only... by the time she got to the end, I was asleep liaoz. Then she 'beat-beat' me and wake me up. *faintz*

<font color="ff0066"> imummy</font>
Thks for sharing. Tat's is a really good method. Will try tat out the next time I coach her.

<font color="ff0066"> Jolene</font>
Congrats! Congrats! Tat is a super good result. You must be so so proud of your gal.
Hi all,

I did send my gal to icreativelearner when she was in pre-school. Guess that helps her to build her foundation.And I did alot of past year paper with her too.
Hi milo,

My gal was with teacher eva at rivervale cresent when she was in pre-sch. Now my 4 yrs old boy go to teacher brenda at punggol central..

Do login to www.nfc.sg to see activites line up for family national day, my girl will be performing on that day. Remember to take part in the Free Tickets Giveaway contest on the NFC website too!
Btw mummies, saw that Popular got 20% storewide yesterday at cck Lot1. Some anniversary or pre-GSS stuff. Good chance to stock up on stationery items!

Btw I found my girl's EL SA paper liao, but how come the marks are different from that she told me earlier? Now dunno whether she got her oral/spelling marks correct or not?
Morning Mummies,

I asked my gal to try the CCKPS and Hougang Pri SA Maths Test and to my surprise, she got Band 1 for these 2 Maths Papers. Now am wondering y she cant do well for DLS SA Maths. Becos DLS Maths Papers too tough for her or she just recovered from HFMD and still in daze on the day of her exam. Makes me wonder.....anyway i'll still send her for tuition.
me &amp; my hubby are quite disappointed with my gals maths result but aftr the test on sat we are then relieved and not so paranoid lor. Now am thinking to put my son either @ ACS or DLS....tat will be in 5yrs time! hahaha
Hi Bebe75,
Apprecaite if you can shared with me the exam paper from the rest of mummies.
Sorry my son in Keming Primary school, no SA1.
