(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi Joanne
No point regretting now, I think it is better that you start to coach yr gal. My gal is also not academically strong like her peers. It is quite disheartening but not hopeless yet, just have to spend more time going thru the school work with her. I believe the school environment is also important, you can try working with teachers to see how you can best support yr child at home. I visited my ex boss 2 days ago and he shared with me that not all kids are mature in their reasoning or literacy skills when they are 7,8 yrs old. For him, his daughter was lagged behind in her study when she was in P1 (almost the weakest in the cohort)..and it took her almost a year to catch up. She is now in P3, doing average in sch, at least manage to pass her recent SA1.


I just found my pri report card last week ..hee..bring back lots of memory.and I realise I also did not do well for P1 SA1, only catch up in P1 SA2. My mother tongue was the weakest subject (almost failed my chinese oral) but by P3, My mother tongue became my strongest subject. The funniest part is to look at the teachers' comment - I was also very quiet and shy in sch then.
Motheragain, think I shd still have mine around, probably at my mum's place. Yah good idea to show our kids our old ones to spur them do as well as their mummies eh? Hee... I did showed my PSLE result cert to my dd last week or so but she didn't seem interested, sighz..

Joanne, hey I used to stay at St 51! Very near to u. Anyway I think no need to transfer ur girl at this stage lah, it's only been a few months. Give her some more time to settle down and adjust to school life.
anyone wants to organise tours in Jun holds like:
1) Yakult factory tour
2) Fire station tour
3) Air Base tour
4) Gardenia Bread Factory
Bebe, haha I was also very shy and quiet in Pri school last time. Hence I always get a 'Best Conduct' prize coz the teacher always chose the quietest student, hee...

Caroline, I think some of the RCs do organize such tours.
CCKPS very on the ball. 2 sets of mock before exams. everyday has eng & maths homework. I also cannot tahan, no time to breathe.

fyi, luanee also, RGPS P6 SA1 chinese oral picture same as Cedar. Chinese compo picture same as CCKPS.
Hi Joanne,

Hv pm u. My dd is at St. Anthony's Pri School. Sister school with De La Salle. I would like to know if DLS and St Anthony doing the same paper coz I understand from my elder dd who is P6 this yr doing the same paper as DLS and other 2 sister/brother school as St. Anthony.

My p1 dd din do well for ther SA1.
Noted with thanks. I shall give her more time to settle and adjust to schl life with examinations! She still thinks examinations is similar to mock tests!

Im thinking of giving my gal assessments to do during the june holidays and to go thru her SA with her.

Unfortunately, Im not SAHM coz cannot afford now tat ive 2 kids. Just back to workforce in Jan 09 after my 4mths maternity leave!
Joanne, u didnt do assessments with ur girl before her SA? Maybe that would help, together with some mock papers from other schools.

Caroline, so that means we should download and print more papers from other schools for our kids to do, since they all recycle and pass to each other for their SAs?
oral picture & compo picture not in the website to download. But if really kiasu, get all oral pictures from popular, as there are only a handful of them. As for compo picture, it depends on your vocab and sentence structure on top of the story. 2 people can have same story line but phrases & vocab used can be very different.
Was very busy coz my gal kena HFMD during the Eng/Chinese Oral period and i was so worried for her recovery and SA so din do much. So my gal was on mc for 2 weeks and din sit for her Eng SA. My hubby bought the past years questions from top schls and we did a few. Any mummy wants to hve copies? I can pdf and send via email.
studying in a good sch (ie sch with high standards), you definitely must run the marathon together with your child (ie study the books again and guide her daily at home).
joanne / CL / luanee
having an elder child enables me to know what type of maths questions would come out in exams. hence better prepared. Of course, it also depends on the child's interest and ability to understand.

I worry by P5/6, I don't know how to solve the maths questions.
okay, lets meet up so that the children can play together in the park? My boy likes to run to see who is fastest.

joanne, since you stay nearby, you may like to join?

luanee, too bad you have shifted.
Btw my husb commented my girl very 'eng' as compared to his collegue's children. So far she only has ballet and Maths enrichment on weekends.

What abt other P1 mummies? How many types of enrichments are ur kids having? Wondering am I too boh-chap?

Caroline, yah lor, how come so many CCK mummies here suddenly? Hee...
Hi mummies,

I need help on how to teach my dd the following maths question. I knew this question would definitely came out but I just din know how to teach her. True enough my dd got this question wrong.

A stand for moon
B stand for star

Q :
A + B = 7
A - B = 3

A = ? B = ?

thks in advance.
Thanks for the infor. For enrichment class, i sent my gal to Lorna. I just gotten a chinese home tutor for my gal. Im searching for a tuition centre for her maths coz ive got no patient to teach!

Sure, let me know when and we can gather with the rest of the mummies and our kids.

Din get yr PM lei?
what are the combinations to 7? number bonds - ask your child to list out the possible combinations.

1) 1 & 6
2) 2 & 5
3) 3 & 4

(1) & (3) are out because A - B = 3 (ie difference).

So A = 5, B = 2
I showed my boy my report book during the first term. I did really well for my P1 (second in class for SA1). My husband got borderline passes. My boy said that he is very confident can do better than my husband. :p

yes. i used caroline3sg's method to ask my boy do trial and error using the various number bonds that make up that number.

my boy has only 1 academic enrichment/tuition. my husband said economy not good, pay cut etc etc. :p
yes, you have to ask her to list down all combinations and stike off wrong combi (elimination method).

lucky mine don't have this question. Mine (mock paper) is star & moon different statement (ie don't have 2 unknown on same line).
Hi Caroline3sg,

OK, I will ask my dd to use your method to do tonite. Hopefully she can understand.

This question took away her 2 marks. so sad.

Mine also very free. She has English enrichment since K2. Recently sign her up for Chinese creative writing at a nearby CC.
Non-academic ones are swimming, Arts and CCA Guzheng
heehee... let me just share what I know in terms of marks calculation.

In report, it will be shown as the FINAL overall marks, which means all components (e.g. Oral, Listening, Spelling, Main paper) will be added up, then multiply to 100%. After that, it will show the band next to it.

Oral - 15
Spelling - 10
Compo - 10
Main Paper - 65
Total = 100 marks

Usually, oral and compo marks will not be release, so if you want a good guess, then you need to take the overall marks and do the necessary subtraction.
100 - main paper and spelling = Oral + Compo.

* The marks allocated for the various components for P1 is different for different schools.

For enrichment class,
my son hve home tuition,swimming,and piano...and now thinking of starting him on Wushu or Art...But my CC here is PTE LTD.....so still thinking of where to go for it....
My girl takes ballet and swimming for enrichment. No tuition. I heard of her classmates with tuition or enrichment every day of the week. Wondering if I should start her on tuition too! Luanee, where does your girl go for Maths tuition? I heard Andrew Er is good...
Kumon is very much on drilling, but if foundation is weak, kumon may be good cos I saw a great improvement in my child when he first started. He used to be lacking behind in class.

However, he has stopped going for kumon cos he hated it due to the homework factor. Needs a lot of self-discipline.

Not too sure about Mind stretcher and lewin though. But if child is good, can try MPM. I've seen some of the questions given by MPM, it's very much on non-routined questions and I think it will come in useful.
luanee - you so 'guai', quiet in class.

I was the chatty one, same old feedback from the teachers to my parents for a few years

Chicken little - i think i remember you..if i m not wrong, you conducted a school bag BP sometime last year
for holiday ART programs, can check out http://www.nafa.edu.sg/in_courses/javacprog/2009/june2009.htm & http://www.juliagabriel.com/images/downloads/June09HolProg.pdf. JG also have language classes. The National Museum of Singapore also has some workshops http://www.nationalmuseum.sg/nms/nms_html/nms_content_4.asp?content_template=4&content_id=13&tab_id=13&fest_id=2&time_id=current.

for enrichment classes, tink i'm de most ks ... my gal has gym, speech & drama in sch, abacus, creative writin & ballet (performance in july), art & swimmin. academic only chinese. actually de ks one is my gal; she wans to go for every class de sch gives out forms for. but cos some of de classes clash in their timin, end up wif these ... people tell me P1 & 2 honeymoon periods so try to send her to whatever she wans. by P3, shd have 'graduated' fm some of de classes like abacus & swimmin.
I received my gal's result ytdy..she passed all! Finally I can heave a sigh of relief. Maths was my most worried subject, told her that if she can get 60 marks and above, I will be very happy. And she really got 60 marks. (My sis said like that her maths very good what..can score exactly what I have targeted!)
I am particularly proud of her Chinese, considering that we spent the least time and effort, but she did remarkably well (accordingly to my standard lah). For her English, I thought she can do better, cos she had so many careless mistakes, esp on comprehension area, probably she did not check grammar and spelling. She even forgot to indicate pural form ("s") and that cost her a few marks.

She needs to return all the exam scripts to the school today but I have finished scanning them, ...will prob need time to remove the answers esp Maths. The school had already got them to do corrections earlier this week. She had so much corrections!!
Hi Joanne

I am also looking at Maths tuition class for my P1 gal. In fact we had a short stint with sakatomo maths (abt 2 mths) and we do not like it (or rather the center itself). My gal simply could not follow the pace. Her teacher commented that her concept is weak or literally no concept. So while her group was doing the sakatomo papers, she was doing other papers (not sakatomo, but questions set by the tuition centre). We pulled her out shortly.

I had explored kumon..I like their structure..it developed the concept in stages. But it does require discipline as there are numerous worksheets to do (practice makes perfect). However, I was told that Kumon does not really go well with SG maths cos the questions are too repetitive. Students might not be able to think out of the box, esp for those kind of maths modelling questions. My ex boss told me Kumon is prob good at foundation level (ie P1 and P2), otherwise it actually helps to discipline the children to study on their own.

I am also keen in Andrew Er's Maths tuition class but when I made enquiry a few mths back, it was fully booked. We are now relying on his assessment books to teach her. Sadly, she finds his questions too challenging for her, so we set aside his assessment books for now.

Currently I am thinking of enrolling her in MPM class. I brought her to the center last week and found that there is limited time slot. Most lessons were conducted in the afternoon and evening (No class on Sunday and Monday). She is in PM session and will probably be too tired to go for enrichment after school. That means we are only left with Saturday. According to the centre, Saturday class are quite popular. We will prob give it a try for a term (3 mths).
My gal is also one of those with little enrichment classes. Currently she only attends weekly HYPY class in CC. She has been asking me to send her to piano classes. I am hesitated as playing piano needs time and $$ commitment. I do not know how long she will stay committed. We sent her to Arts and Ballet when she was in hesr pre-sch, but she gave up after 1-2 yrs.

I will prob sign her up for MPM maths soon.

For English, I do not know if I shd send her to those "speech and drama". She did not do well for Oral, not sure what was the exact issue. I do recall "Show and Tell" will be graded for exam in P2, I might have to start working on her oral and presentation skill. I will prob ask her English teacher for advice when I see her next week.
Finally got back the Maths and Chinese papers yest, but got to return them to school today. Wonder why the EL one is not returned together? Overall I am quite happy with my girl's results (both band 1). Esp Maths coz she was really weak in it and got only 70 marks during the mock exam. Luckily her paper didnt have the tough one like what Jasmine described above. Hers had a similar one but much easier:

moon + moon = 12
star + star = 6
moon + star = ?

My girl is attending Maths at The Formation, just started this year. Heard tha MPM is good but never try before.
Hello mummies,

Wah, how I miss coming to this thread ...been tied up with work, work and more work ......

I haven't got back my gal's MT SA1 papers ...hopefully can sight them next week. Will send over to bebe75 once I receive them.

Chicken Little,
Any plans to organise school bag bp again towards end of this yr? I ordered the disney princess bag thru' your bp last yr ...like it very much but it looks rather worn out now ... thanks to dd's rough handling ....
