(2002) Any 2002 babies?

luanee - not sure what is the criteria for model student... Every term one student from each class will be selected. ( this is what I gathered from the notice board.. Term 1 , term 2..)

Hi Mummies,
I too feel that pri education in singapore esp Pri 1 is too high standard. They are only 7yrs old. Its too stress for them. That is why more kids are gg overseas for their education and not dont want to stay in SIN to study. MOE shld revise their standards for P1
<font color="ff0066"> Luanee</font>
hehehe... it's definately not easy being maidless especially as I got 2 older gals + 1 bb to take care. So I have a PT cleaning auntie to come in on wednesdays to do the ironging and more thorough cleanings. Normal days I will be buzzing around doing the daily spot cleanings, laundry and taking care of the children.

<font color="ff0066"> littleprincess</font>
Yah.. the weekend classes is all full at icreative. But I'm super desperate so juz signed her up for the Thursday morning class. It's from 8.50am till 10.50am. Will hv to rush as I'm staying at CCK area. No choice lor. I certainly hope this course will help her improve siah.
Aiyohz... looks like I'm stuck. I got so desperate to register my gal for classes, I went to book her a slot at the Yew Tee CC for English creative writing class for Sundays 12.00 to 1.20pm. But now that I managed to get a slot at icreative, I'm thinking of giving up this slot. Any CCK mommies interested to take over? THe fees is $135 and the course is from 02 August till 25 October 2009. Pls PM me yah. Thks.
Can you shed light on icreative at Bt Timah? Exactly where? There is no mentioned on address except that it is in teacher's house. It is writing programme? It mentioned weekly writing. What are the fees like?
I didn't jump into registering for tuition though looking around to see any suitable one if real need arise. When I chanced upon Popular had 20% over the weekend, I bought 5 eng assessment books, mainly compre &amp; cloze.
dymples - supermom.. I can barely cope with 3 kids. My maid does housechores n cook for us..she intend to go back this nov. Quite sian to change maid once every 2-3 yrs.
How old is your youngest? Haiz, I m still undecided if I should send my youngest now 13 mths old to half day childcare..can't let go of her.
ICL - I m sure your girl will benefit from it..

Luanee - yr girl's Chinese very good! I Thot my girl did well according to my 'standard' ( hee, she was a 'reject' from a reputable chinese enrichment ctr) but her tutor said it's so so only!! Haiz..
<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
I only know it's at Upp Bt Timah at Dairy Farm there. The recep said that the teacher will call me to confirm my gal's registration and give me the exact address.

The program is quite well rounded - it covers creative writing, listening and written comprehension, Grammar and Vocab.

The fees is $250 for 8 lessons. And there is a non-refundable material and supplementary fee of $55.
I am looking at KipMcGrath. ICreative has max 6 in a group. KMG has 4 - 5, teachers are NIE trained. Fees $140/mth, $20 reg, $70 deposit.

If I ever send my son for tuition, it would have to be either weekend (but I can teach if weekend, can save time travelling) or Wed morning (must be within walking distance) as nanny goes dancing at CC, so my son cannot sleep. Actually my preference is he sleeps in the morning after I bring him to nanny's house.
luanee - my girl Is not taking school bus. I m her driver

Caroline3sg- don't think there's a website for learning point. It's at thomson plz, tel no 6453 8318.
I have not visited KMG to see the environment. Some at CCs, some in makeshift 3-room flat. I read from their website, KMG is franchise and owned by ex-teachers or those who have passion in teaching. According to the secretary of one centre whom I have talked to, they have computer lessons if a child gets listless. If I ever go to the centre, I would want to see their materials and talk to the teacher. If I remember correctly, they should also be rounded. The materials would show everything.

Thanks for sharing the icreative. Thot its very well rounded too and fee is rather reasonable. Will go website to look see but weekday class is definitely out for me - no one to bring him there.
regarding your question about position in class, there are none for full 6 yrs. But end of P2, the students would be streamed.

learning point at thomson is too far.
Learning Point has got 2 branches. 1 at Thomson Plaza as Luanee has mentioned and the other branch at Simei St. Website is www.learningpoint.com.sg
Re Eng Class on Sundays at YewTee CC, i'll get back to you asap coz my gals has enrichmt class on sunday aftern at 2pm so a bit rush. Let me consider and ask her.
you register the enrichment or the writing programme at lorna whiston? I tried one term of enrichment for my girl last time, P3 then. But I find the standard not comparable to sch. However, I am very impressed with the compos pasted on the noticed boards.
<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
KMG sounds good with reasonable fees too. I like tat courses with small groups as I tink tat the teacher will be able to focus on each child better. If you do go visit KMG can share more on their environment and teaching method?

<font color="ff0066"> greenpink</font>
I'm opting for weekday class cos they are full for weekends. Plus, my gal is swarmed with classes during the weekends.
Friday - Phonics.
Saturday - Chinese Speech &amp; Drama + Ballet + Maths tuition
Sunday - Berries Chinese HYPY. Then the English creative writing at CC.

As I'm a SAHM, it's still ok for me. Only thing is I will need to 'drag' my bb along for the ride whilst my parents help to jagar #2. *faintz*
<font color="ff0066"> Joanne</font>
No worries. Jus keep me updated yah. If really no takers then no choice I will need to send her cos I already paid the fees and it's not refundable.
caroline3sg - yes I understand that LW complement moe syllabus.. Thot the creative writing part will help her with her compo. I may just let her try 2 terms. My preference is either ICL or learning point.. The fees for LW is on the high side!

Joanne - thanks for the website! Forgotten about simei branch

wow main campus but i might join week 3, cannot see u, thinking of seeing u on the camp.

u are joining tao nan camp, so i also cannot see u
Just enquired from Mind Stretcher (Yew Tee Point branch). Rec'd their mailer and found it quite interesting. Theirs also very well rounded with creative writing, compre, compo, grammer etc. Think it's like tuition ctr style with 1 teacher to max 15 students. Fee is $90 for 2 hrs per mth.

anyone of ur kids learning modern dancing, like cha cha or jazz. My girl learn before but nw move house to bt timah, so stop. My girl love it so much as she got to wear high heels when dancing.
yes, the fees are high. And this is one subject. Plus eng, you can't see results overnight. One thing for sure, they have a way to make the students like to attend their class.
in another forum, I have read very defensive &amp; exaggerated remarks by one centre manager of mind stretcher (I don't think is YT branch, maybe somewhere in Jurong East). Plus theirs is big group which is minus point.

Really pity our kids, non stop activities for them. I often remind myself not to be so kiasu and let him take it easy on weekends but looks like I am gonna pile more enrichment on him.

Sat - DLS Speech &amp; Drama (am) / MPM (pm)
Sun - Berries (am) / Eng enrichiment (pm) - searching for one

Yalor, the 15 students kind of put me off. I definitely prefer smaller group so the teacher can focus on the student. Shall visit KMG webby but is there one near Yew Tee.
LW is good as ive started sending my gal to them since last year. The teachers are young, friendly and approachable and aso the teachers dont scold the children. Tats y my gal likes to go. Current class size abt 8:1
<font color="ff0066"> greenpink</font>
Yah yah... I am also those anti-enrichment classes prior to Primary school. I feel tat my children should hv a chance juz being kids and have a childhood. But now tat she is P1, I become berry KS cos her SA1 results were terrible. I was also super shocked at the high education stds now. So no choice now, I gotta send her for enrichment classes one after another just to catch up. Else if she dun hv the proper foundation now and get left behind, it will be even more difficult to play catch up later when she goes to P2.

Hey... your boi also goes to Berries on Sunday morning? My gal too. Her class is from 0900 to 1045hrs. Initially she was in the P1 class. But as her HYPY foundation is not good, we had to change her to the K2 class . After she improves then we will switch her back to P1 level.

Thanks, I will look into LW too. Yup agree with you on fierce teacher coz, his first teacher in Berries quite fierce and he's kind of frighten of her coz his chinese is so weak. Immediately the next lesson, I asked to switch to an earlier class which has a much friendlier teacher and he enjoys class now.

Agree foundation is very important else very difficult for him to catch up and the Primary std is so high nowadays
My boy is in Woodlands Berries the 8.45am, u there too ?
<font color="ff0066"> greenpink</font>
My gal goes to the Berries at Bukit Batok.

<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
I juz called KMG juz now. I'm quite keen in their Maths tuition. So thinking of letting my gal to go to there versus KRTC. But since I already paid KRTC for June hols holiday program, wondering if I should supplement this with tuition at KMG... hhmmm... *scratch head*. Depserate and super KS mommy here. But also scared to overload my poor gal.

Somemore all these enrichment classes is costing me a bomb siah. *faintz* So far it's costing me something like $500+ per month. Haiz... maybe gotta give up the Maths tuition?? *scratch head*
you called KMG at YT CC? Do their maths have computer programme? If eng has computer programme, I don't see why maths doesn't. if your child gets listless easily, KMG may be better choice than KRTC (is it MPM?). If it is not MPM, their teacher is very qualified. Previously my girl attended P4 maths for half yr. The teacher had taught NYPS before. But I don't like his way of handling parents. I think he (Mr Loke) is not there anymore. Eng teacher Ms Audrey is passionate, not sure if she is still there.

If ultimately you choose KMG, I believe KRTC can refund you. But no harm attending June holiday class.
<font color="ff0066"> Caroline</font>
Yup. I called KMG at YT CC. I dunno if their maths have computer programme or not. The lady who answered my call, Mrs Grace Tan did not mention it. For the Maths @ KRTC, my gal is taking the tuition class not the MPM. They said the teacher is very qualified and teached in those SAP schools before. Now I'm still pondering which is better. Cos I'm actually looking for those Maths tuition tat can revise with my gal from those topics which were covered in Semester 1 till now. Then build her foundation for Semester 3.
Hi Jolene and luanee and tinklebell,
Thank you for your encouragement.

I think maybe she expect my son can do better in terms of score and not the band.

The school will not be giving out report book. That's what I heard from the teacher, so I am not sure how he fare for english and Chinese. But I think at least a band2.

I think I need to ask the teacher for the marks.
i sent my ds1 to quite a fair bit of enrichment when he was in K1/K2; a short while at abacus, a cheap phonics class, an expensive but foundation math enrichment, swimming and berries. initially thought may skips such for ds2, but think swimming and berries are inevitable.

RE enrichment
i am surprised that most parents don't mind chauffeuring their kids 'all over' SG to attend reputable enrichment centres. sending my boy every sat to his only 2 enrichment within the same town is already very tiring for me. :p guess i'm the lazy type. :p
Hi Little Princess

I have seen yr email. thanks. I noted that yr attachment are of the latest Microsoft ver.not sure if I can convert them to PDF as mine belongs to the old version. Will have to try later in the evening and see..

Yr son is from that boy sch in Bishan right? I have heard that the standard is quite high..My hubby was from there, and I told him luckily we do not have a son, otherwise we would be stressed out. He said even if we do have a son, he would not consider sending him there..(rolling my eyes)
I finally managed to convince my gal to try out MPM..will be doing the assessment test tomorrow. She is very resistant to attend Maths enrichment class. I promised her that we will try a term and if she does not like it, we will withdraw her. Hopefully MPM can kick off her interest in Maths subject.

Check with your mummies, what are your kids doing in school, esp a week before the sch holiday. According to my gal, her maths teacher asks them to bring the 1B workbook, but they are not doing anything. For Mother tongue, they are watching TV (told me the teacher screened movie for them)..and for English, they were doing some cloze passages and comprehension. But today, they are allowed to bring toys (but no expensive toys like PSP or nintendo) to school to play or books to read.

I know today there will be some workshop so called life-skill prog to teach them to tie shoe laces, put on attire, fold their attire.
I am looking at Icreative Learner at Upper Bukit Timah too. But same here, they only have slots for the Thursday morning session. Wondering if we can form our own group, will they be able to open another class for weekend. Maybe we can compile a list of those interested to enroll in ICL at Upper Bukit Timah then we call the school to check?


Do you have St Anthony's papers? If not, I will scan and email to you.

my boy's sch is still rushing to complete chinese 1A.
english they doing some stellar thing..dunno what la...as usual.
math...nothing leh...either the teacher not in or they do english instead.

your kid's sch can bring toys and watch show...very fun leh...reminds me of my childhood in pri sch. :D
