(2002) Any 2002 babies?

i've juz sent in de cheque for de discovery science camp dis mornin. my gal's goin for wk 2 in Tao Nan Sch. if u dun have de disct 'code', pm me.

will send u my gal's chinese mock exam 1st. she also doesnt have SA1 cos pts taken fm poetry recitation, show n tell n listenin comprehension etc.

so, do we have to submit answers tog wif de questions? or if any parents cant answer then we bring it up here to discuss?
Hi can anyone send me the DLS SA1 math paper? Heard that its quite challenging. Appreciate you help. Thanks.
Is bebe75 consolidating all the SA1 papers? Is it possible to share with me too?

Nat, i have forgoten about my dd's spelling today too, never revised yesterday. Don't know how leh... Monday Spelling is a bad choice cause Sunday we tend to lax..

Took half day leave to meet my dd's teacher and collect her report book on Wednesday. I guess i will be able to know her actual score in SA1 then. The English paper she brought back was upon 60 and Math upon 90 and Chinese cannot remember also.. all partial only Sigh. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Just talk to my son's form teacher not long ago.
From our conversation, she is quite disappointed with my son's results, Although he already scored band 1 for Mathematics.


I need to put in more effort to coach him in the second half of the year.
Hi Yen Ling,

He can score band 1 already very good le....i find that his teacher should encourage & motivate ur son to do well in future....
if you are sending your kid's paper to bebe, i guess she will be sending the lot that she is collating to you as a form of exchange ba.
has other mums got the lot?

i will be sending in mine by end of this week. :D
i think DLS papers should be quite 'hot' as it appears that the standard is pretty high. looking forward to trying it too. :D
Hi Carol,

Many Thanks! Did anyyone answer to your questions re tell/dont tell oral/listening marks? I will ask my gal's form teacher and let u know by this week. My PTM is on Thursday.

Y din post any message fr today? Busy? Today thread so......quiet and slow.....prob holidays are just ard the corner and everybdy are so busy!
Hi,the reasons why compo and oral marks not release used to be due to "moderation" and also, compo marking/ oral testing can be quite subjective as scripts are marked by different teachers. (But there's common marking by teachers marking the pupils' scripts).

For schools without compo, then it's easy to calculate the oral marks and vice versa. However, in the case if when both oral and compo are tested, then not sure if you can ask the teacher to tell you your child's individual component marks.
Hi mummies

Sorry, I was out yesterday. Yalor..gonna busy week for me, Parents meeting session, PV activities, sch sport meet etc etc. Seemed like my schedules are planned accordingly to my gals' school activities.

I have received the scripts as follow:
Ai Tong (HCL Mock)
Catholic High (EL)
Catholic High (HCL Mock)
Choa Chu Kang Pri (Maths)
CHIJ TP (Maths)
Hougang Pri (CL)
Hougang Pri (EL)
Hougang Pri(Maths)
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Pri (EL)
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Pri (Maths)
Hougang Pri(Maths)
Sembawang Pri (CL)
Sembawang Pri (EL)
Sembawang Pri (Maths)

Many thanks to those mummies who have contributed. I am still waiting for some mummies' replies as I understand it takes time and effort to scan and blanco the answers (not an easy task, at least for me, cos my gal had many corrections :p..I blanco until my fingers almost cramped!!)

I think,in terms of distributing the papers, I will give priority to mummies who have emailed me their contribution earlier since I already had their email address with me. For the other mummies, can you please email me to [email protected] (stating yr kids' school)?
are you going to MTP session this friday. My schedule is 8.30am in the morning. I just want to meet his chinses teacher.
thanks for the effort!
no DLS papers? aw.....
i may appear naggy (i think i sure am), but i'll forward you the papers (in jpg format) by end of this week - MTP session tomorrow.
I have just emailed you the eng & maths CA papers for my dd's school. Still waiting for her CL SA paper ... school closing in 3 days time and the papers is still no where in sight ...wonder how she fares in chinese ...her weakest subject ...sianz .....
Pin, my girl attending discovery camp at second week in the main campus.

Re papers I am still waiting for teachers to return them to me so that I can bring to office to copy/scan as I do not have copier at home. Anyway I think my girl's paper is quite easy as average score for the level is 80+.

YenLing, wow band1 still not happy ah? Must be full marks is it?
Hi mummies...
Just checking how many of the FTWM have taken leave to attend the MTP session. Is it really 5 mins only. Kind of lost, do not know what to ask the teacher. Do you get to meet the CL & EL teachers?
regarding MTP session, I went in Mar (ie end of term 1). After SA1, there is no letter on MTP session, though yesterday I spoke to the chinese teacher, she did mention MTP session. By the way, this Fri, my son has early dismissal due to eat with family day.
Luanee - hey my girl is going for discovery camp same week as your girl @ main campus as well!

Oh i hv the SA papers, i can forward to bebe75,Ok with that?

Bebe75, don't mind if i request for the papers as well?
I am not convinced due to moderation, oral/spelling/listening marks are not released. It is a big chunk of 45 marks. If my alma mater which is an elite sch can release marks according to each component, I don't see why neighbourhood sch is so secretive about it.
I;m still trying my best to erase off the workings for chinese and math...will email u later.

i've got similar feedback fr my son's teacher for Term 1. He's got ard 93marks for eng and math and his teacher says it's below average
I was really a bit upset after that.
oh ya my colleague also mentioned that her son's school (a sap school) doesn't itemise compo /oral and listening compre. is it commonly done? My son's school gave us everything back. I thought it is better cos parents will be able to identify the weak areas and improve on them.
wow tinklebell, what school is your son in? I wonder why the teachers would want to comment those kids having such good results as not satisfactory nia? really make the parents kan cheong and demoralised the kids... what is their main objective leh? To bring up the performance and standard of the class, for personal gain?

This is not the first time I've heard about this? 20yrs back, my cousin also faced the same problem from a all boy's sch in Bishan. he is kind of slow in learning, or consider an average child if placed in a normal pri, and he was adviced to be transferred out...

My boy's school also did not release oral and compo marks.
exactly. I told the VP that we have our expectations of our children and we know our children's strengths & weaknesses but we do not know actually how far off are the marks from the standard. The form teacher told me she would help them improve. How much time can a teacher allocate to each one for oral? Before SA1, she throw a thick stack of oral notes (no doubt it is very comprehensive).
my boy is perhaps in the same school as your cousin. His class is quite competitive so their grades r v good.
For his SA1 grade, I'm actually quite satisfied though his Eng marks were far worse than his term 1 scores. But with 94-94-86, my guess is - he should be bottom 10 in class.
hmm... think lately i also heard from another friend talking about the same school having the same comments for such case. looks like the school teachers' expectations are really high, that is how they maintain good grades for PSLE then.

But these kids are just lower Pri, just gotten used to Primary school life. I find a bit too harsh for them mann... !!!
bebe75 & twinkle bell, i shall share with u how to scan in and no need to erase the working or anything with blanco...

1) chose setting : chose the OCR text setting when doing the scan using your child's test paper, most if not all of the pencil marks will not appear at all... unless your pencil is really dark then some part will still appear.

2) after scanning, see if any mark left if not save as jpeg.

3) then i print it to pdf using "cute pdf prog" as i don't have any adobe converter.

If u need any help since pls email me or leave a msg here.
tinklebell - wow with the results you mentioned n you think he'll prob be in bottom 10 in class? My girl will be very ' Cham' Liao..hv to wait until thurs to know her fate..
Littleprincesses, that's great, our girls will have company! And yes, pls send Bebe the SA papers then I dont have to spend time erasing liao, hee... btw ur girl didnt tell u her oral/compo marks? How come need to wait till Thur?

Valerie, I am taking one day leave to attend the MTP session. Quite a waste as it's 10mins only and my slot is at 9am. But since no plan for June hols this year, I guess I can spare the leave. Can go shopping since GSS started hee...
Heehee, like what I said, it's in the past. Now, I think it's becos of different standard in terms of marking (+ subjective too due to different markers marking scripts), that's why many school don't return compo scripts with marks. But good to know that nowadays, some school will return the compo papers for pupils to see their own mistakes. This I believe is a better practice.

Wow, with 94-94-86 marks still considered bottom 10? My goodness, I will be happy already. But then, parents being parents, what our child can achieve that, would we then expect more from them? Hai... I am trying not to be like that! *smile*

I hve CA1 frm Pei Tong..as for SA1, son hve returned to teacher. Mm...Is just a neighbourhood sch...

If u want do let me know......
luanee- sigh! My girl didn't know her mt oral marks, emailed ms ju n she arranged for her Chinese teacher to call me yday. Thot this thurs they are bringing back their report book before returning to teacher on fri?

My girl says she wants to be in top ten .. Haha.. I told my hubby perhaps 10 from bottom. I gathered most of the girls did very well.. My girl just average
same to my boy.... want to be top 10 in sch in order to get his toy....but just see his SA1 result, dn't tink he can make it in the end yr exam.... but now yet to see his total result...hve to wait to 2morro...getting report bk 2morro....just hope after seeing I don't faint....ha...ha...
sad hor... but I told my boy good job...it's well done. I think it's impt to keep their morale high so that they do not lose interest in studying. My boy v cute, he told me he wants to be top boy in class..haha!
My girl was envious that students with good results and those chosen as model students get vouchers. She said it's not fair cos she also has good results! LOL...Looks like she is happy with her results. hehe..
Hopefully, this is will spur her further to excel??!! (I wish! ha!)
Tinklebell, ya lor, to keep their morale up is important. He must keep his passion burning. That's why I didn't say anything except to tell ds to be more careful the next time.

For me, I gave my son a break from his weekend class and brought him out last weekend with his other cousins. I believe he deserved a good break. At least, mommy is not a monster afterall. *smile*
Littleprincesses, my girl came back from school last week with a piece of paper scribbed with some marks, saying it's her CL oral. Plus the total marks as well. Though they dont tally if I add that to her main paper marks, but the difference is only 1 mark so I guess she scored more or less around that score lor, haha...

Oh yest my girl said the teacher wanted to return them their report books actually, but one girl forgot to bring back her Maths script so whole class no report book. So if lucky, maybe we'll see their report books today??

Motheragain, ur girl so good, want to be model pupil, my girl so worried man haha

Caroline, does our dd's school tell us their class/level positions? My girl told me she got highest in class for Math initially, then later we found out she mistook the highest score in (written on the paper) as her own marks! LOL
no class/level position. even at PTC you ask, teacher doesn't tell.

however, my girl told me teacher showed them their oral / compo papers with comments. They are not brought home for parents to see. I guess only at the last yr they do it to prepare for psle.
caroline3sg - u mean no position given for p1?

Motheragain - my girl didn't even know about model student thingy. I got to know about it when I went to school for the game carnival. The photo of the students ( from p1 - p6)are on the notice board..
she is super relax , dunno what's going on most of the time.

Tinkelbel - you are absolutely rite, must keep encouraging the kids to move on. Initially, I was extremely upset when I saw the mistakes for her maths paper. My bro had to calm me down, he said if I m not careful in handling her results I may discourage her from trying or working harder if she finds her hardwork is not being recognised. Haiz, told my girl she donated a few marks to her teacher....
Good Afternoon All Mommies.
Wow!! Now without maid, I'm super busy looking 3 gals siah. But I'm also much happier and feel more freedom. No more having to nag and scold the stupid maid. Plus, I feel like I can cook anything and buy anything. Not scared they steal or spoil my things again.

<font color="ff0066"> Jolene, little princess</font>
Thks for the feedback on iCreative learner. I have juz registered my gal for their weekday morning session at their Upp Bt Timah branch. Hope this will help to boost her level of English.

<font color="ff0066"> Tinklebell</font>
Wow!! Can get 93 marks for English and Maths is super duper good leh. Like tat the teacher can still say is below average?? Wat the @#!%!! I would feel really upset if I were in your shoes too. I really pity the children nowadays siah. Really pressure cooker education system in SG.
Luanee - today? Hmm making me nervous but then if no position given, not so worrying

what to say to the teacher.. Hee, for me I need to know whether she distract other kids in class with her small talk and whether she listened or day dream during lesson time...
Littleprincesses, yah same as u, initially I was rather upset my girl got 1 mark deducted during the CL stroke-counting section, coz she attempted to write 两 (but she added one additional line below hence marked as wrong), when a simple '2' would have given her a perfect score. Then later I realised I should actually praise her for writing the word. At least she tried! Actually I knew she doesnt know how to write the word during the mock paper, but instead of teaching her how to write, I told her to write a numeric '2' during her exam. So it's also partly my fault for not teaching her in the first place.

Oh model pupil got photos one eh? That is for most well-behaved girl and not in terms of best results right?
Dymples, congrats of having no maid! It is my dream to be maid-less too but hubby said he needs one, sigh... I am also super frustrated with all those maid-issues stuff and hence always look forward to the freedom of being maid-less

dymples - hey good that you get a plc! I called last week they said for upper bkt timah is full for weekend!! So sad, I just reg her at lorna whiston to try out..learning point is also full. Abit difficult to get a morning class, she is in pm session .
