(2002) Any 2002 babies?

I can ask the teacher to bring in again. Ha ha mine worst, dunno how she made a hole in the bag.

I moved her from MPM to My Think Tank. MPM is similar to Kumon but with guidance and she find it so boring doing the work. But I feel it did helped in setting her foundation because she grasped concept quite poorly.

Now at my think tank using manipulative tools, she had more fun and I am lucky or what. only 2 in her class so almost like 1-1 tuition.

Holiday Class
Yuquan customised a holiday programme for me full day over 10 days. But the price is $900 plus covers chinese culture, cheng yu, di zi gui.

So exp!

Prob will call up MPM to check it out for my gal. Shes in the aftrnoon session so most prob will look into weekends.

Wow! Yuquan holiday program so exp! You can try to ask Berries @ Bt Batok tink theyve holi program. I signed up for the 5days holiday progrm for my gal and is waiting for their reply. They need 5 to start.
Berries Promotions -
Hanyu Pinyin Booster Class on 9, 10, 12, 16 and 17 june 2009 from 2pm to 3.30pm (fr P1 students 5 lessons @ $150). May or maynot conduct this class depending on no. of student and the ctr will call me. Im aso on waitlist for friday nite for next term
My girl brought back all the papers liao..
on one hand happy she got band1 for all subjects. On the other, so upset with all the silly mistakes she made... cost her so many marks! Luanee,
Can PM me about The formation? the structure/fees etc. What's your opinion?
Motheragain, congrats! Yah lor, mine also some silly mistakes eg. the CL counting strokes. She counted 了 got 2 strokes, but instead of writing 2, she kay-kiang and wrote 两 but added one line below it so ganna point deducted.

Actually I can't comment much about Formation now coz she just started not too long ago. Good thing is she is the only one in her class so 1:1 attention haha... You can call or visit their website for more info. I cant rem how much I paid also hee...

Just sms-ed form teacher, she said the EL papers returned liao leh, will check and let me know later, signz...
Hi bebe75, may i know how you find sakamoto method. There is one near my house, just wondering should i enrol my dd for next term.
Hi Valerie,
My son in the sakamoto class nearby your place.
the center not bad..
Hi Jasmine,

My gal is also in St Anthony Pri. She too, got that question wrong. In fact I have given her many similar questions to do before the Maths papers but she still got it wrong. I think she knows how to do it just that she is careless. She got the B answer right but wrote the other one as 1 instead of 5. Thought the teacher will give 1 mark for the part that is correct but no marks are given. Is this how the teachers mark or should I ask during the MPS next week?
natellehcim, i thought you wanted to change your ds to another tuition centre. Can share how is his result? Which day is the lesson conducted? May i know who is the teacher. Previously they were charging $70 right? Thanks a million.
Hi valerie,
My ds is in afternoon session, therefore I find it very rush to go to the class every Wed evening, for I don't stay near the center, a bit of dist away. That's why I intend to stop but he does not want me to stop. They have a Sat class but I can't make it. The teacher think is Teacher Nicole.
Thanks nat. My dd dislikes math. So every time i suggest to enrol for a math tuition, she will object. Is there any tuition centre near our area which is good?
<font color="ff0066"> Bebe75</font>
My gal got back her papers... but need to return the teacher the next day. Sorry... din hv time to scan it cos I dun hv printer/scanner at home. Will do it when I get the paper back again. paiseh...

<font color="ff0066"> Joanne</font>
My gal is also studying at De La Salle. I too find the standard very high. *sob-sob* Her SA1 results are terrible. Failed both English &amp; Maths. Only passed Chinese. Now going to enrol her for more enrichment classes. Btw, will reply your email later yah... now rushing to send my gal off to school. *lolz*

<font color="ff0066"> Luanee</font>
Currently my gal goes for Phonics (KRTC), Ballet, Chinese Speech &amp; Drama (organised by school) and Chinese HYPY (Berries). For this June hols, I'm enrolling her for Phonics Holiday program + Maths Tuition. Now wondering to send her for MPM Maths or Abacus.

<font color="ff0066"> CCK Mommies</font>
Wwooohhh.... If got gathering can "jio" me? I'm staying juz behind Lot 1. I can meet only on weekday afternoons cos evenings and weekends I'm super busy with my 3 gals. heheheh...
Just to double check

CCK Mummies
Dymples (DLS)
Joanne (DLS)
Caroline ( CCKPS)
Chic Lil (NYPS)

any more ?

Dymples, me working mum cannot meet on weekday pm
Wow DLS standard so high one eh? Can fail English and Maths? Mine must be super easy coz the level average score is Band 2! Heng ah didnt enrol there last time, else I be so stressed now :p
thanks for the note on sakamoto.

joanne, CL,
my boy also in berries bukit batok. his foundation for HYPY is pretty good (thanks to them), so am not going for the holiday booster class.

RE: Math
I have not seen my boy's math papers, but based on the school's past papers, they dont have the moon+moon question. I prepared him nonetheless cos I'm worried that the school's standard compared to outside is pretty wide.

RE Standard of papers
do most kids get less than desired marks due to carelessness or because the school's paper is tougher? i am really looking forward to receiving from bebe the different school's paper to compare with my boy's school (neighbourhood) , cos he said several of his friends got full marks. I managed to drill my boy about being careful (through the daily naggings) and I am very happy that he didn't make much careless mistakes for his SA1.

i hope you mummies don't mind me sharing neighbourhood school's papers....*blush*
I have seen through some sch's papers from test-papers' website. Generally the standard is same. I guess it is because this is first exam for P1. But for SA2, the standard differs and also topics like multiplcation and division are added. Some children may not grasp the concept easily.

Same for more than &amp; less than, some children just cannot get it.

My boy lost 9 marks in Maths due to carelessness. Given that he has no tuition and scored a high band 2, I am pleased with it. However, looking at the SA2 topics, I start to drill him times table. Length &amp; graphs are pretty easier topics. They also have money and time.
To all mummies,
I am a bit blur towards you talking about HYPY booster class.

My son just finished his HYPY course(stretch across 5 months) in Zhi Ying Language School. He just graduated from the class.

May I know is there any additional stuff that I should take note about HYPY since there is booster class for HYPY in berries? I am afraid that I miss out something. Please enlighten me.

To those mummies who sent their kids to Abacus,
Do you face the problem when your kids after attending the mental Abacus, they do not like to do working for their Mathematics? If yes, how do you help your kids overvome this?
Mine aso din do well. Eng and Maths borderline and she flung her chinese (expected) coz im staying wif in-laws and we don speak mandarin. Only eng or cantonese. I aso cant meet weekdays coz im FTWM unless on mc or leave. Weekends mayb can..depending time and day. Ive seen thru all 3 other schls SA Maths Papers and tink DLS standard v high! Im gg to burned out MAN!
me gg to asked her to do SA test papers from other schls and aso to send her for tuition. Chinese at Berries, Maths &amp; Eng at Mind Stretcher or MPM and im trying to come hme early to spend more time to teach her as well!
Hi All Mummies,

Hrd of TLL? My neighbr's son is in P4 at YTP and she sent her son to TLL. Fees v steep. For 3 subjects i.e. eng, maths, science $1k per term if 1 subject wld be $800/term. She says TLL is very good but hrd every child need to hve assessment test b4 they consider/enrol. Any views?
Hello mummies !
Was busy .. finally got time to log on.
My boy got 94-86-94 for M-EL-HCL... as usual make those silly mistakes again ..hiaz wat to do?

So many CCK mummies... i use to live ard there too
but moved 2 years back due to P1 registration. :p

I scanned the papers liao , but no time to erase them on. will do so next week then send to u.
Joanne, I think DLS's own paper seems to be the toughest! Think of it positively, a 60 marks in DLS may be equivalen to a 80 or 90 in other schools!

Hello ... me also mummy to a son at DLS. Looks like lots of CCK mummies here. My son also gotten back all his papers back on Tues. Chinese is his weakest subject.

Regretted not sending him to Berries earlier as I just started early this mth after realising that he's struggling with character recognition. Am still considering whether to send him for the June HYPY class. Besides Berries, he's also with MPM since late last yr and Chinese Speech &amp; Drama class at DLS.

Yup agree that the Maths paper is tough but am glad that he passed with a high Band 2. Guess, sending him to MPM does help a lot here.

I cannot comment much on sakatomo method as my gal was merely doing the question set by the tuition center as teacher felt that her foundation was not strong to do sakatomo questions. Imagine having to pay sakatomo price and yet not using sakatomo method? So we pulled out shortly thereafter. According to the teacher, they will teach the student at least a term ahead of the school. So if we want to continue with the module, my gal will have to do a lot of catching up. We find that in that case, sakatomo may not be suitable for weak students like my gal.

My gal also dislikes Maths (mainly cos she cannot understand). She simply has no numerical logic or reasoning. I remember when we were practising problem sum, she does not understand what she is doing. We were desperate and told her that if she sees key words like "altogether", "in all", she has to use addition. If she see "lesser' or "takes away", "left" etc, she is to use subtraction. We know this is not correct, but we were so desperate. In her Maths SA paper, she had NIL mark for problem sum. We told her we are intending to send her to Maths tuition class and she is very resistant. I think probably she was "traumautised" by the previous tuition center as she said she did not understand what the teacher was teaching. There is prob too much for her to absorb.

I am thinking of MPM as I have seen their worksheets..a bit like puzzles. Hopefully she will not see them as MATHS.


No worries..u can forward the paper to me once you are ready.
If you can teach, by all means teach. If go for tuition, you also must reinforce at home.

I believe we all know where our children's weakness. Sometimes it is due to lack of practise. I believe most belong to this category since this is first exam.

The other category is really don't know despite sufficient practise, then method / strategy of teaching is not suitable (ie just like Jasmine's example, must use all possibile combi of number bonds). Some children learn from audio &amp; visual. Kinestatic (if I get the spelling correct) children need mathematical tools or attention catching methods to help them learn / conceptualise.

Parents need to catch up on strategies / methods in order to teach.
I hope so...wow all kids scored abv 80 lei...so smart &amp; intelligent whereas i feel my girl so stupid lei. Always in dreamland and the worst of all she still don understand the importance of examinations! I try not to stress my gal coz i hrd some kids will go berserk when thy r too stressed!
my son is the opposite ..he loves maths and is always exploring new things in maths (into multiplication now) but he is weak in eng so he had a lot of prob understanding the maths questions initially. After so much "grilling" he finally could understand those questions... hopefully Term 3/4 will be better.
Maybe boys and girls have diff strengths hor.
I agree with you "Parents need to catch up on strategies / methods in order to teach". When I showed my husband those questions like "moon" and "stars"..his first thought was that the kids need to know algebra in order to solve the question. I explained that the current education system requires more techniques than that. At P1 level, algebra is not taught, but kids have to know techniques like pattern recognition, test and trial etc. As parents, we have to be kept abreast of these strategies and their application.
Tinkerbell, my girl's scores are quite similar to your boy's. Initially I thot EL is her strongest and Maths is her weakest, end up her SA results showed the opposite. I am still wondering why? Did she ti-kam all the Maths answers correct?
I agree with u... we need to explore their strengths and weaknesses and work on it.

My boy is not in abacas but many times, he had been penalised for not putting the working to prob sums... so i had to keep reminding him before his exams!
It could be harder to score for eng bec of compre, compo and oral. my son only got 12/15 for oral bec he can't speak well. Surprisingly he got 9/10 for compo. Then as usual, he got a lot of marks deducted for compre bec he just cannot understand eng passages well.
I understand how you feel..cos I cannot expect my gal to be in Band 1 category. Sometimes I wonder what I have done, or should not have done to increase her intelligence. I kept nagging that she's always so forgetful, so dreamy cos she did not eat brain food (DHA) like eggs, fish.

I need to remind myself not all children are genius. Apart from academic, she also has her strength in other areas. I also believe she does not like Maths cos she has no confidence in that subject.
Tinklebell, haha, even our kids' oral and compo results are similar! Hee... I havent seen her EL main paper yet (still mysteriously dunno where), but I am guessing the compre should be the killer part.

For Maths, yah must remind and remind to 'show working' hor, else to get marks deducted like that is very sim-tia. Even get wrong answer finally also will gain some 'working' marks.

My girl's paper got one question something like H=1, I-2, M=3, K=4, L=5, then asked how many points altogether in the words HI and MILK? I guess my girl didnt understand the question but she scribbed some working (which I also cannot understand the logic of what she wrote). Surprising the teacher gave her 1 point for the working haha...

I also told my girl that if there are any questions which she really dunno how to do, just anyhow write an answer there is better than leaving it blank.
I totally agree with u. I hoped my yr end she can be in Band 2 and i'll be most glad. Sometimes I aso wonder what I have or not do to increase her intelligence/abilities. I aso kept nagging my gal fr being careless, forgetful cos shes aso don like to eat food (DHA) like eggs, fish or fish oil! Of course, she has her strength in other areas. At the moment, she still likes Maths but lack of self-confident!
Wow din know so many CCK mummies

Just to double check

CCK Mummies
Dymples (DLS)
Joanne (DLS)
Caroline ( CCKPS)
Chic Lil (NYPS)
Greenpink (DLS)

Anymore ? Lets do June holiday programme ourselves lah. I can do scrapbook crafting. ha ha
DLS mummies,

Did you get back the score for their Oral/Compo/Spelling for both Eng &amp; MT ? Did not receive the marks for these. Only know the marks for the main paper.
My gal was absent for 2wks during the EL/MT Oral so she was marked MC for tat. It was due to HFMD. I tink will only noe when we meet the teachers next Thurs.
in fact, we are the best teacher to our children. we know their strengths and weaknesses the best.

my dd din do well partly also i din spend much to teach her. i only started to teach her few days b4 the tests and is impossible for her to absorb everything. i read thru' her maths paper, almost 95% of the questions i went thru' with her b4.

now i learn my lesson, will set a timetable for myself to at least spend 1 to 2 hrs to teach her everyday.
Wow very stressed leh, reading how hardworking all the mummies here are. I only revised spelling with my girl 1-2 days before the spelling every week. Then did some drilling before the SAs. Come back from work so tired liao still need to sit down and teach them everyday? Not easy being a parent nowadays, sighz...

Im aso the last minute type. For spelling, i only revise 2-3 days before actual day and only recently started asking her to do some assessments. She din prepare well coz was sick with HFMD. In addition, ive started new job this year and cant take leave to coach her. Shes always left alone at hme wif maid and my MIL.
