(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi bebe75,

My girl had not taken back her papers yet. Will email you once she gets them back
<font color="ff0066"> Hi Bebe</font>
Aiyohz.... I'm still waiting for my gal to bring back her papers leh. Wondering why so long. Yesterday she said tat they got back their papers to do corrections, then return to teacher. So not sure whether they will bring back or not leh.

Then I ask her how she did... keep giving me weird and fail numbers. All I know is she said she got band 3 for chinese. The rest... like failed liaoz. aarrgghh... there goes the June Hols! Gonna keep her nose to the grind stone man.
Dymples, my girl also got back her papers from the teachers too, but hasn't brought them back home yet. And yes, she came back with funny numbers too, eg 16/10 for her compo?! Haha...

I only know band 1 is 85 and above. What are the marks for the other bands? How many bands are there altogether?
<font color="ff0066"> Luanee</font>
Hahahah... yah yah... me gal also. Yesterday tell me her Enlgish got 14 upon 10. I was huh??

There are 4 bands all together.
Band 1 - 85 to 100
Band 2 - 70 to 84
Band 3 - 50 to 69
Band 4 - below 50 marks
My boys got his results back, but not the papers.

Luanee and the rest,
ya...on monday, my boy said he got 69.7??! 0.7marks???

my husband said band 1 (85marks) is not A* (91 marks) leh...*rolleyes*
But my boy is nt all upon 100....

For EL1, is upon 85.(Oral nt sure yet)
CL2, " " 50.(Oral is graded a, b, c)
Maths still ?? nt back yet....

Then how to know which band is he in????
<font color="ff0066"> fz</font>
Aiyohz... if my gal can get band 3 grades at this stage I'm happy liaoz much less getting A* grades. ahahahah... But I will definately try to get her up to band 2 par during the june hols.

<font color="ff0066"> amyamy</font>
Tat's a good question... hhhmmm...

Any mommies can help to enlighten on this?
Usually I tink the combined grades should be 100 marks right?
I think will be converted to 100% since each subject should have equal weightage

Still waiting for my girl's report card
confirmed...the school will only be returning the papers with the report book during next week's meet parent session.
oh....so far d nt hear any news on the returning of report bk frm my son leh...I just know tat they will be hving Sports day on the last day of sch...

so sad,tat can't make it on his sports day....

think so...if nt how r they going to grade them????
Hi Yen Ling,
Yes, NIE trained means after training... they are bond and must serve in school for at least 3 - 5 years.

By right in report book, the marks will be converted to 100% so that the correct bands can be reflected.
Oh yes, PSLE grading is different from P1 to 4 grading.

P1 to P4 -- Range from Band 1 to 4
P5 to 6 -- Range from A* to U-grade.
my gal is getting her papers back today..hopefully she can pass all..not expecting good results though..would be saying my thank prayer if she can get 60 marks.
I have not been "drilling" her since last weekend but told her that her honeymoon period is ending soon..ha ha..cos I went to Popular to get more Maths assessment books for her to do during the holiday.
Amyamy, ur oral is A,B,C only, no grades?

For my girl, EL is Oral (15), Compo (10), Spelling (10), Listening (10), Main (55) so total is 100. For MT is Oral (25), Listening (10) and Main (65) so total also 100.

Maths I think is all lump together 100 marks. My girl said her teacher asked them to add 4 marks to their score and I wonder why??

PSLE need 91 marks to get A*? Wow like that must aim for 91 not 85 liao, haha...
hi bebe75, my son had not gotten back their papers, teachers took them back. Once received will scan and email to you. Gotten a letter from school that next Wed will receive report book. Doubt they will have banding or what bah, since their SA1 is not counted for the whole year's assessment, only SA2 graded nia.
This friday they going to zoo, next thursday is their lower Pri sports day, and last friday is combined session with upper pri.
Dear all mommies
Earlier this week, my son brought back subscription form for:

By Nurture Craft
1) Story Box (for P1/2)
2) Adventure Box (for P3/4)
3) Discovery Box (P5/6)

It is colourful magazines for children. 5 issues at $42.50 each box.

I personally like discovery box because it has topics like solar system.

You may check their web: www.nurturecraft.com.sg for details.

Anybody has any comments?
Those are very good mags for kids. My daughter enjoys story box alot. We often borrow fromt he libraries.

why add 4 marks? bonus? hehe
hi caroline3sg

why dun you borrow the magazines from the public libraries? they do have them. i occassionally borrow for my kids to read. i quite like them too, just that it seemed abit pricy to subscribe. at least it's free in the library :p
Yah $42.50 seem quite expensive leh, what happens if they lose interest after a while?

Motheragain, I also dunno why add 4 marks leh, ur girl didnt tell u that eh? Think they are getting back the papers today, I must see for myself man... but I already bought her the hand santizier liao haha...

Very long nvr go library liao, since they started to ask us to list down our contacts for the H1N1 tracing thing. Guess I'll go look out for the mags
RE Parent-Teacher Conference
My boy said he wants to attend with me. I had wanted to bluff him that kids cannot tag along, but now he went to ask the teacher if parents can bring kids along. So cannot escape
Oh, library has ah? including discovery box? Would check out coz we go library once every 3 weeks.

My son wants to imitate borrowing books by inserting the EZlink card into the machine reader. And he finished reading / looking at pictures of 3 books he borrowed in few days.
fz - haha..yr boy knows how to outsmart you..

Re the magazine from library, I rem that the loan period for magazine is 2 weeks, not 3 weeks. Do take note to return in time to avoid the fine.

I also did not go to the library since 3 weeks ago..was busy revising exam and also cos of H1N1. Will certainly go back before end of the mth.
Fz, luckily my girl didnt ask me that. Shall bluff her that no kids allowed so that me and hubby can go pak-tor after the conference LOL.
I have sent you CCKPS Maths SA1. English exam papers, I realised teacher took it back. Would check tonight whether in my son's bag or not.
My girl brought back her papers for me to sign, but have to return to teachers the next day. Will scan and email you after I get them back
Hi Imummy,
Thank you for informing me that. I will let my friend know.

Right now, still waiting for my son to get back his report book. He has got all the papers back(and return back to his teacher), except the oral marks.

I always overheard parents asking their kids, "Have you got the report book back?" "Do you know your oral marks?"

After hearing all this, I think I am not the one anxious about the results.

To all mummies,
Can someone explain to me in details about the Buzan Programmes? I am very interested in it.
Hi mummies,

Im new to this thread and wld like to join in. My girl is in P1 this year at De La Salle School. I have SA Eng &amp; Maths Papers to share with 2002 mummies. You can PM to me for my email add. Many Thanks!
Dear all mommies
I asked my son's form teacher (teaching Eng &amp; Maths) for highest/lowest/average marks for his class.

They do not provide average but provide highest &amp; lowest.

Eng: H97 L35
Maths: H100 L23

I guess the spread is greater in neighbourhood schools than elite schools.

Though the lowest is very low, I do not know most of the students score what marks. If only 1 - 2 students score 20-30 range, then this mark is not useful.

RGPS showed highest/lowest/average for class &amp; level. This is very useful info to know where our child stands.
Caroline, yah but that is only for the main paper right? What about the total including oral etc.? Will they show it in the report books?

Hee but I would be happy enough if my girl just top the class for the main paper haha..
if you are getting stuff for kiddo during holiday to do. Suntec Harris I think closing down sale so 20 - 25% discount storewide

Welcome. You stay near school ? If yes me too staying in CCK.

Holiday programme
I went to yuquan to sign up the 3 days chinese culture class but she want to sell me her cheng yu class but i tell her I need full day class.

So she is going to customise for me. hee hee. But dunno how much $$$
Hi mummies,

I stayed at CCK St 62 and my girl is studying at De La Salle. I told the form teacher that the school's standard is very high and she agreed with me. Sigh i regret sending my girl to De La Salle. Will YT Pri be better?

my son's sch EL is Spelling (10), Listening compre(15), Main (60)so I guess the remaining is for the Oral (15) then will make up to total of 100. As for MT is Oral,A,B,C...no marks for tat than paper is 50. ?? how to make to 100 with the A,B,C????

the last paper should be upon 100....aiyo still hve nt see the paper yet...but son told me he pass the paper....
Dont think so coz shes the lazy type and not very independent. Shes aso quite careless &amp; playful!
Is CCKPS standard as high as DLS? Hrd its aso a good neighbrhd schl.

any mummies kept their pri school report cards?
I accidentally threw away mine. Had wanted to keep to show my girls...

Holiday program. Think if all the mummies from this thread bring our P1s. Enough to organise a big camp man! hehe...
