(2002) Any 2002 babies?

I thought someone said that Text book in Popular and School is slightly different.

hi valerie

i cant find fr the web, tien hisa is more for lower pri or upper pri ?

the popular text book is just diff by 5-10 cents lah.
Yes, some mummies shared that the edition may be different, so need to check the bklist before you decide where to buy. Gd to start shopping at popular to check the bks that your child need to buy with that from sch.
Yah total savings from Popular is only about $4 so we decided to get from Pacific (school-assigned bookstore) else get wrong edition or what even worse.

Now I am thinking need to get those plastic book covers for my gal? Last time we bought a big roll and wrapped all individually ourselves. Nowadays all are slot-in ready types. Cost $10 for all the books.

when u buy slot in type, must tell them only for text book, bec wat i know is they sell full set. even workbook cover also include.
Aiyah really, just bought 2 plastic rolls leh. How to know the size. Different book have different dimension?
. $10 for all the books cheap cheap. Save all the trouble of wrapping.
Hi Valerie, yes my kid is with Mainspring's maths tuition. Currently in their K2 class on every Wed evening. their Saturday classes are more for english at different level and time. I believe Mainspring for student care should be good, for they work closely with the school your girl is going. Beside you any mummies staying Sembawang? Ya think my son mentioned about this holiday programme thing, but not cheap leh, furthermore he's not going to their student care.
Hi cymk23
are you staying in Sembawang? For chinese lessons normally they are on-going type instead of opening a new intake. But I believe they will revise the previous lesson learnt. How old your kids now?

Hi Valerie, so fast you bought the plastic? Booklist you received already? Had a friend registering her child in Endeavour too.
Ha.. ha.. ha.. ya i am the kian su parent lah.., have not receive any booklist yet. Wonder will they send or give it to us on 22 Nov.. orientation day?

Btw, how you find sakamoto method?
Ya Valerie, heard from the maths tutor also. But still got to know what time she's holding. If clashes with my son's english then will be a problem. think now they are gathering feedbacks from parents. will check with her again.
im staying at amk area.my kids p5 and p6 next yr.
actually they r in berries last term. but after 3 term there see no improvement and also i dont like my kids to study during the sch holiday and even national day. so we quit. now i decide to put them to han. which i hv check they usually finish all lesson when exam finish, and they will hv hoilday enrichment class which u can dont enrol.
Hi Valerie,
Ya had checked with the tutor just now, they are planning to have it on saturdays, but I believe will clash with my kids english lessons elsewhere. Will hope they will have weekday evening classes as well. For sakamoto it helps more onto the problem sum solvings, for this is what they claim to be. Hence think will be more applicable when they reaches P3. Currently the center getting them ready for their P1 maths, and so far had touched on mass, money, simple problem sums.

Hi cymk23, I think berries helps more for younger kids, for they are using fun way to teach chinese. For Tien Hsia think is more academic wise. Another place my friends sent their kids to is at Thomson Plaza, called Hua Cheng. Maybe you would want to check it out since the place is nearer to your house. Or you may want to check out with Ai De Bo Le, heard is in Bishan?
hi natellehcim,
i hv check on hua cheng few yr back. and they told me they r teaching not by MOE Curriculum. will type and check again. bec hv they hv is very convenient as both my gal got lesson on sat in learning point.
hi cymk23, my kids also with learning pt. for chinese i didn't go with Hua Cheng, but an RC center taught by a China tutor whom had been in SIN for 20yrs plus. Think she ever taught in Hua/Han Language in Woodlands before.
wow, your action very fast huh? still need to take test one meh? Thought is a on-going lesson? You joining their creative writing or their normal curriculum.
Dear me, all the mummies here are really very efficient. Natellehcim, your boy already learning P1 math. Oh no, my girl surely be very blur when she goes p1 next year. It seems you have cover all subject for him, Learning pt for english/sicence? Sakamoto for math, care to share where is he taking his Chinese?
Hi valerie, Learning Pt is for english and is in thomson or simei. They have another chinese branch with a diff name call Hua Cheng. My kids only attend their english course, starting since K1 for phonics. For maths had sent him to Mainspring, but looks like their time slot for next yr going to clash with Learning pt, hence might need to source another one liao.. mummies any comments? For Chinese is only the RC center, the teacher not bad and not too expensive also.

i was at work just now, now reach home. must be fast hor, bec i still cant decide han or hua cheng. my gal result not very bad in chinese they got about 80+ so i dont really know which 1 to take up, so the test can tell which r the part they r weak at. 1 hr seesion.
wow your kids result good leh. so their maths how they learn? through tuition? need some advice for maths liao in case the current one my son having I can't meet to their timing. have you tried 爱的伯乐 (Eduplus)?
their result is actually droping so i worry. as for maths they got tuition. my eldest daughter is good with her maths, but i still let her hv tuition bec druing her p4 i realise her maths droping too. so i start her after mid yr. now i got no worry for her maths. i only worry abt my younger daughter. 爱的伯乐 is at where / i hv not heard of it.
oh i c, yaya heard of. but i usually dont really go to those very good and far. my maths tuition is at home wan. ur kids still early. u hv to watch out during their p3, if u see result slowly droping by 5 mark, u hv to be carefull lor. that wat i do.
Ya, maybe i kiasu.. :p think will see how things go after he enters P1.

Hua Cheng having lessons on sundays, and i don't like traveling to thomson so many times in a week. And their charges not cheap leh... every year increasing price..
i hv not check the fees, i wont let my kids go for sunday class. i never like kids to study thur out the week. i think i'll choose sat class which come after learning point. or a week day class for my younger daughter, bec they say, their next p5 class dont hv sat 4+. will hv to see how. agree about the fees. learning point also very expensive. my p6 next yr i think im paying like 500+ leh. wah bay tena man !!!!! r u working?
wow, P6 for learning pt so ex ah? only their normal english or you've added creative writing or other? Dunno i can tong till they go upper pri not, with the rate they are increasing each yr. Currently I'm paying $380 each kid for their K1 and K2 sessions leh.... lucky the chinese I've found a cheaper source liao.

ya i'm working, hence cannot afford to send them for weekday classes. if not can save a bit for their weekday sessions. Nowadays kids enrichment really is a kill to the wallets. Imagine for average income people like us how to tahan.
ya. im just like u i start fr k1 for both my gal. and follow up all the way till now. their is only creative writing, that y i also thou of sending my eldest daughter to tuition at yck cc which is cheap per mth 80+. i think ur kids shouldn't hv problem till their p4, bec u r a hardwrking mum, haha like me i too lazy to help on their sch work. since p1 my gal r all on their own.
Ha, I'm not hardworking as you've mentioned. Otherwise I would have coach them myself, instead of sending them to centers. Normally what happens to parents is that they are not able to be patient enough to teach their own kids, nor being sensitive enough for their own kids feelings. For me think will let nature take its course since they only going to start their pri sch life, more to worry in time to come.

Your kids in upper pri liao.. next yr 1 of them P6, tough year man! good luck and I believe your kids should not have any problem.
ya hope so. passing is not a problem, is whether can go to our nearby sch anderson sec. which hv to get 251 to get in there. u still at work?
no worries, cymk23. If you kids able to get 80plus then I guess should not be a problem. I also didn't know that Anderson Sec need so high marks to go in. :p so how was yesterday's test for the Hua Cheng?
morning natellehcim,

hope they can maint at this marks.
yesterday we went at 7+ for the test. it took them 45min to complete. normal paper and a picture to let them write a few lines about the picture. need to mark and will let us know the result by this week. so funny leh, my girl next yr then p5 and p6, but they test them on p5 and p6 paper. the course fee is about 300+. ok about the same as han. but i think hans i term is 14 lesson.
for me i think they are teaching 1 level higher, similar to learning pt. While waiting for them, maybe you can source others as well, to ecplore.
oh thou u know, i trying to find out too. my gal tuition teacher tell me wan, will find out fr her again. Just education is at yishun, right. i think normal lor. my friend daughter had their sec tuition there.
they have various centers including YCK and Khatib. Some say good but is just like a normal tuition center with 10over kids in a class. I'm just gathering feedback about this, in case i need tuition for my kid.
ya, yck hv meh. my P5 need it next yr too. bec laerning is more on writing. so i thou of let her go for 1 more english class. her mark for english not so good.
since your gals had gone through so many years in learning pt, what you think of their progress? Does it really helps in their english, other than writing compo and compre? JE had a branch in AMK blk 619, you may go to their web, www.justeducation.com, for more info.
to me it like it only see result when they r in k1 and 2. during the time they dont know how to read. after attending they can read story book them self. but after that i also dont know wat they learn. vocab i think. i actually thou of withdraw last yr. after speaking to the teacher, they told me i cant look at the sch result, just like her kids also like this. she say when the kids in learning point the mark they score is very low. but when come to PLSE is where u really see it, and the teacher told me that my gal really got improvement. so i can only let them cont. now try to get another class so that she can do more on gram etc.
this was my concern also. my kids never know how to read until they attended their K1 and K2 lessons. Now my K2 kid is able to write sentences, but I've notice he is not drilled into grammar, which he is very weak in. Now seeing your gals in higher pri already paying so much, makes me ponder should I continue for his Primary levels. My friends had kids with them also and he told me that you will not see the results so soon but will benefit as they grow older. His kid in P3 this year hence still early to tell. But his son english is very good, believe does helps because he reads alot. I personally find reading does helps alot, irregardless of you attending enrichment lessons or not, but my kids don't really fancy reading that much, only at times.
ya, i realise they dont drill alot into gram. thats y i need to get fr outside. just go to those normal tuition centre.

wat r u working as, look like got alot of feedom to website.
wow, after reading the thread, i think i'm the laziest mummy around, not tuition/enrichment classes for my son... sometimes, i really think am i too relax??

Hihi milo, ur son never request for enrichment classes? I sent my gal to baking and ballet classes after her repeated requests...
